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Altruism is really necesary to have an increase of the poblation.

It is true that an altruist make

sacrifices to protect another but it has some benefits because it ensure the survival. It is a
good act to be an altruist because you can see how important is to help other even if they do
not know you. Another act of altruism is to share with others when you see that they don not
have something that they need.

I believe that altruism works better in animals because they are a individuals working as a
community and they see for each other. In the other hand, people are more selfish because
they want to be better than others and it does not matter the way how they get their own
goals and get their own beneficts.

I think that the best way to be an altruist is to learn how to live in community, sharing
moments, living together, talking to know other people neccesity and trying to find a way to
help them.

Donation of organs is a nice way to demostrate how someone can make the difference and live
in another person. The change from selfish to altruism will ensure the survive of the humans
beens. Thurthermore, we have to work together even with animal for our own survival.
I think that is better when young adults get an independence from their parents because they
can learn how to live alone, for example how to administrate the bills because is not easy to
get a job an survive with the money when you expend it all and you do not have enough to
eat, to behave becuase there are some situations where you have to know how to respond,
you will get more responsable of your own,you will start to manage your life because you will
fell how real life is and you will learn how hard is for your family to support you. Thus, you will
get new experiences to have an oper mind and to have new and good opportunities. I think
that you discover who you are, who you are not and who you want to be. Your parents will be
so proud to see you growing up by your own, and you will feel that your effort is the best thing
that you have. For that reasons I think that independece is better.

In Ecuador is common that young adults prefer to live with their families but I could see that in
most cases they do not know how to react when they are alone, they act right just when
someone is looking and their behavour changes a lot, so they get confused and make bad
decissions for example they get married early, even when they do not get their undergraduate
mayor, they have children and there are not good life conditions. Other thing is that they do
not learn the value of the money, so they expend in unnecesary things for example in partyes,
or alcohol and they do not realize that they damage themselves and their families. They thinks
that they have it all but they are not responsable enough to take their own lifes and manage

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