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Emergency Preparedness Drill Part III

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Emergency Preparedness Drill Part III

Resource Demobilization Strategies

1. Media

A. Radio stations and news stations within locality

i) Will disseminate information pertinent to the weather.

ii) Will disseminate information regarding the routes to use for evacuation.

iii) Will disseminate information regarding the travelable roads and restored ones.

iv) Put out information about shelters (schools, hospitals, children).

v) Inform the public about open business areas for support and supplies.

B. Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

i) Will help to obtain information about family and friends and their location as

well as their status. This could help families know the status of their children

in shelters for instance schools.

ii) Could be used to disseminate information about weather, shelters, and


iii) Can be used to disburse information about conditions of the roads and the

suitable areas to travel.

C. Emergency radios that will be used to announce weather updates and identify areas

prone to floods and adversity.

2. Traffic Plan

A. Keep on removing obstacles carried by water to the roads and diverting water from

the roads as much as possible.

B. Clear major roads leading to shelters and hospitals.


C. Increase the visibility of the routes leading to shelter through marking.

D. Put up road blocks leading to bad roads.

The restoration stage

1. Road restoration

A. Increasing the number of workers to assist in the clearing of the roads and

creating diverting channels.

B. Ensure that all roads are clear of floods and obstacles to enhance safe driving.

C. See to it that people are not parking in floods zones so as to increase more

clearing as much as possible.

D. Set a strict schedule for the trucks to go out and clear as well as other machinery

affiliated with clearing roads during such a scenario.

2. Workers restoration

A. Ensure that everyone is put on shift.

B. Make sure that they have the safety equipment they would need for work.

C. Call in backup from other cities and counties.

D. Pay them overtime to compensate for the industrious work done.

3. Family restoration

A. Visit homes frequently and ensure they have food and supplies.

B. Ensure kids are kept in a safe place until the floods calm down. This would create

tranquility in their parents and family members.

C. Take up measures for future occurrence of a similar tragedy through setting up

safety classes.

D. Hold community forums for people to air their opinions.


i) This could provide a platform for building up ideas for future.

ii) Also, it could provide comfort and soothe the victims of the circumstance

as they would have people to speak to.

4. Organization restoration

A. Make sure to contact and visit all the organizations that have assisted as this would

help to build future relationships.

B. Give back to them. This would assist in replenishing what they gave out in case

another emergency occurs.

C. Ensure to give public recognition as this would make the organizations feel more

important and needed.

D. Encourage the citizens to be part of those organizations.

Recovery approach to the North River flood emergency management scenario.

1. Shelter

A. Ensure the adequacy of the shelters until the floods pass and clear roads so that

people can get a way of returning to their homes.

B. Maintain power and optimum conditions at the shelters. Portable generators can be


C. Prove materials to combat the cold weather that accompanies floods such as warm


2. Food

A. Floods will prevent access to food.

B. Make sure that all homes still occupied and shelters have enough food to carry them

through the period of floods.


C. All workers and volunteers have access to food as they work to keep their energy at

the required levels.

3. Medical

A. Flooding conditions can cause health risks.

B. Treatment for waterborne diseases and other aggravated illness.

C. Treat injuries to the workers/volunteers caused by the removal of obstacles.

4. Repair homes and public buildings

A. Heavy floods can damage buildings and homes thus need for repair before occupants


B. Floods can cause damage to electrical lines and water pipes, and therefore these

facilities will require repair as well.

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