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Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1235 1236

Book review

Bioprocess engineering bed Adsorption, Gel Filtration and Membrane Separation

Michael L. Shuler and Fikret Kargi; Prentice-Hall Inter- that are hardly recognized in classical unit operation courses
national Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering must be known by the chemical engineer=bio-engineer.
Sciences, Englewood Cli.s, NJ, 2nd Edition, 2002, ISBN Shuler and Kargi present their new, greatly revised edition
0-13-081908-5 of Bioprocess Engineering with no illusion that all topics
relevant for the prospective bio-engineering scientist can be
In the preface to the 5rst edition (1992) of the book the learnt through the study of one single textbook. Rather, they
authors de5ne Bioprocess Engineering as the application wish to introduce what also the present reviewer believes
of engineering principles to design, develop and analyse are the most important topics of biotechnology, and there-
processes using biocatalysts (to form) desirable compounds after refer the reader to specialized texts for a more detailed
or (to destruct) unwanted or hazardous substances. The tools account of each topic.
of the engineer, particularly the chemical engineer will be At one end of the spectrum of topics covered in Biopro-
essential to the successful exploitation of bioprocesses. cess Engineering one 5nds Chapters 2, 4, 5, and 8 (122
The last 10 years has seen an explosive development of pages) in which basic concepts of cell biology is treated. At
bioprocesses, not only for pharmaceuticals and other low the other end one 5nds small overview chapters on animal
volume, high-value added products, but also for production cell cultures, plant cell cultures and medico-biotechnology
of commodity chemicals in competition with petrochemi- (Chapters 12, 13, 15 47 pages) and an appendix (20
cal synthesis routes. The desirability to include some form pages), which describes seven typical submerged cultiva-
of Biotechnology education in the curricula of Chemical tions of microorganisms, all with a huge economic impact.
Engineering is now recognized worldwide: the students de- In between the very basic topics and the applications one
mand it, and the teachers discover an ever increasing range 5nds the engineering topics: stoichiometry, kinetics of
of challenging research topics in biotechnology. The excite- bioreactions, bioreactors, and down-stream recovery and
ment is felt at all conferences or symposia in Biocatalysts, puri5cation (Chapters 7, 6, 9, 10, 11203 pages). Very early
Metabolic engineering, Cell-culture, Bio-mechanics enzyme kinetics is discussed (Chapter 3), and almost at the
or Tissue Engineering. The research can be made end (Chapter 16) mixed microbial cultures with a brief,
on almost virginal territory, in the borderland between but precise introduction to wastewater treatment processes.
disciplines, and sometimes substantial economic rewards Problems concerned with the use of genetically engineered
are attained at the end of the journey. organisms (choice of hostvector systems, and rever-
The role of the chemical engineer in bio-research which sion of the engineered organism to the wild-type strain)
was emphasized by the authors has certainly not diminished are discussed in a separate chapter 14also near the end
during the last 10 years. With the introduction, during re- of the text.
cent years of many large-scale bioprocesses the importance This brief overview of the contents of the text demon-
of modelling, control and optimization as well as the in- strates that the authors have tried to introduce all the major
ventiveness and experience of the engineer in scale-up and aspects of modern bioprocesses. A reader with no previ-
integration of process steps into an economically viable ous exposure to the major metabolic pathways of bacteria
overall process will undoubtedly strengthen the position of and lower eucaryotes will probably 5nd the short Chapter 5
the engineer in the cooperation with bio-scientists which is (22 pages) quite easy to read and very informative, and in
essential for successful implementation of bioprocesses. Chapter 12 on animal cell cultures he will learn that the han-
A crude application of basic chemical engineering disci- dling of higher eucaryotes is quite di.erent from that of
plines such as mass-transport and reaction engineering will, a yeastor a lactic bacteria culture. The pure bioscience
however, not su@ce. Some papers written in the typical for- student will obtain a basic knowledge of design and oper-
mat of chemical engineering modelling papers are simply ation of bioreactors (Chapters 9 and 10) and of the eco-
pathetic in their lack of relevance for bio-reaction systems. nomics of bioprocesses from the industrial case studies in
To do a useful job in bioprocesses the engineering student the appendix.
must be familiar with a whole spectrum of topics, which to- In many ways Shuler and Kargis text resembles Bailey
day form the nucleus of a bio-science education: biochem- and Ollis Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. In both
istry and molecular biology to name two vast subjects each cases the second edition represents a major increase in the
with many sub-topics. Also unit processes such as Expanded number of topics covered. The second edition (1986) of

0009-2509/02/$ - see front matter ? 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1236 Book review / Chemical Engineering Science 57 (2002) 1235 1236

Bailey and Ollis gives more details on the biochemistry, but beginning of the chapter. By formulating a section heading
its more than 1000 pages does not give a deeper insight in (Chapter 6.4) How cells grow in continuous culture the
any particular subject than the present book of 533 pages, authors may unconsciously lend support to the myth that
and naturally some topics which had not even appeared in the the kinetics of bioreactions carried out in batch reactors is
scienti5c journals in 1986 are now su@ciently well known somehow di.erent from the kinetics obtained in continuous
to be included in an encyclopaedia-like textbook published reactors. Batch reactors are unsuited for kinetic investiga-
in 2002. tions but the kinetics derived from continuous reactors can
The weaknesses of an encyclopaedical treatment are be used to design batch processesexcept when a changing
also apparent in both texts. Trying to present the cell activity necessitates that a much more detailed kinetic
whole scenery of Biotechnology in one text may also make it model must be used.
very di@cult to identify the audience for the book. An en- One may also have wished that the many hopeless un-
gineering student should qualify himself in a quantitative structured kinetic models (Tessier, Moser, Contois, etc.)
treatment of the subject and one might fear that the student could have been buried. A section on models for rapid tran-
will not be su@ciently exposed to the problems of quanti- sients would have been more useful. Publications on this
tative biotechnology either in Bailey and Ollis or in Shuler subject now appear in the scienti5c journals, and the inter-
and Kargi. Stoichiometry as seen in black-box models pretation of transients throws much light on the regula-
(Chapter 7) or in Metabolic Pathway Models (a subject tion of metabolic pathways, decoupling of catabolism and
which is cursorily dismissed in one short paragraph anabolism, etc.
p. 455 in Chapter 14) is an entry-point for any student Perhaps this criticism is unfairit is at least completely
who wants to understand cell physiology. Stoichiometric wrong to assume that the authors who work in the front
considerations in bioreactions are much more important line of biotechnology research are not aware of the weak-
than for ordinary chemical reactions and the change in nesses in the presentation of individual topics. Perhaps, the
stoichiometry with increasing Jux through the metabolic encyclopaedial treatment of bioprocesses is not satisfac-
network has no counterpart in chemistry. Also network tory anymore, and we will have to use a combination of
calculations will immediately challenge chemical engineer- textbooks (biochemistry, molecular biology, bioreactions,
ing students and will provide opportunities to use their bioseparations) to give an adequate fundamental education
knowledge of e.g. linear algebra on relevant problems. in biotechnology.
The treatment of kinetics of bioreactions in Chapters 6
and 9 is also to some extent disappointing and not up- John Villadsen
dated from Bailey and Ollis (1977 or 1986). Rates of Department of Biotechnology
bioreactions are best determined in steady-state contin- Technical University of Denmark
uous reactors and this should be introduced before the BioCentrum-DTU Building 223
stoichiometry in Chapter 7. Kinetics are also best ex- 2800 Lyngby, Denmark
tracted from steady-state datahence some material at E-mail address:
the end of Chapter 6 should precede the batch data in the (J. Villadsen)

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