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1.Completa la lectura con las siguientes palabras.

(dolphins, Earth, elephants, giraffes, temperatures, snakes, tigers)

Come and visit our animals!

If you like big cats, you will love our family of cheetahs. They are the fastest
animals on 1) ..Earth...! You can also see our other big cats, for
example, our 2)____________________.
The African 3) _____________________ are the largest animals in the zoo
and are very popular with visitors. We also have some 4)
_____________________ and they are easy to spot because they are the
tallest animals in the zoo!

In the water area you can watch the 5) ________________________.

Theyre very clever and can play games in the pool. The polar bears come
all the way from the Arctic and so they like cold

Inside the main building are 7)_________________________, but dont

worry, theyre behind glass so they cant bite you.
2. Completa las oraciones con la mejor opcin A, B o C.

1. Dont kick the football near the greenhouse, youll break the _________
A. plastic B. glass C. card
2. Do you like my new brown ____________ belt?
A. leather B. paper C. metal
3. I need some pink ___________ to make the party invitations.
A. metal B. cotton C. card
4. The desk in my bedroom is made of ______________
A. wood B. leather C. paper
5. When we go camping we usually take _______________ plates and cups.
A. silver B. plastic C. cotton
6. Her wedding ring was made of _____________
A. leather B. glass C. gold
7. Keys are usually made of ____________ because its strong.
A. gold B. silver C. metal
8. The car windows are made of ________________ not plastic.
A. glass B. metal C. silver

3. Realiza oraciones en presente continuo con los siguientes verbos. Luego, transfrmalas en
preguntas y respndelas de manera afirmativa y negativa:


4. Completa con DO o DOES donde sea necesario. Luego, responde las preguntas de manera
afirmativa y negativa.
a.____________you always have toast and coffee for breakfast?
b.____________Ramon swim forty laps in the pool every day?
c.____________ David travel to many different countries on his job?
d.____________ nurses take care of patients in hospitals?
e.____________you plan to become an electrician?
f.____________your assistant always type so quickly?
g.___________it snow in Hawaii?
h.___________ the Italians always take their vacation in Miami?

5. Lee el siguiente texto y al frente de cada oracin escribe Verdadero o Falso.

Hi! My names Alex. I always have a sandwich and tea for breakfast. My favourite
sandwiches are ham and tomatoes sandwiches. Theyre delicious! And I also like cheese
sandwiches. On weekdays I have lunch at school. I take a packed lunch with me. I have some
sandwiches, an apple or a banana and I usually drink hot chocolate or tea. For dinner I have
jacket potatoes with cheese and some salad, pizza or fish and chips. But I like spaghetti the
most because it is my favourite food.
a. He has hot chocolate for breakfast. __
b. He likes cheese sandwiches. __
c. He doesnt have fruit for lunch. __
d. He drinks tea or hot chocolate at school. __
e. He doesnt eat sandwiches for dinner. __
f. His favourite food is pizza. ___

6. Ordena las siguientes preguntas como corresponda en cada enunciado:

a. you / day / go / every / Do / online ?
b. watching / What / you / are / programme ?
c. live / Does / near / Carla / you ?
d. having / What / are / lunch / you / today / for ?
e. Jack / does / work / time / What / start ?
f. Moment / doing / What / at / the / Mike / is ?

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