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Properties of Selected Soils in the

Douglas and Katherine Regions

A joint project of the Northern Territory Agriculture

Association, Caring For Our Country and supported
by the Northern Territory Department of Natural
Resource, Environment The Arts And Sports.
A project to increase Irrigation Efficiency, Nutrient
and Land Management. and
Increasing the productivity of improved pastures by
the sustainable management of native vegetation

Technical Report 32/2011D


Natural Resources Division

Department of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport
PO Box 496
Palmerston NT 0831

Northern Territory of Australia, 2011


The Northern Territory Government advises that the information contained in this publication comprises general
statements based on scientific research with interpretation. The reader is advised and needs to be aware that
such information may be incomplete or unable to be used in and specific situation. No reliance or actions must
therefore be made on that information without seeking prior expert professional, scientific and technical advice.
To the extent permitted by law, the Northern Territory Government (including its employees and consultants)
excludes all liability to any person for any consequences, including but not limited to all losses, damages,
costs, expenses and any other compensation arising directly or indirectly from using this publication (in part or
in whole) and any information or material contained in it.


Edmeades B.F. (2011) Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions. Department
of Natural Resources, Environment, The Arts and Sport, Palmerston, Northern Territory. Technical Report


The Department of Natural Resources, Environment The Arts and Sport (NRETAS) was requested by
the Northern Territory Agricultural Association (NTAgA) to describe and test three soils for the Improved
Irrigation and Nutrient Management Project, and one for the Increasing the Productivity of Improved
Pastures by Sustainable Management of Native Vegetation Regrowth Project. NRETAS involvement was
to describe, test and report on three soil pits in the Douglas/Daly area and a fourth soil in the Katherine
area. The report provides reference sites for land holders, agricultural consultants and government to assist
sustainable land and water management.

The soils in the vicinity of the four sites have been previously mapped and described. Further information on
the soils in the Katherine / Daly Region can be found in Aldrick and Robinson (1972). Specific soil informa-
tion in the Oolloo area can be found in Lucas (1983) and Aldrick (1984).

Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions 1



Three soils were described and sampled for laboratory analyses in the Douglas/Daly area and one at the
Katherine Research Farm. The three sites in the Douglas/Daly area were located in an irrigated area of
improved pasture. The fourth site at Katherine Research Farm is adjacent to a mango orchard (see locality

Soil descriptions were undertaken in May 2011. All four soils were described and tested for detailed soil
chemistry and physical properties. Detailed analysis of soil hydraulic properties including water holding
capacities at field capacity and wilting point was undertaken by a soil hydrologist and the results published
in a separate report, (Hignett, 2011a and Hignett, 2011b).

The pits were excavated using a backhoe to a depth of a least 1.5m. In one case water was encountered
at 1m. The soil pit faces were cleaned and photos of each pit face were taken (Appendix 1).

Landform and soil descriptions at each site were undertaken in accordance with the Australian Soil and Land
Survey Field Handbook (National Committee on Soil and Terrain, 2009) and soils classified according to
The Australian Soil Classification (Isbell, 2003).

Samples for physical and chemical analysis were collected at each soil pit. Sampling was undertaken
at standard depths: 0-10cm, 10-20cm, 20-30cm, 50-60cm, 80-90cm, 110-120cm, 140-150cm and 170-

Paired bulk density samples were collected and analysed using an adapted version of the Intact Core
Method (503.01) and Methods for Soil Containing Coarse Fragments (503.05-503.08) in McKenzie,
Coughlan & Cresswell (2002).

Samples for chemical and particle size analysis were collected and chemical analysis was undertaken by
CSBP Soil & Plant Laboratory in accordance with the Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and Water
Chemical Methods (Rayment and Higginson, 1992). The only test undertaken not outlined in Rayment and
Higginson (1992) was the procedure for the determination of Phosphorus in sodium hydrogen carbonate
extracts of soils (Colwell, 1965).

Particle size analysis was undertaken in accordance with Particle-Size Analysis by a modified Pipette
procedure (Indorante, et al. 1990).

Site location KRS11 1 Site locations GARAB 1, 2, & 3

(Irrigated Mangoes) (Irrigated Pasture)

2 Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions



The three sites described under the centre pivot irrigator in the Douglas Daly were all very similar. They
were described as Oolloo Soils (Red Earths or loamy Red Kandosols). The only distinct difference between
the three profiles was the free water at 110 cm in the profile at site 3 (GARAB 3), due to site 3 being
located down slope from the other two sites and immediately adjacent to a back plain of the Daly River. Soil
moisture probes had been in place at three locations for the length of the irrigation efficiency project. The
reason for describing, sampling and testing three soils in close proximity under a single irrigation pivot was
to possibly answer questions concerning differences in pasture growth rates, possibly due to variations in
soil moisture contents, measured at the three sites at set soil depths over the length of the project (Greg
Owens, pers comm.). The description and laboratory analysis of the soils at the three pits confirmed similar
soil morphology, chemical properties and water holding characteristics.

The deep Red Earths of the Daly Basin can be broadly summarised into four major soil groups. These are
Blain (sandy Red Earths), Oolloo (loamy Red Earths), Tippera (clayey Red Earths) and Tindall (clayey,
structured Red Earths).

The soil at the Katherine Research Farm was described as a Tippera soil (Red Earth or clay loamy Red
Kandosol). Tippera soils are similar to Oolloo soils but generally heavier in texture (clay loam to clay)
throughout the profile.

A number of soil classification systems have been used throughout Australia over the last five decades. The
Australian Soil Classification (Isbell 2003) is the most recent, consistent and comprehensive classification
system and is widely accepted as the national standard. The Australian Soil Classification uses a very
different terminology to previous systems. In many cases the previously used soil family names (e.g. Aldrick
& Robinson, 1972) still provide a more familiar reference for communicating information on soils in local
areas. The Australian Soil Classification and Soil Family is presented with each site in Appendix 1.

The morphology, chemical and physical properties of the soils tested are presented in Appendix 1.

The soil families described at each of the sites are summarised below.

Oolloo Soil Family (GARAB 1 - 3)

These soils are well drained. They were originally included with the sandy subgroup of the Red Earths, but
often have sandy loam surface textures. Occurring in the central part of the Daly Basin and believed to be
formed from old alluvium, they are characteristically uniform textured but the more marginal members are
gradational textured (Aldrick & Robinson, 1972). Plant industry uses include tropical fruits, melons, forage
crops, improved pasture and hay production. Minimal tillage practices are recommended as these soils are
prone to erosion if disturbed.

Tippera Soil Family (KRS11 1)

Belonging to the loamy subgroup of the Red Earths, they are massive with a porous earthy profile and
are well drained. These soils commonly occur on sediments of the Jinduckin formation a unit of siltstone
with bands of dolomite and sandstone, but sometimes are associated with the Tindall limestones (Aldrick
& Robinson, 1972). They occur in the northern part of the Douglas area and extend east to the Katherine
vicinity. Plant industry uses include tropical fruits, melons, peanuts, forage crops, improved pasture, hay
and turf production.

Soil Hydraulic Properties

Soil hydraulic properties including additional bulk density information, porosity, infiltration and plant available
water at field capacity, recharge water content and wilting point was also collected at all sites. The reference
provided below should be read in conjunction with the information in this report.

Soil hydraulic information for the three Oolloo soils can be found in:

Hignett C. (2011a) Physical properties of a soil toposequence at Garabaldi Farm, near Daly River, NT. Soil
Water Solutions, Daw Park, S.A.

Soil hydraulic information for the Tippera soil can be found in:

Hignett C. (2011b) Physical properties of a soil at Katherine Research Station, Katherine, NT. Soil Water
Solutions, Daw Park, S.A.
Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions 3

Aldrick J.M. (1984) Land Units of the Fish River- Oolloo area, N.T. Land Conservation Unit. Technical
Report No. 7. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Winnelie, N.T.

Aldrick J.M. and Robinson C.S. (1972) Report on the Land Units of the Katherine-Douglas Area, N.T. 1970.
Land Conservation Section, Animal Industry and Agriculture Branch, Northern Territory Administration
Darwin N.T. Australian Government Publishing Service.

Colwell J.D. (1965) An automatic procedure for the determination of Phosphorus in sodium hydrogen
carbonate extracts of soils. Chemical Industry. pp. 893-895.

Hignett C. (2011a) Physical properties of a soil toposequence at Garabaldi Farm, near Daly River, NT. Soil
Water Solutions, Daw Park, S.A.

Hignett C. (2011b) Physical properties of a soil at Katherine Research Station, Katherine, NT. Soil Water
Solutions, Daw Park, S.A.

Indorante S.J., Follmer L.R., Hammer R.D. and Koenig P.G. Particle-Size Analysis by a modified Pipette
procedure. Soil Sci. Soc. AM.J., Vol 54 March-April 1990

Isbell R.F. (2003) The Australian Soil Classification, Revised Edition. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

Lucas S.J. (1983) Land Units of the Douglas - Daly A.D.M.A Acquisition Area, N.T. Land Conservation Unit,
Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Darwin.

Lucas S.J. (1985b) Soils of the 1981 Cleared Areas, A.D.M.A. Douglas-Daly Project Farms. Land Conser-
vation Unit, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Darwin, N.T.

National Committee on Soil and Terrain (2009) Australian soil and land survey field handbook (3rd edn).
CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

McKenzie N., Coughlan K. and Cresswell H. (2002) Soil Physical Measurement and Interpretation for Land
Evaluation. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Victoria

Rayment G.E. and Higginson F.R. (1992) Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and Water Chemical
Methods. Inkata Press, Melbourne.

Rayment G.E. and Lyons D.J. (2011) Soil and Chemical Methods - Australasia. CSIRO Publishing,

4 Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions

Appendix 1 Soil profile descriptions, Chemical and Physical properties

Site: GARAB 1 Landform: Plain Parent Material: Not present to 2.2m Soil Family: Oolloo
Australian Soil Classification: Haplic Mesotrophic Red Kandosol (1KAAAAGCDBELOX)
Depth Horizon Description
0 (cm)
Surface - Hard setting; non-gravelly.
0-5 A11 Dark reddish brown; sandy loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, firm and non-
20 sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.7; EC1:5 0.0
5-20 A12 Dark reddish brown; sandy loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, firm and non-
30 sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.7; EC1:5 0.0
20-30 A3 Dusky red; sandy loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, very firm and non-
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.9; EC1:5 0.0
30-45 B1 Dusky red; clay loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, strong and slightly sticky
consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.1; EC1:5 0.0
45-90 B21 Dusky red; light clay texture; massive, earthy; moderately moist and slightly
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.2; EC1:5 0.0
90-220 B22 Dark red; light medium clay texture; massive, earthy; moist and slightly
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.2; EC1:5 0.0


Vegetation: Cultivated, irrigated field of improved pasture.

Physical Properties
Depth Coarse Sand Fine Sand Silt Clay Bulk Density
cm 200-2000 (m) 20-200 (m) >2 - <20 (m) <2 (m) fine earth (502.03) g/cm3
0-10 42 46 3 9 1.47 1.63
10-20 47 38 2 13 1.70 1.61
20-30 48 36 2 14 1.63 1.70
50-60 23 35 2 40 1.69 1.75
210 80-90 18 32 2 48 1.65 1.73
110-120 21 33 2 44 1.62 1.59
140-150 18 37 1 44 1.60 1.68
170-180 17 39 3 41 1.63 1.65
Chemical Properties
pH Cl Total Phosph. Potassium Total Organic
(cm) (1:5) (1:5) Exchangeable Cations DTPA
CaCl2 (1:5) Nitrogen Colwell Colwell Sulfur Carbon

Depth pH pH EC Cl N P K S OC Ca Mg Na K Al Cu Zn Mn Fe
4A1 4B1 3A1 5A2 9B1 KCI-40 15E1_Ca 15E1_Mg 15E1_Na 15E1_K 15E1_Al 12A1_Cu 12A1_Zn 12A1_Mn 12A1_Fe
- - dS/m mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0-10 7.0 6.0 0.016 < 1.0 0.08 <2 83 0.9 0.67 2.90 0.61 0.01 0.21 < 0.001 0.64 0.16 30.05 10.03
10-20 7.0 6.0 0.018 < 1.0 0.02 <2 87 0.6 0.32 2.16 0.27 0.02 0.22 < 0.001 0.89 0.08 20.53 8.16
20-30 6.5 5.5 0.010 < 1.0 < 0.01 2 87 0.9 0.23 1.91 0.25 0.05 0.21 0.066 0.76 0.06 21.00 11.23
50-60 6.8 6.0 0.017 < 1.0 0.04 2 116 1.5 0.19 3.25 0.74 0.03 0.27 < 0.001 1.39 0.03 7.39 11.44
80-90 6.8 6.0 0.015 < 1.0 0.04 3 96 4.7 0.13 3.34 1.00 0.02 0.18 < 0.001 1.05 0.08 2.03 9.94
110-120 6.7 6.0 0.013 < 1.0 0.03 3 87 0.6 0.12 2.87 1.00 0.02 0.21 < 0.001 0.74 0.03 1.24 11.36
140-150 6.7 6.0 < 0.010 1.5 0.01 <2 76 < 0.5 0.11 2.68 0.97 0.02 0.19 < 0.001 0.88 0.10 0.29 10.24
170-180 6.8 6.1 0.011 < 1.0 0.03 3 77 < 0.5 0.10 2.68 0.95 0.01 0.20 < 0.001 0.82 0.04 0.28 11.08

Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions 5

Appendix 1 Soil profile descriptions, Chemical and Physical properties

Site: GARAB 2 Landform: Plain Parent Material: Not present to 2.05m Soil Family: Oolloo
Australian Soil Classification: Haplic Mesotrophic Red Kandosol (1KAAAAGCDBEKOX)
Depth Horizon Description
0 (cm)
5 Surface - Hard setting, non-gravelly.
0-5 A11 Dark reddish brown; sandy loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, firm and non-
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 8.0; EC1:5 0.02
5-15 A12 Dusky red; sandy loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, very firm and non-
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.5; EC1:5 0.00
15-25 B1 Dusky red; sandy clay loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, firm and non-
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.2; EC1:5 0.00
25-60 B21 Dark red; clay loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, strong and non-sticky
consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.6; EC1:5 0.00
60-120 B22 Dark red; light clay texture; massive, earthy; moderately moist and slightly
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.5; EC1:5 0.00
60 120-205 B23 Dark red; light medium clay texture; massive, earthy; moderately moist and
slightly sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.4; EC1:5 0.04


Vegetation: Cultivated, irrigated field of improved pasture.

Physical Properties
Depth Coarse Sand Fine Sand Silt Clay Bulk Density
cm 200-2000 (m) 20-200 (m) >2 - <20 (m) <2 (m) fine earth (502.03) g/cm3
0-10 37 48 6 9 1.60 1.64
10-20 36 44 4 16 1.68 1.73
20-30 25 47 8 20 1.76 1.79
205 50-60 19 35 3 43 1.66 1.71
80-90 19 33 2 46 1.55 1.59
110-120 23 30 2 45 1.62 1.58
140-150 17 38 4 41 1.62 1.67
170-180 14 40 3 43 1.65 1.65

Chemical Properties
pH Cl Total Phosph. Potassium Total Organic
(cm) (1:5) (1:5) Exchangeable Cations DTPA
CaCl2 (1:5) Nitrogen Colwell Colwell Sulfur Carbon

Depth pH pH EC Cl N P K S OC Ca Mg Na K Al Cu Zn Mn Fe
4A1 4B1 3A1 5A2 9B1 KCI-40 15E1_Ca 15E1_Mg 15E1_Na 15E1_K 15E1_Al 12A1_Cu 12A1_Zn 12A1_Mn 12A1_Fe
- - dS/m mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0-10 7.3 6.6 0.035 < 1.0 0.06 2 37 1.2 0.69 4.13 0.94 0.02 0.09 < 0.001 1.29 0.49 15.25 2.81
10-20 7.1 6.4 0.022 < 1.0 0.05 5 63 0.7 0.48 2.44 0.95 0.02 0.16 < 0.001 1.00 0.09 12.86 3.71
20-30 7.0 6.3 0.018 < 1.0 0.02 3 82 0.7 0.27 2.13 0.99 0.02 0.21 < 0.001 1.44 0.08 12.16 3.18
50-60 7.3 6.4 0.022 < 1.0 0.03 <2 91 1.1 0.20 3.95 0.95 0.03 0.23 < 0.001 1.47 0.07 2.67 < 1.00
80-90 7.3 6.5 0.027 < 1.0 0.03 <2 100 5.4 0.17 3.18 1.29 0.03 0.19 < 0.001 1.06 0.05 0.38 11.06
110-120 7.2 6.4 0.020 < 1.0 0.03 <2 104 8.2 0.14 2.70 1.10 0.03 0.22 < 0.001 1.00 0.03 0.14 13.62
140-150 7.2 6.4 0.016 < 1.0 0.03 3 118 0.7 0.11 2.52 1.07 0.04 0.30 < 0.001 0.78 0.13 0.05 7.82
170-180 7.0 6.3 0.012 1.7 0.03 2 119 0.6 0.09 2.49 1.05 0.02 0.30 < 0.001 0.66 0.02 0.32 13.28

6 Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions

Appendix 1 Soil profile descriptions, Chemical and Physical properties

Site: GARAB 3 Landform: Plain Parent Material: Not present to 1.1m Soil Family: Oolloo
Australian Soil Classification: Haplic Mesotrophic Red Kandosol (1KAAAAGCDBELOX)
Depth Horizon Description
Surface - Hard setting, non-gravelly.
0 0-3 A11 Very dark brown; sandy loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, weak and non-
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 5.1; EC1:50.15
10 3-10 A12 Dark brown; heavy, sandy loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, weak and non-
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 5.1; EC1:5 0.02
10-30 B1 Dark reddish brown; sandy clay loam texture; massive, earthy; moderately
moist, firm and non-sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 4.9; EC1:5 0.00
30-75 B21 Dark reddish brown; light medium clay texture; massive, earthy; moist and
non-sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 5.9; EC1:50.00
75-90 B22 Dark red; light medium clay texture; massive, earthy; moist and non-sticky
consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.1; EC1:5 0.00
90-110 B23 Dark red; light clay texture; massive, earthy; wet and non-sticky consistence;
non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.3; EC1:50.00
110-180 Water



100 Vegetation: Cultivated field of improved pasture.

Physical Properties
Depth Coarse Sand Fine Sand Silt Clay Bulk Density
cm 200-2000 (m) 20-200 (m) >2 - <20 (m) <2 (m) fine earth (502.03) g/cm3
0-10 28 53 5 14 1.73 1.70
10-20 22 44 3 31 1.60 1.69
20-30 23 50 5 22 1.73 1.72
50-60 22 35 2 41 1.66 1.70
80-90 19 37 5 39 1.61 1.63

Chemical Properties
pH Cl Total Phosph. Potassium Organic
(cm) (1:5) (1:5) Total Sulfur Exchangeable Cations DTPA
CaCl2 (1:5) Nitrogen Colwell Colwell Carbon

Depth pH pH EC Cl N P K S OC Ca Mg Na K Al Cu Zn Mn Fe
4A1 4B1 3A1 5A2 9B1 KCI-40 15E1_Ca 15E1_Mg 15E1_Na 15E1_K 15E1_Al 12A1_Cu 12A1_Zn 12A1_Mn 12A1_Fe
- - dS/m mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0-10 5.5 4.9 0.029 2.3 0.07 5 99 2.4 0.94 1.68 0.48 0.03 0.24 0.208 1.26 0.37 24.34 74.70
10-20 5.8 5.0 0.014 < 1.0 0.05 <2 77 1.8 0.38 2.35 0.69 0.04 0.15 0.100 1.35 0.04 17.92 18.48
20-30 5.6 4.8 0.015 < 1.0 0.05 3 78 1.8 0.49 1.95 0.52 0.02 0.14 0.218 1.48 0.08 25.65 21.46
50-60 6.2 5.4 0.011 < 1.0 0.03 <2 89 2.3 0.20 2.77 0.92 0.02 0.23 0.089 0.94 0.03 3.09 1.43
80-90 6.4 5.6 0.016 < 1.0 0.04 6 59 1.0 0.16 2.85 0.92 0.03 0.15 < 0.001 0.72 0.15 0.57 13.18

Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions 7

Appendix 1 Soil profile descriptions, Chemical and Physical properties

Site: KRS11 1 Landform: Plain Parent Material: Not present to 2.25m Soil Family: Tippera
Australian Soil Classification: Haplic Mesotrophic Red Kandosol (1KAAAAGCDAEMOX)
Depth Horizon Description
Surface - Hard setting, non-gravelly.
0-5 A1 Dark reddish bown; clay loam, sandy texture; massive, earthy; dry, strong
and slightly sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 5.7; EC1:5 0.02
5 5-20 A3 Reddish bown; clay loam texture; massive, earthy; dry, very firm and
slightly sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.2; EC1:5 0.00
20-50 B21 Red; light clay texture; massive, earthy; dry, very firm and slightly sticky
consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.7; EC1:5 0.00
50-80 B22 Dark red; medium clay texture; massive, earthy; moderately moist and
slightly sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.7; EC1:5 0.02
80-170 B23 Dark reddish bown; light clay texture; massive, earthy; moderately moist
and slightly sticky consistence; 1%, 6mm, subrounded, siltstone; pH1:5 7.2;
50 EC1:5 0.00
170-215 B24 Dark red; light clay texture; massive, earthy; moist and slightly sticky
consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 7.1; EC1:5 0.00
215-225 B25 Dark red; light medium clay texture; massive, earthy; moist and slightly
sticky consistence; non-gravelly; pH1:5 6.8; EC1:5 0.00


Vegetation: Mango trial plot.

Physical Properties
215 Depth Coarse Sand Fine Sand Silt Clay Bulk Density
cm 200-2000 (m) 20-200 (m) >2 - <20 (m) <2 (m) fine earth (502.03) g/cm3
% % % %
225 A B
0-10 40 21 7 32 1.70 1.65
10-20 31 19 7 43 1.63 1.61
20-30 26 16 6 52 1.53 1.60
50-60 20 21 10 49 1.56 1.51
80-90 17 19 9 55 1.56 1.50
110-120 17 23 11 49 1.54 1.44
140-150 16 25 13 46 1.55 1.56
Chemical Properties 170-180 14 25 13 48 1.57 1.60

pH Cl Total Phosph. Potassium Total Organic
(cm) (1:5) (1:5) Exchangeable Cations DTPA
CaCl2 (1:5) Nitrogen Colwell Colwell Sulfur Carbon

Depth pH pH EC Cl N P K S OC Ca Mg Na K Al Cu Zn Mn Fe
4A1 4B1 3A1 5A2 9B1 KCI-40 15E1_Ca 15E1_Mg 15E1_Na 15E1_K 15E1_Al 12A1_Cu 12A1_Zn 12A1_Mn 12A1_Fe
- - dS/m mg/kg % mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g meq./100g mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

0-10 6.7 5.7 0.028 5.7 0.09 5 169 3.8 1.29 3.33 1.49 0.08 0.42 < 0.001 3.42 0.91 49.89 31.21
10-20 6.9 5.9 0.018 1.9 0.07 <2 114 1.8 0.62 3.45 1.77 0.05 0.29 < 0.001 2.25 1.74 25.90 5.49
20-30 7.0 6.0 0.013 < 1.0 0.04 2 105 1.2 0.45 3.84 1.94 0.01 0.27 < 0.001 1.87 0.12 14.37 6.83
50-60 7.3 6.4 0.011 2.5 0.03 <2 119 0.6 0.14 3.96 2.32 0.03 0.31 < 0.001 0.79 0.13 2.18 2.77
80-90 7.4 6.6 0.012 1.3 0.01 <2 93 2.5 0.13 4.04 2.44 0.02 0.24 < 0.001 0.93 0.13 0.83 4.98
110-120 7.4 6.7 0.015 < 1.0 0.03 <2 100 5.2 0.07 4.19 2.64 0.03 0.25 < 0.001 0.66 0.12 0.43 7.56
140-150 7.2 6.7 0.037 25.2 0.03 <2 93 5.5 0.07 4.24 2.84 0.03 0.23 < 0.001 0.85 0.04 0.31 7.76
170-180 7.4 6.6 0.016 < 1.0 < 0.01 <2 109 3.1 0.11 4.10 2.81 0.04 0.27 < 0.001 0.62 < 0.01 1.10 1.94

8 Properties of Selected Soils in the Douglas and Katherine Regions

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