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PEMDAS Poster Instructions

Create a poster for YOUR mnemonic to remember the correct order of operations!
A mnemonic is a phrase that helps you to remember a set of things (like the order of operations) usually
concentrating on the first letter of each wordthe most common mnemonic used is:
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally
The first letters of this mnemonic correspond to the first letters of the words used to identify the correct
order of operations, Parentheses/Grouping, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and
Subtraction. But for this poster, you must come up with your own mnemonic.
In addition, each poster must be accompanied by an example. The example should show each
type of operation: parentheses/grouping, exponents, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. The
example should be clearly evaluated with each operation shown, correctly. You will be graded based on
the rubric provided. You will be given 1 day of class time to complete this project.

PEMDAS Summative Project Write Up Instructions

The Write Up must include:

Your example expression from your poster
Steps to solve the expression correctly written in COMPLETE sentences
Indept reasoning of why you did those steps in that order
All numbers and operations written out!
o Examples:
9 as nine
+ as add or plus
A thoughtful reflection on creating your mnemonic and writing out your steps in your
write up using the order of operations to solve your example expression correctly in
complete sentences with all numbers and operations written out
Your name and period in the top right corner

Times New Roman Font
1 inch margins
Size 12 font
Double spaced

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