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Amsavatara Yoga
Definition.-Yenus and Jupiter should be in
Kendras,the Lagnamust fall in a movablesign and
Saturn must be exaltedin a Kendra.
Results.-lJnsullied name and fame, versatile
learning, fond of sexpleasures,passionsunder con-
trol, an authorityof philosophy, ruler or an equal
to him.
Remarks.-Emphasisis laid on the unsulliedor
pure nature of reputation. One born in this yoga
cannotbe unscrupulous. Of coursein a horoscope,
where so many other influencesare present, one's
characteranalysisshouldnot be madeon the strength
of a mereyoga howeverpowerful it may be.
at 3'5a.m. (L'M T )
ChartNo. 37.-Born on l4-12'1895
Lat. 51"3l' N.; Long.0" 6' W.

Balanceof Saturn'sDasaat birth : yearc17'10-27.

In Chart No. 37 Jupiter and Venus are in
Kendras and Saturn is exaltedin a Kendra so that
76 Three Hundred lmportant Combinations

Amsavatara Yoga is present. The native was the

ruler of a full-blown Empire.

51. Harihara Brahma Yoga

Definition.-If benefics are in the 8th or 12th

from the 2nd lord ; or if Jupiter, the Moon and Mer- r'
gury are in the 4th, 9th and Sth from the 7th lord;
or if the Sun, Venus and Mars are in the 4th, lOth
and I lth from the lord of Lagna, the above Yoga is
Results.-One born in this Yoga will be an emi-
nent scholar in Vedas, truthful, surrounded by all
pleasures,a pleasingspeaker, fond of sex pleasures,
conqueror of enemies,helpful to others and engaged
in virtuous deeds.
Rennrks.-This seemsto be a somewhatcompli-
cated Yoga. Three combinationsa.recomprehended,
viz., (a) beneficsshould occupy the 8th and 12th
from the 2nd lord; (b) Jupiter, Moon and Mercury
must be in the 4th, 9th and Sth respectivelyfrom the
7th lord ; or (c) the Sun, Venusand Mars must be in
the 4th, lOth and I lth frorn the lord of Lagna. The
Yoga to be effectivemust be strong and be disposed
as suggestedabove. Thus, pride of place has been
given to Lagna, the 2nd and 7th lords. There seems
to be some good reason for consideringthesethree
factors. Lagna representsthe birth or creation of the
individual. The 2nd representsthe wealth which is
so very essentialfor protection or preservationwhile
Kusuma Yoga 77

the 7th beingthe houseof Maraka signifiesdesrruc-

tion. Thesethree activitiesof creation, protection
and destructionare carriedon by the Hindu Trinity,
v2., Brahma, Vishnuor Hari and Mahe-shwara or
Hara and hencethe combinationis termedHarihara

52. Kusuma Yoga

Definition.-If Jupiter is in Lagna, the Moon in

the 7th and the Sun in the 8th from the Moon,
Kusuma Yoga is caused.
Results.-The person will be a King or equal to
a King, protector of kith and kin, founder of a town
or a headman, and possessedofunsullied reputation.
Remarks,-Jupiter in Lagna is a highly beneficial
combination and when the Moon is in the 7th from
Jupiter, GajakesariYoga is caused.The Sun's situa-
tion in the 8th from the Moon, which means the
same as being in the 2nd, results in SubhavasiYoga
as Jupiter will be in the l2th. Thus Kusuma Yoga
has resultedby the mingling of Gajakesari and Vasi
Yogas. In such caseswhere two or more Yogas are
merged together, the most powerful of the lot is to
be taken into account. I$agistrates,munsiffs, village
headmen,mayors and municipal commissionersmay
be born when Kusuma Yoga is strongly formed.
Chart No. 38. (Seepage 78) is a typical horos-
cope illustrating K.usumaYoga. Jupiter is in [,agna,
the Moon in the 7th and the Sun in the 2nd. But all
7E Thrce Hundrcd Important Combinations

the three planets who have causedthe Yoga are sub' .:ri
ject to evil influences becausethe Moon is with
Kethu, Jupiter is subjectto Rahu's influenceand-the fi
Sun is of course associatedwith Saturn and othdr ti

malefics. Chart No. 38, whilst illustrative of the

theory of the Yoga, has not given rise to more tlun
20 or 25o/u of the results becauseof its restrictive
Chart No. 3B.-Born on l5-12-1899 at 5-42 a.m. (L.M.T)
l-at. l0' 45' N. ; Long. 19" 4' E.

Moon Rahu
Sun Saturn Mars


Saturn Mercury Jupitcr

Sun Jupiter Vcnus
Mars Lagna Mcrcury Kethu
Venus Rahu

Balanceof Sun's Dasa at birth : years l'2'12'

Prof. Rao gives another definition in his Sara-
yoga Manjari according to which Venus should
occupy a fixed sign in a Kendra, weak Moon in a
trine and the Sun in the l0th house to causeKusuma
Yoga. Obviously Venrts calltlot occupy any other
Kendra than the lOth house in casethe Sun is also
to be in the l0th for Venus and the Sun cannot be
apartfrom each other beyond 47'. This will therefore
mean that the weak Moon shor'rldoccupya trine and
the Sun and Venus nrust be in the l0th. In higher

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