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10 Things Muslims Dont Want Infidels Knowing About Islam

Thanks to the left, there are dangerous myths and propaganda that help to disguise Islam as a
religion of peace. With the islamization of Western nations, there are claims about Islam that
must be squashed, and its time for the infidels and kafirs to rise up and put to rest those
Islamic lies once and for all.

1. Islam is not a race.

As ridiculous as it is to even have to address this, there are still ignorant apologists who cant
decipher ethnicity from ideology. Islam is a religion, but just because it is a religion does not
mean it isnt inherently violent. Although liberals claim that all religions are equal, Islam is not
merely an individual faith. Rooted in conquest, Islam has its own set of laws, by which it must
subjugate what it believes to be lesser faiths. However, unlike other religions, Muslims are
commanded to live by and establish an Islamic government in every nation on earth. It is the
religious duty of every Muslim to physically and politically fight to overthrow democracy in
order to implement biased Sharia law. Not only must Muslims live under this medieval
governance, it must rule over all minorities as well.

2. Islam means peace, doesnt mean what you think it means.

The word Islam actually means submission, but when Muslims claim that Islam is all about
peace, they wholly believe what theyre saying is true but not in the way most of us think of
peace. There are 109 verses that command violence against unbelievers in order to spread
Islam, but the peace Muslims are talking about is believed to happen only after Islam conquers
the world. Muslim believe that as long as there are unbelievers who refuse to submit to Islam,
there cannot be peace. This is called Dar al-Harb, or house of war. Through war, subjugation,
and implementing world Sharia law, Muslims are promised that they will accomplish Dar al-
Salam, or house of peace. So, when Muslims claim that Islam means peace, what they really
mean is that if the worlds unbelievers would simply convert, die, or submit to living under
Sharia, there would be world peace.
3. Those violent scriptures only apply during times of war. So, when is Islam at war?

As is stated in number 2, until a single Caliphate establishes Sharia law over the entire world, it
is Dar al-Harb. This means that Muslims are and always have been at war with unbelievers,
simply because the Quran states that those who refuse to submit are at war with Allah. This
means that all those nasty scriptures that call for Muslims to smite at their necks and slay
the unbelievers are in effect as we speak.

4. Muslims are allowed to lie in order to spread Islam, even denying their own faith.

Prophet Muhammad said that war is deceit, and Muslims have used deception ever since
then to conquer and enslave. There are several instances throughout the Quran and Hadith in
which Muhammad lied in order to slaughter his enemies, and even those with whom he held
treaties. Muhammad taught his men to gain the trust of unbelievers in order to infiltrate their
communities and overpower them. Through taqiyya, Muslims are allowed to use any type of
deception at their discretion, even going as far as pretending to be an unbeliever in order to
save their skin or further Islam. Perhaps this is the reason that Muslims are widely the victims of
Islamic violence. Its hard to tell who is the enemy when youre allowed to emulate them.

5. Sorry atheists, Christians and Jews are the only minorities allowed to live under Sharia law.

As hellish of an existence it is to live under Sharia law, the people of the book are still allowed
to live under Sharia law as long as they pay jizya and feel themselves subdued. This Quranic
rule was implemented because Muhammad found that conquest could only bring in so much
wealth. Understanding that Muslim invaders needed the innovations and labor of others, Allah
made it so that his people could profit from Christians and Jews under their rule. However,
atheists, Buddhists, Hindus, and any other religious minority are not given the choice of paying
burdensome jizya under Islamic law. Instead, they are to be slain or forcibly converted. Theres
no other option.
6. Muslims are forbidden from being your friend.

Although apologists claim its islamophobic to say that you cant trust Muslims, the Quran is
clear on how Muslims are to treat non-Muslims. Quran 5:80 states clearly that Muslims who
truly befriend non-Muslims are considered infidels, and they will reside in hell with them. In
short, if you want to be friends with unbelievers, you lost your salvation. So, why do Muslim
sometimes cavort with non-Muslims? This all points back to taqiyya. In countries that went
from democratic nations to Islamic states, non-Muslim civilians are shocked when their kind
Muslim neighbors betray their friendship when the jihadists take over, selling them out as soon
as they became the majority. Of course, there are certainly westernized Muslims who have
non-Muslim friends, but like Allah says, you shouldnt even consider them Islamic, for they have
forfeited their souls to hell.

7. The vast majority of Muslims are, in fact, terrorists or supporters of terrorism.

Just because the majority isnt sawing the heads off of Christians doesnt meant they dont
support it. Sharia law is an implementation of the terrorist laws enforced by the warlord
Muhammad, and as such, over 50 Muslim countries are governed by terror. In Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia, people are legally executed for blasphemy. In Egypt,
Indonesia, Palestine, Sudan, Brunei, Qatar, and Morocco, Christian churches are torched, and
members are martyred for their beliefs. In Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Mauritania, Somalia, and the UAE,
homosexuality is punishable by death. Even in moderate Muslim nations, the same sentences
issued by ISIS are part of the same legal system Sharia law. Even as a growing minority,
Muslims quickly become violent and demanding in their host nation, until they are powerful
enough to overtake and implement the same Sharia law in the countries they fled. Still, any
Muslim who reveres the Quran supports the terror it commands. If the majority of Muslims are
against terrorism, why do they demand and implement a terrorist state in every nation they

8. Islamic violence has nothing to do with culture.

Although many Muslims have been westernized and are adopting certain un-Islamic habits,
the claim that Muslims in the Middle East are victims of a backwards culture is unfounded. If
this was the case, Assyrian Christians, Messianic Jews, Yezidis, Hindus, and atheist apostates
would be beheading, enslaving, raping, and conquering exactly like their Muslim neighbors. But
theyre not. Instead, these minorities are being led like lambs to their slaughter because of
Islamic legislation consistant in every Muslim country. In the birthplace of Islam, Muslims
havent changed much since the time of their prophet 1,400 years ago.

9. Muslim dont have to conquer by the sword.

As successful as Muhammad was at butchering peaceful tribes and stealing their wealth and
women, he proved that there are other ways to force nations to submit to Islam. Muhammad
called his people to overtake through hijrah, or Islamic immigration. Either by migrating legally,
illegally, or as refugees, Muslims can easily overwhelm an accepting, tolerant Western nation.
Not only that, but out-populating, forcing conversion, and encouraging conversion play a major
role in creating a Sharia state. Muslims are called to marry Western women and spread Islam
through the fruit of their wombs. With growing generations of Muslims, a nation is much more
easily swayed to adopt Sharia law. Of course, if this doesnt work, there is always Islamic

10. There is still hope for Muslims.

Muslims are leaving Islam in droves, all thanks to the brutal propaganda of groups like ISIS.
Many apostates claim the moment they left Islam was when they found out what is in their
Quran and Hadith. Many Muslims in Islamic countries are illiterate or uneducated. They do not
own Qurans and rely on their imams to spoon-feed them information about their god and
prophet. However, with the brutality committed by ISIS matched up with justifying scriptures,
Muslims are finding that their religion is deeply flawed. Freedom and love are powerful ideals,
so powerful that it is empowering Islamists to risk life and limb to leave their ideology behind.
The more we spread this information, the more likely Muslims are to open their eyes to the
warring, pedophile prophet they are called to model.

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