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Global Warming Essay - 1,105 words

GLOBAL WARMING Dear grandpa, Do you aware that our grand children and great children may be the victim of global warming
during the next century? In 1986, the Swedish chemist svante Arrhenius first revealed the theory that carbon emissions from the
burning of coal and other fossil fuels could generate a green house effect by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere leading to global
warming . Electro magnetic energy emanating from the Sun is absorbed by the Earth, which radiates some of this energy outward as
infrared energy. (Heat). Most of this infrared energy escapes into space, but some of it is absorbed by green house gases in the
lower atmosphere (the troposphere) and is radiated back to the Earth as heat energy. The greenhouse effect is a warming of the
Earths surface that makes it hospital for life .Without green house effect, the surface of the Earth would be a frigid -100 degrees
Fahrenheit. Carbon dioxide levels in the Earths atmosphere have increased by 31% since pre industrial times. Emissions of soot
particles and sulfate have significant effects also. When carbon dioxide is emitted to earths atmosphere in a large scale, we refer the
condition as global warming. Global warming is also caused if the Earths surface temperature is on the increase due to presence of
chemicals in the atmosphere. Global warming is wielding a direct threat to the planets climate and health of the people.

These threats have changed the crop seasons and have affected the way organisms endure on the Earth. As you know the gases
such as methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide which are also recognized as greenhouse gases usually prevail in the Earths
atmosphere in certain proportion. If these gases exceed their proportion in atmosphere then they will make it difficult for the
radiation of sun to escape from the atmosphere. This will result in increase in temperature of Earths atmosphere. During the last
century alone, the average of Earths temperature has mounted up between 0.8 to 1.0 degrees Fahrenheit. During the last 15 years,
the Earth is witnessing the warmest years in record.

Global warming may melt the glaciers that are floating in the Artic and Greenland which in turn may result in the sea levels to soar.
Do you know that in the last century alone, there was an increase in sea levels around the globe from four to ten inches? Global
warming will also cause the sea water to expand. The glaziers at Himalayas are melting at phenomenal rate and this cause
unprecedented and havoc flooding in the great plain areas of India. Increased heat results more evaporation to happen in the hotter
climates and results in precipitation in the areas which has not accustomed to massive rainfalls and thus result in sea level rising
.Unusual rise in temperature may result in human health problems like heat stroke head exhaustion. Scientist forecast that the global
warming will rise between five and nine degrees by middle of the 21st century followed by a sea level rise of one to four feet. If polar
ice caps melt due to this, coastal cities like San Francisco, New York may be immersed by the surging water. Global warming
alternatively means wrong weather in wrong place havoc rain in places where there is scanty rainfall earlier and famine and drought
where there was heavy rain before and some places may experience extre

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Essay Tags: global warming, carbon dioxide, warming, green house, green house effect This is an Essay sample / Research paper, you can use it
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