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CEMENT MORTAR FOR LAYING CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKS Fig. C-7 shows how a typical concrete hollow block walll or fence is. erected using cement mortar binder between layers of concrete blocks and filler for the hollow cells. Steel reinforcing bars are also used, But for the meantime, we are concerned with estimating the quantities of cement and sand (or pea aravel) in mortar used in concrete hollow block construction. In Fig. C-6(a), (b) and (c), the measurements of the hollow cells and calculations for the volume: of mortar for 200mm (8°), 150mm (6") and 100mm (4”) thick sample concrete block units are shown, Concrete hollow blocks are produced with an actual height of 190mm, leaving 10mm allowance for horizontal mortar binder, thus coming up with a modular height of 200mm when used, as shown in Fig. C- 7a) Based from these computations and widely used estimating data, the formulas shown in Table C-4 have been developed for calculating cement and sand (or pea gravel) required for mortar, based on the umber of 3-cell stretcher concrete blocks with dimensions as shown in the samples, and by class of the mortar mix: Table C-1 FORMULAS FOR ESTIMATING MATERIALS FOR MORTAR BASED ON NUMBER OF CONCRETE HOLLOW BLOCKS Size of Concrete | ESTIMATING FORMULAS, BY CLASS OF WORTAR | estate atenals Hollow Block Class A(t 2) Mix Glass C1 3) Mix 200 x 200 x 400mm | (No, of CHB) x 0.1505 | (No, of CHB) x 0 1124 Bags Cement (Bx 8" x 16") (No. of CHB) x 0.0081 | (No. of CHB) x 0.0091 (Cu M. Sand "750 x 200% 400mm | (No. of CHB) x 0.0982 | (No of CHB) x 00734 |= Bags Cement (rx 8x 167) (No. of CHB) x 0.0053__| (No of CHE) x 0.0059 Cu. M. Sand 700% 200 x 400mm | (No of CHE) x 0.0411 | (No. of CHB) x 0.0307 Bags Cement (axa'x 16) | (No. of CHB) x 0.0022 | (No of CHB) x 0.0025 _ |= Cu. M Sand How to use Table C-1 1. Compute the area of the proposed wall (in square meters) where concrete hollow blocks (CHB) will be used Multiply the area by 13 to get the estimated number of CHB required. Multiply the number of CHB by size, by the factors under Class A or Class B mortar mix = to get the estimated bags of cement and cubic meters of sand required for the GHB mortar cell fillers and horizontal binders, ESTIMATING MORTAR FOR DIFFERENT CHB CELL SIZES It should be remembered that the above formulas are based on the cell volumes of the sample concrete hollow blocks in Fig. C-6(a), (b) and (c). But there are other concrete block units which have ‘smaller or bigger holes than those of the measured samples. All things being equal, units with smaller cells need less cement mortar, while those with larger openings would require more. The samples shown in the drawings may be considered as representing the average and more commonly used concrete blocks in general construction works, It is assumed that all their cells are filed with mortar, with no allowance given for overlooked and unfilled spaces within the holes. ©.7 ESTIMATING BILL OF MATERIALS - Tagayun

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