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REVIEWS Further Clinical Implications of
Traumatic Stress from
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Birth to Age Five
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

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Ann T. Chu and Alicia F. Lieberman
Child Trauma Research Program, Department of Psychiatry, University of California,
San Francisco, California 94143; email:,
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010. 6:46994 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on trauma, early childhood, infant mental health, PTSD, intervention
January 4, 2010

The Annual Review of Clinical Psychology is online Abstract

Children aged birth to five years are exposed to a disproportionately
This articles doi: increased amount of potentially traumatic events compared to older
children. This review examines the prevalence of traumatic exposure in
Copyright ! c 2010 by Annual Reviews. the birth-to-five age range, the indicators and diagnostic criteria of early
All rights reserved
traumatic stress, and the contextual issues associated with the experi-
1548-5943/10/0427-0469$20.00 ence of early trauma. The article also selectively reviews the impact of
trauma on the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive functioning of
young childrens development along with some promising clinical treat-
ment and service interventions that target the parent-child relationship
as a vehicle of trauma recovery. Despite extensive documentation of the
negative impact of trauma on the normal development of young chil-
dren, research, clinical, and policy efforts to address the psychological
repercussions of early victimization remain remarkably limited. Future
directions in research and clinical practice as well as implications for
policy are discussed.

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

that infants, toddlers, and preschoolers do not

Contents remember acts of violence or other traumatic
stressors, are too young to understand their sig-
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
nificance, or recover readily from traumatic ex-
posure due to their inherent resilience. This
OF TRAUMATIC STRESS . . . . . . . 471
perception is far from accurate. There is exten-
Definition of Traumatic Events . . . . . 471
sive documentation of the impact of trauma on
Single Versus Cumulative Trauma . . 471
the biological, emotional, social, and cognitive
The Role of Attachment
functioning of young children. This review ex-
Relationships in Childrens
amines the prevalence of traumatic exposure in
Response to Trauma . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
the birth-to-five age range, the indicators and
Other Contextual Considerations . . . 475
diagnostic criteria of early traumatic stress, the
contextual issues associated with the experience
TRAUMATIC STRESS . . . . . . . . . . . 477
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

of early trauma, manifestations of experienc-

Brain Anatomy and Physiology . . . . . 477
ing early traumatic stress, and interventions for
Socioemotional and
young children exposed to traumatic events, as
Behavioral Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . 478
well as policy implications and recommended
Cognitive Functioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

future directions for this area of study.

Resilience and Protective Factors . . . 479
The scope of trauma exposure in the first
five years of life is truly staggering. Recent
national statistics show that 75.7% of the
children who died as a result of child abuse and
CHILDHOOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
neglect were younger than 4 years old, and the
Diagnostic Criteria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
year between birth and 12 months is the single
PTSD or Traumatic Stress
most dangerous period in a childs life, with the
Disorder? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
highest death rate due to abuse and neglect and
Assessment Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . 483
an overall victimization rate of 21.9 per 1000
children. Of children entering foster care, 36%
Relationship-Based Interventions . . . 484
are in the birth-to-five age range, with 14%
under age 1 (U.S. Dep. Health Human Serv.
Interventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
2007). Other findings indicate that children
under age 5 are more likely than older children
RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . 486
to be present in homes where domestic vio-
Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486
lence (DV) occurs (Fantuzzo & Fusco 2007).
Clinical Intervention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Accidental death and injury are also dispropor-
Prevention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
tionately high in this age group. Children under
Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
age 5 are hospitalized and die from drowning
and submersion, burning, falls, suffocation,
choking, and poisoning more frequently than
children in any other age group (Grossman
INTRODUCTION 2000). A randomly selected community sample
The first five years of life are the most vulner- of parents of 3- to 7-year-old children in up-
able to traumatic death and injury as the result state New York found that 87% of the children
of interpersonal violence and accidents, but ef- experienced some form of physical aggression,
forts to address the psychological repercussions and in 13% of them the aggression was severe
of early victimization remain remarkably lim- enough to meet many definitions of physical
ited. There is a pervasive assumption among abuse (Slep & OLeary 2005). Some groups
DV: domestic violence
researchers, clinicians, and the general public are more affected than others. One nationally

470 Chu Lieberman

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

representative sample of children aged 2 to 9 of the individual differences in response to a

years showed that children in single-parent and single traumatic episode. Freud (1926) main-
stepfamily homes, ethnic minorities, and chil- tained that the three key criteria involved the
DSM-IV: Diagnostic
dren of lower socioeconomic status had greater (a) unpredictability of the event and the per- and Statistical Manual
lifetime exposure than comparison groups sons response of (b) horror and (c) helpless- of Mental Disorders,
to most forms of intentional victimization, ness. In an effort to operationalize the defi- fourth edition
including physical abuse, sexual abuse, and nition, the DSM-IV anchored its diagnosis of PTSD: post-
witnessing family violence (Turner et al. 2006). post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the traumatic stress
Victimization has clear-cut psychological persons experience of an event or events that disorder
repercussions for these young children. In a pe- involved actual or threatened death or serious DC:0-3R: Diagnostic
diatric clinical sample of 305 children aged 2 to injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of Classification of Mental
Health and
5, there was a strong association between the self or others (American Psychological Asso-
Developmental Disorders
number of stressors experienced by a child and ciation 1994, p. 463). The applicability of this of Infancy and Early
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

the likelihood of emotional or behavior disor- definition for children aged birth to five has Childhood-Revised
ders meeting criteria of the Diagnostic and Statis- been questioned on the grounds that young
tical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition children may not have the cognitive resources
(DSM-IV; Am. Psychiatr. Assoc. 1994), with to appraise accurately the objective danger rep-
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

17.4% of the children showing such a disorder resented by an event, including its potential to
(Egger & Angold 2004a). Notably, this sample cause death or injury to the self or others. For
showed the same high levels of victimization as this reason, a definition specifically tailored to
found in other studies. In the sample as a whole, young children was adopted by the Diagnostic
52.5% of the children had experienced a severe Classification of Mental Health and Developmental
traumatic stressor in their lifetime: 20.9% had Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood-Revised
experienced the loss of a loved adult, 16% had (DC:0-3R), which refers to an event or events
been hospitalized, 9.9% had been in a motor that involve actual or threatened death or seri-
vehicle accident, 9.5% had a serious fall, and ous injury to the child or others, or a threat to
7.9% had been burned. In the subsample of 2- the psychological or physical integrity of the child
year-olds, 42% had experienced at least one of or others (Zero to Three 2005; italics added).
these severe stressors. The finding that a psychi- The addition of a psychological dimension en-
atric diagnosis is strongly associated with these ables diagnosticians to consider the potential
traumatic experiences at a very early age is a traumatic impact of prolonged separation from
sobering statement of the vulnerability of young the attachment figure in very young children
children to emotional disorders. In spite of the even in conditions when the child is objectively
evidence, empirical studies on mental health is- safe.
sues and treatment for children tend not to tar-
get this youngest age group. National datasets
and population-based studies usually include all Single Versus Cumulative Trauma
children under age 18 instead of parsing out A persistent problem in the study of traumatic
children aged 0 to 5. The majority of empirical stress across the life span is the conceptual and
studies also mostly utilize school-aged children methodological difficulty of measuring chronic
and adolescents. and repeated traumatic exposure. As a result,
the bulk of studies on traumatic exposure in-
THE CONTEXT FOR DISORDERS volve a single trauma episode. For example,
OF TRAUMATIC STRESS Finkelhor and colleagues (2007a) point out that
the trauma literature tends to focus on in-
Definition of Traumatic Events dividual types of victimization instead of ob-
There is considerable debate about what con- taining complete victimization profiles (p. 8).
stitutes a traumatic event, particularly in light This single-event approach greatly limits our Traumatic Stress 471

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

understanding by focusing on acute traumas the study progressed (Felitti et al. 1998). These
only and failing to place single events within findings are consistent with a growing body
the broader lens of chronic, complex, and/or of literature indicating that developmental out-
multiple traumas. This limitation also applies comes are best predicted by cumulative risk fac-
to the study of young children raised in vio- tors rather than by a single pathogenic condi-
lent environments, who are routinely exposed tion (Rutter & Sroufe 2000).
to multiple and overlapping sources of violence The psychological impact of joint exposure
and accidental injury resulting from severe to child maltreatment and witnessing domestic
neglect. violence has been examined in numerous stud-
A large empirical literature in adults shows ies. A review of 35 published studies concluded
that multiple victimizations, also referred to that research findings document a substantial
as revictimization, lead to more severe out- co-occurrence, ranging from 30% to 60% of
comes and symptomatology as compared to the cases (Edleson 1999). A review of the effects
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

no or single victimization (as reviewed in of domestic violence showed that 45% to 70%
Marx et al. 2005). The revictimization litera- of children exposed to domestic violence are
ture typically includes adults who experienced also victims of physical abuse, and about 40%
childhood abuse, but Finkelhor and colleagues of physically abused children are also exposed
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

(2007b) have begun to examine this issue with to domestic violence (Margolin 1998). There
a national sample of more than 2000 chil- is scant research on the co-occurrence of these
dren aged 2 to 17 recruited through random stressors and other types of traumatic events, in-
digit dialing. Based on telephone interviews cluding medical trauma, community violence,
with caretakers and their children using the motor vehicle and other accidents, and natural
Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire, 70% of disasters. Typically, the study of each of these
the children interviewed reported experienc- types of trauma exists as a subfield within the
ing at least one of the victimization categories larger literature, with studies specifically tar-
during the past year. Of those children, 64% geting populations that experienced the specific
experienced at least one additional, different event of interest without screening for their ex-
kind of victimization during the same time pe- perience of other traumatic events. For exam-
riod, and 18% experienced four or more vic- ple, studies conducted with pediatric medical
timizations. The mean number of victimiza- samples do not tend to consider the childs expo-
tions was 2.8, with a maximum number of 16. sure to neighborhood violence in spite of find-
Exposure to four or more episodes, a condi- ings that young children have a high incidence
tion the authors termed polyvictimization, of exposure to community violence and that ex-
significantly predicted trauma symptoms dur- posure is associated with behavioral problems
ing telephone interviews conducted one year (Linares et al. 2001). Reflecting on the grow-
later using the Trauma Symptoms Checklist for ing evidence of cumulative trauma exposure,
Children (Briere 1996) and the Trauma Symp- Finkelhor and colleagues posited that for a large
toms Checklist for Young Children (Briere proportion of victimized children, victimiza-
et al. 2001) and controlling for prior victim- tion is more of a condition than an event
ization and prior mental health status. Notably, (Finkelhor et al. 2007a, p. 9). However, the field
polyvictimization was a stronger predictor of has yet to systematically investigate the condi-
psychological distress than any one particular tion within which these children develop. The
type of victimization. Similar findings emerged few studies that do so tend not to examine the
from the prospective Adverse Childhood Ex- specific experiences of very young children. For
periences study, where adults who at baseline example, in spite of statistics showing that the
reported four or more adverse childhood expe- first year of life has the highest trauma inci-
riences were at greatly increased risk for neg- dence, Finkelhor and colleagues did not include
ative physical and mental health outcomes as in their sample children under age 2, and they

472 Chu Lieberman

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

examined children across a wide age range (2 to threat to the self. Scheeringa & Zeanah (1995)
17) instead of also focusing on the 2 to 5 age found that in children exposed to a severe
subgroup in their sample. trauma prior to 48 months of age, PTSD was
diagnosed more often and children had more
symptoms of aggression, fear, and hyperarousal
The Role of Attachment Relationships when they witnessed threat to the mother as
in Childrens Response to Trauma compared to children exposed to other traumas.
Young children evolve their feelings of safety Replicating this finding in a sample of children
in the world around the physical and emotional ranging in age from birth up to 18 years who
availability of the attachment figure, monitor- were admitted to an inpatient unit in a Level-1
ing the environment for signs of danger and trauma center for physical injuries, the authors
seeking proximity and contact when faced with found that witnessing a threat to the caregiver
threat (Bowlby 1969). Trauma threatens the was the only predictor of PTSD symptoms out
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

childs developing ability to maintain trust in of seven different risk factors that also included
the attachment relationships. In the moment younger age, female gender, minority group
of trauma, the child experiences overwhelming membership, prior traumatization, pretrauma
sensory stimulation in the form of pain and/or externalizing behaviors, and pretrauma inter-
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

frightening visual, auditory, olfactory, and tac- nalizing behaviors (Scheeringa et al. 2006).
tile sensations, leading to a shattering of the Among traumatized children, those with inse-
developmental expectation that the parent will cure attachments may be more likely to expe-
be reliably available as a protection from dan- rience traumatic stress reactions, at least partly
ger. When the child grows up in the context because of their difficulty in engaging the par-
of chronic and multiple traumas, traumatic ex- ent in supportive exchanges that could buffer
pectations become the norm as the child learns the impact of the trauma (Lynch & Cicchetti
to anticipate repeated and unrelieved pain and 1998).
fear. These traumatic expectations may gener- Traumatic events that affect the young child
ate hypervigilance and constrict childrens mo- also frequently affect the parent(s) because
tivation to play, explore, and learn from the young children are often in the company of
physical and interpersonal environment. As the the parent and subjected to the effects of the
child develops, reminders of the original trauma same events. Scheeringa & Zeanah (2001) pro-
can also renew the negative emotions that were posed a relational PTSD model where they out-
part of the first event, further distorting the lined several types of effects that may create
childs development (Pynoos et al. 1999). an association between parent and child post-
An attachment figure who is available to traumatic stress symptoms. The moderating ef-
the child under conditions of risk and stress fect suggests that the caregivers relationship
can buffer the childs response, whereas an with the child affects the strength of the associa-
unavailable or frightening attachment figure tion between the actual traumatic event and the
can exacerbate the childs fears. For example, childs response. The degree to which the care-
several studies have shown that infants in giver can accurately read the childs cues and re-
secure attachment relationships are better able spond effectively to the childs needs may inten-
to modulate their physiological stress response sify or reduce the adverse effect of the trauma
as compared to infants in insecure attachment event on the childs symptoms. The vicarious
relationships, whereas infants with anxious traumatization effect suggests that if a care-
or disorganized attachment are associated givers responsiveness to the child is affected by
with greater dysregulation of physiological a traumatic event that the child did not experi-
response (Gunnar & Cheatham 2003, Gunnar ence directly, the impact of the trauma on the
& Quevedo 2007). Threat to the attachment caregiver-child relationship accounts for the ef-
figure is associated in the childs mind with fect of the trauma on the childs symptoms. Traumatic Stress 473

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

The compound effect suggests that when both relationship, leaving children alone with their
caregiver and child are exposed to trauma, the own unresolved internal experience.
post-traumatic symptomatology in one partner There is extensive empirical evidence sup-
exacerbates the symptoms of the other. This porting theoretical pathways linking the childs
condition may be manifested through several traumatic stress responses with the quality of
mechanisms. Traumatized adults may experi- the child-parent relationship. In a study of
ence post-traumatic stress symptoms such as preschoolers residing in high-crime neighbor-
avoidance and withdrawal, which limit their hoods, maternal distress mediated the relation-
availability and responsiveness to the child. Si- ship between child exposure to community vi-
multaneously, exposure to a traumatic event olence and child behavior problems (Linares
creates in the child stress symptoms that are et al. 2001). Maternal psychological function-
exacerbated by the indirect effect of the care- ing was also identified as a predictor of later
givers compromised responsiveness. Childrens behavior problems in a longitudinal study of
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

symptomatic behavior may also place stress on Israeli preschoolers whose homes were dam-
the caregiver and exacerbate the adults post- aged by SCUD missiles during the Gulf War
traumatic responses. Another possibility is that (Laor et al. 2001). Gunnar & Cheatham (2003)
parents may become constrictive and overpro- reviewed several studies conducted with at-risk
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

tective in their parenting, also exacerbating the children who either did not have access to stable
childs post-traumatic symptomatology. Finally, secure relationships in the first months of life or
the young child may become increasingly symp- had been maltreated. Across studies, results in-
tomatic from observing and being cared for by dicated that the longer the child was neglected,
a parent who shows re-experiencing symptoms the higher the degree of developmental dys-
and is emotionally dysregulated or preoccupied function to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
with the trauma. (HPA) system and the less the HPA system re-
Lyons-Ruth and colleagues (1999) empha- covered when conditions improved. The asso-
sized the intergenerational role of parents un- ciation between maternal response and child
resolved childhood fears, which may be trans- outcome has also been demonstrated with clin-
mitted to the child through frightening or ical samples. Lieberman and colleagues (2005)
frightened parenting behaviors. They proposed showed that among preschoolers referred for
a relationship diathesis model where vulnerabil- treatment after witnessing their mothers bat-
ity to stress-related dysfunction is determined tering by their father figure, the mothers who
by at least three factors: the characteristics of had experienced higher levels of life stress
the stressor, the individuals genetic vulnerabil- had children with more behavioral problems.
ity to stress, and the capacity of the attachment This association was mediated by the moth-
system to modulate the high levels of arousal ers response to stress, both in the mothers in-
that accompany stress. In this model, children dividual functioning and in the mother-child
respond with emotional and behavioral symp- relationship.
toms either when the stressor is too overwhelm- These findings suggest that the interface be-
ing or when the attachment relationship is un- tween attachment and traumatic experiences
able to modulate the childs intensely negative needs to become an integral component in the
affective response. Parents with unresolved fear assessment and treatment of infants, toddlers,
dating back to their childhood have difficulty and preschoolers with mental health and rela-
helping their children modulate strong emo- tionship problems. The incidence of traumatic
tions such as fear because the parents curtail events is pervasive in infancy and early child-
their conscious attention to the childs fear sig- hood, but it is not consistently investigated as
nals so as not to re-evoke their own early trau- a possible factor in the etiology of psycholog-
matic responses. Fear signals that are not noted ical and behavioral problems in young chil-
and responded to are unmodulated within the dren. The quality of attachment is an important

474 Chu Lieberman

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

factor in young childrens capacity to process example, Evans & Schamberg (2009) found in
and resolve traumatic experiences. At the same a longitudinal study that the longer the dura-
time, traumatic events may damage the qual- tion of childhood poverty from birth to age
ity of existing attachments by introducing un- 13, measured every six months, the worse ones
manageable stress in the parent-child relation- working memory as a young adult, measured
ship, particularly when the parents functioning at age 17. This association was mediated by
is also negatively affected by the trauma. Assess- childhood allostatic load, a biological marker
ing the etiology of early mental health distur- of cumulative wear-down of multiple physio-
bances should include an evaluation of possible logical systems over time in response to envi-
exposure to trauma in the child and the par- ronmental demands and stressors, which was
ents. Reciprocally, traumatic stress in the first indexed in this study using the cardiovascular
years of life should be assessed and treated in system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical
the contexts of the childs primary attachments. axis, sympathetic adrenal medullary system, and
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

metabolic activity. This sample comprised only

European-American children, so the interac-
Other Contextual Considerations tion between poverty and ethnicity in affecting
Attachments between children and parents do working memory remains to be elucidated. A
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

not unfold in isolation but develop within a large twin study (N = 2232) found that young
larger ecological context characterized by com- children growing up in more deprived neigh-
plex transactions between proximal and distal borhoods displayed higher levels of antisocial
influences, risk and protective factors, and tran- behavior at school entry (age 5) and slower rates
sient versus enduring stresses, all of which influ- of decline in antisocial behavior over the next
ence childrens development (Bronfenbrenner five years than children living in more affluent
1979, 1986; Cicchetti & Lynch 1993). Some of neighborhoods (Odgers et al. 2009). The cu-
the relationships between trauma exposure and mulative research findings are consistent in in-
poverty, community violence, and belonging to dicating that family socioeconomic status is an
a marginalized ethnic/racial group are briefly important contextual factor that can influence
highlighted below. and constrain a young childs development.

Poverty. Scarcity of financial resources in- Community violence. Young children are
creases the likelihood of exposure to traumatic frequently exposed to community violence. In-
events. Epidemiological studies have also con- terviews with parents of children in a Head
sistently found that high-poverty neighbor- Start program in a high-crime neighborhood
hoods have a high concentration of community in Washington, DC showed that 66.5% of par-
violence. Poor and minority children are more ents and 78.1% of children reported that the
likely to report victimization in the forms of child had witnessed or been the victim of at least
sustaining or witnessing violence in the home one incident of community violence (Shahinfar
(Finkelhor et al. 2005). The incidence of do- et al. 2000). A Boston pediatric medical cen-
mestic violence is 3% for families with a yearly ter recruited a sample of 3- to 5-year-old chil-
income of more than $75,000 and rises to dren because they lived in high-crime neigh-
20% in families with a yearly income of less borhoods and found that 42% of the children
than $7500, showing that the likelihood of vio- had witnessed at least one violent event; 21%
lence increases as family income decreases (U.S. experienced three or more violent events, and
Dep. Justice 1998). Overall, research studies 12% witnessed eight or more events (Linares
consistently demonstrate that poverty is one et al. 2001). In an earlier study of children un-
of the most important predictors of negative der age 6, 47% of the mothers surveyed in a
child outcomes (e.g., Duncan & Brooks-Gunn pediatric room of the Boston Medical Center
2000, Natl. Res. Counc. Inst. Med. 2000). For reported that their children had heard gunshots Traumatic Stress 475

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

at least once, 10% reported that their young expression. Differences in parenting also ap-
children had witnessed a knifing or a shooting, pear to exist between cultural/ethnic groups
and nearly 20% reported that their children had (for a review, see Natl. Res. Counc. Inst. Med.
witnessed at least one episode of hitting, kick- 2000). However, the differences may be influ-
ing, or shoving between adults (Taylor et al. enced by a variety of factors, including accultur-
1994). The continuity over the years of young ation levels, socioeconomic status, and neigh-
childrens exposure to community violence is borhood variables. Thus, any consideration of
a profound cause for indignation and concern cultural identity in maltreatment, and in partic-
about the danger that continues to prevail in so ular physical abuse, necessarily depends on our
many of the nations urban neighborhoods, and understanding of other familial, parental, and
it should represent an urgent call for action to environmental factors. Here again, reviews of
address the root causes of this community vio- studies provided no conclusive evidence regard-
lence as an effective form of public health policy ing cultural/ethnic group differences in disclo-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

to prevent the sequelae of exposure to violence sure rates (Elliott & Urquiza 2006). Cultural at-
in young children and their families. titudes and perceptions toward sexual activities
and definitions of sexual abuse remain impor-
Culture/race/ethnicity. A recent review of tant areas of study to further investigate cultural
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

studies examining cultural and ethnicity differ- patterns in risk for child sexual abuse. These
ences in childhood maltreatment, specifically studies also did not focus on specific age groups
separating sexual abuse, physical abuse, and ne- when examining cultural and ethnicity differ-
glect, concluded that there is no clear evidence ences, despite the inverse relationship between
for cultural group differences in child sexual maltreatment rates and age.
abuse, with the exception of Asian cultures, Although there is inconsistency in cul-
which have lower reported rates of child sex- tural/ethnic differences in child maltreatment
ual abuse (Elliott & Urquiza 2006). A simi- based on research studies, clear group differ-
lar picture emerged for physical abuse, where ences exist in cases reported to child protective
findings suggested various group differences, services (Hill 2007). In 2007, African American,
though the patterns were inconsistent and at American Indian or Alaska Native, and multira-
times contradictory. The authors attributed cial children comprised the group with high-
the inconsistency in physical abuse findings to est rates of maltreatment, with 19.8, 15.9,
methodological differences across studies and and 15.4 per 1000 children of the same race
large within-culture and within-ethnicity vari- or ethnicity, respectively (U.S. Dep. Health
ability. Although neglect was the most com- Human Serv. 2007). The next group consisted
mon form of child maltreatment based on na- of white and Hispanic children (10.7 and 10.8
tional child welfare reporting data (U.S. Dep. per 1000 children of the same race or ethnicity).
Health Human Serv. 2007), Elliott & Urquiza Asian children had the lowest victimization rate,
(2006) found a lack of research studies focus- 2.5 per 1000 children. African American and
ing specifically on cultural differences in ne- Latino young children are more likely to be
glect and thus were unable to derive any conclu- placed out of home, stay longer in foster care,
sions. They also reviewed cultural differences have more placement changes, and not be re-
in potential mechanisms that might explain the unified with their parents (Hill 2007). Factors
differing child abuse rates. For example, re- such as poverty may lead to heightened atten-
searchers have long suggested that how we in- tion from state authorities and thereby dispro-
terpret differences in reports of sexual abuse by portionately increase the number of cases re-
cultural groups should be informed by ethnic ported among certain ethnic groups. Although
differences in willingness to disclose abuse as in- research studies do point to variations in the
fluenced by emphases on family and collectivis- child protective systems reporting of and re-
tic beliefs, filial piety, and restraint in emotional sponse to reported child abuse from different

476 Chu Lieberman

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cultural/ethnic backgrounds (Elliott & Urquiza PTSD symptoms (e.g., De Bellis et al. 1999b).
2006), societal and familial factors such as expo- In addition to variations in findings across stud-
sure to community violence and single-parent ies, adult patterns of physiological functioning
homes continue to confound the issue. These differ from studies with children. For exam-
reports also typically include all children un- ple, adults with PTSD and adult survivors of
der the age of 18, not specifically targeting the child maltreatment typically show low levels of
youngest age group (0 to 5), so that there is rel- basal cortisol activity and elevated adrenocorti-
atively less knowledge about the age group with cotropic hormone in response to psychological
the highest prevalence rate of victimization. stressors. On the other hand, studies have found
that children diagnosed with PTSD subsequent
to childhood maltreatment exhibit elevated cor-
MANIFESTATIONS OF EARLY tisol levels when compared to control children
TRAUMATIC STRESS (see Tarullo & Gunnar 2006 for a review). This
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

difference in the adult and child literature has

Brain Anatomy and Physiology led researchers to hypothesize that low cortisol
The general consensus is that trauma and levels in adults may reflect a long-term adapta-
early-life adversities lead to deviations from tion to trauma because the body cannot sustain
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

normal physiological functioning. Research the hypersecretion of cortisol that is triggered

participants with a diagnosis of PTSD con- by childhood trauma (De Bellis et al. 1999a,
sistently show significant alterations in neu- Gunnar & Vazquez 2001).
roanatomic and psychophysiological variables. Most brain structure studies for maltreated
Areas of brain functioning that are consis- individuals have been done with school-age
tently implicated include the amygdala, me- children rather than with children in the birth-
dial prefrontal cortex, dopamine system, nore- to-five age range. Many of these studies lack ap-
pinephrine/epinephrine (adrenergic) system, propriate controls or have small samples. Lim-
HPA axis, hippocampus and corpus collosum, itations in this area of research are due in part
serotonin system, and endogenous opiate sys- to the fact that the brain continues to develop
tem. The amygdala is part of the brains lim- in the first 25 years of life; peak volumes of var-
bic system, which is involved in the modulation ious brain structures occur in late childhood or
and expression of emotions, and serves as a cen- early adolescence (see Giedd 2009 for a review).
ter for screening and giving emotional meaning Researchers have suggested that the adult phys-
to incoming sensory stimulation that, when la- iological patterns emerge over time and develop
beled as dangerous, is transmitted to the sys- after childhood trauma exposure. Another dif-
tems involved in the stress response, triggering ficulty is that concurrent psychopathology or
a cascade of physiological and psychological re- adverse events during early childhood years can
sponses. These responses include activation of contribute to more heterogeneous physiologi-
the medial prefrontal cortex, which is involved cal outcomes. Children are still developing their
in planning, working memory, motivation, and neural systems, so the effects of adverse events
differentiation between external reality and in- versus normal development can be difficult to
ternal models, and which releases neurotrans- disentangle (see Gunnar & Quevedo 2007).
mitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and The nature and timing of the adverse events
serotonin, all of which show dysregulations in during normal development can also lead to dif-
patients with PTSD. Although specific find- ferent patterns of physiological response. Evi-
ings vary between studies, anatomical differ- dence of structural brain differences requires
ences have been found in brain structure follow- further study with larger sample sizes and lon-
ing trauma; differences generally are associated gitudinal designs to help explain whether devel-
with earlier age of maltreatment, longer dura- opmental processes or other factors explain the
tion of maltreatment, and greater severity of discrepancies between adult and child findings Traumatic Stress 477

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

and whether there are accompanying functional and problem behaviors. These studies typi-
changes that appear with maturation (De Bellis cally focus on school-aged children who ex-
et al. 2005). In addition, quality of parental care perienced early childhood trauma rather than
CBCL: Child
Behavior Checklist may be a strong moderator of psychobiologi- using preschool samples. A few studies specifi-
cal child measures. Scheeringa et al. (2004) re- cally targeting preschool children show similar
ported that traumatized children ranging in age associations between trauma exposure and mal-
from 20 months to 6 years, with PTSD and adaptive socioemotional and behavioral out-
without PTSD, had decreased heart period in comes at this age. For instance, preschool chil-
response to a trauma stimulus when compared dren exposed to violence have more difficulty
to a control group of nontraumatized children. than their nonexposed peers in their relation-
There were no significant group effects for ships outside their families (Graham-Bermann
respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), but a sig- & Levendosky 1998). The authors included ob-
nificant interaction effect was found between servations of group play and assessment of chil-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

parental positive discipline with PTSD symp- drens relationships with their preschool teach-
toms and RSA. The children with the most se- ers. Children exposed to domestic violence
vere PTSD symptoms had decreased RSA dur- were more likely to exhibit negative affect, re-
ing the trauma stimulus (when their caregivers sponded less appropriately to situations, were
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

showed less positive discipline during a clean- more aggressive with peers, and had more am-
up task), which is a significant interaction effect. bivalent relationships with their caregivers. Co-
In summary, knowledge is still in its early occurrence of different psychiatric diagnoses,
stages in this area. The bulk of the evi- a frequent finding for traumatized older chil-
dence, however, strongly indicates that there dren, has also been reported for preschoolers.
are marked and persistent psychobiological Scheeringa and colleagues (2003) compared the
abnormalities in adults and children with post- diagnostic profile of three groups of preschool
traumatic symptoms, including in a variety of children: PTSD, trauma/no PTSD, and
brain structures and physiological processes. healthy controls. They found that the PTSD
These findings have important clinical and group had significantly higher rates of separa-
policy implications because they highlight tion anxiety disorder and oppositional defiance
the urgency of preventing child victimization, disorder, more symptoms of separation anxi-
providing good screening that allows for earlier ety disorder and oppositional defiance disorder,
identification of children who experienced and higher scores on the Child Behavior Check-
traumatic life events, and developing effec- list (CBCL; Achenbach & Rescorla 2001) Inter-
tive treatments as well as the public health nalizing and Total subscales as compared to the
resources that allow for these treatments to be trauma/no PTSD and healthy control groups.
administered in a timely manner. The findings There is evidence that the effects of trau-
about the role of parental positive discipline on matic exposure in the first five years continue
child physiological variables also underscore to be measurable at later ages. Leve et al.
the importance of including parent-focused (2007) examined peer relations at school entry
interventions in treatments designed to treat among maltreated foster children and a com-
early childhood traumatic stress. parison sample of low-income, nonmaltreated,
nonfoster care children entering kindergarten
to second grade (N = 121). Controlling for
Socioemotional and caregiver-reported behavior problems prior to
Behavioral Outcomes school entry, girls in foster care showed poorer
Research studies with older children have peer relations after school entry than did girls
documented robust findings in childhood ex- in nonfoster care. Keiley and colleagues (2001)
posure to trauma and later problematic so- examined data from a community sample of
cial interactions, additional peer victimization, children followed prospectively for nine years

478 Chu Lieberman

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from the time they entered kindergarten. Us- outcomes over and above other stressors.
ing growth curve modeling, the authors showed Adult domestic violence during the childs
that the children who experienced physical lifetime accounted for 4% of the variation in
abuse before age 5 were at greater risk for de- the childs IQ, independent of latent genetic
veloping behavior problems (both externaliz- influences. Eigsti & Cicchetti (2004) found that
ing and internalizing) than were children who preschool-aged children who had experienced
experienced physical abuse after age 5. Using maltreatment prior to age 2 exhibited language
the same sample of community children, Lans- delays, with less advanced knowledge of vocab-
ford et al. (2006) found significant interac- ulary and production of less complex language.
tion effects between environmental factors and Mothers of children who had been maltreated
childhood physical abuse before age 5 on devel- also directed fewer utterances toward their
opmental trajectories of externalizing and in- children and produced a smaller number of
ternalizing behaviors. Specifically, lower levels overall utterances compared to mothers of
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

of unilateral parental decision making (based nonmaltreated children. Findings indicated

on sixth-grade adolescent report of their par- significant associations between maternal
ents) were protective of later externalizing out- utterances and child language variables.
comes through grade 8 for abused children as Longitudinal studies are needed to tease
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

compared to nonabused children. Lower levels out causality and elucidate the mechanisms
of family stress (maternal reports from kinder- at work in the potential associations between
garten through eighth grade) and higher lev- cognitive functioning and trauma exposure.
els of hostile attributions (as measured from Some indications exist in the literature that
kindergarten through third grade based on chil- even these cognitive deficits may have their
drens responses to eight cartoon vignettes de- roots in the quality of childrens caregiving
picting negative outcomes) were protective of relationships. One study found that domestic
internalizing behaviors at a later age for abused violence negatively correlated with preschool
children as compared to nonabused children. childrens performance on explicit memory
tasks, with children exposed to higher levels
of violence performing more poorly. However,
Cognitive Functioning this relationship was moderated by the chil-
Cognitive impairments are also starting to be drens mothers positive parenting practices
studied in preschool-aged children after an ini- ( Jouriles et al. 2008). These findings point
tial focus on older school-aged children. A large to the intricate interconnections linking child
twin study of 1116 monozygotic and dizygotic emotional, social, and cognitive functioning to
5-year-old twin pairs in England that controlled the quality of the caregiving they receive.
for genetic factors found an eight-point IQ
loss associated with childhood exposure to do-
mestic violence (Koenen et al. 2003). In a study Resilience and Protective Factors
of domestic-violence-exposed preschoolers Jaffee and colleagues (2007) examined data
and their mothers compared with nonexposed from the Environmental Risk Longitudinal
child-mother pairs matched for childs age, gen- Study, a nationally representative sample of
der, and ethnicity; mothers age and education; 1116 twin pairs and their families. The data
and annual family income, the exposed children consisted of home visits at ages 5 and 7 as well
scored significantly lower than the nonexposed as teacher reports on child classroom behav-
ones on a measure of verbal intelligence (Ybarra iors. The authors found that resilient children
et al. 2007). The nonexposed children had been were those who engaged in normative levels
exposed to equivalent community violence, of antisocial behavior despite experiences of
indicating that domestic violence exposure has maltreatment. Maltreated boys (but not girls)
a unique role in explaining negative cognitive with above-average intelligence and whose Traumatic Stress 479

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

parents had relatively few symptoms of anti- attached children with high levels of infant
social personality were more likely to be in the negativity had a significantly greater likelihood
resilient group. Maltreated children whose par- of belonging to the high-problem-behavior
ents had substance use problems and who lived trajectory group as compared to securely
in high-crime neighborhoods that were also low attached children with similarly high levels of
on social cohesion and informal social control infant negativity. Avoidant attachment was also
were less likely to be in the resilient group. The associated with significantly higher risk for
authors concluded that these findings together the problem trajectory group in comparison
support a cumulative stressors model in which with children with any other attachment
individual strengths distinguished resilient classification (notably, a threefold increase
from nonresilient children under conditions from secure to avoidant attachment).
of low (but not high) family and neighborhood These findings highlight the importance of
stress. A more recent analysis of this sample contextual and relationship factors in promot-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

also showed that children growing up in more ing or undermining young childrens resilience.
deprived neighborhoods, as compared to more
affluent neighborhoods, exhibited higher levels
of antisocial behaviors (Odgers et al. 2009). DIAGNOSING TRAUMATIC
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

However, within this group of children living STRESS DISORDER IN INFANCY

in deprived neighborhoods, higher scores in AND EARLY CHILDHOOD
collective efficacy (the level of social cohesion
and willingness to act on behalf of the common
Diagnostic Criteria
good within the community) were related to The DSM-IV-R states that the essential fea-
lower levels of antisocial behaviors at school ture of PTSD is the development of characteris-
entry (age 5). These results demonstrate that tics symptoms following exposure to an extreme
collective efficacy may be a neighborhood-level traumatic stressor (criterion A; Am. Psychiatr.
protective factor in the context of other risk Assoc. 2000). The characteristic symptoms in-
factors, such as poverty. clude persistent re-experiencing of the trau-
Quality of attachment seems to operate in matic event (criterion B), persistent avoidance
conjunction with other ecological factors (such of stimuli associated with the trauma and numb-
as personal and contextual risk) to influence ing of general responsiveness (criterion C), and
child resilience. Keller et al. (2005) conducted persistent symptoms of increased arousal (cri-
a prospective study with a community sample terion D). Within criteria B, C, and D, specific
of adolescent mothers first recruited during symptoms are described, and a logarithm is pro-
their first pregnancy and followed through the vided to determine whether the person meets
first 36 months of the childs life. Using latent the following criteria for diagnosis: at least one
variable growth mixture modeling, the authors symptom from criterion B (re-experiencing), at
found that the majority of children in this least three symptoms from criterion C (avoid-
sample exhibited a normative trajectory of de- ance), and at least two symptoms from criterion
clining problem behaviors over the preschool D (arousal). The full-symptom picture must be
years. Children whose mothers exhibited present for longer than one month (criterion E),
positive parenting (securely attached children) and the disturbance must cause clinically signif-
were significantly less likely to develop the icant distress or impairment in important areas
problematic behavior trajectory as compared of functioning, such as work or social relations
to their insecurely attached peers. However, (criterion F).
a small proportion of children showed high There is wide recognition that the DSM-
initial levels of disruptive behaviors that IV-R criteria for PTSD lack developmen-
continued to escalate over time. Specifically, tally informed considerations for infants, tod-
Keller et al. (2005) found that insecurely dlers, and preschoolers. For the past 15 years,

480 Chu Lieberman

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researchers have attempted to remedy this lim- re-experiencing symptoms decreased over
itation by developing alternative diagnostic cri- time.
teria specific to early childhood. Empirical Subsequent studies also supported the idea
findings have repeatedly pointed to the need of an altered algorithm for diagnosing PTSD in
for alternative PTSD criteria for children from young children in addition to altering the items
ages birth to five. Scheeringa et al. (2003) com- to be behaviorally appropriate. Scheeringa et al.
pared 62 traumatized preschool children to 63 (2006) found in a subsample of preschool-aged
nontraumatized preschool children, all aged children who were admitted to an inpatient
20 months through 6 years. The children were unit in a Level-1 trauma center that partic-
recruited from the community, including clin- ipants did not exhibit the required DSM-IV
ics, shelters, an intensive care inpatient unit of criteria threshold of three symptoms for cri-
a Level-1 trauma center, and a Head Start cen- terion C (avoidance/numbing) for diagnosing
ter. Parents completed interviews and a behav- PTSD. Only one child (4.8%) between ages 0
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

ior checklist about their children. They found and 6 met the DSM-IV threshold for criterion
that none of the traumatized children met the C versus five children (23.8%) when using a
DSM-IV criteria for PTSD. However, when one-symptom threshold. In a sample of chil-
using the alternative criteria algorithm of one dren ranging in age from 2 to 10 years who had
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

cluster B (re-experiencing) symptom, one clus- experienced motor vehicle accidents and sought
ter C (avoidance/numbing) symptom, and two medical attention at an emergency department,
cluster D (arousal) symptoms, as well as four Meiser-Stedman and colleagues (2008) again
novel symptoms, they diagnosed PTSD at a compared this alternative symptom algorithm
rate of 26% in the same group of children. This for PTSD versus the standard DSM-IV criteria
group of children diagnosed with PTSD using for PTSD using parent-report data. Data were
the revised algorithm had significantly more co- collected at two to four weeks post-trauma and
morbid symptoms (separation anxiety disorder; at a six-month follow-up. They found that at the
oppositional defiant disorder; major depressive six-month follow-up across both age groups,
disorder; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor- the alternative algorithm yielded a higher per-
der; and CBCL internalizing, externalizing, and centage of PTSD diagnosis (14%) as compared
total problems) when compared to children in to the DSM-IV criteria (<2%). In the acute
the trauma/no-PTSD group or the no-trauma phase (two to four weeks post-trauma), parent
group. report for the 2- to 6-year-old group indicated
Using the same community sample of trau- a 6.5% prevalence rate for the alternative algo-
matized children versus nontraumatized chil- rithm of PTSD and 1.6% based on the standard
dren, Scheeringa and colleagues (2005) re- DSM-IV diagnosis. Together, these findings ar-
examined the childrens functioning one and gue for lowering the cluster C symptom thresh-
two years following the initial time point and old criteria for younger children while keeping
obtained information on community treat- cluster B and D symptom threshold criteria the
ment. They found that those children ini- same.
tially diagnosed with PTSD at time 1 (from In 2003, the American Psychiatric Asso-
Scheeringa et al. 2003) showed significantly ciations Committee on Pre-School Children
more PTSD symptoms and functional impair- formed the Task Force on Research Diag-
ment in more domains over the course of two nostic Criteria: Infancy and Preschool. The
years than did children without PTSD. Chil- Task Force issued a call for systematic and
dren with PTSD symptoms did not show de- large-scale research on psychiatric disorders
creases in symptom levels over two years, even in infants and preschool children (Task Force
with community treatment. Specifically, avoid- Res. Diagnostic Criteria: Infancy and Preschool
ance/numbing symptoms increased over time 2003). The Task Force pointed out that the
(particularly at one-year follow-up), whereas first step in such a process includes developing Traumatic Stress 481

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

appropriate measuresstandardized and com- reflect the developmental manifestations of

prehensive diagnostic interviewswhich have traumatic stress in the first five years of life. The
been lacking in the past. To date, studies have criteria are written to conform to the algorithm
used parent-report dimensional scales that tend initially proposed by Scheeringa and colleagues:
to identify problem behaviors; standardized in- at least one reexperiencing symptom (post-
terviews with older children (typically 5-year- traumatic play, recurrent and intrusive recol-
olds or older); and best-estimate diagnoses, lections of the traumatic event outside play, re-
which lack reliable and operationalized crite- peated nightmares, physiological distress, and
ria for developmentally appropriate research. episodes of flashbacks or dissociation), at least
Additionally, another important step is to de- two hyperarousal symptoms (sleep problems,
velop clearly specified diagnostic criteria that concentration problems, hypervigilance, exag-
can be reliably applied by researchers. In order gerated startle response, irritability/anger), and
to promote these steps, the Task Force exam- at least one numbing of responsiveness or inter-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

ined recent studies that have specifically focused ference with developmental progress symptom
on validating diagnoses in young children and (increased social withdrawal, restricted range of
produced the Research Diagnostic Criteria- affect, markedly diminished interest or partic-
Preschool Age (RDC-PA; Task Force Res. Di- ipation in significant activities, and efforts to
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

agnostic Criteria: Infancy and Preschool 2002). avoid trauma reminders). The diagnostic crite-
For PTSD symptoms in preschool children, ria also include associated symptoms (regres-
the RDC-PA includes the same three symp- sion of developmental skills, new aggression,
tom clusters as the DSM-IV (re-experiencing, new fears, and inappropriate sexual behaviors).
avoidance/numbing of responsiveness, and hy- This pattern of symptoms should last for at least
perarousal). The Task Force recommended that one month.
a diagnosis of PTSD be derived from one
re-experiencing symptom, two hyperarousal
symptoms, and one avoidance/numbing of re- PTSD or Traumatic Stress Disorder?
sponsiveness symptom, a formula that corre- It is worth noting that the diagnosis of PTSD
sponds with the alternative criteria developed is predicated on the notion that trauma con-
by Scheeringa and colleagues. They also modi- tinues to have psychological sequelae after the
fied the symptom criteria to make them less de- traumatic event is no longer present. This as-
pendent on internal thoughts and feelings and sumption does not reflect the everyday reality
to rely more extensively on behavioral observa- of millions of children exposed to ongoing mal-
tions, and removed two items (inability to recall; treatment and community violence as well as
sense of a foreshortened future) because they recurrent exposure to other traumatic stressors.
were developmentally inappropriate. While no The original version of the DC:0-3 (Zero
consensus currently exists for the best diagnos- to Three 1994) incorporated a recognition
tic criteria, the field continues to move in the of this reality and used the label traumatic
direction of more developmentally appropriate stress disorder as its diagnostic category for
approaches to diagnosis. a mental health disorder stemming from trau-
A new diagnostic manual, the Diagnostic matic exposure. This label was changed to
Classification of Mental Health and Developmen- PTSD in the revised version of the manual
tal Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood (Zero to Three 2005; DC:0-3R) in an effort
(DC:0-3 and DC:0-3R) was created recently to align the diagnosis for young children with
by Zero to Three: National Center for In- the parallel DSM-IV-R diagnosis. Researchers
fants, Toddlers and Families to meet the spe- and clinicians should incorporate an aware-
cific needs of children aged birth to five (Zero ness of present trauma in their study designs
to Three 1994, 2005). The diagnostic criteria and clinical interventions and monitor for the
for PTSD in the DC:0-3R manual specifically ever-present possibility of new traumas in the

482 Chu Lieberman

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lives of the children and families they study or Test-retest interval ranged from three days to
treat. one month, with the mean interval at 11 days.
Reliabilities across subscale scores on the PAPA
PAPA: preschool-
were acceptable (kappas and ICCs ranged from aged psychiatric
Assessment Methodology 0.490.89) and comparable to other measures assessment
The diagnosis of PTSD in the first five years that are widely used and well established for
of life is further complicated by young chil- children and adults. Using the same sample and
drens relatively undeveloped linguistic skills. data (from time 1 of Egger et al. 2006), Sterba
Currently, the field relies on parent reports and colleagues (2007) conducted a factor analy-
of childrens post-traumatic symptoms using sis indicating that the interview loaded on three
semistructured interviews or behavior check- emotional syndrome factors (social phobia,
lists, which can be biased, subjective, or in- separation anxiety, and depression/generalized
sufficiently detailed. There remains a need to anxiety) and three disruptive syndrome factors
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

have standardized instruments that improve re- (oppositional defiant/conduct syndrome,

liability and validity, with objective and precise hyperactivity/impulsivity, inattention).
reports of symptoms. Some valuable contribu- Birmaher et al. (2009) administered the
tions toward this goal are described below. Schedule for Affective Disorders and
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

The Preschool Aged Psychiatric Assessment Schizophrenia for School-Age Children

(PAPA) is a structured psychiatric assessment Present and Lifetime Version (K-SADS-PL)
interview based on the parent version of the to a community sample of 204 parents of
Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment preschool children ages 2 to 5 years. The
for 9- to 18-year-olds (Egger & Angold 2004b). K-SADS-PL contains screening and diagnos-
The PAPA is conducted with the parent of a tic assessments for 20 different psychiatric
child aged 2 to 5 years. When symptoms are disorders. Parents also completed the Early
reported by the parent, the interviewer probes Childhood Inventory-4 and the CBCL. The
for the frequency, duration, date of onset, and K-SADS-PL showed good convergent and
the context in which the symptom occurs. The divergent validity with corresponding signifi-
interview contains 25 modules, which can be cant correlations to CBCL subscales, excellent
administered individually or in combinations as discriminant validity compared to Early Child-
needed. The items cover age-specific diagnos- hood Inventory-4 severity scores, and good
tic criteria from the DSM-IV-TR, International predictive validity at a two-year follow-up
Classification of Diseases-tenth revision, RDC- with 126 children. Inter-rater reliability for all
PA, and DC:0-3 diagnoses, and additional diagnoses was good (kappa ranged from 0.70
potentially relevant behaviors and symptoms to 0.90). Parents of 14 preschoolers also com-
experienced by preschoolers and their families pleted the PAPA, and the K-SADS-PL showed
not specified in current diagnostic criteria. good correspondence with the PAPA diagnoses.
For the PTSD diagnosis, the PAPA utilizes The widely used CBCL (Achenbach &
the RDC-PA diagnostic criteria for this age Rescorla 2001) has been modified by several
group. Empirical findings to date show sound research groups to examine PTSD in young
psychometric properties for the PAPA. From children. Dehon & Scheeringa (2006) used
a pediatric clinic, Egger et al. (2006) initially a modified CBCL-PTSD scale to screen for
screened 1073 parents with children between PTSD in a sample of traumatized preschool
the ages of 2 and 5 with the CBCL. A total children (ages 1 to 6). The CBCL-PTSD scale
of 193 parents of children with high scores on score was significantly higher in children who
the CBCL and 114 parents of children with had the full diagnosis of PTSD based on a
low scores also completed the PAPA interview. semistructured diagnostic interview and corre-
To examine test-retest reliability, these same lated highly (r = 0.66, p < 0.001) with the
participants repeated a second PAPA interview. number of PTSD symptoms from the same Traumatic Stress 483

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

interview. The CBCL-PTSD scale explained structured measure such as the CBCL. Regard-
43% of the variance in childrens PTSD symp- ing treatment, the PPWG recommended child-
toms, whereas neither the externalizing or in- parent psychotherapy and preschool-specific
CPP: child-parent
psychotherapy ternalizing scale scores explained significant ad- cognitive-behavioral therapy as first-line ther-
ditional variance in childrens PTSD symptoms. apeutic interventions for preschoolers exposed
Additionally, if dichotomizing item responses, to traumatic events. In light of the empir-
with all positive responses (1s and 2s) consid- ically documented treatment effects of psy-
ered as presence of symptoms and all negative chotherapeutic interventions for preschoolers
responses considered as absence of symptoms, with PTSD, the PPWG did not recommend
a threshold cutoff of nine endorsed symptoms the use of psychopharmacological treatment for
identified 75% of all positive PTSD diagnoses PTSD in preschoolers.
and 84.4% of all negative PTSD diagnoses from
the interview. Furthermore, 63% of children
Relationship-Based Interventions
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

who scored nine or higher were diagnosed with

PTSD, while 90% of children who scored lower Child-parent psychotherapy (CPP) is a
than nine did not have PTSD. relationship-based intervention grounded in
psychoanalytic, attachment, and trauma theory
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

that also includes social learning and cognitive

CLINICAL INTERVENTIONS behavioral intervention strategies as vehicles
There is evidence that clinical treatment and for change (Lieberman & Van Horn 2005,
service intervention approaches promoting re- 2008). Because young children organize their
siliency through the parent-child relationship responses to stress and danger around their
are the most effective vehicles to recovery from caregiving relationships, CPP is organized
trauma because parental functioning predicts around the premises that young children turn
both child resiliency and child response to preferentially to their parent(s) or primary
trauma (Masten 2006). A meta-analysis of 40 caregivers for protection and safety and that
different early prevention programs for families trauma shatters the childs perception of the
with young children (0 to 3 years old) at risk for parent as a competent and reliable protector.
physical child abuse and neglect showed a treat- Using the format of joint child-parent sessions,
ment effect size of 0.29 (Geeraert et al. 2004). CPP therapists help to translate the emotional
The programs, mostly with nonrandomized de- meaning of behaviors between the parent and
signs, showed significant decreases in abusive the child, enabling them to co-construct a
and neglectful parenting and increases in child trauma narrative that holds developmentally
functioning, parent-child interaction, parent appropriate meaning for both partners. In a
functioning, and family functioning. In 2007, randomized controlled trial comparing CPP
The American Academy of Child and Adoles- to case management plus community inter-
cent Psychiatry established the Preschool Psy- vention as usual, CPP was significantly more
chopharmacology Working Group (PPWG) to effective than the control group treatment in
review existing literature to develop treatment reducing (a) childrens behavior problems and
recommendations for preschool children. In PTSD symptoms and (b) mothers symptoms
their report, the PPWG made several recom- of avoidance (Lieberman et al. 2005). The
mendations for the assessment and treatment improvements in behavior problems were
of PTSD in preschool children (Gleason et al. sustained at a follow-up conducted six months
2007). They recommended the adoption of post-treatment (Lieberman et al. 2006).
developmentally sensitive use of the DSM-IV PTSD symptoms were not measured at the
criteria in assessing PTSD in preschoolers. six-month follow-up for either mother or
They also suggested that there should be reg- child, but general functioning continued to
ular monitoring for baseline symptoms with a improve in mothers who received CPP whereas

484 Chu Lieberman

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

functioning of the mothers in the comparison components of the intervention help caregivers
group did not. to (a) follow the childs lead, (b) appreciate
Cicchetti et al. (2006) also compared a sim- the value of physical contact with their child,
ilar relationship-based therapy with infants, (c) create conditions that allow their child to
infant-parent psychotherapy (IPP), with a psy- express, recognize, and understand emotions,
choeducational parenting intervention (PPI) and (d) provide nurturing care. Sessions include
and community standard (CS) controls who re- psychoeducation, discussions, and interactions
ceived usual standard of care under Department between the foster parent and child. Dozier
of Human Services management, all admin- et al. (2006) examined preliminary data from
istered to maltreated children. These groups the first 60 children who were randomly as-
were compared to a normative comparison signed to receive the ABC treatment or an ed-
group with nonmaltreating families. At base- ucational comparison intervention (Develop-
line, mothers in the maltreatment groups re- mental Education for Families, which targets
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

ported having experienced more abuse and ne- cognitive development) and an additional 104
glect in their own childhoods, more negative children in a nonfoster care control group. At
representations of their childhood, and more one-month post-treatment, children whose fos-
negative relationships with their own mothers ter caregiver received the ABC intervention
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

currently as compared to the mothers in the showed am and pm cortisol levels comparable to
nonmaltreatment group. They also reported the nonfoster care group. Children whose fos-
less availability of social support from family ter caregiver received the control intervention
members, higher current parenting stress, less displayed higher-than-typical levels of cortisol
parenting competence, more social isolation, across the day. For children in the ABC inter-
more health concerns, and less understanding vention group, older children (1836 months)
of appropriate parenting attitudes and prac- had lower problem behaviors based on parent
tices. During mother-child observations, the report as compared to younger children (0
mothers from the maltreatment groups also 17 months).
demonstrated lower sensitivity in interactions Over a 12-month period after a new foster
with their infants. Infants in maltreating fami- care placement, Fisher & Kim (2007) exam-
lies exhibited significantly higher rates of inse- ined changes in attachment-related behaviors
cure attachment with their mothers, and only among preschool children (ages 3 to 6) in fos-
one infant (<1%) was classified as securely at- ter care who also participated in a randomized
tached. In contrast, the rate of secure attach- trial of the Multidimensional Treatment Fos-
ment for infants in nonmaltreating families was ter Care Program for Preschoolers (MTFC-P).
32.7%. At postintervention, the rate of secure Foster parents participating in MTFC-P com-
attachment increased significantly in the two in- pleted 12 hours of intensive training prior to
tervention groups (IPP and PPI) to 60.7% and placement. After receiving a foster child, fos-
54.5%, respectively. In comparison, the rate of ter parents received daily telephone calls with a
secure attachment in the CS group remained consultant who provided support and supervi-
low (1.9%). Furthermore, the rate of secure at- sion, weekly support groups, and 24-hour on-
tachment in the normative comparison group call access. Children received services from a
remained at 38.6%, which was also higher than behavior specialist and attended weekly thera-
the CS group. peutic play-group sessions. If possible, a fam-
Dozier and colleagues (2002) developed a ily therapist worked with birth parents or ad-
10-week manualized Attachment and Biobe- ditional adult caregivers to familiarize them
havioral Catch-up (ABC) intervention that tar- with parenting skills. These services lasted for
gets young foster childrens dysregulation by 6 to 12 months, including any transition peri-
helping foster parents create an environment ods to a permanent placement. Parents kept a
that enhances regulatory capabilities. Various caregiver-report diary at three-month intervals Traumatic Stress 485

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

during treatment on childrens attachment- report and observational coding indicated that
related behavior toward foster parents. Fifty- treatment led to higher levels of collabora-
seven children who participated in the inter- tive peer play interactions as compared to the
vention showed significant increases in secure control intervention. This treatment effect was
behavior and decreases in avoidant behavior as present for both maltreated and nonmaltreated
compared to 60 children in the control condi- children.
tion who received foster care services as usual.
Both groups showed significant decreases in re-
sistant behavior over 12 months. For partici- FUTURE DIRECTIONS/
pants in MTFC-P, children who entered foster RECOMMENDATIONS
care at older ages experienced greater increases
in secure behavior over time compared to chil-
dren in the control condition, who showed the There is a growing consensus that exposure to
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

opposite pattern. Fisher & Stoolmiller (2008) traumatic stress disrupts young childrens nor-
also found that foster parents who received the mal development in a wide range of domains.
intervention reported a significant decrease in The importance of identifying and addressing
parenting stress related to child problem be- this disturbance as quickly as possible points to
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

havior as compared to an increase in caregiver the need for more accurate and developmen-
stress in foster parents who were in the control tally sensitive assessment measures of trauma
condition. Furthermore, higher caregiver stress histories, symptomatology, and general func-
in response to child problem behavior was sig- tioning for the birth-to-five age range. How-
nificantly associated with more blunted diurnal ever, the mental health field continues to lag
cortisol levels. behind in establishing developmentally appro-
priate measures. The Diagnostic Classification of
Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of In-
Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions fancy and Early Childhood-Revised (Zero to Three
Cohen & Mannarino (2008) described an 2005) represents an attempt to provide a devel-
evidence-based treatment, Trauma-Focused opmentally appropriate lens to the assessment
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, for parents and of post-traumatic stress. Researchers should
traumatized children. This particular interven- continue their efforts to develop standardized
tion provides children and parents with stress- and comprehensive instruments for early child-
management skills prior to the processing of hood. There is also an ongoing need to include
childrens traumatic experiences together. Out- measures that specifically target the first five
come studies have not yet been conducted. years of life in epidemiological surveys and em-
Fantuzzo and colleagues (2005) tested the pirical studies. Longitudinal studies that inves-
effectiveness of Resilient Peer Treatment, a tigate the impact of different forms of trauma
peer-mediated classroom-based intervention should include the birth-to-five age range as a
for socially withdrawn preschool children with separate category to better understand the role
a history of maltreatment. Resilient Peer Treat- of the early years in childrens long-term devel-
ment involved 15 play sessions (three per week) opmental trajectory.
over a two-month period. The target child was Another burgeoning area of research is the
paired up with a play buddy in the same class- gene-by-environment literature. Caspi et al.
room who was coached by a play supporter in (2002) first conducted the seminal study show-
positive play interactions with the target child. ing a gene-by-environment interaction on
Eighty-two socially withdrawn children, with antisocial behavior. The authors found that
and without histories of maltreatment, were adults with low-acting monoamine oxidase-A
randomly assigned to Resilient Peer Treatment (MAOA) alleles who were maltreated as chil-
or attention-control interventions. Teacher dren were more likely to develop symptoms

486 Chu Lieberman

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

of conduct disorder and antisocial personality of 2% in the probability of a conduct disorder

and displayed more general violence when com- diagnosis in children at lowest genetic risk as
pared to adults with high-acting MAOA alleles compared to an increase of 24% in children at
who were also maltreated as children. Adults highest genetic risk.
with high-acting MAOA alleles who were mal- A third gene-by-environment interaction
treated as children and nonmaltreated control involves a polymorphism in the promoter of
participants had comparable rates of aggres- the serotonin transporter genotype and child-
sion. This finding has not been replicated con- hood maltreatment on adult depression, first re-
sistently. Two recent meta-analyses reported ported by Caspi et al. (2003). Since then, many
small-to-medium effect sizes (0.17 and 0.18) studies have sought to replicate the finding that
for the MAOA genotype and maltreatment in- individuals with specific polymorphisms are not
teraction for antisocial behavior (Kim-Cohen at increased risk for developing depression un-
et al. 2006, Taylor & Kim-Cohen 2007). A re- less these individuals also experience adverse
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

cent study suggests that this gene-environment life events, in particular childhood maltreat-
interaction is found in low-to-moderate levels ment, and to extend results to additional poly-
of trauma exposure only, while extreme levels morphisms (for a review, see Brown & Harris
of trauma exposure overpower the interaction 2008).
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

(Weder et al. 2009). The sample evaluated 73 Although these studies together demon-
children who had been recently removed from strate the robustness of gene-by-environment
caregivers because of abuse and 41 comparison interactions, many of these investigations tend
children, some of whom reported no trauma to utilize older children or examine adults with
exposure and others who reported low levels retrospective reports of childhood abuse. Re-
of trauma exposure. Children with exposure to searchers tend not to parse out the effects of
low-level trauma up to the moderate level and early- versus later-childhood maltreatment or
the low-activity MAOA allele had high rates of adverse events. One exception is the work by
aggression as compared to peers with the high- Meaney and colleagues that has linked adverse
activity MAOA allele. In contrast, children with fetal environments (e.g., maternal stress during
exposure to extreme levels of trauma had high pregnancy) with dysregulated HPA axis activity,
aggression scores regardless of genotype. which places individuals at risk for developing
Another twin study also supports a gene- psychopathologies (including PTSD) and dele-
environment interaction for conduct disorder terious health outcomes (see Seckl & Meaney
( Jaffee et al. 2005). The researchers found that 2006). Additional future research needs to ex-
in a sample of 1116 5-year-old twin pairs, the amine more proximal effects of the interac-
effect of physical abuse on the development of tion between nature and nurture on younger
conduct problems was strongest among those children.
children who were at high genetic risk. Genetic
risk was calculated on a four-point scale based
on the cotwins conduct disorder status and the Clinical Intervention
zygosity of the twin pair. A target twins genetic Significant barriers remain to the develop-
risk was coded as highest if his or her monozy- ment, adaptation, and dissemination of empiri-
gotic twin had a diagnosis of conduct disorder, cally supported treatments for children exposed
next highest was if a target twins dizygotic twin to trauma. Children in the child welfare sys-
had a diagnosis of conduct disorder, followed tem have serious unmet mental health needs,
by a target twin whose dizygotic twin did not with 75% of them not yet in treatment within
have a diagnosis of conduct disorder, and risk 12 months after initial diagnosis (Natl. Res.
was lowest if a target twins monozygotic twin Counc. Inst. Med. 2006). Children aged birth to
did not have a diagnosis of conduct disorder. five are most at risk. According to the American
Physical abuse was associated with an increase Psychiatric Associations PTSD field trials, the Traumatic Stress 487

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

best predictors of PTSD and related comor- in early childhood as a new way of prevent-
bidities were the childs age at first trauma, ing disease and promoting health, instead of
trauma frequency, and perpetration by the par- traditional approaches that emphasize pharma-
ent (van der Kolk et al. 1996). In spite of these cological interventions. The authors reviewed
findings, many practitioners and the public er- two different theories on the impact of early
roneously believe that young childrens cogni- experience on adult healthby the accumu-
tive immaturity and plasticity render them im- lation of damage over time or by the criti-
mune to the effects of trauma (Brom et al. 2009, cal timing of adversities during sensitive devel-
Natl. Res. Counc. Inst. Med. 2000). opmental periods. Empirical data consistently
Early identification requires specialized show associations between greater childhood
training because young childrens trauma re- trauma exposure and greater prevalence of a
sponses mimic other behaviors and are com- wide range of health impairments in adult-
monly misdiagnosed as developmental delays, hood. Although the specific mechanisms re-
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

difficult temperament, or behavior problems main unclear, one general explanation may be
(Zero to Three 2005). This training has not to through the breakdown of physiological state
date been systematically incorporated in curric- under conditions of chronic challenge, also re-
ula across mental health disciplines, which give ferred to as allostatic load. Researchers should
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

at best cursory attention to infancy and early pay closer attention to the disproportionate ex-
childhood. The result is a dearth of practition- posure of low-income children to environmen-
ers trained to treat young children. Clinicians tal stressors (e.g., neighborhood violence, dys-
tend to learn individual treatment approaches functional schools), traumatic experiences, and
not optimal for children aged birth to 5 be- family chaos and the resulting physiological and
cause parents are not included. This service gap emotional dysregulation as cumulative risk fac-
is larger for minorities owing to the shortage of tors for early childhood development and long-
service providers knowledgeable about the lan- term adult functioning.
guage, values, and parenting practices of minor-
ity populations, and it is most pressing for fast-
growing ethnic groups such as Latinos, who are Policy
the largest minority group in the country, have Public policy must systematically address the
the highest birth rate, and are often monolin- deficits in access to services for trauma-
gual in Spanish (U.S. Census Bur. 2003). The tized young children and their families. These
current economic downturn aggravates barriers deficits and efforts to remedy them need to
to timely and effective intervention. Staff layoffs be the result of a partnership between profes-
in community programs and the child welfare sionals working with young children, elected
system create higher case loads, lower morale, representatives, and public interest advocates
and increase staff vicarious traumatization. (Harris et al. 2006, 2007). The service deliv-
Training and technical assistance at all system ery system for children aged birth to five with
levels are needed to close these service gaps with exposure to traumatic stress has several possi-
workforce development in culturally appropri- ble entry points. Pediatric care providers are
ate treatment, agency capacity, and infrastruc- the most immediate service providers, but their
tures for intersystem collaboration (Presidents effectiveness in early trauma identification and
New Freedom Commiss. Mental Health referral is hampered by the short duration of
2003). pediatric visits, lack of trauma training, and
lack of information about appropriate refer-
rals (Groves & Augustyn 2004). Mental health
Prevention providers offer services in community men-
Shonkoff et al. (2009) called for a focus on tal health clinics, hospital-based clinics, DV
reductions of significant stress and adversity programs, and other agencies but often lack

488 Chu Lieberman

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

specialized knowledge on traumatized children ethnicity, culture, language, socioeconomic sta-

under age 6 and their abusive parents. Child- tus, disability, and/or gender. When trauma is
care providers have opportunities for child ob- identified, the systems involved may not have
servation that may facilitate early trauma iden- mechanisms to promote service coordination.
tification and referral but lack the necessary For example, the same family may have a case
training to respond appropriately. For exam- in the Dependency, Family, and Criminal Court
ple, 3- and 4-year-olds are three times more system, and each court may place contradic-
likely to be expelled from preschool than are tory requirements on the family (Van Horn
children in grades K through 12, with African & Hitchens 2004). The problems in each of
American and Latino children disproportion- these services systems can be addressed through
ately affected (Gilliam 2005). DV shelter staff a partnership of concerned professionals and
lack training in early childhood and tend to fo- families with elected representatives. A current
cus on meeting the service needs of battered federal initiative, the National Child Traumatic
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

women rather than childrens needs. Welfare Stress Network (funded by the Substance Abuse
system child welfare workers focus on physical and Mental Health Services Administration), is
safety. Their lack of training in trauma identi- an example of a successful effort to increase ac-
fication in young children may result in place- cess to service and raise the standard of care for
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

ment decisions that do not address the childs children and their families across the United
developmental needs (Larrieu & Zeanah 2004). States (see Within this
Police responding to DV calls can assuage chil- initiative, the Early Trauma Treatment Net-
drens traumatic stress when the response is work is a collaborative of university-based in-
trauma informed, but officers are largely un- fant and early childhood trauma programs at
aware of the negative effects of their asking the the University of California, San Francisco,
child to report on the parents violence (Osofsky Boston Medical Center, Louisiana State Uni-
2004). The judicial system and the courts can versity Medical Center, and Tulane University
mandate and enforce treatment referrals, but that has the goal of creating, evaluating, and dis-
they contend with lack of appropriate guide- seminating effective forms of intervention with
lines about early trauma. An overriding prob- traumatized young children and their families
lem across systems is the lack of awareness of across systems of care. There is an urgent need
cultural and contextual issues in childrearing to bring up to scale these and other efforts in
values and practices, often leading to misidenti- order to bridge the long-standing gap in ser-
fication and miscommunication when the par- vices for traumatized and underserved young
ents and the service providers differ in age, race, children and their families.

1. The first five years of life are the most vulnerable to traumatic death and injury as the
result of interpersonal violence and accidents.
2. The incidence of traumatic events is pervasive in infancy and early childhood; however,
trauma exposure is not consistently investigated as a possible factor in the etiology of
psychological and behavioral problems in young children.
3. The interface between attachment and traumatic experiences needs to become an integral
component in the assessment and treatment of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with
mental health and relationship problems. Traumatic Stress 489

ANRV407-CP06-19 ARI 22 February 2010 15:54

4. Childhood exposure to trauma may lead to marked and persistent psychobiologi-

cal abnormalities, problematic socioemotional and behavioral outcomes, and cognitive
5. There remains a need for developmentally informed diagnostic criteria for PTSD specific
to early childhood and standardized instruments that improve reliability and validity of
young childrens post-traumatic symptoms.
6. Clinical treatment and service intervention approaches promoting resiliency through the
parent-child relationship are the most effective vehicles to trauma recovery.

Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

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494 Chu Lieberman

AR407-FM ARI 6 March 2010 12:23

Annual Review of
Clinical Psychology

Volume 6, 2010

Personality Assessment from the Nineteenth to Early Twenty-First

Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

Century: Past Achievements and Contemporary Challenges

James N. Butcher ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1
Prescriptive Authority for Psychologists
Robert E. McGrath ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !21
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

The Admissibility of Behavioral Science Evidence in the Courtroom:

The Translation of Legal to Scientific Concepts and Back
David Faust, Paul W. Grimm, David C. Ahern, and Mark Sokolik ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !49
Advances in Analysis of Longitudinal Data
Robert D. Gibbons, Donald Hedeker, and Stephen DuToit ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !79
Group-Based Trajectory Modeling in Clinical Research
Daniel S. Nagin and Candice L. Odgers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 109
Measurement of Functional Capacity: A New Approach to
Understanding Functional Differences and Real-World Behavioral
Adaptation in Those with Mental Illness
Thomas L. Patterson and Brent T. Mausbach ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 139
The Diagnosis of Mental Disorders: The Problem of Reification
Steven E. Hyman ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 155
Prevention of Major Depression
Ricardo F. Munoz, Pim Cuijpers, Filip Smit, Alinne Z. Barrera, and Yan Leykin ! ! ! ! ! ! 181
Issues and Challenges in the Design of Culturally Adapted
Evidence-Based Interventions
Felipe Gonzalez Castro, Manuel Barrera Jr., and Lori K. Holleran Steiker ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 213
Treatment of Panic
Norman B. Schmidt and Meghan E. Keough ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 241
Psychological Approaches to Origins and Treatments of Somatoform
Michael Witthoft and Wolfgang Hiller ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 257

AR407-FM ARI 6 March 2010 12:23

Cognition and Depression: Current Status and Future Directions

Ian H. Gotlib and Jutta Joorman ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 285
The Genetics of Mood Disorders
Jennifer Y.F. Lau and Thalia C. Eley ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 313
Matthew K. Nock ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 339
Substance Use in Adolescence and Psychosis: Clarifying the
Emma Barkus and Robin M. Murray ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 365
Annu. Rev. Clin. Psychol. 2010.6:469-494. Downloaded from

Systematic Reviews of Categorical Versus Continuum Models in

Psychosis: Evidence for Discontinuous Subpopulations Underlying
a Psychometric Continuum. Implications for DSM-V, DSM-VI,
Richard J. Linscott and Jim van Os ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 391
by Boston University on 09/01/10. For personal use only.

Pathological Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Aaron L. Pincus and Mark R. Lukowitsky ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 421
Behavioral Treatments in Autism Spectrum Disorder:
What Do We Know?
Laurie A. Vismara and Sally J. Rogers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 447
Clinical Implications of Traumatic Stress from Birth to Age Five
Ann T. Chu and Alicia F. Lieberman ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 469
Emotion-Related Self-Regulation and Its Relation to Childrens
Nancy Eisenberg, Tracy L. Spinrad, and Natalie D. Eggum ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 495
Successful Aging: Focus on Cognitive and Emotional Health
Colin Depp, Ipsit V. Vahia, and Dilip Jeste ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 527
Implicit Cognition and Addiction: A Tool for Explaining Paradoxical
Alan W. Stacy and Reineout W. Wiers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 551
Substance Use Disorders: Realizing the Promise of Pharmacogenomics
and Personalized Medicine
Kent E. Hutchison ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 577
Update on Harm-Reduction Policy and Intervention Research
G. Alan Marlatt and Katie Witkiewitz ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 591
Violence and Womens Mental Health: The Impact of Physical, Sexual,
and Psychological Aggression
Carol E. Jordan, Rebecca Campbell, and Diane Follingstad ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 607

Contents vii

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