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The Space Age Real Estate Game

Players travel through the solar system acquiring properties, charging rent, and building monopolies within individual planetary
systems. The player who builds the greatest financial empire and survives the perils of space travel to become the last player on the
board, wins the game.
Solarquest offers two levels of play. The first offers players greater mobility around the gameboard. The second level gives players a
greater opportunity to use strategy in an effort to remain within a planet's orbit, and acquire desired properties.

Gameboard, 6 Playing Pieces, 46 Metallic Fuel Stations, 36 Red Shift Cards, 48 Deed Cards, 2 Dice, Fuel Card, Federons (interplanetary

1. One player is chosen to be the Federation Banker. He/she distributes three of each denomination of Federons to each player.
2. One player is chosen to monitor the 48 deed cards and distribute them whenever purchases are made.
3. Each player selects a playing piece representing a spaceship and places it on Earth.
4. As players travel around the gameboard they will use up fuel and refuel as needed. A Fuel Card Monitor is chosen to chart this
activity throughout the game. Refer to FUEL CARD section for proper setup before beginning play.
5. Each player is given 3 Fuel Stations (metal playing pieces).
6. The Red Shift cards are placed facedown on the gameboard above the SOLARQUEST name.
7. Each player rolls the dice. The highest roller will begin play. Play then passes to the left.

1. In turn, each player rolls the dice and blasts off from Earth, moving the indicated number of spaces toward Mercury.
2. Players follow the blue flight path around the Solar System. Red arrows at key junctures indicate the direction of travel.
3. Fuel is consumed when leaving a planet or moon. The Fuel Monitor keeps track of each player's fuel supply.
4. When landing on an unowned planet, moon, Space Dock or Research Lab, a player may purchase the property. Fuel Stations may be
erected on planets or moons for refueling purposes
5. When landing on an owned property, the player must pay rent or a fee. The amount charged is based on the number of properties
owned within a property group. (Each property group is colorcoded on the deed cards).
6. Additional fuel may be purchased on properties that contain Fuel Stations or on Space Docks for the price indicated on the deed
7. When rolling doubles, a player must draw a Red Shift card and follow the directions given. The card is then placed at the bottom of
the pile.
8. A player is out of the game if he is:
*declared bankrupt
*stranded on a moon or planet
*forced to travel with insufficient fuel
*destroyed by a laser (optional play version)
9. The winner is the last player on the board.

A GUIDE TO THE GAMEBOARD (Refer to chart on back page for easy rule reference)

When a player advances past Earth, either by roll of the dice or by direction of a Red Shift card, he collects 500 Federons. When a
player lands on Earth, he collects 1,000 Federons.
Blue dots indicate areas where a ship is drifting in space. No action is taken on these spaces .
Black dots represent the gravitational pull of a planet. Although they count as spaces, players may not land on them.
*If a player cannot move beyond the black dots during a turn, he must continue his orbit around the planet. A player must leave orbit if
able to do so.
Earth and Venus do not have orbit patterns. If a player cannot move beyond the black dot next to the planet, the player must go back
one space, landing on the planet itself.

Federation Stations are manmade satellites owned by the Federation League. They provide living quarters free of charge and also a
welcome payday for space travelers. Players may purchase extra Fuel Stations when landing on a Federation Station or sell back any
unplaced Fuel Stations or properties for a full refund. Fuel may not be purchased on a Federation Station.
Space Docks are manmade satellites that offer fuel and provide repair service. The five Space Docks form one property group.

These manmade satellites provide living quarters for space travelers and scientists engaged in research and observation. The six
Research Labs form one property group.

Deed Cards are colorcoded indicating the specific group to which a property belongs. For example, all deed cards which belong to the
Saturn planetary system are yellow. Players attempt to build monopolies within individual planetary systems, purchasing a planet (when
available*) and as many moons as possible around the planet. Some planets such as Venus and Mercury do not have moons, but have
higher deed prices and considerably higher rents.
Additional property groups include six Research Labs and 5 Space Docks. Each is a separate colorcoded group and is not part of the
planetary system in which it resides. Players may also attempt to build monopolies within these groups.
Purchasing Property:
A player landing on an unowned planet, moon, Space Dock, or Research Lab may purchase the property for the price at the top of the
deed card. The money is paid to the Federation League (bank). For additional purchasing rules see SPECIAL SITUATIONS.

Property Name
DI0NE Pronunciation
$150 Deed price
1 80 15
2 125 15 Rent and Fuel charges
3 190 20
4 300 25
increase as additional
5 465 35 properties within a group
6 720 40 are purchased
7 1115 50
8 1735 60
9 2685 75
10 4165 95

Rent, Service Fees & Lab Fees

* Any player landing on an opponents moon or planet must pay the owner rent. When landing on an owned Space Dock or Research
Lab, the player must pay a service or lab fee.
*Payment is based on the number of properties owned within a colorcoded group. The more properties owned, the higher the charge.
The amount due is determined by referring to the properties and rent columns of the deed card. (EXAMPLE: SEE DEED CARD) If a
player owns Dione, and two additional moons of Saturn, an opponent landing on Dione would pay $190 in rent. Only $80 is charged if
the player owns Dione.

Column three of the deed card indicates the charge for refueling. See PURCHASING FUEL for rules on refueling.
*Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are gaseous planets and cannot be landed on or purchased.

Selling/Trading Between Players:

Players may sell or trade properties as they wish during play. Placed Fuel Stations remain on all properties and must be sold or traded
along with the deed card.

Rent, Service Fees & Lab Fees:

*Any player landing on an opponent's moon or planet must pay the owner rent. When landing on an owned Space Dock or Research
Lab, the player must pay a service or lab fee.

Fuel Stations contain living quarters and large fuel storage tanks available for refueling purposes.

Placing Fuel Stations:

Fuel Stations may be placed on any purchased planet or moon, immediately upon purchase or at a future turn. Only one station is
allowed per property.
*Fuel Stations are not placed on Space Docks, or Earth, even though fuel is available at these locations.
*Once a Fuel Station is placed it remains in position for the remainder of the game, even if the property is sold.
Purchasing Fuel:
! Fuel may be purchased on any planet or moon containing a Fuel Station. The charge per hydron is found on the deed card
and is based on the number of properties owned within a planetary system. For example, if 6 hydrons are purchased at 15
Federons per hydron, the player would pay the owner 90 Federons (6 x 15 =90). The Fuel Card Monitor would then adjust the
player's fuel level accordingly.
! The owner of a planet or moon that contains a Fuel Station may refuel free of charge when he lands on his property.
! Fuel is available on any Space Dock for the price indicated on the deed. The owner may refuel free of charge.
! Fuel is not available on Federation Stations or Research Labs.
! A player is not required to refuel to FULL. If he wishes to purchase more moons within a planetary group he may intentionally
limit his fuel to remain in orbit (see SPECIAL SITUATIONS).
Purchasing Additional Fuel Stations:
! A player is given 3 Fuel Stations at the beginning of play. More Stations may be purchased when landing on a Federation
Station for 500 Federons apiece.
! Players may not sell or trade unplaced Fuel Stations to other players.

The fuel card is used to chart each player's use of fuel throughout the game. As players travel around the gameboard they will use up
fuel and refuel as needed.

Setting Up Fuel Card:

Before play begins, each player is assigned a column on the fuel card which matches the color of his spaceship. Extra Fuel Stations are
used as markers. One marker per player is placed along the row marked FULL, indicating that each ship is filled with 25 hydrons of
fuel. The Fuel Card Monitor will move the markers up and down the columns as players use fuel and refuel.

Monitoring Fuel Supplies:

*FUEL IS USED WHENEVER A SPACESHIP LEAVES A PLANET OR MOON. This occurs because the ship must escape the gravitational
pull of the planet or moon. When fuel is used, the Fuel Card Monitor subtracts one hydron of fuel for each pip on the rolled dice. For
example, if a player blasting off from Earth rolls 8, the Fuel Card Monitor moves the player's marker from FULL to 17 (25-8=17). If a
player rolls a number that exceeds his fuel supply, he must remain on that moon or planet another turn and is required to pay the
owner another day's rent.


When a player rolls doubles he immediately draws a Red Shift card and follows the directions given. The card is then placed at the
bottom of the pile. If the player is directed to move and he is on a moon or planet, the fuel consumed is only the amount indicated on
the card. If the card calls for a player to use more fuel than he has (i.e.: USE 4 HYDRONS OF FUEL, and he only has 3) the player is
OUT OF THE GAME. Note: The player does not move the number of spaces indicated on the dice.

SPACE PERILS (Ways to Lose the Game)

If a player cannot pay a debt with available cash, he may raise sufficient Federons by:
1. Selling any unplaced Fuel Stations back to the Federation League.
2. Selling property back to the Federation League for the deed price PLUS 500 Federons, if it includes a Fuel Station.
3. Selling property to the player who makes the highest offer or the player of his/her choice. Fuel Stations remain on any sold property.
If a player still cannot meet his debt, he's bankrupt and OUT OF THE GAME.

Becoming Stranded:
When a player is on a moon or planet and has 1 or 0 hydrons in his tank, he must add fuel. It is impossible to roll a one or zero. If the
player is unable to add fuel, he is stranded and OUT OF THE GAME. All his property is returned to the Federation league and all Fuel
Stations remain on the property.

Forced To Travel With Insufficient Fuel:

This will only occur if a player draws a Red Shift card and is directed to make a move which requires that he use more fuel than he has
in his tank.

Destroyed by Laser: (Optional Play Variation)

If a player is destroyed by a laser blast he is immediately OUT OF THE GAME and his attacker is awarded all his money and property.


The last player on the board is the winner. A time limit may be established if a shorter game is desired. The player with the most
monetary assets wins the game. This includes Federons, the face value of deed cards, and any placed and unplaced Fuel Stations
(worth 500 Federons each).

! SINOPE: A player rolling a number that would take him one space beyond Ganymede has the choice of landing on Sinope or
on Jupiter Research Lab. If a player chooses to land on Sinope he must have, or refuel to, five or more hydrons in his fuel
tank. He may not move on his next turn unless he rolls a number large enough to escape Jupiter's gravitational pull (5 or
more). If the player rolls a lower number he must remain on Sinope, pay rent again if the property is owned, then roll again
on his next turn.
! When purchasing a property that has previously been sold back to the Federation League, the amount due is the deed price
plus 500 Federons for a placed Fuel Station.
! When a player lands on an UNOWNED moon or planet with a Fuel Station on it, OR lands on an UNOWNED Space Dock and
chooses not to purchase the location, he may purchase fuel from the Federation League for the minimum price per hydron
listed on the deed card.
! On Earth a player may purchase fuel from the Federation League for 25 Federons per hydron.
! When a player's fuel level is in the gray area of the Fuel Card (11 hydrons or less), and he lands on an owned planet or moon
that does not have a Fuel Station, he may purchase the property rather than pay rent. This occurs because the owner is
considered negligent for not offering refueling capabilities when refueling was necessary. The owner must sell for the price
listed on the deed card.
! Fuel HINT A player wishing to remain in orbit in order to purchase more properties within a group may intentionally limit his
fuel. For example, if a player Is on Ganymede he may choose to refuel only to 5 (location of last black dot). If he rolls more
than a 5 he remains on Ganymede another turn. If he rolls a 5 or less he can continue his voyage, orbiting the planet.

LASER BATTLES (Optional Play for Seasoned Players)

When a player's ship is within two spaces of an opponent, lasers may be fired at that opponent. A player may fire at more than one
opponent at a time, as long as the opponents are at the same location. Lasers may be fired at any time during a player's turn, but must
be fired BEFORE refueling at the location being fired from AND before paying rent. Lasers use fuel and a player may discharge as many
lasers as fuel permits. Firing at more than one opponent simultaneously requires no additional fuel expenditure. The amount of fuel
expended depends upon the distance of the target.
same space 4
1 8
2 12

To fire a laser beam, the player rolls the dice, and the Fuel Tank Monitor subtracts the required number of hydrons from the player's
fuel tank. No lasers may be fired on Earth.
1. If the player rolls doubles, the laser has broken through the opposing force field(s) and damaged the ship(s). The opponent(s) pays
the player 100 times the number rolled for repairs.
2. If the player rolls a 12 (two 6s) the laser has completely destroyed the opposing ship(s) and the loser(s) is/are out of the game. The
victorious player who rolled the 12 takes over all money and property held by the loser(s).
3. If doubles are not rolled, the laser has not done any damage, and play continues.
Hint-A player anticipating a battle may wish to refuel beforehand to assure an adequate supply.


Many players will enjoy this variation of the basic game play which gives players the opportunity to incorporate more strategy into their
play. All previous rules apply to the game with the exception of the following:

D FUEL. Before play, each player is given only 2 Fuel Stations.

-Red Shift cards may be drawn only when double 6s are rolled.
-Whenever double 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5s are rolled, the player collects 100 Federons and has the chance to move and roll again. When the
ship is moved, the player has the option of landing on the last space the move takes him or bypassing it.
-If the player chooses to land on the space, all requirements of regular game play apply before the dice may be rolled again.
-If a player bypasses a location, the spaceship is placed to the side of the site, and the player rolls again and moves. No fuel is
expended. A player may not bypass a black dot. Lasers may be fired while bypassing a location.

The scientific facts found in this game are based on up-to-date information about the solar system. Certain liberties have been taken
with the visual presentation of the planets on the gameboard and their relationship to one another. The International Astronomical
Union, Department of Nomenclature assisted with pronunciations. Several moons have not yet been assigned official pronunciations.

1986 Western Publishing Company, Inc. Produced in U.S.A. by Western Publishing Company, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin 53404.



PLANETS YES, if it contains

MOONS Station








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