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266 Pvovincinl insolvenry [I955 : T,N. Act WI

(Tamil Nadu

1rTAMIL M D U j ACT No. VIII OF 19533..

(Received rlze assent of the President on the 16th May 1953 ;

f i s t published 'n the Fort St. Georgc Gazette, on the
27th May 1953.)
An Act further to amcnd the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920
in its application to tbeS[Stateof Tamil Naclo]
W ~ R E AitSis cxpedjent further tc amend tho Provincial
Insolvency Act, 1920, (Central Act V of 1920), in its
application to the '[State of Tamil Nadu] for the purpose
hereinafter appeari og ;It is here by enacted as follows :-
Short title 1. This Act m2.y be called the Provincial Insolvency
(1[Tamil Nedul Amendment) Act, 1953.

Insertion of 2 After section 23-A of the Pfovincia 1 Insolvency Act,

new section 1920 (Central .4ct V of 1920), the followin;: szction shall
28-B in be inserted, ni?rnely :-
of 1920.
Section 28-A "28-B Syction 28-h shall, wit11 effect o n clnd from
to apply to the 1st day of April 1949, b ~deemed
. to have applied to the
su hjccl l o the fcllowing
tie merged merged territory of P~ltiukl~~tcjttni,
territory ef modifica.cations, namely :
from 1st
April 1949
with certain
(i) In the &st and second piqovisos,for th- words,
brackets and figures ' before the con~mencernelltof the
provincial Tnsolvency (A~~~endment)Act,
1948' (he words,
----- -- -- " c--__--

IThese words we1.e substituted fbr the words " Madras y * by the
Tamil Nadu r'idaptati0i-k cf ' l a ~ # Order,
s 1 %59c as amencled by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation o i Laws (Second Amendm~nt)Order, 1969
2 For Ststenlent of Objects and Reas~nssee Fort St. George
.rzette, Part IV-A, dated the 21st January 1953, Page 8.
These words were substituted for the words " State of Ma&-as fl
\e Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969 as amended
Tamil Nadu Adaptat ion of Laws (second' Anlendment)

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