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In todays competitive and dynamic business environment, it has become imperative to prepare

a strategic plan which helps to navigate the future business environment. For realizing the growth
and profit potential of the company and keeping HPCL ahead of the performance curve, a long-
term strategy plan is to be prepared which will help company to maximize value for all the
stakeholders and thereby achieving exponential growth & accelerated profits.
strategy has been developed with clearly defined year wise physical and financial targets,
investment required and action plan for implementation covering both Business-as-usual and
New initiatives.
T20 strategy is being institutionalized through the Strategy Team.
The focus is on implementing the identified strategic initiatives with clear ownership and
monitoring the progress of achievement through a well-defined process at Business Unit and
Corporate level

Strategy Review Meeting

3 focal points:

what the company wants to achieve,

how the company will achieve its goal
whats needed to achieve the goal.

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