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Importance of English in computer science

The importance of knowing English in computer science:

It does not matter in the country in which we live if we work in systems speaking in English is one
of the most important tools that we can count on. The "technical" part of working in computer
science is learned easy, and fast.

The reasons for the importance:

Most of the technology is developed in English-speaking countries.

Most of the information and books available are in English.
Certifying a technology requires knowledge of the language.
The software update is first performed for English systems.

The technology comes from English speaking countries:

Most of the technology we work with in day-to-day computing comes most from the United
States, Canada, and to a lesser extent from countries like England or Israel.

There are other technology developing countries but in most cases the parent company of the
companies is English speaking therefore the information, documentation and updates is done in

We like the language or not if we work in IT we will have to learn.

Most of the information and books available are in English:

Looking for information on technology in Spanish is a waste of time. Either there is no information
available or it is outdated. Try to get current technology books is our language is impossible
therefore if we want to stay updated we will have to speak English.

Although in recent years with the development of blogs technology information in Spanish began
to be developed there is still a long way to go to be at the level of quantity and quality of what we
can find in English.

Just to graph this point I ask how many times they looked for a specific error whose message was
in Spanish. In that same case how many times did they try to translate the error message into
English in order to find better results ?.

For jobs it is a headache but to look for error information in the logs of a server can be an
impossible mission.

Certifying a technology requires knowledge of the language:

For the technologies with greater presence in the market such as Microsoft have versions of the
exams in Spanish but the truth is that the translations that are made of these exams are truly

Sitting to take a test and not understand in Spanish what we are reading from my point of view is
worse than rendering in a language that is not my native language.

Unless we have an excellent level of knowledge we will have to prepare the certification with
manuals, videos and laboratories that mostly, of course, will be in English.

We already talked in the blog about the importance of certifications when working on systems.
How are we going to prepare a test if we do not understand what we are reading?

I saw many people fail the exams not because they did not know about the technology or because
they had no experience but simply because they did not understand what they were asking while
they surrendered
Software update is done first in English:

The software that comes in Spanish in some cases is a different version than the one we can find in

Because the installed software base in English is vastly superior than what we can find in other
languages when developing an update, patch or response of a vulnerability always prioritizes the
software in English and the rest of the languages have to wait your turn.

In recent years this has changed a lot with the implementation of MUI (Multingual User Interface)
where the translations are not in a different version of the software but in an interface with the
language specified in the MUI but there are still clear cases.

The English language is the official language of the globalized world we are living:

Because English and not Spanish?

On the internet, the amount of information in English exceeds that available through Spanish.

Almost all of the vocabulary in computer science has its basis in English.

Where we see the technical vocabulary applying to English?

The influence of English is easily perceived in:

Software interfaces
The syntax of the programming languages
As a programmer: Why should I study English?


The English-speaking countries have been the precursors in the development of

technologies, mainly in Computer science and Computing. As technological powers they
have contributed with innumerable discoveries and inventions, which are the basis of
these sciences as we know them. For this reason, almost the entire technical vocabulary
we use is based on the English language. Words such as hardware, software and chip for
example are frequently heard among those who study, work or simply use computers for
entertainment, even though these and many other terms have their corresponding
translation or equivalence in our native language. The influence of English in computing
and computing has great implications for us, non-English speakers: software interfaces,
their respective documentation, textbooks, programming language syntax, a large part of
the resources of Internet and the terminology of every new technology that comes to the
market is, at least in its first version, in English, being the de facto language of these
sciences. The translation into other languages of the aforementioned elements (when
possible) is often unsatisfactory due to the wealth of technical vocabulary possessed by
English and the lack of equivalent terms in other languages. English is the language that
we use to publish, communicate, talk about technology, find information, program, etc. It
is obvious then that if we do not have a basic command of the English language, much of
our effort dedicated to learning, teaching, working or using computer technology will be
wasted or will not get tangible and quick benefits.

The syntax of programming languages includes words in English:

The vast majority of programming languages use English language words as part of their
syntax. This set of keywords called keywords have their own semantic meaning, similar to
the one they have in common English, which facilitates the rapid learning of programming
as well as the effective understanding of the implicit logic of the programs. As a
programmer, you will have to deal daily with vocabulary of this language * all * time,
when using software, writing software, reading software and modifying software.
Compiler error messages are in English:

The emergence in the last years of compiler versions in languages other than English and
the flexibility of being able to configure or update them to communicate their findings and
reports in other languages has made this assertion lose validity. Despite this, there are still
many compilers who only "speak" English and it is not remote that one day we must
obligatorily work with one of these. An inadequate understanding of the error messages
and warnings that the compilers show in the debugging and tuning of the programs can
have serious repercussions in our software development projects. If we are not able to
translate and understand these messages properly, our work as programmers will be more
difficult than it really is. In fact, this is one of the reasons many give up to continue
programming. This is not a lack of ability to program but is a weakness to not have a good
command of English. This weakness is accentuated by the excessive technicality with which
the compilers communicate their messages to the programmer.

More than half of the Internet resources are in English:

The Internet offers us an immense amount of resources that we can use to expand our
knowledge or solve specific programming problems. But often what we need is not always
in our own language. In fact, the best documents and technical articles, forums, books,
examples and tools are in English. Although more material in our native language appears
on the Net every day, it is not always correctly translated and can lead to serious learning
or application errors. By itself, the availability of this wealth of information is sufficient to
learn how to use search engines (such as Google). But in addition, we must learn to search
and find information in both our language and English. In fact, we will be more likely to
find what we are looking for if we expand our search range by including services and
resources in both our language and English.
So .... as a programmer Why should I study English?

Possess a functional English

Achieve a good command of computer technical vocabulary. To be able to understand and
express yourself appropriately with him.
Perform better searches on the Web, program, express with more clarity and fluency your
doubts in the forums, and better translate the technical manuals.

English is extremely important for computing. It is true that today most of the applications for
users are available in Spanish, but many lesser known applications and programs are available in
the market in English only. In the world of the Internet, the amount of information in English far
exceeds the information available to Spanish speaking people. For those who enter deeper into
the field of computer science and programming, this language becomes indispensable; To fully
understand all commands and jargon in general, English speaking is indispensable.

It is so powerful, the process of globalization that we are living. Therefore, it is no longer argued
whether or not English is important. It is simply taken as a premise. And, the organizations and
countries that have designed and carry out the process of globalization, have as their mother
tongue or working language, to English.

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