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Customizing Guide


Version 2

2010 SAP AG Customizing Guide Page 1 of 12


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Customizing Guide _______________________________________________________ 1
Homolognet _____________________________________________________________ 1
1 Objective _____________________________________________________________ 4
2 Pre-requirements ______________________________________________________ 4
3 Report _______________________________________________________________ 4
4 Customizing __________________________________________________________ 5
4.1 Table View V_T596G _______________________________________________________ 5
4.2 Table View V_T7BR596 _____________________________________________________ 7
4.3 Table View V_T7BR596W ___________________________________________________ 8
4.4 Feature BRAVG ___________________________________________________________ 8
4.5 Cluster View VC_T799BATTRIB03C ___________________________________________ 9
4.6 Feature BRTPS __________________________________________________________ 10
4.7 BAdI HR_BR_TERM_HOMOLOGNET _________________________________________ 10
4.7.1 CHANGE_PERC_WT_OVERTIME _________________________________________ 11
4.7.2 FILL_PERC_WT _______________________________________________________ 11
4.7.3 GET_EMPLOYEE_CATEGORY____________________________________________ 11
4.7.4 GET_EMPLOYEE_DSR_REC7 ____________________________________________ 11
4.7.5 GET_EMPLOYEE_NRPRODUCT_REC7 _____________________________________ 11
4.7.6 GET_EMPLOYEE_TPSALARY_REC7 _______________________________________ 11
4.7.7 GET_PERC_ALIMONY_FGTS _____________________________________________ 11
4.7.8 GET_PERC_ALIMONY_TRCT _____________________________________________ 12
4.7.9 GET_TAX_INCIDENCE __________________________________________________ 12
4.7.10 GET_TPJOURNEYFULFILLED_REC0 _______________________________________ 12
4.7.11 GET_TPJOURNEYWEEK_REC0 ___________________________________________ 12
4.7.12 IS_CONTRACT_W_SEC_CLAUSE _________________________________________ 12
4.7.13 IS_EMPLOYEE_NEW_JOB _______________________________________________ 12
4.7.14 PREPARE_ABSENCE_RECORDS_REC6 ____________________________________ 12

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1 Objective
This document has as object helping the customers to customize the system in order to be able to
run the Homolognet report.

2 Pre-requirements
Installing the Homolognet report in your system.

3 Report

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4 Customizing
Following are described the customizing needed to run the Homolognet report.

4.1 Table View V_T596G

In the V_T596G table view you customize wage types to the corresponding Homolognet wage
types (from 001 to 036) to be reported in the Payroll Earnings section of the XML file.

Group Description
001 Salrio Fixo
002 Garantia
003 Produo
004 Horas Extras
005 Horas Trabalhadas no Ms
006 Percentagem
007 Comisso
008 Prmios
009 Multa Art. 477, 8 CLT - Atraso pagt resciso
010 Viagens
011 Gorjetas
012 Horas Adicional Noturno
013 Insalubridade
014 Periculosidade
015 Sobreaviso
016 Prontido
017 Gratificao
018 Adicional Tempo de Servio
019 Adicional por transferncia de localidade de trabalho
020 Salrio famlia no que exceder o valor legal obrigatrio
021 Abono ou gratificao de frias
022 Dirias para viagem
023 Ajuda de custo
024 Etapas, no caso dos martimos
025 Licena-prmio indenizada
026 Quebra de caixa
027 Participao do empregado nos lucros e resultados da empresa
028 Indenizao recebida a titulo de incentivo a demisso
029 Bolsa aprendizagem
030 Abonos desvinculados do salrio
031 Ganhos eventuais desvinculados do salrio
032 Reembolso creche pago em conformidade legislao trabalhista

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033 Reembolso bab pago em conformidade legislao trabalhista e previdenciria
034 Gratificao semestral
035 Nmero de dias trabalhados no ms
036 Multa do art. 476-A, 5, da CLT

The basis amount of the calculation also needs to be informed in the Homolognet for the wage
types 013, 014, 018, and 019. You can customize the wage types of the basis in the groups of the
same table view.

Code Description
013B Base de Clculo para 013 Insalubridade
014B Base de Clculo para 014 Periculosidade
018B Base de Clculo para 018 - Adicional Tempo Servio
019B Base de Clculo para 019 - Adicional por Transferncia de Localidade de Trabalho

The following customizing groups are used in the Payroll Deduction section of the XML.

Code Description
131P Valor de adiantamento 13 salrio a ser descontado do empregado na resciso
ADIA Valor de adiantamento salarial a ser descontado do empregado no ms da resciso
DSR7 DSR do no ms do afast., com exceo ltima semana
DSR8 DSR do ms da resciso
FAPI Contribuies para o FAPI
I480 Valor da indenizao devido resciso antecipada do contrato de trabalho
IRRF Outras Dedues para base de clculo IRRF
LOAN Valor atual do saldo devedor do crdito consignado em folha de pagamento
PRIV Contribuies para as entidades de previdncia privada domiciliadas no Brasil
SIND Informar o valor a ser descontado referente contribuio sindical laboral
SLMT Valor do salrio lquido do ms anterior resciso
VADE Valor do desconto de vale-alimentao, a ser descontado do empregado na resciso
VARE Valor do reembolso de vale-alimentao a ser descontado do empregado na resciso
VTRE Valor do reembolso de vale-transporte, a ser descontado do empregado na resciso
VTVT Valor gasto pelo empregador a ttulo de vale-transporte, no ms da resciso

The following customizing groups are used in the Christmas Bonus section of the XML.

Code Description
1313 Valor do dcimo terceiro salrio
13DI Valor do dcimo terceiro salrio no off-cycle 13DI

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The following customizing groups are used in the Payroll Earnings section of the XML in order to
identify if the external wage types compose the basis of: Christmas Bonus, Pre-notice, or Vacation.

Code Description
I13S Verbas rescisrias que integram em suas apuraes clculos de 13
IAVP Verbas rescisrias que integram em suas apuraes clculos de aviso prvio
IFER Verbas rescisrias que integram em suas apuraes clculos de frias

The following customizing group is used in the Employees Contractual section of the XML to
calculate the Alimony percentage.

Code Description
PENS Perc. penso alimentcia a ser retido no valor da resciso do contrato de trab.

4.2 Table View V_T7BR596

The external wage types groups (100-999) are defined in the table view V_T7BR596. The external
wage types groups are specific for each customer.

The external wage types are used in the Payroll Earnings section and Payroll Deductions section of
the XML file.

It is necessary inform which record of the Homolognet the external wage type group refers to:

EXT7 Rbricas Externas - Dados Financeiros para Clculo da Resciso

OUT8 Outros Descontos - Dados de Descontos

Example of customizing:

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4.3 Table View V_T7BR596W
The wage types of external wage types groups are defined in the table view V_T7BR596W.

Example of customizing:

4.4 Feature BRAVG

In this feature you can define average employee groups to Homolognet report. There groups are
used in the cluster view VC_T799BATTRIB03C in order to defined the data for the Initial Data
section of the XML file.

The feature should return an alphanumeric code that will be used in the cluster view

Example of customizing:

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4.5 Cluster View VC_T799BATTRIB03C
In this cluster view you customize how the average calculation information should be reported in the
Initial Data section of the XML file of Homolognet. You have to create a customizing for each
different code that is returned by the feature BRAVG.

Example of customizing:

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4.6 Feature BRTPS
In this feature you can define how the employee salary is composed to be reported in the
Homolognet report. This information is used in the Employee Contractual Data section of the XML


There is available the HR_BR_TERM_HOMOLOGNET BAdI (Business Add-In) to allow the
customer fill some information that is not available in the standard solution.

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Enable the customer to change the percentage of an overtime wage type.


Enable the customer to fill the percentage of the Homolognet wage types 018 and 019.


Enable the customer to create his own implementation to return the employees work category to be
used in the Contractual Data section in the XML file.


Enable the customer the create his own implementation to return the quantity of days of DSR
(Descanso Semanal Remunerado) that the employee had in the termination month, without
considering the last week.

This methods is used to fill the Homolognet field: Quantidade de DSR que o empregado faz jus no
ms do afastamento, com exceo da ltima semana (registro Dados financeiros para clculo da


Enable the customer to inform the sequential code and the product description, for the employees
who have variable remuneration.

This method is used to fill the Homolognet fields: Cdigo sequencial do produto (registro Dados
financeiros para clculo da resciso) and Cdigo e Descrio (registro Dados de cdigos).


Enable the customer to create his own implementation to define the employee salary type.

This method is used to fill the Homolognet field: Tipo de salrio fixo (registro Dados financeiros
para clculo da resciso).


Enable the customer to inform the alimony percentage of FGTS.

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Enable the customer to create his own implementation of the calculation of the alimony percentage.


Enable the customer to inform the wage type incidence that was established by the Homolognet.
The pattern of the return is 101 (FGTS, INSS, IRRF).


Enable the customer to inform if the employees journey week of the termination was fully worked.

This method is used to fill the Homolognet field: Jornada de trabalho da semana do afastamento
foi cumprida integralmente (registro Dados iniciais).


Enable the customer to inform is the employees work journey related to the Saturday of the week of
the termination was compensated during the week.

This method is used to fill the Homolognet field: Jornada de trabalho do sbado foi compensada
na semana do afastamento (registro Dados iniciais).


Enable the customer to inform if the employees contract has a security clause of reciprocal
right of early termination (clusula assecuratria de direito recproco de resciso antecipada).


Enable the customer to inform is the employee had a job during his pre-notice period.


Enable the customer prepare the absence infotype records for the Homolognet report.

This method is used to fill the Homolognet fields: Motivo da Movimentao e Data da
Movimentao (registro Dados de movimentao do empregado).

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