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Senyawa apakah itu?

Merupakan suatu mineral yaitu mineral silikat. Secara garis besar, mineral dibagi menjadi 3 yaitu
mineral silikat, mineral oksida dan mineral sulfide. Mineral silikat merupakan persenyawaan antara
silicon dan oksigen dengan beberapa metal. Mineral silikat dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu feromagnetik
(mengandung ion besi dan / magnesium) dan nonferomagnerik.

Nama mineral : Kuarsa

Rumus Kimia : SiO2
Berat jenis : 2.65
System Kristal : heksagonal
Warna : tidak berwarna (laboratorium kristalografi dan mineralogy, 2013)

bagaimana karakteristiknya?
Silikon dioksida terbentuk melalui ikatan kovalen yang kuat, serta memiliki struktur lokal yang jelas:
empat atom oksigen terikat pada posisi sudut tetrahedral di sekitar atom pusat yaitu atom silikon.
Berikut ini struktur lokal dari silikon dioksida:

Gambar 1. Struktur Lokal Silikon Dioksida

Atom oksigen bersifat elektronegatif dan kerapatan elektron pada atom silikon sebagian ditransfer pada
atom oksigen, tetapi tidaklah tepat jika silika dikatakan sebagai garam yang terdiri dari ion Si4+ dan ion
O2-, yang terkadang ditemukan dalam beberapa literatur. Untuk memahami hal ini maka dapat dilihat
melalui arah ikatan (momen dipol) pada struktur silika.

Sudut ikatan di sekitar O-Si-O merupakan sudut tetrahedral yaitu sebesar 109; jarak antara atom Si-O
sebesar 1,61 (0,16 nm).

Silikon dioksida memiliki ikatan yang disebut jembatan oksigen yang terdapat diantara atom silikon,
hal inilah yang memberikan sifat unik pada silikon dioksida. Sudut ikatan pada Si-O-Si sekitar 145, tetapi
nilai ini sangat bervariasi antara 100-170 yang dipengaruhi oleh perubahan energi ikatan, Sehingga
sangat memungkinkan terjadinya rotasi ikatan secara bebas.

Gambar 2. Sudut Ikatan Si-O-Si

Cara yang cukup mudah untuk mengamati struktur SiO2 adalah dengan menggunakan model
Zachariesen-Warren. Struktur SiO2 terbentuk melalui kelompok-kelompok SiO4 yang saling berikatan
melalui atom oksigen pada sudut-sudut tetrahedralnya, ikatan ini dapat terbentuk dalam berbagai
variasi sudut. (Risars, 2008).

Asal bahan?
Even though it is poorly soluble, silica occurs widely in many plants. Plant materials with high silica
phytolith content appear to be of importance to grazing animals, from chewing insects to ungulates.
Studies have shown that it accelerates tooth wear, and high levels of silica in plants frequently eaten by
herbivores may have developed as a defense mechanism against predation.[26][27]

It is also the primary component of rice husk ash, which is used, for example, in filtration and cement

Silicification in and by cells has been common in the biological world for well over a billion years. In the
modern world it occurs in bacteria, single-celled organisms, plants, and animals (invertebrates and
vertebrates). Prominent examples include:

Tests or frustules (i.e. shells) of diatoms, Radiolaria and testate amoebae.[6]

Silica phytoliths in the cells of many plants, including Equisetaceae, practically all grasses, and a wide
range of dicotyledons.
The spicules forming the skeleton of many sponges.
Crystalline minerals formed in the physiological environment often show exceptional physical properties
(e.g., strength, hardness, fracture toughness) and tend to form hierarchical structures that exhibit
microstructural order over a range of scales. The minerals are crystallized from an environment that is
undersaturated with respect to silicon, and under conditions of neutral pH and low temperature (040

Formation of the mineral may occur either within the cell wall of an organism (such as with phytoliths),
or outside the cell wall, as typically happens with tests.[clarification needed] Specific biochemical
reactions exist for mineral deposition. Such reactions include those that involve lipids, proteins, and
It is unclear in what ways silica is important in the nutrition of animals. This field of research is
challenging because silica is ubiquitous and in most circumstances dissolves in trace quantities only. All
the same it certainly does occur in the living body, leaving us with the problem that it is hard to create
proper silica-free controls for purposes of research. This makes it difficult to be sure when the silica
present has had operative beneficial effects, and when its presence is coincidental, or even harmful. The
current consensus is that it certainly seems important in the growth, strength, and management of
many connective tissues. This is true not only for hard connective tissues such as bone and tooth but
possibly in the biochemistry of the subcellular enzyme-containing structures as well.[28]

Aplikasi pada pangan?

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI No. 722/Menkes/Per/IX/88 tentang Bahan Tambahan
Pangan, yang dimaksud antikempal adalah bahan tambahan pangan yang dapat mencegah
mengempalnya pangan berupa serbuk juga mencegah mengempalnya pangan yang berupa tepung.
Bahan tambahan ini biasanya ditambahkan pada makanan yang berbentuk serbuk, misalnya garam meja
atau merica bubuk dan bumbu lainnya agar pangan tersebut tidak mengempal dan mudah dituang dari
Antikempal merupakan senyawa anhydrous yang dapat menyerap air tanpa menjadi basah. Bahan
tersebut ditambahkan ke dalam produk berupa granula atau bubuk yang mempunyai sifat higroskopis,
misalnya garam meja, lada bubuk, bubuk untuk pembuatan roti, dan lain sebagainya. Secara umum
antikempal dapat berfungsi karena mudah menyerap air dengan melapisi partikel-partikel bubuk yang
menyebabkan penolakan penyerapan air atau bubuk dan atau karena bahan tersebut tidak dapat larut
Antikempal dapat berupa garam anhydrous atau zat yang dapat menyerap air karena pengikatan di
permukaan, tetapi dia sendiri tetap mudah dicurahkan atau dapat dibuat dalam keadaan yang
diperlukan denganperlakuan fisik.
Banyaknya garam anhydrous bersifat polimorfi, yaitu dapat berada dalam bentuk kristal. Pada keadaan
ini zat tersebut menyimpan energy yang rendah dengan ikatan antar atom yang kuat. Keadaan tersebut
berubah pada waktu terjadi perubahan dari suatu bentuk kristal ke bentuk kristal yang lain.
Menurut daftar dari FAO/WHO lebih dari 20 zat dapat digunakan sebagai antikempal, dan dapat
dikelompokkan sebagai berikut.
1) Garam stearat yang diujikan penggunaannya ialah garam-garam aluminium, ammonium
2) Kalium fosfat
3) Kalium dan natrium ferosianida
4) Magnesium oksida
5) Garam-garam asam silikat dari aluminium, magnesium, kalsium, dan campuran aluminium.

Efek yang ditimbulkan pada tubuh?

Silica ingested orally is essentially nontoxic, with an LD50 of 5000 mg/kg (5 g/kg).[7] On the other hand,
inhaling finely divided crystalline silica dust can lead to silicosis, bronchitis, or cancer, as the dust
becomes lodged in the lungs and continuously irritates them, reducing lung capacities.[29] Studies of
workers with exposure to crystalline silica have shown 10-fold higher than expected rates of lupus and
other systemic autoimmune diseases compared to expected rates in the general population.[30] Prior to
new rules issued in 2013, OSHA allowed 100 g per cubic meter of air. The new regulations reduce the
amount to 50 g/m3. The exposure limit for the construction industry is also set at 50 g/m3 down from
250 g/m3.[31]

In the body, crystalline silica particles do not dissolve over clinically relevant periods. Silica crystals inside
the lungs can activate the NLRP3 inflammasome inside macrophages and dendritic cells and thereby
result in processing of pro-Interleukin 1 beta into its mature form. Chronic exposure to silica may
thereby account for some of its health hazards, as interleukin-1 is a highly pro-inflammatory cytokine in
the immune system.[32][33][34] This effect can create an occupational hazard for people working with
sandblasting equipment, products that contain powdered crystalline silica and so on. Children,
asthmatics of any age, allergy sufferers, and the elderly (all of whom have reduced lung capacity) can be
affected in much less time. Amorphous silica, such as fumed silica is not associated with development of
silicosis, but may cause irreversible lung damage in some cases.[35] Laws restricting silica exposure with
respect to the silicosis hazard specify that they are concerned only with silica that is both crystalline and

A study that followed subjects for 15 years found that higher levels of silica in water appeared to
decrease the risk of dementia. The study found an association between an increase of 10 milligram-per-
day of the intake of silica in drinking water with a decreased risk of dementia of 11%.[36]

Crystalline silica is used in hydraulic fracturing of formation which contain tight oil and shale gas, a use
which presents a health hazard to workers. In 2013 OSHA announced tightened restrictions on the
amount of crystalline silica which could be present and required "green completion" of fracked wells to
reduce exposure.[31] Crystalline silica is an occupational hazard for those working with stone
countertops, because the process of cutting and installing the countertops creates large amounts of
airborne silica.[37]

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