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No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including

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The Author has strived in every way to be as accurate and complete as possible in the

creation of this book, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at

any time that the contents within the book are accurate due to the rapidly changing

nature of the subject.

While all attempts have been made to verify every piece of information provided in this

publication, the Author assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions, or contrary

interpretation of the subject matter present in this book.

Please note that any guidelines or advice given hereof are not a substitute to medical

advice. You agree to use some or all of the information given in this book at your own

risk. The Author will not be responsible for any injury that may result by following the

advice given in this book.

If you are under medication or have doubts following the advice given here, consult

your doctor without delay!

2 2015

Table of Contents


Dangers Hiding in the Gym9

Exercise for Health...15

The Ten Minute Workout...18

Anti-aging effects.27

Dos and Donts....31


3 2015


Suppose you have reached middle age and noticed that your body is showing some

signs of age. You were always able to eat whatever you want and maintain a healthy

weight. The problem with aging is that your metabolism gets slower and no longer

burns off junk food with minimal effort. Now, when you look in the mirror, you see

your middle aged father or mother staring back at you. You know that you have to

begin exercising, but want to find a program that works.

But there are some pitfalls to traditional workout programs. Many exercises demand a

high level of energy and you may not be able to maintain that schedule. It only gets

worse if you have chronic medical conditions, such as hypertension or diabetes, which

often go along with obesity. What if you have asthma or COPD? When you research

exercise plans, it does seem hopeless.

4 2015

After all, traditional exercise is founded on the concept that breaking down muscle

tissue encourages the growth of new muscle. That idea may work for a person in their

twenties, who is young and physically fit, but poses problems for an older, sedentary

person. As your muscle tissue breaks down, it leaves your body vulnerable to exercise

induced trauma. It also means your immune system will be impaired, since the body

must rebuild tissuewhile the body is a wonderful machine, it cant repair tissue and

fight off disease at the same time.

Strenuous Exercise is not right for all people, especially people who already have

medical issues, such as coronary artery disease, diabetes, or asthma.

What should you do? Putting your metabolism into hyper drive wont work, but

neither will inertia. The solution lies in finding a happy medium: an exercise program

that does not place too many demands on your body, but with regular practice, and a

sensible diet, will make you fitter and healthier.

In order to do this, you should educate yourself about your body. You need to

understand how exercise affects your muscles and your health. Once you have that

knowledge, you will be ready for the 10 Minute Transformation Plan.

You will be able to do this plan because its founded on resistance: strengthen the

existing muscles with a series of gentle exercises. It means you wont wake up stiff and

sore after a killer workout. For those of you who are really overweight or have

problems with exercising, you wont have to get all sweaty and short of breath.

Diabetics dont have to worry about getting blisters from high impact exercises. This

system brings better health by protecting you from exercise related injuries. You get

step by step instructions. Do this work out twice a week, and youll be able to reach

your fitness goals without pain or injury.

5 2015

Traditional exercise programs pose serious risks to beginners, especially middle aged

ones. When a person exercises, the muscles become stressed. Medical websites have a

wonderful name for this syndrome: Rhabdomylosis. Its a chain of eventsthe fibers

of the skeletal muscles break down and release a substance called myoglobin. Once this

toxin is released into the blood stream, it will travel to the kidneys and may cause a

great deal of damage. At times, the kidneys are unable to filter myoglobin and it leads

to kidney damage.

One of the major causes of Rhabdomylosis is overexertion. People who use recreational

drugs or have to take statins for high cholesterol are at a greater risk for this terrible

disorder. Since you are older and wiser, drug use is probably not an issue, but many

middle aged people take medication to lower their cholesterol. Following a low impact

exercise plan, which preserves skeletal muscle is far more sensible. The 10 Minute

Workout Plan is one of the best ways to avoid Rhabdomylosis.

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You dont want to mess with Rhabdomylosis. One online greeting card said

Rhabdomylosis is natures way of telling you stop the ******* running but its no joke.

If left untreated, it leads to kidney failure, and is usually treated with a few days

hospitalization. In the worst case scenario, the patient dies.

People choose to diet and exercise because they want a better body, and a better life. It

would be tragic if the wrong exercise plan ended your life.

Remember Henny Youngmans doctor jokes? Does it hurt when you do this? Yes

then dont do it. Sore muscles are a symptom of muscle fatigue. Never exercise

through painyou arent a professional athlete competing for a large cash prize and a

shiny trophy. You may be a spectator who has decided to become more active, so you

should know the symptoms. If you experience joint pain along with passing dark

brown or red urine, go straight to the doctor or ER. These are warning signs of


In order to prevent Rhabdomylosis, you need to understand how exercise affects your

metabolism. Many so called fitness experts use the word metabolism when they are

discussing the processes of catabolism and anabolism. Like most isms, they seem

confusing, but are really very basic once you understand how each one works.

Catabolism is the process by which the body breaks down compound molecules into

smaller segments. Through the oxidization that occurs, these smaller molecules are

stored inside adenosine triphosphate molecules (ATP) and will be released during

Anabolism. ATP is the fuel that powers the Anabolic process.

Many people love the phrase Catabolic State but few of them know what it really

means. People believe when their body reaches a catabolic state, its going to grow

muscle. That isnt quite what happens. The Catabolic state is what happens to the

human body during a series of metabolic processes. Digesting food is one example:

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your body releases hormones to break down food into smaller parts which are then

stored as energy. It is the first stage leading to the Anabolic, or resting phase.

Anabolism is the second stage in human growth. Its a building process, not a

destructive one. Unlike Catabolism, Anabolism is a constructive function, taking

smaller parts, and using them to build molecules. The molecules become building or

repair tissue and the skeleton. The Catabolic state fuels the Anabolic. Catabolism

makes energy and parts used in Anabolism They are contradictory, yet complimentary


Why is it so important to understand the difference between Catabolism and

Anabolism? Traditional fitness dogma states that the Catabolic state is the goal of

exercise, because it gives energy and will build muscle. That isnt true. In the

Catabolic state, hormones like Cortisol are released, and Cortisol is going to break down

tissue, not grow it. Catabolism is the breakdown of larger molecules into smaller ones,

and is not a building process. It increases tissue breakdown.

The Ten Minute Workout Plan is designed to slow down Catabolism by increasing

Anabolism. It makes sense: the body will be healthier and be able to maintain health

in the Anabolic state, which is one of growth and repair. Youll recover faster from

your workout by choosing the Anabolic state, which is where muscles grow. Look at

the logic: do you want to place too much emphasis on the destructive process

(Catabolism) or the constructive (Anabolism)?

A positive, constructive program that uses the bodys healing powers will help you

become fitter and healthier. You will use resistance to strengthen existing muscle.

Since the program does not require much time or great exertion, even people with

chronic medical problems can use it successfully. Do not give up hope because you are

obese, or have COPD, or other medical conditions. The Ten Minute Workout Plan will

transform your body safely and effectively.

8 2015

Dangers Hiding in the Gym

When patients have to lose weight, their doctors suggest they join a health club or gym.

There are many drawbacks to exercising in the gym. Vigorous exercise release

hormones and hormones generate physiological reactions in your body. Some of those

reactions are nasty. You should be aware of the potential threats lurking in that fancy

looking health club, with the large windows, loud music and pricey equipment. Taking

a large dose of wheat grass after your workout wont minimize the risk

There are 7 Major

problems that occur

during exercisenobody

ever talks about them,

but you ought to know

what you can expect

during a regular

workout. These are

generally common sense

problems, although some

are chemical or medical,

and they are often

overlooked. Training in

the gym is a worthy pastime, but it is also overlooked that much of the exercise and

benefit gained there can also be found at home, using the Ten Minute Workout.

Lets take a look first at those dangers that crop up in the gym, and why they are a

potential problem.

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1. Cortisol

Cortisol, a hormone released during exercise, is a major trouble maker. If your

cortisol levels are too elevated, it unleashes a sequence of extreme physical disorders.

Too much Cortisol increases blood glucose. Thats bad news for diabetics and non-

diabetics. For diabetics, high blood glucose depresses the immune system, causing

illness or infections which only increase the blood glucose levels. When unchecked, it

can lead to Diabetic Ketoacidosis, or accelerate the damage to your eyes, your nerves

and your heart.

With high blood glucose levels, many non-diabetics become pre diabetic and will

probably contract Type II Diabetes. If the fear of getting Diabetes doesnt make you

wary of Cortisol overload, the fact that it also increases your blood pressure should

make you think twice. Suppose you start working out in the gym, because you have

hypertension, and the Doctor, or friends, or a website said that strenuous exercise will

lower your blood pressure. The fact is that Cortisol is a byproduct of intense workouts.

High blood pressure is going to damage your heart, and may lead to either a heart

attack or stroke. For those of you who already have hypertension, doing the cardio

machines may lead straight to the Cardio ICU, thanks to Cortisol.

You can also thank Cortisol for making you crave carbohydrates, which will lead to

weight gain and insulin resistance. It also deposits fat on the liver. Fatty liver is

known as cirrhosis. Since blood glucose, or glycogen, is stored in the liver, a fatty liver

wont store it efficiently, and that impairment plays a role in

the development of diabetes.

The fitness doctrine of Go for that Burnmore Cortisol

builds more muscle is dead wrong. It belongs with the idea

that the Sun revolves around the Earth, or the Moon is

10 2015

made of green cheese. Both Cardio and weight work outs involve the Catabolic and

Anabolic stage. Too many fitness advocates and trainers downplay or ignore the latent

defects of the Catabolic process, believing you have to exert yourself in order to gain

muscle mass. Exercise and muscle building are more of a menace than a solution.

Our culture glorifies exercise, but there are dangers concealed in every form of

serious exercise. Even if you go to the priciest gym, or hire a fitness coach to come to

your home, follow a good diet and get 8 hours sleep, you will still run the risk of

harming yourself through too much exercise.

Furthermore, not everybody can handle exercise. If you are middle aged you realize

that the old gray mare (or stallion) just aint what she used to be. Your body is aging,

and you may have health issues that prevent you from exercising. People with high

blood pressure or coronary artery disease just cant tolerate too much exercise.

Diabetics should avoid high impact workouts, such as running, because they may

develop blisters, which can lead to foot infections, which are very hard to heal, and

could lead to amputation. If you are very overweight or obese, you arent able to do a

full blown workout.

Other people do not have the time to go to the health club. They may be working

parents, or single people working several part time jobs in order to make a living.

Others may not be able to afford a health club membership, or even fitness DVDs. If

money is really tight, they dont have Internet service at home, so cant do exercises on

2. Muscle Inflammation

Intense workouts produce muscle inflammation. Those post workout aches and pains

are a sign of tissue damage. Although some fitness sites claim that muscle aches are

good, they have only one positive effect. If they hurt too much, you are going to have

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to rest until you recover. Why? Because the stiffness is natures way of telling you to

take it easy, and rethink your exercise routine.

As you can imagine, muscle inflammation isnt

good. The people who exercise through the pain

may start a revolving cycle of stiffness and injury.

Over a period of time, the injuries will become

permanent. Think of the professional athletes who

develop arthritis as they age. Dont make the mistake of thinking muscle inflammation

can be ignored; over a period of time, it leads to chronic injury and disability. By using

the ten minute plan we will describe ahead you are minimizing the risk of muscle

damage by keeping within your natural limits. Of course, some of the exercises will

push the body as far as it can go, but why endure discomfort by trying too hard?

3. Nausea

Many fitness websites and even the National Institute of Health describe nausea

during workouts as normal. Studies done by the NIH cite high intensity workouts,

along with poor diet as the major causes of nausea. You can become nauseous during a

pre meal workout because your blood glucose is low, and exercise is going to drop it

even lower. Any Diabetic can tell you that nausea is a warning sign of hypoglycemia.

Not surprisingly, the NIH said that lower intensity workouts, along with a balanced

diet, should solve this problem. Whatever the intensity of the workout you indulge in

even the Ten Minute Workout it is not advisable to carry it out on an empty stomach,

and nor is it so to do so immediately after a meal.

Eat a healthy meal, give it time to digest, and then get exercising, without the danger

of nausea.

4. Heartburn

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Some people get heartburn when they exercise. Heartburn can be caused by

impatiencedoing a full fitness routine before your meal has been digested.

Heartburn is painful, and if you dont do something about it, it will damage your

esophagus and may cause ulcers. The cure is fairly simple. Give your body time to

digest your foodavoid fatty or spicy foods before exercise, and then let your body

have enough time to digest the meal.

5. Hives

Also known as Urticaria, hives are red raised bumps on

human skin. They are an inflammation caused by

allergies. It sounds bizarre, but some people get hives

when they exercise, but it does not mean they are allergic

to exercise. When you get hives during a workout, stop

exercising immediately. If the hives dont vanish in a

day or two, you ought to see a Dermatologist, who can

determine what is causing your hives. Perhaps you had

an allergic reaction to something you ate, or something

you wore during the work out.

Exercise makes the gastrointestinal tract more porous, so it changes how the body

absorbs food. You may have an allergic reaction to something that youve eaten

hundreds of times without a problem. Shellfish and wheat are typical culprits, so be

careful with diet before exercising.

6. Headache

Demanding workouts often lead to headaches. Doctors havent pinpointed the exact

cause, but theyve divided the exercise headache into two categories: primary and

secondary. Primary exercise headaches are harmless and can last for a few minutes or

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up to 48 hours after exercise. The cause is unknown, but one theory is that exercise

increases circulation, which enlarges blood vessels in the brain and causes headache. A

primary headache usually affects both sides of the head.

Secondary Exercise headaches are far more serious, and can be caused by a neurological

disease, hypertension, or bleeding in the brain. If you have a sudden headache with

nausea, stop exercising and get immediate medical attention.

7. Incontinence

Many women have incontinence, or urine leakage, during exercise. It can be caused

by weak pelvic floor muscles. When women exercise, and have poor muscle tone in

their pelvic floor, the stress of exercise can force urine from the bladder. Incontinence

affects women of all ages, young as well as middle aged. This problem is easily treated

with Kegel exercises, vaginal weight training or medication for more persistent forms of


Youre at a point where you realize that traditional exercise is not for you. Its hard to

live with chronic illness, and part of the frustration may be knowing that exercise

would help but you just arent up to it. Your life is hard enough without giving into

frustration or self-pity. You do have another option: The Ten Minute Transformation

Plan. The next chapter is going to give you a series of exercises, with clear instructions

and illustrations. Take advantage of this opportunity to regain control of your body.

You wont run into any nasty exercise side effects. Just ten minutes a day, two times a

week, combined with a balanced diet. You will look better and feel better.

14 2015

Exercise for Health

Your body has three kinds of muscle: skeletal, smooth and cardiac.

Skeletal muscle is attached to the human skeleton. It controls the movement of your

body. When you are walking, sending text messages or cooking dinner, you can do

these tasks with the help of skeletal muscle.

Learning how to preserve these muscles will help you transform your body and your

daily life.

Skeletal muscles are the only muscles capable of voluntary movementboth cardiac

and smooth muscles are classified as involuntary which means they only function

when your nervous system tells them. On the other hand, you are in complete control

of your skeletal muscles.

Smooth muscles have a much smoother surface than skeletal or cardiac muscle. Theyre

also known as visceral muscles because they control the function of your internal

organs. Think of the smooth muscles as the operator driving a truck: the smooth

muscles in organs allow them to contract, so substances can pass through them. They

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help the liver, kidneys, and all your organs get the job done. Unlike skeletal muscle,

smooth muscle only works with involuntary movement: a signal from the nervous

system that makes them contract.

Cardiac muscle is only found in your heart. Its striated, and composed of branching

cells which help it tolerate high blood pressure as well as the task of pumping blood

throughout the body. Just like smooth muscle, it cant be consciously controlledyou

dont will your heart to beat (if you could, thered be many unemployed cardiologists).

Cardiac muscle is self-stimulating, but will adjust the contraction rate when it receives

hormones or a signal from your brain.

Muscle Disorders

Lets look at what happens when muscles get injured and dont function properly.

Muscles are vulnerable to injury and disease. They get strains, sprains, and bruised.

Diseases, such as Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia affect muscle


Since you are planning to work out, you ought to know the difference between a

muscle strain and a sprain. Muscle strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon, the

tissue that connects muscles to your skeleton. A sprain means that youve injured a

ligament. Ligaments are the tissues connecting the skeletal system. Neither

condition is very serious and can be treated with rest and aspirin.

However, muscles can be attacked by serious diseases. Parkinsons disease means the

body no longer makes sufficient dopamine, which means the body loses the ability to

control its functions. Medication can delay the damage, but cant stop it. The same is

true of Multiple Sclerosis, a disease which damages nerve cells. Ongoing damage to

these cells affects your ability to perform every bodily function it cant be cured, just

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managed. One hopeful fact is that gentle exercise can minimize the damage caused by

both conditions.

Fibromyalgia is an auto immune disease that causes fatigue and muscle pain.

Patients often complain of having soreness and mental confusion. Theres no known

treatment, because for years, the medical profession treated it as a psychosomatic

illness. Recent tests have shown it to be an autoimmune condition. The one redeeming

feature is that Fibromyalgia responds to a balanced diet and gentle exercise, so the Ten

Minute Transformation Plan could help Fibromyalgia patients.

The muscular system is remarkable. Each muscle group plays a role in your life, from

making the organs work, to helping your heart pump blood and letting you move

through the day. When you read a book, or spend an hour on the computer, your eyes

move over 100,000 times. The hearts cardiac muscles pump 1,500 gallons of blood per


17 2015

The Ten Minute Workout

Now that you understand how your muscles work, its time to make them more

efficient. You dont need more muscle because you can learn to work better, not harder.

Renovate your musclesand redesign your life.

Having stronger muscle and connective tissue protects your body from autoimmune

disorders. It minimizes the effect of chronic illness and aging. As you know, the

smooth muscles control internal organs. When those muscles are healthy, the organs

will work more efficiently. Your body will be far more efficient in ridding itself of

waste products, and that makes you feel better. Blood circulates better, tissue regrows

quickly and more fuel and oxygen are delivered to your muscles. However, it is also

important to remember that, while these exercises will help you live a healthier life,

they cannot do so alone. You need to follow a sensible dietary regime, take care to

manage the stress levels in your life, and watch for any ailments that may need


The following exercises, which make up the Ten Minute Workout, should be carried

out just twice a week. They do not require any special machinery or instruments

other than a chair, wall, floor and a towel, and they have been proven to help in many

ways. You should ideally leave three days between workouts, which will allow you

to refrain from over-stressing the muscles, and you will find the benefits surprisingly


They are a sequence of natural motions designed to strengthen existing muscle. It is

imperative, as always, that you follow the instructions precisely, in order that you get

the best results. Before we go on, remember that while the exercises in the Ten Minute

Workout are ultimately designed to improve muscle tone and help with weight loss and

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general health, you should also aim to enjoy your exercising, if things are a little hard

on you in the first instance, take it easy and build up to the final routine.

Now for a detailed look at the exercises involved, and it is recommended that you read

through all the exercises, and what is involved, before commencing the sequence:

1: Stretching near a wall: This is a very simple

exercise that can be performed in the home or,

should you prefer, outdoors, and anyone who

has indulged in a sensible exercise regime would

have already experienced an exercise similar to

this one, as it forms the basis of loosening up the

limbs for further movement, and is a staple of

many programs. Begin by leaning against a

suitable wall indoors it could be a wall in any room with available space, outdoors

there are similarly many options with your forearms against the wall and pointing

upwards. You need to make sure you are at an angle that will enable you to move your

legs forward. Now, rest your hear on your hands, which should be raised towards you.

Keeping your left foot on the floor, bend your right leg and place your foot in front of

you, then slowly use your hips to allow a notable stretch in the calf of the straight, left

leg. At all times you need to keep the heel of your left foot on the floor, with your foot

pointing directly forwards, in order to facilitate the exercise. Make sure you are

comfortable and dont overstretch yourself its fun, remember, as well as being

practical and keep yourself at a level where you can hold the pose for 30 seconds.

Once you have done so, change legs and repeat the process. The Ten Minute Workout

requires you only perform this once; later on, you can choose to extend the routine if

you wish.

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You have completed the first exercise in the Ten Minute Workout and, when you are

ready, its time to move on to the next.

2: Stretching Arms and Shoulders: One of the

main points about the Ten Minute Workout is

that it is surprisingly simple; as with exercise

number one, this one is very easy to perform and

works nicely on the arms and shoulders, where

the muscles are particularly important and work

very hard. You will need a suitable chair in a

sensible space, preferably a chair without arms

that may be a hindrance, and you are ready to go.

Sit back on the chair and ling your hands via your fingers behind your back. Now,

taking your time, turn both of your elbows inwards, while straightening out your arms

at the same time. It sounds more complex to read than it is to perform, and a few goes

will see you getting the hang of it. Hold the stretched pose, arms straight, for anywhere

between five to 15 seconds, whatever you feel comfortable with: comfort, as we always

repeat, is very important when exercising. Perform the stretch twice for your chosen

period dont try and overdo it by exceeding 15 seconds, its not necessary and, of

course, we need to fit all exercises in ten minutes and then release the clasp of your

hands. This exercise will help not only your muscles in the arms and shoulders, but it

will also improve your stance and help you eliminate slumping forward on your


Thats two exercises done, and you are now ready to progress through the routine and

onto exercise number three.

3: Happy Feet: This is exercise three, and its called Happy Feet for a reason! The legs,

feet, ankles and calves work very hard for each of us, and need careful and frequent
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attention for them to operate as they should. Given that we spend a lot of time on our

feet it is no surprise that this is one of the most important parts of the Ten Minute

Workout. This is another exercise performed sitting in a chair, so make sure you have

one that you are comfortable on, and as above, one without arms so you can move


Once sitting comfortably, hold onto the lower part of

your leg just beneath the knee. Next, carefully and

slowly pull your leg towards your chest. This is again

a movement that sounds more complex than it is, and

you will soon get the hang of it. You need to move the

leg, using your right arm, up towards the opposite

shoulder; so, your left leg, held by your right hand, up

and across. Only move it as far as you are comfortable

we stress again that there is no point in hurting

yourself for the sake of this routine and when you

are comfortable with it, hole the pose for 30 seconds. You may want to build up to a 30

second hold by trying the exercise for shorter periods of time in the first instance. Once

held for the allotted time, repeat the process for the other leg.

So, thats three exercises complete, and we are approaching the half-way mark. How are

you finding it? If things are a little difficult take your time; it is designed to be a Ten

Minute Workout, but its fully understandable if, in the first few attempts, you need to

take time out between each exercise. In time, you will be able to perform all the

exercises in the allotted tem minutes.

So, are we ready for exercise number four? Good, lets move on:

4: For the Neck and Back: So far the exercises have covered the legs, arms, shoulders

and feet, all areas that carry great weight in terms of muscle tone and action. Next, we
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move onto an exercise that concerns tow other

very important areas: the neck and back. Its an

interesting fact that the head of an average

human makes up more than eight percent of the

entire weight of the body; that is a large amount

for the neck to carry around for a lifetime! As for

the back, its importance cannot be overstated, for

it has many functions, not least being the area in

which the spine is prominent. Muscle activity in both the neck and back is therefore of

paramount importance.

Now, onto the exercise: this is another that needs a chair, so it follows on nicely from

the two above. Sitting on the chair, perform a similar interlinking of fingers and hands

as in the previous exercise, but this time with the hands behind the head. Keeping your

elbows straight out to the side with your upper body aligned in a comfortable upright

position, bring the shoulder blades towards each other gently and slowly as always

creating a notable tension in the upper back and the shoulder blades themselves. The

aim is to be able to hold the pose for around ten seconds again, build up to this if you

find it difficult to begin with and to repeat the process three or four times in

succession. This is a routine that can also be used to help relax the back and shoulders

when you feel tense.

Thats four exercises completed; we are now half-way through the Ten Minute

Workout, and we are ready to take a look at number five. Things may appear to get a

little more complex from now on, but dont worry, well explain in the simplest terms.

5: Down on the Floor: this is an exercise designed to manipulate the muscles in many

parts of the body and, like the above, requires a chair. However, this time you dont sit

in it: instead, standing in front of the chair, place your hands on the seat of chair, and

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lower your body down to the floor using just one knee. Now, bring the second knee

down in the same way. Next, place your left hand on the floor, and using this to lean

on, slowly lower your left hip to the floor also. Steady yourself with your other hand if

necessary, as this one can be a bit tricky to maintain!

You should be in a position where your weight is all

on your left hip; take a few moments and straighten

your legs. Next, bend your left elbow until you can

feel your weight upon it. Straighten your left arm

using your right hand for support. You will now find

that you are lying on your left side. Roll over onto

your back, and then roll over onto your left side

again. Using your right hand on the floor, at around the place where your ribs are, push

your shoulders up off the floor. You can use your left hand to help perform the lift if

you need to. You should now be sitting with the weight supported by your left hip,

once more. Place again your hands on the seat of the chair, and use them to lift yourself

up from the position you are in, making sure that one of your knees, as at the start of

the process, is bent and your foot flat on the floor. You have completed exercise five.

Now, we can see that this one is a tricky one to get used to and, while it is designed to

take around one minute to complete, it is understandable that it will take longer when

you are beginning. This is why it may be best to try this one alone a few times to get

used to the technique, following the above instructions carefully as you do. You will

soon find it becomes a natural progression, and that it helps you feel better all-round.

We stay on the floor for exercise number six, but with a different routine to follow.

6: Another One Down on the Floor! This is an exercise that is great for stretching the

back and relieving tension, and is one that is surprisingly easy. Begin by lying on your

back in a decent sized space plenty of movement space is always desirable with your
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legs stretched out and together. Bend your knees

and keep your feet flat on the floor this can take

some practice, so feel free to try it out a few times

in advance of attempting the Ten Minute Workout.

Make sure you do your best to keep both your

arms and your shoulders flat on the floor during

the routine. Keeping both knees together, lower

your legs while moving them outwards as far as

you can comfortably achieve, in a slow and deliberate motion. Hold this position for ten

seconds or as long as you feel comfortable with then bring your legs up to the

original starting position and begin again. Do this repeatedly for at least three times per

side, and then relax. The entire exercise should cover less than two minutes, and is one

for people who have back pain to consider as a regular exercise. It is also beneficial for

relaxing the hips and the lower body, and is one that can be performed individually as

well as as part of this routine.

7: Playing with a Towel: Yes, you read that right; for this exercise you will be playing

with a towel! Its all about movement and relaxation with this one, and it is also great

fun. Begin by standing in a space with clear areas around you. Make sure you are

standing prompt and alert, and that you have a towel in your right hand. Hold one

corner of the towel, and then by raising and bending the arm throw the towel over

your back, still holding on, so it falls down your

back. Next, you need to reach behind your back

with the other hand, and pull it towards you. This

has the effect of stretching the muscles in your back

and shoulder, and is a very effective routine. Repeat

the routine by using the other hand to start with,

24 2015

again draping the towel over your back, and then return to the other side. Do this three

or four times, and as your progress, pull harder until you reach a point where it is no

longer comfortable.One minute is all you need for this exercise, and it really is a very

effective on for back, neck, arms and shoulder improvement.

Now, we have covered seven of the eight exercises that make up the Ten Minute

Workout, and its time to look at the final one. Remember, each of these exercises can be

beneficial on their own, but as they take so little time to string together are best

performed in the routine and order described here. So, heres the last one in the


8: The Drawing in Maneuver: There is an important area of the body known as the

lumbo-pelvic complex; this exists in the lower abdomen, around the pelvic area, and is

very important in terms of muscle development and use. For this exercise you need a

space that can accommodate you on all fours with movement around you. Make sure

you do not extend the spine beyond its natural resting position you should feel

naturally comfortable before you begin, on your hands and knees.

Once ready and comfortable, bring your abdomen upwards, while maintaining a steady

breathing manner. The breathing is all-important in this exercise, and it may be wise to

practice before completing it. You need to perfect this move so that the lower abdomen

rises before the upper in what will become a steady, unforced movement, while keeping

the spine entirely neutral in its position. Repeat the exercise ten times or as many as

you feel comfortable with in no more than one

and a half minutes.

You have now completed the Ten Minute

Workout! Of course, we know that in the first

instance it is unlikely to take only ten minutes,

25 2015

and you may find some of the exercises difficult to perfect, but practice is the way

forward and, once you have mastered the techniques required, you will soon begin to

see the benefits of what is a relatively simple exercise program that has been shown to

have many beneficial properties.

Remember, comfort is essential when performing any exercise; the idea is to enjoy

the routine and feel the positive effects from as early a stage as possible, and not to

put yourself through a regime that is uncomfortable.

Now, before we conclude, we need to talk about a few more of the benefits of the

routine, and of the many dos and donts involved in carrying out this exercise program


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Anti-aging effects

Few things are absolutely certain in life, but one that is a given is that we all get

older. As each year passes our bodies change in later life, often for the worse and

we begin to feel the effects of wear and tear across the years. The wonders of modern

medicine mean that we live longer now, on average, than ever before, yet the ageing

effect is something that cannot be halted. As we shall see, however, it is something

that can be controlled to a certain degree.

Getting older means having to stop doing things that were once routine; you may find it

tiring these days to mow the lawn, for example, or to carry heavy bags, whereas once

these were actions that came naturally, and with no ill effects. It doesnt take long for

joints and muscles to start showing their age, and it can be disheartening and

depressing on the whole to find out that you cannot perform as you once could. When

depression sets in it brings with it a whole raft of associated problems: a depressed

person will feel less inclined to exercise or, in fact, to carry out simple daily tasks; they

will find simple things stressful, and feel unworthy in themselves. This is a dangerous

situation, and be aware that it does not just affect those of a certain age anyone who

begins to feel the effects of the ageing process can start to feel depressed.

Although the Ten Minute Workout makes no claims to be a miracle cure it does offer

those who are getting older the chance to indulge in a sensible exercise program that

can go a long way to keeping their bodies as fit as can be. This is because it sets out not

to tax the body, but to work on the areas where the ageing process has the most

detrimental effect the muscles and the moving parts. Before we move on to look at the

further advantages of the exercise routine described above, its about time we dispelled

a couple of popular myths about exercise and ageing.

Myth Number 1: There is no point in exercising; Im just going to get old anyway.

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Nobody can be faulted for thinking this way; its partly true after all, for as we said

above, we are all going to get older, our bodies deteriorate, and our performance will

fall away. It happens to every one of us, from the office worker to the professional

athlete, and its a natural part of life. However, where the myth begins to take a hold is

in believing that, because you are going to get older, you cannot use exercise to help

keep you active and fit.

Heres the truth: exercising by using a sensible routine such as the Ten Minute Workout

helps keep you as physically fit as possible. No matter how old you are or how old

you are feeling these simple and brief exercises, performed as the given routine twice

a week, will help you not only stay young, but look and feel young too. Of course, no

routine is going to remove the effects of ageing, and make a 40 year-old man or woman

20 again, but it will keep the muscles and joints in action, and it will slow down the

ageing process as a result.

Bear this in mind also: allowing the body to age at a fast rate, by not bothering to

exercise and stay active, can also lead to a variety of other conditions. We mentioned

depression above, and the attendant problems that come with it, but ageing is also

instrumental in the onset of diseases such as Alzheimers and dementia, diabetes, colon

cancer and high blood pressure, and lack of activity can also lead to obesity. One further

ailment that can be brought about in this way is heart disease, which is the biggest

single cause of death by illness in the world today.

And theres more: feeling fit and healthy physically also means you will feel better

mentally, and this helps you general well-being. A mentally healthy body is one that

will cope better with the demands of modern life and we all know they can be very

taxing indeed and will allow you to enjoy life to a greater degree.

So, myth number one dispelled: it is worth bothering to exercise, as it will keep you

young and healthy for longer, and it can be done easily with the Ten Minute Workout.
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Myth Number 2: Older people need to conserve their energy and rest; exercising is

for the young.

Nonsense; older people should exercise, as we have explained above, because it helps

slow down the natural ageing process, and helps them feel better in themselves. The

combination of physical and mental well-being is important to an enjoyable life.

Indeed, scientific research has proven that adults over the age of 50 who follow an

inactive lifestyle as determined by the rules of the myth above are doing themselves

harm, rather than good. Our bodies are designed to be mobile, and that applies

throughout the ages. Inactivity can lead to loss of movement in the limbs thanks to

seized joints and muscles that are no getting the exercise they need; this reduces the

individuals ability to perform as they should, to carry out basic duties, and to live life

on their own. More visits to the doctor and hospitals involve those who do not exercise

than those that do; this is, quite simply, a fact.

The Ten Minute Workout is designed to allow anyone to exercise sensibly and

productively in their own home, no matter what age they are, and can only be beneficial

to the person concerned.

So, before we move on to a discussion about the important dos and donts of

exercising lets have a quick recap of the benefits offered by the Ten Minute Workout.

First, we have seen that exercise slows down the ageing process; it is no miracle cure

nothing is but regular and non-taxing exercise is great for both the mind and body, no

matter how old you may be. It helps your stamina thanks to revitalizing the muscles

and keeping them in great shape, and once you feel healthy in your physical body, you

will feel better about yourself in your mental capacity. With this workout you aid these

areas: your blood circulation and oxygenation; you fight better against the many

diseases and ailments mentioned above; you will be able to continue performing tasks

29 2015

that, had you remained dormant, may not have been possible any longer; and you feel

more relaxed, happier and content with your life.

There are further benefits to the Ten Minute Workout, too: it takes, once you are

familiar with the exercises and the routine, just ten minutes, twice a week; the exercises

do not involve heavy lifting or pain inducing moves; you are not taxing your body but

remaining within your comfortable limits, and you can start slowly, learn the routine,

and build yourself up to the full ten minute program.

These exercises are tried and tested, and have been designed by experts who

understand what your body needs to remain fit, while also understanding that you do

no need to overstress the body in order to achieve the objective.

So, now we understand the benefits, lets cover an important aspect of the exercise

routine: what you should and what you should not do in order to remain safe and

successful in your workout.

30 2015

Dos and Donts

The wonders of modern medicine deserve to be applauded. Over the past hundred

years the way we live has been transformed in ways that our forebears could not

possibly have imagined. Furthermore, the average life expectancy of a US citizen is now

far greater than it was even in the early 20th century. Look at these statistics: in 1900, the

average life expectancy of a man was 46 years; in 2014, it is 78. That is, you have to

admit, a fantastic improvement.

However, with that improvement comes a problem: we now have to keep our bodies

fitter for longer, and the ageing process is still there to fight against us. The result is that

many people are choosing to workout, with a variety of exercise routines being very

popular these days. This includes older generations, those in what we would term

middle-age, who are now striving to keep themselves as fit as possible for as long as

they can. The problem is, many of them are making colossal mistakes in the way they

go about it; mistakes which could, in fact, result in dire consequences. Lets take a

moment to explain some of the common mistakes that are made when indulging in an

exercise routine, and see how the Ten Minute Workout can help overcome these


1: A too intense workout: this is perhaps the most common mistake made by the older

generations when exercising. Of course, we all want to feel as fit and able as our 20-year

old self, but at 50, for example, that chance has long gone. This is not to say a 50-year

old cannot be fit, but that they cannot possibly replicate the level of ability they had 30

years ago. The body ages naturally as we have seen in the previous section and this

cannot be helped; joints become less mobile, muscles age and tire, and we generally feel

more tired and older. Too many people try and take on a workout routine that is

actually designed for those much younger and more able. Its understandable, but its

also dangerous.

31 2015

A strenuous workout that leaves you in pain, breathless, dizzy or excessively tired is of

no benefit to you at all. You are simply doing too much, and you will not gain from it.

The trick is to find a consistent level of training that allows you to remain within your

comfort levels, while also indulging the muscles and the body in a formidable and

worthwhile workout. The Ten Minute Workout is perfect for this for many reasons: it is

quick and takes up less than half an hour a week, it keeps you within sensible limits of

exercise, and it is designed specifically to help the older generation who can no longer

exercise as vigorously as before. It is also cheap, being entirely home based should you


2: The weakest link: each one of us has a physical weakest link, and it could have come

about in many ways. Accidents, illnesses and natural defects can all have an adverse

effect on parts of the body: you may have injured a joint in your younger days, or you

might have pulled muscles or broken bones playing sport. It could also be that your

muscles have simply aged, and are no longer as able as before. Muscle tissue does

degenerate over the years, and sometimes surprisingly quickly. Many people continue

to force their muscles to perform to their ultimate limit; in other words, they believe that

making the muscles handle as much as they can is the way forward. This is a major

mistake, for damaged or tired muscles and tendons can be further damaged by such


The trick is to remember where that weakest link is, and to work around it. For

example, if you have an injury in the knee, dont tax that knee as much as the rest of the

body until you are confident it is ready. Build it up slowly and help it to find its limits

while finding your own. The Ten Minute Workout allows for this as you can begin at

any rate you can, and work towards your safe level of conduct.

3: Skipping the details: so you have decided to go to the gym, to workout and get fit,

and to help your body stay as healthy as possible for the longest time. Thats great, but

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have you really considered what it takes to indulge in a regular gym session? Lets say

you want to workout for one hour each day, a figure that many people choose to aim

for. You may be lucky enough to have a great gym next door, but most people need to

drive to their gym, or get their by other transport means. This involves time and

money and eats into the hours in the day. Then theres the additional clothing,

equipment, and costs, and the commitments you have naturally to work and family, as

well as social activities. It all adds up, and to be honest, the logistics can be a nightmare.

The Ten Minute Workout does away with just about all of the above; all you need is a

clear space in the home, a chair, a towel, and ten minutes twice a week to carry out your


4: Pay attention to posture: we should remember that, as we grow older, our bodies age

naturally in a number of ways. Muscles become imbalanced with age, and other factors

influence the way we are physically and mentally. One area that can be particularly

problematic is that of posture: we are told time and time again to carry ourselves in a

particular way, but there is no doubt that, after 40 years of life, we all have our personal

posture problems. It could be the way we hold our head forward, a less than perfect

standing position, or a seating routine that is not great for the spine. We may have, as

mentioned earlier, old injuries that have influenced these developments, and it is

essential that, before we go ahead with any workout routine, posture is attended to as

best possible.

We are not saying that everything can be corrected with ease, but that there are areas

that we can pay attention to: a straight back, well-held head and high shoulders, for

example, and getting rid of any stoop or imbalance is essential before embarking upon a

workout routine. The consequences can be a reduction in the productivity of your

workout routine, or even the risk of further injuries that can be quite severe.

33 2015

5: Prepare yourself: if you are considering taking on a workout program such as the

Ten Minute Workout there are certain things you need to consider. Firstly, and perhaps

most importantly, how much exercise have you been doing recently? This is vital as it

may be the key to a successful workout or one that simply overstresses your body. If

you have been inactive for a while your joints and muscles will be stiff and need

limbering up; furthermore, as you get older, your balance may be impaired thanks to

one of many reasons. It pays to indulge in a brief flexibility routine in order to give your

joints back sufficient movement before embarking on the program, and also to make

sure that you can balance sufficiently to hold the short poses. This can be done by

following the instructions to the simpler exercises in the routine, but in an abridged

fashion. Too many times people jump into the workout without being aware that their

body is not quite up to it it doesnt take much to make sure beforehand that you are

not about to give those ageing muscles and creaking joints a nasty shock!

6: Follow the instructions: we cannot stress how important it is that, when taking on

the Ten Minute Workout, you follow the instructions precisely. This is the same when

performing any workout routine; would you ignore the instructors words at the gym?

The Ten Minute Workout is designed carefully to achieve its desired aim, and will not

do so if any of the factors involved are overlooked or omitted. In the first instance you

may want to try the individual exercises to perfect the technique or make sure that you

have them fully understood, but once you have them perfected, it is essential that you

follow the stages one by one to gain the full benefit of the system.

7: Tomorrow never comes: we all put things off when we feel like they are a task

waiting for us to take on, but remember, you have chosen to tackle the Ten Minute

Workout, and the benefits are attractive. Dont put it off until tomorrow; set yourself a

time for your first attempt, and stick to it. The sooner you get going, the quicker you

will learn the exercises, and the sooner you will begin to feel the benefits. Perhaps

34 2015

pencil in a time to practice a few of the moves and then, a few days later, try the others.

Eventually it will all come together, and you can get into the routine of performing

them once every few days.

We have covered seven major mistakes that people make when beginning their exercise

routine. Before we move on to conclude what we have talked about in this book, there

are two very important factors that we must discuss in some detail: sleep and diet. It is

no secret that getting the right amount and type of sleep is essential, not just when

exercising, but for life in general. Likewise, a regular, balanced and healthy diet is a

must. For those who wish to workout even when it is the Ten Minute Workout both

of these are a vital part of the process. Lets look in more detail about why sleep and

diet are important.

Sleep Well

Sleep is one of the natural cycles of the day, and without it we simply could not

function. What is interesting is that the actual mechanisms of sleep, and how it is able to

rejuvenate the mind and body, remain somewhat of a mystery. Science has unlocked

some of the mysteries of sleep in humans, but there is much more to the subject that

needs to be understood. What we do know is that for us to function to our utmost best

we need a regular sleep pattern, in a comfortable place, in a routine cycle. Sleep helps

our memory functions, it also influences our moods: how many times have you woken

up without too much sleep and been tetchy and irritable? It happens to us all, after all.

Energy is also influenced by sleep; too little and we are tired, too much and we are also

weary. It is important to get the balance just right. A comfortable bed is essential to a

good nights sleep, and many other factors are also influential. Make sure you have a

healthy, sensible sleeping pattern, and if you find it difficult to achieve, there could be

an underlying problem that you need to resolve. A trip to the doctor may get to the

35 2015

bottom of the problem. Before you start the exercise program, try and make sure you

have settled into a good sleep pattern, as this will help you achieve your aim.

Eat Well

The importance of a healthy diet cannot be emphasized too strongly, and it is also vital

when looking to enter into any workout program. Eating well means giving the body

the fuel it needs to perform, and there is plenty of simple advice about what to eat, and

what not to eat. The two main areas to consider are carbohydrates, which provide

energy to the muscles essential for a workout and protein, which supplies the

nutrients that create oxygen for the blood cells, which allows the muscles to work to

their full capacity.

A balanced diet does not mean you have to eat food you dont like. A genuinely well

balanced diet is one that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables, lean meat, fish and

eggs, dairy products that are not full fat, and also beans which are full of protein. There

is plenty of advice on creating a healthy diet available, and it need not be expensive. To

be honest, you are probably eating the foods you need, but also those you should avoid!

Fatty foods need to be avoided, including cuts of meat with fat, dairy products should

be eaten in moderation, and starchy and sugary foods need to be taken with care. Also,

try and cut down on stimulants such as tea and coffee, and keep alcohol to a minimum.

More than anything, do not workout immediately after a meal; instead, give it plenty

of time for your digestive system to deal with it and distribute the fuel for the body.

Dont try and workout on an empty stomach either, as you will find you are short of

energy. If you require you can contact a nutritionist who will help you plan a balanced

diet that is both enjoyable and beneficial.

Now that we have covered all aspects of the benefits of the Ten Minute Workout it is

time to recap and talk about what we have learned so far.

36 2015


The Ten Minute Workout is carefully devised to help keep people who are not so young

anymore fit, to aid weight loss, and to be easy to perform and get used to. It needs no

special equipment, just a clear space, a chair and a towel, and it costs nothing. The

exercises themselves are simple and non-strenuous, and are designed to help build

muscle tone, and to keep the movement in joints fluid and viable as we get older.

Age is a problem for each one of us, and it is not something that we can get around;

however, the above chapters have explained how, with the help of the Ten Minute

Workout, we can keep the ageing process under control as much is possible, by

performing an exercise routine that takes just ten minutes, twice a week.

This book has also offered detailed advice on the main problems people make when

embarking on an exercise program, and these apply not just to the Ten Minute

Workout, but to any exercise routine. These are important points that we hope you will

take on board in order to make sure that you get the very best out of your workout

routine. We have also talked about the myths surrounding exercise for the older

generations, and how the workout program can help people of all ages to keep their

muscles and joints limber and active. Nobody is too old to exercise, and it has its

benefits for all.

Whatever age you are, and whatever you are looking to achieve with your exercise

routine, the Ten Minute Workout allows you to keep fit, feel younger, and enjoy a

healthy life for as long as you can, all the while enjoying the simple and easy to perform

exercises in the comfort of your own home.

We hope that the information contained in this book will help you see that you too can

remain fit and healthy, without expense and the need for strenuous exercise. Follow the

instructions given, and you will begin to see the benefits sooner than you might think.

37 2015

There are some pitfalls to traditional workout programs. Many exercises

demand a high level of energy and you may not be able to maintain that
schedule. It only gets worse if you have chronic medical conditions, such as
hypertension or diabetes, which often go along with obesity.

The Ten Minute Workout allows you to keep fit, feel younger, and enjoy a
healthy life for as long as you can, all the while enjoying the simple and easy to
perform exercises in the comfort of your own home. 2015

38 2015

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