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CMOS Digital VLSI Design Lab


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Plot Vd-Id ,Vgs-Id graphs of mosfets.
Calculate Ion, Ioff, Ron, Roff, Cgs, Cgd as well

id vd
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS(level= 1 phi=0.8)
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 dc 0
Vds 4 0 3
.dc Vds 0 10 0.5 Vgs 0 5 0.5
let Id = (-Vds#branch)
let Vdd = 5.0
let PHI= 0.8
meas dc If FIND I(Vds) at=0.8
meas dc Io FIND I(Vds) at=4.9
Let Ioff= -If
Let Ion = -Io
let Ron = (4.9/Ion)
let Roff = (0.8/Ioff)
plot Id
print line Ion Ioff Ron Roff Vdd PHI > mos1output1.txt



Above code will store the Ion and Ron in output file mos1output1.txt which are in saturation region

By changing Vgs to 0 and stop varying vgs will store Ioff and Roff in output file mos1output2.txt which
are of cut off region.
Plot: VdS-Id

id vd
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS(level= 1 phi=0.5)
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc vgs 0 5 0.5
plot Vdummy#branch

Plot: Vgs-Id
ioff = 8.833270e-13 ion=2.5e-4

roff = 9.056669e+11 ron=2e4

Cgs=not defined Cgd=not defined


Bsim1 id vd
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=4
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vds -15 5 0.5 Vgs 0 5 0.5

let Id = (-Vds#branch)
let Vdd = 5.0
let PHI= 0.8
meas dc If FIND I(Vds) at=0.8
meas dc Io FIND I(Vds) at=4.9
Let Ioff= -If
Let Ion = -Io
let Ron = (4.9/Ion)
let Roff = (0.8/Ioff)
plot Id
print line Ion Ioff Ron Roff Vdd PHI > mos1output1.txt


Above code will store the Ion and Ron in output file mos1output1.txt which are in saturation region

By changing Vgs to 0 and stop varying vgs will store Ioff and Roff in output file mos1output2.txt which
are of cut off region.
Plot: Vds-Id

id vgs
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=4
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vgs -15 5 0.5

plot -Vds#branch

Plot: Vgs-Id

ioff = 1.630832e-12 ion= 9.989451e-12

roff = 4.905472e+11 ron= 4.905174e+11


Bsim 2id vd
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=5
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vds 0 5 0.01 Vgs 0 5 0.5

let Id = (-Vds#branch)
let Vdd = 5.0
let PHI= 0.8
meas dc If FIND I(Vds) at=0.8
meas dc Io FIND I(Vds) at=4.9
Let Ioff= -If
Let Ion = -Io
let Ron = (4.9/Ion)
let Roff = (0.8/Ioff)
plot Id
print line Ion Ioff Ron Roff Vdd PHI > mos1output1.txt


Above code will store the Ion and Ron in output file mos1output1.txt which are in saturation region

By changing Vgs to 0 and stop varying vgs will store Ioff and Roff in output file mos1output2.txt which
are of cut off region.

Plot: Vds-id

ion = 1.335916e-04 ioff = 2.711199e-07

ron = 3.667895e+04 roff = 2.950724e+06

id vgs
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=5
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vgs 0 5 0.5
plot Vdummy#branch


Plot: Vgs-Id


id vd
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=49 version=3.3.0
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vds 0 5 0.5 Vgs 0 5 0.5

let Id = (-Vds#branch)
let Vdd = 5.0
let PHI= 0.8
meas dc If FIND I(Vds) at=0.8
meas dc Io FIND I(Vds) at=4.9
Let Ioff= -If
Let Ion = -Io
let Ron = (4.9/Ion)
let Roff = (0.8/Ioff)
plot Id
print line Ion Ioff Ron Roff Vdd PHI > mos1output1.txt



Above code will store the Ion and Ron in output file mos1output1.txt which are in saturation region

By changing Vgs to 0 and stop varying vgs will store Ioff and Roff in output file mos1output2.txt which
are of cut off region.

Plot: Vds-Id

id vgs
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=49 version=3.3.0
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vgs 0 5 0.1

plot Vdummy#branch
meas dc ic find Vdummy#branch at=1.8



Plot: Vgs-Id

ion = 1.865097e-04 ioff = 8.833270e-13

ron = 2.627209e+04 roff = 9.056669e+11

Cgs=4.4e-14 Cgd=1.1e-18


Bsim4 id vd
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=54 version=4.6.5
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vds 0 15 0.5 Vgs 0 5 0.5

let Id = (-Vds#branch)
let Vdd = 5.0
let PHI= 0.19
meas dc If FIND I(Vds) at=0.19
meas dc Io FIND I(Vds) at=4.9
Let Ioff= -If
Let Ion = -Io
let Ron = (4.9/Ion)
let Roff = (0.19/Ioff)
plot Id
print line Ion Ioff Ron Roff Vdd PHI > mos1output1.txt



Above code will store the Ion and Ron in output file mos1output1.txt which are in saturation region

By changing Vgs to 0 and stop varying vgs will store Ioff and Roff in output file mos1output2.txt which
are of cut off region.

Plot: Vds-Id

id vgs
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=54 version=4.6.5
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vgs 0 5 0.5

plot Vdummy#branch


Plot: Vgs-Id

Ion=2.5e-3 ioff= 2.470972e-09

Ron=2e3 roff=9.611293e+08



Mos9 id vd
Vgs 1 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=9
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vds 0 15 0.5 Vgs 0 5 0.5
let Id = (-Vds#branch)
let Vdd = 5.0
let PHI= 0.8
meas dc If FIND I(Vds) at=0.8
meas dc Io FIND I(Vds) at=4.9
Let Ioff= -If
Let Ion = -Io
let Ron = (4.9/Ion)
let Roff = (0.8/Ioff)
plot Id
print line Ion Ioff Ron Roff Vdd PHI > mos1output1.txt



Above code will store the Ion and Ron in output file mos1output1.txt which are in saturation region

By changing Vgs to 0 and stop varying vgs will store Ioff and Roff in output file mos1output2.txt which
are of cut off region.

Plot: Vds-Id

id vgs
Vgs 1 0 5
M1 2 1 0 0 m1
.model m1 NMOS level=9
Rd 3 4 1k
Vdummy 3 2 0
Vds 4 0 2
.dc Vgs 0 5 0.5

plot Vdummy#branch


Plot: Vgs-Id

Ion=2.6e-4 Ioff= 8.833269e-13

Ron=1.92e4 Roff = 9.056670e+11


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