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Discussion 1.

In todays society I can understand why schools use advertisement as a way to raise money

which is lacking in the schools budget. On the other hand (and most importantly to me) I have

school age children whom I send to school to learn not to be targets for clever ad campaigns. I

admit that I dread when they bring home fund raiser items such as candy bars, and fast food

coupons used to reward them for good grades. I believe that ethically the schools have turned

away from what is important, like education, and focuses on raising money (Gottesdiener, 2012).

They also have visitors from wrestling organizations, which I believe is age inappropriate for my

children, and they are allowed to pass out coupons for the children to take how and get their

parents to take them to their event. I know quite a few teachers and they all have the same

mantra I became a teacher to teach. In todays education system, teachers are not allowed to

voice their opinions, political, beliefs, or religious values to the children, but the school can

endorse fast food, candy, and soda. If children are not supposed to have the maturity to make

decision on right and wrong, then how can they make adult decision on advertisements they are

influenced with in their school. The age in which children should be exposed to these

advertisements should begin when they are considered an adult. Most of the advertisements

even state that they must get a parents permission to participate, but only after they have had the

ability to influence their young minds first.

The benefits to this advertising depend on the type of advertising provided to the children. The

public service ads against bullying, smoking, and civic duty not only benefit the children, but

society as a whole. They provide information to protect the health and well-being of our children

when they need protection the most. Other advertisements like junk food coupons, candy sales,

energy drinks, and soda endorse a totally different message (Gottesdiener, 2012). This message
is of complacency and endorsement of an unhealthy lifestyle which has contributed to things like

medical problems from young bodies drinking energy drinks to obesity. Now understand that I

realize that these negative campaigns can be controlled by good parenting, but this is a battle

which parents should not have to battle throughout the school year. The benefits and drawbacks

of advertising in school are case specific. Because of this I would have to have direct contact

and input with any advertisement which the school wishes to introduce to the children. This

should include, but not be limited to, companies, messages, and financial gains. There are other

avenues which advertisers can get a message out than to try and influence our children when they

are the most influenced. These can include advertising sent out to parents who choose to opt-

in to receive this information. Other options could include sporting event sponsors which the

children already experience when watching sports on television. They should not include

anytime the children are in school for the purpose of learning.

Discussion 2.

affirmative action policy is to ensure that all prospective employees that are members of a

protected-class receive proportionate consideration, the pursuit of fair treatment, and the

reduction of unnecessary conflict between employees. The policy needs to be implemented in

such a way that members of the unprotected class are not discriminated against in the attempt to

obtain equality.

We have to also take into consideration that with the creation of a successful affirmative

action policy we will also have to address issues involving arguments against the policy that will

be issued. The mains argument that will arise is that some will see the policy as another form of

discrimination because it will seem to these individuals that some people will be receiving

preferential treatment more than other individuals.

You will also have to realize that it is not uncommon to hear employees objecting to the

affirmative action programs by insisting that they actually cause prejudice more than fix it which

to them results in more discrimination. Because of this argument, it is assumed that when

affirmative action programs are in place there will always be a label attached to minorities

because they are presumed to have benefited from those programs.

The affirmative action policies have caused division between individuals over the years since

it has been implemented in many companies. The one thing we need to realize when

implementing our own action plan is that the positive always out weighs the negatives. This

policy simply will show that we are against discrimination and it shows that we want to promote

diversity through out the work place giving every individual the chance at advancement.

People for the affirmative action are convinced that affirmative action policies guarantee

equal opportunities to people who are members of protected classes. People against it, however,

argue that affirmative action policies are unfair and discriminate against those who are not

members of a protected class. We will have to decide which side is right and which is wrong that

is why it is very important that we look at all possibilities when going forward with the plan and
make sure that every thin is covered as much as possible. An affirmative action plan must

promote equality while refraining from discriminatory practices. The policy must have specific

goals and timelines in which to utilize the plans objectives.

Compensatory damages awarded in the past to individuals who won lawsuits against

companies for discrimination practices pertaining to his or her job, should serve as an incentive

for this Board of Directors to decide positively on the issue of implementing an affirmative

action policy and making sure that it is strictly adhered to.

In conclusion, an affirmative action policy will ensure that the employees of this company

are treated fairly and afforded the same opportunities for advancement without discrimination.

This plan will also show that we are interested in what they think and by doing this also it will

promote a healthier atmosphere. The thought that the one person is equal to another puts

everyone at the same level with no special treatments and advancements will be made by

performance instead of skin color or sex.

Discussion 3

Kantian arguments Denis Arnold and Norman Bowie use in Sweatshops and Respect for

Persons to support the claim that MNEs have duties to ensure that their off-shore contract

factories meet minimum safety standards and provide a living wage for employees are ideas are

used as a standard for moral decisions in business and non business organizations. By utilitarian

standards, an organizational policy is good if it provides more welfare than any other

Utilitarian authors studied consequences of actions like watching employees secretly or conduct

a drug testing. One of these consequences cited by utilitarian is the power of information

collected by an employer. These informations can be incomplete or inaccurate and an employer

can use it for making important personnel decisions. Furthermore, generally employees cannot

examine files with informations in them. Many employees lost their job because they were

disrupted by false accusations in their personal record.

Utilitarianism though considerers only the harmful consequences of privacy invasions. Workers

have right to complain that the secret surveillance of their activities violates their right to privacy

and this is morally objectionable.

* Kants ethics:

Many philosophers are critical of utilitarian. Nonconsequentialist theories adopt different

approaches. Kants theory is an example. Kant introduces a humanistic dimension into business

decisions. He thinks that respect dignity of human beings is essential in business.

Some practices, such as observing workers with hidden cameras, are unethical. Employees

cannot be treated as a means to anothers end. Employees are not just a factor of production

along with land, machinery, and capital. In economics books, there is no moral difference

between an employee and a machine. Kant wrote So act that you treat humanity, whether in

your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only. Human

beings should be respected. They have dignity because they are autonomous and able of self-


Employees have their own goals and they are free to decide the degree of their involvement in

the company. But we can think that work affects employees, especially when vital interests are at
stake. So employees pursue their interests and this is not incompatible with the interests of the


Ian Maitlands argument that improving health and safety conditions and improving wages will

cause greater harm than good and Business cannot be viewed as a set of economical

relationships. Organizational relationships should integrate moral aspects. A constant theme in

Business Ethics is the unethical treatment of employees and more particularly the theme of

employee privacy. Managers and employers invade the privacy of employees through the control

of their email, drug testing.

But, not all jobs required from the company detailed information about the employees position

on drugs or about employees health. Tests are necessary whether the job involves a danger that

can cause harm. So, if an employer wants to seek information about drug use, he has to use in a

first time less intrusive means such as observation of work performance because drug testing

remains though a contested issue in business ethics.

In conclusion, I agree with the I am Maitland.

Discussion 4.

Human rights are indivisible as one cannot be denied a right because it is less important or

non-essential. Human rights are interdependent: all human rights are part of a complementary

framework. For example, ones ability to participate in his/her government is directly affected by
his/her right to express himself/herself, to get an education, and even to obtain the necessities of


Rule of law: Rights are different in their scope, nature and attributes. It is, therefore, not

impossible for emerging a situation in which one rights will contradict with other(s). Sometimes

two or more people may come to a confrontation in exercise of rights. These kinds of incidents

are but a normal phenomenon in a dynamic society. If such a conflict or contradiction arises, it is

reasonable to expect that the conflict is resolved by the consistent, independent, and impartial

application of just laws in accordance with just procedures. No arbitrary exercise of power or

authority is engaged in order to resolve the conflict. Rule of law is thus an instrument of securing

the smooth enforcement of human rights.

To look into utility of the given object or concept is one of various pragmatic approaches that

helps to avoid unnecessary theorization of the concept. Applying the principle of utility, human

rights, as an instrument of protecting and preserving human dignity as well as a rational

foundation of the governance, cannot be defined as follows:

a. Human rights principles provide inspiration for building a peaceful and just society. In the

meantime, they empower people with a framework for action to achieve that goal. To achieve

this mission, human rights principles set minimum standards for how individuals and institutions

everywhere should treat people (Amnesty International USA, 1997). Respect for, and

preservation of, human dignity through fostering peace, and free and just society is the ultimate

goal of these standards. Human rights in this dimension can be defined as a set of values that

are developed and cherished as crucial instruments to preserve human dignity. As a framework
for actions, human rights standards compel individuals and institutions to refrain from arbitrary

exercise of power and engage in actions that deprive human beings of their liberties and

freedoms. In this context, human rights are defined as safeguards against unjust laws and policies

of States, which enable persons to enjoy their human rights everyday when he/she practice

his/her culture, worship in accordance with his/her faith, or choose not to worship at all; when

he/she debate and criticize governmental policies; when he/she join a trade union or the political

organization; when he/she travel to other parts of the country or overseas without unreasonable

restrictions; when he/she participate in voting and government (Amnesty International USA,


b. Human rights principles provide a standard for measuring the legitimacy of the local or

national legislation and framework of justice system. Although human rights are believed to have

universal application, people in different parts of the country or world or different segments of

the population may not be able to enjoy such rights or liberties equally. Human rights violations

also occur everyday in countries when the government builds a dam without compensating the

displaced persons; when police force torture suspects; when people are forcefully evicted from

their homes and business; when government officials or personnel compel ordinary people to pay

bribe for obtaining nationality credentials, passport and registration of birth and deaths; when

parent abuses a child; when a family is homeless; when a school provides inadequate education;

when women are paid less than men or one person steals wages from other. These types of

violations of human rights phenomenal in society in which the government is not accountable to

the people. Human standards thus provide an important set of instruments for measuring the

legitimacy of the laws of governance system in a given society.

c. Human rights principles provide justification for claims of socio-economic empowerment or

development of deprived people. Traditionally, governments maintained strong control over the

resources, and the system of resource distribution was fully regulated by them. The system of

control and distribution of the resources gave unlimited power to those who enjoyed the States

power. The majority of the population was thus subjected to exploitation and marginalized.

Human rights principles provide ample justifications to end such exploitative and discriminatory

system. The right to eat, work and develop is as fundamental as the right no to be tortured or

jailed without charges. A marginalized community or group has valid claims for equitable

distribution of the resources and access to development opportunity. Every individuals dignity is

dependent on adequate access to development and share in resources.

These utility based descriptions of human rights signify a condition in a society where people are

not unfairly treated or discriminated. What they also signify is that States and governments do

exist for the service of the people but not to rule them. Access to resources, development and

justice, fairness in proceedings of justice, legitimacy of the government, rule of law as a basis of

decision making by the government, freedom of choice of people in matters of holding or

rejecting any religious faith, political ideology, or profession and protection of liberty and life of

people without distinction of any kind are the practical results or achievements of human rights.

These universally accepted practical realities enable us to believe that human rights are not

myths and they are not western and eastern. They inhere in human being in order to constantly

preserve the humanity and provide safeguards against the arbitrary use of powers by the so-

called rulers and powerful sect of population in the society.

Discussion 5.

There are many causation factors that lead to the lost time injuries in the workplace. Among

them, lack of correct manual handling skills, poor housekeeping at the work fronts, failure to

analyze potential hazards and put control measures in place, incorrect and incorrectly fitted PPE

are the most significant factors.

The company as an employer has the legal responsibility, as stipulated in the OSH Act 1984 in

the WA jurisdiction, to provide and maintain a safe working environment for its employees. The

workers as employees of this company also have the legal responsibility to cooperate with the

management to keep themselves and others from exposure to hazards and injuries. An OHS

system with consultation and participation by all employees is the key to improve site safety

performance and reduce lost time injuries. Comprehensive strategies and tools on how to achieve

the objective are provided, which involve efforts from both management and frontline


However, there are various barriers to the implementation of these recommendations, such as

cost considerations, workforce structure and roster arrangement. To overcome these barriers,

management commitment to OHS and efforts by all OHS stakeholders are critical.

Ethical Perspective

Every individual view ethics differently. No matter how one may view ethics at the end

of the day ethics is a determination of an individuals own belief of what is right or wrong.

According to the Ethics Awareness Inventory (EAI) it is a system for self-assessment and

personal reflection. The inventory also increases awareness and encourages self examination and

personal ethical growth. In the workplace, the ethical choices in the test produced different
results. In the category of evidence of openness, commitment to ethical communication,

individual trust, and empowerment resulted in little evidence of openness and individual trust

(Williams Institute, 2010). The results from the respect for individual judgment, organizational

integration of ethics, and performance integrity showed that there is room for improvement

(Williams Institute, 2010). The results from this exam have shown that the need for ethical

improvements at the individuals current company is needed. These improvements will help

management and employee relationships at the workplace. This means that the person has an

individual duty or obligation to do what is morally right. Throughout the degree program these

ethical perspectives have improved so that the ethical decision can be made. At some point

everyone has had to make some decision whether personal or professional at some time or

another. Making a right choice does not necessarily increase the good for the decision maker.


This paper has discussed at the role of ethics and social responsibilities involved in

developing a strategic plan as well as the strategic plan development that took into consideration

the stakeholders needs. Strategic management, social responsibility and ethics were also

discussed to understand the process of developing a strategic plan. The final subject discussed

was the results of the ethical awareness inventory and the ethical choices in the workplace.


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