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NAME:___________________________________________________________________________ Course 8______
3rd TERM WORKSHEET No 12 Date:____________________________________

Look at the map and complete the crossword with the correct word from the vocabulary in the previous worksheets.
3. The_____________ are near the pub.
6. To go to the bus stop, go one block and _____________
8. The Korean restaurant is________________ from the police station.
11. The ______ is opposite the park.
13. The newsagent is________________the pub.
16. You can have lunch at the _________________.
18. We can deliver the box at the_______________________
19. To go to the police station you go one block, turn__________and its on the right of the hospital.
1. There is an_______________in front of the shopping center.
2. I like the___________________next to the museum.
4. a club is_______________the shopping center.
5. You can use the___________________near the theater.
7. The bus stop is_____________________the shopping center.
8. There is a ______________ on Lane Street.
9. There is a_________________between Lane Street and Palm street.
10. On________________there is a restaurant and a library.
12. Lets go to the________________near the church.
14. The public library is______________the car park.
15. There is a __________next to the chemist.
17. The__________________is behind the supermarket.
Look at this city and complete with the correct prepositions.
at the end behind between in in front of next next to on opposite

1. The railway station is at the end of the road______________ the bank and the library.
2. The bank is at the end of the road on the left-hand side and_________________ the library.
3. The library is_________________ of the road, on the right-hand side and opposite the bank.
4. The post office is on the left-hand side, opposite the cinema and____________________ to the bank.
5. The concert hall is between the cinema and the hotel____________________ the right of the street.
6. The shopping centre is__________________ the town hall and in front of the car park.
7. The police station is the first building on the right,_______________ the football ground, opposite the caf.
8. The football ground is on the right,______________________ the police station.
9. The caf is the first building on the left,_________________________ the church.
10. The market is_________________________ the middle of the street.

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