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Embryo (immature plant in a state of arrested growth)
Cotyledon/Endosperm (storage of food substance)
Seed coat (protects the embryo from unfavorable conditions)
Process in where embryo resumes its active growth
Proceed only if seed is viable and if there is a favorable environmental condition
Ability of seed to germinate and produce a mature plant
Germination test (useful viability index)
Ability to undergo, rapid, uniform germination and fast seedling growth under a wide range of conditions
Steps in Germination
a. Imbibition and absorption of water
b. Hydration of tissues
c. Absorption of oxygen
d. Increased enzymatic activity
e. Initiation of cell division and cell enlargement
f. Increased cell respiration and assimilation
g. Increased cell division and elongation
h. Cellular differentiation
i. Emergence of the seedling
Usually occurs despite of the presence of favorable environmental condition
A notable survival mechanism in plants ensuring that germination will occur at an appropriate time and place.
a. True Dormancy/Primary Dormancy
- Temporary suspension of visible growth caused by physiological conditions within the seed.
b. Quiescence/Secondary Dormancy
- When non-germination is due to unfavorable environmental conditions

Effect of Gas Composition on Seed Germination

Effect of Temperature to Seed Germination

a. Room temperature normal enzyme activities
b. Low temperature enzyme inactivation (causes dormancy)
c. High temperature enzyme denaturation; abnormal enzyme activities that could lead to dormancy or death
Effect of pH to Seed Germination
a. Distilled water
b. pH 3 (basic) -
c. pH 7 (neutral) -
d. pH 11 (acidic) causes enzyme denaturation
Effect of Varying Osmotic Concentration to Seed Germination
a. Distilled Water
b. 0.5% NaCl -
c. 1.0% NaCl-
d. 1.5% NaCl
Key Concept: Higher NaCl Lower germination rate

1. What is the purpose of displacing air with nitrogen gas?

- Displacing air with nitrogen gas will help in eliminating oxygen. (how?)
2. Why is germination usually low in soils that contain high amount of partially decomposed organic matter?

3. Does light affect seed germination? What are photo dormant seeds?
- Light do affects seed germination but this varies from one plant to another. There are non-photoblastic
plants, they are the plants that do not need sunlight. In contrary of non-photoblastic are photoblastic
which are divided into two more categories, positive and negative. For the first the first one, light is
needed for germination and the latter on the other hand, will not germinate in the presence of sunlight.
Photo dormant seeds either require light or dark conditions to germinate.

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