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Beegle, Brandy

Chapter 23 Spelling Words

Abdominal Pertains to the abdomen.

Abdominopelvic One of the lower anterior body cavity below the diaphragm.

Anatomic Pertains to the anatomy or structure of an organism.

Anatomy The study of the physical structure of the body and its organs. This
describes the framework and physical characters.

Anterior (ventral) Cavity toward the belly side that contains the head, chest,
and major abdominal organs

Biochemistry The study of chemical reactions within the body.

Buccal The small cavity for the mouth.

Cardiac Pertains to the heart.

Carriers One who carries transports.

Caudal Toward the feet or tail.

Cavities A hollow space; such as within the body organs.

Cell Membrane - Separates the cell from the surrounding environment.

Centrioles An organelle within the cell.

Chromosomes - Located within the nucleus, each human has 23 pairs of

chromosomes that store the hereditary material passed from one generation to the
next. 22 are identical, the 23rd is sex (XY=mail, XX=female)

Congenital A disorder that can result from improper sex cell division at the
time of fertilization, from the inheritance of altered genes, or as the result of
environmental factors or poisons.

Connective Tissue that connects tissues together to form the organs and body
Coronal (frontal plane) Drawing a line vertically through the side of the body
from the top of the head to the feet, making a front and back section

Cranial Toward the head, totally encased by the bones of the skull, providing
protection for the brain.

Cytology The study of cell life and formation.

Cytoplasm - Semisolid fluid within the membrane where chemical reactions, such
as respiration, occur. Fluid that makes up the cell

Cytotechnologist A laboratory specialist who prepares and examines issue cells

to study cell formation.

Dehydration When there is too little fluid in the tissue.

Diaphragm - A large dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from
the abdominal cavity

Diffusion - Gas, solids, or liquids are distributed evenly through a medium from
the point of attachment.

DNA Material within the chromosome that encodes the genes that are located at
specific sites on the chromosome.

Dominant Gene Can produce a trait without regard to the name of its pair

Dorsal (Posterior) Cavity toward the back that contains the brain and spinal

Edema An abnormal accumulation of excess fluid, causing puffiness of the

affected tissues.

Elements The basic building blocks of all matter.

Endocytosis When the pocket closes, a vacuole (bubble) forms in the

Endoplasmic reticulum

Epigastric Abdominal region over the stomach.

Epithelial Tissue that forms the bodys glands, covers the surface of the body,
and lines the body cavities

Etiology The study of the cause of disease.

Exocytosis Refers to a process whereby substances are moved from the cell to
the outside.

Extremities Ends of the body to the trunk of the body (arms & legs).

Filtration - Movement of solutes and water across a semi-permeable membrane.

Occurs as a result of force such as gravity or blood pressure

Frontal Toward the front

Gene A substance within a chromosome that dictates hereditary

Golgi apparatus An organelle within the cytoplasm of a cell.

Gross anatomy The study of features that can be observed with the naked eye by
inspection and dissection.

Histology The study of microscopic structure of tissue.

Histotechnologist A laboratory specialist who prepares tissue for microscopic

examination and diagnosis.

Homeostatis (steady state, or normal) When everything is in harmony. All

biological indicators are within acceptable limits,

Horizontal - Not vertical; flat and even; level.

Hypertonic Solution where the cell will release it water and shrink.

Hypochondriac Below the cartilage, referring to the ribs.

Hypogastric Abdominal region below the stomach, also known as pubic

Hypotonic having a lower concentration of salt found in the red blood cells.

Iliac Refers to the ileum portion of the pelvic bone, also known as the inguinal

Inferior (caudal) the portion of the body below the transverse plane.

Inguinal The groin region.

Involuntary Muscle action occurring without control or conscious awareness.

Isotonic Solution that is of the same osmotic pressure as blood serum.

Keloid An excessive growth of scar tissue.

Lateral Away from the midline.

Lumbar The loin or side region, also known called lateral.

Lysosomes An organelle within the cytoplasm of the cell.

Medial Toward the midline.

Membrane (peritoneal) Lines the cavity, technically outside the abdominal


Microscopic Anatomy An area of study dealing with features that can be

observed only with the use of a microscope.

Midline Said to be medial

Midsagittal (median plane) Imaginary line that divides the body vertically down
the front resulting in the right and left anatomic position.

Mitochondria An organelle within cytoplasm of the cell.

Mitosis - The subdivision of the cells.

Muscle Tissue designed to contract on stimulation. Involuntary action occurs

without control or conscious awareness, such as the heartbeat and respirations
Mutation - DNA that is lost, rearranged, or paired in error results in a change in
the genetic code.

Myelin A fatty insulating material covering the peripheral nerve fibers.

Nasal The small cavity for the structures of the nose.

Nerve A group of nervous tissues bound together for the purpose of conducting
nervous impulses.

Neurilemma - A thin membrane that covers the peripheral nerves and myelin

Neuron A nerve cell.

Normal Saline A 0.9% solution that has the same salt concentration as that of the
red blood cell.

Nucleolus A structure found within the nucleus of the cell.

Nucleus The vital body in the protoplasm of a cell.

Orbital The small cavity for the eyes.

Organ Made of two or more types of tissue that work together to perform a
specific body function.

Organelles Some physically separate the chemical reactions that are not
compatible. Controls the time when reactions take place.

Osmosis - Diffusion of water or another solvent through a selectively permeable


Osseous (skeletal tissue) A form of supportive connective tissue.

Pathophysiology The study of mechanisms by which disease occurs the

responses of the body to the disease process, and effects of both on normal

Pelvic Pertains to the pelvis.

Peritoneum The membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the
abdominal organs.

Phagocytosis - White blood cells become phagocytes and engulf bacteria, cell
fragments, or damaged cells.

Physiology The science of the function of cells, organs of the body, and tissues.
This explains how everything works.

Pinocytosis - Cells engulf large molecules of liquid materials; cell drinking.

Posterior (Dorsal) Cavity toward the back that contains the brain and spinal

Proximal Nearest the point of attachment.

Pubic (hypogastric) the middle section of the lower third of the abdomen.

Quadrant - The four areas the abdomen is first divided into.

Recessive Gene One whose presence within the pair does not result in
recognizable trait unless both members of the gene pair are of a similar mutation.

Retroperitoneal Behind the peritoneum; posterior to the peritoneal lining of the

abdominal cavity.

Ribosome An organelle within the cytoplasm of the cell.

Skeletal (striated) Voluntary muscle tissue found connected to the bones and
joints of the body.

Smooth An involuntary muscle tissue found within the walls of all the organs
except the heart. Moves food and waste material through the digestive tract,
changing the size of thee iris of the eye and the diameter of the arteries.

Spinal Pertains to the spinal column, cord, or canal.

Stem cells Cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to
give rise to specialized cells.

Striated A type of muscle tissue marked with stripes and striae,

Superior (cranial) The portion of the body above the transverse plane.

Syndrome The combination of symptoms with a disease or disorder.

System A body where organs of the body that perform similar functions are

Thoracic Pertains to the thorax or chest.

Tissue A collection of similar cells and tissue forming a structure in the body.

Trait A recognizable result of the effect of a gene or a group of genes.

Transverse An imaginary line horizontally across the body creates this plane.

Umbilical The abdominal region around the umbilicus.

Ventral (Anterior) Cavity toward the belly side that contains the head, chest, and
major abdominal organs

Voluntary Muscle tissues controlled at will by brain impulses.

X-linked The third pattern of inheritance because the defective gene is carried on
the X chromosome.

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