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Name: Dianne Joyce T.

Pacimos BSEd III- Social Studies



Activity No. 5

Although technology integration is the idea that is being pushed in our educational system, we
can say that we have not yet achieved full integration of technology in our educational system.
What do you think are the hindrances that limit the full integration of technology in the teaching
and learning process? Cite specific examples. How are you going to address these obstacles if
you are the head of a school?

In more and more schools today, technology is recognized as an instructional tool, not as
a subject of instruction. Still, many educators, less familiar and less comfortable with technology
than their students, struggle to seamlessly integrate a growing list of technology tools into their
regular curriculum. How can a teacher teach to use these technologies if he himself doesnt know
how to use these modern technologies? And thats what we call the hindrance and conflict
towards achieving the full integration of technology.

Today students is more interested and active in the topic relating technologies because
they learn more when they watch clips, video presentation and etc. with technology involved in
education, the students are more active in their learning, The teacher is no longer the center of
attention. They play the role of a facilitator or guide of information and not so much of an
information source. Technology in the classroom allows the students to be more active with the
opportunity of communication of information these technologies also give an opportunity for
students and teachers to learn from a broader perspective of learning other skills. Instead of
having the social norm of "lecture, notes" type of classes, students get to be active in learning
with such a broad area of study.

Another factor that limits the full integration of technology is the lack of technologies in
some rural areas; they dont even know how to use these new technologies because they were not
given a chance to introduce these things to them. The Department of Education (DepEd) should
take some action in order to solve these problem and hindrance.

If I am the head of the school, I would make sure that all the teachers of the school will
learn these technologies, they will have a training about using educational technology and they
should attend a seminar regarding modern way of teaching and grasp some information about
teaching this new generation of learner so that they can apply it to their student , I would also
make sure that the educational tools like computers, laptop, projector & etc. should be
implemented or present in each classroom so that the teachers will not stress themselves looking
for this materials.

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