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Evolutionary microbial genomics:

insights into bacterial host adaptation
Christina Toft and Siv G. E. Andersson
Abstract | Host-adapted bacteria include mutualists and pathogens of animals, plants and
insects. Their study is therefore important for biotechnology, biodiversity and human health.
The recent rapid expansion in bacterial genome data has provided insights into the adaptive,
diversifying and reductive evolutionary processes that occur during host adaptation. The
results have challenged many pre-existing concepts built from studies of laboratory bacterial
strains. Furthermore, recent studies have revealed genetic changes associated with transitions
from parasitism to mutualism and opened new research avenues to understand the functional
reshaping of bacteria as they adapt to growth in the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic host.

Mutualistic relationship Van Leeuwenhoek opened the gates to the microbial a much wider range of species from diverse habitats
A symbiosis in which both world. Since then, there has been a race to uncover has yielded substantial insights into fundamental ques-
species increase their fitness. its secrets because of the importance of understand- tions such as how and why host adaptation alters the
ing microbes to human health. The enormous genetic bacterial genome (for a recent review of the genomics
Pathogenic relationship
A symbiosis in which one
diversity of the bacterial world compared with the of prokaryotic symbionts of animals see Ref. 10). This
species increases its fitness animal and plant worlds also makes bacteria excellent Review focuses specifically on host adaptation in rela-
while the fitness of the other subjects for studies of the principles of genetics and tion to bacteria that have established an intracellular
species is adversely affected. evolution. Interactions between species have driven relationship. We discuss the emerging picture of phy-
the emergence of complex life forms and many other logenetic distributions of host adaptation and possible
Commensal relationship
A symbiosis in which major evolutionary changes. Bacteria have contributed factors that influence this, the different stages of host
one partner increases its substantially to these events through the establishment adaptation and the selective forces that operate at these
fitness without affecting of mutualistic, pathogenic or commensal relationships with stages. Particular focuses are on the transitions between
the other species. eukaryotic hosts. selfish and cooperative behaviour in host-adaptive
The population dynamics of bacteria that repli- processes and factors that may act to stabilize mutu-
cate inside eukaryotic cells have yielded some of the alistic relationships and prevent them from breaking
smallest 1,2, most stable3,4, most deteriorated5–7, most down into parasitism or autonomy.
highly repeated8 and most highly recombined bacterial
genomes9 sequenced to date. Studying these extreme Ecological shifts to host-adaptive lifestyles
examples can provide broad lessons about the evolu- Bacteria show astonishing diversity in genome content
tionary dynamics in bacteria by revealing ‘hidden’ proc- and metabolic capabilities, which explains their ubiquity
esses, such as massive gene amplifications, deletions and in many, if not all, ecological niches. Making the transi-
recombination events, that are slightly deleterious tion to an intracellular lifestyle is a dramatic ecological
and would therefore be rapidly eliminated during change, therefore we may ask whether some bacterial
selection for rapid growth in large free-living bacterial groups are more likely to make such switches and, if so,
populations. Identifying the evolutionary dynamics why this might happen.
of intracellular genomes is also important because it
Department of Molecular may reveal how mutational alterations in the bacterial Phylogenetic distributions. Many bacterial species
Evolution, Uppsala University, genome influence host phenotypes. have been selected for genome projects because of
752 36 Uppsala, Sweden. The recent leap in sequencing technology has allowed their importance to agriculture and human health,
e-mails: the sequencing of numerous species from natural popu- thereby providing an extensive collection of genomes;
lations, and progress has been made in deciphering the for bacteria associated with invertebrates, plants
doi:10.1038/nrg2798 associations between genome composition, bacterial and animals. Overall, approximately one-third of all
Published online 2 June 2010 diversity and lifestyle. Our new-found ability to study genomes sequenced to date are from bacteria that live

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in association with eukaryotes. By mapping the host- Protozoa contribute to bacterial adaptation. Many
associated bacteria onto a phylogeny that represents the intracellular pathogens can survive in amoeba18 and it
variability spectrum of sequenced genomes it becomes has been suggested that protozoa act as a ‘nursery’ from
noticeable that these bacteria have a broad phylogenetic which pathogens of higher eukaryotes emerge19,20. For
distribution (fIG. 1). Such diversity is bidirectional, as example, it has been suggested that Rickettsia spp. and
hosts for these bacteria belong to orders that span the Chlamydia spp. used protozoa as a first stage in their
tree of life from protists to plants and animals10,11. adaptation to the intracellular lifecycle21. Strategies to
However, the success and abundance of host-adapted avoid predation by free-living protists in the environ-
bacteria differs among phylogenetic groups. For exam- ment may result in the evolution of mechanisms to avoid
ple, only a few phylogenetic clades — predominantly the resistance to macrophage destruction and the ability to
α-, β-, and γ-proteobacteria, with the notable exceptions replicate intracellularly, as suggested for mycobacteria22.
of Chlamydiae — contain species that have evolved to Furthermore, horizontal gene transfer (HGT) of genes from
the intracellular stage. Bacterial species that have obligate co-infecting bacteria can enhance the infection potential
mutualistic relationships with their hosts are even more of the emerging pathogen21,23. Obligate intracellular rela-
biased in their phylogenetic distribution pattern and are tionships with free-living amoeba have been observed in
almost exclusively found among α- and γ-proteobacteria α- and β-proteobacteria24–27 as well as among species in
(fIG. 1). This overrepresentation might be an effect of Bacteroidetes28 and Chlamydiae29,30. The described cases
sampling bias owing to the greater incentive to sequence are probably just the tip of the iceberg of the true diversity
endosymbionts that are of immediate concern to of such relationships in nature. an interesting topic for
human society than those with other host interactions. future studies will be to search for intracellular parasit-
It is possible, however, that certain bacterial groups ism and mutualism of microbial eukaryotes in a system-
are predisposed to evolve intimate interactions with atic manner. It also remains to be seen whether a similar
eukaryotic host cells. Many species in the α- and diversity of relationships is found in other phyla.
γ-proteobacteria classes are abundant in soils, lakes and
oceans, and they have large and dynamic genomes with Evolutionary stages in host-adaptation processes
access to a big pool of mobile genes present in other By comparing the genomes of phylogenetically distinct
bacteria in these environments12,13. In some clades of intracellular bacteria (fIG. 1), we can learn how the chal-
the α-proteobacteria, genes for symbiotic and environ- lenges presented by the environment of a hostile eukary-
mental interactions are located on plasmids that can be ote have been solved. Terms such as ‘host adaptation’ and
several megabases in size14, which can facilitate rapid ‘intracellularity’ are in essence rather broad because they
adaptive responses and the transfer of host-association encompass bacteria that have the potential for intracel-
genes in single events. Therefore, both ecological factors, lular survival as well as bacteria that have multiplied in
such as abundance and physical contacts with eukaryo- the host cell environment for hundreds of millions of
tic hosts, and genomic factors, such as ease of adap- years18. fIGURe 2 shows a schematic overview of the dif-
tation, might have contributed to the many successful ferent stages of the integration process and the genomic
interactions between Proteobacteria and eukaryotes. changes that occur at each stage, and below we discuss
the selective forces that drive these processes.
Influence of the host. It is also important to consider
the influence of differences among hosts on bacterial
adaptation. For example, host dietary restriction is an Figure 1 | Global phylogeny of host-associated ▶
important selective force that drives the evolution of bacteria. A modified version of the maximum likelihood
Endosymbiont mutualism. Indeed, mutualistic relationships in which phylogenetic tree that was obtained in a previous study
An intracellular organism that the bacteria supply compounds that the host cannot using 350 bacterial species, the genomes of which have
contributes to the survival of get from its food source have mostly been identified in been sequenced128. In that study, the authors selected 350
the host cell and depends
invertebrates15. In vertebrates, the extracellular commu- species to show maximum phylogenetic coverage and
on the host for its own used a concatenated data set derived from 31 highly
persistence. The relationship nal gut flora is also known to have a dietary role16. an
conserved genes for their phylogenetic inference128.
can be either mutualistic or extreme case of this is the giant panda, the bamboo diet Coloured branches label the different phyla and taxa
commensalistic. of which seems to be directed more by its gut bacteria are coloured according to the nature of their association
than by its genetic composition17. Thus, the rarity or lack with the host (see Supplementary information S1 (figure)
A single-celled (usually
of obligate mutualistic bacteria associated with verte- for taxa names). These classifications should only be seen
microscopic) eukaryotic brates seems not to be because vertebrates have no need as a guide and not as the only association possible for the
organism. The name originates for symbiotic relationships, but because members of the bacterium. The stage of intracellular association (described
from the Greek words ‘proton’ gut flora do not develop an obligate mutualistic lifestyle. further in fIG. 2) is also colour coded and representative
and ‘zoa’, meaning first and
Likewise, soil bacteria provide beneficial functions such examples are shown in the outermost layer of the
animals, respectively. phylogeny (see Supplementary information S2 (table) for
as nitrogen fixation to plants, but to our knowledge there
further details). Rare cases of obligate mutualistic
Horizontal gene transfer are no obligate intracellular mutualists of plants. This
associations in the α-proteobacterial genera, which
The transfer of genetic suggests that there might be other barriers to obligate otherwise shows commensal or pathogenic relationships
material between the mutualism that are difficult to overcome in plants and
genomes of two organisms with hosts, are indicated (*). Species names that are under
not through the normal
animals, such as the cell wall of plants, adaptive immu- the category Candidatus are indicated (**). Image is
parent–progeny transmission nity in animals and difficulties in infecting the germ line modified, with permission, from Nature Ref. 128 © (2009)
during cell division. in these organisms. Macmillan Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Wigglesworthia glossinidia
Baumannia cicadellinicola

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Blochmannia spp.**


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Sodalis glossinid

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Bacteroidetes O ia i
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Chlamydiae and Verrucomicrobia γ
Cyanobacteria α
Tenericutes spp.
Fusobacteria Sulcia muelleri**
Thermotogae Amoebophilus asiaticus**
Deinococcus and Thermus
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Protoch ophila spp.


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Nature Reviews | Genetics
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1 Free-living and 2 Facultative intracellular 3 Obligate intracellular 4 Obligate intracellular 5 Organelle

extracellular (early stage) (advanced stage) mutualist
(extreme stage)

Plasmid Genomic island Recombination Functional divergence Gene loss

Phage Rearrangement Duplication Non-functionalization Transfer to host genome

Figure 2 | stages of host adaptation. The genome dynamics for different host-adaptation stages: free-living (1),
facultative intracellular (2), obligate intracellular (3), obligate intracellular mutualist (4) and organelle (5).
Arrows that point directly to the genomes indicate the acquisition of genes by horizontal gene Nature Reviews
transfer | Genetics
plasmids, genomic islands and/or bacteriophages). Arrows that loop back to the genome indicate changes within
the genome (rearrangements, gene duplication, recombination, functional divergence (shifts) and non-functionalization).
Arrows that point away from the genome indicate gene loss or gene transfer to the host genome. The relative
influence of each of these types of events at the different intracellular stages is shown by the weight of the arrow.
See text for more details.

Free-living to intracellular lifestyle. The early stage includes Buchnera spp., Wigglesworthia glossinidia and
of intracellularity (fIG. 2; step 2) is exemplified by fac- Blochmannia spp. (fIG. 1), which are estimated to have
ultative intracellular bacteria such as Legionella spp., diverged from their free-living relatives several hundred
Francisella spp. and Bartonella spp., which grow in the million years ago38–40. Bacteria that have reached this
cytoplasm of their natural hosts but have retained the level of integration with their hosts are characterized
ability to grow in a free-living mode31–33. This stage by extreme reductive genome evolution to minimize
is characterized by dramatic changes in genes cod- genetic (see Supplementary information S2 (table)) and
ing for outer surface structures, including horizontal hence metabolic redundancy. In the final stages, exem-
acquisition of new genes and rapid modification of plified by organelles, endosymbiont genes are either
these by duplication and recombination events. at the transferred to the host nuclear genome or replaced by
advanced stage of host interaction (fIG. 2; step 3) , functions encoded by host nuclear genes (fIG. 2; step 5).
the ability to grow on artificial media is lost, as exem-
plified by the obligate intracellular pathogens Rickettsia Selective forces in host-adapted bacteria
spp.34, Chlamydia spp.35,36, and Coxiella spp.37. This stage until recently, concepts in bacterial genetics were mostly
often involves specialization to a restricted set of host based on studies of free-living species that are easy to
species and is characterized by extensive pseudogenization culture, maintain and manipulate in the laboratory, such
and gene loss. as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, which have been
selected for maximum growth rates and maximum effi-
Intracellular lifestyle to mutualistic endosymbiosis. ciency of protein synthesis41. The main focus in experi-
Once a strong interaction and an intracellular lifestyle mental evolutionary studies in the laboratory has been
with a particular host are secured, the loss or modifi- on the mechanisms and selective forces driving the
cation of bacterial genes and metabolic reactions can fixation of adaptive mutations and the purification of
enable the transition to an obligatory mutualistic life- deleterious changes under these growth regimes42–46.
style (fIG. 2; step 4). Such relationships impose dramatic In nature, however, translational power is highly
changes in both the host and the bacterium10. For variable among bacteria and depends on the availability
The process whereby changes example, the ontogeny of an invertebrate host might be of nutrients and the ecological strategy 47. In particular,
in the coding region of a gene reprogrammed to produce cells to house endosymbiotic the intracellular milieu is very different from the growth
that disrupt the function of the bacteria . at this extreme stage of host adaptation, regime in the laboratory. Studies in natural populations
gene lead to its inactivation. the endosymbiont genome starts co-evolving with the are now challenging the concepts based on laboratory
Endosymbiotic bacterium
host nuclear genome under selection to benefit strains. Below, we discuss selective forces that drive
A non-pathogenic bacterium the host. The best-studied example is the large group adaptive processes and how these have shaped the
that lives inside host cells. of obligate mutualists in the γ-proteobacteria that bacterial genome.

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a γ-proteobacteria b All groups genome size and the different stages of host adaptation
CV = 0.46 (fIG. 3a) and this is also seen when intracellular bacte-
Spearman correlation: Spearman correlation:
6 ρ = –0.764; P < 1.4 × 10–7 6 ρ = –0.760; P < 2.2 × 10–16 ria from different clades are analysed together (fIG. 3b).
CV = 0.39 although it has been known for some time that the
stronger the level of host dependency the smaller
5 5
the genome, our comparison shows that the genome
size variability also decreases. a high fixation rate for
4 4 nucleotide substitutions is another characteristic feature
Genome size (Mb)

Genome size (Mb)

of intracellular bacterial populations, as underscored by
exceptionally long branches leading to these lineages
3 3 CV = 0.33 (fIG. 1). Functional divergence of the molecular chap-
CV = 0.25 eronin GroeL (also known as Cpn60) is seen for sev-
2 2 eral obligate intracellular lineages, such as Chlamydiae,
anaplasmataceae and Mycobacteria, and this may
CV = 0.15 CV = 0.27 reflect an adaptation to the higher mutational load of the
1 1 intracellular lifestyle52.

0 0
Selection for microdiversity in surface structures. For
Early Advanced Extreme Early Advanced Extreme the intracellular lifestyle, bacteria must overcome prob-
Intracellular stage Intracellular stage lems such as attaching to host cells, entering the cyto-
plasm, multiplying, exiting and being transmitted to new
Figure 3 | Genome size in bacteria correlates with the intracellular stage.
Nature Reviews | Genetics host individuals without being recognized by the host
Genome size variations for different host-adaptation stages: facultative intracellular immune system. acquiring these ‘skills’ may involve the
(early), obligate intracellular (advanced) and obligate intracellular mutualist (extreme). acquisition of novel genes for host-interaction processes
a | Non-parametric correlation analyses indicate that genome size is significantly
by HGT (reviewed in Ref. 43) or changes in the func-
anti-correlated to the intracellular stage in γ-proteobacteria. b | The same trend of
correlation between genome size and intracellular stage is seen if all bacterial groups tion of existing genes53. extreme sequence divergence
of the phylogeny are included in the analysis. The coefficient of variation (CV = sd/mean) among closely related species is often seen in proteins
shows a clear declining trend as the relationship becomes more intimate, indicating a that directly mediate the interactions with the host envi-
hypothetical minimum genome size for these bacteria. However, caution should be ronment, such as secretion systems, lipopolysaccharides
exercised when estimating the CV in γ-proteobacteria because six out of ten of the and other outer surface structures (for a summary of
sequenced genomes are of the same species (Buchnera aphidicola). Further sequencing different selection models, see BOX 1).
efforts may confirm the observation made here. The raw data for this small analysis can
be found in Supplementary information S2 (table). Horizontal gene transfer and functional divergence.
Symbiotic and pathogenic bacteria express and secrete
a wide range of proteins to enable them to interact with
Population dynamics in the intracellular environment. their hosts. The best-characterized secretion systems,
Intracellular bacteria evolve under selection for host- both functionally and structurally, are the type III and
interaction processes and they show very different pop- type IV secretion systems (T3SS and T4SS, respectively),
ulation dynamics compared to free-living bacteria48,49. which secrete effector molecules into the host cell (for
Importantly, the effective population size is dramati- recent reviews see Refs 54,55) (BOX 2). Despite their
cally reduced because it is constrained by the number of ubiquity and importance as potential drug targets, we
hosts, the number of infected cells and the cellular space still know little about the molecular evolutionary forces
available for growth. This makes selection less efficient and mechanisms that shape these systems in response
in countering the accumulation of slightly deleterious to the interplay with the host. Phylogenetic studies of
mutations. Furthermore, the transmission dynam- the T3SSs and T4SSs have revealed frequent exchanges
ics among hosts may introduce strong bottlenecks on by HGT56,57, often across rather distantly related phyla.
the effective population size and therefore reduce the Functional divergence is also widespread and is linked
genetic variability in the next generation compared to lifestyle shifts58. For example, the T3SS in endosym-
Bacteriocyte with the original (ancestral) bacterial population. This biotic bacteria of insects has been remodelled by gene
A specialised host cell
that houses obligate
can contribute to the loss of favoured alleles and lead loss59 and functional divergence60, possibly to mediate
mutualistic bacteria. to increased divergence among populations50. There the invasion of host bacteriocytes, ovaries and embryos,
is also less opportunity for innovation as HGT occurs and thereby to ensure transmission to host offspring 10.
Conjugation less frequently than in free-living bacteria51. Finally, the Similarly, HGT of genes for the T4SSs into intracellular
The physical joining of two
metabolite-rich intracellular environment relaxes species have been associated with functional shifts from
bacterial cells to transfer
genetic material from the the selective constraints on metabolic genes, which bacterial conjugation to host-cell binding 57.
donor cell to the recipient leads to the accumulation of mutations, gradual loss of The horizontally acquired genes are incorporated into
cell through a pilus. function in these genes and gene loss4. existing gene networks in intriguing ways. For example,
For all of these reasons, a decline of genome size is in Bartonella henselae a vertically inherited regulatory
Coefficient of variation
A normalized measure
expected. Indeed, the intracellular environment is the system that senses changes in pH in free-living bacteria
of dispersion of a main factor that correlates with genome size in bacteria. is used to control the expression of horizontally acquired
probability distribution. In γ-proteobacteria, there is strong correlation between target genes such as a T4SS61. This results in upregulation

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Box 1 | Measuring and modelling selection in host-adaptive bacteria

There are two general models to explain the co-evolutionary processes taking place between bacteria and their hosts.
The trench warfare model96, also called the balanced polymorphism model, predicts constant diversity in the population
owing to selective pressures to maintain polymorphisms, for example to evade the host immune system. The
co-evolutionary arms race model97, also called the red queen model98, suggests that there is back-and-forth evolution
between the bacterial protein and the targeted eukaryotic molecules. Positive selection on favourable alleles yields
genetic variation over time, but reduces polymorphisms in the population. For example, the effector proteins associated
with the type III secretion system (T3SS) in Pseudomonas spp. have been suggested to evolve according to this model.
Mechanistically, chimeric genes for these effector proteins are created through random genetic fusions of gene
segments in a process called terminal reassortment99. Under both models, polymorphisms should be considered adaptive.
Identification of adaptive processes in bacteria and their hosts may provide information that is important to
understanding their interaction dynamics. One way to identify these adaptive processes at the molecular level is through
the estimation of the ratio between the numbers of amino acid-replacing codon changes (non-synonymous changes; N)
and synonymous changes (S). The ratio between these rates (ω = dN/dS) is the most common way to measure selection in
protein-coding genes. Values of ω = 1, ω <1 and ω > 1 indicate neutral evolution, purifying and positive selection,
respectively100,101. However, several exceptions undermine ω as a valid measure of selection. For instance, synonymous
sites evolve under purifying selection in free-living bacterial populations to match the use of tRNA isoacceptors or under
positive selection in RNA viruses, where secondary structure is essential for viral stability. The ω values can also be
misleading in bacteria with substantial recombination rates, such as Neisseria spp. or Wolbachia spp., where these values
do not necessarily reflect actual nucleotide substitution. Furthermore, obligate intracellular bacteria tend to have strong
nucleotide composition biases (generally AT rich) and small effective population sizes. This leads to relaxed constraints
on protein sequences, yielding increased fixation rates of slightly deleterious mutations and therefore inflated ω values.
These values can be mistakenly interpreted as evidence of positive selection because patterns of ω values produced by
genetic drift are, under some circumstances, indistinguishable from those yielded by adaptive processes.
Functional divergence in some lineages in a particular protein region is another way to identify adaptive processes.
Many methods have been developed to either identify functional divergence of a single protein102–104 or to explore
complete genomes for such evidence52,58. Identification of genes evolving under positive selection during host
adaptation would therefore require exhaustive testing using various methods. Knowledge of the biochemical and
metabolic interactions between the bacterium and the host, and the population parameters underlying these
interactions, will be essential to understand the adaptive processes involved.

of the T4SS and the associated secreted proteins owing bacteria contain four or five times more mobile Dna
to altered pH of the cytoplasm following infection of the than obligate intracellular bacteria51. Bacteriophages are
mammalian host cell. one of the most effective ways to transmit foreign Dna
between species and have great potential for genome
Duplication and diversification. Surface proteins that diversification and the creation of new host interaction
are involved in host–pathogen interactions often show systems. For instance, genes located in some prophages of
greater diversity in both sequence and patterns of pres- secondary symbionts may be involved in controlling host
ence or absence among closely related strains than reproduction and defending the host against eukaryotic
Genomic island sequences that evolve in a neutral manner. These proc- parasites (reviewed in Ref. 65).
A region of the genome that esses may be speeded up by recombination between In Bartonella spp. there is a region several hundred
has been acquired through
a horizontal event.
duplicated genes in and among genomes. a particu- kilobases in length that contains duplicated gene clus-
larly illustrative example is provided by a tandemly ters for the T3SS, T4SS and T5SS, which is amplified
Bacteriophage duplicated array of three genes in a gene cluster for a and packaged into bacteriophage particles66. The ampli-
A virus that infects bacteria conjugative T4SS, which mediates binding to eryth- fication process generates single-stranded Dna ends,
and can serve as a vector
rocytes in Bartonella spp.62. Two of the genes encode thereby facilitating recombination between the ampli-
of novel genetic material.
proteins located on the cytoplasmic side of the mem- fied sequences and the duplicated genes in the genome.
Prophage brane and these evolve by purifying selection. By con- The genes for a gene transfer agent that packages the
The genome of a trast, one of the genes in the duplicated array encodes Dna and the genomic sequence spanning the putative
bacteriophage when a surface-exposed protein and this gene was found to phage replication initiation site from which the ampli-
it is integrated into
the chromosome of the
be highly variable across strains63. It was postulated fication process is started are highly conserved among
host bacterium. that selection drives sequence divergence to continu- all Bartonella genomes sequenced to date66. This sug-
ally generate new variants of the pilus proteins and gests that the amplification mechanism is maintained by
Secondary symbiont thereby match a divergent set of target molecules on the selection that favours the generation of variability, irre-
A facultative bacterial
erythrocyte surfaces. spective of the specific interactions provided by each of
symbiont that is not
essential for host survival the encoded secretion systems.
and reproduction. The role of mobile elements. Genes important for host The maternally inherited Wolbachia species that
adaptation, such as those encoding secretion systems, tend use insects as hosts (discussed further below) have the
tRNA isoacceptor to be located in genomic islands or near to mobile elements genomic feature of 30–50 genes that encode eukaryotic-
One of a group of tRNA
species that can bind to
such as plasmids and bacteriophages64. Consistent with a like ankyrin repeat proteins, some of which are presum-
different codons for the high degree of mobility and variability during the emer- ably secreted into the host cell9,67,68. Several of these genes
same amino acid residue. gence of host-adaptive strategies, facultative intracellular are located in the immediate vicinity to prophages. a

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Rhizobium more extreme case is the genome of the scrub typhus Influence of host population dynamics. For genera with
One of a group of pathogen, Orientia tsutsugamushi (a maternally inher- several different hosts there seems to be a correlation
nitrogen-fixing bacteria that ited bacterium of mites that infects rodents and other between host range and population size and the reper-
have symbiotic associations mammals), which contains more than 20 repeated gene toire of bacterial outer surface proteins. For example,
with plants.
clusters for putative effector proteins. These include human pathogen specialists in the genera Rickettsia and
ankyrin repeat and tetratrico peptide repeat proteins Bartonella tend to have fewer and less variable surface
that are located immediately downstream of genes for proteins than those that infect larger populations such
the conjugative T4SS8. Thus, in both organisms there as rodents. In principle, as there is a mutational bias
is a linkage between mobile elements and genes for for deletions in bacterial genomes70, there will be pseu-
eukaryotic-like proteins that may be secreted into the dogenization and gene loss unless there is selection for
cytoplasm to manipulate the molecular processes in high copy numbers. The expansion of genes for surface
the host cell. The use of two different types of mobile proteins in bacteria that are adapted to rodents suggests
elements — plasmids and bacteriophages — for the that the amplification processes are driven by selection
transfer processes suggests that these associations have in these hosts. This might explain the ease with which
arisen independently. human pathogens emerge from bacteria that are natu-
The physical linkage between mobile elements and rally adapted to other reservoirs; once a bacterium has
genes for secreted proteins was also seen in a study of 21 acquired the necessary surface components for inva-
genomes of free-living bacteria69. It was suggested that sion in one mammalian host, the infection may spread
such linkage might help resolve the problem of how to to new host species simply by selection for further
avoid the emergence of ‘cheaters’ in the bacterial popu- sequence changes in the duplicated genes.
lation, which benefit from the effects of the secreted
proteins on the host cell but do not participate in their Transitions between parasitism and mutualism
production. The authors of this study suggest that mobile Mutualistic bacterial symbionts are widespread in
elements are prevalent because they carry social traits and nature and such relationships can evolve quickly
are thereby generators of social networks among bacterial in the laboratory, as exemplified by the co-evolution of
cells. The invasion of mobile elements into cheaters that two taxonomically and functionally unrelated organ-
have lost their genes for the secreted proteins enforces isms, Desulphovibrio vulgaris and Methanococcus
cooperation through co-transfer of the cooperative maripaludis 71. However, evolutionary theory predicts
genes69. Genes for mobile elements and secretion sys- that such interactions should be unstable owing to con-
tems are thereby inextricably linked to ecological flict of interest between the interacting partners72,73.
innovation and evolution of host-adaptive strategies in Mutualism is thus expected in most cases to break
these species. down into parasitic relationships or revert to auton-
omy. Phylogenetic studies have shown that shifts from
mutualism to parasitism occur only rarely, but that
Box 2 | Virulence and host-adaptability features
many cooperative biological systems have reverted to
There are numerous mechanisms that pathogenic and symbiotic bacteria use to autonomy in the evolutionary past 74. In this section,
interact with their host. The mechanisms include complexes that inject proteins we discuss genomic changes associated with transitions
(effectors) into the host cell cytoplasm and excretion of exotoxins to the extracellular from parasitic to mutualistic relationships and suggest
medium. There are many differences between toxins and effectors. For example, toxins
that extreme genome reduction and increased host
are delivered exogenously and can act directly on the host cell, whereas effectors
dependence may prevent the breakdown and reversal of
require protein complexes for delivery, and toxins inhibit cellular functions, whereas
effectors can produce a coordinated modulation of host cell molecules. such relationships.
Pore-forming toxins form the largest class of the bacterial toxin proteins105.
These secreted proteins are water soluble and capable of binding to the surface of the Requirements for parasitic or symbiotic relationships.
host cell. After binding, they multimerize and insert into the amphiphatic host cell The development of an intracellular mutualistic rela-
membrane, forming a pore106. The bacterial type III and type IV secretion systems (T3SS tionship is dependent both on genes required for the
and T4SS, respectively) are membrane-spanning complexes through which effector establishment of the intracellular lifestyle and symbiosis
molecules are secreted107,108. These structures each contain over 20 different proteins genes directly involved in the symbiotic relationship.
and consist of a basal body, which spans the membrane of the bacterial cell wall, and Symbiosis genes, in Rhizobia for example, are typically
a long hollow tube called the pilus (reviewed in Refs. 54 and 55). The membrane-
carried on large plasmids that can spread by HGT.
spanning part of the T3SSs shows an ancestral relationship with the flagellum109,
However, for these transfers to be productive, the appro-
which is used for motility in bacteria. The T4SSs consist of membrane-spanning
protein complexes with diverse functions such as conjugation, effector translocation priate genetic background and ecological context have
and DNA uptake110. to exist and/or evolve in parallel thereafter. This was
Effectors can be broadly classified onto two main categories. One includes effectors elegantly shown by the conversion of the root-infecting
that mimic host endogenous cellular proteins111 and the other comprises effectors that pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum to an intracellular
covalently modify host cell proteins112. Ankyrin B of Legionella pneumophila provides an symbiont of plant nodules by a two-step process75. The
example of the mimicking activity of bacterial effectors: it reproduces molecular and inactivation of a master regulator enabled the intracel-
functional activities of eukaryotic F-box proteins, thereby exploiting the conserved lular infection of nodule cells, whereas mutations in a
polyubiquitylation machinery for intracellular proliferation113. Conversely, gene for a T3SS caused nodulation and early infection75.
some modifying effectors, such as Vibrio outer protein S (VopS) from the Vibrio
Furthermore, phylogenetic studies of nodulating
parahaemolyticus T3SS, inhibit Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), which leads
Bradyrhizobium strains and transmissible symbiosis
to cell rounding and the collapse of the actin cytoskeleton114.
islands revealed recurrent losses of nodulation ability 76,

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suggesting that reversions to autonomy occur frequently therefore tempting to speculate that maternal transmis-
in symbiotic systems that include free-living bacteria. sion in arthropods was the ancestral trait, and that the
Similarly, transitions between parasitic and commensal pathogenic Rickettsia species have exchanged mater-
relationships are common during the early stages of host nal inheritance for mammals that serve as the new
adaptation. Despite the many examples of such transitions, ‘vectors’ of transmission between arthropod hosts85. If
it has proved surprisingly difficult to identify virulence so, there might be many maternally inherited bacteria
determinants simply by comparing the genomes of strains hidden in invertebrates that could potentially become
that have different effects on their hosts. Outer surface pro- disease agents.
teins and secretion systems, once referred to as ‘virulence
factors’, are also in bacteria that have a non-pathogenic The evolutionary transition between mutualists and
relationship with their hosts (reviewed in Ref. 64). organelles. Contrary to the assumed instability of
Other factors, such as the immune status of the host mutualistic relationships, obligate primary endosymbionts
and regulatory systems that turn on the right genes at of animals provide the proof of principle that such
the right times and places, may be as important for the relationships can be stably maintained for exten-
outcome of the infection as the gene complement of sive time periods10. What is the key to stability of a
the infectious agent. Importantly, infections in a new cooperative biological system? Genome size minimiza-
host, where such interactions have not yet been fine- tion is an efficient way to prevent the endosymbionts
tuned by selection, may shift the balance from a chronic from reverting to autonomy or changing partners, sug-
infection to an acute and highly virulent infection. gesting that the small genome sizes may not only be an
effect of the population dynamics of intracellular bacte-
Maternal transmission. The next switch — evolution ria but are perhaps also driven by selection at the host
from a pathogenic or commensal relationship to obli- level. Likewise, the lack of mobile elements in obligate
gate mutualism, in which both partners become depend- mutualistic bacteria adapted to a single host species
ent on each other for survival — requires a stable and prevents the acquisition of novel genes and counters
effective transmission route among host generations. diversification processes51,65.
Maternal inheritance is the mechanism most frequently The host, however, has the option of evolving new
used in invertebrate hosts to ensure transmission of the cooperative interactions to complement the deteriorating
endosymbiont along with the host genomes to the next endosymbiont genome. The highly reduced genome of
generation. Once such a transmission route is established the Buchnera aphidicola strain BCc — an endosymbiont
in a bacterial host population, selection for functions of the aphid Cinara cedri — is only 420 kb and so illus-
that benefit the host could lead to obligate mutualism. trates genome deterioration86. This endosymbiont has
a genus that uses various different strategies to only retained a few genes located on plasmids for tryp-
ensure its spread by maternal transmission is Wolbachia. tophan biosynthesis (trpE and trpG) and seems to have
These bacteria may induce reproductive disorders in the lost its role as a supplier of tryptophan. Interestingly, the
arthropod host populations by male killing, feminization, ‘missing’ genes (trpD, trpC, trpB and trpA) were found
parthenogenesis and cytoplasmic incompatibility 77,78. in the genome of a secondary symbiont, ‘Candidatus
Mutualistic relationships have been described for Serratia symbiotica’ strain SCc87. although the tiny
Wolbachia spp. and nematodes77, in which antibiotic genome of BCc seems to be undergoing degeneration
treatments result in fitness decline, reduced growth rates, towards extinction, its support from SCc has established
delayed moulting and even death of the nematode79,80. a new selection constraint that will temporarily stabilize
The genome of the Wolbachia pipientis strain wBm, the triad. Interestingly, it was noted that the proteome of
which is a mutualist of nematodes, is much smaller and BCc has a greater robustness to misfolding errors com-
contains fewer repeats than the genomes of Wolbachia pared to its sister Buchnera lineages, which have slightly
strains that cause reproductive disorders in arthropods81. larger genomes88.
This finding is consistent with genome reduction during an even smaller genome is that of the endosymbiont
long-term mutualistic associations. More recently evolved of psyllids, ‘Candidatus Carsonella rudii’ (Ref. 2). analysis
Virulence mutualistic relationships between Wolbachia spp. and of its 160 kb genome has sparked speculation about the
The ability to cause disease by insects have also been discovered: it was found that an existence of other bacteria that provide some of its seem-
breaking down the protective obligate bacteriocyte-associated strain of Wolbachia pro- ingly missing functions89. The smallest bacterial genome
mechanisms of the host.
vides vitamin B to its host, the common bedbug Cimex sequenced to date, that of ‘Candidatus Hodgkinia’, is only
Primary endosymbiont lectularius 82. This shows that mutualistic interactions 140 kb and contains no more than 169 protein-coding
An obligate mutualistic may arise in maternally inherited lineages82. genes1. This genome shares several features with mito-
endosymbiont that is Other examples of switches between effects on chondrial genomes, such as the small size and reassign-
essential for host survival
host phenotypes are provided by the genus Rickettsia, ment of the stop codon uGa to tryptophan owing to loss
and reproduction. Primary
endosymbionts are often which comprises pathogens of vertebrates83, reproduc- of genes for ribosome release factors.
located in bacteriocytes and tive manipulators of arthropod hosts and bacteriocyte- Other possible ways to ‘rescue’ functions that are
are maternally transmitted associated mutualists84. Mobile elements and genes lost from deteriorating genomes, and thereby stabilize
between host generations. for outer surface structures that were acquired at the a mutualistic relationship, would be to transfer endo-
base of the Rickettsia lineage are deteriorating and this symbiont genes to the nuclear genome of the host or to
small sap-sucking insects, also process is particularly rapid in the pathogenic strains5. evolve such functions de novo in the nuclear genome.
known as ‘jumping plant lice’. Rickettsia and Wolbachia are sister genera and it is For example, recent findings reveal HGTs from the

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Box 3 | Applications of new technologies to studies of host-associated bacteria

Recent technological developments in genomics and synthetic biology will be paramount to further our understanding
of host-adapted bacteria.
next-generation sequencing
The whole-genome DNA amplification method has been an important development for studies of host-associated
bacteria as it allows sequencing from a small number of cells. A drawback is that this method only recovers 70– 95% of a
bacterial genome115,116 and often produces chimaeras117. However, the thousands of intracellular bacterial cells in, for
example, the bacteriocytes of insects, provide substantial amounts of bacterial DNA from a single bacterial species in
comparison to conventional single cell projects. Combined with longer read sequences to help close repeats, an
imminent future prospect is the sequencing of endosymbiont genomes from individual insect hosts.
Metagenomics118,119 enables the study of bacterial communities and holds great promise for host-adapted bacteria.
The invertebrate or vertebrate host represents a semi-complex growth vessel for bacteria that is far from being as
taxonomically diverse as the open ocean or the soil. Metagenomics allows the complete bacterial gene content to be
characterized in different parts of the host body and, in the case of vector-borne bacteria, in both vectors and hosts.
Investigating the distribution of genes in the bacterial communities of different tissues can yield information on the flux of
genes across bacterial species and the extent to which cells and tissues in the host body present barriers to such a flux.
synthetic biology
Understanding the metabolic fluctuation dynamics of bacteria in their interaction with the host is essential for predicting
host-adaptive processes. Recent analyses of the transcriptome, proteome and metabolic networks of the cell-surface
parasite Mycoplasma pneumoniae have shown how complex cellular machineries can be constructed from small gene
sets through protein multi-functionality120–122. However, many obligate intracellular bacteria cannot be cultivated in the
laboratory, but synthetic biology123–125 may be able to revolutionize our understanding of naturally evolved minimal
genomes126. Designing synthetic genomes is a combinatorial problem because the order of genes being added is dependent
on the context created by the pre-existing genes. Different combinations of genes may lead to different outcomes and
this is coupled with the difficulty of predicting interactions between the bacterial cell and its host. There is not a single
solution to this problem; rather, it is equivalent to being in a fitness landscape where the initial location of the genome in
the overall evolutionary space determines its final possible composition. Here, there is much to learn from computer
simulations127 and the many independent downsizings of obligate intracellular bacterial genomes in nature. Linking
synthetic biology with studies of obligate intracellular bacteria is therefore of mutual interest to both research fields.

bacterium Wolbachia pipientis to its host Drosophila Systematic sequencing efforts should now be initiated
ananassae90. It is thought that this HGT includes most of to get a better resolution of phylogenetic relationships,
the 1 Mb Wolbachia pipentis genome90. Similarly, trans- with a specific focus on the identification of ‘missing
fers of complete mitochondrial genomes to the nuclear links’ that may help to show previously unknown natu-
genome occur relatively frequently 91. Interestingly, ral reservoirs for disease agents. It is equally important to
Wolbachia-like genes have recently been identified in the compile a catalogue of genes for outer surface structures,
nuclear genomes of aphids harbouring Buchnera endo- the evolution and inheritance pattern of which are atypical
symbionts92, suggesting that functional complementa- of the genome as a whole and therefore are associated with
tion may be achieved not only by direct HGTs from the a particular phenotype or putatively affected by selection.
endosymbiont to the nuclear genome of its host but also Such knowledge is crucial to our understanding of host
through HGTs from other infecting bacteria93. switches and the difference between virulent and non-
Given that the sizes of the smallest endosymbionts virulent strains. It has become increasingly clear that the
are within the range of organelles and that transfers to acquisition of special virulence or symbioses genes is often
the nuclear genome have been shown, could these bac- not enough to confer a virulence or symbiotic phenotype
teria eventually evolve into organelles? In order for this to a recipient bacterium. Rather, the mutualistic or patho-
to happen, the functions provided to the host must be genic phenotype is dependent on genes required for pre-
essential to all or most cells in the body. adaptation to the intracellular milieu. Modifications of the
bacterial repertoire of host-adaptability genes can then
Conclusions and future perspectives shift the balance towards mutualism or pathogenicity.
The recent studies of host-adapted bacteria have given The new technologies developed in single cell genom-
a more nuanced view of bacterial evolution than that ics, metagenomics and synthetic biology hold great hope for
obtained previously from studies of free-living bacterial studies of obligate intracellular bacteria (BOX 3). For exam-
model organisms. although genome reduction is an ple, whole genome amplification methods will facilitate
overriding theme, different selective forces are operat- genomic studies of host-associated bacteria for which only
ing on the bacterial genome during different stages of limited amounts of Dna are available94. Metagenomics
Metagenomics host–bacterium interactions. These forces can lead to will reveal how genes interact in bacterial consortia that
The functional and a dramatic expansion in genes for outer surface struc- inhabit the same hosts and tissues and how these interac-
sequence-based analysis
of the collective microbial
tures in the early stages, and to an extreme reduction in tions affect the outcome of the infection. exciting recent
genomes contained in an genome size and an almost complete integration with the work in synthetic biology holds promise in providing tools
environmental sample. host in the later stages. to study the function of genes under non-conventional

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or controlled experimental conditions. Progress in single system can counteract the irreversible consequences of the
cell transcriptomic techniques95 will enable more detailed genetic drift events resulting from the small effective pop-
analyses of host Rna expression patterns in different cells ulation sizes of the symbionts. Future studies should aim
and tissues in response to the infection. Finally, the ‘down- to explore the generality of this phenomenon as this would
loading’ of bacterial genes to the nuclear genome of the shed light on the success of a fundamental mechanism
host represents a mechanism whereby the host–symbiont in generating organismal diversity and complexity.

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