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17 de diciembre de 2015, nmero 1 ILIMITADO

MACABIM Tradicin?







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Helena (mitologa)
MU 4

Para otros usos de este trmino, vase Helena.

Artculo bueno

Crtera tica de figuras rojas (detalle de la cabeza de

Helena). 450-440 a. C. MuseodelLouvre, Pars.
Helena (en griego antiguo , que significa
"antorcha"1 ), a veces conocida como Helena de Troya o
Helena de Esparta, es un personaje de la mitologa griega;
cuyo nombre hace referencia a "luz que brilla en la
oscuridad"; su leyenda es aludida por casi todos los
Crtera tica de figuras
mitgrafos clsicos. Era considerada hija de Zeus y
rojas (detalle de la
pretendida por muchos hroes debido a su gran belleza. Fue
cabeza de Helena).
seducida o raptada por Paris, prncipe de Troya, lo que dio
450-440 a. C. Museo del
origen a la Guerra de Troya.
Louvre, Pars.



MU 5


JANUKA se le otorgaran a l y a su familia privilegios
especiales y una recompensa monetaria.
Matitihu orgullosa y pblicamente declar su
determinacin a permanecer firme a la religin de sus
Historia antepasados.
Mientras Matitihu estaba proclamando su desafo, otro
LA LUCHA Y LA VICTORIA DE LOS JASHMONAM Entre los judo se aproxim al altar para ofrecer el sacrificio.
hroes de este perodo hubo una mujer valerosa, Jan (Ana), Matitihu se tanto ante esta descarada profanacin del
y sus siete hijos. Fueron capturados y llevados ante el rey. A Santo Nombre de Di-s que tom una espada y mat no
pesar de terribles torturas, ellos se negaron a inclinarse ante slo al judo renegado sino tambin a los emisarios
sirios del rey.
el dolo del rey. Todos los siete murieron al kidush Hashem Matitihu entonces proclam pblicamente que
antes que transgredir la Tor. Su madre los quienquiera que tuviera fervor por la Tor y sus mitzvot
apoy y los anim valerosamente a permanecer lo siguiera.
firmes en su creencia en YHWH y Su Tor. Despus de ver Luego Matitihu y sus hijos dejaron todo atrs y huyeron
a todos los a las montaas, donde otros judos temerosos de Di-s se
les unieron. La revuelta haba comenzado. batalla. Con
la ayuda del Todopoderoso, y bajo el liderazgo de s
siete de sus hijos perecer santificando el Santo Nombre de Di- hijos de Matitihu, los judos obtuvieron la victoria
s, Jan subi a un tejado y salt hacia su muerte. Estos sobre sus enemigos, que eran por lejos superiores a
sirvieron como inspiracin a sus hermanos judos para resistir ellos desde el punto de vista militar.
todos Despus de que el malvado Antoco muri, su hijo Eopater
(Eupator) se convirti en rey de Siria. Eopater no era
mejor que su padre. Control uno de los ejrcitos ms
los intentos enemigos de destruir su religin. grandes conocidos en aquel tiempo. Estaba compuesto
Hubo otros judos, no obstante, que eligieron rebelarse de una fuerza de ms de 70,000 hombres e inclua
contra esta opresin. Esto marc la primera vez en la historia infantera, caballera, elefantes de guerra y carros de
de la humanidad que una nacin luchara por la libertad de combate. El ejrcito de Antoco estaba tambin mejor
rendir culto de acuerdo con su propia religin. entrenado que el de los Macabeos. Siguiendo a la muerte
de Matitihu, los judos, bajo el liderazgo de Iehud Ha-
En aquellos tiempos turbulentos, Matitihu el Jashmona Macab, estaban determinados a luchar hasta el final.
(Matatas el Asmoneo), hijo de Iojann el Kohn Gadol, Oraron a Di-s que los ayudara en su santa causa.
viva en Ierushalaim. Cuando la opresin griega se hizo Los Macabeos lucharon valientemente, destruyendo un
insostenible en su ciudad, l y su familia se mudaron al batalln tras otro, pero pareca no haber fin a las
pueblo de Modin en las afueras de Ierushalaim. El abarrotadas masas l enemigo.
Sbitamente, Elazar, hermano de Iehud, not un
terror, no obstante, los elefante de guerra que estaba decorado de manera
ms elaborada y ms fuertemente custodiado que los
sigui incluso hasta all. Cierto da aparecieron los oficiales del otros. Ese elefante debe llevar al rey, pens Elazar; si lo
rey y erigieron un altar a fin de ofrecer un sacrificio a la manera mato, la victoria ser nuestra.
pagana. Le ordenaron al anciano Matitihu dar un ejemplo para Sin pensar en su propia vida, Elazar se apresur en
direccin elefante. Luch en su camino hacia el
todos en el pueblo cooperando con las autoridades sirias. A guardia, matando a su derecha e izquierda, hasta
cambio, alcanzar al decorado elefante. Elazar entonces clav su
lanza dentro de la parte inferior de la bestia. El inmenso
animal se quebr, matando a su jinete. Pero el heroico
Elazar perdi tambin su vida, atrapado bajo el aplastante
Bajo el liderazgo de Matitihu demolieron los altares erigidos peso del elefante.
por los paganos. Aun cuando Matitihu yaca en su lecho de No fue al rey al que Elazar haba matado, sino a uno de
muerte, les dijo a sus hijos: Ahora, hijos mos, tengan fervor sus altos generales. Sin embargo el acto de valenta de
por la Tor y entreguen sus vidas por el pacto de sus Elazar inspir a sus hermanos, y siguieron luchando.
Las probabilidades estaban fuertemente contra ellos, no
antepasados. obstante, y se encontraban en un gran peligro.
Les record a grandes y fieles judos del pasado El ejrcito de Iehud Ha-Macab derrot a todos los
tales como Avraham, David, Daniel, Janani, Mishael y mejores generales; por consiguiente, Antoco Eopater
Azari que pusieron u fe y confianza en el decidi hacer las paces con los judos. Los Macabeos
Todopoderoso y l, a su vez, los protegi del peligro. ignoraron el tratado y capturaron Ierushalaim. Los judos
entonces pasaron a restaurar y re-dedicar el Templo, que
No teman a las amenazas de un pecador, porque hoy haba sido profanado por
es exaltado y maana se convertir los griegos.
en polvo y sus planes se reducirn a la nada. Cuando fueron a encender la Menor, no pudieron
Fortalzcanse y n valientes por el bien de la Tor. halla aceite de oliva que no hubiera sido profanado
Matitihu no vivi para ver el resultado de los eventos por los griegos. Finalmente se hall una pequea botella
de aceite puro con el sello del Kohn Gadol an intacto.
que haba puesto en marcha. Antes de su muerte en el Era suficiente para arder durante slo un da. Pero dur
ao 166 A. de E.C., reuni a sus cinco hijos Shimn, ocho das, que era tiempo suficiente para obtener un
Iehud Ha-Macab (Jud el Macabeo), Elazar, Iojann y suministro fresco del territorio de la tribu de Asher, a
Ionatn en torno a l y les mand seguir el consejo cuatro das de viaje de Ierushalaim. Januc conmemora
de Shimn, pero ver a Iehud como su lder en la el milagro de la victoria militar de los judos y el milagro
del aceite.
MU 6


La Biblia no revela la fecha en que
naci Jess, ni dice que debamos
celebrar ese acontecimiento. Una
reconocida obra de consulta seala:
La celebracin de la Navidad no es
un mandato divino, ni tiene su origen
en Nuevo Testamento (Cyclopedia
of Biblical, Theological, and
Ecclesiastical Literature, de John
McClintock y James Strong).

Qu dice la Biblia?
Repasar la historia de la Navidad
deja claro que dicha celebracin
hunde sus races en ritos paganos.
La Biblia muestra que si adoramos a
Dios de un modo que l no aprueba,
en realidad lo ofendemos (xodo
Celebracin del nacimiento de
Antiguo Testamento y el Nuevo
Jess. Los primeros cristianos no Testamento de la Biblia estn dedicados a
celebraban el cumpleaos de
Cristo porque consideraban la religin del cristianismo??
estas festividades [...] como
reliquias de las prcticas EN ALGUN LADO HABLA DE ESTA
paganas (Las cosas nuestras de
cada da). CELEBRACION ?
Celebracin del nacimiento de Jess.
Los primeros cristianos no celebraban
el cumpleaos de Cristo porque La Importancia de sabre La Verdad
consideraban estas festividades [...] tiene alguna importancia o se atiende realmente que significa esta

como reliquias de las prcticas fiesta?
paganas (Las cosas nuestras de cada
da). Muchos saben que el origen de la Navidad es pagano, y aun as
El 25 de diciembre. No hay prueba de 1. la celebran. Descubra por qu los Mesianicos son diferentes.
que Jess haya nacido en esa fecha.
Al parecer, los lderes de la Iglesia Pero Prefieren seguir adelante aun contario a la palabra y
eligieron una fecha que coincidiera el mandfamiento de YHWH- TANAJ LEER EN HEBREO
con la poca de las celebraciones HIZO FIESTAS PARECIDAS Yaroveam instituy un festival en
paganas del solsticio de invierno. el octavo mes, en el decimoquinto da del mes, similar 1 Rey.
Adornos hechos con acebo y 2.
murdago. Los druidas atribuan
.El reino norteo de las diez tribus comenz a adoptar las
poderes mgicos al murdago en
prcticas paganas, festivales( PERO HOY YA SE DIO CUENTA)
particular. Las hojas de acebo eran 3.
veneradas como una promesa del
retorno del Sol. (The Encyclopedia
MU 8


YHWH alguna vez hizo pacto con otra nacion fuera de Israel?? ESCANEAR

El cristianismo 100% dira ignora o mejor dicho por querer ignorar las escrituras en su forma original donde contiene
'hebrasmos" erra en el entendimiento puro sin levadura de las escrituras ...en estos estudios y otros aprenderemos realmente y
lgicamente. Usando los trminos que se usan por mesinicos y se usaban en el primer siglo para dar definiciones conceptuales
adecuadas a la verdadera fe de un creyente la cual sta le daba y le dar a usted libertad genuina una ves asimile. Estos. Kitve
kakodesh.Escrituras-apartadas ....
Important movies on Christianity

Por supuesto que no, el Cristianismo en su escaso conocimiento de las Escrituras y en su deseo de hacer desaparecer la Tor
confunde Pacto con Tor, por eso el Cristianismo equvocamente llama Nuevo Testamento o Nuevo Pacto a las enseanzas
transmitidas por los Talmidim de Rabenu Iehosha y llama Viejo Testamento o Antiguo Pacto a los Escritos que hoy
conocemos como Tanaj (la Tor los Profetas y los Escritos).
Si la Brit Jadash consistiera en hacer una Nueva Tor el Eterno hubiese dicho: Pondr Mi Nueva Tor (Torat haJadash)
dentro de ellos, sin embargo lo que dice el profeta Iejezql (36:26-27) es Les dar un Lev jadsh(nuevo corazn) y pondr un
Ruaj jadash(nuevo Ruaj)... y pondr dentro de vosotros MiRuaj y har que anden en Mis Juqim (estatutos) y guarden y hagan
mis Mishpatim (juicios), porque como dijo Irmyahu (31.31-32): no conforme al Pacto que hice con sus padres... pondr Mi Tor
dentro de ellos, y en sus corazones la escribir..., es decir como nos ensea Shaul acorde a la profeca, bajo la Nueva Alianza
la Tor no est escrita en tablas o en un libro, sino que est dentro de los Hijos de Israel.
Irmyahu claramente dice: con la Casa de Israel y la Casa de Iehud (31.30), sin embargo el Cristianismo tergiversando
las palabras de nuestro Maestro, Iehosha de Natzrat, plantea que la Brit Jadash es para los gentiles. Para entender
apropiadamente las palabras de Iehosha debemos tener presente que l no fund una secta, sino que su misin es la
del Mashaj de Israel profetizando en la Tor y los Nvim, es decir que su misin es la de redimir a Israel y hacerlo una
luz en todo el mundo. Para mostrar esto veamos algunos ejemplos claves:
La ltima Pesaj con Rabenu fue el momento en que l establece la Brit Jadash para todo Israel (Bet Israel y Bet Iehud), sin
embargo este acontecimiento en manos del Cristianismo ha sido manipulado y falsificado, veamos realmente las palabras de

- Sefer Toldot Iehosha, 109 (Mt.): Tom la copa, dio alabanzas a su Padre, la dio a ellos y dijo: Beban de ella todos ustedes.
Esta es mi sangre de la Brit Jadash que ser derramada en razn de HaRabm (la Comunidad de Israel) para expiacin de las

la pelicula la pasion de
cristo nos revela en el
hebreo cuando escuchamos
relevantes ,descubrimos
en la misma pelicula saber y
apoyando lo que dice con
quien es el pacto- AQUI
MU 9


Conoce el concepto Hebreo de MEMRA??

definimos el concepto Memra


El antecede a todas las cosas

en l todas las cosas subsisten.

el primognito de entre los muertos


ANGEL del Covenio.

Qu significa "a Su imagen"EN HEBREO

En la Tor "a Su propia imagen" est escrito

como "Be Tselem Elohim Bar...". Tselem
significa una parte de Bina.cuando vemos
la palabra bereshit ya nos indica la imagen
pero no quiere decir que sea el padre sino la

Difiere de Biblias clasicas el concepto

al empezar con la letra B nos indica bar que

en hebreo es hijo tanto como Ben, asi que
claramente nos indica a un hijo no al padre.
Juan 1:1 En el principio era el MEMRA, y
el MEMRA era con haElohim, y el MEMRA
era poderosa.
Dos seres independientes con un mismo
sentido ,direccion, mision .
4. La Memra se encuentra
5. en el Targum Onkelos
7. 179 veces COL 11:5 El es
la imagen del Elohim
invisible, el primognito
de toda la creacin
Jainism, traditionally known as Jain dharma aims to
achieve liberation of the soul. According to tradition, the
founder of Jain religion was first Tirthankar, Adinath.
There were twenty four Tirthankaras and Mahavira was
the last of these. At the age of 30, he renounced family
life and became an ascetic.

Sections of Jain
Two major sects of Jain- the Digambara (naked) sect and the Svetambara (meaning white robes) sect. Each of these
sects is again branched into subgroups.

Apart from basics agreement they conflicts on:

1. Details of the life of Mahavira
2. The spiritual status of women
3. Whether monks should wear clothes
4. Rituals
5. Which texts should be approved as doctrine

The Digambara sect is solemnly closer in its ways to the Jains at the time of Mahavira.

Main Beliefs of Jainism-

Jainism is a religion of self-help. Mahavira believed in leading a simple life. He was against Vedic rules and animals
sacrifices. He told the people that the only way to escape the cycle of births and re-births is to lead a virtuous life. He
called upon his followers to adopt three jewels ( Tri- ratnas ) of life. These are- Right action, Right belief and Right

Mahavira did not believe in the caste system. He also had no faith in God and the Vedas. He laid emphasis on fasting
and meditation and believed in a rigorous discipline a the body.

Values: Jainism Upholds the Five values-

Satya (truth)
Brahamcharya (Celibacy)
Asteya (Not to receive anything which is not given).
Ahimsa (Non-violence)
Aprigraha (Non possessions of property)

Teachings of Jainism
Their teachings constitute the core religion of Jainism. The teachings of Jainism were passed from one person to
another orally. In the 4th century BC these were recorded into fourteen Purvas and arranged into twelve Angas. The
small additions of these texts were later called Upangas. Mahavira preached in the language of common man. He
organized a religious order of his followers who were sent out to southern and western India to spread the teachings but
never gone out of India.
MU 12

Judaism is not only an ancient Conservative Judaism
monotheistic religion of Jews but
also a race, a group and many
Prayers are supposed Conservative Judaism, well
known as Masorti that
more. It was the first among the
oldest traditions in the world. The
to be done 3 times a means traditional, is a
halfway between Orthodox
worldwide number of disciples of
Judaism is difficult, as some day as it is the only Judaism and Reform
Jewish movements discord the
authority of Jewish identity. means to get connect
Originality of Jewish includes both To pray is to serve God
Christianity and Islam. Judaism with the God. It is not Prayers are supposed to be
founded by Moses, originated in done 3 times a day as it is
the Middle East. just a set of rhyming the only means to get
connect with the God. It is
Jews are chosen people of God
There is a belief among Jews that
words but a way to not just a set of rhyming
words but a way to thank,
they are the ones appointed by
God to set an example of thank, praise and praise and request God.
holiness. The religion Judaism is
a set of ideas according to which request God. Customs of Judaism
the world should live and a Tefillin
complex phenomena to led a life. Sabbath
The Jewish view of God Kippah
Judaism is very much a
community of faith. Following are
the beliefs-
Judaism and abortion
1. There is only one God and no As many other religion do
other God exists. not permit to abort the
2. God can't be subdivided into foetus at any condition but
different subdivisions. Judaism allows abortion for
3. God is right here with every serious reasons. As from
individual. the ethical point of view
4. God exits without any foetus is not a person yet it
framework. should not be harmed. This
5. Judaism focuses on is a controversial point of
relationship between God and
view related to all other
In Hindu religion the most notable gods are Brahma the deity
of creation, Shiva the deity of destruction and Vishnu the
What is Hinduism- deity of preservation.
There was no founder of Hinduism, being itself a There are four Vedas-
group of different types of beliefs and traditions. It 1. Rig-Veda
is the worlds oldest prevalence community and 2. Samaveda
has almost billion followers of about 905 million 3. Yajurveda
live in India and Nepal. The most significant 4. Atharvaveda
characteristic of Hinduism is sincere faith in world
order and also in the cosmos. Hinduism is the only They contain hymns in praise of various God and
one which tends to survive while all other have Goddesses. The Rig-Veda is the oldest Vedic literature.
either died or are on their death beds in this age of These hymns in Rig-Veda are called Sukta meaning well
science and reason, because of the immortality said. The hymns were composed in Vedic Sanskrit.
the Vedic religion or Hinduism is that while
retaining its spiritual identity. Hinduism is the Unity of Multiplicity-
eternal Dharma which has been followed since The main significant contribution of Hinduism is a faith in
ancient times and which will be followed till unity in multiplicity. This faith originated since the
eternity. beginning of Hinduism is Rig-Veda, according to which,
They call it-Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and also heavenly;
The Salient Points of Hinduism- beautiful Craftsman- the real is one, through sages name
Parameshwara it variously. In Hindu religion the most notable gods are
Testimony of Vedas Brahma the deity of creation, Shiva the deity of
Definition of Merit and Demerits destruction and Vishnu the deity of preservation. Of these
Creation Shiva and Vishnu have been widely worshiped in India
Nature of Bondage giving rise to what are known as Shiva cults and
Liberation Vaishanavas cults. Beside these three important Gods
the Hindus worship incarnations of which Rama and
Social order
Krishna are the most popular. The Hindu believes that
each man and woman has a peculiar psycho- physical
The above are the most important silent features
vibration which requires different deities for best religious
of Hindu religion. It is based upon truth and human
nature. It aims at the welfare and progress of
entire humanity.
MU 15

Shinto is a religion that started in Japan
which has imposingness from Buddhism and
other Chinese religions. Shinto accredit no
all-powerful deity and is a various set of
eternally ritual and ceremonies, rather than a
system of ethics. Shinto accredited variety of
Gods (kami) which are the powers of nature
and associated with such things as trees,
animals, mountains, boulders, sprigs, the
sun, and sometimes manes. So these are
recognised as gods and they are later eaten.

Unlike sutras and Bible, Shinto do not any

author. Infact their way of preaching and
publicity also differs.

According to Shinto religion-

There are no whole in Shinto. The purpose of most Shinto rituals is to keep
There is an imperfection in everyone it
away vile soul by purification prayers and
means no-one is neither right nor wrong offerings to the kami.
Shinto is an optimistic faith.

The purpose of most Shinto rituals is to Important Feature of Shinto-

keep away vile soul by purification
prayers and offerings to the kami. 1. Art are shrine architecture

Shinto worship in shirines and the homes of 2. Cultivation and preservation of ancient art
kami. Shinto regularly celebrate matsuri
(festivals) in order to show the kami the 3. Calligraphy and court music (gagaku)
outside world.
4. A primal dance music that commenced in the
All the rituals of this custom is performed by
the preacher. The religion is described as an cloister of Tang China (618 - 907).
action-centred which mainly focuses on the
diligently carry of functions. They consists There is no author for holy scripts of Shinto religion,
neither a single holy book nor a known but later on kojiki appeared as a written Shinto
founder. mythology and Nihon Shoki as the directory of kami's
actions in establishing Japan and the Japanese
MU 16


El cristianismo es una
religin con el
reconocimiento de Jess
que es Dios, como el
nico Dios. Ellos creen
en la Trinidad es decir,
en Dios Padre,dios Hijo
y dios Espritu Santo.

Religin ms dominado el mundo, el cristianismo se basa en las enseanzas y milagros de Jess y sus discpulos son
llamado "cristianos". El ser que ha motivado la manera ms efectiva las concepciones y la suerte de la humanidad,
es Jesucristo. El cristianismo se origin en la Palestina juda, una provincia del Imperio Romano y ahora tiene cerca de unos 2,4
mil millonesadeptos en todo el mundo. Su libro sagrado es sagrado 'La Biblia'

El cristianismo es una religin pagana porque?

Veamos los puntos para apoyarnos en lo que decimos
Veremos algunos puntos que coiciden con culturas . egipcia, babilonica , griega
En apariencia o dicen "ellos" son israel espiritual, cuando eso no existe en las escrituras

Dicen seguir al pie de la letra la biblia

No se han dado cuenta que la biblia" es un libro hebreo y que difiere 100% de una iglesia..
1. La Iglesia primitiva romana deliberadamente adopt un gran nmero de ritos paganos, festivales y creencias.
2. la relacin entre Jess y ciertos dioses paganos
3. El cristianismo dice no tener coneccion con tradiciones de hombres
4. Si tiene tradiciones y son de Roma , pues manda sobre toda igelsia
5 razones para abandonar el cristianismo
uso de Mismos nombres Falsos
Mismas fiestas que Roma

Misma teologia de el reemplazo-Israel fue destituido del pacto.

Son Politeistas , creen en 3 dioses , asi , dio pader dios hijo dios espiritu santo. esto no existe en las escrituras .
Frases del cristianismo
Christianity has three major divisions i.e. Protestantism, Catholicism & Eastern Orthodoxy. It is important to observe that the
author of the Christian religion had a impression widely differing from the husky imaginations of the filthy relatively to the ruling
Power of the universe.
Es posible que el cristianismo y el paganismo
tengan ms en comn de lo que
nuestras autoridades cristianas
estn dispuestas a admitir? CLICK CRISTIANISMO=MITYRAISMO
MU 18

The youngest major religion of the world is Sikhism. Even though
Sikhism is one of the largest, it is the least understood traditions.
The shrinkage of knowledge about the cult has lead to many
consequences including political and social violence.

Must known facts about Sikhs

The Sikh observance carries the vital markers of arranged religion
counting their own author (Guru Nanak), holy book (Guru Granth
Sahib), practice and custom (rahit), and community centres
(gurdwara). Many people think Sikhism to be the blend of Islamic
and Hinduism community which originated in the Punjab region of
northwest India.

The ultimate deity is known by several names: - Sat, Sat Guru,

Akal Purakh, Kartar, and Wahi-Guru.

Sikhs beliefs:
Five commodity of truth-
Sikhs have five commodity of truth also known as Kakaars are:
1. Kesh- to live the true will of God
2. Kanga- to clean your hair
3. Kara- to restrain from evil deeds
The Sikh observance
4. Kirpan- emblem of courage carries the vital
5. Kachehra- symbolizes to live faithful life.
markers of arranged
Five Vices to get rid off-
According to Sikh lifestyle one must get rid of these five vices: religion counting
Krodh their own author
Lobh (Guru Nanak), holy
book (Guru Granth
The 12 o'clock joke
People often crack 12 o'clock jokes on Sikhs without being aware Sahib), practice and
of its origin. If Sikhs know the truth they might be feel proud.
Earlier when Mughal were terror for all Hindus, Guru Gobind Singh
custom (rahit), and
Ji made a resolution that he would convert their followers into such
persons who can fight for their religion so he made a troop. They
community centres
were less in number as compared to Mughal so they decided to
fight at midnight. He did so and won too. Thereafter people start
saying that Sikhs mind works only at midnight.
Los mesianicos somos distintas personas de todas partes del mundo de distintas lenguas
que hemos descubierto a traves de la curiosidad o atraccion,llamado,estudio,distintas
herramientas que creemos que el padre celestial a usado para que muchos vengan a la
emet-verdad .La mayoria ha estado y tenido experiencia en el cristianismo
no podemos decir la mayoria que hemos nacido en una cultura hebrea
ni alguna conexion con fiestas,shabats,comidas, vestimentas ,etc no, pero por la gran
misericordia y gracia de Hashem hemos descubierto que habiamos estado en una mentira
muy grande.- Asi que nos pusimos a estudiar,escudriar,comprobar y comparar.
Miremos algunas pruebas descubiertas

Yo solo eh venido por las ovejas perdidas de Israel : Mat 15:24

Los primeros creyentes en Yeshua formaron una secta juda conocida

como los "Nazarenos" o en hebreo Notzrim (Hechos 11:19; 24:5). En
Hechos 24:5 vemos que se refieren a ellos como "la secta de los Nazarenos".
No slo interactuaron con gran facilidad dentro dcl judasmo, sino que
"disfrutaron del favor de todo el pueblo." (Hechos 2:47). Jernimo, "el padre de la
Iglesia" (siglo IV) describi a estos nazarenos como aqullos
"quienes aceptan al Mesas de tal manera que no cesan de observar la Ley
antigua" (Jernimo; sobre Isaas 8:14). Asi que por ende cada creyente en el siglo 1 no era
cristiano sino Hebreo con todo el paquete de la ley de moises no dejando de hacerla
Asi que descubrimos que no existia el cristianismo en las escrituras , que las escrituras esta
hecha por hebreos y para un entendimiento hebreo cosa que el sistema cristiano dista de
este conocimiento para su cumplimiento .En ningun lado se dice que ellos se hicieron
llamar cristianos sino que le llamaron-no es igual ..

Por supuesto que los primeros seguidores de Yeshua no abandonaron la

identidad, herencia y cultura judas para "convertirse" a una religin nueva o
extranjera. Para muchos el concepto de judos creyentes en Yeshua y la
prctica del judasmo son trminos contradictorios. El sentido comn
dice que por un lado usted tiene a los judos y al judasmo, y por el otro a los
gentiles y al cristianismo. Sin embargo, en el primer siglo hubo
literalmente cientos de miles de seguidores de Yeshua (Hechos 2:41, 47;
4:4; 6:7; 9:31; 2120); celosos por la Torah (Hechos 15:19-21; 21:17-27) y se
reunan en las sinagogas (Santiago 1:1, 2:2)
(Hechos 11:26). Ellos se llamaban a si mismos "hermanos" o seguidores "del Camino"
Por lo tanto por eso somos mesianicos -Volvimos a ser los reales dicipulos de un rabi judio.
Faith is a must have, because without it we can't please God (Hebrews So start thinking of the so called "bad" things that happen
11:6). And since faith is of such importance to a Christian, I wanted to in your life as trust exercises. Let Jesus prove that he is
share how you can increase your faith in Jesus. who he says he is in your life. He wants to calm the
raging storms in your life, he wants you to step out on the
First off I want to ask you a question. Between a random stranger and water with him, he wants you to just fall back and let him
your parents, who would you trust more? I'm almost certain you will pick catch you, he wants to build your faith.
your parents. But why would you trust your parents more than you would
a stranger? The answer is simply because you know your parents, but My Final key to increasing your faith in Jesus is so
you don't know the stranger, so most likely you wouldn't trust them. simple, yet so unknown, and or overlooked... because of
how simple it is. One of the simplest things you can do to
So now that we've established that you can't really trust someone you increase your faith in Jesus is ask him to increase your
don't know, how can we trust Jesus if we don't know him? The key to faith. In Mark chapter 9, there was a man who brought
increasing your faith in Jesus is by building a relationship with him. Think his possessed son to Jesus. The man told Jesus "if you
about you and your best friend. The trust that you guys have in each can do anything, take pity on us and help us", and Jesus
other now is significantly greater than when you first met. And that's said "if you can?" all things are possible for one who
because now you guys have a very strong relationship that had to be built believes" then the man instantly said "I do believe, but
up, and it's no different with Jesus. The more you spend quality time with help me overcome my unbelief!"
him in his presence, and the more you realize that he's always with you
through The Holy Spirit and began building a personal relationship with This man felt like most of us feel today, he had faith, but
him, the more your faith will increase. he knew his faith level wasn't where it should be, and all
he did was ask Jesus to increase his faith, and we can
Now another key to increased faith in Jesus is experience. How do you do the same. Simply ask and you will receive.
know you can trust your best friend? Not because they said "you can trust
me", but because they've shown you that you can trust them, actions If you apply these powerful keys, your faith in Jesus will
mean so much more than words. Think about the first disciples. They definitely increase.
started with little faith also, but with the combination of knowing Jesus
personally and experiencing him proving that he was who he said he was
over and over again, their faith in him grew.

One of the simplest

things you can do to
increase your faith in
Jesus is ask him to
increase your faith.
MU 22


Last evening I received a phone call from a friend who
said he wanted to make sure I was doing well.

He was concerned that I might be discouraged

following some things that were said by people we
both know at a church we attend.

I suppose if I wasn't so driven by what I think God

wants me to do I would have reason to be upset by
those people. But I view my church relations a little
differently than most. For you see:

God is my connection to the church.

The church is not my connection to God.
Some may find this difficult to understand.

Many people get caught in a maze of confusion as they spend more time, energy and attention with
church friends and very little, by comparison, with God. And then, when any misunderstandings occur
they become large issues because they're so disruptive.

Some may even think this is wrong or at least ill-advised.

But I've come to the place in my life where church is my ministry and I make every attempt to be a producer of ministry and not a
consumer. That philosophy requires a person to focus a great amount of attention toward God and to spend time with Him in prayer,
meditation and study. It's a real commitment that requires determination.

Many people get caught in a maze of confusion as they spend more time, energy and attention with church friends and very little, by
comparison, with God. And then, when any misunderstandings occur they become large issues because they're so disruptive.

Our connection to Jesus should be so strong as to automatically help us keep everything else in perspective.

Then, if I'm misunderstood at church, I can make amends and can repair relationships with no damage to my courage and zeal for the

God never criticizes us. He never says things behind our backs. He never looks the other way when we seek confirmation of our
friendship. So, our relationship is never disruptive.

When friendships are challenged by crises, our whole life is disrupted. It affects our appetite, our sleep and our entire life. But, when our
friendships on earth are secondary, and Jesus is primary, these challenges don't penetrate and affect us in the same way. We're able to
deal with them in a loving manner without the same amount of disruption.

When some people get upset with a friend at church, they boycott church meetings. Some might stay away for months or even years
because of something that was said. And when this happens it's a "consumer" mentality. But to have a "producer" mentality is much
healthier and influences our reaction to these types of challenges. It brings us back in order to serve God in a capacity appropriate for
our talents and skills.

So, let me ask:

Is the church your connection to God or is God your connection to the church?
MU 23


Turn to the book of Joel, chapter 3, verses 2 and following. vs. 7-8. Not only will Jewish slaves be freed, but
the tables will be turned on those who did the
v. 2. When God wraps up history He will make public His
damage. Israel will have been appropriately judged
feelings about Israel by gathering all the nations to a final
showdown. This is spelled out in John's Revelation. Those
and restored, and now the track record of those
who have divided up Israel improperly (as is true quite who have done the punishing must be addressed.
dramatically in our day) will have a price to pay. Those who
brought such evil pressure on them as to make them leave General Judgment again, and the valley of
Israel for places all over the world, these too will pay. Jehoshaphat. 3:9-17

v. 3. Here is described the callous treatment of Jews by Those who have hurt His people are now called
Romans, Romanists, and others who despised Israel and out for their sin and told to gather for their ultimate
Israel's God. They all will be judged on that final day. judgment. But here we are catapulted back to a far
distant future, beyond even where we are today,
Judgment of Tyre, Sidon, Philistines, and why. 3:4-8
when the Judge of all the Earth will bring things to
Once again there is a change of scenery, and Joel sees a bloody end. It is Jesus Christ Who has been
things that are right at hand or at least in the near future. In chosen to do this awful work, and He will do it with
God's eyes, judgment is judgment, and those who need to be precise measure.
judged shall be, regardless of the time involved.
v. 9 All nations called to war.
v. 4. The nations are asked, "Are you trying to get even with
Me." And then they are reminded that it is God who shall have v. 10. Not Isaiah's "swords into plowshares" but the
the final response. opposite for now.
v. 5. We read of Babylon and others, even in the Scriptures,
who took away the treasures of the Temple, and used them in
v. 11. What a spectacle is being announced.
their own worship. God does not take any of this lightly, Warriors from above, from below, from East and
although He did use these pagan nations to punish His West, gather together. This is the final match
people. between good and evil.

v. 6. Atrocities committed against Jews: sold as slaves, even v. 12. The valley of Jehoshaphat is once again
as God had foretold via Moses hundreds of years before. named as the location. This is not heavenly
Intricate is the wisdom of the Lord. Here are nations that warfare. The battle has come to Earth. In time and
already are displeasing to God, whose hearts have been in a place. You wanted to challenge the God of
hardened against the God of Israel, as Pharaoh's heart. He
Heaven? This is your chance to prove what you
allows them to go their evil direction even in regards to His
people, then catches them in the trap of His judgment later.
Who has known the mind of the Lord?
God will punish the punishers!


En la parasha Miketz, se relata cmo Iosef se elev a la realeza, al reinado, siendo nombrado segundo del
Luego se extendi la hambruna que haba en la tierra de Canaan, y lleg realmente a todo el mundo.
Sus hermanos bajaron a Egipto por primera vez, luego volvieron, y sucedi toda la historia que cuenta la
Tor. Luego les llev mucho tiempo poder regresa, F
Vaiomr Shalom, laavadeja, laavinu odenu jai, vaikd vaishtajav. Y le dijeron: Shalom a tu siervo a
nuestro padre, todava vive, inclinaron sus cabezas y se postrernaron.
Yosef hace un pedido muy especial,que elevaran sus huesos cuando salieran de .mitzrayim Hashem los
redima de la tierra de Egipto, wehalitem et atzmotai miz itjem, y elevarn mis huesos con ustedes, y
tomarn mis huesos.Sabemos que el "Yen hebreo es muy creacion YHWH
en los primeros versiculos siempre esta la Y presente que en hebreo es WE pero a la vez esta letra

we es una waw en hebreo es ,esta letra en hebreo representa
un clavo de union , un hombre justo-Tzadik.
La torah esta codificada y hay que saber leer estos codigos, la plabra para codigo en hebreo es "sefer
guardado en la torah para la restauracion de los ultimos tiempos y uniremos algo muy importante ,
Porque Yosef habra pedido que saquen sus huesos ??
Asi que ahora veremos un codigo-sefer en este pedir de y Hemos visto la frase wehalitem et atzmotai,
(mis hueos) miz itjem la palabra atzmot -hueos , porque ?? bueno dijimos esta palabra quiere
decir , huesos ,pero conocemos otra palabra de la misma raiz atzmut.escencia
Los huesos de Iosef, son algo muy importante en la Tor, como est escrito. Y tom Moshe
os de Iosef consigo cuando salieron de Egipto. All interpretan la palabra atzamot, huesos,
como atzmut, esencia, y justamente Mosh Rebeinu tiene que ocuparse de los
huesos de Iosef porque est conectado con Iosef. As como Iosef es rey tambin Y habr un rey en
Ieshurn, Mosh es el rey. Necesita esta conexin con Mosh, y como es sabido que Mosh ms
543 , " = "sm [ "azebaC se fesoI y 156 = 501], l es la cabeza del pueblo de
lsrael etc.
tc. etc.
Gnesis 1,26. El nmero 26 es el total de Yod, He, Waw, He YHWH . casualidad??
Es sabido que en el cuerpo del hombre hay 4 niveles: huesos, tendones, carne y piel,
correspondientes a Havai, ---, entonces si slo eres huesos, aunque es el nivel ms interior,
ms atzmit-esencial, que tienes, le iud del Nombre de Dios, pero dnde estn todas las
vestimentas?! Porque todo este mundo se cre para la vestimenta, los levushim, y tambin sola
parte esencial de la vida aqu, hacen falta los tendones, la carne y la piel para ser a imagen de
Dios, betzelem Elokim.
Y he aqu que todo desapareci de Iosef, todas las vestimentas desaparecieron y slo quedan
huesos, quedo el shem del eterno- la escencia - SI TIENES EL NOMBRE TIENESLA VIDA YOEL 2:32

God's voice does not condemn us,
but it does speak truth, and that
may involve temporary
humiliation. God affirms us and
never cuts us down. God saves us
and won't surrender us to evil
forces. But we must choose to
discern his voice.

LISTENING is the true art and mastery of prayer, but the mere fact of listening also requires discernment... much!

This is an article more about prayer than about voices inside our heads - for those concerned about feeling schizophrenic.
These 'voices' we hear are really our thoughts as we're listening along, trying to be guided how to live our lives. The trouble
is we're so easily confused as to where these thoughts come from (God or the enemy) and where they might take us.

Because we have so little information about all the dynamics we'd otherwise need to be aware of in life, we make
assumptions. When we act on the basis of a little information, padded out by assumptions, our destiny is fraught.

So, these 'voices' or thoughts we get, in the flow of our real lives, can be very harmful. But they can also be helpful, if we're
hearing from God, himself. So very often we aren't. Bear this in mind.

I know in my own life the amount of times I've acted on thoughts I got that I thought were good - from God. My actions
always back-fired, no matter how well intended they were, when my thoughts weren't from the Spirit.

So this is more about screening our thoughts by discernment. We can know these things:

1. God's voice does not condemn us, but it does speak truth, and that may involve temporary humiliation. God affirms us
and never cuts us down. God saves us and won't surrender us to evil forces. But we must choose to discern his voice.

2. Satan is the Accuser and his voice accuses. Whenever we start saying to ourselves, "Yeah, look at how useless, stupid
and worthless you are... what a joke," we can know where that thought come from - Satan, not God.

3. God's voice might caution us to pray about matters, to search more the Word (particularly Proverbs), or to see a valued
and trusted mentor - even a combination of these. God wants us to slow down and wait before doing anything decisive that
might bring harm to others or to ourselves.

4. Satan speaks words of fear ever subtly into our subconscious, so we act on these thoughts without even thinking. They
too easily become us. Too easily we begin to believe horrible things about ourselves, what others might think, and worse,
what God might think. Then, if we don't act on repelling these thoughts, they can compel us to take regrettable action.

5. God's Spirit speaks in truth and love. No matter what we've done, God speaks in soft and accepting tones. How
wonderful that the Spirit admonishes us in ways we hear the truth yet know we're loved.
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