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El monumento tiene un valor de tipo histrico de gran significado para el pas y el cantn, a este lugar llegaron

los geodsicos franceses en junio de 1736, y los resultados de sus investigaciones son grabados en una gran
plancha de piedra, que en la actualidad reposa en el observatorio astronmico de Quito.
The monument has a historical value of great significance for the country and the canton; a place came to the
French geodesic in June 1736, and the results of his investigations are engraved on a large stone grille, which at
present Rests In the astronomical observatory of Quito

Ubicado a 74 Km desde la Ciudad de Quito. Est en la Parroquia Cangahua

Location Located 74 km from the City of Quito. It is in the Cangahua Parish

El reloj solar de Quitsato: Es un gran Reloj del Sol que se ubica exactamente en la lnea equinoccial.

Quitsato's solar clock: It is a great Clock of the Sun that is located exactly in the equinoctial line.
tambien podemos vistar elMuseo de Cultura Solar: Lugar donde se realizan exposiciones audiovisuales acerca de
los antecedentes de importancia de la Mitad del Mundo, historia, geografa, arqueologa, astronoma, geodesia y
muchos otros tpicos alrededor de la identidad

We can also visit the Museum of Solar Culture: Place where audiovisual exhibitions about the history of
importance of the Middle of the World, history, geography, archeology, astronomy, geodesy and many other
topics around the identity

Hacienda Guachal: Desde hace 12 aos la hacienda funciona como hostera. Cuenta con una serie de atractivos
culturales y paisajsticos, tiene dos capillas, un museo y piscina tropical.

Este atractivo fue usado como casa de hacienda y vivienda, pero actualmente se usa como hostera. El uso turstico
que se le ha dado debe ser difundido y promocionado, por cuanto constituye un ejemplo de recuperacin de una
casa de hacienda para nuevo us

Hacienda Guachal: For 12 years the hacienda has been operating as a hostel. It has a series of cultural and scenic
attractions, has two chapels, a museum and a tropical swimming pool. This attraction was used as a house of
hacienda and housing, but is currently used as a hostel. The tourist use that has been given to it must be
disseminated and promoted, as it constitutes an example of a recovery of a house of finance for new us

Seven kilometres south of Cayambe, just before the turning to Cangahua and Hacienda Guachal, at Km70 on
the Panamericana, is the Quitsato equator monument (, taking the form of a giant
sundial (reloj solar), spanning 54 metres across with a ten-metre-high cylinder, placed exactly on the equator, as
its gnomon to cast a shadow. From this huge clock face, a compass rose of light stones inlaid into dark allows you
(or one of the guides on hand, at least), not only to read the time, but also the month, while other features indicate
the solstices and equinoxes.

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