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International Conference on Case Histories in (1984) - First International Conference on Case
Geotechnical Engineering Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

May 6th

General Report for Theme Six Case Histories in

Machine Foundations
Richard D. Woods
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

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Woods, Richard D., "General Report for Theme Six Case Histories in Machine Foundations" (1984). International Conference on Case
Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 6.

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General Report for Theme Six
Case Histories in Machine Foundations
Richard D. Woods
Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.

Also in this area of machine vibration and design

foundations for dynamic forces, considerable education of
The purpose of assembling case studies in machine architects, engineers and owners is needed to assure
foundation dynamics is to present correlations between proper foundation design from the beginning.
measured and computed response of new installations, to
review remedial measures on problem foundations, and to CASE SIWIES IN MACHINE FOON!ll\TIONS
provide critical reviews of poorly performing
installations. Case studies can be used as; guides to It would have been valuable to the rea:Jers if all
information on remedial measures atterrq;>ted by others, authors of papers to this session had been provided a
sources of data by which analytical techniques can be matrix format check list of necessary data relative to
tested, sources of experience and information on their case studies. However, that was not done and, as a
unbalanced forces from unbalanced machinery or other result, not all pertinent data is found in every paper.
foundation disturbances, and examples of applications of
limiting vibration criteria. Three of the six papers to this session deal with
turbo-generator foundations. Authors of one of these
To accomplish the goals of an ideal case study, the point out that the vibration problem studied is not
author should provide the same data as an original related to soil dynamics, but is a bearing problem, Kurrar
designer would require, i.e., dynamic soil properties, and Prakash (1984). From the other two papers, Bhatia
machine and foundation details, unbalanced forces or (1984) and Chakravorty, et al (1984), it is leamed that
characteristics of other disturbances, and analytical mode shapes and stresses in turbo-generator foundations
tools to properly synthesize the preceeding information. are dependent on soil-structure interaction
considerations. Bhatia adds that dynamic forces created
It is clear that geotechnical engineers now have by turbo-generators are not significantly altered from
satisfactory methods for measuring basic dynamic soil no-load to full-load corrlitions. This agrees with the
properties in the range of strain amplitudes required for writers experience with piston and rotary equipment.
machine foundations, Woods (1978, 1983). In the
laboratory the resonant col= apparatus is the best Chakravorty, et al (1984) complain in their paper
suited equipnent. In the field several shallow seismic that there are not yet "established and definative
tests are appropriate and widely used. A newly developed processes" for in situ measurement of low strain
surface wave technique, making use of correlation amplitude shear modulus of soil and, therefore, rigorous
techniques described by Nazarian and Stokoe (1982), will analysis of soil-structure interaction is not warrented.
make acquisition of shear wave velocities even more The writer believes very much to the contrary that low
simple and quick. amplitude shear modulus of soil can be determined in situ
by very well established methods which can provide soil
Satisfactory analytical tools are also available. parameters suitable for currently used analytical methods
Elastic half-space analogs (Richart, Hall & Woods, 1970; (see Woods 1978 and 1983),
Woods, 1977) are adequate for many situations and are
easy to use. For embedded foundations, the method Three papers, Wang (1984) , Guha (1984) and Yang
presented by Novak (see for example Novak 1971, 1976 and (1984) , describe studies of block type foundations but
N:>vak and Aboul-Ella, 1978) and the impedance methods from different viewpoints. wang describes the benefit
coupled by Gazetas (1983) provide good solutions. which can be achieved from corrbining separate compressor
Foundations on piles can be analyzed by methods proposed foundations into a single large mat foundation. Changes
by Novak above and Roesset (see for example in frequency of :maximum response and increases in damping
Sanchez-Salinero, 1982). provided a significant improvement in performance of the
combined mat over separate block foundations. Wang
Probably the weakest link in the design of raises again the issue of "in-:fhase" mass of soil for
foundations for dynamic loads is the specification of translational rrodes of motion in an attempt to adjust
dynamic unbalanced forces or dynamic disturbances. The analytical results to measured results. The writer
designer cannot depend on machine manufacturers to suggests that appropriate accounting for the effects of
provide unbalanced force information or, for that matter, ernbed!rent in Wang's case might accomplish the same goal
even for allowable vibration levels. Engineers must of good correlation and be consistent with principles of
continue to demand this information from manufactures, elastic wave propagation.
and where it is not provided, must make an effort to
determine unbalanced forces by calculations and The case study presented by Guha shows a comparison
measurements. between calculated notion by as many as five roetbods and
measured notions on several block fourrlations. The


First International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Missouri University of Science and Technology
author suggests that the analytical methods corrp;1red in ''ang x (1984) I "A Case Study on Decreasing Vibratio
his p3.per are used currently in practice or are under Yt' I n
Machine Foundations and Structures, P;oc~1ng~
developnent. However, none of the cited methods were .l;,b.g International Cpnference .Qll ~ H1stones .'b.
newer than 1962, In the writers experience and opinion, @technical Engineering, St. Lou1s, H), May 6-1.
practices in North America and western Europe are based 1984,
on methods using elastic half-space analogs after
Richart, et al (1970), elastic side layer theory after woods R. D. (1977), "Lumped Parameter Models," ~
Novak (1977) and/or compliance methods like those Reswnse !1l9. ~ Progagation .in ~ ProceedJJ
compiled by Gazetas (1983). of an International symposium and NAro Advanced
study Institute on Dynamical Methods in Soil and
Rock Mechanics, Vol. 1 (edited by B. Prange),
REFERE!QS Published by Ba.lkema, Rotterdam, pp. 79-102.
Bhatia, K. G. (1984), "Machine Foundations in Power Plant
and other Industries - Case Studies," Proceedings .Qf woods, R. D. (1978), "Measurement of Dynamic Soil
the International Conference .QD ~ Histories .in Properties, Proceedings .Qf. !;bg, Qmfe;ence Qll
Geotechnical Enoineering, St, Louis, MO, May 6-11, Earthquake Engineering Bnd S:Qil. D;ynanucs, PasadeJ
1984. ASCE, Vol, 1, pp. 91-178.

woods, R. D. (1983) 1 "Measurement and Applications of.

Chakravorty, D. K., Ghosh, D. K. and Batavyal, H. N. Shear wave Velocity in Soil-Structure Interactl
(1984), "Dynamic Response and static Analysis of RCC Proceedings, International Workshop .QD.
Space Frames Supporting High Speed Centrifugal soil-Structure Interaction, Roorkee, India, Nov.
Machines with Coupled SOil-Structural Interaction," -nee. 3, 1983, Vol. 2.
Proceeaings .Qf the International COn:ference sm ~
Eistories ln. Geotechnical Engineering, St. Louis, Yang, s. J. (1984), "Forge Hammer Foun~tion on Dil~ti
MO, May 6-11, 1984. soil," Proceedings Qf ~ Int7rnat1o~ Qoryferenc
.Qll ~Histories in GeotechDlcal st
Gazetas, G. (1983), "Analysis of Machine Foundation Louis, ~XJ, May 6-11, 1984.
Vibrations: state of the Art," .5.Qll I:lYnamics .9lli1
Earthg)Jake Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 2-42.

Guha, s. K. (1984), "Vibration Studies of Block Type

Machine Foundations, Proceedings gf_ .l;,b.g
International Conerence .QD. ~Histories in
Geotechnical Engineering, st. Louis, 1-D, May 6-11,
Kumar, K. ana Prakash, s. (1984) I "Foundation-Bearing-
Rotor Interaction Problem in Controlling Vibrations
in a 120 mw Turbo-Generator, Proceedings Qf ~
International Conference QU~ Histories in
Geotechnical Engineering, St. Louis, ID, May 6-11,

Nazarian, s., and Stokoe, K, H., II, (1982) "Evaluation

of Moduli and Thickness of Pavement systans by SMM
Hethods," ~No. 256-4, Texas State Department of
Highways and Public Transportation, Austin, Texas,
93 pp.
Novak, M (1974), "Dynamic Stiffness and Damping of Piles,"
canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol, 11, No. 4, pp.
Novak, M (1977), ~ertical Vibration of Floating Piles,"
.IQyrngl Qf ~ Engineering Mechanics Division, ~
Vol. 103, No, EMl, Feb., pp, 153-168,

Novak, M and Aboul-Ella, F, (1978), "Impedance Functions

of Piles in Layered Media," JOUrnal Qf w
Engineering Mechanics Division, ~Vol. 104, No.
EM6, June, pp. 643-666.

Richart, F. E., Jr., Hall, J, R., Jr. and woods, R. D.

(1970) I vibrations 2i ,SQili MQ Foundations.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 412 p.

Sanchez-Salinero, I. (1982), "Static and Dynamic

stiffnesses of Single Piles," Geotechnical
Engineering ~ GR82-31, University of
Texas-Austin, August, 225 p,


First International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Missouri University of Science and Technology
Dav1d Weiner, Tech.Dr., Stockholm (oral caps are cast on a SO em thick regulating
discussion) "VIBRATION PROBLEHS IN GII.NGSAW course of sand . The lower floor, which is con-
F'OUNDA'l'lONS. causes - remedial measures" structed with an expansion joint around the
gangsaw foundations, is also supported by point-
bearing piles which were driven to refusal.

Introduction When the sawmill started operating , noun-

acceptable vibration was noted in either the
case record concerns gangsaw foundations
'l'fle machines or the foundations . After six months ,
restJng on point-bearing piles . Dynamic inter- the vibration amplitude of gangsaw foundation 3
action between four foundations, and develop- increased . Measurements indicated a velocity am-
menL of an atr gap below the footings and round plitude of 30 mm/sec , which is three times the
pila heads caused very large vibralion levels generally accepted value . In addition, the foun -
ln Lhe wnole vibration system, i . e . in the vi- dation had settled. Because of the vibrations,
bration source and the adjoining structure. the machinery supplier no longer accepted re-
sponsibility for wear in the gangsaw . It was de-
The use of a method and device for making cided that a vibration survey of the system con-
a force-transmitting expansion joint between cerned, gangsaw foundation - environment (saw-
tlte gangsaw foundations and surrounuing struc- mill building , switchgear) , should be carried
ture has reduced the vibration levels in the out . The reason for the large vibration of only
whole system and has become an alternative to one gangsaw foundation must be related to the
traditional remedial measures , such as tuning local conditions beneath this foundation, poss-
tha inertia forces of the gangsaw with respect ibly due to failure of some of the piles , which
to different values of spring constants and dy- changed the dynamic behaviour of the foundation .
namic interaction between foundations for ver- With the aid of measured values of vibracion am-
tical, horizontal and rocking motion of these plitudes , given and calculated values of mass
found1tlo:1s. forces and inertia forces , actual values of
spring constants kx kz and factors of inlerac -
tion between foundations ~ix a. were calculated
(Fig . 2). l.Z

0. 6
0. 2
o. 1
0. 0
0 2 3 4 c/a

Fig . 2 Factors ' ix' '=~iz for dynamic interac-

tion between two identical foundations
for gangsaw with Lhe same number of
.revolut.ions .
'fhe horizontal and vertical vibration am-
I' I q. 1 Four gang saw foundations with mounting plitudes Ax, Az of two adjacent and identical
device for force-transmitting expan- foundations for gangsaw with the same number of
sion joint. revolutions is given by:
A (1+a )
X i>:
Case history Az A o (1
+ ''iz )
This sawmill with an annual output of some wh~re A~, A~ = vibration amplitudes at oper-
240 , 000 m) o sawn wood is one of Lhe largest atl.on ot only one gangsaw .
sawmills in Europe. Each of the foundations
( 9 x 4 x 2. 5 m) for the four gang saws is sup- This case was a good illustration of the
ported by 22 precast concrete piles which were l.nteraction effecl belween several gangsaw foun-
d~lven to refusal (Fig. 1). The piles were dations in a sawmill with a hiyh concentralion
driven through a fill of organic material of gangsaws. '!'he hor lzontal vibration ampli-
(bark and wood chips) . The fill is underlairt by tudes, parallel to the sawing direction- in
a fr1ctional material and bedrock. The pile gangsaw foundation 2 - were about 100% higher

First International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
when all four gangsaws were operating, in com- has until now been ignored in the planning anc
parison with the amplitudes when only gangsaw design of sawmills, resulting in serious vi-
2 was operating. bration problems in large modern sawmill units
as described in Weiner (1983). By using force-
On a basis of the determined values of transmitting expansion joints the horizontal
spring constants and interaction factors, it dynamic stiffness and damping of the gangsaw
was possible to tune the vibration system by foundation can be increased, and one can as a
altering the counterweight masses of gangsaws result, when necessary
so that the inertia forces were synchronized o reduce the area and/or volume of the gang
with the real spring constants and a favour- saw foundation,
able interaction of the foundations. In this o reduce the number of piles supporting gar.
way it was possible to reduce the horizontal saw foundations,
vibration amplitude for the gangsaw foundation o reduce too large vibrations in existing
from 30 mmjsec to 10 mm/sec. sawmills as, for example, in the case de-
About six months later, a considerable in-
crease in horizontal vibrations was noted in From the economic point of view, force-
gangsaw foundation 4. It was assumed on a basis transmitting expansion joints are especially
of the measurements that these gangsaw foun- suitable for foundations for reciprocating ma-
dations, which had previously exhibited the chines with large horizontal forces and low RP
smallest amplitudes, were now subject to the
same kind of disturbance as the previous foun-
dation. This indicated a continual reduction in References
the horizontal dynamic stiffness (spring con-
stants) of the supporting foundations (piles- Barkan, D.D., 1962, Dynamics of Bases and Foun
soil). An investigation of the soil material dation. (Translated from the Russian, ed.
below the gangsaw foundations showed that this 1948.) McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York.
had a propensity to liquefaction and development
of an air gap below the foundations. Major, A., 1980, Dynamics in Civil Engineering
Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.

Moore, P.J. & Weiner, D., 1978, Damage from Vi

brations of Rolling Mill Foundations. Royal
Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

15.5m Moore, P.J. & Weiner, D., 1978, Damage from Vi

brations of Gang saw Foundations. Royal Insti
tute of Technology, Stockholm.

Prakash, s., 1981, Soil Dynamics. McGraw-Hill

Book co., New York.

Fig. 3 Sawmill, section. Rausch, E., 1959 and 1968, Maschinenfundamente

VDJ-Verlag, DUsseldorf.
In order, in the future, to prevent loss
of horizontal dynamic stiffness of the gangsaw Richart, F.E., Hall, J.R. & woods, R.D., 1970,
foundations in conjunction with liquefaction, Vibrations of Soils and Foundations. Prentic
etc., force-transmitting devices were installed Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
in expansion joints between the gangsaw foun-
dations and the adjoining concrete floor slab. Srinivasulu, P. & Vaidyanatha~C.V., 1978, Haru
These devices are constructed so that they only book of Machine Foundations. McGraw-Hill Bool
transmit the horizontal forces in the desired Co., New York.
direction, while at the same time they allow
freedom of foundation motion in the vertical di- Weiner, D., 1982, Machine Foundations- New
rection as well as in other directions. Light on Design of Blocktype Foundations. (Ir
Swedish.) Swedish Council for Building Re-
The use of force-transmitting devices in search, Stockholm.
expansion joints has reduced the velocity am-
plitude of horizontal vibration of gangsaw foun- Weiner, D., 1983, Vibration Damage in Sawmills
dation in measurement point ~IP1 from 37 rnm/sec -causes and Remedial Measures. (In Swedish.)
to 5. 7 rrun/sec, and the amplitude at MP5 in the Doctoral thesis, Royal Institute of Technolo~
office on the upper floor in the sawmill from Stockholm.
1.8 mrn/sec to 0.6 mm/sec (Fig. 3).
Weiner, D., 1984, Machine Foundations- Vi-
The mounting device and method for making bration Damage in Industry. swedish Council f
force-transmitting expansion joints is patented Building Research, Stockholm.
in Sweden and is the subject of a patent appli-
cation in other countries. Whitman, R.V., 1972, Analysis of Soil-Structure
Interaction - A State of the Art Review. Soil
conclusions Publication No. 300, MIT, Boston.

Dynamic interaction
o between adjacent gangsaw foundations,
o gang saw foundation- soil- adjoining struc-


First International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Missouri University of Science and Technology
Discussion by Shamsher Prakash, Professor in Civil Engineer- Discussion by Dr. K.G. Bhatia, Sr. Manager, ESG, Bharat
ing, University of Missouri, Rolla and Vi jay K. Puri , Heavy Electricals Ltd., Corp. R&D Division, Hyderabad,
Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic India, on 11 Dynamic Response and Static Analysis of RCC
Institute of New York on "Vibration Studies of Block Foun- Space Frame Supporting High Speed Centrifugal Machines
dations" by S.K. Guha, Department of Geology, University with Coupled Soil Structure Interaction," by Dilip K.
of Poena, Pune, India. Chakravorthy, D.K. Ghosh and H.N. Batergal.

At the outset we congratulate the author for a very in- I appreciate the authors for presenting a study of
teresting paper on vibration studies on machine foundations frame foundation using soil structure interaction and
for which very 1 ittle data is avai !able. The dynamic re- I also agree with their conclusions that the mode shapes,
sponse of rigid block type foundations is rather sensitive stresses, etc., are effected by soil structure inter-
to the soil conditions and thereforenecessitates a careful action. However I have the following questions on the
and realistic selection of dynamic soi ld parameters. The paper which the authors may clarify.
dynamic soi 1 constants are influenced by several factors,
the most significant among them are the effective confining The acceptability of the frame foundation is a
pressure and the dynamic shear strain amplitude. These dy- function of (a) strength and (b) dynamic response. As
namic soi 1 constants can be readily determined as a part far as my experience goes, these foundations have ade-
of the soil exploration program from in-situ wave propaga- quate strength and thereby adequate safety margins.
tion tests. The values of dynamic soil constants for de- Regarding dynamic response of the foundation, the limits
sign may then be selected after accounting for the effect imposed by machines are very stringent. However sophis-
of significant parameters influencing them (Prakash and ticated method of analysis one may use for modelling
Puri (1981, 1984)). The soil constants in the present the frame foundation, unless the dynamic loading is
case have been arbitrarily assumed and the range of their defined accurately, it is difficult to evaluate dynamic
values is rather wide. It is not possible to consider such amplitude correctly. In view of this, the authors may
a wide variation in the values of dynamic soi 1 properties clarify the following:
when attempting a design. The results of the study would
have been more meaningful to the designers if adequate in- 1. What dynamic loading has been used for assessing
formation on dynamic soi 1 properties had been obtained the amplitudes using the mathematical models as
along with the monitored performance of the machine foun- described by them.
dations at different sites.
2. What would be the variation in dynamic ampli-
tudes if a simplified model would have been
REFERENCES used instead of sophisticated model.
Prakash, S., and Puri, Vijay K., (1981), "Dynamic Proper-
3. Unless sub harmonics of excitation forces are
ties of Soils From In-Situ Tests", Journal of the Geotech-
used to evaluate the amplitudes, the free
nical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No GT7, July,
vibration frequency values do not convey much
PP 943-963
meaning for the design of frame foundation.
Prakash, S., and Puri, Vijay K. (1984), "Design of A Com-
pressor Foundation: Predictions and Observations 11 , Inter-
national Conference On Case Histories in Geotechnical En-
Discussion by Dr. K.G. Bhatia, Sr. Manager, ESG, Bharat
gineering, St. Louis, May 6-11, Vol. IV.
Heavy Electricals Ltd., Corp. R&D Division, Hyderabad,
India, on 11 Vibration Problems in Gangsaw Foundation, 11
by David Weiner.

I congratulate the author for presenting such a

case study.

The author has not furnished details regarding the

rpm of the machine. In my opinion, a signature analysis
of the vibration record would have indicated the fre-
quency component of the excitation responsible for
higher vibration and have led to the appropriate solu-

The solution provided by the author, tends to

increase the lateral stiffness of the pile systems, thus
altering the natural frequency of the foundation.

In my opinion if response of the foundation would

have been evaluated for sub-harmonic/superharmonic
excitations caused by the saw mill, the system of pile
configuration required at the design stage would have
been different than provided.

I fully agree with the conclusion drawn by the

author that there is an interaction between adjacent
foundations as well as soil and adjoining structure.

First International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering
Missouri University of Science and Technology
sion by Shamsher Prakash, Professor in Civil Engineer- Discussion by Dr. K,G. Bhatia, Sr. Manager, ESG, Bharat
niversity of Missouri, Rolla and Vijay K. Puri, Heavy Electricals Ltd., Corp. R&D Division, Hyderabad,
ant Professor in Civil Engineering, Polytechnic India, on "Dynamic Response and Static Analysis of RCC
.ute of New York on "Vibration Studies of Block Foun- Space Frame Supporting High Speed Centrifugal Machines
's" by S.K. Guha, Department of Geology, University with Coupled Soil Structure Interaction," by Dilip K.
>na, Pune, India. Chakravorthy, D.K. Ghosh and H.N. Batergal,

tt the outset we congratulate the author for a very in- I appreciate the authors for presenting a study of
:ing paper on vibration studies on machine foundations frame foundation using soil structure interaction and
dch very little data is available. The dynamic re- I also agree with their conclusions that the mode shapes,
' of rigid block type foundations is rather sensitive stresses, etc., are effected by soil structure inter-
'soil conditions and thereforenecessitates a careful action. However I have the following questions on the
,alistic selection of dynamic soild parameters. The paper which the authors may clarify.
c soil constants are influenced by several factors,
JSt significant among them are the effective confining The acceptability of the frame foundation is a
1re and the dynamic shear strain amplitude. These dy- function of (a) strength and (b) dynamic response. As
soil constants can be readily determined as a part far as my experience goes, these foundations have ade-
'soil exploration program from in-situ wave propaga- quate strength and thereby adequate safety margins.
:ests. The values of dynamic soil constants for de- Regarding dynamic response of the foundation, the limits
lay then be selected after accounting for the effect imposed by machines are yery stringent, However sophis-
Jnificant parameters influencing them (Prakash and ticated method of analysis one may use for modelling
:1981, 1984)). The soil constants in the present the frame foundation, unless the dynamic loading is
1ave been arbitrarily assumed and the range of their defined accurately, it is difficult to eyaluate dynamic
; is rather wide. It is not possible to consider such amplitude correctly. In view of this, the authors may
'variation in the values of dynamic soil properties clarify the following:
lttempting a design. The results of the study would
Jeen more meaningful to the designers if adequate in- 1. What dynamic loading has been used for assessing
:ion on dynamic soil properties had been obtained the amplitudes using the mathematical models as
with the monitored performance of the machine foun- described by them.
1S at different sites.
2. What would be the variation in dynamic ampli-
tudes if a simplified model would have been
oNCES used instead of sophisticated model,
;h, S., and Puri, Vi jay K., (1981), "Dynamic Proper-
3. Unless sub harmonics of excitation forces are
)f Soils From In-Situ Tests", Journal of the Geotech-
used to evaluate the amplitudes, the free
Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol. 107, No GT7, July,
vibration frequency values do not convey much
meaning for the design of frame foundation.
;h, S., and Puri, Vijay K. (1984), "Design of A Com-
)r Foundation: Predictions and Observations", lnter-
1al Conference On Case Histories in Geotechnical En-
Discussion by Dr. K.G. Bhatia, Sr. Manager, ESG, Bharat
ing, St. Louis, May 6-ll, Vol. IV.
Heavy Electricals Ltd., Corp. R&D Division, Hyderabad,
India, on "Vibration Problems in Gangsaw Foundation,"
by David Weiner.

I congratulate the author for presenting such a

case study.

The author has not furnished details regarding the

rpm of the machine. In my opinion, a signature analysis
of the vibration record would have indicated the fre-
quency component of the excitation responsible for
higher vibration and have led to the appropriate solu-

The solution provided by the author, tends to

increase the lateral stiffness of the p:l,le syste~s, thus
altering the natural frequency of the foundation,

In my opinion if response of the foundation would

have been evaluated for sub-harmonic/superharmonic
excitations caused by the saw mill, the system of pile
configuration required at the design stage would have
been different th~n provided.

I fully agree with the conclusion drawn by the

author that there is an interaction between adjacent
foundations as well as soil and adjoining structure.


First International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Missouri University of Science and Technology
Author's reply to discussion by Dr. Richard D. Woods on
"Machine Foundations in Power Plant and Other Industries"
by K. G. Bhatia.

I am thankful to the General Reporter, Dr. Woods,

for his comment on my paper. However, I would like to
add and bring out a few more salient features which need
to be considered at the design stage.

Sub harmonic and super harmonic excitation must be

considered at the design stage.

Research findings based on sophisticated/complex

formulations have got to be translated into simpli-
fied design office approach. Only then the benefit
of research will find its place in practice.

National bodies should be set up to carry out

field measurements on existing installations and
the data thus obtained should be exchanged and
discussed in such International forums and definite
conclusions derived which would form the recommen-
dations for future use. UNLESS THIS IS DONE


First International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Missouri University of Science and Technology

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