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Dr. Stiles. Discoverer of the Amer- mpathetic Strike

ican Hookworm Condemns
Joins A. Co
Habit or Clgarmakers
r Iar
HILAllELl'll I.\,
V\TASHINGTON, March 29.-In a report weather, cot:pled
just made to the Public Health and s, has had much to
Marine Hospital Service, Dr. C. W. Stiles, ction in business i
the discoverer of the American "hook- e sympathctk ~tr ike
worm" disease, and whose reports on the day, and on Tnes<
Sttbject led John D. Rockefeller to donate cigar factories wi
mg. Public conlii
a million dollars to eradicate the disea5e ng restored and it
in the South, makes somewhat severe en's grievances v
comment on the cigar factories which he k.
visited recently in connection with the he Theobald & 01
health of the operatives and certain of in working their 1
capacity. M~ny
their habits in connection with fastening went out wh en th
cigar bands and "mouthing" cigars. Dr. called, have rctu
Stiles' report is as follows : pr<st>nt time the
"In a recent visit the opportunity was y on orders that
utilized to visit several cigar factories ment; J. A. Rigb
and to observe the sanitarv conditions is here visiting
under which some of the cigarmakers tmistic regard ing
were living. lleda cigar, for wh
"As the people in question belonged to c::IY have a choice
nationalities (Cuban, Spanish, I talian) wrappers. T he ci
with whom I am not very fam iliar, no k and is made in t
trustworthy conclusions (in the absence queror, Club 110
of microscopic examination) could be cker. Their Mr. J.
drawn in regard to the percentage 0f
hookworm infection among them, but E. REGENSBURG & SONS' HANDSOME NEW FACTORY AT TAMPA. 1esday last for Amst
from an inspection of the surroundings ==i=================r============================f = L=
= =::!ection
While on of Sumatrn
a visit tot

FAIL uRE IN s0u;~s~a~~~?\ett~;;ej

under which they are living it is clear s morning I fomh
that the privy facilitie5 of those not pro- NEW REGENSBURG FACTORY ageIn and th e basement are .the bale, stor-
c as mg rooms, where the raw
vided with a sewer are favorable to a fr
spread of this disease. The importance mat~rial is received anc! from thence
GreU Cigarmakinl! Plant ls Now Com- carried by an electric elevator to the ritorics, where mall\
of this fact is the more evident when it
is recalled that Italians harbor the old plete and Is the Last Word in Fac- third or top fl oor, wher<'! is situated the Elias Aarons & Bro Ltd " of ;n, 44 c!gar were open.
their Southern rep
world hookworm. Accordingly, u nless the "tol::acco ~ ~or,'.' for preparing, drying
tory Construction and cond1t10nmg raw material for Orleans Arc In Dlfflcultlei;itin.g l.1is firm. He
sanitary conditions on the outskirts of the tahhshmg the fir11J's
city are improved, the possibility is not The TOBACCO LEAF presents in this work. A reserve filler-room is also Owe About $55.000 ; trade.
excluded that the State may have two week's issue a photograph of what is pro vided on this floor. Zinc-lined Alfred W . Penner h
farms of hookworm disea5e, instead of chutes carry the material from this flo0r NEw ORLEANS, March 26.-ction with Dohan &
said to be the large5t cigar factory in down to the i:Jins on the second floor,
one to eradicate. the world. It is the splendid estab- where ther e is a dist ributing counter. Aarons & Bro., Ltd., cigar manufarrces with A. Cohn &
"An exceedingly interesting feature oi
the cigar factories is the 'reader.' The lishment of E. Regensburg & Sons, at Here are also the cigarmakers' tables of this city, are in financial r!ifficulti ty.
cigarmakers are very quiet in the work- Tampa. The building was erected and sorting platform, with men's and their liabilitie5 .
are said to be ahnmBayuk Bros..continu
i bbons, hoth m Lond
rooms and from .a favorable position a women's toilets and hat and coat ooo, of wh ich $12,000 are cl" - A. M. Thompw drawings by Schwartz & Gross, rooms.
man termed the 'reader' reads aloud to the well-known New York architects All plumbing is open plumbing and banks. T he concern have been sl t at French Lie
them from the newspapers or from some
and is the result of the most carefui a ll toilets are equipped with all mod- liquidating their accounts for smms hccn ycry succe
novel while they are at work. )past and their excuse to their crcany new accounts 1
"To a person on the outlook for public study on the part of the architects and trn c o n ven~<:'nces. The private bath- has been poor collections. It is r ere is a new aclditi, on t he first fl oor, is equipped
health agencies, the thought immediately the various members of the famous with a shower and all other fixtures here that a great many cigars haverce in the person of
occurs that in fhis 'reader' may be found Regensburg cigar family. In this complete. returned to the factory of late fr now covering 1 cw
a person who can be of consider~bl e ser- building are embodied every conveni- In connectio n with the sprinkler sys- satisfied purchasers. A number m.
vice for good. If he were. suppli~d wi~h ence, and in fact, every luxury known tem an a rtesian well has been bored ro m~r~handise creditors have signified ttractivc advertisin
printed public health matenal, written m to modern commercial construction. sup ply the pressure t ank. There is an willmgne5s to accept forty cents rm of a baseball s
popular style, he coul?, by. reading this and the establishment as ~t now stands electric pump for the pressure tank, Jollar in settlement of their accGu rk is being distribute
to the cigarmakers, ':l1ssemmate a great finished and O ccupied, represents th~ and a motor for the elevator located in L. F. Mayer Co. They ar
deal of useful information to a large very highest type of factory building. the baserr,ent. ---- Tello and White K1
number of people who themselves do c01~~ Not bein.g handicapped by limited area, Jhe building is equipped throughout EDWARD P. WILLS DEAing popular here. T
paratively little reading. the architects were allowed to indulge with a complete telephone service t o Rroad leaf wrapped
"While the houses of some of these th-eir love of the beautiful as well as all floor ~, the central station being lo- . 1od results for the h
factory hands are excellent, the homes knowledge of the practical, and in con- cat ed in the general office. Sir Edward Payson Wills, foreumann is now v isitin
and surroundings of some others could ~eq uen~e, the new Regensburg factory Lighting fi xtures are arranged for one of the directors of the Imperiaiddle West.
be greatly improved. . s a thmg of beauty as well as a model gas and electricity. Two fire-lines are
of sanitation, convenience and practica- p~ovided on the outsirle of the huilding bacco Co., died recently at his re Sig. C. Mayer, ?f Sig
"One point which might be emphasized .
S to k e B1shop, . . expected home m a f
in pamphlets of the kind suggested, is the bility. with hose nozzles and valves on each at . Clifton, Bristol' muc11 gra t'fi
i .ct1 wit
desirability of using some method other The building is 288 feet long and 50 floor and roof, and a Siamese connec- age of seventy-six. He wa5 a son ;eir El Wa.:lora, whi
than spittle in fastening. the bands on th.e feet wide, with brick walls, wood joists tion at grade for steamer connection. late H. 0. \i\Tills, the latter being,ominent factor in the
cigars, and a suppr.ess1on of the hab~t and flooring. The outside is faced with In short, not a single detail has been the fathe r of Lord WinterstokiYahn & M cDonnell h
of biting and mouthing the end of a ci- red brick, and there is a fine porch at overlooked in the arrangement and' founder of the firm of l'viessrs. W. play of El Siclelo Br
gar. Despite the assurances tha~ these the entrance, of ornamental construc- equipment of t he bui lding, and the H. 0. Wills. Sir Edward Willsenth Street window.
filthy habits are no longer. permit~ed, I tion and with a copper roof. The main Regen~~urg product, already a big to the hospital and was mThe M. J. Dalton
saw them in the factories which I portion of the building is covered with propos1t1on. now has plenty of room in 25,000 K C. B. by Queen Victoria, who iid quarters at Thirtee
slag roofing, and the main wing is which to further develop and expand. opened the home. His brother, Sir reet on Friday, an;!
"The custom of having a 'reader' it is
understood is of Cuban-Spanish origin.
It is an excellent one, which might well
roofed with tile. The factory has a
seating capacity on the cigarmakers'
floor o f r,ooo hands.
erick Wills, died at Cannes in Fct w ;;tore at l r r South
1909, and his widow died at Cann.he int<'rior of the ne
mo<lelrd and rosewood
be introduced into any factory using hand At the front end of the building is a ~- ing installed.
labor and engaged in purely mechanical clack tower in which is located a AMSTERDAM, Ga., l\forch 25.-Samuel A.
gravity tank. A pressure tank is also E instein, general manager of A. Cohn H. F. Wagner, importer of highGeorge .B. Jo<:vans has
- ..- located under the gravity tank for op- & Co.'s tobacco plantations, died here cigar labels and bands, recently r .irtme11t Ill his drug sto
erating a sprinkler system t hroughout several days ago after an illness of sev- his offices to 36 West TwentJid Chestnut ;Streets. w
th e building. The building is e ntered eral weeks, having been unconscious Street, New Yor,k. Mr. Wagner jJ' hrands will be car
JACOBY WITH DANKOWITZ at this end, giving access to the main for twelve days. Mr. Einstein was agent fo r the United States for th 1010-1012 Market Str
Meyer Levisson, for many years or first floor, in which are the general born at Savannah, Ga., in r85r, and established house of Moritz Pre "romhination windo
and private offices, with fire proo'f vault lived th ere for thirty-five years after Nache, o f Leipzig, Germany, whose pl~yed such popular
salesman for I. Dankowitz, has accept- and private bath a nd toil et room in which time he was con nected w'ith A. uct is noted for high-class qualit 1g s Lon~lres, Tom Ke
ed 1a position with a firm in another connection therewith; men's and wo- Cohn & Co., of New York, and for the finish. 0ns, 44 C1ga1 and Sah
line of business in Salt Lake City, for men's toilets with hat and coat rooms; past twelve years had been here. His re- - -+--- six for a quarter. T
and shipping, packing and labeling de- mains were taken to Savannah, where rs is very attractive
which point he left with his family
J. D. Manton, .of the l\[~nton-Cf kgrouncl a large Tom
the fun eral services were h eld. He is
about a week ago. His m a ny friends There is also a large stockroom, the urvived by a wid?w, two daughters, C? was recently m St. Loms comp studded with incande
in this part of the country will be glad walls and ceiling of whi ch are con- moth er and two sister , all of whom his tour ~mong some of the 1. t the 44 Cigar Facto
to know that his new position is one West~rn cigar centres, and he !Shulz stated that their
structed with an inner and outer re side at New York.
that afford5 him g0od prospects for
rap id advancement. He is succeeded
here by M. J . J acoby, formerly a mem-
ber of the leaf firm of L. Goldschmidt
sheathing nailed on studs, the spaces
between being filled in solid with sand.
The floor is of similar construction.
- -
back 111 New York the end of thi; t hecoming one o f the
He has ec~red a _nui:nber of good \Vest, and is gaini P\Otn ment d.istnbuter~ on the nth after month. !I.
Rican cigars of his house, mcludmg ounts in that section
with brick paving laid on the top and
& Co., whose amalgamation with A. finished with cement. The walls and MUNCIE, Ind., March 26.-The Church a few new and promising accounts. ers was that of P . T.
Blumlein & Co. was announced in last ceiling are lined with zinc, and all sash Tobacco Co., of this citv have made an cent reports to ew York headqu blon A. Funk another
week's TOBACCO LEAF. The Dankcr- in this room is arranged for double assignment of all their assets to L. L. from :8 .Svitzer, their Porto Rican csr11tativcs, is now ,
witz-Jacoby combination is a strong g la s. Bracken, trustee, for the benefit of the ager, md01cate an excellent crop fro. ennsylvania and re,
one that promises well for all con- In the packing department are cedar- firm's creditors. The assets are valued company s t<~bacco plantations, w1 r. Gan:;, of Max Ga
cerned. lined cigar cabinets for loose stock. at $6oo. large proport10n of fine wrappers. k, was here recently,

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