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-Marriage license
To any person authorized by the Laws of the State of Texas to Commented [spa1]: Se hace saber a toda persona habilitada
Celebrate the Rites of Matrimony in the State of Texas. que se le confiere autorizacin por las leyes.
se persona legalmente autorizada para celebrar matrimonio
- To any person licensed to perform marriages. You are hereby que podr celebrarse el matrimonio entre
authorized to join the above-named persons in marriage under
procedures outlined in the statutes of the Commonwealth of

GREETINGS -You, or either of you, are Commented [spa2]: Se hace saber

-you are hereby authorized to solemnize the RITES OF hereby authorized to join In the
holy union of Matrimony
MATRIMONY between:
James WITH Eli
-And make due return to the Clerk of the County Court of Wichita Commented [spa3]: Se solicita que remita la presente licencia
County Court of Wichita County within Thirty days thereafter, Commented [spa4]: posteriores
certifying your action under this license.
Commented [spa5]: a los fines de certificar el acto realizado de
WITNESS my official signature and seal of office at office located conformidad con esta licneica
in Wichita on this 30th day of December 2005
Commented [spa6]: EN FE DE LO CUAL firmo y estampo mi
County Clerk sello oficial
By, Deputy
Commented [spa7]: La sala de mi pblico despacho CITA EN

-I, the undersigned hereby certify that on this 30th day of Commented [spa8]: Por el presente doc, quien suscribe
December, 2005, I united in Marriage the parties named above. -The person solemnizing this certifica que..
Witness my hand, .Official Signature - Official Tide and marriage shall complete and
Adress. sign the above certificate and
Ceremony performed in .. return it to the county Clerk
Returned and filed for record the 3rd day of January, 20016 and within 10 days after the Commented [spa10]: Esta licencia se remite para su
marriage is solemnized.
recorded the 3rd day of, 2006 in Book, Page.. Marrgiage inscripcin en la correspondiente acta el da y registrada
-Herein fail not, that you made
Records of Wichita county. Commented [spa9]: Oracin imperativa:
due return of this, your
By . Deputy .. County Clerk authority, to my office in the
El autorizado deber remitir la licencia que lo habilita para celebrar
el matrimonio a la Secretara de la Ciudad de dentro de los 30
City of Houston, Texas, within das de la celebracin del matrimonio donde debe especificar en
thirty days after performing the qu carcter celebr dicho acto
marriage, certifying in what Formatted: Font: Bold
capacity you performed the
From the Deputy:
Particulars of the Groom and the Bride -In Testimony Whereof,
witness my hand and seal of
(Notes) office at Houston, Texas, on
this 25th day of November,
Distributed and issued on
County Clerk From the officiant:
By.,Deputy -I,.. , do hereby certify that
and were married by me in a
Waivered by court order: It is hereby Ordered that the 72 hours religious/civil ceremony on this Commented [spa11]: A continuacin consta la dispensa
waiting period required by the Family Code after issuance of judicial en virtud de lo cual se exime del perodo de espera de 72
license and before the marriage ceremony is hereby waived by
Order of County Court at Law Number I, of Wichita Date: ,
Presiding Judge
After recording return license to. Commented [spa12]: Luego de la inscripcin de la licencia,
remitirla a


(license) BECOME EFFECTIVE: entra en vigencia

One day after issuance: al da siguiente de su emisin
Greetings: Se hace saber
Seal of office: sello oficial
Witness my hand: Doy fe
Witness my official signature and seal of office: Estampo mi firma y sello official
County/City Clerk: Secretario del Condado (County Court: Secretario de 1ra Instancia)
Deputy: Prosecretario/subsecretario/secretario adjunto
Official: Celebrante (emite/expide el certificado) =Officer
Official Tittle and address: Titulo official y direccin (Justice of Peace=Juzgado de Paz)
Presiding Judge: juez a cargo/ que preside este juzgado
Associate Judge: juez
Court: Tribunal / Juzgado (ser consistente en el texto)
Parties: Contrayentes
Applicants (cuando solicitan la licencia)
Returned: remitida
Filed: inscripta
Recorded: registrada
This license good only: ser vlida
Overleaf: Reverso
In Testimony/Witness Whereof: En fe de lo cual
witness my hand and seal of office/ I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this
Section 3, Chapter 1195, Subjection , Sec 2.014, Acts of the Legislature, Regular Session, 1989:
Art. 2.014, inciso e, seccin 3, captulo 1195, de las Leyes aprobadas por la septuagsima primera
legislatura reunida en la Sesin Ordinaria de 1989.
Regular Session: ordinarias
Special Session: extraordinarias
Member of the armed forces on active duty: miembro de las fuerzas armadas y se encuentre en
servicio activo.
(license) Distributed: otorgada
Waivered by court order: dispensa por orden judicial/ se otorga dispensa judicial
Office: Secretara (si se trata de un secretario)
In my capacity: en mi carcter de
Officers Return: Declaracin/ constancia
Information provided ON this record
To the best of our known edge and belief: a nuestro leal saber y entender
Legal objection: impedimentos legales

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