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Ideas Mushrooms From The

Brain Hard Determinism

Not Ethically
Accountable Of Our Acts

This article is giving voice to the
lucidity of my mind, a never ending
story true to the supernatural subject
on how the universe sculptured our
minds. while every effort is made by
the principal author to create short,
self-sustained chapters, unique and
marginal stories, in some cases
particular terms may lose their
meaning imbued in a metaphysical
context, related and ongoing
elaborating in previous published
articles, elsewhere.

The philosophy of the universe, which has

a plan, from the blueprint emerging from an
excited dormant texture. The stimulus of a point
engendering an autodidactic laborious
manufacturing of a photovoltaic cell, the driving
motor of intelligence as we know today biotic
functions. An exterior factor of us that exist transcendent long before we are born each individual
supernatural volition proper to us with a perception, find a body, and by the gift of a body,
transcendent-volition by the force an evolutionary maturation stays behind at puppeteering each of our
thoughts backstage of our spirit impregnated in our body. (when our body becomes too porous to contain
the spirit, or by a premature death, in continuation the spirit carries the luggage of life, our intellectual
properties, like a white dove taking flight from the temple of the head, and in the air loses feathers,
spread down, to vanish like powder thrown in the wind the key unlocking in the supraliminal that
acquired knowledge. The key freely available to the hypersensitive person (animal,) able to direct his
mind, (like out at sea on a ship pirating another persons brain,) fetching the intellectual property from
that knowledge bank.

As we think, every idea that emanates from one's brain,

behaves by a nucleus explosion (candle light)) that
mushrooms the idea, which stems from the brain to the
cranial exterior. (one can imagine blowing on a soap solution
film and blowing bubbles,) each of these mushrooming
thoughts get sealed in a bubble, and like a Chinese sky
lantern, one after the other, in number afloat and carrying
out thoughts into a corner of the supraluminal.

Before birth, the intellectual-spirit is maturity to the

point that transcendent-volition in watching from a corner of
the cosmos (The Zodiac,) and selective toward the parents,
for relationship targeting the fetus, by certain proper criteria
in view of the path of destiny.

At birth transcendent-volition impregnates that body (hardware,) with the installation of the ([OS]
Operating system.) intuitively (the software) to make the system function in getting savoir-vivre

Slowly as the mind develops with the newborn, the body needs to be fed, grows visibly for little
girls a need to procreate, so we are given a Beacon of light-and cochlea, (induce electric power or,
the third eye,) which starts collecting cosmic energies at the month of the funnel, where the visionary
mind sources parapsychology. the beacon of sight and cochlea [siphon] through the mind and is the
middle force of concentration of the mind, at brain level with sufficient energy as to decide for itself
(will power,) in the abstract the [siphon drain,] at such an acute concentration, onward such high
concentration from the fore lobe of the brain, at emitting (laser like beams) the imperceptible Parsec-
Ray of sight, that leads the beam of sight onto objects.
Vision is passenger of the scientific tool to the mind, which has kept me intrigued since infancy, over
half a century, and date stamped records, of parapsychology explorations in the deepest corners of my
mind the universe.

Here are some links for further in-depth reading, the core of a detailed work: The Code: Horizon Of
Video in conjunction with my work: YouTube 2:2 Video The Code: Horizon of Infinity

Books available from the publisher:

Book available at Amazon:

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