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Speaking and Writing

1) Read aloud
a) Within the 30 seconds provided to prepare, read the text and understand the meaning,
observe the punctuation and arrange it into phrases so that it will convey message with
appropriate tone when you read, figure out the words that may be new to you and how
to pronounce it.
b) Start speaking after you hear a tone, 40 seconds time to read the text is more than
enough, so you dont need to rush, speak at your natural rate stressing central words of
the text and not stressing prepositions.
2) Repeat sentence
a) Audio begins to play automatically.
b) There is no short tone, start speaking when status box shows Recording
c) Stay focused to listen and understand the phrasing of the sentence, for e.g. Next weeks
tutorial / on Tuesday / has been cancelled.
d) Copy the stress and intonation pattern of the sentence you hear.
3) Describe Image
a) Within 25 seconds, find out what the image is showing, what the main idea or
information of the image is, 25 seconds is more than enough to find out the subject of
the image and the main ideas present on it.
b) While you speak, organize orderly what you say like what the image is about, what are
the main features shown and how they are related, use professional words and phrases
to relate the information of the image and finally put forward the conclusion. Your
speech should be clear, at a natural rate and fluent & coherent. If you be calm and avoid
haste, you can present a good summary of the image in 40 seconds.
4) Retell a lecture
a) You will have 3 seconds to quickly look at the picture and guess the vocabulary you
might hear.
b) Stay focused to listen and understand what the speaker has to say.
c) You will have 10 seconds to program your mind the lecture that you just heard and the
speech pattern that you may want to use.
d) Speak slowly and clearly, including all of the key points of the lecture that you just
heard. You will have 40 seconds to do this.
5) Answer short question
a) You will hear a short question, so stay focused to understand the question and answer
it by using a word or phrase when the recording status box changes to recording.
b) Microphone closes if there is no response for 3 seconds, so if you dont know the
answer, guess what the right answer could be, no marks will be deducted for wrong
6) Summarize written text (10 minutes)
a) Read the passage carefully and understand the meaning.
b) Summarize the passage with allowed word limits 5 to 75 words. Dont need to include
every details of the text and dont copy the text from the passage rather use your own
words to summarize it. Your summary should relate the every sentence in the passage
in some way. Pay attention to vocabulary, grammatical structure, spelling and
7) Write essay (20 minutes)
a) Read the prompt and understand well what it is asking to write essay on
b) Pay attention to the content that it will be correspondent to the prompt and is coherent.
Support your views and ideas with examples and other instances.
c) Pay attention to punctuation, grammatical structure, spelling and vocabulary.
d) Be strict to the word limits 220 to 300 words.


1) Choose single answer:

a) Read the question and skim the options
b) Read and understand the passage
c) Eliminate the wrong options
d) If more than one option is likely to be correct, compare it with the text in the passage
and omit the option that has insufficient information in passage, it is generally included
to make readers confused.
e) Focus on time management, if you dont know what the right answer could be, dont
waste your time sticking on it, choose an option that could be right and move forward
to the next question because no marks will be deducted for wrong answer .
2) Choose multiple answer:
a) Read the question and skim the options
b) Read and understand the passage
c) Eliminate the wrong options
d) If you are not sure about the option that could be the right answer, compare it with the
text in the passage and omit it if it has insufficient information in passage, it is generally
included to make readers confused.
e) Focus on time management, choose the answers wisely as for each wrong option you
choose, marks will be deducted and for each of the right answer that you dont choose,
marks will be deducted too.
3) Reorder paragraphs
a) Read the sentences and get the general idea of the paragraph.
b) Determine the topic sentence that can stand alone, it will go first. Sentences with
linkers or pronouns he, she, they, it cant make the topic sentences.
c) Find the next sentence that follows the topic sentence.
4) Fill in the blanks
a) Skim the text quickly within few seconds to get idea about the topic. As the sections
of reading part is not individually timed, time management should always be kept in
b) For each sentence with a blank or blanks, check if there is occurrence of collocation,
for e.g. general public, known as etc. it will help to choose the right option.
c) Use your knowledge of grammar to see if the option best fits to the blank.
d) If you are not sure about the option that fits to any blank, check it with all options
available and omit the wrong choice of words.
e) Choose the words that looks fitting best to the blanks and read the passage and decide
if everything is okay.
f) You need to do at least 5 such small paragraphs with 4-5 blanks and time is very limited,
so you should consume no longer than 2.5 minutes to complete each task.

5) Fill in the blanks (Reading and writing)

a) Check if there is any collocation

b) Use your knowledge of grammar to see which option best fits the blank.
c) Paragraphs in this section is generally long, check the time available for rest of the
other tasks in this section. Omit the text in the passages and carefully read the text with
blanks only if time seems not to be sufficient.


1) Summarize spoken text

a) Be focused on listening the lecture and understand what the lecturer is saying (2 mins.)
b) Spend next 30 seconds to make note of the key points of the lecture that you just
listened so that you can expand it in another 7.5 minutes.
c) Content is scored only 20% and the summary should be between 50 to 70 words, so
focus on grammatical structure, vocabulary and spelling and to include the important
aspects of the lecture.
2) Multiple choice question, choose multiple answers
a) You will have 7 seconds to read the question before audio begins.
b) Stay focused and listen carefully so that you will understand and remember every
details of the speech.
c) Select options that match the meaning of the lecture you just heard.
3) Fill in the blanks
a) You will have 7 seconds to skim the transcribe text before the audio begins.
b) Stay focused, listen and follow the texts on the screen, write the words on the white
note board that is missing in the transcribed text and keep on following the text and
c) Now fill in the blanks after you have make a note of all of the missing words.
4) Highlight the correct summary
a) Audio starts to play automatically.
b) Stay focused to listen carefully and understand the speech that you are hearing.
c) Dont read the options while audio is playing
d) Read the options once you have heard and understood the audio, now select the right
5) Multiple choice question, choose single answer
a) Skim the question and options in 5 seconds before the audio begins.
b) Stay focused and listen to the audio carefully
c) Choose the option that best match the audio
6) Select missing word
a) Stay focused and listen to the audio very carefully.
b) After you understand the general topic of the speech and the detail scenario, choose
the word that best fit the missing part.
7) Highlight incorrect words
a) You will have 10 seconds to prepare yourself and get ready before the audio begins to
play automatically
b) Listen to the audio and follow the texts on the screen
c) When you see words that dont match the audio, click it and it will be highlighted.
d) Click next after you are done.
8) Write from dictation
a) Audio begins to play automatically within a few seconds, make your pen and note
board ready to transcribe the audio.
b) Listen carefully and write it down quickly.
c) Type it on the response box and use your knowledge of grammar to check if the
sentence is correct and corresponds to the audio you just heard.
d) Click next to respond the next task.

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