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BREEZY 76 52 FORECAST, C12 | SATURDAY-SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 | | Carlisle, Pa. | $3.00

Celebrating 85 Years 19 3 1- 2 0 16

pleads in
arson case
The Sentinel
A former Mechanicsburg fire-
fighter could be sentenced in
November after pleading guilty
Wednesday to setting multiple
fires in Cumberland County last
Collin Mitchell Miller, 23, was
scheduled to go
to trial in county
court this week,
but instead pled
guilty to four
counts of arson
and two counts
of recklessly en-
dangering an- Miller
other person.
A former Silver Spring Town-
Criminal Investigation Section Commander Lieutenant Jonathan L. Mays, Troop H, Pennsylvania State Police, answers question on Monday ship resident and Washington
afternoon, September 21, 2015, about the arrest of John Wayne Strawser Jr., in the shooting death of Timothy Davison on Interstate-81 on Fire Company volunteer, Miller
January 4, 2014.

Davisons death
is scheduled to be sentenced on
Nov. 22.
The arson counts are graded as
a second degree felony carrying
a maximum sentence of up to 10
years in prison while the reck-
lessly endangering counts are
graded as a second degree mis-
demeanor carrying up to two
years in prison.
Strawsers journey killed the man affectionately
known as Asti were fired by
He may have thought about
getting back to work or rem- Please see ARSON, Page A5

through the cracks Strawser and were intended for

another person Jamie Breese,
inisced over the time he had
just spent with family during
according to Pennsylvania State the holiday season as he made
of the criminal
justice system
This week The Sentinel takes a
closer look at accused I-81 shooter
John Wayne Strawser Jr. and
Im sorry that anyone had
to be a victim that night of his,
the 1,500-mile trek from Flor-
ida back to his home in Poland,
Army hero
The Sentinel
breakdowns within the criminal
justice system:
Ran Friday
Jamies wife, Courtney Breese,
said while choking back tears.
... Im sorry that (Davisons)
He could never have known
that trivial decisions like where
to stop for gas, when to leave his
returns home
Having once again avoided mother lost a son and anybody familys home in Florida and how MICHAEL BUPP
prison, 39-year-old John Wayne The lead up to murder and everybody that (Davison) fast he should drive would put The Sentinel
Strawser Jr., of Terra Alta, West was friends with, or was import- him on a collision course with The Sentinel offers Graves
Virginia, re- Today ant to, suffered the loss that they Strawser. in the Valley throughout Sep-
mained free to The death of Timothy Davison did because of Johns actions. Davison made it more than 12 tember, looking at some of the
roam the streets But, Im not sorry we werent hours into his trip without inci- famous and infamous people
in the beginning Monday murdered that night. dent, passing through Georgia, buried in cemeteries of the Cum-
of 2014. The murder of Amy Lou Bucking- Tears began to flow down South Carolina, North Carolina berland Valley:
Up to that ham Courtneys face when talking and Virginia. That all changed
point, Strawser about the case with The Senti- quickly as he made his way Randall Shughart
had been accused Tuesday nel in August. through West Virginia. THE HISTORY: Army Sgt.
Strawser of stalking nu- The conclusion As Davison drove, Strawser 1st Class Randall Shughart was
merous women Roadtrip was on the hunt. He had be- born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on
but escaped any serious pun- 2014, 28-year-old Timothy Da- There is no way Davison could come obsessed with Courtney, Aug. 13. 1958, moving with his
ishment, but he had not been vison, of Maine, was shot and have known what would happen according to the Breeses, who family to the Newville area and
charged with murder. killed on Interstate 81 outside of that night as he hopped into his live in Waynesboro. later graduating from Big Spring
That was about to change. Greencastle in Franklin County. silver Mitsubishi Montero that High School. He is one of two
Shortly after 2 a.m. on Jan. 4, The bullets that struck and January day. Please see DAVISON, Page A12 of the first snipers in history to

Please see HERO, Page A5

SENTINEL STAFF God or a higher you by convicting you to turn man and wont give up on you. I
On Sept. 24, 2014, Timothy power, but you yourself in. hope you do turn yourself in.
Asti Davisons mother, The-
resa Allocca, posted the follow-
ing open letter to her sons killer
should know
that Astis spirit
has reached out
I know my sons heart. It isnt
for his justice, it is because he
knows you will never fully live
When you do, ask the police
to call me and I will try and help
in the
on the Justice for Asti Facebook
to several people.
He knows who
your life carrying such a burden.
He would forgive you. He
That is what he would want
me to do as a final gift before he Valley
Good morning. you are, that you would have taken you home, moves on.
This is Astis mother, Theresa Davison were on drugs given you the shirt of his back, John Wayne Strawser Jr., 39,
and this is a personal message to and are feeling introduced you to all his friends & of Terra Alta, West Virginia, was
the person who killed my son. extremely guilty about killing family and given you a new start. charged with Davisons murder
I dont know if you believe in him. He has been trying to help My son is a tenacious young in September 2015.


we Sanders, Thomas COMICS & PUZZLES B2-5 NATION A8-9

$3.00 Volume 156, Issue 133 A Lee Enterprises Newspaper Copyright 2016 Follow us online: Twitter@Cumberlink

24/7 On thE wEb
170 YORK ROAD CARLISLE 717 249-2215
A2|Saturday, September 24, 2016 LOCAL & OBITUARIES The Sentinel

Big Spring High

School freshmen
participate in
STEM Summit
The Sentinel
Christian Showaker
thought it was impossible
to scramble without break-
ing an egg.
Yet his team raced to a
first-place finish among a
group of freshmen compet- Joshua Russell, left, and
ing in a relay at Big Spring Hunter Rickrode try to put
High School Thursday af- a sharp stick through an
ternoon. inflated balloon without
I was surprised, popping it.
Showaker said recalling the
challenge that required a rent classwork in biology
student from each team to and math can relate to re- JASON MALMONT PHOTOS, THE SENTINEL
walk across dozens of eggs al-world jobs. Tyler Robinson, right, waits for a ring of smoke to knock the cup off his head after the can containing the smoke is hit by
in bare feet and not crack a Ninth-graders have high Bryce Baker, left, and instructor Mike Shreiner, on Thursday afternoon as they learn about physics at Big Spring High School
shell. It was fun, he added. energy, Black said. We during their annual Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Summit.
The entire ninth grade of want to keep them busy.
about 206 students partic- They were engaged in every
ipated in a STEM Summit area.
hosted by Junior Achieve- Summit activities in-
ment of South Central cluded a civil engineering
Pennsylvania. The goal was competition where students
to inspire the freshmen to had 20 minutes to build the Students
consider an academic fo- highest tower possible us- learn about
cus on science, technology, ing 26 pieces of spaghetti, a chemistry at
engineering and math as yard of masking tape and a Big Spring
they progress through high marshmallow. High School
school. In chemistry, freshmen during their
The one-day career explo- made a model of their hand annual
ration program featured nine using different colored poly- Science,
hands-on learning stations mers while, in electrical en- Technology,
where students conducted gineering, they raced against Engineering
experiments, participated time to complete a circuit to and Math
in competitions or listened switch on a light bulb. Summit on
to a panel of experts. We help them under- Thursday
The class of 2020 was stand their future resides in afternoon.
divided into groups that their own hands, said Tom
circulated through the sta- Russell, president of Ju-
tions that changed every nior Achievement of South
half-hour. Along the way the Central Pennsylvania. We
students learned lessons on use science, technology,
chemistry, biology, physics, engineering and math as a
civil engineering and elec- vehicle for helping students
trical engineering. realize the importance of a
I like the fact that we are high school education.
exploring, said freshman Often students go through
Samuel Pope, adding that high school unsure of a ca-
the summit touches on areas reer path or even a clear di-
not typically seen in class- rection, so they do not cap-
room instruction. It really italize on the opportunities
put my mind into it. presented to get ready for
I thought it was fun and life after graduation, Rus- 4950 CARLISLE PIKE
kind of neat, classmate sell said. A lot of kids dont MECHANICSBURG, PA
Joseph Aulenbacker said.
I want to do engineering
ever connect to what they
are going to do. If they dont (717) 737-4133
before this, but this kind of
reinforces it.
connect, they dont focus
as much attention on high
Biology teacher Travis school. BLAIR WITCH (R)
Barnes saw the value of hav- An important part of the 2:40, 5:00, 7:30, 10:05
ing the freshmen experience summit is the panels of ex-
different areas of STEM early perts who talk to students BRIDGET JONES BABY (R)
on. Maybe it will spark an about their career journey, 12:40, 3:45, 7:10, 10:00
interest, he said. Its a great Russell said. We find people
way to allow the kids to have who didnt know where they DONT BREATHE (R)
that hands-on experience wanted to go but discovered 7:40, 10:00
that would stick with them
for quite some time.
it along the way.
Its OK to be clueless,
This is the second year Russell added. You just Allison Frick, left, and Rebecca Franklin, right, fill rubber gloves with a mixture of chemicals TWO STRINGS (PG)
Big Spring School District need to take advantage of that causes a thermal reaction causing the glove to fill with a foam on Thursday afternoon 11:30*, 2:05, 4:40
arranged to have Junior every opportunity to learn
Achievement host a summit as much as you can. He
as they learn about chemistry at Big Spring High School during their annual Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math Summit. SNOWDEN (R)
in the high school. A lot of said society today is paying 12:10, 3:30, 6:45, 9:55
the students who took it last youths a disservice when
year are excited about telling they tell them the only path
the kids this year, Barnes to success in life is through a 11:15*, 1:40, 4:30, 6:50, 9:10
said. college education. SUPER STORE STORKS 3D (PG)
It is too early to tell What that does is con- 11:45*, 2:15, 5:00, 7:20, 9:40
whether the summit held vince large numbers of stu-
last year influenced mem- dents to give up on their high SULLY (PG13)
bers of the class of 2019 to school education because Since 1946 11:10*, 1:40, 4:20, 7:15, 9:45
focus on STEM courses. If it they realize they are not col- REMNANTS THE MAGNIFICENT
had, that influence should be lege material, Russell said.
more apparent in the junior According to the U.S. Bu- UP TO 70% OFF SEVEN (PG13)
and senior years when the reau of Statistics, STEM jobs REGULAR PRICES 11:00*, 12:30, 3:50, 7:00, 10:05
students have more flexi- are projected to grow twice 766-0288 545-5531 Next to YMCA
bility to schedule electives, as quickly as jobs in other 249-2904
Barnes said. fields over the next five years.
Lisa Black, career coor- The majority of high paying Alexandra Kutulakis, left, Jazlynn Shrawder, center, and Kylee
dinator at the high school,
helped Junior Achievement
jobs in the future will have
some STEM component.
Sherman, right, cheer as their light bulb lights up after they
successfully wire an electrical box on Thursday afternoon
Get Ready FoR

Turkey Dinner
organize the summit. She at Big Spring High School during their annual Science,
hoped the freshmen made Email Joseph Cress at jcress@ Technology, Engineering and Math Summit.
the connection of how cur-

Thomas Sanders
garden gate
fa r m m a r k e t
Saturday, October 1, 2016
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The Sentinel Saturday, September 24, 2016|A3

This week at
Puzzles Photo Galleries Blog Spot
Check out our online puzzles and games Photo galleries updated online Check out our online blogs at www.cum-
at daily at

Man convicted
of drug delivery
resulting in death
SENTINEL STAFF the indictment.
Newville man has been
A Palsons girlfriend,
found guilty of multiple who died in Silver Spring
criminal charges, includ- Township, was killed in an
ing drug delivery resulting automobile crash that was
in death, for providing the caused by the use of heroin
fatal dose of heroin to three Palson gave her, the grand
people. jury found.
Corey Palson, 26, was An investigation into the
convicted Friday of three womans death by Silver
felony counts each of drug Spring Township Police
delivery resulting in death Detective Jared Huff helped
and drug possession with tie the deaths together.
intent to deliver, as well as I went and actually
one felony count of con- contacted her boyfriend,
spiracy to commit drug which was Corey Palson
possession with intent to at the time, and he didnt
deliver, according to court have anything to say to
records. me, Huff told The Senti-
On Nov. 18, a grand jury nel in January. I thought
handed down an indict- it was a little weird because
ment against Palson al- his girlfriend had just died
leging he provided heroin and maybe he would want
that resulted in the death to help me find out where JOSHUA VAUGHN, THE SENTINEL
of three people, including this heroin had come from. Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed discusses the Kids for Cash scandal Thursday during a panel discussion at
his girlfriend. It was my thought that she Penn State Dickinson School of Law hosted by the Cumberland County Bar Association. He is joined by, from left, Chief Public
Palson told police in June had overdosed on heroin at Defender Michael Halkias, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer Sam Miller and Judge Kevin Hess.
that he had been trans- the time of the crash.
porting more than 1,200
bags of heroin labeled
MOB into Cumberland
Huff found the other
deaths related to MOB
heroin when he searched
Bar hosts seminar on Kids for Cash scandal
County from Philadelphia a criminal database after JOSHUA VAUGHN We think its always rel- During the session, the Law Professor Lucy John-
multiple times per week, speaking to Palson. The Sentinel evant to keep remembering film Kids for Cash was ston-Walsh.
according to the indict- Palson was taken to It was a scandal that
what happened then that shown to the room, with One of the first legal is-
ment. Cumberland County rocked a community and could happen somewhere breaks intermittently to al- sues raised by the film was
The deaths occurred Prison on Nov. 19, where changed the way Pennsyl- else, Cumberland County low for a panel discussion of the lack of legal representa-
in Middlesex, Hamp- he has been ever since. vania handles court cases Bar Association President the concerns raised. tion for juveniles during the
den and Silver Spring He is awaiting sentenc- involving juveniles. Hubert Gilroy said. (We This whole concept, court proceedings.
townships, according to ing. In 2008, it was discovered also want to) address some when this was going on, Many of the youths ap-
that two judges in Luzerne of the legal issues that were was so foreign to us, Cum- peared for their hearing
County received financial presented on that in a forum berland County District At- without an attorney. This
LOTTERY kick-backs for sending that would be interesting torney David Freed said. ... spurred a change in the law
more than 2,500 youths to for non-lawyers and be ed- Its never been about lock- that requires an attorney be
Pick 2 Midday2 detention facilities in what ucational for lawyers. ing kids up. Its amazing to appointed to the juvenile if
Midday 2-6 Evening2 is now known as the Kids Roughly 100 lawyers were watch this film and realize they appear in court with-
Straight $50 Treasure Hunt for Cash scandal. in attendance. that these kids were getting out one, Hess said.
Boxed $25 01-11-12-13-24 On Thursday, Midstate Thursdays event was locked up. I cant imagine the situ-
Evening 0-9 No players matched 5 lawyers came together hosted by the bar associ- Freed was joined on the ation that some 14-year-old
Straight $50 87 players matched 4,
at Penn State Dickinson ation and provided an op- panel by Judge Kevin Hess, could convince me that they
Boxed $25 School Law to discuss the portunity for lawyers to Chief Public Defender Mi- knew what they were doing
receiving $100
Pick 3 scandal and better under- earn continuing education chael Halkias, Chief Ju- by waiving council, Hess
2,240 players matched 3, stand the legal issue that credits needed to maintain venile Probation Officer said. I cannot imagine that
Midday 9-2-1 receiving $6 allowed it to happen. a law license. Sam Miller and Clinical scenario.
Straight $250
17,210 players matched 2,
Boxed $40
receiving $1
Evening 1-8-1
Straight $250
Jackpot $80,000 POLICE LOG
Cash 5 STATE POLICE CARLISLE (249- A .22-caliber rifle and a gas-
Boxed $80
01-15-19-21-41 2121) oline-powered chainsaw were re-
Pick 4
1 player matched 5, re- A bicycle was reported stolen ported taken from an unlocked
Midday 2-7-9-1
ceiving $325,000 from a residence in the 900 block shed in the 100 block of Hair Road,
Straight $2,500 of Ritner Highway, Shippensburg Penn Township, between April 1
48 players matched 4,
Boxed $100 Township, overnight Aug. 21. and Aug. 20.
Evening 8-1-9-8 receiving $364
Straight $2,500 2,530 players matched 3,
Boxed $200 receiving $11.50 FIRE CALLS
Pick 5 30,954 players matched
THURSDAY, SEPT. 22 2:01p.m.: auto accident/vehi-
Midday 3-7-5-0-5 2, receiving $1 6:22a.m.: automatic fire cle into building with entrapment,
Straight $50,000 Jackpot $125,000 alarm, Ritner Highway, Carlisle; Petersburg Road, South Middleton
Boxed $850 Mega Millions Union, Carlisle Fire & Rescue Township; Creekside, Monroe, Cit-
7:53a.m.: fire police, I-81, izen-Mechanicsburg, Washington,
Evening 7-6-0-9-0 Numbers were not avail-
southbound on ramp, exit 48/York Hampden, Shermans Dale, Citi-
Straight $50,000 able. See www.cumberlink. Road, South Middleton Township;
Boxed $850 com and Sundays Sentinel Union
zens-Mt. Holly Springs, Union, Car-
lisle Fire & Rescue, Newville, South Buy-Sell-Trade
Wild Ball for results. 7:55a.m.: fire police, I-81, Newton, Technical Rescue Opera-
northbound, Silver Spring Town-
ship; New Kingstown
tions Team, Newburg-Hopewell,
West End, Bendersville
Licensed Class 1 & 3 dealer
8:18a.m.: first alarm structure
fire, Carlisle Pike, Naval Base; Na-
3:12p.m.: fire police, South
Locust Street/East Main Street,
Free firearms transfer*
val Inventory Control Point
9:21a.m.: auto accident, Wolfs
Shiremanstown; Shiremanstown
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Lifetime discount ammo*
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A4|Saturday, September 24, 2016 LOCAL The Sentinel


Theatre to stream
presidential debate
The Sentinel
When Hillary Clinton

and Donald Trump face
off in the first of three
scheduled debates Mon-
day at Hofstra University
in Hempstead, New York,
those in and around Car- public except you just have
lisle can experience it as to go to 580 WHP to regis-
if they were going to the ter. Its free to register, and
movies literally. theyll email you back your
Ken Matthews, an af- confirmation. Ken Mat-
ternoon radio host for thews has been giving away
WHP580 News Radio, on his show VIP tickets,
gathered the station, and all that was including
the theater and the Gun was priority seating and
Gallery Inc. to hold a concessions.
live-streaming event of the
debate at the Carlisle The- Q. What was the
atre Monday night. Along reaction by theater
with the stream, Matthews
will participate in a Q&A officials when
session. approached with the
The event is the first of
its kind for the theater, ac-
cording to JoAnn Curtis, A. We were excited.
marketing director for the Were always excited to
Carlisle Theatre. get people to the theater.
The theater is open to They (580 WHP) have a
An image from circa 1961 showing an area near the intersection of Spring Garden and High streets in Carlisle. rent and people approach really large listening au-
us with ideas all the time. dience and so this is was a

Spring Garden This is something they

wanted to do, so they ap-
proached us and we were
great opportunity for us to
be involved in the election,
let people see the facility.
intersection open to the partnership.
Q. How many people
then and now Q. How does this
technology change
can fit in the theater
at one time?
MICHAEL BUPP your capabilities A. 960. Were setting
The Sentinel here? our minimum expectations
This weeks Tour Through at 300 to 400, so if we get
Time takes a look at then and A. About a year ago the anymore we will be flab-
now images of the intersec- theater went digital, so bergasted.
tion of Spring Garden and that allowed us to bring
High streets in Carlisle. things, such as this (the Q. Has the theater
The then image shows the debate) to the screen. In ever streamed
intersection in 1961. previous years we couldnt
The now image shows the live stream, but going dig- anything like this
progress over the years. ital gives us so much more before?
Tour Through Time will we can do and improves
run Saturdays in the Senti- the video quality and the A. Debate no, but we
nel as a joint project with the sound quality. have streamed the Emmys
Cumberland County Histor- and various large theatri-
ical Society. Sentinel pho- The intersection of Spring Garden and High streets in Carlisle today. Q. Is the event open cal award competitions, so
tographers will work with to the public? were open to whatever the
staff at the historical society area through the years. Society at 717-249-7610 Please send future ideas or public wants to see here.
each week to offer a look at Please contact the Cum- with any information per- suggestions to mbupp@ A. Yes, it is open to the Were open to whatever
Carlisle and the surrounding berland County Historical taining to these images. public. Its open to the comes our way.

County to invest shopsteading 50% OFF burial spaces, AND NOW,

funds in New Cumberland 48 months with absolutely Offer
ZACK HOOPES jacent to the space she cur- interest, according to the NO INTEREST! Expires
The Sentinel rently leases for her com- CCHRA. The financing also r
he county is planning to
T panys offices. The property comes with a stipulation for
invest $105,000 of local de- would house expanded fa- job creation of one full-time Protect your Family Now with this Great Offer
velopment funding into the cilities for FieldGoals.US, as position for every $35,000
rehabilitation of 206 Third well as a multi-purpose event advanced.
St. in down- space. Mader plans to add one po-
town New
land, which
is slated to
The company performs
market research and con-
ducts focus group studies for
a number of corporate clients
sition for market research and
two positions specifically for
the event space, which could
be used by existing research
50% OFF AND 0% APR
become the
new head-
across the nation, Mader said.
Well have improved fo-
clients as well as for nonprofit
galas, childrens parties, and BURIAL SPACES FOR 48-MONTHS
quarters of cus group facilities, and we other events.
market re- also want to expand into the While technology has By pre-purchasing your cemetery Take up to four-years 48-months
search com- event business, Mader said. changed how marketing re-
pany FieldGoals.US. This will be our first venture search is conducted, many spaces, youll spare your family and pay absolutely $0 in interest.
The Cumberland County into real estate. companies prefer to do at heartache, burden, and emotional Thats right, our 48-month term,
Housing and Redevelopment The $105,000 loan would least part of their work the overspending. Youll also avoid right now, is 0% APR!
Authorities proposed the come from the countys pool old-fashioned way, with inflation by locking-in todays prices.
loan, part of the authorities of Community Development company executives sit- Example: a choice location, $1,500
shopsteading program, Block Grant funds, which are ting behind one-way glass, cemetery space, is just $38 a month.*
during Thursdays county apportioned by the states watching members of a fo-
commissioners meeting. Department of Community cus group discuss products
This is a program we run and Economic Development and services.
for the relocation or startup for local jurisdictions to Its still in demand, Making Cemetery Pre-Arrangements Has Never Been
of businesses trying to move spend on revitalization and Mader said. Some people
somewhere within the stimulus projects. have moved to online fo- this Easy on Your Monthly Household Budget.
county, said CCHRA Com- The shopsteading initia- cus groups but we have a lot
munity Development Direc- tive is one of many that pull of clients who like to come Act right away, because these offers expire on Friday, September 30, 2016.
tor Kate Molinaro. from block grant funds, with and sit behind the glass and
The loan would help Field- roughly two to five such loans see whats going on in those
Goals.US owner Lori Mader made per year, Molinaro said. rooms. Weve probably done
purchase and refurbish 206 The loan would be a 25- 100 focus groups so far this HURRY! 2 Unbelievable, Limited-Time
Third St., the building ad- year term with two percent year.
Offers expire September 30.

Mechanicsburg Weis now selling wine Cumberland Valley Memorial Gardens

1921 Ritner Highway Carlisle, PA 17013
SENTINEL STAFF a chilled section, according sell wine? Now, we have an
Weis Markets announced
Thursday it has begun a pi-
to the news release.
Ultimately, the cafes are
answer, said Kurt Schertle,
Weis Markets chief operat-
Westminster Cemetery
lot program to sell wine in expected to sell up to 400 ing officer. Starting this 1159 Newville Road Carlisle, PA 17013
its in-store caf in Mechan- varieties of wine. The Me- week, we are selling wine
icsburg, where beer is cur- chanicsburg caf will offer in our Mechanicsburg caf
rently sold. more than 900 varieties of and are looking to quickly Call 717-205-2759 Today!
The company said it plans beer, including an extensive roll the program out to all of
to sell wine in all 49 of its selection of craft and local our licensed cafes in Penn- Osiris Holding Of Pennsylvania, Inc., Broker
Pennsylvania cafes by late craft beers. sylvania over the coming *Both offers require a minimum 5% down payment. $325 document processing, and $100
November. Weve sold beer in our months. We want to offer document recording fees apply and are already factored into the above example monthly
The Mechanicsburg caf Pennsylvania cafes for more our customers improved payment calculations. The $1,500 purchase price shown is an example only. Please
will have a selection of ap- than 10 years and through- convenience and a more consult cemetery for exact pricing. 50% off space and the 0% APR for 48-months options
proximately 80 varieties of out this time, weve been complete shopping expe- expire September 30, 2016. Both offers apply to new purchases only, and may not be
wine during the pilot pro- repeatedly asked one ques- rience; selling wine in our combined with any other offer. Previous purchases are not eligible. M
gram and will also include tion: when are you going to cafes allows us to do both. 1
The Sentinel NEWS Saturday, September 24, 2016|A5

Pardoned felon starts law firm

He seeks to some form of community
supervision behind bars,
improve futures on probation or on parole, The
according to the Bureau of gravesite
of ex-cons Justice Statistics. About of Ran-
seven of every 10 of them dall
CARL PRINE were convicted of non- Shughart
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review violent drug or property at West-
crimes, like Mullen. When minister
Sept. 21, 1994, Duquesne they get out, theyre barred Memo-
University junior Casey from many jobs, public rial Gar-
Mullen scaled the stairs housing, education loans dens in
to the schools law school and in 31 states the Carlisle.
library. ballot box, sometimes per- MICHAEL
The 19-year-old Law- manently. BUPP,
renceville mans backpack About one third of all THE
held nine 1-ounce plastic men and women behind
bags filled with powdered bars are recidivists who
cocaine a delivery he PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE-REVIEW never made it through pa-
was making to a woman Casey Mullen was convicted of drug dealing two decades role or probation, accord-
he barely knew, part of his ago. He went to prison, got clean and became an attorney. ing to the White House.
daily effort to sell enough Many critics believe that
narcotics to feed his own library. the judge who sentenced harsh post-sentence im-
addiction. Its the dumbest thing him to prison spoke on his pediments blocked their
She was an undercover
narcotics detective. It was
ever, but I heard a quote
that changed my life. ... Its
Guter summoned Mul-
chances to reintegrate in
society. Hero Graves in the
his first and only arrest.
Its a constant hustle.
simple: Got to kick at the
darkness til it bleeds day-
len to a face-to-face and
was won over.
But a bipartisan consen-
sus is forming to change
From A1 Valley
Its being consumed by a light. Its a Bruce Cock- I thought, I believe in that. Popular GOP gov- receive the Congressional Following the theme of
quest. Prior to getting ar- burn line, but I heard it him. He deserves a second ernors such as Mary Fal- Medal of Honor. our Building Blocks
rested, my focus was on first in a U2 song, Mullen chance, said Guter, a re- lin of Oklahoma and Matt A farm boy from North and Name Game se-
getting high. But then I got said. I thought to myself, tired Navy admiral. Casey Bevin of Kentucky have Newton Township, ries, our goal is to dig a
arrested and thought that Yeah. Im gonna kick the was humbled because his joined with the NAACP Shughart gave his life in little deeper into the vast
my life was over, Mullen darkness until it bleeds arrest and imprisonment and the American Civil defense of a downed heli- history of Cumberland
told the Tribune-Review. daylight. Im not coming were humbling experi- Liberties Union intend- copter crew during the Bat- County with the Graves
So it all became about back here. Ill do whatever ences. But he didnt let all ing to revamp the criminal tle of Mogadishu, Somalia, in the Valley series.
oblivion feeling nothing. I have to do. of that crush him. He was justice system, reforms on Oct. 3, 1993. The U.S. Sentinel Chief Photog-
That was my daily quest. His first goal: Finish an humbled, but he stepped they think not only will Army Ranger was awarded rapher Michael Bupp
Heroin was a really good undergraduate degree at up. slash recidivism but save the Congressional Medal compiled a series of
numbing agent. the school where he got At Duquesne Law, Mul- taxpayers from high costs of Honor for his heroism profiles on famous (and
Less than 18 months arrested. len starred on the schools that come with incarcer- during battle in Somalia in infamous) people bur-
later, Allegheny County Others believed in him nationally renowned Trial ation. Federal efforts have 1993, actions later featured ied in the Cumberland
Judge Raymond Novak The two scariest days Competition Team, re- stalled in a divided Con- in the book and movie, Valley, and then tracked
slammed Mullen with a in my life were the day I ceived the Honorable Jo- gress, however. Black Hawk Down. down their grave sites
mandatory minimum sen- entered (jail) and the day I seph Ridge Award from If he can win over a According to, for photos to accompany
tence: three to 10 years at left. And the day I left was the Allegheny County tough judge, an admiral, a during the battle, Shughart the profiles.
the former State Correc- actually the scariest. Be- Bar Association and was governor and a legal wizard and his team leader vol-
tional Institution Waynes- cause I knew in jail that, as named the top student by such as David White, Mul- unteered to be inserted We will run one profile
burg. far as an addiction issue, I the faculty. Yet the hard- len thinks he might be able on the ground to protect a day on page A1 in
Mullen did his minimum could stay clean. In jail, I est legal training was on to persuade a few senators wounded soldiers, and af- September and compile
three years and then em- could have positive rela- his own case. to ease the burdens on for- ter his third request they them in a collection on-
barked on a very different tionships with my family. When I started law mer felons, too. received permission. Once line at www.cumberlink.
quest back up the 17 steps I could have hopes, dreams school, I was still a con- Im not saying that they reached the crew com.
of the law school library. and aspirations, Mullen victed felon. I hadnt been there shouldnt be con- members, Shughart and If you have information
He became a stellar stu- said. I didnt know if I pardoned yet, Mullen sequences. Im saying his team leader continued about and a location for
dent and, later, an increas- could do that in the free said. that the consequences to offer protective fire until an interesting grave site
ingly prominent criminal world when I was offered In 2008, Mullen argued shouldnt be perpetual, he depleted his ammunition in the Cumberland Val-
defense attorney. opportunities to go off the his case before the Penn- he said. At some time, and was fatally wounded. ley, email it to mbupp@
Very few judges, law- correct path. sylvania Board of Pardons, you should be afforded the Shugharts actions saved
yers, cops or even his cli- For 10 months, he a five-member panel that opportunity to make a life the life of pilot Mike Durant.
ents know about Mullens lived in a halfway house, included then-Attorney for yourself, your family, HOW THEY DIED:
past. Hes breaking his worked at a Strip District General Tom Corbett. your kids. Shughart was fatally GRAVESITE: Westmin-
self-imposed silence for fudge confectioner, began They voted unanimously His Exhibit A: Casey P. wounded during battle in ister Memorial Gardens, 1159
three reasons: 1) Criminals, counseling Central Cath- to recommend to Gov. Ed Mullen, attorney at law. Mogadishu, Somalia. Newville Road, Carlisle.
especially those who are olic High School students Rendell that Mullen re-
struggling with addiction, to make smart choices and ceive clemency. In 2009,
must see that its possible attended 12-Step meet- Rendell pardoned him and
to become a respected pro- ings. The latter he refers to Mullens criminal record
fessional; 2) society must as a weekly tune-up that was expunged, triggering
see the need to start tak- he continues so he doesnt the state Board of Law Ex-
ing more chances to rein- slip back into addiction. aminers to let him finally
tegrate convicted felons; Central Catholics take the bar exam.
3) policymakers should re- Christian Brothers ar- He passed in 2011 and
think what a prison can be ranged for a meeting with became a lawyer, joining
less punishment, more Duquesne officials, and the Downtowns Blackwell
rehabilitation, job training university readmitted him. Law Firm before moving
and programs designed to He majored in sociology, to the North Shore firm of
ensure that every inmate minored in psychology and Burns White in 2014.
leaves jail with the belief graduated with honors in Most attorneys moving
that they can move beyond late 2001, but he still had into a new office unpack Summit Urology Group provides leading edge urologic
this and contribute again five years to go until his pa- their framed diplomas, but
to society. role ended. So he labored David B. White, a Burns
care for men and women. Our highly skilled doctors,
For those of us who col- as a millwright and applied White partner, recalled including a fellowship trained robotic surgeon, and
lectively have done well, to law schools. Mullen pulling out his staff are ready to care for you.
we need to quit hiding this. And he kept getting re- pardon letter.
That only perpetuates the jected. Ex-cons can be- I told him, Casey, I
stigma of once a drug ad- come attorneys in Pennsyl- think this is what you
dict, always a drug addict; vania, but they cant sit for should be most proud of. MENS HEALTH WOMEN'S HEALTH
once a criminal, always a the bar exam until a board Display it front and center, Erectile dysfunction Urinary incontinence
criminal. Thats not the of inquiry is convinced White told the Trib.
case, said Mullen, 41, of they can become ethical White said that he found Enlarged prostate Bladder pain/Interstitial
Aspinwall. officers of the court. Mullen not only to be Infertility cystitis
At SCI Waynesburg, To Donald J. Guter, then an outstanding attorney Female pelvic prolapse
Mullen became Depart- dean of Duquesne Law, it with integrity beyond Urinary incontinence
ment of Corrections was unfair to take Mullens reproach, but called him Kidney stones
Number CY 5333, one of money if hed never be al- the poster child for whats Vasectomy & CANCER TREATMENT
450 inmates in the general lowed to become a lawyer. possible in life.
vasectomy reversal Prostate
population. For the next But I was flooded with Wanting to specialize in
26 months, he played pi- calls and letters from Ca- criminal defense, Mullen Testosterone Kidney
nochle in the yard, toiled seys supporters, said left late last year to found replacement therapy Bladder
in the kitchen, and at night Guter, now chief executive his own Downtown firm.
listened in his bed rack to officer of the Houston Col- Nationwide, about 4.7 Testicular
cassettes from the prison lege of Law in Texas. Even million Americans are in

Arson ported arson fires.

Investigators on Aug. 6 re-
The fire at the vacant
home charred some of the
From A1 sponded to the Millers Gap timbers in one corner of the
Road fire and ruled it arson. historic Frankenberger Tav-
A string of arson fires last Township police said sho- ern, one of the oldest build-
summer had residents and eprints found at the scene ings in Mechanicsburg.
business owners in Mechan- linked the fire to Miller who Soon after the arrest, the
icsburg Borough and Silver was reportedly seen in the Washington Fire Company
Spring Township worried vicinity by firefighters when issued a statement assuring
their property might be they arrived at the residence. its full cooperation with law
next on the list of potential Detectives from Mechan- enforcement into the inves-
targets. icsburg and Silver Spring tigation involving Miller,
Weeks of anxiety came interviewed Miller who ad- who was suspended from
to a close on Aug. 6, 2015, mitted to breaking into the the company. We will not
when police arrested Miller residence and setting it on let the actions of one indi-
who lived in the first block of fire, court documents state. vidual define who we are and Dr. Ashish Dr. Virgilio Dr. Bruce
North Locust Point Road in He was also charged in con- what we do, the statement Behari Centenera Gronkiewicz
the township. nection with a July 3 fire in read. The Washington Fire
Miller was charged with a vacant home in the 200 Company will continue to
multiple felony and misde- block of East Main Street, serve Mechanicsburg and Live Oak Professional Center
meanor counts tied to a fire Mechanicsburg, and a July the surrounding commu- 354 Alexander Spring Road, Suite 3, Carlisle
at a residence on Millers 15 fire at D&S Auto on East nities and its citizens with (717) 241-2200 |
M Gap Road in the township Simpson Street, which is honor, dignity and devo-
1 and some of the other re- also in the borough. tion.
A6|Saturday, September 24, 2016 The Sentinel

Spate of
Associated Press
PITTSBURGH Police are en-
couraging caution amid a rash of
public complaints and social me-
dia reports in a number of states
of people dressed like clowns
and acting suspiciously, even if
they think many are knucklehead
pranksters or simply bogus.
Real clowns are just plain
Authorities in Greenville,
South Carolina, were among the
first to report a clown-related in-
cident in recent weeks. Late last
month, some children reported
clowns trying to lure them into
the woods with money. Sheriffs
deputies found no evidence,
however, not even a prankster in
a clown suit.
But for whatever reason, since
then, people in Alabama, Geor-
gia, Maryland, North Carolina
and now, Pennsylvania, have
reported scary or suspicious
encounters with people dressed
like clowns.
When people report these
things it should be someone
dressed like a clown, because a
real clown would never dress or
do anything to scare anyone,
said Tricia Manuel, 55, who runs
Mooseburger Clown Arts Camp
ABBY DREY, CENTRE DAILY TIMES in Buffalo, Minnesota. The camp,
Jerry Sandusky arrives at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte. Sandusky was convicted of sexually abusing 10 boys. He is serving a 30- to named for her alter ego, Pricilla
60-year prison term. Mooseburger, trains about 100

Penn State, insurer settle fight

clowns each year.
She said she has been follow-
ing the reports closely because
they are hurting business.
In South Carolina, two of the

that revealed scandal details

clowns were afraid to go out and
perform, and theyre two of my
customers, said Manuel, whose
two children are also clowns. If
they dont perform, they dont
ASSOCIATED PRESS in an email Friday. Paterno, when told that a boy molestation. need supplies.
P As part of the legal tussle had been molested, responded When Sandusky abused chil-
has settled a court fight with its over whether the insurer would that he didnt want to hear about dren at his home or at events
insurer over payments to vic- have to cover Sandusky-related it and had a football season to held by the childrens charity he
tims of the Jerry Sandusky child
sex abuse scandal, a case that
revealed new details about how
claims, both sides obtained
sworn depositions from key
witnesses and other documents
worry about.
A Paterno family lawyer has
lambasted the allegations, saying
started, he was still a PSU as-
sistant coach and professor, and
clothed in the glory associated
Union sets
early Penn State football coach
Joe Paterno knew of accusations
against his assistant coach.
that hadnt previously become
The presiding judge, after
they are untrue and impossible
to prove.
Penn State made $92 million
with those titles, particularly in
the eyes of impressionable chil-
dren, Judge Gary Glazer wrote.
strike date,
A one-page document filed
with a Philadelphia court on
Thursday stated the action
requests from The Associated
Press and other media outlets,
released some of that informa-
in total payouts to settle 32 civil
claims in the Sandusky sex mo-
lestation scandal, and sued to
By cloaking him with a title
that enabled him to perpetuate
his crimes, PSU must assume
talks continue
against the Pennsylvania Manu- tion in July. have the insurer cover them. some responsibility for what he ASSOCIATED PRESS
facturers Association Insurance Among the notable new reve- In May, a judge found that did both on and off campus, he HARRISBURG The union
Co. was settled. lations were allegations Paterno Penn State had to assume the said. representing faculty and coaches
Terms of the deal and the fielded a complaint about San- costs of settlements stemming Sandusky was convicted of at 14 state universities in Penn-
amount of payment are con- dusky in 1976. The documents from claims over most of the sexually abusing 10 boys. He is sylvania has set a strike date.
fidential by mutual consent, a include portions of the accus- 1990s because its insurance serving a 30- to 60-year prison The Association of Pennsylva-
Penn State spokeswoman said ers deposition in 2014 saying policies did not cover abuse or term. nia State College and University
Faculties says its members will
strike on Oct. 19 if a new contract
settlement is not reached.

Audit faults states largest online charter The Pennsylvania State Sys-
tem of Higher Education during
negotiations this week proposed
raising faculty pay by 12 percent
ASSOCIATED PRESS found the Pennsylvania Cyber audit to call for reforms of the nization as it was under Nick while seeking other contract
H Charter School in Midland, Bea- states charter school law, which Trombetta. It is not, Hayden changes.
ernance and financial conflicts ver County, failed to provided he called the worst in the nation. told the Beaver County Times. The unions president says
of interest have adequate oversight of business Trombetta created a number Were learning. Were trying, they remain at odds on a number
plagued Penn- dealings involving Nick Trom- of entities that provided services and were really committed to of proposals, including faculty
sylvanias largest betta, the founder and CEO, who to the school, and took advan- moving away from those bad workloads.
online charter is due to be sentenced in Novem- tage of every flaw in the law to practices. The union represents about
school, which ber on a federal tax conspiracy get rich off the backs of students The online school enrolls 5,500 faculty and coaches at uni-
collects tens of charge. and taxpayers, DePasquale said. nearly 10,000 students state- versities including Bloomsburg,
millions of dol- In the case of PA Cyber Char- Trombetta left the school in wide. East Stroudsburg, Kutztown and
lars from nearly ter School, publicly elected 2012, and Pennsylvania Cyber The audit, which covered the Shippensburg, among others.
every school dis- school boards from nearly ev- disputed many of the findings in period between May 2011 and State System spokesman Kenn
trict in the state, ery school district in the state its response to the audit. Brian March 2016, found problems Marshall says a strike by faculty
a state audit found. are sending state and local tax Hayden, PA Cybers board presi- with the curriculum and man- runs counter to everything that
The performance audit, re- dollars to the cyber school with dent, said the school has worked agement company and said the higher education stands for.
leased Thursday by Auditor zero input and accountability, to change how it operates. board failed to govern, among The two sides say theyll re-
General Eugene DePasquale, said DePasquale, who used the This isnt the same orga- other failings. turn to the bargaining table.


Founded 1860 | A Lee Enterprises newspaper
457 E. North St., Carlisle, PA 17013

Editorial Board
JEFF PRATT Executive Editor ZACK HOOPES Business Editor


storytelling Taking on the drug wars
hat newspapers still do best is tell a complete story, giving
proper background and context to better understand a news

For over a year now our staff has cranked out weekly Closer gony. dealers and concern for addicts legal, regulated drug market
Look packages. At the August South lies a trail of petty crimes that that prohibited and thereby
Over three or four days, we present a current news story, but Middleton meeting spon- fund the self-treatment for ended the lethal mixing of syn-
rather than just hit the highlights that make it news- sored by the Cumberland-Perry problems and that terrorize the thetic opioids with heroin that
worthy, our staff digs deeper to present a full ac- Drug & Alcohol Commission community. is creating a growing list of dead
counting of the who, what, when, where, why and the agony was palpable. So, too, All this, coming in the midst addicts, dead family members.
how. were frustration, helplessness of a lethal heroin epidemic that A legal market would sell safe
The Closer Look package that began in Fridays edi- and anger. follows a severe and continuing drugs and would sell them only
tion Sentinel is the first of a four-part series on John Audience member after au- prescription opioid epidemic, to adults, constraints your local
Wayne Strawser Jr., the West Virginia man who was dience member which follows a methamphet- dealer is not likely to observe.
SENTINEL recently convicted of one murder and will soon be stood to describe amine epidemic that came on the Hari notes that childhood
PUBLISHER tried for a second. their experiences heels of a crack cocaine epidemic trauma is the No. 1 predictor
While the stories of the murders are well known, as addicts or loved that was spawned by a powder of adult addiction. Indeed, one
Sentinel reporter Joshua Vaughn tells for the first time ones of addicts or cocaine epidemic, should give addict at the South Middleton
how systemic failures within the criminal justice system that filled neighbors. They us pause in our continuing, and event pointed to that as the
Strawsers criminal history. felt powerless to continually ineffective, war on cause of his addiction. Hari also
Sept. 25 is the National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims. halt the scourge drugs. notes that perhaps the most re-
If there is any way to honor those lives lost to murder, it is to repair a ALAN of drugs in their Johann Hari, in Chasing the liable cure for addiction is con-
HOWE Scream: The first and last days nection to families and friends
broken system that allowed a man like Strawser to possess weapons area and felt dis-
and stay on the street in spite of violating the terms of his probation. appointment of the war on drugs, notes that and communities. The war on
My hope is that the families of the victims will find some comfort bordering on dis- the war on drugs created as well drugs instead condemns and
in not only seeing Strawser punished, but in seeing the system that gust that law enforcement could a war for drugs. The illegality imprisons and isolates addicts
failed their loved ones fixed. make no sure promise to relieve means only criminals can satisfy who already feel ashamed and
As Vaughns first story showed Friday, officials in Garrett County their suffering. a continuing need. That leads ostracized. We are not on a path
Maryland didnt return calls and the probation department in Pres- Cumberland County District to unregulated markets and re- to resolving this crisis.
ton County West Virginia refused to comment when contacted Attorney David Freed noted that lentless violence to claim market I recommend Haris book to
about their apparent role in allowing Strawser to remain free and when a drug dealer is taken off share. It means more suffering anyone concerned with this
armed. the streets another takes his for addicts, families and com- agony. And I suggest we expand
Our hope in the telling of this seemingly impossible story of bu- place. Demand finds a supply. munities. our conversation.
reaucratic bungling is that changes will be made to fix our broken Meanwhile, recovering addicts Perhaps it is time maybe Alan Howe lives in Carlisle. He
system. asked to be treated like human well past time that we gave se- is an Air Force veteran with two
I hope you will take the time to read this important and timely beings. We are not bad people. rious thought to how we address decades of overseas experience,
series. They want their families and the pain and suffering that seeks and a lifelong student of history,
neighbors, and especially the relief through drugs available governance and the Letort. When
police to understand that while only from criminals. No one can not offering his opinions here, he
LETTERS their coping mechanism may prove a counter-factual, to show sits on the boards of the Carl-
be frowned upon by society and that the legalization of drugs isle Area Dog Park Association,
More work needed Not only will Rep. Reeses leg- our laws, they nonetheless have to take one option would lead Letort Regional Authority and
islation provide the convenience problems that drugs seem to to a better situation than we Cumberland Valley Chapter of
for liquor system consumers demand, but it also ease. have now. Trout Unlimited. The opinions
Dear Editor: will protect countless jobs cre- Between the concern about However, we can imagine a stated here are his own.
Pennsylvania lawmakers and ated by Pennsylvania distilleries.
Gov. Tom Wolf took steps this The commonwealths distilling
year to modernize the common- industry is undergoing tremen-
wealths liquor system, but work dous growth, but the current
remains. State Rep. Mike Reese system puts it at a major disad-
Rose case shows deck is still stacked
(R-Westmoreland) recently vantage because sales are limited womans life is about to be- This is how we shame women It should be noted that the
introduced legislation, House to state stores. come a virtual hell, thanks who allege sexual assault. It often judge has put Rose and his legal
Bill 2357, which will help expand Its time to support these to the legal maneuverings works because the public will be team on notice for shaming.
consumer access and protect Pennsylvania businesses and of NBA star Derrick Rose. more than willing participants, Defendant Rose appears to
jobs. their employees. We look for- She can count on it because consuming the details like gossip suggest that women who pub-
Rep. Reese would create a ward to working with Rep. Reese, the public still reacts with scorn and rendering spot judgments licly portray themselves as sex-
spirit expanded permit, which the Pennsylvania General As- toward women who accuse fa- about the victim. ual are less likely to experience
would allow restaurants, taverns, sembly and Wolf administration mous athletes, Hollywood stars That being said, there is also embarrassment, humiliation and
grocery stores and hotels to sell to pass this important legislation and politicians of sexual assault. a forceful argument that shield- harassment associated with gang
up to three liters of spirits for that will give the PLCB the tools Rose won the le- ing the identities of sexual as- rape, the judge wrote in an ear-
carryout. This is important be- it needs to serve the consumer by gal right to use the sault victims mutes the public lier order.
cause consumers want to make expanding outlets without addi- womans name in a response to such crimes. That But in the decision to allow the
one stop when shopping for beer, tional costs. civil trial in which argument was made most force- plaintiff to be named, other fac-
wine and spirits. Right now, David Wojnar he is accused of fully in 1989 by Geneva Over- tors also had to be weighed: the
many have to go to three differ- Washington D.C. rape, scheduled to holser, the brave editor of the publics interest in the case, and
ent locations to purchase what Mr. Wojnar is vice president of begin Oct. 4. The Des Moines Register, published a the possibility that a pseudonym
they need. the Distilled Spirits Council MARY pseudonym Jane column arguing that anonymity at a civil trial would be perceived
SANCHEZ Doe will cease to harms rape victims and mutes by the jury as a comment on the
shield her. The public outrage at the crime. harm caused by the alleged ac-
PUBLIC OFFICIALS 30-year-old col- She wasnt wrong, but she was tions of Rose.
lege student will be identified in writing before the advent of viral The judge can only control so
President proceedings, which opens her social media. much: the actions of defendant
Barack H. Obama, White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, to levels of scrutiny and fury Her arguments continue to and plaintiff, jurors and those
D.C. 20500. that Rose will not face. That fact be persuasive. She wondered in who attend the proceedings.
alone takes a moment to digest. 2003 whether the medias hesi- What the public does to the
Vice President
The woman has accused Rose tancy to name names indeed it woman, particularly on social
Joseph R. Biden Jr., Old Executive Office Building, Washington, D.C.
of raping her in 2013 along with is an institutionalized rule has media, is where the threat lies.
two buddies after she passed out. prolonged the stigma and fed This is the sad reality behind
U.S. senators Rose and the woman had been the underreporting. Overholsers long-held opinion
Robert Casey, 393 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. in a consensual, non-exclusive The myths about rape con- that society does more harm
20510. Toll-free number, 866-802-2833. Harrisburg office, 22 S. Third sexual relationship for nearly tinue partly because truths about than good by shielding the iden-
St., Suite 6A. Toll-free number, 866-461-9159. two years. But, she alleges, that the crime are shielded as well. tities of rape victims. Nearly 30
changed in August 2013 after she And when its victims are name- years later, were still struggling
Pat Toomey, 248 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20510.
had left the New York Knicks less and faceless, that leaves a with the notion.
202-224-4254. Harrisburg office, U.S. Federal Building, 228 Walnut St.,
rental house in Los Angeles vacuum for assumptions. For all of the ethical, legal and
Suite 1104. 717-782-3951.
drunk and possibly drugged. In a less sexist world, a woman sensitivity questions raised, the
Her name exposed, the woman could make an allegation and narratives of sexual assault be
OUR LETTER POLICY will soon be easy prey for any expect the known facts either to they criminal charges or lawsuits
slug with an Internet connec- prove or disprove the contention. or journalistic reporting still
We welcome letters from our readers. tion. She will be called a slut and What the woman wore, how divide the public in unhelpful
a greedy whore for seeking mon- much she drank that evening, ways. Some people are so uneasy
To be considered for publication, letters can be mailed or emailed and must
etary compensation. She will if she had previously agreed to with the details that they prefer
be under 300 words and signed. Your name, address and a daytime tele-
probably receive death threats. sex with that man or any other, the muting of anonymous vic-
phone number must be included. We routinely edit for length, accuracy, and
The womans parents are im- would be of no consequence. tims. Others take to social media
clarity. We do not publish copies, form letters or letters addressed to anyone
migrants from Mexico, so shell Sexual assault would not be and eagerly attack the victim
other than the editor. Letters will be verified before they are printed. Writers
also be treated to assumptions among the most underreported further.
may criticize others actions, but personal attacks will not be printed. Writers
about her familys immigration crimes if these notions ceased to And that leaves victims won-
are limited to one appearance per calendar month.
status and all sorts of other eth- exist. dering if theyre better off not
Send your letter to: Letters to the Editor, The Sentinel, Carlisle, PA 17013 nic hatred. Only what happened would coming forward to seek justice.
or deliver to our offices at 457 E. North St., Carlisle. Roses legal strategy appears matter. Was there consent or Mary Sanchez is an opin-
to be to leverage this reality to not? But thats not the world that ion-page columnist for The
Email letters to: Include an address and day-
get her to settle her $21.5 million we live in, despite the strides we Kansas City Star. Email her at
M time phone number in email messages.
1 civil suit. have made.
A8|Saturday, September 24, 2016 NATION & WORLD The Sentinel

Video shows deadly encounter

between man, Charlotte police
Associated Press

Video of a deadly encounter
between Charlotte police
and a black man shows his
wife repeatedly telling of-
ficers he is not armed and
Tulsa police officer Betty Shelby has been charged with pleading with them not to
first-degree manslaughter in the death of Terence Crutcher. shoot her husband as they
She has been suspended without pay. shout at him to drop a gun.

Tulsa officer had de-

The video, recorded by
Keith Lamont Scotts wife
and released Friday by his
family, does not indicate

escalation training whether Scott had a gun.

Police have said he was
armed, but witnesses say
Crutchers twin sister, he held only a book. The
Woman charged in Tiffany Crutcher, disputed 2-minute video does not
shooting had cool he was behaving belliger-
ently toward Shelby.
show the shooting, though
gunshots can be heard.
head on shoulders At the time he was shot, Scotts wife, Rakeyia ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOS
his hands were up, there Scott, tells officers that
SEAN MURPHY & was daylight, everyone can he has a TBI, or traumatic In this image taken from video recorded by Rakeyia Scott on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016, her
JUSTIN JUOZAPAVICIUS clearly see that he had no brain injury. At one point, husband, Keith Lamont Scott, center, stands amid Charlotte police cars and other vehicles
Associated Press weapon in his hand what- she tells her husband to get moments before he is shot by a police officer in Charlotte, N.C.
TULSA, Okla. The
soever, Tiffany Crutcher out of the car so police dont
Tulsa police officer ac- told The Associated Press break the windows. She also Mike Campagna told re-
cused of manslaughter in in an interview Friday. tells him, dont do it, but porters that officers would
the fatal shooting of an Shelby joined the Tulsa its not clear exactly what not seek to arrest curfew vi-
unarmed black man took County Sheriffs Office in she means. olators as long as they were
a roundabout path toward 2007 and stayed until 2011, As the encounter esca- peaceful.
her dream job of joining resigning with a salary of lates, she repeatedly urges Putney said Friday that
law enforcement, with $39,516. Records show one police, You better not releasing the footage of
stops as a convenience use-of-force report in shoot him. Scotts death could inflame
store clerk, an Air Na- 2010, drawing but not fir- After the gunshots, Scott the situation. He has said
tional Guard member and ing a gun while searching can be seen lying face-down previously that the video
a teaching assistant. for a suspect. on the ground while his wife will be made public when
Family members and Her sheriffs office appli- says he better live. She he believes there is a com-
colleagues say Betty Jo cation shows she said she continues recording and pelling reason to do so.
Shelby, 42, was an en- smoked marijuana twice asks if an ambulance has Its a personal struggle,
gaged community mem- as a teenager and had two been called. The officers but I have to do what I think
ber, a churchgoer and protective orders taken out stand over Scott. Its unclear is best for my community,
cool-headed enough to against her once when if they are checking him for Putney said.
be tapped as a field-train- she was about 20 after a weapons or attempting to During the same news
ing officer even though breakup when her and her give first aid. conference, Roberts said she
she didnt join the Tulsa ex-boyfriend took a shovel In the footage, Scotts believes the video should be
County Sheriffs Office un- to each others cars in an- wife states the address and released, but the question
til 2007 and the citys force ger. The second incident says, These are the police is on the timing.
until 2011. in 2000 followed one of officers that shot my hus- Earlier in the week, the
Despite completing Shelbys two divorces; she band. Charlotte protests turned
de-escalation training, alleges her ex-husbands Representatives for the violent, with demonstra-
Shelby reacted unreason- new wife sought a protec- police department and the tors attacking reporters
ably when she confronted tive order in an attempt mayors office did not im- and others, setting fires
40-year-old Terence to discredit my character. mediately return emails and smashing windows of
Crutcher on Sept. 16 as he In both cases, Shelby said from The Associated Press hotels, office buildings and
ignored her and walked to- a judge agreed to dismiss seeking comment. restaurants.
ward his SUV thatd been the orders. The video emerged af- Forty-four people were
abandoned on a street, Shelby joined the Tulsa ter a third night of protests arrested after Wednesdays
prosecutors said in court Police Department in De- over the shooting gave way In this image taken from video recorded by Keith Lamont protests, and one protester
documents. Shelby, who cember 2011; her husband to quiet streets Friday. The Scotts wife, Rakeyia Scott, on Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2016, who was shot died at the
posted bond early Friday, David works there, too. largely peaceful demonstra- Charlotte police squat next to Keith Lamont Scott as Scott hospital Thursday. City
faces up to life in prison if Her salary was $53,747 as tions in the citys business lies face-down on the ground, in Charlotte, N.C. officials said police did not
convicted. of May 31, according to a district were watched over shoot 26-year-old Justin
Shelbys attorney, Scott city spokeswoman; she by rifle-toting members of Later, several dozen dem- on Thursday, prosecutors Carr. A suspect was ar-
Wood, said Friday that she was placed on leave with- the National Guard. onstrators walked onto an charged a white officer with rested, but police provided
had a reputation of having out pay Friday. Protesters called on po- interstate highway through manslaughter for killing an few details.
a cool head on her shoul- The department refused lice to release video that the city, but they were unarmed black man on a Putney said he has seen
ders. the APs repeated requests could resolve wildly differ- pushed back by police in city street last week. the video and it does not
This wasnt her first to release her personnel re- ent accounts of the shoot- riot gear. Thursdays protests in contain absolute, defin-
week on the job, Wood cords, but said the officer ing earlier this week. Char- State Attorney General Charlotte lacked the vio- itive evidence that would
said. Betty is a field-train- has not been subject to any lotte-Mecklenburg Police Roy Cooper also called on lence and property damage confirm that a person was
ing officer. The department disciplinary proceedings in Chief Kerr Putney said Charlotte officials to release of previous nights, and a pointing a gun. But he
has picked her to train new her nearly five years. Friday that there is foot- the video, saying doing so curfew enacted by the citys added: When taken in the
officers, and people will tell She has garnered acco- age from at least one police would help bring the com- mayor encouraged a stop- totality of all the other evi-
you this isnt Betty Shelby lades due to her work in the body camera and one dash- munity and law enforce- ping point. dence, it supports what we
to overreact to a situation. community, said Sgt. Pat- board camera. ment together. Cooper, a Charlotte Mayor Jennifer said.
He also said Crutcher rick Stephens, a spokesman The family of Scott, 43, Democrat, is running for Roberts signed documents Justin Bamberg, an attor-
escalated the situation with the Tulsa Fraternal was shown the footage governor in November. to keep the curfew in effect ney for Scotts family, said
by not communicating Order of Police Lodge 93, Thursday and demanded Charlotte is the latest U.S. from midnight until 6a.m. its impossible to discern
with her, disobeying her of which Shelby is a mem- that police release it to the city to be shaken by protests each day until the state of from the videos what, if
commands and walking ber. On Aug. 28, she was public. The video recorded and recriminations over emergency declared by the anything, Scott is holding
away from her. One thing featured in a TPD Facebook by Scotts wife had not been the death of a black man at governor ends. in his hands.
about de-escalation, thats post after she located and previously released. the hands of police, a list After the curfew took Scott never aggressively
a two-way street, Wood returned property stolen Demonstrators chanted that includes Baltimore, effect, police allowed the approached officers and was
said. You have to at least from two residents; theres release the tape and we Milwaukee, Chicago, New crowd of demonstrators to shot as he walked slowly
have some open commu- a photo of her posing with want the tape Thursday York and Ferguson, Mis- thin without forcing them backward with his hands
nication. There was none the pair, who brought her a while briefly blocking an in- souri. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, off the street. Police Capt. by his side, Bamberg said.
with Mr. Crutcher. bouquet of flowers. tersection and later climb-
Mark Sawa, a retired Shelbys pastor, Benja- ing the steps to the door of
major with the Travis min Williams of the Glen- the city government center.
County Sheriffs Office in pool Church of Christ in
Austin, Texas, who trains suburban Tulsa, described
police officers on use of her as quiet, reserved and be our friend.
force, said: If somebody someone who doesnt fit
is not contained, if theyre the stereotype of an ex-
walking away from you, trovert police officer.
your opportunity to defuse It was big news to me a
that encounter is greatly couple years ago that she
diminished if theyre mo- was even in law enforce-
bile and not stationary. ment, said Williams.
He cautioned that he Shes not brash or any of
couldnt fully assess how those things. Id imagine
the situation got out of her in a church pew any-
hand, as no video is avail- where in the country.
able until after Shelby al-
ready has her gun drawn Giving You Something To Smile About!

and Crutcher is walking
away from her with his
hands in the air. Shelby
did not activate her dash-
board camera when she
first came across Crutcher DENTURE CENTERS, INC.

and his SUV.
Crutcher died of a gun-
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$ per plate
shot wound to the chest,
the state medical exam-
iners office said Friday, 0% Financing Available
adding that the full au- Call for A FREE CONSULTATION Dr. J. Morehouse, D.M.D.
topsy and toxicology re-
ports were not finished.
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His funeral is scheduled
for Saturday. 1
The Sentinel NATION & WORLD Saturday, September 24, 2016|A9


In reversal, Cruz
to vote
or wrongly.
I have deep sympa-
thy for the families of the
Yahoo hackers may seek
intelligence, not riches
victims of the terrorist
for Trump attacks of Sept. 11, 2001,
WASHINGTON Ted Obama wrote to the Senate
Cruz announced Friday he in a veto message about the
will vote for Donald Trump, bill, known as the Justice
a dramatic about-face that Against Sponsors of Ter-
may help unite a deeply
divided Republican Party
rorism Act. But, he said,
the JASTA would be det-
Info could be used
months after the fiery Texas rimental to U.S. national to build dossiers
conservative called Trump interests more broadly,
a pathological liar and which is why I am return- on government
utterly amoral. ing it without my approval.
Cruz said he was sim- The move paves the BRANDON BAILEY
ply following through on a way for Congress to try to Associated Press
promise to support his par- override the veto, which SAN FRANCISCO If a
tys presidential nominee, requires a two-thirds vote foreign government is be-
even though the New York in the House and Senate. hind the massive computer
billionaire had nicknamed Previous attempts to over- attack that compromised a
him Lyin Ted, insulted turn Obamas vetoes have half billion user accounts at
his wife and linked his fa- all been unsuccessful. Yahoo, as the company says,
ther to the John F. Kennedy House Minority Leader the breach could be part of a
assassination. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., long-term strategy thats
But facing intensifying indicated Thursday that aimed at gathering intelli-
political pressure to back there was sufficient sup- gence rather than getting
Trump, Cruz said he would port in the House to over- rich.
cast a vote for Trump, while ride Obamas veto. Yet the Yahoo says the breach
stopping short of an official White House has worked involved users email ad-
endorsement in a statement assiduously to try to peel dresses, passwords and other ASSOCIATED PRESS
posted Friday on Facebook. off supporters, and said Fri- information including
The distinction may day it was unclear whether birthdates but not pay- People walk in front of a Yahoo sign at the companys headquarters in Sunnyvale, Calif.
matter little to voters, enough had defected to ment card or bank account Yahoo says the personal information of 500 million accounts have been stolen in a massive
but helps Cruz save face avert an override. numbers. Although the sto- security breakdown that represents the latest setback for the beleaguered internet company.
among those supporters len data could still be used
still unwilling to forgive in financial crimes, such as panies in 2014 and 2015. It through their government on Chinese hackers who
Trumps heated attacks N. Korea vows identity theft, experts say a may have been part of an email accounts, said Tim also targeted U.S. companies
during their ugly and often
intensely personal primary
to strengthen foreign intelligence agency
might combine the Yahoo
effort to gather sensitive or
compromising information
Erlin, senior director of se-
curity and risk strategy at
outside the tech industry.
In any event, security ex-
campaign. Cruz was booed nuclear forces files with information from to blackmail or coerce indi- Tripwire, a cyber-security perts warn that the Yahoo
by Trump supporters at the other sources to build exten- viduals working at a variety firm. breach could still put ordi-
national convention for en- UNITED NATIONS sive dossiers on U.S. govern- of federal agencies. Similarly, governments nary users at risk, particu-
couraging Republicans to North Koreas foreign ment or corporate officials in Hackers could also use might want to target ex- larly if the hacked informa-
vote your conscience. minister condemned the sensitive positions. such personal information ecutives at multi-national tion finds its way to online
After many months of United States on Friday for With state-sponsored to concoct bogus emails and corporations, especially marketplaces where stolen
careful consideration, of flying supersonic bombers attacks, its not just financial send them to a persons Ya- if theyre competing with data are bought and sold.
prayer and searching my over South Korea earlier information thats of value, hoo account, in what might companies based in the Many people use the same
own conscience, I have this week and vowed his said Lance Hoffman, co-di- be a sophisticated phish- country that sponsored the email address and password
decided that on Election country will strengthen its rector of the Cyberspace ing scheme aimed at get- attacks. In such cases, intel- for a variety of online ser-
Day, I will vote for the Re- nuclear capabilities in de- Security and Privacy Insti- ting the target to click on a ligence officials might share vices, where they might also
publican nominee, Donald fiance of multiple U.N. Se- tute at George Washington link containing spyware useful commercial secrets have provided financial in-
Trump, Cruz wrote Friday. curity Council resolutions. University. In the long run, or other malicious computer with their home-grown formation such as credit card
In a speech before the if the state accumulates a lot code. industries, said Jeremiah numbers. And hackers with
U.N. General Assembly, Ri of information on you, and Theyd have the ability to Grossman, an official at access to a Yahoo email ac-
Poll: Majority Yong Ho said the Korean especially if it corroborates conduct targeted phishing SentinelOne, a Silicon Val- count could try to reset pass-
fears Trump Peninsula has now been
turned into the worlds
that with other sources, it
can assemble a pretty good
attacks against individuals
with potentially valuable
ley computer security firm.
He noted that the 2010 at-
words for other services, if a
user registered for those ac-
presidency most dangerous hot spot profile. information, without going tack on Google was blamed counts with a Yahoo address.
which can even ignite the Governments have also
NEW YORK More outbreak of a nuclear war. been known to hack email
than half the country He blamed the United accounts to keep tabs on
fears a Trump presidency. States and its hostile pol- their own citizens or dissi-
And only about a third of
Americans believe he is at
icy against North Korea.
Ri claimed that B-1B
dents. Experts believe that
was one motive behind a Is it just a stomachache
least somewhat qualified to
serve in the White House.
In the final sprint to
bombers the U.S. military
flew over South Korea ear-
lier this week crossed the
2010 hacking of Google
Gmail accounts used by Chi-
nese human rights activists.
or something more serious?
Election Day, a new Associ- demarcation line separat- Yahoo hasnt revealed the
ated Press-GfK poll under- ing the two Koreas. The evidence that led it to blame
scores those roadblocks for U.S. military has said at a state-sponsored actor
Donald Trump as he tries to least one of two supersonic for the latest attack, which
overtake Hillary Clinton. bombers that it flew over the Sunnyvale, California,
Moreover, most vot- South Korea approached company said occurred two
ers oppose the hard-line the border with the North years ago and was discovered
approach to immigration Korea, an unusual occur- only in recent weeks.
that is a centerpiece of the rence in the worlds most Some analysts warn that
billionaire businessmans heavily fortified border. state sponsored can be
campaign. They are more a vague term. It might also
likely to trust Clinton to be an easy excuse to deflect
handle a variety of issues Pitt allegations blame for a companys own
facing the country, and
Trump has no advantage
relate to security lapses, by suggest-
ing it had no hope of defeat-
on the national security treatment of son ing hackers who had all the
topics also at the forefront resources of a government
of his bid. LOS ANGELES Al- intelligence agency behind
Only 29 percent of reg- legations Brad Pitt was them, warned Gunter Oll-
istered voters would be abusive on a private plane mann, chief security officer
excited and just 24 percent last week relate to the ac- at Vectra Networks, a San
would be proud should tors treatment toward his Jose, California, security
Trump prevail in Novem- 15-year-old son, sources firm.
ber. said Friday, as the FBI con- Yahoo declined com-
Only one in four voters tinued to gather informa- ment, but its top security
find him even somewhat tion before determining official, Bob Lord, has said
civil or compassionate, and whether to open an inves- the company would make
just a third say hes not at tigation. that claim only when we Join us for a free Digestive Health Seminar. Everyone has
all racist. FBI Spokeswoman Laura have a high degree of confi- occasional stomach trouble, but if youre bothered by chronic
Eimiller said the agency dence. In a policy statement abdominal pain or diarrhea with no sign of fever or infection
hasnt made a decision on last year, Lord also said the
Obama vetoes a formal investigation into company wouldnt release you may be suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or
other digestive diseases. Join board-certified colorectal surgeon
9/11 bill; possible what occurred on a plane
ferrying Pitt, his wife An-
details about why it believes
attacks are state-sponsored Dr. Jadd Koury as he discusses causes of discomfort or pain due to
override looms gelina Jolie Pitt and their six because it doesnt want to digestive problems, prevention to reduce your risk of disease, and
children. risk disclosing its methods
WASHINGTON Presi- Several news outlets of investigating breaches. possible treatments that may bring you relief.
dent Barack Obama nixed a have reported that a child This wouldnt be the first Call 855-249-CRMC to register for this free seminar.
bill Friday that would have welfare agency in Los An- time that governments were
allowed the families of 9/11 geles is investigating the implicated in high-profile
victims to sue the govern- well-being of the children, hacking attacks. Digestive Health Seminar
ment of Saudi Arabia, argu- who range in ages from 8 U.S. officials have hinted
ing it undermined national to 15. that China might be to blame When: Wednesday, September 28 6 p.m.
security and setting up the Sources familiar with the for a 2015 breach at the U.S. Where: Carlisle Regional Medical Center
possibility that Congress allegations, but not autho- Office of Personnel Manage- Education Center
might override his veto for rized to speak publicly, say ment, in which background
361 Alexander Spring Road
the first time of his presi- the child welfare investiga- files and even fingerprints
dency. tion centers on Pitts treat- of millions of federal em- Led by Jadd Koury, M.D.
The bill had sailed ment of his son Maddox, 15, ployees were stolen. China Board-Certified Colorectal Surgeon
through both chambers of during an argument during denied any official involve-
Jadd Koury, M.D. RSVP required.
Congress with bipartisan the Sept. 14 flight. No law ment. More recently, news
support, clearing the final enforcement agency re- reports say U.S. intelligence
Carlisle Surgical For more information or to register for a seminar,
hurdle just days before the sponded to the plane when officials have blamed Rus- Institute call 855-249-CRMC.
15th anniversary of the 9/11 it landed in Minnesota after sian spies for the hack of
attacks that killed nearly the incident. Democratic National Com-
3,000 people. But the Amara Suarez, a spokes- mittee files, although Rus-
White House said the bill, woman for the Los Ange- sias government has also
which doesnt refer specifi- les County Department denied this.
cally to Saudi Arabia, could of Children and Family Some security experts
backfire by opening up the Services, said the agency believe the OPM attack
U.S. government and its of- could not confirm whether was carried out by the same
ficials to lawsuits by anyone it was investigating Pitt or hackers who also stole data
M accusing the U.S. of sup- the well-being of the for- files from large U.S. insur- Member of the Medical Staff of Carlisle Regional Medical Center.
1 porting terrorism, rightly mer couples children. ance and health care com-
A10|Saturday, September 24, 2016 The Sentinel

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Craighead twins legacy From

Brothers John movie to
and Frank were
instrumental to the
sport of falconry
The Sentinel
Pa. man finishes what
The twins had to soar in fal- his great-grandfather
conry before taking flight as nat-
uralists. started
That June of 1932 was differ-
ent than all the ones before it NICOLE RADZIEVICH
for brothers Frank Jr. and John The (Allentown) Morning CallAP
Craighead. Exchange
For years the morning chore BETHLEHEM, Pa. Sean

was to draw fresh drinking water Tucker is building the car of his
from the well across the dirt road great-grandfathers dreams.
from the familys summer retreat With a curvy body and Cy-
in South Middleton Township. clops eye center headlight, the
Once done, the boys were free Tucker Torpedo was the vision
to roam the countryside un- of automobile pioneer Preston
til called in for lunch by their Tucker 70 years ago as he sought
mother Carolyn. to build the passenger car of to-
But that June brought new re- morrow. It would be built with
sponsibilities driven by a youth- aluminum, giving the car better
ful enthusiasm to overcome the mileage and speed. The fenders
challenge issued by falconer would turn with the wheel, the
Capt. Luff Meredith. The Army mounted headlights shining in
aviator gave the siblings the mis- the direction of the turn. The
sion of becoming the first in his- driver would sit in the center
tory to train Coopers hawks in seat, flanked by passengers.
the ancient sport of kings. The concept was handed off to
Local historian Tom Benjey in- another designer, resulting in not
cludes this coming-of-age story the Torpedo but in the legendary
in his upcoming book Glorious rear-engined Tucker 48, which
Times: Adventures of the Craig- was set to premiere in 1948. The
head Naturalists. A look back on car inspired the 1988 Francis
how the brothers defied the odds Ford Coppola film Tucker: The
and inspired others is timely. Man and His Dream, which dra-
John Craighead died in his matizes fraud allegations against
sleep Sept. 18 in Missoula, Mon- Tucker, who ended up winning
tana. He was 100 years old. His the trial but losing his reputation
twin brother, Frank Jr., died on and business.
Oct. 21, 2001 of Parkinsons Dis- Although the Tucker 48 never
ease. Though gone, their legacy went into full production, pro-
lives on for generations to come. totypes would later be prized
Both men are credited with by collectors and one sits in the
saving the grizzly bear in Yel- Smithsonian.
lowstone National Park and with Meanwhile, the concept car
drafting language that became PHOTOS COURTESY OF CHARLIE CRAIGHEAD that started it all was nearly for-
the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, Frank Jr. and John Craighead with their Coopers Hawks. gotten.
said Benjey, a volunteer in the Until now.
effort to preserve the Craighead the chief forest entomologist Tucker called the experience
house at 318 Old York Road. with the U.S. Department of surreal.
The twin brothers along with Agriculture. To be able to work on some-
their sister, author Jean Craig- It was a tradition to pack the thing that my great-grandfather
head George, spent a significant car every June and drive to Craig- started working on so long ago .
part of their childhood and early head Station, a settlement out- and pick up where he left off is
adult years at the summer retreat side Boiling Springs where an- really kind of cool, he said.
located along the banks of the cestors of the Craighead family He and Ida appeared recently
Yellow Breeches Creek. had operated a store, feed mill, at SteelStacks in Bethlehem
The sister went on to write train station and other busi- with a Tucker 48 to speak after
more than 100 young adult books nesses. a special screening of the Cop-
relating to nature, including While Frank Sr. used the sum- pola movie at the Frank Banko
Summer of the Falcon which mer to check on his experiments Alehouse Cinemas.
documented what it was like to in other states, Carolyn and the Car of tomorrow
spend summers in central Penn- children enjoyed the simple life Raised in a Detroit suburb
sylvania in the 1930s. at the summer retreat. when the automobile was in its
For much of the year, the three The father returned from his infancy, Preston Tucker grew
siblings grew up in the Washing- travels just after Labor Day. Playing cards on the front porch are: Eugene, John, Bill, Frank Jr., Frank up when Henry Ford was rev-
ton D.C. area where their father, & Charles Craighead. This is a scene of two generations of Craighead olutionizing the industry. Ford
Frank Craighead Sr., worked as Please see LEGACY, Page A11 men at Craighead House in the late 1920s or early 1930s. devised an assembly-line pro-
cess that made cars affordable
to the common man, debuting
the Model T in 1908.
Tucker cut his teeth in the

B-52 bomber pilot recalls missions

industry, working on the Ford
Motor Co. assembly line before
collaborating with Harry Miller
to design race cars. During World
War II, he started Tucker Avia-
JOSEPH CRESS tion Corp. and built the Tucker
The Sentinel Turret, which was used on PT
Vietnam was just another
boats and bombers.
stretch of tropical coastline The American war machine
from seven miles up and 150 made incredible technological
miles out. innovations, and Tucker sought
It was all green with nice to bring some of those advances
sandy looking beaches, recalled to the passenger car.
Wayne Wachsmuth, 81, of North Handsome and magnetic,
Newton Township. It looked Tucker knew how to work a
like a nice place to visit. room and promised he would
Edging closer to target, the deliver the car of tomorrow,
landscape changed and from billing it as fast, safe and afford-
his vantage in the cockpit of able. The United Press called him
the B-52D bomber, the Butler the Cinderella boy of the auto-
County native could see towns, motive world, but critics ques-
cities and villages take shape tioned whether he could deliver.
across the horizon. He was a promoter who had
There were roads cutting a good pulse on what the peo-
through the countryside link- ple wanted and tried to give it to
ing supply dumps to mountain them, said Hampton C. Wayt, a
outposts. White stripes clearly design historian who has studied
defined by the necessity of war. Tucker.
You didnt want jungle up Tucker had a quarter-scale
to the edge of the road, said
Vietnam but flew over hostile model of the Torpedo photo-
Wachsmuth, once an Air Forceterritory during 133 missions graphed and airbrushed to look
logged in between March 1966
captain now a retired lieutenant real. The photograph, which was
colonel. The convoys could come
and July 1968. published in magazine adver-
under attack All but three missions were tisements, showed an attractive,
So the U.S. military during the
against targets in the South in- sleek car in an era when individ-
war defoliated the land out to 100
cluding base camps, ammunition ual style mattered.
yards along the cart way denying
dumps, truck parks and troop It was designed like the fuse-
the enemy the cover they needed
concentrations. lage of a fighting plane, the ads
to set up ambushes. The rest were aimed at cutting SUBMITTED said, and marketed for safety and
supply routes from Laos into the Air Force Capt. Wayne Wachsmuth climbs a ladder to board the cockpit comfort. A brochure called it the
Rather Impersonal North. of a FB-111 fighter-bomber in this photograph from 1969. Wachsmuth smartest looking car in America.
A pilot on a heavy bomber, was a B-52 bomber pilot who flew missions over Vietnam from 1966 to M
Wachsmuth never set foot in Please see VIETNAM, Page A11 1968. Please see REALITY, Page A11 1
The Sentinel HISTORY Saturday, September 24, 2016|A11

Vietnam About the Reality ter published in newspa-

pers across the country.
From A10
Series From A10 In the letter, Tucker
argued that there was a
Wachsmuth never saw the The Sentinel salutes local It would get 35 miles a powerful group bent
bombs drop or explode on Vietnam War veterans gallon, have no gears to on derailing his effort.
target. Once while flying close and participants with shift and be roomy enough He suggested spies were
to the Cambodian border, he a year-long series of for six people plus storage. sent into the plant and his
had to execute a sharp and stories that will be pub- Those ads caught the loyal employees were
rapid turn. This allowed him lished every Saturday in attention of Joe Ida in offered bribes. He said
a glimpse of the smoke rising History. Yonkers, N.Y., who later the powerful group had
up from the ground marking opened a Tucker dealership influenced congressional
Called Voices of Ser-
the aftermath of a bomb run. with his brothers, dream- investigations.
vice, the weekly feature
The ordnance was dropped ing the venture would se- The following year,
examines how the war
by radar off a return echo from cure his familys future. Tucker and his associates
shaped officers and
the ground. Only the radar My grandfather saw the were charged with mail
enlisted personnel from
navigator near the center of Torpedo that style and fraud and security law vio-
every branch of the
the bomber could view the thats when he decided that lations. They were accused
military in every phase
drop zone and thats if he was he somehow wanted to be- of using false promises to
of U.S. involvement in
looking through the optical come part of, Rob Ida said. get $28 million from stock-
sight. That original airbrushed holders and dealers.
He would do that to see The Army Heritage model was the work of Tucker called the charges
if there were any secondary SUBMITTED Center Foundation will George Lawson, an auto- the biggest rape of the free
explosions, said Wachsmuth This view from out the window of a tanker aircraft boom provide half the content mobile stylist who got his enterprise ever perpetrated
as that was a sign of a direct operator shows the midair refueling of a B-52 in progress. for this series in keep- start at General Motors on this country.
hit on an ammunition or fuel ing with its mission of and would later patent the At the three-month trial,
dump. It was all rather im- ate the downed airmen. centrations. Others were set Telling the Army Story retractable headrest. Wayt prosecutors called 73 wit-
personal. with a time delay fuse so that ... One Soldier at a Time. said Lawson was among nesses. The first witness,
Our effectiveness was Three tours the bomb could penetrate and the best automobile styl- Wayt said, was Lawson.
strictly dependent on how Wachsmuth had three destroy underground bunkers ists of his day, though he Prosecutors pointed to
good the intelligence was, tours of duty over Vietnam. and tunnel complexes. as a base, Wachsmuth said. hadnt even a cameo in the the companys glowing
he added. They tried to find The first tour ran from March Vietnam veterans who have There was a sanctuary area 20 Coppola movie. advertising that said the
where the sensitive points and September 1966 and con- witnessed a B-52 bomber to 30 miles along the northern The Lawson design car had revolutionary
were. For example, experts sisted of about 53 missions strike have compared it to an border with Red China which more than any other pro- features, which were not
once used the radio transmis- flown out of Guam in the Pa- earthquake with shockwaves restricted the ability of U.S. posed car of its time, in- found on the 40 cars that
sions of enemy ground forces cific Ocean. going out miles from the point aircraft to bomb a railroad cluding the final variation were produced, The As-
to hone in and triangulate the The typical mission pro- of impact, Wachsmuth said. line bringing in supplies to the of the Tucker embodied sociated Press reported in
coordinates of a base camp. file called for a take-off time It was exceedingly impres- North Vietnamese war effort. the automotive hopes and 1950.
around 1 to 2a.m. for the start sive. That was an awful lot of The enemy also knew that dreams of the post-war According to AP, 50
Token Resistance of a six-hour inbound flight to Hell. B-52 bombers crews could not American consumer, Wayt spectators erupted in
War had evolved since the war zone. The goal was to After the drop, the bombers drop ordnance within 9,000 said. cheers when the not guilty
the generation before when hit the target around dawn in turned around for the return ft. of a friendly position. We Lawson was years ahead verdict was read, prompt-
bomber crews had to brave the hopes of catching enemy flight of six hours back to didnt want to risk casualties, of his time, said Alex ing security guards to re-
fighter planes and heavy flak personnel either sleeping or in Guam. Wachsmuth said. Tremulis, who would later store order in the court-
in missions over occupied Eu- a concentrated area for maxi- The North Vietnamese ex- be credited with the Tucker room. Newspapers across
rope and Nazi Germany. mum destructive effect. Rules of Engagement ploited this policy by build- 48 design. While others the country including
The only sign Wachsmuth The learning curve for Wachsmuth was a co-pi- ing their support structure as described Lawson as a gad- The Bethlehem Globe-
saw of anti-aircraft artillery bomber pilots flying out of lot during his first tour and close as possible to the front- geteer with a penchant for Times ran front-page
was a single puff of black Guam included a big dip in the for part of this second tour line of a ground assault. They engineering, Tremulis told stories of the acquittal and
smoke that appeared sud- almost two-mile long runway. which ran from April to May had an expression: If you are Special Interest Auto, Ive Tuckers promise to finish
denly off in the distance to It was downhill for the first 1967. The following year he going to fight the Yanks, grab always considered him an the car of tomorrow.
one side of his aircraft during thirdUphill for the second returned as a pilot in com- them by the belt buckle and be imagineer the best of all But tomorrow never
a mission over the Demilita- two-thirds, he recalled. mand of his own crew from right up tight, Wachsmuth worlds. came.
rized Zone. A B-52D at take-off mid-January to early July said. Lawson worked with Tuckers business was
It was very inaccurate, weighed about 445,000 1968. During the siege of the Tucker for 21/2 years un- in bankruptcy, and Tucker
he recalled. So far awayIt pounds including 200,000 As the war progressed, Marine firebase at Khe Sanh, til they had a falling out was forced out of the com-
didnt make sense to pay at- pounds of fuel and 45,000 the number of launch there were B-52 bombers fly- in 1946. Lawson then pat- pany. He staged a come-
tention to it. pounds of bombs. The sheer points for B-52 bombers ing support missions around- ented his design and set- back, promising a sports
There were tense moments size of the aircraft required the increased. Early on bomber the-clock. Orders came down tled a legal dispute with car that would be even
on a few missions when the pilot to pull all the way back missions were staged out of from the command authority Tucker over it for $10,000, more advanced than the
electronic warfare officer on the flight control yoke to Guam but gradually bases to move the restriction on according to published re- Tucker 48.
warned the crew the plane have enough lift to clear the were added in Okinawa and bombing near friendly forces ports. One of these days well
was being scanned by sur- edge of the runway. Thailand. from 9,000 ft. out to 3,000 Tremulis and other styl- be rolling down the high-
face-to-air missile fire control Once at cruising altitude, Bomber crews were frus- ft. out. ists were brought on to fin- way and the head of every
radar. Nothing ever came of it the crew relied on auto pilot trated at every turn by rules This change in policy ish the design, which be- motorist will be turned
except jittery nerves. for level flight to a point just of engagement developed by a caught the enemy off guard came the Tucker 48. Gone admiringly in our direc-
The enemy had to be care- west of the Philippines where national command authority and resulted in massive dam- were the turning fenders, tion, Tucker wrote in Car
ful to use radar sparingly as the B-52 was refueled in mid- out of touch with conditions age, Wachsmuth said. They three front seats and other Life magazine in 1954.
turning on the gear would air by tanker aircraft. on the ground, Wachsmuth took it in the shorts on that details, but it remained That Tucker car will be
risk detection by U.S. attack The pilot or co-pilot was at said. We could not hit every- one. sleek and futuristic look- the answer to an American
jets that could swoop in with the controls for this delicate thing in the Hanoi area. It had Following his third de- ing. dream.
anti-radar missiles. operation which involved the to be approved by the White ployment, Wachsmuth re- As it happened, 1948 He never built the car.
At night, when we flew transfer of fuel by a way of House. turned stateside to become came and went without Stricken with lung cancer,
over there, you could see flares a boom that connected the He added targets around part of the initial cadre of the Tucker 48 going into Tucker died of pneumonia
from different outposts where tanker with a receptacle on Hanoi included a system of pilots trained on the FB-111 full production. Mean- in 1956. He was 53.
they might be under attack, the bomber fuselage. dikes along the Red River fighter-bomber. He served while by Tuckers ac- Coppola, whose father
Wachsmuth said. You could The bombers usually flew used to control flooding. The 30 years in the Air Force from count in a letter to news- was a Tucker stockholder,
hear the emergency trans- in a three-plane cell and U.S. government announced 1957 to 1987. papers distributors and cast Jeff Bridges as Tucker
missions. Once in a while you dropped the bombs together early on the dikes would never Wachsmuth later worked nearly 50,000 stockholders in the movie, which painted
could hear a beeper go off onto a target box roughly be attacked from the air. The as a licensed battlefield guide had put $25 million into the the legendary auto pioneer
when a parachute opens up. 1000 ft. wide by 3000 ft. long. enemy took advantage of this in Gettysburg from 1994 to company. in sympathetic light as a
The beeper was a signal It only took the ordnance half and used the dikes to store fuel 2014. He is married and has a Tucker was working out small-time entrepreneur
that the pilot or crew of a a minute to reach the ground. oil and gasoline drums. grown son who works for the the kinks in the cars me- going up against the Big
tactical aircraft had to bail Some bombs were set to ex- Hai Phong port was also Air Force as a civilian. chanics and dealing with Three automakers GM,
out over the combat zone. plode in an airburst just above off-limits to B-52 bomber steel shortages as he tried Ford and Chrysler.
The hope was rescuers could the surface to kill soft targets strikes out of fear that Russian Email Joseph Cress at jcress@ to deliver what he prom- According to the Smith-
pinpoint a location to evacu- like vehicles and troop con- ships were using the harbor ised. Some in Washington sonian: Its design epito-
were beginning to question mized automotive trends
Tuckers unconventional that were new and sig-
fundraising methods, such nificant in the immediate
Legacy lisle is open farmland, excel-
lent for training and flying
head recorded what they
learned in journals. They
pulling pranks on unsuspect-
ing adults.
as selling dealership rights
before the car was built;
postwar years: avant-garde
styling, innovative me-
From A10 both hawks and falcons, wrote an article titled Ad- Craighead summer eve- Hollywood suggests the chanical features, awak-
John Craighead wrote in his ventures with Birds of Prey nings involved baseball automotive lobby played ening interest in passenger
In spring 1932, the boys notes. Falconry requires that was published in Na- games, horseshoes and sit- a hand. safety and efforts by small
accepted the challenge issued patience, perseverance, and tional Geographic magazine ting on the railroad scale lis- The Securities and Ex- manufacturers to capture
by Meredith and started their hard work. It also demands in July 1937. That article drew tening to old-timers tell their change Commission got a larger share of the new-
grand adventure in falconry dedication and a full-time the attention of an Indian raja tales. There were Friday night involved, characterizing car market. The Tucker
by scouring the banks and commitment needed for few nicknamed Bapa who later hymn sings along the creeks some fundraising methods, was an exaggeration of
islands of the Potomac River other sports. visited the twins at the sum- with neighbors and fireworks such as pre-selling car ac- these trends and evidence
in search of likely candidates. Within days of their ar- mer retreat in Cumberland on special evenings especially cessories, as fraudulent that the desire for change
They had just managed to rival at the family retreat, County. the Fourth of July. and ordered production was strong enough to move
find two female nestlings the Craighead brothers had His arrival caused quite a stopped. some fairly radical ideas
when the family left the next fenced off a large enclosure in stir among the young women Email Joseph Cress at jcress@ Tucker addressed those from the drawing board to
day for Pennsylvania. the side yard and had hung a in the hamlet because no dig- allegations in an open let- the production stage.
Before the twins took up box on a maple tree to house nitary approaching the status
falconry at age fifteen, only the two nestlings. of a price of marriageable age

four Americans were in- Keeping hawks brought had ever visited the area,
volved in the sport, all adult much responsibility and re- Benjey wrote of Bapa. Certified
males, Benjey wrote. It quired considerable atten- The twins went on to write Technicians

Backup power
didnt bother them that Coo- tion, Benjey wrote. Trap- a book on falconry titled
pers hawks had never been ping and shooting fresh food Hawks in the Hand. Their We service
trained as falcons anywhere for them was just one of the sister Jean published a novel
in the world. As they saw it, several tasks they had to ac- My Side of the Mountain. What We sell
Coopers hawks had all the complish every day. Being a Virtually every American
attributes of other birds that supportive parent, Carolyn involved in falconry since J.L. ruth electric - the Generator kInG... Ask for Joe!
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was fierce and short-winged. The birds matured as their rest on their laurels, he wrote 48 Years of Experience Phone Installation & aSk aBout
Females nestlings were cho-
sen because the brothers
feathers came in and, by
the second week of July, the
of the family. The Craig-
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ing to their notes. The boys ing strings or tethers to the noon activities for the twins
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had studied books and old allowed the hawks to fly ev- Cave, avoiding trains on the For a Free eStIMate
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1 The country around Car- Frank Jr. and John Craig- fish bait and mussels; and
A12|Saturday, September 24, 2016 NEWS The Sentinel

Davison TIMELINE OF EVENTS County, Maryland, some 120

miles away from where Davison
From A1 A timeline of events surrounding July 2013 Strawser April 2015 Strawser shoots and died. According to West Virginia
John Wayne Strawser Jr.: charged with stalking Eliz- kills his former girlfriend Amy Lou motor vehicle records, Strawser
Strawser and Courtney grew abeth Butler and damag- Buckingham outside her home in was driving the same Ford Ranger
up together and went to school 20082012 Multiple women ing her truck in Maryland. Tunnelton, West Virginia. Davison described the night of his
together in Terra Alta. They had come forward seeking court death.
orders protecting them from Dec. 30, 2013 Against Butlers ob- September 2015
lost touch, but reconnected in fall Just after midnight on April 26,
Strawser, alleging harassment, jections Strawser is given a deal to halt Strawser charged with
of 2013, just months prior to Da- 2014, Strawser was seen by Gar-
and he is twice charged with prosecution in the case if he agrees to Davisons murder.
visons death. Proceedings will not
rett County Sheriffs deputies do-
theft. In August 2012 he is pay her $800 in restitution. The same
It started out innocently charged for stalking Treva Cline day another woman files for a protec- begin until after his
ing doughnuts in his truck in the
enough, Courtney said. The two and destroying her vehicle in tion order claiming Strawser stalked her sentencing on Oct. 5 in parking lot of a park when they
exchanged small talk, telling each West Virginia. since the month before. West Virginia. attempted to stop him. Strawser
other about their lives, their fam- had two other people in the ve-
ily and their children. hicle.
Strawser has at least one Strawser led police on a high-
child to a woman who filed theft speed chase that lasted only a
charges and sought a court or- 20012004 Strawser charged April 2013 April 2014 Strawser arrested and released by August few minutes before he crashed
der for protection against him in with a cluster of offenses including Strawser the Garrett County, Maryland, Sheriffs Depart- 2016 his truck, and then he took off
2010, according to court records. malicious destruction of property, placed on ment for DWI, resisting arrest and reckless endan- Strawser on foot. He was attempting to
Courtney later told police she stalking and assault. In this time probation germent. At the time of his arrest he was driving convicted make it across the nearby border
had a short-lived extramarital re- for two years the same truck police believe he was in the night of Buck- to West Virginia, according to
frame he is convicted of felony mo- inghams
lationship with Strawser shortly tor vehicle theft, making it illegal for after plead- of Davisons murder. police.
after they reconnected. ing guilty to murder. At the time Strawser was on
him to possess firearms. Jan. 4, 2014 Timothy Davison shot and killed on
stalking Cline. probation and didnt want to go
Interstate 81 near Greencastle.
A connection to jail.
Jamie knew nothing of John Strawser only made it about
until I brought him into our the saddest thing ever. Jamie said Strawser began to Suspicions 200 feet before he was subdued
lives, unwittingly and not know- The two cooked together and make what Jamie thought were When Jamie heard the news of with a Taser.
ing what was going to happen, Strawser even attended a Christ- hollow threats by text and phone the shooting the next morning, he Just shoot me, Strawser
Courtney said. mas party hosted by Jamies fam- messages. grew suspicious. said to police after falling to the
The Breeses welcomed Straw- ily. The friendship turned danger- He said he was going to kill Jamie raised concerns to Court- ground from the jolt of electricity
ser into their home with their two ous only a few weeks later. me, Jamie said. ney that Strawser had been in- from the Taser.
young children. Courtney was ex- Jamie and Courtney did not volved in the shooting. Strawser fought with police but
cited to reconnect with a friend Date night know Strawser had left Terra Alta I never once considered the was eventually taken into cus-
from her childhood. In the week between Christmas to pursue them. Strawser began fact that he could hurt anyone, tody. He was released the same
I mistakenly befriended John and New Years 2013, Courtney chasing what he thought was the Courtney said. I watched him day, according to court records.
and allowed him to be close, and and Jamie went on a date to Cloud couples silver Honda Pilot SUV with his son. I watched him back That arrest in Garrett County
I never should have, Courtney 9 Night Club in Bunker Hill, West around Martinsburg, West Vir- home with his son and my chil- triggered a probation violation,
said. I had known his family Virginia. It was a night for the ginia, which is about 20 minutes dren playing together in the park. causing Strawser to spend one
even before kindergarten and up Breeses to get out of the house from Cloud 9. You never think that somebody week in jail in September 2014 in
and, honestly, he was the most and spend time together without Strawser was following the who could feel those kinds of feel- Preston County, West Virginia,
approachable and nicest of all of their children. wrong vehicle. It was actually ings could do that to anyone. where he had been convicted of
them. We were sitting there and the Davisons Mitsubishi Montero, Eventually, the Breeses chalked stalking in 2013.
Jamie, however, had his appre- next thing you know, he comes an SUV about the same size and up the angry text and phone calls That was the first time Strawser
hensions about Strawser from the walking out of the mens bath- color as that of the Breeses Pilot. from Strawser the same night that spent any time in jail following a
start. room, Jamie said. Davison, heading north on I-81 Davison died as a coincidence and conviction, according to court
I couldnt trust him, Jamie This came as a shock to the Bre- in West Virginia near Martins- nothing more. records.
said. I guess it was from grow- eses since Strawsers home was burg, was at the wrong place at In April 2015, just over 15 In October 2014, Strawser
ing up as a kid that you could just more than two hours away from the wrong time, stuck in Straw- months after Davisons death, pleaded guilty to resisting arrest
see that something just wasnt the club. sers path, according to police. Strawsers former girlfriend, Amy during the April DWI incident
there, something wasnt right. Things became tense as the Police said Davison accelerated Lou Buckingham, was murdered. where he had been subdued by
I could pick it out right away. In night progressed. his SUV to more than 100 mph Strawser was convicted of that a Taser. He spent five days in jail
the beginning, I told my wife stay He got (mad) at you because in Martinsburg, apparently at- murder in August. in Garrett County, and all other
away from him, but she didnt lis- you werent paying attention to tempting to elude Strawser. The Breeses went to police with charges were dropped.
ten, and I guess thats what got us him, Jamie said. Around 2a.m., Davison called their concerns about Strawser af- Information about the arrest
where we are now. Because I was with my hus- 911 in Washington County, Mary- ter hearing about Buckinghams did not make its way to investi-
Courtney and Strawser hung band and not him, which is ridic- land, not too far across the bor- murder. gators in Pennsylvania, and ac-
out when she would visit her fam- ulous, Courtney chimed in. der from West Virginia. He told All that time, were not safe, cording to Franklin County Dis-
ily in West Virginia. The two left the club, and the operator a dark Ford Ranger unbeknownst to us, Courtney trict Attorney Matthew Fogal,
Around the same time the two Strawser began calling and tex- was chasing him and a person had said. That is when it hit both Strawser did not become a sus-
reconnected, Courtney began re- ting them. begun firing shots at his vehicle. of us. Truly, up until that night, at pect in Davisons murder until the
ceiving text messages from a per- Around 1:30 a.m., Strawser Police were dispatched, but as that moment, I never truly con- Breeses came forward April 2015.
son she referred to as her stalker. showed up at the Breeses home Davison approached the border sidered it. Please understand that on
Strawser told Courtney that he demanding that Courtney come between Maryland and Pennsyl- Cellphone tower data from the date and time of his arrest
would protect her whenever she outside to talk to him. vania, the call dropped. around Greencastle placed for DWI, the defendant was not a
came down to visit her family, I said Youre not going out Shortly after that, Davison Strawser near the scene of Da- suspect in any other known case
since Jamie usually was not along there, Jamie said. again dialed 911, this time in visons murder, evidence with a that we had been made aware
for the trip. Strawser finally relented and Pennsylvania. partial DNA sample that matched of by any other agency, Garrett
On one trip, Courtneys stalker left after Jamie threatened to call In February 2014, investiga- Strawser was found at the scene, County Sheriff Rob Corley told
urinated on the family vehicle. the police. tors released a portion of that call and ballistics matched shell cas- The Sentinel in September 2015.
Jamie began to suspect Straw- After that night, the Breeses at- made to 911 in Franklin County. ings found at the scene to Straw-
ser was Courtneys stalker. The tempted to sever ties with Straw- Were you the one that called sers Rossi Ranch Hand, accord- Reconnected
language Strawser used in texts ser. about the Ford Ranger? a Frank- ing to Pennsylvania State Police. Early in the fall of 2014, Straw-
was similar to that of the stalker, Roughly a week later, on the lin County 911 operator asked Da- Davisons death kicked off a ser apologized for the initial
Jamie said. night Davison was killed, Straw- vison. manhunt that would span Penn- falling out with the Breeses and
So Courtney confronted Straw- ser contacted the Breeses, at- Yeah, the one that just hit me, sylvania, Maryland and West Courtney again let him back into
ser, but he vehemently denied the tempting to find out where they Davison said. Virginia and include help from her life.
allegations. He had excuses for were. The couple had again made What do you mean they hit the FBI. She again visited with him
why he could not be the stalker a trip to Cloud 9, but decided to you? They hit you with the car? Despite this, Strawser was able when she traveled to her familys
and said he was only trying to be leave early for the night. the operator asked. to move in and out of the crim- home in West Virginia.
her protector, Courtney said. Strawser then began calling Yeah, smashed me with the inal justice system, again largely But, Strawser again became
She believed him. and texting them, demanding car and pushed me across the unscathed. jealous and possessive, she said.
But thats what a stalker does, to know where they were. They median, Davison replied. Four days after Strawser al- The Breeses finally cut ties
Jamie said of the denial. responded, but did not tell him Those would be some of Davi- legedly killed Davison, he posted completely with Strawser in Jan-
Ive never been stalked be- where they were. sons final words. a message to Facebook. uary 2015 following a fight that
fore, Courtney responded. Thats when I said back the Less than 2 1/2 minutes after Looks as if my world is going resulted in Strawser damaging
They manipulate you, her (expletive) off John. Shes not Davison redialed 911, Maryland 2 crumble, he wrote. The things one of the familys vehicles parked
husband said. your wife. Shes not your girl- State Police arrived on scene that I well (sic) miss in her parents garage.
The friendship continued and friend, Jamie said. Shes noth- and found Davison shot multiple The post came on the same day Fogal declined to say if anyone
Strawser was welcomed into the ing more to you than a friend from times in the arm, leg and head, he was in court in Garrett County, other than the Breeses presented
Breeses home more than two high school. according to police. Maryland, to approve a final pro- Strawser as a possible suspect
hours away from Terra Alta for He later died as a result of his tection order filed against him by in Davisons murder, but when
Thanksgiving in 2013. Courtney The hunt injuries. a former girlfriend. asked if he felt Strawser would
said Strawser was alone and had Strawser had his .44 caliber Gunshots and the sound of tires have been apprehended without
no one to spend the holiday with. Rossi Ranch Hand in his truck accelerating away were heard on The truck the Breeses, Fogal said, I cant
I felt bad, because he was my when he started hunting down the call recording, police said. A little more than four months speculate about hypotheticals,
friend, and I didnt want any- Jamie, the man he saw as standing Police said Strawser shot Davison later Strawser was arrested for but I know that (state police)
one to be alone on the holidays, in the way of a relationship with and fled down Interstate 81 south reckless endangerment, resist- would never have given up their
Courtney said. I thought it was Courtney, police said. before they arrived on scene. ing arrest and DWI in Garrett pursuit of Mr. Davisons killer.

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Being a good detective key as deer season looms

ith one final walk- allow evidence to dissipate shed was old and there was no
through of two human presence, scent, tracks chance the snake that was now
hunting grounds last and any misplaced limbs from certainly bigger than that, was
weekend the stage would be pruning for shooting lanes close by. But was he in the low
set for a new bowhunting ad- the better. area I was heading to?
venture. Pennsylvanias season Snakeskins are intriguing in Snakeskins are even more
opens next Oct. 1. the wild. Coming intriguing when you find them
The last of the preseason upon one, I found inside your house. But, thats
scouting is another opportunity myself glancing another column.
to pit the wit and wisdom of both ways down Making note of what few
man, against the, well, wild of the narrow path, tracks have been impressed into
wildlife. To flex some outdoor looking for what earth not softened by rain any
investigative gray matter. might be the time recently is always a chal-
Leading up to previous sea- B.J. slithering black lenge.
sons, Ive avoided walking SMALL tail of its former Most often, the clue is repeti-
through any outdoor theatre occupant going tive wear down a particular trail
B.J. SMALL, THE SENTINEL where I intended to hunt, once the other way or at a crossroads.
The trail camera image of a curious, antlerless deer peering into the camera it got to be this close to the ac- through the grass. There was no
lens makes for an eye-catching close-up. tual season. The more time to doubt that the tattered 5-foot Please see COLUMN, Page B6

saps Great
Salt Lake
Associated Press
southern shore of Utahs Great
Salt Lake, more than 100 boats
are sitting high and dry in a park-
ing lot, unable to sail the shallow,
drought-stricken sea.
North of the nearly empty ma-
rina, salt-loving bacteria thriv-
ing in the low water has turned
the liquid pink.
The massive lake, key to the
states economy and identity, is
skirting record-low levels after
years of below-average precip-
itation and record heat. A few
dozen lawmakers took a road trip
Thursday to see the problems
firsthand and learn how they can
help besides praying for more
rain and snow this winter. JASON MALMONT PHOTOS, THE SENTINEL
The lake, about 75 miles long The patio garden at Leos Homemade Ice Cream was named the Garden of the Month by the Carlisle Garden Club. Tom Leo, owner of Leos in
(120 kilometers) and 30 miles Carlisle, poses with his mother-in-law, Janice Rose.

Shop expands scenery

wide (50 kilometers), is Amer-
icas largest outside the Great
Lakes. Water levels have always
fluctuated, but they have been
dropping steadily since 2011.
If this continues ... the eco-
system as a whole is under a
pretty significant threat, said SENTINEL STAFF Rose explained that this will
Jason Curry, a spokesman for When Tom Leo moved his ice be an ever-changing planting
Utahs Division of Forestry, Fire cream store, Leos Homemade area since some plants will get
and State Lands. Ice Cream, to its current loca- too large and will need to be re-
The state estimates that the tion at 816 W. High St., Carlisle, placed by something else.
Great Salt Lakes ecosystem has he had it all: great ice cream, a After getting positive feed-
a $1.32 billion economic effect. good location, plenty of park- back about the planters, Leo
It is a home or major resting ing, indoor seating and outdoor went bigger. He rented a post
place for more than 250 species seating. hole digger and started planting.
of birds. Salt and other minerals He also had a mother-in-law The thing that is so amazing
are mined from the lake and used who loves to garden. to both Tom and I is that they all
for fertilizer, melting snow on The result is the Carlisle Gar- grew, Rose said. With every-
roadways and other products. Its den Clubs September Garden of thing that I have learned about
waters are credited with helping the Month. plants, nothing should grow in
produce dry, powdery snow that It, however, took some time these conditions, but everything
attracts skiers worldwide to the for it to get there, especially grows. I think the plants all love
nearby mountains. considering the area was for- being part of such a fun place to
Its generally three to five times merly a parking lot. live and know they make people
saltier than the ocean, allowing Leos first job for his mother- happy.
swimmers to float easily. The in-law, Janice Rose, was to find The patio garden at Leos Homemade Ice Cream was named the Garden The planters and vegetation
lake is an unforgiving environ- plants for the planters around of the Month by the Carlisle Garden Club. Janice Rose poses with the are always in full view, and any
ment for most creatures, but a the building. The next mission garden. customer can sit in the patio to
prime habitat for brine flies and was to plant some trees. enjoy them during the ice cream
brine shrimp tiny, clear crus- Leo planted three trees in the Rose then filled planter boxes Some of those plants came from shops hours.
taceans once sold as sea mon- property, which has seen many around the patio area. her own yard or the master gar- There will be a special open
keys in the back of comic books, businesses come and go over the We needed a lot of plants, so dening plant sale held in May. house from 1 to 4 p.m. Satur-
whose eggs are harvested and years. All three trees greweven I planted whatever I could find Considering there was no real day, Sept. 24, with garden club
sold worldwide as food for other the Redbud, which was broken just to get them filleda gar- plan, I think the planters look members present to answer
shrimp, crab and fish. off and hit by a snowplow. deners dream job, Rose said. great. questions.
As lake levels drop and the wa-
ter becomes saltier, even those
creatures are threatened.

Treasure hunters death a mystery

Brine shrimp are very resil-
ient to salt but even they have
a limit, and were reaching that
limit, said Don Leonard, CEO
of the Great Salt Lake Brine
Shrimp Cooperative, a group of
companies that harvest and sell
Investigators unable Corps of Engineers that had been
working along the Rio Grande
Randy Bilyeu
went missing
the eggs. to determine cause of just north of Cochiti Lake. while searching
The low water levels stress the Autopsy results obtained by for a $2 million
shrimp in a way that produces death of Colorado man The Associated Press show there hidden treasure
fewer eggs, Leonard said. Last wasnt enough evidence left for in northern New
year, the cooperative had a be- who went missing the Office of the Medical Inves- Mexico. The
low-average harvest and had to tigator to determine what caused skeletal remains
pay to dredge its harbor just to SUSAN MONTOYA BRYAN Bilyeus death. There were no of Bilyeu were
get its boats on the water. Associated Press broken bones or other skeletal discovered the
He declined to say how much ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. injuries, leaving only room for summer of 2016
it affected the industry but said The death of a man who moved speculation. by a crew with
dredging has become a yearly, out West to follow his dream of It is possible that Mr. Bilyeu the Army Corps
expensive endeavor to dig out a searching for a $2 million hidden was caught in a remote location of Engineers
deeper path for boats. treasure remains a mystery as in the winter, either because of that had been
Lawmakers on Thursday took medical investigators have been the weather or because of an in- working along
a quick tour of a storage area at unable to shed more light on his jury not involving a fracture of the the Rio Grande
a factory that harvests the eggs final moments in the backcoun- bones and succumbed to hypo- just north of
and visited a plant that extracts try of New Mexico. thermia or the effects of dehy- Cochiti Lake.
minerals from the lake. The skeletal remains of Randy dration, the investigators wrote.
M Bilyeu were discovered this sum- ASSOCIATED PRESS
1 Please see SALT LAKE, Page B6 mer by a crew with the Army Please see TREASURE, Page B6
B2 | SaTurday, SepTember 24, 2016 COMICS & ADVICE The SenTinel

No scooter obligation
by dean young and Stan drake

ear Annie: I am chance. I felt a little guilty first place.
a single older that she had laid out the Dear Annie: I enjoy
woman who has money, so I paid her for a reading your column
been friends with another scooter that I didnt want daily, but your response
single older woman for a and hoped for the best. to the senior woman who
few years. Neither of us Well, over $1,000 later, is considering moving
DILBERT by Scott adams has family, the scooter was towed to away from her children
so I have the junkyard. I am angry leaves me wondering.
sort of come with myself for being You suggested that before
to think of such a moron, and I am making plans to move,
her as fam- angry with my friend for she talk to her three
ily. A couple throwing me into such an grown kids and ask why
of years ago, expensive mess. I know they are not speaking to
ANNIE this friend she meant well, but she one another. So far, so
LANE started rid- really messed me over. good. But then you sug-
ing motor For someone else to as- gested that she repair
scooters. sume she could put me in those roots. Do you re-
She loves it and waxes debt me for such a sum is ally think a parent can do
NON SEQUITUR by Wiley miller enthusiastic all the time mind-boggling. I know that? I think a parent can
about it. I had thought I have a choice lose a encourage grown kids to
about getting a scooter friendship or forgive her try to make those repairs,
before I even knew her, and go on with a lesson but beyond that, there
and I finally told her I learned but how can is little more the parent
would be interested in I forgive someone who can do. The writer did
finding a scooter for my- doesnt think she has not mention any efforts
self. I knew nothing about done anything wrong? on her part to spend time
scooters, never even sat Betrayed with her grown children
on one, so I was relying Dear Betrayed: It is and grandchildren. I was
on my friend for advice. ridiculous that your friend a bit disappointed that
Before I even had a chance bought you a scooter you did not encourage
to look for a scooter to without even asking you this woman to make
FORT KNOX by paul Jon boscacci buy, my friend announced and expected you to re- phone calls, send cards
she had found the per- imburse her. Let her know and invite her children
fect scooter for me and that though you appreci- and grandchildren to
purchased it. The cost of ate her passion about the her house more. My two
the scooter was several hobby and her wanting daughters, who used to be
hundred dollars. When to get you involved, that close, are presently not
I first saw the scooter, I wasnt OK. Then I would speaking to each other.
thought it was a piece of write this unfortunate They have both told me
junk, but my friend said situation off as tire tracks their sides of the story.
she had a friend who was under the bridge and This hurts me immensely,
going to fix it for me and move on. In other words, but I have no idea what
all would be wonderful. forgive, but dont forget. I can do to help. (If any
I had grave doubts and The next time someone of your readers have any
MOTHER GOOSE & GRIMM by mike peters tried to get her to take the crosses a boundary like ideas, Annie, I would love
scooter for herself, but she that well, dont let it to hear them.) Relating
wouldnt hear of it. And happen. You dont have Send your questions for
I convinced myself that to pay for anything you Annie Lane to dearannie@
maybe I should give it a didnt agree to buy in the

Help with the dog harness

ear Readers: worsen neck and throat UNDER IT ALL
Have you con- injuries to the dog. A har- Dear Heloise: My
RED AND ROVER by brian basset sidered a harness ness can give the animal shirts have stains in the
for your dog instead of a a sense of calm and com- underarm area. How can I
collar? It is a good choice, fort, and it is less likely
reduce or eliminate them?
for several to pop off by accident. Jack K., via email
reasons. If Check with your veteri- Deodorant and antiper-
your dog narian about what he or spirant stains probably
is a puller, she recommends. Hel- are the culprit. Here are
the harness oise some hints for you: Wash
should break the garment after each
that habit. PET PAL wearing. Liquid laundry
HINTS FROM Wearing a Dear Readers: Phillip detergent can make a
HELOISE collar, the A. in Austin, Texas, ad- good pre-treater. Rub in
dog can opted his gorgeous Brook- and launder. Every few
HI AND LOIS by brian and Greg Walker feel that he lynd from the Austin An- wearings, launder with
is getting ahead. Pulling imal Center. Brooklynd is hot water to break apart
while in a harness will an Australian cattle dog, residual marks. Stubborn
only lift the dogs front and is sporting the best stains are a problem for
legs off the ground not smile. To see Brooklynd everyone. Never overfill
productive. Harnesses and our other Pet Pals, the washer: Its too taxing
can relieve pressure from visit on the machine, and your
the neck. Although it is and click on Pet of the clothes wont be cleaned
rare, collars can cause or Week. Heloise thoroughly. Heloise

RHYMES WITH ORANGE by hilary price ZITS by Jerry Scott and Jim borgman

SALLY FORTH by Francesco marciuliano, drawn by Craig macintosh FRANK AND ERNEST by bob Thaves

BABY BLUES by rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott B.C. by Johnny hart

HAGAR THE HORRIBLE by Chris browne

GARFIELD by Jim davis

The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation
620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018
THE SENTINEL For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 PUZZLES & ASTROLOGY SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 | B3
For Release Saturday, September 24, 2016


Crossword Edited by Will Shortz No. 0820

ACROSS 30 Girls name in 52 Marcos of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Like a Navy which the last Philippines

seal three letters 56 Minor flaw 15 16
are equivalent
11 Tall tale to the first? 57 Old-fashioned 17 18
producer? auto feature
31 Quality wool
15 Colorful source 59 Front money? 19 20 21
with a trunk 33 Its an 60 Obamas first 22 23 24
imposition Homeland
16 Very large, Security 25 26 27 28 29
informally 34 Acupuncturists secretary
17 One-stop supply
61 Supportive 30 31 32 33
shopping spot 36 Feeling cries
18 Battleship 38 OMG, thats 62 Dark brown
34 35 36 37
guess enough! quartz 38 39 40 41
19 Advance look, 39 Came (from) sometimes sold
commercially as a gemstone 42 43 44 45
20 Backing for a 41 Hawkeye State
cartoonist city 46 47 48 49
John Wayne DOWN
22 ___ Williams, 42
Potsie player title role 1 One might be 50 51 52 53 54 55

on Happy involved in a
44 Quick on the sting 56 57 58
Days uptake
24 ___-on-Thames 2 Like la mer
(regatta site) 45 Washington Sq. 59 60

Park squad 3 Stick with it

25 Little bits 4 High
61 62
46 One not yet
27 Wet blanket? one, say 5 Most TV Land
29 Subject of 48 Something to programming PUZZLE BY MARK DIEHL
the biography live for
Lightning in 6 Paralyzes, in a 23 Frederick 32 ___ Land, 1954 51 53rd state
His Hand 50 Primitive way Forsyth thriller Kirk Douglas quarter locale
7 Educations ___ The ___ File sci-fi role 53 Capriole
ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Tech 25 Four-for-four 35 Currency in
8 What do Super Bowl- Freetown 54 Two Years
W H A T S T H A T H O U R S you call a winning QB Before the
37 Accept Mast author
R I C E A R O N I I N S E T fake noodle?
E S T A T E T A X L E O N A An impasta, 26 2.5% 40 Animato 55 Leaving nothing
S T E M N A G A L S T O N e.g. 28 Seeing right 43 Edmond ___, out
T O D S T I R F R Y O I L 9 Foreign term of through the Count of 58 ___ Tower
E R I C A R A R E S U R E address Monte Cristo Gardens,
30 Thus
D Y N A S T M A N P U R S E 10 Ones put on 45 Your call National
S H E D G O O P retainer? 31 All the suspects 47 Mountain lakes Historic
in The Usual Landmark in
B I G E A T E R T E E H E E 11 Not another Suspects 49 Lollapalooza Florida
A L L Y R E E D T R A P S bite for me!
D O E B A R B E T S D I S 12 Imprinting tool Online subscriptions: Todays puzzle and more than 7,000 past
E V A D E S I M O R A T E 13 Like Alzheimers puzzles, ($39.95 a year).
G E N O A B R I N G I T O N disease Read about and comment on each puzzle:
G L E N S I T S G O T I M E 14 Plot lines Crosswords for young solvers:
S A D A T T H E S T A T E S 21 Believe in


cer Treat Clark, 29; Erin Chambers, 37; Nia
Vardalos, 54; Kevin Sorbo, 58.
Happy Birthday: Filter through whats going
on around you. Its important not to be hasty or act
without just cause. If you learn to go with the flow
and experience what life has to offer,
you will gain the knowledge and ex-
perience necessary to make your life
better. Baby steps will help you avoid a
costly financial, physical or emotional
mistake. Your numbers are 7, 13, 22,
26, 30, 37, 48.
EUGENIA Birthday Baby: You are insightful,
LAST creative and unique. You are sensitive
and possessive.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Dont
let pressure lead to an emotional outburst. Evaluate CRYPTOQUIP
your position and your options. Stick to basics and
think about whats necessary for your future growth. The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one
If you cant think straight, dont make any big deci- letter stands for another. If you think that X equals O, it
sions. will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Discuss the key words and words using an apostrophe give you clues to
points of a project that you want to pursue with locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error.
someone. Your passionate presentation will draw
greater interest and support than you anticipated.
Choose partners wisely. Romance is highlighted.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Listen, but
dont fall for a get-rich-quick scheme or an impos-
sible promise. Check out the online job market and ZIGGY By Tom Wilson
update your resume to fit the current professional
trends. Prepare for success and make an upward
rather than a lateral move.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Be careful how
you handle situations. Dont overreact or let anyone
take advantage of you. Uncertainty will result if you
allow someone to meddle in your affairs. Focus on
self-improvements, not trying to change others.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Keep your per-
sonal information a secret. Someone will try to use
information against you. Getting baited into an ar-
gument will not help your reputation. Concentrate
on doing your best as well as keeping the peace. SUDOKU

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Romance and
activities that bring you in touch with old acquain-
tances look promising. Attend a reunion or travel to
a place you used to call home, and new options will
surface. Dont let fear of failure hold you back.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Activities that get
you out of the house can also help you avoid emo-
tional tension. A personal change will help you feel
good about the way you look. Use your significant
knowledge to help you find new ways to advance. REAL LIFE ADVENTURES
By Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Home improve-
ments, family plans or doing something special with
a friend or loved one will make you day. Travel plans
can be put into place, and offering help to a cause
you believe in will broaden your circle of friends.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): A change of pace
will do you good, but taking on something unreal-
istic will set you back. Dont be confused by what
others do. Following your heart and doing your own
thing will bring you the most in return.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Youve got all the
right moves, but your emotions can deter you from
finishing what you start. Learn from your past mis- Sudoku is a number-plac-
takes and implement unusual plans to counter any ing puzzle based on a
tricky situations that may lead you astray. 9x9 grid with several
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Make a creative invest- given numbers. The ob-
ment. You are better off making the changes that ject is to place the num-
will help you acquire more knowledge and opportu- bers 1 to 9 in the empty
nities. Dont let someone you love put a damper on squares so that each
your plans. Follow your head, not your heart. row, each column and
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Look at whats going each 3x3 box contains
on around you and lend a helping hand. Your genu- the same number only
ine concerns will help you stand out and bring you once. The difficulty level
closer to someone you love. A positive change will of the Conceptis Sudoku
result in emotional, financial and personal growth. increases from Monday
1 to Sunday.
B4|Saturday, September 24, 2016 CUMBERLAND LIFE The Sentinel
No. 0918

MAKE A DASH FOR IT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21
ACROSS 51 Throw together 100 Record half that 14 That is not
1 Pranks with a roll, 53 Certainly not wish to stirs emotions? looking good 22 23 24 25

briefly repeat 104 Exercisers target 15 Numbskull 26 27 28 29 30 31

4 Casualties of 54 Get by 105 Shame on you! 17 Argument you may
streaming services start in school
56 I dont mean to ____ 107 Dark force 32 33 34 35 36 37
7 Updated ones blog 18 Cops, in slang
108 European country
13 Swap (out) 57 Like bibs and aprons slightly larger than19 Sage swamp-dweller
38 39 40 41 42

16 Navajo hogan, e.g. Malta of film

58 Sermon topics 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
17 Part of NATO 109 Sandwich for a 25 The witching hour
59 Muhammad had 13
20 Forgo dieter? 27 Pat ____, three-time
50 51 52 53 54 55
60 Birthplace of multiple
21 Question from an saints 113 Appear that way N.B.A. Coach of the 56 57 58 59
owl? Year
62 Slowly disengages 115 Share
22 Austin-to-Houston dir. 29 Discard
(from) 116 Volcano output 60 61 62 63 64
23 Chief 33 Inflexible
64 Department store 117 Slippery sort 65 66 67 68
24 Actor Joaquins department 34 Handy take-along
complete bio? 118 Size up
65 An airline now serves 119 Letters on some 36 Play-____ 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
26 Start of a legalese
a Minute Maid baggage to N.Y.C. 37 Modern airport
paragraph 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
beverage? 120 Word with sweet or amenity
28 Figs. in an authors
acknowledgments 69 Whined like a baby sugar 41 Soft wool source 83 84 85 86
section 72 End of many a toast 121 Made damp 43 Sure thing
87 88 89 90
30 ____ Wiedersehen! 73 Touch 122 Gangnam Style 45 Parts of airports and
31 Hughes poem that 76 Popular sans-serif singer fashion shows 91 92 93 94 95
mentions the font 123 Winter D.C. hrs. 46 Actress Kirsten
darker brother 77 Schools of thought 47 Display clearly 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
32 Troupe of lesser- 78 Onward!, in Italy 48 Goalies goal
known actors? 104 105 106 107 108
81 Unfiltered 1 Channel that aired 49 Locale painted on
35 Reef-dwelling the Sistine Chapel
snapper 83 U.S. detainment site Felicity and 109 110 111 112 113 114 115

in Cuba, informally Smallville ceiling

38 Unattractive fruit 116 117 118 119
84 Question posed with 2 Curve-enhancing 51 Caught on, with up
39 2016 Olympics site
feigned shock undergarment 52 Junior, often
RELEASE DATE: 9/25/2016

120 121 122 123

40 What swish shots
miss 85 Ushers in 3 Metallic shades 55 Something starting
42 Word repeated in the 86 Joint action 4 Certain Balkanite
postal creed 87 Some apartments for 5 Not as bright 57 Devices preventing 67 Common newspaper 75 Pops some pills, say 90 Kerfuffles 102 On edge
scaredy-cats? off-hour openings of feature not seen 77 No joke! 103 Worry
43 W.W. I battle locale 6 ____ fly 94 Event for snocrossers
44 Schmaltz in kids 90 Drank to excess 7 Oomph in The New York 79 Shortcuts into clubs 96 Youre almost 104 Kerfuffle
films? 58 Image on the Arizona Times
91 R.V. campers org. 8 Factory watchdog grp. 80 Actor Williams of there 106 Olive or avocado
license plate
50 The meaning of life 92 [Im devastated!] 68 Chill, with out Happy Days 97 So funny! 110 How precious is
9 Search far and wide 61 Deli supply
once sold on it for 69 E.W. or S.I. 82 Put together that!
93 Deli supply 10 Home run territory, 63 Brian of ambient 98 World News
95 Marauding group in in lingo 70 One of the Trumps 85 Guy into hip-hop Tonight airer 111 Actor ____ J. Cobb of
12 Angry Men
Online subscriptions: Tolkiens The Two 11 Dark time, in poetry 64 Offerings to 71 Im ____ Her, 2016 86 Where the heart is 99 Talk show
Todays puzzle and more Towers political slogan 88 Colorful pond interviewee 112 So last month
than 4,000 past puzzles, 12 Something that gets hitchhikers 96 Game of tag, MADD mad swimmer 101 Aid for one going 114 You thinking what
66 Challenge 74 Work of extra-
($39.95 a year). basically 89 ____-pah places? Im thinking?
13 Smacks hard accepted! terrestrials? not!

Time: 4p.m. to 6p.m.
BLOOD DRIVE Place: First Church of God Com-
Time: 9a.m. to 2p.m. munity Center, 201 E. Green St.,
Place: Shippensburg Area Emer- Mechanicsburg
gency Services, Company 73, 711 East Details: The First church of God
Orange Street will host an all-you-can-eat dinner of
Details: Download the Ameri- homemade chicken-n-waffles, sides
can Red Cross Blood Donor App. A including mashed potatoes, apple-
blood donor card, drivers license or sauce, dessert and a beverage. All
two other forms of ID are required proceeds benefit financial needs of
at check-in. the Community Center.
Contact: 800-733-2767 or visit Cost: $10/adults, $4/children 4 to to make ap- 8, and children aged 3 and younger
pointment, download app or more eat for free. Tickets available at
information. the door or calling the Community
Time: 9a.m. to 3p.m. Contact: 717-766-7501 for more in-
Place: Diakon Wilderness Green- formation or Email FCOGCommCtr@
house and Native Plant Nursery, for more information.
571 Mountain Road, Boiling Springs HELICOPTER LANDING
Details: The Appalachian Audu- DEMONSTRATION
bon Society has partnered with Dia- Time: 9a.m. to 5p.m. Sept. 24
kon Wilderness Greenhouse and Na- and 2 to 5p.m. Sept. 25
tive Plant Nursery to offer for sale Place: Carlisle Airport, 228 Pe-
plants native to Pennsylvania. The tersburg Road, Carlisle
sale will help answer questions asked Details: There will be demonstra-
about plants and provide an opportu- tions of short take-off and landings
nity to meet other plant enthusiasts. of helicopters. Visitors can see how
Contact: Visit www.appalachi- JAARS provides technology and re- for more informa- sources to support Wycliffe Bible
tion on environmental educational translators. Attendees will also be
programs. able to purchase an airplane ride,
AUTHOR VISIT helicopter ride and talk with jungle
Time: 10a.m. pilots and other missionaries.
Place: Amelia S. Givin Library, Contact: For more informa-
114 N. Baltimore Avenue, Mount tion, contact Gerald Sweger at
Holly Springs 717-249-1846.
Details: Tracey Jones, author
of Boxcar Indy, a Square Dog in SUNDAY, SEPT. 25
a Round World will read and dis- CLEAN-UP DAY
cuss what it means to be unique Time: 11a.m. to 1:30p.m. (volun-
and uncomparable. The star of the teers check in at 11a.m.)
book, Indy, will be there to receive Place: New Kingstown Fire com-
pets from attendees. All ages are pany, 277 North Locust Point Road,
welcome. New Kingstownpicnic pavilion.
Contact: 717-486-3688 or Email: Details: Silver Spring Township to register or for will host a community clean-up day
questions. to honor National Public Lands Day
CHICKEN POTPIE TAKEOUT (NPLD) as part of the nations larg-
SALE est volunteer day. Toyota is the spon-
Time: 11a.m. to 4p.m. or un- sor for this project and Bobby Rahal
til sold out Toyota is teaming with the Township
Place: Hope United Method- for this event. Potteiger Park will
ist Church, 6260 Carlisle Pike, benefit with native tree plantings,
Mechancisburg landscaping, benches and a bike
Details: A chicken potpie take- rack. The town of New Kingstown
out sale will be held at $8 per quart. will be enhanced in the clean-up ef-
Contact: The Church at 717-766- forts, as well.
3072 or by Email at hopeumc@ Contact: Residents and busi- for orders or more ness owners may call 717-766-1657
information. or Email to
FALL FESTIVAL volunteer.
Time: 9a.m. to 1p.m. MONDAY, SEPT. 26
Place: John Graham Public BLOOD DRIVE
Library, 9 Parsonage Street, Time: 1:30p.m. to 7p.m.
Newville (on the lawn) Place: Perry Mennonite Recep-
Details: The fall festival will be tion Center, 350 Greenpark Road,
held with family-oriented activities, Route 233, Elliottsburg
food (soup, pies, cookies, barbecue Details: Download the Ameri-
and hot dogs). Fall mums, pump- can Red Cross Blood Donor App. A
kins, used books will be on hand. blood donor card, drivers license or
Childrens crafts, a dime toss and a two other forms of ID are required
hay ride will be included in the event. at check-in.
Contact: 717-776-5900 or visit the Contact: 800-733-2767 or visit
library website at www.johngraham- to make ap- for more information. pointment, download app or more
Time: 1:30p.m. to 4:30p.m. Time: 4:30p.m.
Place: Youngs United Method- Place: Amelia S. Givin Library,
ist Church, 7075 Wertzville Road, 114 N. Baltimore Avenue, Mount
Mechanicsburg Holly Springs
Details: Festival and classic car Details: BINGO will be played to
show will be held with music by win books for fall reading. Ages 14
Keepin It Simple. and over are welcome to play.
Contact: Church office at717-766- Contact: 717-486-3688 or Email:
4422 for more information. for questions.
Answers can be found on Page B6 1


The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands

for another. If you think that X equals O, it will equal O throughout the
puzzle. Single letters, short words and words using an apostrophe give
you clues to locating vowels. Solution is by trial and error.

Todays Cryptoquip Clue: I equals S



ON THIS DAY: 22-Dec. 21): Position your- TAURUS (April 20-May
Catherine Zeta-Jones, self for a win. A gift or other 20): An emotional incident
47; Will Smith, 48; Heather reward is heading your way. will surface if you havent
Locklear, 55; Michael Doug- Dont let greed be your paid enough attention to
las, 72. downfall. Your generosity to someone who loves and de-
Happy others will be what brings pends on you. Assure the
Birthday: you ongoing favors and ben- ones you love that you are
Dont hold efits. there for them. Offering an
back. Express CAPRICORN (Dec. unusual solution will turn
your thoughts 22-Jan. 19): Learn from you into a hero.
and feelings experience. Emotional ma- GEMINI (May 21-June
and share your nipulation will lead to loss. 20): Plan a day trip or go on
plans for the Concentrate on your health a shopping spree. Making
LAST future. Its and financial matters. A lit- positive personal changes
important to tle romance will help ease will boost your confidence
know where your stress and reassure you and help you choose a new
you stand be- that you have someone who direction. Socializing will
fore you make a life-altering can offer you understanding encourage friendships that
decision. Make an assess- and support. can lead to new partner-
ment based on the feedback AQUARIUS (Jan. 20- ships.
you receive and make the Feb. 18): Protect against CANCER (June 21-July
changes that will bring you insults or injury. 22): Honesty will play an
the most joy. Trust in your Put more time and effort important role in whatever
instincts and use your talent into the relationships that you do or say.
FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 and skill to advance. Your give back. Being used by Emotions will surface if
numbers are 2, 4, 18, 24, 36, someone will not build your you make an unexpected de-

40, 47. confidence, but working cision that affects the people
Birthday Baby: You are amicably to reach a goal you you love. Make special plans
progressive, courageous and share with someone will pay that include the people who
by Jacqueline E. Mathews intense. You are persuasive off. mean the most to you.
and appealing. PISCES (Feb. 19-March LEO (July 23-Aug. 22):
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 20): What you do for others A change of location or vis-
22): Dont let your emotions will generate a positive im- iting a place youve never
take over. Focus on what you age that will help your rep- been before will spark your
can do, not what you cannot. utation personally and pro- imagination and help you
If a change is required to fessionally. Put your efforts broaden your vision. A
improve relations with those into finding new ways to physical challenge will be
you love, do your best to ac- improve your productivity. exhilarating as long as you
commodate them and keep A partnership with someone dont overdo it.
the peace. from your past looks prom- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. ising. 22): Your desire to lend a
21): Keep a low profile and ARIES (March 21-April helping hand will be well re-
try to avoid exhaustion. Take 19): Slow down or you may ceived, but dont feel pres-
time out to relax and rejuve- miss an opportunity to learn sured to contribute cash as
nate. Reading, research and something new. Travel, net- well. Paying to help others
expanding your knowledge working and doing things will leave you short when
will lead to new possibilities. with family members will it comes to your household
Concentrate on improving give you a different per- responsibilities. A personal
your personal and domestic spective on a situation you change will boost your con-
comforts. are facing at work. Live and fidence.

Cool the location jokes

ear Annie: The first where. Your girlfriend is living but shes kind of far from my
ACROSS 36 Lyricist Gershwin and others meeting of my girl- proof. It was kind of her to new apartment, and its been
1 Actress Winningham 37 Fit snugly together, as gear teeth friend and a couple take his remarks in stride. Your hard. I did visit with her on a
5 __ You Smarter Than a 5th 38 Jane __ of Frasier with whom I am friends friend should be embarrassed Wednesday for three hours.
Grader? 40 The __ Duke Show
8 Cains brother 41 Spanish misses: abbr. caused me to want to retreat for telling such jokes. Theyre The day after that, I had to
9 Disneys flying elephant 42 Nay voter into a hole. My male friend is even more trite than they are go back into the area to pick up
12 Clutches 43 Crawling bug an intelligent, educated man insulting. Talk to him about a prescription.
13 Pricey car 44 __ Wolf; MTV Tyler Posey who is extremely successful retiring this material. But I didnt stop in for a
14 Dr. Seuss Green __ and Ham series in business and recognized Dear Annie: I spent some visit because I had visited the
15 Selleck and Cruise
16 Wolf Blitzers employer DOWN as such in the time in the hospital and be- day before. When she found
18 Actress Leoni 1 Barts mom community. friended the woman in the out that I was in the area and
19 Rickles and Johnson 2 Detective on Blue Bloods My girlfriends room next to me. didnt visit, she got angry and
20 The Man with One Red __; 3 Paul Ryan & Nancy Pelosi: abbr. parents live in We also became friends on asked why. I told her it was
Tom Hanks movie 4 Golfer Ernie West Virginia, Facebook and have kept in because I had just visited the
21 __ Man; film for Robert 5 Don __ of Get Smart
Downey Jr. 6 Carpets of which my touch that way. I have been day before.
23 Scarlett OHaras love 7 Worlds second-largest bird male friend be- having some family problems She told me that if its such
24 I Love __ 10 The __; Chris Harrison reality ANNIE came aware. On and decided to move out of my a bother to visit, then I should
25 Orange rind game show
LANE this, their first situation, but I couldnt afford stay away and never visit or
26 Challenging cubes inventor 11 Ripleys Believe It __! meeting, he felt to live on my own. A friend talk with her again. What
28 Design anew 12 How to __ Away with Murder
29 Middle East nation 13 Mr. Gosselin it appropriate from school was also looking should I do, apologize and try
30 Julia Child or Emeril Lagasse 15 Actor Danza to tell West Virginia jokes to move out of her situation, to visit or do as she said and
32 Traitor 17 Tennis court divider during dinner, focusing on the so we thought that maybe we stay away? A Question-
35 Furniture wood 19 The __ of the Bay; Otis offensive stereotypes that res- could share an apartment to- able Friend
Solution to Last Weeks Puzzle
Redding hit idents of the state commonly gether. Dear Questionable: You
20 Get rid of
22 Destroy commit incest and have few The problem is that when made it out of the hospital,
23 Rocky ridge by the waters edge or no teeth. I later apologized my school friend and I started but you picked up a bug while
25 Fillmore or Ford: abbr. to my girlfriend on his behalf. looking for apartments, my you were there. Im sure this
26 __ Bravo; John Wayne movie She graciously said that she hospital friend suggested we woman is lonely. B

27 Russian mountain range is accustomed to such hu- check out an apartment in the ut that doesnt make it OK
30 Falcon __; prime-time soap
opera mor. What does one do in a building her daughter man- for her to try to control you.
31 Olympus __ Fallen; Gerard situation such as this to avoid ages. Youve been plenty kind, but
Butler movie having the evening collapse? But the apartment was very its still not enough for her.
33 Actor on The Addams Family Unamused disgusting, and we decided She wont be happy until shes
34 ...__ will be done on earth as it Dear Unamused: The joke not to take it. Well, my hospi- sucked up all your time and
is in heaven...
36 __ the Terrible is on your friend, who fancies tal friend got very angry and energy; sounds more like a
37 Horses neck hair himself a cultured man of the said she didnt want to talk to parasite than a friend. Detox
39 Letter from Greece world yet showed just how me anymore. But a few days and rid yourself of this un-
2016 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved. 40 Wheel of Fortune host incredibly close-minded he later, she started chatting healthy friendship.
is. Grace doesnt have a ZIP with me again. Now shes back Send your questions for
M code. True class, intelligence in the hospital, and I have Annie Lane to dearannie@cre-
1 Answers can be found on Page B6. and poise can come from any- been trying to visit with her,
B6|Saturday, September 24, 2016 PUZZLES ANSWERS AND EXPLORE The Sentinel

Help in remote places
He was brave enough to
face the odds in an endeavor
From B1 that he felt so confident
about but due to an unfor-
They also said its possi- tunate event, his plan cost
ble the 55-year-old father him his life, she told The
and grandfather could have
died from a natural event,
Associated Press.
Antiquities dealer and
Satellite technology doctors and clinic staffers
during medical emergen-
such as a heart attack. Bi- author Forrest Fenn of Santa beams expertise to cies, such as fishing indus-
lyeu had high blood pres- Fe ignited the treasure hunt try injuries.
sure. several years ago when he remote Alaska clinic The idea is to help stabi-
There are multiple plau- announced that he stashed lize patients before trans-
sible scenarios in which Mr. a small bronze chest con- RACHEL DORO porting them out of town
Bilyeus death may have oc- taining nearly $2 million in Associated Press and to help with triage
curred, all of which cannot gold, jewelry and artifacts ANCHORAGE, Alaska during major events like a
be disproven given the ad- somewhere in the Rock- The only clinic in one of ship sinking.
vanced state of decomposi- ies. He dropped clues to its the nations busiest com- From afar, doctors will
tion, the report states. whereabouts in a cryptic mercial fishing ports is so be able to view X-rays and
Bilyeus family said poem in his self-published remote that even conven- patient charts and talk
Thursday theyre not ready memoir, The Thrill of the tional telemedicine for directly with patients on
to give up on tracking down Chase. emergencies has been im- camera instead of consult-
more details about what The hidden treasure possible for its limited staff ASSOCIATED PRESS ing with medics by phone
might have happened to him has inspired thousands to until this week. Critical care doctor Shadi Battah, left, Sept. 13 in and email.
after he bought a raft and set search in vain through re- Starting Thursday, a Anchorage, Alaska, converses with emergency medical There are some un-
out on the Rio Grande on mote corners of New Mex- new partnership with an technician Dmitri Dela Cruz at the Iliuliuk Family and Health knowns about how the
Jan. 5 to search for a bur- ico, Yellowstone National Anchorage hospital will Services on Unalaska Island during a demonstration of system will work, with
ied treasure. Thousands of Park and elsewhere in the virtually beam critical care a new telemedicine partnership with Providence Alaska likely slowdowns in sat-
people have tried to find the mountains. Treasure hunt- doctors 800 miles (1,287 Medical Center. ellite reception because of
alleged treasure of gold and ers share their experiences kilometers) away to the the regions notoriously
jewelry. on blogs and brainstorm emergency room on the is- ogy in what is believed to idence Alaska Medical bad weather.
Bilyeu had scouted the about the clues. land that holds Dutch Har- be a first in the country Center. During the recent
area a desolate, rocky The search has come with bor, the operations base for for telemedicine. The new We are kind of demonstration, pre-
stretch of the river not far risks: Some have forded the Bering Sea crabbing connection is expected mix-mashing everything launch kinks prevented
from the border of Bande- swollen creeks in Yellow- fleet made famous by the to boost outpatient care together to try to make this the rolling-cart-mounted
lier National Monument stone and were rescued by Discovery Channel show as needed by clinic staff- work, Sharon Compton, camera in Dutch Har-
for two weeks. He had rangers. A Texas woman Deadliest Catch. ers, including its two services manager of Prov- bor from being pivoted
a GPS device and waders spent a worrisome night But instead of trans- non-emergency doctors. idences eICU office, said remotely. But the cam-
and brought along his little in the New Mexico woods missions with fiber-op- The clinic, Iliuliuk Fam- after a recent demonstra- era otherwise performed
white dog, Leo. after being caught in the tics, which are nowhere ily and Health Services, tion of the Dutch Harbor impressively, sending
More than a week passed dark. Others have been cited near isolated Unalaska brings to nine the number link. back crystal-clear video
before a worried friend for digging on public land, Island, the team putting of providers served by the The new system will of clinic staffers as they
reached out to his ex-wife in and federal managers have together the system is re- electronic intensive care provide real-time camera chatted with a critical care
Florida, Linda Bilyeu, who warned treasure hunters not lying on satellite technol- unit at Anchorages Prov- links between emergency doctor.
filed a missing persons re- to damage archaeological or
port Jan. 14. His raft and dog biological resources.
were found the next day. During the months spent
Found in his car, were
maps with markings that
searching for Bilyeu, his
family urged Fenn to call Salt Lake scrap much of their tour, which will
pick up Friday. Legislative staffer
said lawmakers also will be looking
at whether Utah should step up ef-
fellow treasure hunters used off the treasure hunt. Fenn From B1 Ivan Djambov joked that it was the forts to remove an invasive weed that
to narrow their search for refused, saying that would downpour they hoped for all sum- sucks up tens of thousands of acre-
him. He also left food, sug- be unfair to those who have Joe Havasi of Compass Minerals mer. feet of water every year.
gesting he didnt plan to be spent their time and money said the company had to extend its Its the wrong day for us, but Lynn de Freitas, executive director
gone long. looking for the 40-pound canals that pull brine from the water were grateful its coming, right? of the conservation group Friends
An intense search by au- chest. by about 2 miles because the shore- he said. of Great Salt Lake, said Utah needs
thorities began, but hope Linda Bilyeu said Ran- line has receded by 6 miles. Last year, legislators approved to look at how major water pipe-
slipped as the days passed. dys mishap should serve as He said the company is eager for a spending $1.5 million to dredge the line projects may divert fresh water
Linda Bilyeu began organiz- a reminder that accidents planned breach of a railroad cause- lake, which will add an additional from rivers that normally flow into
ing volunteers who used ev- can happen no matter how way later this year thats expected to 6 to 8 feet (1.83 to 2.44 meters) and the lake.
erything from canoe trips, many preparations one allow some water from the southern create a passable channel for boats. Its dire, she said. We all have
high-powered cameras and makes. half of the lake to flow north, where Officials said they hope to start that a stewardship responsibility for the
drones to search the rugged I believe he didnt die in its operations are. project early next year. lake and should honestly and ac-
canyons along the river. vain, she said. Answers Pouring rain caused lawmakers to Republican state Rep. Mike McKell tively own up to that.
Linda Bilyeu acknowl- are slowly trickling in and
edged that Randys death one day this mystery will
remains a mystery. be solved.
Column skunk cabbage had burst through
the earth, but then must have suf-
Its unusual to not have bucks on
From B1 fered a false start for lack of water Its even more unnerving to have
TV Crossword in an area normally the most moist only one picture and it is of a doe.
Signs are everywhere if you take in the entire tract. Their pointed The one image has a whimsically
time to read them. Depressions in heads of what resemble teardrops haunting quality to it.
the foliage give away bedding sites. never got to develop further. The curious, antlerless deer
Tufts of hair wedged into the fence In that space, amid skunk cab- peers right into the camera lens for
wire suggest venison may pass that bage, I suddenly smelled real skunk a natural close-up.
way again. Droppings fresh enough and the irony overtook my brain I like the photo so much, I made
they glisten with moisture are jew- and the stench that registered it the background on my computer
els to a sleuthing scout. there. The reaction was to make monitor at work.
I came upon a fresh and intense curious glances at a nearby dirt That application takes the image
buck rub torn into a three-inch mound, edges of downed tree, the up to nearly life-size. So, staring
tree. From 30 yards away, the red of dark hole of an old stump, inspect- back at me during the day, is a deer
the bare wood blared as if neon and ing potential hiding places where watching my every move.
the shavings littered the base of it. the black and white bugger might Is this karma for how much time
The hunting stand location had be huddled. I spend in the woods staring at
originally been intended to be Maybe a blacksnake was there them?
within 20 yards of that spot. Find- too. Back to the woods and leading
ing the rub solidified the plan to be I wrote a few weeks back, about up to the season opener, I know
nearby should the buck come back not panicking over a lack of images that the deer will be there at some
to freshen his work. Or should an- on another trail camera posted at point, hopefully when it counts.
other buck check-in to gauge the what has always been a popular Its just that I plan to wait for
level of challenge the originator of crossing, at all hours, in summer them at the other end of the wood-
such a tearing might present. and fall. lot, which appears to be getting
It was a terrific setting to arm Today, Im still not distraught some deer movement. Again,
Cryptoquip another trail camera hoping to that I have next to nothing to add no photo evidence, just good
catch images of deer sneaking to the trail camera album of bruis- old-fashioned detective work.
through, taking what appeared to ers this year and its now about a
be well-used paths on the hardpan. week until the season. Email your wild thoughts to bjsmall@
The dry, concrete nature of the Ive verified that the camera is Follow on Twitter at Ar-
ground was saddening. Young indeed working. rows2010.

Premier Crossword New York Times Crossword

E S E H O N C H O P H O E N I X A - Z
B - L I S T E R P A C K R E D F I S H
Y P R E S G - R A T E D C H E E S E
A M E R I C A N G O T H I - C
C H I C K E N C O - O P S T O P E D
C H A S I N G M O V I N G A - S I D E
L O - C A L H E R O S E E M T O C U T
P E A W E T T E D P S Y E S T 1
Saturday, September 24, 2016 | | SECTION C


Shamrocks rally against Bubblers

Boguskis 3 TDs hand More photos weve been going through,
Shamrocks coach Troy Jensen
Trinity Tre Boiling Springs yet For more photos from this game, said after his team improved to
visit 2-2 overall. This team has been
Moody (28)
breaks a tackle
another loss battling back. I think last year
their defense finished a strong they might have given up a lit-
on the right side MIKE CRIST performance by setting up the tle at times like that. Thats not
of the line for a For The Sentinel game-winning score. what is happening now.
big gain against
BOILING SPRINGS Boil- Casey Boguskis 19-yard pass The Bubblers (0-4, 0-1) made
Boiling Springs
ing Springs scored three touch- to Tre Moody with 5:38 remain- Trinity play every snap to leave
in second
downs Friday night, and each one ing in the game gave Trinity its town with the win.
quarter action
was the kind of play that could first lead and a 28-21 victory over Their first big play was Tayven
on Friday.
have caused Trinity to panic. the Bubblers in a Mid-Penn Cap- Kelleys 73-yard touchdown run
Instead, the Shamrocks an- ital opener at Bud Ecker Field in on their first play from scrim-
swered each one with a score Boiling Springs. mage. He broke a tackle behind
of their own to tie the game Thats the difference this year the line and went around left end.
late in the third quarter. Then with regard to the culture change
Please see BUBBLERS, Page C4


Adams rushes for
200 yards in victory
For The Sentinel

finally got a couple of holes and
Ryan Adams took advantage to
give the Bulldogs a 28-21 victory
over Northern at Bob Bostic Field
in Dillsburg Friday night.
Adams rushed for 200 yards
and broke a 78-yard run on third
down late in the third quarter and
later added another score after a
fumble recovery.
JASON MALMONT, THE SENTINEL Later leading by seven, Adams
broke through on a third down

No match
Central Dauphins Sylas Pope, left, hauls in a touchdown pass in front of Carlisles Prince Gaye during the first quarter of their game on Friday night.
play and forced a fumble that
was recovered by Lucas Casey.
The Bulldogs were able to run
out the clock after the recovery.
I knew they were going to go
to No. 7 on the sweep and I was
able to break on it and hit him,
Adams said. I didnt know it
was a fumble until later in the
huddle. We started a bit slowly,
but we responded each time they
scored. The line opened some
holes in the second half.
Northern got on the board first
on their third possession as Kyle
Herd stomped by Bonus Coverage The Rams suffocated a Car- Bigger, faster, stronger. Swartz took a quick pitch around
lisle rushing attack that, in the CD dwarfed the Herd up and the left end and raced 46 yards,
Central Dauphin in For video and more photos from first three days of the season, down the lineup. At one point breaking at least three tackles on
Carlisles division-opening loss, go averaged 5.3 yards a carry and Gavyn Barnes, who checks in the way. Aidan Alves added the
Division opener to more than 130 yards a game. The around 5-foot-7 and is listed on extra point, and the Polar Bears
Herd (3-1, 0-1), without Rojen the roster at 5-foot-10, was de- led 7-0.
JAKE ADAMS in a 55-21 shellacking Friday Porcopio, who missed the game fending Penn State verbal com- Jared Petty led the Bulldogs on
The Sentinel night at Ken Millen Stadium. with an ankle injury, ran for a mitment Micah Parsons, a 6-foot- their next possession and Adams
CARLISLE Carlisle may be The Rams (4-0, 1-0 Common- paltry seven yards on 14 carries. 4, 235-pound defensive end and punched it in from a yard, and
years removed from the dark ages wealth) showed just why they are We thought that what they do wide receiver, on an out route. the game was tied after Noah
of 0-10 seasons, but theres still a favorite in the division and to defensive that we could hit some The pass wound up incom- Keiters point.
a ways to go. reclaim a District 3 title that was things, but theyre just better up plete, but it was exemplary of Northern retook the lead after
Central Dauphin showed the stolen from them by Cumberland front, Carlisle coach Pat Conrad the uphill challenge the Herd a 12-play drive that was aided by
Herd just where the mark of ex- Valley last season in a six over- said after suffering his first loss
cellence lies, putting on a clinic time classic. with the team. Please see HERD, Page C4 Please see BULLDOGS, Page C4


Penn State wary of Peppers

Its hard not to notice day. But theres something else,
something unique.
spark the Michigan defense with
nine tackles, 3 1/2 for losses, and
Michigans Jabrill Hes all over the place, Penn a sack. He added a 54-yard punt
State wideout DaeSean Hamil- return touchdown to seal the
Peppers on film ton said. We call those type of game early in the fourth quarter
guys game-wreckers. We need to and became the first player in
TRAVIS JOHNSON make sure they dont come in and Big Ten history to earn the con-
Associated Press wreck the game. ferences defensive and special
STATE COLLEGE Its hard Thats exactly what Michi- teams player of the week awards
not to notice Michigans Jabrill gans do-it-all utility man did dating to 1994.
Peppers on film. last week when his team fell into I cant think of another player
His athletic ability stands a 21-7 first-quarter hole against like Jabrill, Michigan coach Jim
out to Penn State (2-1) players Colorado. Harbaugh said. I know theres
whove watched him all week as Peppers, whos listed as a not another player that Ive
they prepare to face Michigans linebacker and defensive back, coached like him. The unique ASSOCIATED PRESS
dynamic playmaker and the No. moved around in the Wolver- Michigan linebacker Jabrill Peppers returns a punt for a touchdown in the
4 Wolverines (3-0) on Satur- ines defensive alignments to Please see PSU, Page C5 second half last week against Colorado in Ann Arbor, Mich.

C2|Saturday, September 24, 2016 SCOREBOARD The Sentinel

Starting lineup
Saturday coverage Monday coverage In My Words
Contributor Mike Crist covers Contributor Jeffrey Kauffman cov- Area athletes continue to share
Carlisle Cross Country Invita- ers field hockey with Big Spring their stories from this past
tional at 9 a.m., bright and early. taking on Boiling Springs at 7:45. week.

@MikeCrist4 @jcaakauff


St. Louis
Cubs 5, Cardinals 0
80 73 .523 18 St. Louis Chicago
E: Godley (1), Ja.Lamb (19). DP: Baltimore 1.
LOB: Arizona 7, Baltimore 14. 2B: Segura (38),
B Pittsburgh 76 76 .500 21 ab r h bi ab r h bi Ja.Lamb (29), Tomas (28), Drury (26), Trumbo
Milwaukee 70 84 .455 28 Crpnter 2b 4 0 0 0 Fowler cf 4 1 0 0 (24). HR: Trumbo (43), Alvarez (21), Wieters
Major League Baseball
TODAY Cincinnati 63 90 .412 35 Gyorko ss 4 0 0 0 Bryant 3b 4 1 2 0
Suspended Chicago White Sox minor league LHP WEST DIVISION Pscotty rf 4 0 0 0 Rizzo 1b 5 1 3 1
(14). S: Bourn (7), Hardy (0).
BOYS SOCCER Yojensy Arias 71 games after testing positive for
W L Pct GB Adams 1b 2 0 1 0 Zobrist lf 3 0 1 2 Arizona
Big Spring at Boiling Springs 9a.m. Los Angeles 87 66 .569 Molina c
hydrochlorothiazide, a performance-enhancing 3 0 1 0 Russell ss 4 0 0 0
Miller 6 3 0 0 3 3
substance in violation of the Minor League Drug
San Francisco 81 72 .529 6 Grichuk cf 3 0 0 0 Heyward rf 3 1 0 0
Mifflin County at Mechanicsburg 10a.m. Colorado 73 80 .477 14 Prlta 3b
Prevention and Treatment Program. 2 0 1 0 Coghlan lf 2 0 1 1 Delgado H,6 1 0 0 0 1 1
3 0 1 0 Baez 2b 0 0 0 0 Hathaway H,0 /3 0 0 0 0 1
American League Arizona 64 89 .418 23 Wong lf
San Diego 64 89 .418 23 Leake p
SEATTLE MARINERS Suspended C Steve 1 0 0 0 Mntro c 3 0 0 0 Burgos H,6 2
/3 1 1 1 0 1
West Perry at East Pennsboro 10a.m. Clevenger for the rest of the season for his Kkhefer p 0 0 0 0 Soler ph 1 0 0 0 Hudson BS,1 1 3 1 1 1 1
x-clinched division
tweets regarding a recent police shooting in Thursdays Games Sclvich p 0 0 0 0 Strop p 0 0 0 0 Godley 12/3 1 0 0 1 1
Trinity at Middletown 10a.m. Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Black Lives
Atlanta 6, Miami 3 Grcia ph 1 0 1 0 Wood p 0 0 0 0 Escobar 1
/3 0 0 0 0 0
Matter movement. N.Y. Mets 9, Philadelphia 8, 11 innings Rsnthal p 0 0 0 0 Edwards p 0 0 0 0 Koch L,1-0
Red Land at Cumberland Valley 11a.m. National LeagueMilwaukee 3, Pittsburgh 1 Tvilala p 0 0 0 0 Arrieta p 3 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 0 0
CHICAGO CUBS Activated RHP Pedro Strop off
L.A. Dodgers 7, Colorado 4 Duke p 0 0 0 0 Cntrras c 1 0 1 0 Baltimore
Carlisle at Penn Manor Noon the 15-day DL. San Francisco 2, San Diego 1 Moss ph 1 0 0 0 Gallardo 6 6 2 2 2 5
LOS ANGELES DODGERS Reinstated LHP Scott Fridays Games Wllms p 0 0 0 0 ODay 1 0 0 0 0 1
Shippensburg at Northern 6 Kazmir from the 15-day DL. Recalled INF Chris
Chicago Cubs 5, St. Louis 0 Totals 28 0 5 0 Totals 33 5 9 4 Brach 1 1 0 0 0 1
Taylor from Oklahoma City (PCL).Baltimore 3, Arizona 2, 12 innings St. Louis 000 000 000 0 Givens 1 0 0 0 0 2
Bishop McDevitt at Camp Hill 6:30 PITTSBURGH PIRATES Selected the contract
Washington at Pittsburgh, 7:05p.m. Chicago 400 100 00x 5Britton 1 0 0 0 0 2
of LHP Phil Coke from Indianapolis (IL). Placed
Atlanta 3, Miami 2
RHP A.J. Schugel on the 60-day DL. DP: Chicago 3. LOB: St. Louis 3, Chicago 10. Hunter 1 2 0 0 0 1
N.Y. Mets 10, Philadelphia 5 2B: Rizzo 2 (42), Coghlan (12). SB: Zobrist (6), Drake W,0-0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Milwaukee 5, Cincinnati 4
Cumberland Valley at Red Land 10a.m. SUSSEX COUNTY MINERS Sent INF Dustin
Colorado at L.A. Dodgers, 10:10p.m.
Heyward (9). HBP: by Delgado (Jones). WP: Hudson.
Lawley to New Jersey to complete an earlier IP H R ER BB SO T: 4:00. A: 37,815 (45,971).
San Francisco at San Diego, 10:40p.m. St. Louis
Mechanicsburg at Mifflin County 10a.m. trade. Saturdays Games Leake L,9-11 31/3 7 5 5 3 1
St. Louis (Reyes 3-1) at Chicago Cubs (Hammel
Kiekhefer 0 1 0 0 0 0 Blue Jays 9, Yankees 0
Camp Hill at Bishop McDevitt 10a.m. Schwartz to Sussex County to complete an
15-9), 1:05p.m.
Socolovich 12/3 0 0 0 0 0 New York Toronto
earlier trade. Arizona (Ray 8-13) at Baltimore (Miley 8-13),
Rosenthal 1 0 0 0 1 1 ab r h bi ab r h bi
East Pennsboro at West Perry 10a.m. BASKETBALL 7:05p.m.
Tuivailala 2
/3 0 0 0 2 0 Gardner lf 4 0 0 0 Travis 2b 4 2 2 0
Washington (Ross 7-5) at Pittsburgh (Nova Duke 1
/3 0 0 0 0 1 Ellsbry cf 4 0 1 0 Dnldson 3b 4 2 1 2
Middletown at Trinity 10a.m. 12-7), 7:05p.m.
DETROIT PISTONS Promoted Pat Garrity to Williams 1 1 0 0 0 1 Snchz dh 4 0 2 0 Barney 3b 0 0 0 0
Atlanta (Blair 1-6) at Miami (Chen 5-4), Chicago
associate general manager, Adam Glessner to
Northern at Shippensburg 10a.m. 7:10p.m. Arrieta W,18-7 7 5 0 0 1 10 Btler 1b 2 0 0 0 Encrncn 1b 3 2 1 1
director of player personnel and J.R. Holden to
Cincinnati (Straily 13-8) at Milwaukee Strop 1 0 0 0 1 1 Austin ph 1 0 0 0 Smoak 1b 0 0 0 0
director of international scouting, Jorge Costa
(Jungmann 0-4), 7:10p.m.
Boiling Springs at Big Spring 10:30a.m. to director of research and technology, Aaron Wood
Philadelphia (Asher 1-0) at N.Y. Mets (Gilmartin Edwards
/3 0 0 0 0 1 Grgrius ss 3 0 0 0 Butista dh 4 1 1 2
Gray to assistant coach, Ryan Winters to scout, 2
/3 0 0 0 0 1 Headley 3b 3 0 0 0 Ru.Mrtn c 3 0 1 0
0-0), 7:10p.m. Kiekhefer pitched to 1 batter in the 4th
FIELD HOCKEY Jordan Sabourin to head strength coach, T.J. Rfsnydr ph 1 0 0 0 Tlwtzki ss 4 0 2 4
San Francisco (Bumgarner 14-9) at San Diego
Saint to head video coordinator and Jordan WP: Leake 2. Hicks rf 2 0 0 0 Goins ss 1 0 0 0
Carlisle, Mechanicsburg at Boiling Springs Tournament 9a.m. (Cosart 0-4), 8:40p.m.
Brink to assistant video coordinator. Named Au.Rmne c 2 0 0 0 Sunders rf 2 0 0 0
Colorado (Bettis 13-7) at L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw
Aaron Blackshear analytics systems coordinator T: 2:53. A: 40,791 (41,072). McCnn c 1 0 0 0 Upton lf 1 0 1 0
11-3), 9:10p.m.
Cedar Cliff at Cedar Crest 9a.m. and Louis Thompson assistant strength and con-
Sundays Games Trreyes 2b 3 0 0 0 Pillar cf 4 1 2 0
ditioning coach. Announced director of player
Cumberland Valley at Palmyra 9a.m. Atlanta at Miami, 1:10p.m.
development Quentin Richardson will become Mets 10, Phillies 5 Carrera rf 4 1 2 0
Philadelphia at N.Y. Mets, 1:10p.m. Philadelphia New York Totals 30 0 3 0 Totals 34 9 13 9
pro scout. Named Courtney Havens-Mitchell
Arizona at Baltimore, 1:35p.m. ab r h bi ab r h bi New York 000 000 000 0
Shippensburg, Muhlenberg at Northeastern Tournament 11:30a.m. athletic trainer and Evarist Akujobi strength and
Washington at Pittsburgh, 1:35p.m. Hrnnd 2b 4 0 1 1 Reyes 3b 5 0 0 0
conditioning coach for Grand Rapids (NBADL). Toronto 210 000 42x9
Cincinnati at Milwaukee, 2:10p.m. Quinn lf 5 0 2 1 Cbrra ss 3 1 1 0
Waynesboro at West Perry 2 LOS ANGELES LAKERS Re-signed F Metta
World Peace.
Colorado at L.A. Dodgers, 4:10p.m. Hrrra cf 4 0 1 0 Matt.Ry ss 1 0 0 0 E: Tulowitzki (9), Butler (1), McCann (4).
San Francisco at San Diego, 4:40p.m. Franco 3b 4 1 2 1 Cspedes lf 4 2 1 0 DP: New York 2, Toronto 1. LOB: New York
CROSS COUNTRY FOOTBALL St. Louis at Chicago Cubs, 8:08p.m. Howard 1b 3 0 0 0 Grndrsn rf 3 2 1 1 6, Toronto 9. 2B: Sanchez (12), Travis (26),
NFL Bourjos rf 0 0 0 0 Jhnsn 2b 3 1 1 1 Bautista (23). HR: Donaldson (36). CS: Pillar
Cedar Cliff, East Pennsboro, Mechanicsburg, Northern, Shippensburg
at Carlisle Invitational 9a.m.
NFL Fined Oakland P Marquette King
(horse-collar tackle), Chicago DL Akiem
American League Paredes
Rupp c
ph 1 0 0 0 Lagares cf 0 1 0 0 (6). S: Travis (1).
5 0 0 0 Cnforto rf 3 2 2 3
Hicks (hit to quarterbacks head), and Green Galvis ss 4 1 2 0 Cmpbell 1b 1 0 1 1 New York
Camp Hill at PIAA Foundation Invitational, at Hershey HS 10a.m.
Bay DL Mike Daniels (roughing the passer) W L Pct GB Asche lf 2 2 1 0 Duda 1b 3 0 1 0
$18,231 each. Fined Minnesota WR Stefon 90 64 .584 Jseph 1b 1 0 0 0 Rvera 2b 0 0 0 1 Mitchell L,1-2 1 6 6 3 1 4 2
Diggs $12,154 for joining an altercation in a 84 69 .549 5 Gnzlz p 0 0 0 0 dArn c 2 0 1 1 Parker /3 4 4 4 2 0
Baltimore 83 71 .539 7 Hllcksn p
game against Green Bay and Houston CB Kevin 2 0 0 0 Smoker p 1 0 0 0 Pazos 2
/3 1 0 0 0 1
Carlisle at Cumberland Valleys Rally in the Valley 9a.m. New York 79 74 .516 10 Hrrmn p
Johnson and Carolina WR Devin Funchess 0 0 0 0 Gddel p 0 0 0 0 Heller 1 2 2 2 0 2
Tampa Bay 65 88 .425 24 Ruf ph
$12,154 each for unsportsmanlike conduct 1 1 1 2 Edgin p 0 0 0 0 Toronto
Cedar Cliff, Solanco, Waynesboro at Dallastown 9a.m. (excessive celebration). Fined New York Jets CENTRAL DIVISION Murray p 0 0 0 0 Robles p 1 0 0 0 Liriano W,8-13 6 3 0 0 2 6
DL Sheldon Richardson and WR Eric Decker Schster p 0 0 0 0 Ynoa p 0 0 0 0 Benoit H,18 1 0 0 0 1 0
W L Pct GB
Christian School of York, High Point Baptist at West Shore Christian 10a.m. $9,115 each for taunting, and Buffalo CB
Cleveland 90 63 .588
Blnco 1b 1 0 0 0 Kelly ph 0 0 0 0
Cecil 1 0 0 0 0 1
Stephon Gilmore $9,115 for a face-mask tackle Verrett p 0 0 0 0
Detroit 83 70 .542 7
Shippensburg at Big Spring 6:15 on New York Jets WR Brandon Marshall. Fined Rvera c 3 1 1 0 Barnes 1 0 0 0 0 1
Kansas City 77 77 .500 13
Kansas City CB Marcus Peters (taunting) and Totals 37 5 10 5 Totals 33 10 10 8 HBP: by Heller (Bautista).
Chicago 72 81 .471 18 T: 3:06. A: 47,016 (49,282).
Denver S Darian Stewart (forearm shot to the
COLLEGE FOOTBALL quarterback) $9,115 apiece.
Minnesota 55 98 .359 35 Philadelphia 021 002 000 5
Dickinson at Moravian 1 WEST DIVISION New York 010 060 30x 10
LOS ANGELES RAMS Waived CB Steve Williams.
Signed DB Isaiah Johnson from the practice
W L Pct GB
E: Matt.Reynolds (2), Quinn (1), Rupp (5). DP: Braves 3, Marlins 2
New York 1. LOB: Philadelphia 10, New York Atlanta Miami
East Stroudsburg at Shippensburg 1 squad. Texas 90 63 .588
5. 2B: Cespedes (25), Conforto (20), Duda (6), ab r h bi ab r h bi
Houston 81 72 .529 9
Peterson on injured reserve. dArnaud (7). HR: Franco (24), Ruf (1), Conforto Incarte cf 4 0 0 0 Detrich 2b 1 1 0 0
NEW YORK JETS Signed TE Braedon Bowman
80 72 .526 9
(12). SB: Quinn (4), Herrera (25). SF: Rivera (4). Ad.Grca 3b 5 0 3 1 Rojas 2b 0 0 0 0
Los Angeles 67 86 .438 23
West Chester at Shippensburg 1:30 from the practice squad. Oakland 66 86 .434 23
S: Lagares (4).
IP H R ER BB SO Frman 1b 3 1 1 0 Ozuna lf 4 1 1 0
HOCKEY Thursdays Games Kemp lf 1 1 0 0 Prado 3b 4 0 1 2
Ursinus at Dickinson 4 Philadelphia
Detroit 9, Minnesota 2, 1st game
NHL Hellickson L,12-10 41/3 7 6 6 3 1 Smith lf 2 0 0 0 Yelich cf 3 0 0 0
Boston 5, Baltimore 3
DETROIT RED WINGS Re-signed D Ryan Sproul Herrmann 2
/3 1 1 1 0 2 Mrkakis rf 4 0 1 0 Stanton rf 3 0 0 0
Messiah at Misericordia 5 to a two-year contract.
Cleveland 5, Kansas City 2
Murray 1 1 1 1 0 0 Flowers c 4 0 2 2 Phelps p 0 0 0 0
Tampa Bay 2, N.Y. Yankees 0
AHL Schuster 0 1 2 1 1 0 Pterson 2b 4 0 1 0 Brrclgh p 0 0 0 0
COLLEGE WOMENS SOCCER Detroit 4, Minnesota 2, 2nd game
GRAND RAPIDS GRIFFINS Signed F Daniel Gonzalez 2 0 0 0 0 2 Swanson ss 4 0 0 0 Ramos p 0 0 0 0
L.A. Angels 2, Houston 0
Swarthmore at Dickinson 1 Cleary to a one-year contract.
Fridays Games
New York
Wisler p 1 0 0 0 Frnceur ph 0 0 0 0
COLLEGE Ynoa 2 5 2 2 1 1
Baltimore 3, Arizona 2, 12 innings
West Chester at Shippensburg 4 Verrett 2 2 1 1 2 2 Lalli ph 1 0 0 0 Perez pr 0 0 0 0
Toronto 9, N.Y. Yankees 0
OLD WESTBURY Named Tommy McNicholas Smoker W,3-0 1 1 2 2 1 2 Krol p 0 0 0 0 Bour 1b 4 0 0 0
mens assistant soccer coach. Boston 2, Tampa Bay 1
Goeddel H,3 1 /3 1 0 0 1 0 Cunniff p
1 0 0 0 0 Ralmuto c 3 0 0 0
Misericordia at Messiah 7 Cleveland 10, Chicago White Sox 4
ST. JOHNS Promoted Mekale Jackson to assis- Edgin 0 1 0 0 0 0 Bnfco ph 1 1 1 0 Hchvrra ss 3 0 0 0
Detroit 8, Kansas City 3
tant athletics director for creative services and Robles S,1/3 22/3 0 0 0 0 3 Ma.Cbrr p 0 0 0 0 Cashner p 1 0 0 0
COLLEGE FIELD HOCKEY L.A. Angels at Houston, 8:10p.m.
digital media and Andrew OConnell to senior Smoker pitched to 2 batters in the 6th Grdon ph 1 0 0 0
Seattle at Minnesota, 8:10p.m.
assistant director of athletic communications.
Seton Hill at Shippensburg 11a.m. Texas at Oakland, 9:35p.m.
Named Michael Stainkamp assistant director of
Edgin pitched to 1 batter in the 7th Dunn p 0 0 0 0
Murray pitched to 1 batter in the 7th
athletic communications. Saturdays Games Szuki rf 1 0 1 0
Dickinson at Swarthmore Noon Schuster pitched to 3 batters in the 7th
Kansas City (Ventura 11-11) at Detroit (Norris
ST. JOSEPHS (MAINE) Named Bill Cosentino Totals 34 3 9 3 Totals 28 2 3 2
T: 3:40. A: 37,873 (41,922).
mens lacrosse coach. 3-2), 1:05p.m. Atlanta 010 001 001 3
Stevenson at Messiah 1 Texas (Darvish 5-5) at Oakland (Alcantara 1-1),
STEVENSON Named Julia Culotta softball Miami 200 000 000 2
coach. 4:05p.m.
N.Y. Yankees (Sabathia 8-12) at Toronto E: Stanton (4), Realmuto (10). DP: Miami 2.
COLLEGE WOMENS VOLLEYBALL TEXAS Signed womens basketball coach
Messiah vs. Marymount, at Gallaudet 10a.m.
(Stroman 9-9), 4:07p.m.
Karen Aston to a three-year contract extension Orioles 3, Diamondbacks LOB: Atlanta 9, Miami 4. 2B: Ad.Garcia (29),
Freeman (43), Flowers (17), Prado (37). SB:
Boston (Porcello 21-4) at Tampa Bay (Andriese
through the 2019-20 season and volleyball
8-7), 6:10p.m.
coach Jerritt Elliott to a three-year agreement
2, 12 innings, Bonifacio (1). CS: Perez (1). S: Rojas (6).
Swarthmore at Dickinson 1 Arizona (Ray 8-13) at Baltimore (Miley 8-13), Arizona
that runs through the 2018 season.
Baltimore IP H R ER BB SO
7:05p.m. ab r h bi ab r h bi
Shippensburg at Gannon 1 Chicago White Sox (Quintana 12-11) at Segura 2b 5 0 1 1 Kim lf 2 0 0 0 Atlanta
Wisler 6 2 2 2 3 5
MLB Cleveland (Anderson 2-4), 7:10p.m. Owings ss 5 0 2 0 Bourn lf 1 0 0 0
L.A. Angels (Chacin 5-8) at Houston (Peacock Gldschm 1b 4 1 1 0 Jones cf 4 0 1 0
Krol 1 1 0 0 0 1
Messiah vs. Salisbury, at Gallaudet 6 Cstillo c 5 0 2 0 Mchdo 3b 5 0 1 0 Cunniff W,2-0 1 0 0 0 0 2
0-0), 7:10p.m.
National League Seattle (Miranda 5-1) at Minnesota (Duffey Ja.Lamb 3b 5 0 1 1 Davis 1b 5 0 0 0 Cabrera S,6-7 1 0 0 0 1 0
COLLEGE CROSS COUNTRY EAST DIVISION 8-11), 7:10p.m. Tomas rf 5 0 1 0 Trumbo rf 5 1 2 1 Miami
Dickinson at Harry F. Anderson, Roberts Wesleyan 10:30a.m. W L Pct GB Sundays Games Drury lf 4 1 1 0 Alvrz dh 5 1 1 1 Cashner 5 3 1 1 3 6
Brito lf 1 0 0 0 Schoop 2b 5 0 0 0
Washington 89 63 .586 N.Y. Yankees at Toronto, 1:07p.m. Jensen dh 4 0 0 0 Wieters c 5 1 3 1
Dunn BS,4 1 3 1 1 0 0
Messiah Invitational TBA New York 82 72 .532 8 Boston at Tampa Bay, 1:10p.m.
Haniger cf 5 0 0 0 Stubbs pr 0 0 0 0 Phelps 1 1 0 0 2 1
Miami 76 78 .494 14 Chicago White Sox at Cleveland, 1:10p.m. Jseph c 0 0 0 0 Barraclough 1 0 0 0 0 3
LOCAL AUTO RACING Philadelphia 69 85 .448 21 Kansas City at Detroit, 1:10p.m. Hardy ss 4 0 1 0 Ramos L,1-4 1 2 1 0 0 0
Atlanta 63 91 .409 27 Arizona at Baltimore, 1:35p.m.
Various races at Susquehanna Speedway 7 L.A. Angels at Houston, 2:10p.m. Totals 43 2 9 2 Totals 41 3 9 3 Krol pitched to 1 batter in the 8th
CENTRAL DIVISION Seattle at Minnesota, 2:10p.m. Arizona 110 000 000 000 2 PBRealmuto.
Third Annual Dirt Classic at Lincoln Speedway 7:30 W L Pct GB Texas at Oakland, 4:05p.m. Baltimore 000 000 011 001 3 T: 3:08. A: 23,924 (36,742).

TODAY 4:30p.m.: CBSSN Vanderbilt at W. Kentucky 10a.m.: NBCSN Premier League, Hull City at Liverpool
AUTO RACING 6p.m.: ESPN LSU at Auburn 12:20p.m.: FS2 Bundesliga, VfL Wolfsburg at Werder Bremen
9a.m.: CNBC NASCAR, Sprint Cup Series, Bad Boy Off Road 300,
7p.m.: ESPNU Houston at Texas St. 12:30p.m.: NBCSN Premier League, Chelsea at Arsenal
practice, at Loudon, N.H.
7:30p.m.: BTN Nebraska at Northwestern 4:25p.m.: FS2 Futsal, 2016 World Cup, quarterfinal, Paraguay vs.
10a.m.: FS1 NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, UNOH 175, qual-
Iran, at Bucaramanga, Colombia
ifying, at Loudon, N.H. FOX Oklahoma St. at Baylor
11:30a.m.: CNBC NASCAR, Sprint Cup Series, Bad Boy Off Road 300, SEC South Carolina at Kentucky WNBA BASKETBALL
final practice, at Loudon, N.H. 7p.m.: NBA Playoffs, second round (single-elimination), Phoenix
8p.m.: ABC Stanford at UCLA at New York
1p.m.: FS1 NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, UNOH 175, at CBSSN Louisville at Marshall
Loudon, N.H.
ESPNEWS Bowling Green at Memphis SUNDAY
4:30p.m.: NBCSN NASCAR, Xfinity Series, 300, AUTO RACING
qualifying, at Sparta, Ky. 9p.m.: ESPN Arkansas vs. Texas A&M, at Arlington, Texas
2p.m.: NBC NASCAR, Sprint Cup Series, Bad Boy Off Road 300, at
8p.m.: NBCSN NASCAR, Xfinity Series, 300, 10p.m.: ESPN2 California at Arizona St. Loudon, N.H.
at Sparta, Ky. 10:15p.m.: ESPNU Air Force at Utah St. GOLF
COLLEGE FOOTBALL 6:30a.m.: GOLF European PGA Tour, Porsche European Open, final
Noon: ABC Florida St. at South Florida round, at Bad Griesbach, Germany
7a.m.: GOLF European PGA Tour, Porsche European Open, third
BTN Wisconsin at Michigan St. round, at Bad Griesbach, Germany Noon: GOLF PGA Tour Championship, final round, at Atlanta
ESPN Georgia at Mississippi 10a.m.: GOLF PGA Tour Championship, third round, at Atlanta 1:30p.m.: GOLF Tour, Nationwide Childrens Hospital Cham-
pionship, final round, at Columbus, Ohio
ESPN2 Iowa at Rutgers Noon: NBC PGA Tour Championship, third round, at Atlanta
NBC PGA Tour Championship, final round, at Atlanta
ESPNEWS Nevada at Purdue 3:30p.m.: GOLF Tour, Nationwide Childrens Hospital Cham-
pionship, third round, at Columbus, Ohio 6p.m.: GOLF Champions Tour, Pacific Links Championship, final
ESPNU Colorado St. at Minnesota round, at Victoria, British Columbia
6p.m.: GOLF Champions Tour, Pacific Links Championship, second
FSN San Jose St. at Iowa St. round, at Victoria, British Columbia HOCKEY
SEC Kent St. at Alabama 1p.m.: ESPN World Cup of Hockey, semifinals, Sweden vs. Europe,
1p.m.: CBSSN Syracuse at UConn at Toronto
7p.m.: ESPN2 World Cup of Hockey, semifinals, Canada vs. Russia,
3:30p.m.: ABC Penn St. at Michigan at Toronto MLB BASEBALL
1p.m.: TBS N.Y. Yankees at Toronto
BTN Wake Forest at Indiana MLB BASEBALL
1p.m.: FOX Regional coverage, Kansas City at Detroit OR St. Louis 4p.m.: MLB Colorado at L.A. Dodgers OR Texas at Oakland
CBS Florida at Tennessee at Chicago Cubs
8p.m.: ESPN St. Louis at Chicago Cubs
ESPN2 BYU vs. West Virginia, at Landover, Md. 4p.m.: MLB N.Y. Yankees at Toronto OR Texas at Oakland
ESPNEWS Miami (Ohio) at Cincinnati 7p.m.: MLB Philadelphia at N.Y. Mets OR Arizona at Baltimore 1p.m.: CBS Regional coverage
ESPNU Pittsburgh at North Carolina 10p.m.: MLB Colorado at L.A. Dodgers OR San Francisco at San Di- FOX Regional coverage
FS1 Boise St. at Oregon St. ego (games joined in progress)
4p.m.: FOX Regional coverage
NBC Duke at Notre Dame SOCCER
4:25p.m.: CBS Regional coverage
7:30a.m.: NBCSN Premier League, Leicester City at Manchester United
4p.m.: SEC Delaware St. at Missouri 8:20p.m.: NBC Chicago at Dallas
9:20a.m.: FS2 Bundesliga, Bayern Munich at Hamburg SV M
The Sentinel LOCAL SPORTS Saturday, September 24, 2016|C3


Quigley, Eagles run over Chambersburg

PREP FOOTBALL after a potential tying touchdown dar Cliff 5-0 Friday night. Mazie
in the closing minutes, and the Ober grabbed the singles 1 victory
Cumberland Valley crushed gamble paid off for a 17-16 victory 6-1, 6-2 over Emily Vo, and Val-
Chambersburg 62-7 to stay un- over Susquehanna Twp. Justin erie Motter followed suit with a
defeated as Cole McCoy and Jo- Johnson rushed for the two-point singles 2 win 6-2, 6-4 over Kaylie
siah Quigley each rushed for over conversion after his own 3-yard Aughenbaugh.
100 yards Friday. McCoy ended TD run pulled the Patriots (4-1, Carlisle won 4-1 over Pal-
the game with three touchdowns, 2-0 Keystone) within 16-15. Matt myra, with their only loss coming
one off a 26-yard pass from Ridge Moody had two interceptions from singles 1 as Meg Ulrich fell
Bachman. Quigley also finished leading to two Chad Stout field to Alli Lynn 6-7 (3-7), 6-2, 6-2.
with three touchdowns, all short goals for Red Land. Olivia Gorak-Lacquement took
runs. Overall, Cumberland Valley Shippensburg survived a fu- singles 2 for Carlisle 6-1, 6-0.
leaned heavily on their rushing rious comeback bid by Waynes- Katherine Long continued
game, totaling 447 yards on the boro in the teams Colonial her dominant season at singles
night. opener, holding on for the 24-21 1 as Trinity swept Susquehanna
Cedar Cliff had a balanced victory. The Greyhounds, who 5-0. Long won her match 6-1,
offensive attack in their 35-12 led 24-7 at halftime, moved to 6-1. Hannah Schuchart won an
defeat of Lower Dauphin as Chris 4-0 overall and 1-0 in the di- intense match at singles 3 for
Thompson rushed for 104 yards vision. Cody Gustafson had a the Shamrocks 3-6, 6-2, 6-1 over
through 15 carries for the Colts. touchdown pass and touchdown Anya Fox.
Teammate Mike Dubas ran nine catch in helping build that early
times for 49 yards. Grant Bren- advantage. Dylan Jumpers in- HS FIELD HOCKEY
eman had a superb passing game terception in the final minutes East Pennsboro blanked
for Cedar Cliff going 16-of-20 killed the Indians attempt at a West York 4-0 behind two
for 246 total yards and three go-ahead drive. goals and an assist from Emma
touchdowns. Trysten McDonald Boutcher Friday afternoon. Tay-
caught five passes for 87 yards in HS GIRLS TENNIS lor Borrell notched a goal and an
the win. Without losing a single set, assist, while Jenna White got a DOUG LINDSAY, FOR THE SENTINEL
Red Land chose to go for two Cumberland Valley swept Ce- goal in the win. West Perry quarterback Dom Salinetro looks down field for a receiver.

EP Boutcher (Gery Schnarrs), 24:42 Saturday, Sept. 24 2-24, Tre Leach 3-19, Corbin Stetler 1-14, Brady 1-33, Cole McCoy 1-26, Josiah Quigley 1-7; Elwood City Riverside 14, South Side 6
TENNIS Second Half Carlisle, Central Dauphin, Hershey, Lower Fox 1-11. Chambersburg, n/a. Emmaus 50, Northampton 7
Erie Cathedral Prep 62, General McLane 0
EP Boutcher, 14:14 Dauphin, Palmyra, others at Cumberland Valleys SHAMROCKS 28, BUBBLERS 21 BULLDOGS 28, POLAR BEARS 21
Erie McDowell 31, Fort Leboeuf 10
Mid-Penn Girls Saves: EP (Katie Baker 1); WY (Chloe Smith 15)
Shots: EP 29; WY 1
Rally in the Valley, 9a.m.
Cedar Cliff, Solanco, Waynesboro at Dallastown,
Boiling Springs 7 7 7 0 21
7 0 14 7 28 Big Spring
Northern York 7 7 7 0 - 21
7 7 7 7 - 28
Everett 34, Northern Bedford 20
Tennis Glance Corners: EP 16; WY 0 9a.m. First Quarter First Quarter Fairfield 29, Biglerville 12
Fairview 31, Harbor Creek 12
Commonwealth Division Christian School of York, High Point Baptist at BoS Tayven Kelley 73 run (Jake Walker kick), NY Kyle Swartz 46 run (Aidan Alves kick), 3:45
Team Div. Ovr. West Shore Christian, 10a.m. 11:39 BS Ryan Adams 1 run (Noah Keiter kick), 1:21 Farrell 36, Union City 6
Central Dauphin
Cumberland Valley
SOCCER Middletown at James Buchanan, 11a.m.
State College at Baldwin, noon
Tri Andrew Boguski 2 run (Ethan Herstek kick),
Second Quarter
NY Swartz 4 run (Alves kick), 1:22
Fort Cherry 38, Shenango 14
Franklin 50, Erie East 16
Franklin Regional 24, Armstrong 20
Carlisle 4-1 9-3 Shippensburg at Big Spring, 6:15 Second Quarter BS Gavin Pritchard 4 pass from Jaret Petty Freeport 40, Shady Side Academy 23
State College 4-2 9-3 Mid-Penn Boys BoS Kaiden Karper 31 pass from Kelley (Walker (Keiter kick), 0:16 Garden Spot 54, Solanco 31
Cedar Cliff 2-4 7-6 Soccer glance kick), 09:52 Third Quarter Garnet Valley 42, Radnor 14
Red Land
0-6 0-11
3-7 Commonwealth Division GOLF Third Quarter
Tri Colby-Allen Riggs 35 run (kick failed), 07:47
NY Dylan Baxter 22 pass from Curtis Robison
(Alves kick) 7:01
Gateway 49, Hampton 14
Gettysburg 21, Dover 19
Team Div. Ovr.
Keystone Division Tri Grayson Hacker interception return (Jake BS Adams 6 run (Keiter kick),3:58 Glen Mills 30, Caesar Rodney, Del. 6
Team Div. Ovr.
Cumberland Valley
Central Dauphin
Mid-Penn Golf Glance Walker kick), 04:03 Fourth Quarter Governor Mifflin 28, Exeter 21
x-Hershey 7-0 14-1 Commonwealth Division Tri Andrew Boguski 14 run (Tresjon Ruiz pass BS Adams 77 run (Keiter kick), 10:37 Great Valley 45, Sun Valley 21
Chambersburg 4-2 5-2-1 Team Div. Ovr. from Boguski good), 01:19 Greater Johnstown 36, Richland 12
Lower Dauphin 6-1 9-5 State College 4-2 5-3 TEAM STATISTICS
Mechanicsburg 4-2 5-7 x-Cumberland Valley 30-0 30-0 Fourth Quarter First downs: BS 19; N 13. Rushes-yards: BS Greencastle Antrim 35, West Perry 21
Carlisle 2-4 4-5 Mechanicsburg 24-6 24-6 Tri Theophilus Moody 19 pass from Andrew Greenville 35, Lakeview 6
Palmyra 3-4 5-8 Cedar Cliff 1-5 4-5 34-238; N 46-220. Passing: BS 13-25-1; N
Northern 3-4 6-10 Carlisle 12-18 12-18 Boguski (Ethan Herstek kick), 05:38 4-12-1. Passing yards: BS 135; N 53. Penalties Grove City 61, Oil City 13
Red Land 0-6 1-6 Cedar Cliff 10-20 10-20 TEAM STATISTICS Halifax 41, East Juniata 18
Mifflin County 2-4 3-10 Keystone Division yards: BS 6-50; N 5-35. Fumbles-lost: BS 0-0;
CD East 1-5 5-10 Red Land 8-22 8-22 First downs: Tri 16; BoS 8. Rushes-yards: N 3-3. Hamburg 41, Mahanoy Area 20
Team Div. Ovr. Mifflin County 6-24 6-24 Tri 30-5.8; BoS 30-4.0. Passing: Tri 17-34-1; Hanover Area 41, Lake-Lehman 14
Harrisburg 0-6 0-10 Lower Dauphin 6-0 9-0 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS
Keystone Division BoS 4-19-1. Passing yards: Tri 8.4; BoS 14. Rushing: Big Spring, Adams 22-210, Petty Harrisburg 28, Central Dauphin East 10
Colonial Division Mechanicsburg 4-1 7-2 Harrisburg Bishop McDevitt 64, Hershey 6
Team Div. Ovr. Team Div. Ovr. Penaltiesyards: Tri 2-15; BoS 4-25. Punts- 8-27, Zack Hasco 4-1; Northern, Swartz 24-127, Hatboro-Horsham 35, Upper Moreland 14
Hershey 4-2 5-4 x-Lower Dauphin 30-0 30-0 yards: Tri 4-34.5; BoS 9-28.7. Fumbles-lost:
Bishop McDevitt 9-1 9-1 CD East 3-2-1 3-3-1 Robison 9-58, Steven Yurchison 9-27, John Haverford 23, Strath Haven 17
Trinity 7-3 8-5 Central Dauphin 24-6 24-6 Tri 1-1; BoS 1-0. Kearney 1-5, Chris Barrett 1-3. Hickory 38, Westinghouse 22
Palmyra 2-3-1 3-5-1 State College 16-14 16-14 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS
James Buchanan 6-3 11-3 Mifflin County 0-5 1-7 Passing: Big Spring, Petty 13-25-1; Northern, Hollidaysburg 49, Brashear 7
East Pennsboro 6-4 9-4 Hershey 13-17 13-17 Rushing: Trinity, Andrew Boguski 12-62, Colby- Robison 4-12-1. Homer-Center 21, Penns Manor 14
Harrisburg 0-6 0-8 Susquehanna Twp. 5-25 5-25 Allen Riggs 5-54, Tresjon Ruiz 3-36, Theophilus
Susquehanna Twp. 4-5 4-6 Capital Division Receiving: Big Spring, Nick Black 5-47, Adams Hopewell 30, Mohawk 20
Camp Hill 2-9 2-9 CD East 2-28 2-28 Moody 10-21; Boiling Springs, Tayven Kelley 2-34, Ethan Lee 1-25, Hasco 3-21, Joey Yaukey Huntingdon 55, Penns Valley 27
Team Div. Ovr.
Middletown 0-10 1-10 Camp Hill 5-1 8-1 Capital Division 3-69, Bryan Malone 14-57, Kaiden Karper 4-3, 1-4, Gavin Pritchard 1-4; Northern, Yurchison Imhotep Charter 44, Gratz 6
X-CLINCHED DIVISION TITLE Team Div. Ovr. Evan Mancuso 9-(-9). 2-25, Baxter 1-22, Josh Fekete 1-6. Iroquois 45, Eisenhower 14
Susquehanna Twp. 5-1 7-2 Jeannette 37, Imani Christian Academy 0
Friday, Sept. 23 Middletown 5-2 7-2 x-Trinity 41-1 41-1 Passing: Trinity Payton, Andrew Boguski 16-31- BLUE DEVILS 35, MUSTANGS 21
Mifflin County at Central Mountain, no report Camp Hill 33-9 33-9 1; Boiling Springs, Evan Mancuso 2-16-0, Tayven Greencastle-Antrim 7 14 0 14 35 Jim Thorpe 48, Shenandoah Valley 0
Bishop McDevitt 4-3 6-3 Juniata 84, Millersburg 7
James Buchanan 5, Camp Hill 0 Trinity 4-3 5-5 Palmyra 22-20 22-20 Kelley 2-3-1. West Perry 0 14 0 7 21
Central Dauphin at Red Land, late Bishop McDevitt 20-22 20-22 Receiving: Trinity, Alexander Schlager 4-58, First Quarter Kane Area 43, Curwensville 12
West Perry 2-5 3-6 Karns City 47, Punxsutawney 0
Cumberland Valley 5, Cedar Cliff 0 East Pennsboro 2-5 2-7 East Pennsboro 19-23 19-23 Theophilus Moody 6-47, Tresjon Ruiz 4-27, Ty GA Cade McDowell 4 run (Ian Gelsinger kick),
Boiling Springs 12-30 12-30 Knopp 3-11; Boiling Springs, Jake Walker 2-29, 8:50 Kennett 40, Octorara 13
Bishop McDevitt 5, East Pennsboro 0 Milton Hershey 0-7 1-8 Kiski Area 43, Connellsville 14
Mechanicsburg 3, Northern 2 Colonial Division Middletown 0-42 0-42 Kaiden Karper 2-27, Grayson Hacker 0-0, Bryan Second Quarter
Colonial Division GA Demetrius Burton 45 run (Gelsinger kick), Lakeland 27, Lackawanna Trail 7
Carlisle 4, Palmyra 1 Team Div. Ovr. Malone 0-0, Tayven Kelley 0-0. Latin Charter 36, Dobbins 0
Trinity 5, Susquehanna Twp. 0 Waynesboro 5-1 7-2-1 Team Div. Ovr. COLTS 35, FALCONS 12 6:49 Laurel 20, Freedom 6
Harrisburg at Chambersburg, no report Greencastle-Antrim 5-1 6-2 x-Chambersburg 42-0 42-0 Cedar Cliff 12 15 8 0 35 WP Joey Reisinger 25 pass from Dom Salinetro Ligonier Valley 57, United 0
Hershey 3, State College 2 Boiling Springs 4-1-1 4-3-1 Northern 26-16 26-16 Lower Dauphin 0 0 0 12 12 (kick failed), 3:34 Loyalsock 35, Hughesville 14
Lower Dauphin 5, CD East 0 James Buchanan 2-4 4-6 Waynesboro 22-20 22-20 First Quarter WP Cameron May 29 pass from D. Salinetro Malvern Prep 21, Gilman, Md. 0
Saturday, Sept. 24 Northern 2-4 3-7 Greencastle-Antrim 20-22 20-22 CC Chris Thompson 28 pass from Grant (Gabe Puchalsky from D. Salinetro), 1:39 Manheim Central 69, Lampeter-Strasburg 14
No matches scheduled. Big Spring 1-4-1 3-6-1 Big Spring 16-26 16-26 Breneman (kick blocked), 7:43 GA Austin Kane 87 kick return (Gelsinger kick), Manheim Township 33, Hempfield 3
EAGLES 5, COLTS 0 Shippensburg 1-5 2-8 Shippensburg 16-26 16-26 CC Thompson 3 run (kick failed), 1:56 1:23 Marple Newtown 37, Upper Darby 0
S1 Mazie Ober (Cumberland Valley) def. Emily Friday, Sept. 23 James Buchanan 5-37 5-37 Second Quarter Fourth Quarter Mars 14, Highlands 8
Vo (Cedar Cliff), 6-1, 6-2 X-DIVISION CHAMPION CC Lantz 45 pass from Breneman (Thompson GA McDowell 28 run (Gelsinger kick), 9:26 Martin Luther King 22, South Philadelphia 16
Conestoga Valley at CD East, 4 Mastbaum 26, Olney Charter 22
S2 Valerie Motter (CV) def. Kayli Aughenbaugh, Saturday, Sept. 24 END OF REGULAR SEASON 3 run), 8:34 WP D. Salinetro 7 run (Jake Quaker kick), 8:14
6-2, 6-4 CC Thompson 4 run (Jack Quesenberry kick), GA Cade Marshall 16 pass from McDowell Meadville 47, Conneaut Area 14
Big Spring at Boiling Springs, 9a.m. Mercyhurst Prep 41, Girard 0
S3 Vaishnavi Datta (CV) def. Grace Ghiazza, 1:22 (Gelsinger kick), 3:42
6-0, 6-0
D1 Lauren Noss/Alyson Graham (CV) def. Rachel
Mifflin County at Mechanicsburg, 10a.m.
West Perry at East Pennsboro, 10a.m. COLLEGE Third Quarter
CC Lantz 14 pass from Breneman (Yonovich 3
First Downs: GA (21); WP (15). Rushing
Meyersdale 43, Ferndale 7
Mid Valley 14, Old Forge 7
Trinity at Middletown, 10a.m. Middletown 50, East Pennsboro 14
Larkin/Lyndsey Byers, 6-1, 6-0 pass from Breneman), 2:41 Attempts: GA (45); WP (30). Rushing Yards:
D2 Caroline George/Pranava Mally (CV) def.
Hershey at Spring Grove, 10a.m.
Central Dauphin at Hempfield, 10a.m.
Local College Scores Fourth Quarter GA (292) ; WP (83). PassinG: GA (5-7-0) ; WP Mifflin County 61, James Buchanan 0
Mifflinburg 24, Shamokin 21
Becca Zemaitis/Nichole Stepp, 6-1, 6-2 LOCAL COLLEGE SCOREBOARD LD Gieseman 28 pass from Kutz (kick failed) (13-27-1). Passing Yards: GA (87); WP (151).
Red Land at Cumberland Valley, 11a.m. Milton Hershey 40, Steelton-Highspire 14
THUNDERING HERD 4, INDIANS 1 COLLEGE WOMENS VOLLEYBALL LD Sheaffer 9 run (run failed), 7:45 Punts-Average: GA (0-0); WP (3-18.0). Fumbles- Moniteau 16, Keystone 6
State College at Chambersburg, 11a.m. Messiah 3, Wesley 0
S1 Alli Lynn (Palmyra) def. Meg Ulrich (Carlisle), Carlisle at Penn Manor, noon TEAM STATISTICS Lost: GA (3-3); WP (2-0). Penalties-Yards: GA Montour 38, Ambridge 0
6-7 (3-7), 6-2, 6-2 Messiah 3, DeSales 1 First downs: CC 21; LD 7. Rushes-yards: CC (7-65); WP (4-20). Montoursville 36, Jersey Shore 33
Lower Dauphin Falcon Bash, noon Shippensburg 3, Mercyhurst 0
S2 Olivia Gorak-Lacquement (Car) def. Maddie Waynesboro at James Buchanan, 5:30 38-176; LD 13-31. Passing: CC 16-20-0; LD 10- INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Mount Lebanon 49, Altoona 14
Beidler, 6-1, 6-0 Shippensburg at Northern, 6 21-2. Passing yards: CC 246; LD 145. Penalties- Greencastle: Passing: Cade McDowell 5-7, 87 Mount Pleasant 52, Brownsville 14
S3 Cara Eschenmann (Car) def. Cassidy Hoffer, yards: CC 6-45; LD 3-15. Punts-yards: CC 1-29; yards, 1 TD. Rushing: Demetrius Burton 18 Mount Union 57, West Branch 40
6-1, 6-1
Bishop McDevitt at Camp Hill, 6:30
FOOTBALL LD 2-26. Fumbles-lost: CC 0-0; LD 0-0.
carries, 155 yards, 1 TD
Kyrin Zimmerman 1 carry, 0 yards
Nazareth Area 42, East Stroudsburg South 7
Neshaminy 62, Harry S. Truman 28
D1 Allison Greer/Julia Martin (Car) def. Sarah
Sheils/Vivian Ly, 6-4, 6-1 Mid-Penn Girls Rushing: Cedar Cliff, Thompson 15-104, Mike Tanner Bain 6 carries, 25 yards Neshannock 50, East Allegheny 22
D2 Kaleigh Balcavage/Jess Morrow (Car) def. Soccer Glance Mid-Penn Football Glance Dubas 9-49, Breneman 7-0, Bobby Whalen 6-23, Caleb Schaeffer 7 carries, 43 yards New Castle 54, Indiana 16
Jennelle Kovacs/Katie Hollen, 7-5, 6-2 Commonwealth Division Brenan Quigley 1-0; Lower Dauphin, Shaeffer Cade McDowell 8 carries, 55 yards, 2 TDs North Allegheny 49, Butler 7
Commonwealth Division Team Div. Ovr. 7-16, Kutz 3-5, Gieseman 1-0, Klossen 1-(-1), Joshua Leon 3 carries, 8 yards North Hills 29, Moon 12
SHAMROCKS 5, INDIANS 0 Team Div. Ovr. North Penn 45, Pennridge 21
S1 Katherine Long (Trinity) def. Brenna Trkula Central Dauphin 1-0 4-0 Kurt Cain 1-11. Cade Marshall 2 carries, 6 yards. Receiving:
Central Dauphin 5-0-1 7-0-1 Cumberland Valley 1-0 4-0 Passing: Cedar Cliff, Grant Breneman 16-20-3, Caleb Schaeffer 2 receptions, 33 yards North Penn-Mansfield 42, Canton 8
(Susquehanna Twp.), 6-1, 6-1 Cumberland Valley 5-0-1 6-1-1 North Pocono 27, Delaware Valley 20
S2 Alex Borza (T) def. Cassie Marrero, 6-4, 6-4 Harrisburg 1-0 3-1 246 yards; Lower Dauphin, Aidan Klassen 2-9-0, Demetrius Burton 1 receptions, 9 yards
Red Land 3-3 4-5 State College 0-0 4-0 33 yards, Ryan Kutz, 8-12-0, 112 yards. Cade Marshall 2 receptions, 45 yards, 1 TD. North Schuylkill 28, Mount Carmel 14
S3 Hannah Schuchart (T) def. Anya Fox, 3-6, State College 3-3 4-5 Northern Lebanon 40, Pequea Valley 13
6-2, 6-1 Carlisle 0-1 3-1 Receiving: Cedar Cliff, Trysten McDonald 5-87, West Perry: Passing: Dom Salinetro 11-21, 128
Cedar Cliff 2-4 8-4 CD East 0-1 3-1 Alex Lantz 3-66, Mick Yarnovich 3-31, Bobby Northgate 40, Sto-Rox 7
D1 Katie Ulsh/Alex Pavone (T) def. Stephanie yards, 2 TD Cameron May 2-6, 23 yards, 1. Northwest Area 35, Nanticoke Area 16
Chambersburg 1-5 3-6 Chambersburg 0-1 1-3 Whalen 2-23, Chris Thompson 2-29, Derek Reitz Rushing: Cameron May 11 carries, 18 yards
Kebede/Hannah Soto, 6-3, 6-4 Carlisle 1-5 2-8 Northwestern 49, Saegertown 6
D2 Maura Cudahy/Megan Calogero (T) def. Keystone Division 1-10; Lower Dauphin, Klay Specner 4-30, Brent Terrance Quaker 10 carries, 26 yards Norwin 40, Canon-McMillan 6
Keystone Division Team Div. Ovr. Spencer 1-27, Gieseman 3-67, Will Bowen 1-22, Gabe; Puchalsky 4 carries, 25 yards
Grace Mathias/Trinitee Seger-Barr, 6-3, 6-1 Team Div. Ovr. Notre Dame-Green Pond 31, Salisbury 0
ROCKETS 5, LIONS 0 Red Land 2-0 4-1 Justin McIntyre 1-0. Dom Salinetro 3 carries, 8 yards, 1 TD Otto-Eldred 43, Port Allegany 8
Mechanicsburg 4-1 7-2 Cedar Cliff 1-0 4-0 RAMS 55, THUNDERING HERD 21 Kenyon Johnson 2 carries, 6 yards. Receiving: Palisades 43, Catasauqua 13
S1 Rachel Martin (James Buchanan) def. Nicole Palmyra 4-1 4-2-2
Lee (Camp Hill), 6-0, 6-0 Bishop McDevitt 1-1 2-3 Central Dauphin 27 14 7 7 55 Joey Reisinger 3 receptions, 57 yards, 1 TD Palmerton 35, Bangor 13
Lower Dauphin 3-2 5-4 Mechanicsburg 0-0 0-4 Carlisle 7 7 7 0 21 Terrance Quaker 3 receptions 37 yards Parkland 17, Bethlehem Freedom 0
S2 Maridyth Sanders (JB) def. Ilsa Smith, 6-1, Hershey 3-2 4-4
6-2 Lower Dauphin 0-1 1-3 First Quarter Cameron May 6 receptions, 60 yards, 1 TD Penn Cambria 42, Bishop Carroll 8
CD East 1-4 3-7 Hershey 0-1 0-4 CD Sylas Pope 66 pass from AJ Millar (Ethan Kenyon Johnson 1 reception, 2 yards. Penn Charter 27, Interboro 0
S3 Maggie Strawoet (JB) def. Diana Ryder (CH) Mifflin County 0-5 1-7 Penn Hills 53, Shaler 0
6-0, 6-1 Susquehanna Twp. 0-2 1-3 Van Buskirk kick), 9:38
Capital Division Capital Division CD Mike Wise-Belle 20 run (Van Buskirk kick), Penn Manor 42, Lebanon 12
D1 Abby Mackling/Megan Hoffeditz (JB) def.
Emily Morela/Chloe Delaye, 7-6, 5-0
East Pennsboro
Div. Ovr.
7-0 8-0
Div. Ovr. 6:24
1-0 4-0 Car Gavyn Barnes 96 kickoff return (Caleb
PA. PREP Penn-Trafford 48, Greater Latrobe 17
Perkiomen Valley 43, Owen J Roberts 7
D2 Leah Wingert/Amber Clark (JB) def. Maddie Trinity 6-1 9-1 Peters Township 38, Hempfield Area 35
Palmyra 1-0 4-0 Richwine kick), 6:11
Beckley/Grace Schlauder, 6-0, 6-1
Bishop McDevitt 4-3 4-4 Milton Hershey 1-0 3-1 CD Dylan Weaver 53 pass from Millar (kick Fridays Scores Philadelphia Central 28, Frankford 0
Philadelphia Northeast 49, Prep Charter 0
Middletown 3-3-1 4-5-1 Trinity 1-0 2-2 failed), 3:23 PREP FOOTBALL
S1 Jordan Leitz (Mechanicsburg) def. Sarah West Perry 3-4 4-6 Abington 35, Council Rock South 31 Philadelphia West Catholic 24, Lansdale Catholic
Fleming (Northern), 6-0, 6-1 Camp Hill 0-1 3-1 CD Pope 5 pass from Millar (Van Buskirk kick), 20
Susquehanna Twp. 2-3-1 3-4-1 East Pennsboro 0-1 3-1 1:00 Academy Park 47, Cheltenham 0
S2 Amanda Bruno (M) def. Audra White, 6-0, Camp Hill 1-5 3-5 Aliquippa 33, Ellwood City 0 Pine Grove 20, Upper Dauphin 12
6-1 Boiling Springs 0-1 1-3 Second Quarter Allentown Allen 42, Pocono Mountain East 20 Pine-Richland 31, Bethel Park 24
Milton Hershey 0-7 0-7 Steel-High 0-1 1-3 Car Nate Barnes 5 pass from Eric Harris
S3 Blaire Jackson (N) def. Emma Weller, 6-3, 6-3 Colonial Division Allentown Central Catholic 54, Allentown Dieruff Pittsburgh Central Catholic 42, Seneca Valley 14
D1 Hailey Hoffman/Alyssa Collins (M) def. Kasey Colonial Division (Richwine kick), 6:45 21 Pittsburgh North Catholic 53, New Brighton 7
Team Div. Ovr. Team Div. Ovr.
CD Terrell Gabriel 7 run (Van Buskirk kick), 3:10 Plymouth-Whitemarsh 39, Wissahickon 36
Griffiths/Sydney Horvath, 2-6, 6-2, 7-6 Northern 6-0 10-0 Annville-Cleona 27, ELCO 21
D2 Jacki Bell/Charlotte Moesta (N) def. Ellie Shippensburg 1-0 4-0 CD Wise-Belle 9 run (Van Buskirk kick), :59 Apollo-Ridge 48, Burrell 34 Portage Area 56, Blacklick 7
Boiling Springs 5-1 7-2 Big Spring 1-0 3-1 Third Quarter Archbishop Wood 37, Philadelphia Roman Pottsgrove 35, Upper Merion 0
Williams/Alyssa Allen, 4-6, 6-2, 6-2 Waynesboro 3-3 5-5 Catholic 21 Reading 43, Chester 16
Greencastle-Antrim 1-0 1-3 Car Nate Barnes 36 pass from Harris (Richwine
Greencastle-Antrim 3-3 4-5 Mifflin County 1-0 1-3 kick), 9:25 Athens 21, Towanda 6 Red Land 17, Susquehanna Township 16
Shippensburg 2-4 4-7 Beaver Area 77, Keystone Oaks 49 Redbank Valley 42, Brookville 2
FIELD HOCKEY James Buchanan
Big Spring
0-1 2-2 CD Wise-Belle 7 run (Van Buskirk kick), 0:32
0-1 1-3 Fourth Quarter Beaver Falls 45, Southmoreland 14
Belle Vernon 42, Greensburg Salem 7
Ridley 42, Penncrest 0
Ringgold 55, Laurel Highlands 11
James Buchanan 0-1 0-4 CD Joe Stoak 14 run (Van Buskirk kick), 8:34 Bellefonte 14, Tyrone 13
Friday, Sept. 23 Riverside 42, Montrose 0
Mid-Penn Field No games scheduled.
West Perry
Friday, Sept. 23
First downs: CD 20; C 11. Rushes-yards: CD
Bellwood-Antis 49, Moshannon Valley 13 Rochester 49, Cornell 0
Benjamin Franklin 65, Philadelphia George
Hockey glance Saturday, Sept. 24
Cumberland Valley at Red Land, 10a.m.
Big Spring 28, Northern 21 46-263; C 14-7. Passing: CD 9-11-0; C 19-37-3. Washington 18
Roxborough 12, KIPP Dubois 0
Saltsburg 30, Purchase Line 24
Commonwealth Division Trinity 28, Boiling Springs 21 Passing yards: CD 193; C 249. Penalties-yards: Bensalem 28, Central Bucks West 21 Saucon Valley 26, Southern Lehigh 21
Team Div. Ovr. Mechanicsburg at Mifflin County, 10a.m. Central Dauphin 55, Carlisle 21 CD 3-25; C 6-40. Punts-yards: CD 1-27; C 2-54. Berks Catholic 42, Lancaster Catholic 27
Camp Hill at Bishop McDevitt, 10a.m. Sayre Area 23, Muncy 22
Central Dauphin 6-1 6-4 Cedar Cliff 35, Lower Dauphin 12 Fumbles-lost: CD 3-1; C 0-0. Berlin-Brothersvalley 28, Shade 12 Schuylkill Haven 17, Marian Catholic 6
State College 4-2 5-4 East Pennsboro at West Perry, 10a.m. Cumberland Valley 62, Chambersburg 7 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Bermudian Springs 38, Hanover 9
Middletown at Trinity, 10a.m. Scranton Prep 14, Wyoming Area 7
Mifflin County 3-3-1 4-3-1 Middletown 50, East Pennsboro 14 Rushing: Central Dauphin, Mike Wise-Belle Bethlehem Center 18, Bentworth 10 Selinsgrove 17, Berwick 14
Cumberland Valley 2-3-1 3-3-1 Northern at Shippensburg, 10a.m. State College 55, Mechanicsburg 0 19-134, Noah Parsons 2-33, AJ Millar 5-15, Big Spring 28, Northern York 21 Seneca 27, Maplewood 6
Cedar Cliff 2-3-1 3-4-1 Central Dauphin at Greencastle-Antrim, 10a.m. Red Land 17, Susquehanna Twp. 16 Dylan Weaver 11-69, Terrell Gabriel 2-8, Brady Bishop Guilfoyle 45, Forest Hills 0 Seton-LaSalle 35, Serra Catholic 21
Carlisle 1-3-1 3-3-1 Lower Dauphin Falcon Bash, 10a.m. Shippensburg 24, Waynesboro 21 Bishop McCort 42, Bedford 0 Sharon 49, Slippery Rock 7
Straub 3-(-10), Joe Stoak 1-14, Jordan Banks Bishop Shanahan 21, West Chester Henderson
Chambersburg 1-4 4-4 Boiling Springs at Big Spring, 10:30a.m. Greencastle-Antrim 35, West Perry 21 3-0; Carlisle, Eric Harris 6-12, Prince Gaye 4-(-4), Sharpsville 32, Reynolds 29
Milton Hershey at Susquehanna Twp., 11a.m. 14
Keystone Division Harrisburg 28, CD East 10 Gavyn Barnes 2-0, Kyshawn Trinidad 1-(-1), Blackhawk 28, Trinity 20 Shippensburg 24, Waynesboro 21
Team Div. Ovr. Hershey at Penn Manor, 1 Bishop McDevitt 64, Hershey 6 Trystin Sulich 1-0. Smethport 12, Cameron County 7
Chambersburg at State College, 4 Blairsville 35, Northern Cambria 20
Hershey 4-0-1 6-2-1 Milton Hershey 40, Steelton-Highspire 14 Passing: Central Dauphin, AJ Millar 8-10-0, 193 Bloomsburg 55, Milton 6 South Fayette 49, Knoch 14
Palmyra 4-1 8-1 Waynesboro at James Buchanan, 4 Mifflin County 61, James Buchanan 0 yards, Brady Straub 1-1-0, 0 yards; Carlisle, Eric Blue Mountain 29, Tamaqua 7 South Western 50, New Oxford 6
Lower Dauphin 3-1-1 7-1-1 Saturday, Sept. 24 Harris 17-34-3, 222 yards, Christian Watts 2-3-0, Boyertown 46, Methacton 41 South Williamsport 49, Warrior Run 13
Mechanicsburg 2-3 4-4 No games scheduled. Brentwood 48, Avonworth 40 Southern Columbia 35, Lewisburg 0
Susquehanna Twp. 1-4 4-6 VOLLEYBALL BLUE RAIDERS 50, PANTHERS 14
27 yards.
Receiving: Central Dauphin, Sylas Pope 3-95, Bristol 12, New Hope-Solebury 7
Brockway 36, Ridgway/Johnsonburg 16
Southern Huntingdon 23, Juniata Valley 20
Spring-Ford 50, Norristown 14
Red Land 0-5 0-7 East Pennsboro 0 7 7 0 14 Dylan Weaver 2-59, Terrell Gabriel 1-2, Logan Springdale 27, Leechburg 14
Capital Division Middletown 12 22 16 0 50 Gabrielson 1-20, Manus Frank 2-10; Carlisle, California 44, Mapletown 28
Team Div. Ovr. Mid-Penn Girls First Quarter Gavyn Barnes 5-50, Prince Gaye 2-18, Joe
Cambria Heights 35, Central Cambria 0 Springfield Delco 41, Lower Merion 0
St. Marys 32, Union/AC Valley(FB) 14
Camp Hill Trinity 28, Boiling Springs 21
East Pennsboro 4-0-1 9-1-1 Volleyball Glance M Brady Fox 4 run (kick failed), 8:57 Mastrangelo 3-27, Nate Barnes 7-127, Hunter Cardinal OHara 28, Bonner-Prendergast 0 State College 55, Mechanicsburg 0
Northern 2-0-3 5-1-3 Commonwealth Division M Fox 19 run (kick failed), 5:47 Anderson 1-19, Kurtis Ravenel 1-8. Carlynton 56, Vincentian Academy 0 Steel Valley 65, South Allegheny 8
Bishop McDevitt 2-2-1 5-3-1 Team Div. Ovr. Second Quarter EAGLES 62, TROJANS 7 Carmichaels 40, Avella 14 Strawberry Mansion 41, Edison 6
Camp Hill 2-2-1 5-3-1 State College 6-0 6-0 EP Onasis Neely 12 run (Noah Wilk kick), 8:29 Cumberland Valley 14 28 7 13 62 Cedar Cliff 35, Lower Dauphin 12 Stroudsburg 45, East Stroudsburg North 25
Milton Hershey 2-3 2-7 Central Dauphin 4-1 5-1 M Jaelen Thompson 65 run (Fox pass from Chambersburg 7 0 0 0 7 Cedar Crest 49, Ephrata 16 Susquehanna 34, Carbondale 28, OT
Middletown 0-5 1-8 Chambersburg 5-2 5-2 Chase Snavely), 8:12 First Quarter Central Bucks South 7, Souderton 0 Susquenita 19, Newport 7
Colonial Division Cumberland Valley 3-2 3-2 M Thompson 12 run (Malik Noon pass from CV Cole McCoy 26 pass from Ridge Bachman Central Dauphin 44, Carlisle 9 Thomas Jefferson 62, Albert Gallatin 0
Team Div. Ovr. Cedar Cliff 3-3 3-3 Tre Leach), 2:56 (Bachman kick) Central Martinsburg 50, Bald Eagle Area 0 Tri-Valley 17, Minersville 7
Big Spring 5-1 8-1 Carlisle 2-4 2-5 M Thompson 90 run (kick failed), 2:17 Ch Clay Myers 65 run (Nazeer Taylor kick) Central Valley 37, Quaker Valley 16 Twin Valley 35, Susquehannock 34
Greencastle-Antrim 4-2 5-4 Red Land 1-5 1-7 Third Quarter CV Josiah Quigley 3 run (Bachman kick) Central York 28, Northeastern 27 Union Area 38, Western Beaver 7
Boiling Springs 4-2 4-4 Charleroi 48, Greensburg Central Catholic 28 Upper Dublin 18, Quakertown 7
Mifflin County 0-7 0-9 EP Trent Fries 10 pass from Payton Morris (Wilk Second Quarter Chartiers-Houston 7, Burgettstown 6
West Perry 3-2 5-4 Keystone Division kick), 10:18 CV Quigley 3 run (Bachman kick) Upper Perkiomen 47, Phoenixville 35
Chestnut Ridge 42, Philipsburg-Osceola 0 Upper St. Clair 35, Fox Chapel 0
Shippensburg 3-3 3-4 Team Div. Ovr. M Ryan Hughes 36 pass from Snavely (Corbin CV Quigley 2 run (Bachman kick) Cin. Elder, Ohio 42, USO 0 Valley 41, Deer Lakes 34
Waynesboro 0-4-1 0-8-1 Palmyra 5-0 6-2 Stetler pass from Snavely), 9:33 CV McCoy 41 run (Bachman kick) Clairton 66, Monessen 11 Valley Forge Military 8, Morrisville 0
CD East 0-5-1 1-7-1 Hershey 4-2 4-2 M Thompson 10 run (Fox run), 2:40 CV McCoy 36 run (Bachman kick) Clarion 34, Clarion-Limestone 14 Wallenpaupack 16, Hazleton Area 7
Friday, Sept. 23 Lower Dauphin 3-2 5-3 TEAM STATISTICS Third Quarter Claysburg-Kimmel 17, Glendale 7 Washington 45, Frazier 7
Camp Hill 4, Susquenita 1 Waynesboro 3-2 5-3 First Downs: EP 13; M 21. Rushes-yards: EP CV Chase Ebersole 1 run (Bachman kick) Clearfield 28, Central Mountain 7 Wellsboro 54, Troy 13
East Pennsboro 4, West York 0 Greencastle-Antrim 2-4 3-5 26-133; M 34-404. Passing: EP 15-22-0; M Fourth Quarter Coatesville 48, Downingtown West 9 West Allegheny 43, Baldwin 0
Lancaster Catholic 3, Middletown 1 Mechanicsburg 1-4 1-4 12-14-0. Passing yards: EP 141; M 165. Punts- CV Connor Madison 8 run (Dustin Beaver kick Cocalico 35, Elizabethtown 21 West Chester Rustin 33, Oxford 6
Saturday, Sept. 24 Shippensburg 0-4 1-5 avg.: EP 5-36.4; M 1-11. Fumbles-lost: EP 2-1; failed) Cochranton 56, Youngsville 21 West Greene 41, Jefferson-Morgan 6
Carlisle, Mechanicsburg at Boiling Springs Capital Division M 1-0. Penalties-yards: EP 7-43; M 9-72. CV Madison 3 run (Beaver kick) Conemaugh Township 35, Windber 0 West Lawn Wilson 14, Warwick 10
Conestoga 14, Harriton 0 West Middlesex 21, Cambridge Springs 18
Tournament, 9a.m. Team Div. Ovr. INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS TEAM STATISTICS Conestoga Valley 43, Lancaster McCaskey 21
Cedar Cliff at Cedar Crest, 9a.m. Trinity 5-0 7-1 Rushing: East Pennsboro, Onasis Neely 21-157, First downs: CV 22; Ch 6. Rushes-yards: CV Conneaut, Ohio 28, Titusville 27 West Mifflin 62, Uniontown 7
Cumberland Valley at Palmyra, 9a.m. Big Spring 6-1 7-1 Matthew Danner 1-0, Noah Alejandro 1-(-1), 47-447; Ch 17-57. Passing: CV 3-5-0; Ch 3-10-1. Conrad Weiser 60, Fleetwood 22 West Scranton 28, Scranton 21
Exeter Twp. at Central Dauphin, 10a.m. West Perry 5-2 5-2 Payton Morris 4-(-23); Mechanicsburg, Jaelen Passing yards: CV 66; Ch 10. Penalties-yards: Corry 21, North East 7 West Shamokin 18, Marion Center 7
Red Land at Northern, 11a.m. Northern 5-2 5-4 Thompson 15-260, Brady Fox 12-125, Antonio CV 7-20; Ch 4-27. Punts-yards: CV 0-0; Ch Coudersport 28, Sheffield 20 Western Wayne 35, Tunkhannock 14
Penn Manor at Hershey, 11a.m. James Buchanan 3-4 4-5 Gamble 1-7, Abel Botterbusch 2-7, Kyle Truesdale 4-134. Fumbles-lost: CV 0-0; Ch 1-1. Cumberland Valley 62, Chambersburg 7 Whitehall 27, Easton 10
Shippensburg, Muhlenberg at Northeastern Boiling Springs 1-5 1-6 1-3, Chase Snavely 1-0, Scott Ash 1-0, Edwin INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Dallastown Area 23, Spring Grove 14 Wilkes-Barre Coughlin 49, Honesdale 13
Tournament, 11:30a.m. Colonial Division Figueroa 1-(-3), Team 0-5. Rushing: Cumberland Valley, Josiah Quigley Daniel Boone 26, Muhlenberg 23 Wilkes-Barre GAR 26, Pittston Area 19
Danville 41, Central Columbia 14 Williams Valley 20, Line Mountain 14
Milton Hershey at CD East, 1 Team Div. Ovr. Passing: East Pennsboro, Payton Morris 20-133, Cole McCoy 4-101, Chase Ebersole 7-97, Williamsburg 38, Tussey Mountain 0
Waynesboro at West Perry, 2 Middletown 4-2 4-3 14-21-0 126 yards, Nikolas Karoly 1-1-0 15 Tyler Sunday 3-47, Alex Hetzel 6-36, Connor Delone 42, York Catholic 7
Derry 35, South Park 23 Williamsport 49, Shikellamy 20
PANTHERS 4, BULLDOGS 0 Milton Hershey 3-3 4-3 yards; Mechanicsburg, Chase Snavely 12-14-0 Madison 4-26, Jake Hart 1-5, Logan Thorne 1-2, Donegal 35, Columbia 14 Wilmington 56, Mercer 13
East Pennsboro 3 1 4 CD East 2-4 3-4 165 yards. Rich Bachman 1-0; Chambersburg, n/a. Downingtown East 42, Unionville 5 Woodland Hills 35, Chartiers Valley 0
West York 0 0 0 Harrisburg 0-5 0-5 Receiving: East Pennsboro, Trent Fries 3-44, Passing: Cumberland Valley, Ridge Bachman Dubois 62, Warren 38 Wyalusing Valley 28, Cowanesque Valley 14
First Half Steel-High 0-5 0-8 Tyler Mason 5-35, Onasis Neely 3-22, Adam 2-2-0, 59 yards, Jared Plessinger 1-3-0, 7 yards; Dunmore 61, Scranton Holy Cross 6 Wyoming Valley West 29, Dallas 0
M EP Jenna White (Taylor Borrell), 26:05 Friday, Sept. 23 Orr 2-22, Emerson Myers 2-18; Mechancisburg, Chambersburg, Tyler Collier 3-10-1, 10 yards. York Suburban 42, Kennard-Dale 6
Eastern York 27, West York 10
1 EP Borrell (Emma Boutcher), 25:32 Lititz Christian 3, Dayspring Christian 1 Ryan Hughes 3-66, Malik Noon 2-31, Tyreer Mills Receiving: Cumberland Valley, Charlie Katshir Elizabeth Forward 42, McGuffey 14 Yough 40, Waynesburg Central 20
C4|Saturday, September 24, 2016 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL The Sentinel


Panthers ripped to shreds

Middletown gains 569 Video
yards of offense in 50- For video highlights and interviews
from this game, go to cumberlink.
14 East Penn thrashing com/sports

GEOFF MORROW they didnt. Last year we knew

The Sentinel we had to stop the running backs,
MIDDLETOWN Todd Stuter keep them in front of us, and thats
expected Middletowns best shot. what we did. This year theres a
But that didnt exactly ease three-headed monster.
the pain for his East Pennsboro Middletown took the opening
Panthers, who were pummeled kickoff and marched 58 yards on
50-14 at War Memorial Field Fri- eight plays, finishing with Foxs
day night in their reintroduction 4-yard TD.
to the wickedly tough Mid-Penn After a three-and-out by the
Capital Division. East Penn offense, the Raiders
The Blue Raiders (4-0, 1-0), responded with another efficient
seeking revenge for last years drive and another Fox score.
District 3-AAA first-round play- It felt like you could drive a
off loss, decimated the Panthers truck through those holes it was
(3-1, 0-1) to the tune of 569 yards so wide open, Thompson said of
and touchdowns on seven of their his offensive line.
nine possessions. The Panthers, led by Onasis
Jaelen Thompson ran for a ca- Neelys 157 rushing yards on 21
reer-best 260 yards on just 15 carries, used his 12-yard TD run
carries, compiling TD runs of 65, early in the second to slice within
12, 90 and 10 yards. And Brady 12-7. But Middletown had an im-
Fox added 125 yards and two mediate answer with Thompsons
first-quarter scores on 12 carries. 65-yard touchdown.
I knew they were going to have The lead then stretched to 34-7
a chip, Stuter, the Panthers head by halftime.
coach, said. His team beat torched Those two guys in the back are
Middletown 42-20 in the 2015 pretty good, and our line is really
playoff game. helping them, Middletown coach
I knew they were gunning for Brett Myers said. Thats what is
us because of what happened last really nice, two guys working like
year. And a lot of times when a that and them putting the line
team does that, they kind of play ahead of them.
over their heads. Well, they didnt. East Penn scored early in the
They kept the throttle on. They second half, QB Payton Morris
did a great job. Very impressive. finding Trent Fries for a 10-yard
The difference, Stuter said, TD after a long Neely run on the
wasnt in the two-man running first play from scrimmage.
back tandem, even if they did help But, again, the Raiders count-
the Blue Raiders gain 404 on the er-punched, with a long kickoff
ground Friday. return from Tyreer Mills, a first-
It was QB Chase Snavely and down run by Fox, and then a 36-
the Middletown passing game, yard TD strike from Snavley to
which was essentially nonexistent Ryan Hughes.
last year. This time, Snavely com- The mercy clock kicked in after
pleted his first eight passes (to sixThompsons fourth TD run later
different receivers) and finished in the third.
12 of 14 for 165 yards and a score. Its Week 4, and we have a lot
They were doing a run-pass of football to play, Stuter said.
option, so our linebackers had to So lets take a lesson here and get
honor the pass, Stuter said. So ready for next week. Thats what
we load up the box, and (Snavely) we gotta do.
pulls it out and starts zipping it
down the field. That is the differ- Email Geoff Morrow at gmorrow@ SENTINEL FILE
ence in their game right now. They or follow on Twit- Middletown QB Chase Snavely (12) completed 12 of 14 passes for 165 yards and a touchdown in the Blue
have the passing threat. Last year ter at @RageAgainstGMo Raiders 50-14 victory over East Pennsboro Friday night.

Bubblers Tresjon Ruiz returned the

kickoff into Boiling Springs Bulldogs
From C1 territory, and Boguski directed From C1
a six-play, 44-yard score. He
Trinitys answer was a ran it in from the 14 and hit Ruiz an apparent pass interference call
blocked punt by Dante Ma- for a two-point conversion to after the receiver ran out of bounds.
netta that gave the Shamrocks tie it at 21 with barely a minute Swartz raced in from the four de-
the ball deep in Boiling Springs left in the third quarter. spite a huge hit by Adams at the
territory. They needed three Overtime seemed like a pos- goal line.
plays to cover 15 yards, with sibility when the Bubblers Big Spring drove 80 yards on the
help from a couple of offsides started a possession at their ensuing possession and Petty found
penalties, and Boguski scored own 14-yard line midway Gavin Pritchard on a fade route from
the first of his two rushing through the fourth quarter. four yards out. Keiters point after
touchdowns, a 1-yarder with But Trinitys defense created tied the game.
4:12 left in the first quarter. two negative plays for Boiling The first half was highlighted by
The Shamrocks moved into Springs, forcing a punt from the two big stops by the Bulldogs on
position for a go-ahead score 5. Jacob Ottos kicked traveled third and one and also a fumble re-
before Boiling Springs next big only 20 yards. covery by Lucas Carey.
play. Rickie Ott blocked a field The defense is playing Curtis Robison went 2-for-6 in
goal try, and Bryan Malone re- CURT WERNER FOR THE SENTINEL well right now, Jensen said. the opening half for only 14 yards
turned it 61 yards onto Trinitys Theyre playing together. while Petty threw for 122 yards. Kyle
Boiling Springs quarterback Evan Mancuso is ready to hand off to Tayven
side of the field. Theyre tackling well, for the Swartz outgained Adams in the first
Kelley (11) as Trinitys linebacker, Alexander Schlager, zero in on the
This time, the one-play scor- most part. There were a couple half 97-79 but Adams gained the
tackle in second quarter action on Friday.
ing drive was a 31-yard flanker of problems with tackling to- overall game total with 200 yards
pass from Kelley to Kaiden went 49 yards in five plays to time from the defense. Grayson night, but they did the job. to Swartzs 125.
Karper that gave the Bubblers score on Colby Riggs 35-yard Hacker picked off a pass at the The winning drive lasted Northern (2-2, 0-1 Colonial)
a 14-7 lead that lasted until run. A missed extra point kept line of scrimmage and returned three plays and 52 seconds. scored in the third quarter when
halftime. Boiling Springs ahead 14-13. it 29 yards for a touchdown and Boguski hit Moody in the left Curtis Robison took advantage of
Trinitys response came early Boiling Springs came back a 21-13 lead. flat, and the junior running a short Bulldog punt and found
in the third quarter when it with another stunning play, this No panic this time, either. back took it from there. Dylan Baxter for 22 yards to take a
21-14 lead.
Big Spring (3-1, 1-0 Colonial)
used two touchdown runs of six and
Herd Carlisles Eric
a quick trigger, overthrowing
a few receivers on deep routes.
78 yards to take the lead.
We really started slow and the
From C1 Harris is brought One led to a second-quarter pick penalties killed us early, Hunter
down by Central that CD converted into a Wise- Adams said. Once we were able to
faced against a team Conrad Dauphins Sylas Belle TD run to make it 41-14 at settle down, we seemed to be able
called one of the top 10 in the Pope during the halftime. to stay on blocks and get Ryan some
state. second quarter I didnt wait for the play to space.
(Our) kids dont even have of their game on develop, throwing the ball a little The penalties early really af-
a weight room, Conrad said, Friday night. too quick which led to intercep- fected us, Bulldog coach Cory Hoff-
comparing the 27 CD seniors to JASON MALMONT, tions sometimes, Harris said. man said. They were penalties that
Carlisles size. THE SENTINEL But his line, with three new we know better, but we got caught
The Rams, who get their first starters, held Parsons and com- in the moment. We played very well
crack at revenge against CV next pany to no sacks on the night. It in the second half on both offense
week, finished with 263 yards on was an impressive feat. and defense. We forced turnovers
46 carries. Mike Wise-Belle ran To Carlisles credit, the of- of his patented crossing routes Most insane player Ive and held them other than the first
for 134 yards and three TDs. fense pieced together a 75-yard in the middle of traffic. played against or with, Harris touchdown in the second half. We
And the run game was so ef- TD drive and a 78-yard scoring To put up 21 points on a de- said of Parsons. One person were very resilient in responding
fective that Carlisle bought on drive. The first ended in a beau- fense like that, thats nothing cant stop us, but they have a each time they took the lead.
several third-down play-action tifully placed fade pass from 5 but ambition and motivation, solid rest of the defense. Petty threw for 135 while Curtis
passes, allowing QB AJ Millar to yards out to Nate Barnes, who the senior receiver/linebacker Gavyn Barnes took a Robison threw for 46 yards.
finish 8-for-10 for 193 yards and toe-tapped in the back of the said. first-quarter kickoff 96 yards We killed ourselves with turn-
three scores, two of which were end zone after fully extending But his quarterback, Eric Har- for the Herds first score of the overs and penalties, Polar Bear
run-fakes for 50-plus yards. his 6-foot-2 frame to snag a ris was harassed all night, going game. coach Bill Miller said. We seemed
Our linebackers had offen- pass after his defender tripped 17-for-34 for 222 yards, two TDs to have penalties when we had a big
sive lineman in their laps auto- at the goal line. The second was and three interceptions. Email Jake Adams at jadams@ play or just big penalties. We kept
matically, so it was hard to get a 36-yard catch-and-run, again Harris simply didnt have or follow him on taking the lead, but we couldnt get M
a good read, Nate Barnes said. to Nate Barnes, this time on one time, and when he did, he had Twitter @jakeadams520 off the field on third down tonight. 1
The Sentinel COLLEGE FOOTBALL Saturday, September 24, 2016|C5

Browns team has seen it before

Associated Press
before breaking a leg during fall Working on the little Hug a big guy
training camp. This year, hes sec- things Barrett said he didnt even want
OLUMBUS, Ohio Noah
C ond on the team with nine catches to think about what would happen
Browns circus TD catch against for 134 yards, and he leads the way Ohio State players said they are if an Ohio State player dropped
Oklahoma last Saturday was with five touchdowns. using the off week to work on their the ball right before crossing the
replayed over and over and But the catch with Quick draped mistakes and try to improve before goal line. There has been an epi-
retweeted for days, but his Ohio all over him in a nationally televised embarking on the grueling nine- demic the last couple of weekends
State teammates werent as im- Saturday night game suddenly put game Big Ten schedule beginning of players nonchalantly letting go
pressed as everyone else. Theyve him on college footballs radar. Oct. 1. Ohio State is No. 2 in the of the ball a stride before crossing
seen it all before. Any time J.T. puts the ball in AP Top 25 Poll . the plane.
Brown, a wide receiver whod the air hes putting trust in me, Barrett said hes working on I can only imagine what that
caught one pass at Ohio State and I try to come down with the communicating better with re- day would be like for that man,
prior to this season, had four ball for him, Brown said. I have ceivers who had trouble getting the rest of the year, from coach
touchdown receptions in the to have my quarterbacks back. It lined up in time at various points Meyer, Barrett said with a grin. I
Buckeyes 45-24 victory over the felt good to make that play and during the Oklahoma game, lead- couldnt tell you how awful that
Sooners. But the one everyone is put some points on the board for ing to forced time outs and a de- might be.
still talking about happened at the ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE us. lay-of-game penalty. Also hes Replays showed Oklahomas
end of the first half when Brown Ohio States Noah Brown catches Like Barrett, coach Urban Meyer striving to get the ball out of his Joe Mixon dropping the ball early
grabbed a J.T. Barrett pass and a touchdown pass on the back of said he already knew what Brown hands quicker and trust his play- on a 97-yard kick return, but
hugged the ball against the back Oklahomas Michiah Quick during could do. And he also knows that makers. the officials didnt catch it. The
of defensive back Michiah Quick the second quarter of an NCAA Brown is still recovering from the Everybody is looking for gaffe has already cost Clemson
as they fell out of bounds. college football game Sept. 17 in broken leg that sidelined him all ways to get better, said H-back and California touchdowns this
A great catch? Sure, said Bar- Norman, Okla. of last season. Curtis Samuel, who leads the season.
rett, but not a huge deal. The Hes still not at the top end of team in receiving yards and is The Buckeyes even have a rule
quarterback has been raving about the country and its blown up like speed, Meyer said. He still not second in rushing behind tail- about it.
Browns suction-cup hands for that, I guess we forget that not ev- quite 100 percent, which shows back Mike Weber. Nobody is We always make sure we keep
months already. erybody has seen that. you just how good he can become. satisfied with where theyre the ball high and tight, Samuel
I guess thats the funny thing, Brown, a 6-foot-2 New Jersey We all know he has the ability, but at. Everybody is just looking to said. Thats coach Meyer, keep
we see him practice so its almost native, saw limited playing time Id say the quality of competition push each other and get each the ball high and tight. After you
like its no big deal, Barrett said. as a freshman in the 2014 national he did it against is always a little other to that point where they score, give the ball to the official
And then it happens in a game, championship season and was ex- shocking when you have that kind can really explode and really and go hug a big guy. Thats what
when everybody else sees it in pected to play a huge role last year of night. show their talents. we do.

PSU thinking about what to do on the

next series but I like watching our
From C1 guys play, Harbaugh said. I re-
ally watch the way our defense is
thing is all the positions that he running to the football, the way
can play. theyre flying around, hitting.
Peppers prowess and high foot- The speed with which Pep-
ball IQ have made the New Jersey pers and Michigan can attack is
native arguably the nations most something thats jumped out to
versatile player and one any scout McSorley and Penn State coach
team should struggle to accurately James Franklin.
replicate in practice. Penn State is Although Penn State didnt al-
expected to use multiple players low any sacks to Temple, tack-
to try and mimic Peppers impact les Andrew Nelson and Brendan
this week. Mahon were beaten a few times
Any team would have trouble on the edge. McSorleys ability
doing so with just one. to climb the pocket to escape
Hes an athletic freak, Penn the pressure prevented the mo-
State quarterback Trace McSorley mentum-changing sacks like the
said. Hes a great player, you ob- ones Penn State allowed to Pitt
viously have awareness for where and Kent State in the first two
the great players are on the other weeks.
team are and you want to know Simply stepping up may not
where theyre at on every play. work, however, and Penn States
At his press conference Mon- young guards will have to be on
day, Harbaugh rattled off 11 po- notice, too. Peppers lone sack
sitions on offense, defense and against Colorado came when
special teams that the 6-foot-1, he slowly crept toward the line
205-pound Peppers can or has and exploded at the snap, unac-
played in three years in Ann Ar- counted for up the middle.
bor. This versatility allows defen- Theyre just a big, strong,
sive coordinator Don Brown to be physical, mature team, and then
creative with his calls. He can dis- they do have some speed aspects,
Wisconsin quarterback Alex Hornibrook throws during the second half against Georgia State last week in guise coverages and blitzes in or- Franklin said. Jabrill does that for
Madison, Wis. der to torment opposing offenses. them on defense, special teams

Badgers face questions

Theres times I should be and offense.


entering Big Ten opener

Penn State (2-1, 0-0) at
No. 4 Michigan (3-0, 0-0),
3:30p.m. (ABC)
Line: Michigan by 18.
ERIC OLSON 20 Cornhuskers are coming off a Indiana, which hosts Wake For- Series Record: Michigan leads
Associated Press big win over Oregon, and Tommy est, is on its first eight-game 12-7.
Some things to watch in Week Armstrong Jr. is playing the best non-conference win streak since
4 in the Big Ten: football of his career during a 3-0 1992-95. Whats at stake
start. Northwestern opened with The Wolverines havent won a
Game of the week losses to Western Michigan and Long shot Big Ten title since 2004, and beat-
No. 8 Michigan State opens its FCS Illinois State before beating Nevada, a 5 -point under- ing the Nittany Lions would put ASSOCIATED PRESS
Big Ten championship defense Duke last week. The Wildcats are dog at Purdue, is coming off its them one small step closer to end- Penn State quarterback Trace
at home against No. 11 Wiscon- last in the Big Ten in total offense best offensive performance in ing the drought. James Franklin, McSorley scrambles out of the
sin. The Spartans are looking and scoring and have given up a coach Brian Polians four seasons. 16-13 overall and 6-10 in the Big pocket against Temple during the
for a second straight win over a league-high 11 sacks. James Butler ran for 174 yards and Ten at Penn State, and his once- second half last week in State
ranked opponent after beating three TDs against Buffalo, and proud program desperately need College, Pa.
Notre Dame 36-28 on the road Inside the numbers the Mountain Wests Wolf Pack a signature win.
last week. The Badgers struggled Rutgers, which hosts Iowa, is will be going against the 104th- ceptions.
to win at home against Georgia 0-4 against the West Division ranked run defense in the Boiler- Key matchup Michigan: CB Jourdan Lewis.
State, and Alex Hornibrook will since joining the Big Ten. ... makers. Purdue leads the Big Ten Penn States big-play offense The second-team All-American is
replace Bart Houston as start- Iowa has a Big Ten-best eight- in passing yards per game, but vs. Michigans defense. Trace expected to play for the first time.
ing quarterback. These teams game regular season conference its six interceptions are twice as McSorley has thrown passes of The Wolverines need the shut-
have played close games in re- winning streak. Iowa hasnt won many as anyone else in the con- 40 yards or longer to five team- down cornerback in the lineup
cent years, and this one might nine Big Ten games in a row since ference, and the Boilers have lost mates. Saquon Barkley scored on against Penn States big-play re-
come down to who runs the ball a 10-game streak from 2001-02. 28 of 31 against FBS opponents a 55-yard run to help the Nittany ceivers.
best. The Spartans and Badgers ... Michigan, which hosts Penn under Darrell Hazell. Lions pull away to beat Tem-
are 1-2 in rush defense in the Big State, went 10-plus quarters ple last week, and has a 40-yard Facts & figures
Ten. Michigan States LJ Scott is before committing its first pen- Player to watch catch. The Wolverines have been Penn State has scored 106
running for 101.5 yards a game; alty on offense. ... Saquon Bar- WR Janarion Grant of Rutgers picked apart at times in the last points, its highest total af-
Wisconsins Corey Clement av- kleys seven combined offensive is one of the most dynamic play- two games, giving up an 87-yard ter three games since 2008. ...
eraged 98.5 through two games touchdowns (6 rushing, 1 receiv- ers in the country and the one run to Central Florida and a 70- Michigan LB Jabrill Peppers was
but missed last weeks game and ing) are the most through three Iowa must keep under control. yard pass to Colorado. named Big Ten special teams and
remains questionable with an an- games by a Penn State player Through three games Grant has co-defensive player of the week.
kle injury. since Lydell Mitchell had eight scored touchdowns on punt and Players to watch ... Nittany Lions LB Brandon
in 1971. ... Minnesota enters its kick returns and has thrown for a Penn State: McSorley, a first- Smith is expected to make his
Best matchup home game against Colorado TD and rushed for three. Hes yet year starter, is leading a newly in- first start, stepping up for a team
Nebraska at Northwestern. State 9 for 9 in the red zone, all to catch a TD pass, but he leads stalled spread offense after back- that has lost all three starting
This matchup doesnt look that touchdowns. The Gophers were the Scarlet Knights with 15 recep- ing up Christian Hackenberg. The LBs to injuries. ... Michigan WR
great on paper, but four of the last 31 of 36 when moving inside the tions. He also has a team-lead- sophomore has a Big Ten-best 828 Amara Darboh has scored in three
five meetings have been decided opponents 20-yard line, but ing nine plays gaining at least 20 yards passing and has thrown four straight games and has a 23-game
by three or fewer points. The No. scored only 19 touchdowns. ... yards. two touchdowns and two inter- streak with a reception.

C6|Saturday, September 24, 2016 NFL The Sentinel

Eagles defense doesnt fear Steelers

ROB MAADDI Yeah, we know what defense improve dramati- line up against other Steelers
Associated Press number he wears, so we cally in his first season as co- receivers, too.
wont have a problem find- ordinator. A unit that ranked We have a lot of great
Schwartz wont let his de- ing him, Schwartz said in the bottom five each of the receivers in our division so
fense fear Antonio Brown Thursday. But its not just past three years has allowed its one week at a time, one
or the rest of Pittsburghs him. If we concentrate too just two touchdowns and player at a time, Mills said.
high-powered offense. much on 84 (Brown) and one field goal. Roethlisberger puts added
After handling the Browns hes going to get a lot of our But Cleveland and Chi- pressure on the second-
and the Bears, the Philadel- attention, for sure theres cago dont compare to Pitts- ary because of his ability to
phia Eagles have a tough a lot of other guys that can burghs offense. avoid the rush and extend
test against the Steelers on make us pay. This will be the best of- plays. Jenkins, Mills and the
Sunday. Ben Roethlisberger, Were going to have to fense we face this season, other defensive backs have
Brown and NFL leading play a good total team game; safety Malcolm Jenkins said. to remain disciplined
rusher DeAngelo Williams were going to have to play On paper, rookie corner- Hes one of best in the
lead a group that has aver- total team defense. Its not back Jalen Mills covering business at sliding and
aged 31 points in the first just going to be about stop- Brown is a major mismatch. picking and just working ASSOCIATED PRESS
two games. ping one guy. There are a lot Mills said hes concentrating his way around the pocket, Pittsburgh Steelers running back DeAngelo Williams (34)
Containing Brown is usu- of other matchups that we on playing technique foot- Schwartz said. Hes a giant celebrates his touchdown with wide receiver Antonio Brown
ally the key to beating the need to win in this game. ball instead of focusing on man, hes not afraid of con- (84) during the second half of an NFL football game against
Steelers. Schwartz has helped the Brown because he expects to tact in there. the Cincinnati Bengals Sept. 18 in Pittsburgh.


What can we do to stop

Belichick, Patriots?
Associated Press

ake away draft picks.
Suspend their star
quarterback. Noth-
ing seems to faze the New
England Patriots, who
just keep on winning no
matter what obstacles are
thrown their way.
OK, its time to get se-
Lets come up with
something, anything to
bring these guys down.
All suggestions ac-
Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz (11) throws a pass during the first half of an Clearly, these are des- New England Patriots quarterback Jacoby Brissett (7) hands
NFL game against the Chicago Bears Sept. 19 in Chicago. perate times for the rest to the football to head coach Bill Belichick after rushing
of the NFL. The Patriots for his first career touchdown during the first half of an

Wentz long way from matching are off to a 3-0 start even
though Tom Brady is
stuck at home with his
NFL football game against the Houston Texans Thursday in
Foxborough, Mass.

Big Bens rookie season perfect family, serving

out a four-game sus-
pension for an unhealthy
and win, Belichick said
during a conference call
Friday, his voice droning
caught videotaping
an opponents defen-
sive signals in violation
obsession with football somewhere between con- of NFL rules back in
ROB MAADDI air pressure and hastily tempt and superiority. 2007. Spygate led to a
Associated Press downgrading his cell- Try to go out there and half-million-dollar fine
PHILADELPHIA Car- phone before the contract put the best game plan to- against the coach and the
son Wentzs excellent start was up. gether with the players we Patriots being stripped
is nothing compared to New England didnt have against the opponent of their first-round pick.
what Ben Roethlisberger did even have its backup were playing against and Turns out, that was about
his rookie season. quarterback for Thurs- win. as effective as Brangeli-
Wentz is 2-0. Big Ben was day nights game against Not long after Belichick nas marriage counseling.
13-0 in 2004. the formerly unbeaten hung up the phone came Maybe we should allow
The two quarterbacks Houston Texans. Jimmy a report that Brissett in- opposing teams to sit in
share an agent and other Garoppolo was sidelined jured the thumb on his on Belichicks film ses-
similarities. Theyll meet with a shoulder injury, throwing hand and may sions, so they at least have
Sunday when the Philadel- so Bill Belichick surely need surgery. If so, we can a sneak preview while
phia Eagles (2-0) host their thumbing his nose at the only assume that Steve hes formulating his latest
intrastate rival Pittsburgh rest of the league sent Grogan will be suiting Coppola-like game plan.
Steelers (2-0). out somebody named up for the Patriots next
I think hes doing a re- ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Jacoby Brissett to run the game. Heck, hes only 63 Letting the air out
ally good job of just kind of Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz (11) gets set offense. and cant be much worse Deflategate revealed
letting the game come to to take a snap during the first half of an NFL football game While the rest of us than Matt Cassel, who that Brady is very particu-
him, Roethlisberger said against the Chicago Bears Sept. 19 in Chicago. were surfing the web, somehow led the Patriots lar about how much air is
of Wentz. Hes not forcing trying to make sure this to an 11-5 mark the year in the footballs he throws,
it. You see him throwing first game in Week 2 of his soft, hes a hard tackle in the supposed third-stringer Brady went out with a and his actions before
balls away and not trying rookie season after Tommy open field. wasnt just Brady in dis- knee injury. an AFC playoff game last
to make too many crazy Maddox was injured in the Familiar look: The Ea- guise, Belichick installed Since Brady will be back season showed that hes
throws down the field, and opener. He didnt lose un- gles are playing a 3-4 de- something resembling the in one more game anyway, not above skirting the
using his legs when needed. til the AFC championship fense for the third straight wishbone with only three time is running short. rules to get a better grip.
Hes a really smart guy, game against New England. week. They handled the days to prepare. Brissett, Heres a few ideas to get Wonder how hed do
smart player, physically I was blessed with a Browns and Bears well, naturally, guided the the conversation started: with a ball that is inflated
gifted, so I think all of great defense, and you scoring 29 points against Patriots to a 27-0 shel- to 0.0 pounds per square
that kind of helps. And his werent afraid to make each team. The Steelers lacking of a team with one Spies, lies and inch? He should give that
preparation is very good. mistakes because you knew actually play a true 3-4, of the NFLs top-ranked videotape a try when he returns
Wentz, the No. 2 overall they were either going to get Pederson said. You will see defenses. from his suspension, no
pick, worked out with Ro- the ball back for you, or stop more of that front with this Look, we just try to In the first of his Gate doubt with the Patriots
ethlisberger and had dinner them, Roethlisberger said. group. They still play their go out there every week scandals, Belichick was sitting at 4-0.
with him in California this Heres some things to under front and over front
summer. Roethlisberger know about the first Steel- and mix it up a little bit in
thought hed see much more ers-Eagles game since 2012: their base packages. As far
of Wentz. DAUNTING TASK: De- as the three games, this is
I thought I was going to fensive coordinator Jim more of a 3-4 look.
be facing him two times a Schwartzs much-improved Field flipper: One of
year in Cleveland, Roeth- defense the Eagles are the reasons the Steelers
lisberger said. No. 4 in yards allowed af- have allowed just 32 points
The Browns traded the ter finishing in the bottom despite giving up a lot of
pick to the Eagles and be- five the past three seasons yards is field position.
gan the season with Robert has a tough assignment Punter Jordan Berry has The Sentinel and Carlisle Regional Medical Center present

Teen of the Week

Griffin III as their starting against Roethlisberger, All- already dropped half of his
quarterback. Theyre 0-2 Pro wide receiver Antonio 10 kicks inside the 20 and
and Griffin is injured. Brown and NFL leading his 42.8 net yard average
Wentz was slated to be rusher DeAngelo Williams. ranks seventh overall. The
Philadelphias No. 3 quar- This will be the most com- Bengals started five of their where area high school seniors are recognized for their
terback until Sam Bradford plete team that well play 15 possessions last week in- accomplishments in and out of the classroom.
was traded to Minnesota. this year, defensive tackle side their 10.
Hes been so impressive in
the first two games that hes
already drawn comparisons
Fletcher Cox said.
Stopping Brown is an
even bigger challenge with
No pressure: The Steel-
ers have just one sack
through two games, and
Every Monday
to Aaron Rodgers, Peyton starting cornerback Leodis that came on a scramble by
Manning, and Roethlis- McKelvin sidelined for the Cincinnatis Andy Dalton
berger. second straight game. Ron for no gain. Dont expect a
Ive always found it in- Brooks and rookie Jalen lot of changes as Pittsburgh
triguing the way that guy Mills take his spot. faces Wentz. Our front
plays the game differently You got to keep him in four is so good, we dont
than a lot of guys, and hes front of you and when hes need to blitz, said line-
fun to watch, Wentz said in front of you, you got to backer Lawrence Timmons.
of Roethlisberger. That tackle him, safety Mal- Pittsburgh has focused on
guy can make some really colm Jenkins said. Hes a dropping more players into
big plays and its pretty im- great route runner. Hes got coverage to protect a sec-
pressive. speed and he can get behind ondary working in rookies M
Roethlisberger started his the defense. If you play too Artie Burns and Sean Davis. 1
The Sentinel SPORTS Saturday, September 24, 2016|C7

Edwards wins pole at New Hampshire

LOUDON, N.H. Carl third, followed by Chase works, he said. cause of a rain-shortened
Edwards has mastered the drivers Jimmie Johnson, Here are some other items win at Pocono will stand as
art of starting first at New Denny Hamlin, Kyle Larson, of note from Friday at New the highlight of his season.
Hampshire. Jamie McMurray, and Matt Hampshire. Were playing our own
Its winning the race that Kenseth. Delay of game: Inspec- game right now, he said.
has caused him fits. Chase drivers Chris tion issues delayed several We know that if we come
Edwards turned a lap Buescher and Austin Dillon cars from taking the track out of here and do the best
of 135.453 mph to win the failed to advance out of the in the first round of quali- we can, put in our maximum
NASCAR Sprint Cup pole first round of qualifying. fying. Nearly a dozen cars effort, thats all we can do.
at New Hampshire Motor Fellow Chase drivers Kurt were in line at the inspec- Thoughts and prayers:
Speedway. He took the top Busch, Joey Logano, Kevin tion station once qualifying NASCAR drivers have
spot Friday for the third Harvick and Tony Stewart started. Clint Bowyer spun found the violent protests
time in the last four New failed to get out of the sec- during his lap to bring out in Charlotte, North Caro-
Hampshire races and he ond round. the red flag and buy time for lina in the wake of the fatal
won his sixth pole of the Edwards won his 22nd the rest of the cars to com- shooting of a black man by
season. career pole. He had never plete inspection. police unsettling.
We need to turn that into won more than three poles Tough break: Chris The NASCAR Hall of
a race win, Edwards said. in a season. Buescher (28th) and Austin Fame in downtown Char-
The Joe Gibbs Racing The cars are great, but Dillon (29th) have the worst lotte had its exterior dam-
driver has failed to win in 24 its not just that, Edwards starting spots among Chase aged this week during vio-
career starts at New Hamp- Carl Ewards is greeted by fans after winning the pole position said. drivers. Dillon qualified in lent protests.
shire. Edwards finished sev- for Sundays NASCAR Sprint Cup Series auto race at New Its Toyota. Its crew chief a back-up car following an A lot of times when you
enth and fifth off his two Hampshire Motor Speedway, Friday in Loudon, N.H. Dave Rogers. Its the sup- accident in practice. see things like this happen
poles last season. Edwards port of having three stel- Its not the exact same its in a different city and
would advance to the sec- ver. Edwards led the way for lar teammates in Kenseth, car, its a little older car, you dont recognize where
ond round of the Chase for If we have a bad day the Chase for the Sprint Hamlin and Kyle Busch but same type of car we ran its at, but when you see the
the Sprint Cup champion- here, Im going to be real Cup championship drivers. (who starts 12th). here the first time and we NASCAR building getting
ship with a win on Sunday. upset about it for about Martin Truex Jr. followed Kenseth has won the last ran pretty solid in that race, vandalized and you see ar-
Hed rather take the three or four days and then his Chase win at Chicago- two New Hampshire races Dillon said. We will just go eas of the city that you know
checkered flag in the No. if you have a bad day at Do- land Speedway with a solid for JGR. out there and drive it hard very well with just crazy
19 Toyota and not have to ver, youre going to be upset qualifying run to join Ed- I became a lot better cer- and see what it gives me. things happening, it makes
worry about taking care of for the rest of the year, he wards on the front row. tainly when I started driving Buescher realized that you sick to your gut, Lo-
business next week at Do- said. Ryan Newman will start there. Its funny how that just making the Chase be- gano said.

World Cup of Hockey

delivering quality play
Associated Press
has gotten almost every-
thing it hoped for so far at
the World Cup of Hockey.
In holding the first World
Cup since 2004, the league
and players wanted a fes-
tival of hockey that show-
cased the its best players.
Two losses and an early exit
by the United States isnt
what anyone wanted for
the sake of interest, but the
23-and-under Team North
America put on a show and ASSOCIATED PRESS
captured the attention of North Americas Nathan MacKinnon, center, celebrates his
fans, coaches and players game-winning goal against Sweden during overtime of a
around the tournament. World Cup of Hockey game Wednesday in Toronto.
Team North America and
ASSOCIATED PRESS the U.S. are out, with Can- over by winning, beating event feel.
Dustin Johnson hits from the tee on the 12th hole during the second round of play at the Tour ada and Russia meeting the U.S. and the Czech Re- The World Cup achieved
Championship golf tournament Friday at East Lake Golf Club. in one semifinal Saturday public to advance. big-event status in Toronto,
night and Sweden and Team Two-time Olympic with a mostly full arena and

Johnson takes lead at

Europe in the other Sun- champion Canada has buzz around the city. The
day afternoon. The quality rolled, going 3-0 and out- same cant be said on U.S.
of play has already been scoring opponents 14-3 TV, as ESPN reported that
Olympic-level high and along the way, and Sweden approximately 770,000

Tour Championship
should only get better with has leaned heavily on goal- people watched Canada
at least four and potentially tender Henrik Lundqvist. beat Team USA on Tuesday
five games left. North Americas games night, the most watched
The winners here have against Russia and Sweden game so far.
been the fans, North were two of the most excit- Executive vice presi-
America coach Todd Mc- ing end-to-end games in dent of programming and
DOUG FERGUSON Chappell, one of two issues that he hopes will be Lellan said. Theyve recent international history. scheduling Burke Magnus
Associated Press players at the Tour Cham- cured by rest. watched some really good Commissioner Gary Bet- called the Americans dis-
pionship who has yet to win By Day withdrawing, hockey in September and tman is proud of how the appointing showing a lost
Johnson is playing better on the PGA Tour, was just as Johnson won the points- that doesnt happen very NHL and NHLPA revived opportunity.
than anyone in the world, solid, even if it doesnt look based PGA player of the often. the World Cup in world- Thats the beauty of live
and Kevin Chappell cant as spectacular. He has made year award and is likely to The NHL was panned ini- class fashion. sports, Magnus said by
wait to watch him at the only one bogey in 36 holes, win the player vote as PGA tially for the North Amer- Its been sensational. Its phone Thursday. Thats
Tour Championship. quite a feat on a course Tour player of the year be- ican and European all-star exactly what we expected, what makes sort of the
Even if that means having where the Bermuda rough is cause of his three victories, teams, but the youngsters Bettman said. We wanted unscripted nature of what
to beat him. so punishing that balls sink with perhaps another to speed, skill and scoring won this to feel like and be a we do so much fun. We
Johnson powered his way to the ground and some- follow. so many people over that major event. We predicted obviously were counting
down the fairways and oc- times cant be seen from a But there is still work merchandise bearing the that the competition would on them to get out of pool
casionally out of the brutal foot away. ahead of him, and that NA logo was almost en- be better than any interna- play, but they werent able
rough at East Lake on Fri- He shot a 68 and will be in starts with Chappell. tirely sold out at Air Canada tional tournament to date, to do it. But this is the best
day for a 3-under 67, giving the final group of a playoff I promise you, Ill be Centre. Europe won people that it would have a big- players in the world.
him a one-shot lead over event for the second time watching Dustin, Chappell
Chappell and moving him this year. said. Hes the best player in
one round closer to the $10 Kevin Kisner (70) and the world right now, and its WHEN IT COMES TO FIXING A VEHICLE
million FedEx Cup prize. Hideki Matsuyama (71) were an opportunity for me to see
The U.S. Open champion
is on a different level at the
four shots behind, while
Rory McIlroy overcame
where my game is. Theres
a golf tournament going
moment. another rough start on the on, and I have a chance to
Even on a demanding
test like East Lake this year
front nine to post a 70. He
was in the group five shots
win that. Thats the ulti-
mate goal. But I also have
only 10 players remain
under par Johnson is
behind, which isnt much
of a deficit at the halfway
a chance to see why hes
the best player in the world
hitting his driver long and point except for Johnson right now, and I look for- OF DEALING WITH OTHER
straight. His wedge game being the one they have to ward to taking advantage
has gone from a weakness chase. of that opportunity. COLLISION CENTERS!
to a strength. A new putter If nothing else, Johnson Chappell has been a run-
he put in play two weeks all but eliminated nearly ner-up three times this sea-
ago when he won the BMW
Championship is giving him
everyone not among the
top five seeds vying for the
son and keeps running into
the wrong guys Kisner at YOUR VEHICLE WILL LOOK
a better feel for alignment.
Small wonder that this
FedEx Cup. McIlroy is No.
6 and still has a chance,
Sea Island, Day at Bay Hill
and The Players Champi-
was his seventh straight
round at 68 or better during
though he would have to
win the Tour Championship
onship. He also was in the
mix at the TPC Boston until
the FedEx Cup playoffs. and Johnson would have to McIlroy pulled away.
The game is never easy. finish third. It seems I like going
I wish it was, Johnson said. I need to win, and I just against the hot player at the
Obviously, Im playing need someone to play as time, he said.
good right now. Ive got a lot
of confidence in my game.
good as Dustin this week,
McIlroy said.
Russell Knox matched the
low score of the tournament
Collision Center
Every week, I feel like I bring
the same game, which is
nice. But I put in a lot of
Jason Day is out of the
picture. The worlds No. 1
player withdrew in the mid-
with a 66 that allowed him
to get back under par at
1-under 139, along with
work to get to where I am. dle of a round at the second Justin Thomas, who is still 730 E. KING STREET SHIPPENSBURG, PA
Johnson was at 7-under straight tournament, cit- hopeful of a Ryder Cup pick
1 203. ing the same nagging back at the end of the week. TOLL FREE 1-888-532-2121
C8|Saturday, September 24, 2016 The Sentinel

2005 HUMMER 2014 CHEVY




24,995 $
2012 CHEVY 2016 CHEVY

Team Canada center Ryan Getzlaf (15) collides with Team USA defenceman Dustin Byfuglien #61248A, CERTIFIED LEATHER #P8069, CERTIFIED CD WINDOWS
(33) during third period World Cup of Hockey action Tuesday in Toronto. POWERSEAT CD WINDOWS LOCKS LOCKS CRUISE TILT

Canada rolling ahead $

2012 BUICK
of semifinal vs Russia
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS I couldnt Canada outlasted Russia
ORONTO Ryan Get-
T in a pre-tournament game
zlaf doesnt remember a even tell you with a 3-2 overtime win.
single thing from Canadas Though players on both
last matchup with Russia in what the score sides didnt think that of-
a tournament featuring the
best hockey players in the was or when
fered much insight into
Saturdays matchup, the
37,996 $
world. formula was there for how 2010 SUBARU 2012 CHEVY
I couldnt even tell you we played Canada could fall on Sat- IMPREZA SONIC LTZ
what the score was or when urday: Sergei Bobrovsky
we played them or what them or what turned aside 45 of 48 shots
happened, Getzlaf said. to give his squad a chance.
Canada coach Mike Bab- happened. All but two players have at
cock, however, remembers least a point for Canada thus
Ryan Getzlaf
the nerves of his players far. Nine different players
that day. Team Canada was have scored, and Canada #65790A, 2.5I SUNROOF WINDOWS #S7995, GM CERTIFIED, LEATHER,
anxious at that point of the Canadians rolled through will face an inexperienced LOCKS CRUISE SUNROOF
2010 Olympic Games in a the preliminary round in Russian defense.
quarterfinal matchup with Toronto, outscoring their Canada has evolved into
the Russians. The group was
four years removed from a
Czech, American and Eu-
ropean foes 14-3, trailing
a wrecking ball in big games
since that thorough de-
10,890 $
seventh-place disaster at for just 89 seconds. struction of Russia in 2010. 2012 CHEVY 2015 CHEVY
the 2006 Games, trying to
reclaim gold on home soil in
Russia poses the biggest
threat yet. Alex Ovech-
Their last loss in best-on-
best play came against the
Vancouver. kin, Evgeny Kuznetsov U.S. in the preliminary
Any tension quickly evap- and Vladimir Tarasenko round of the Olympics in
orated. Canada pumped six front a dangerous top line Vancouver.
goals past Evgeni Nabakov with Evgeni Malkin, Nikita Its just an expectation
in the first 24 minutes and Kucherov, and Calder Tro- to win, forward Logan
won 7-3. Getzlaf had three phy winner Artemi Panarin Couture said of Canadas #T7759, CERTIFIED LEATHER CD #P7952, CERTIFIED 4X4 EXCAB 5.3 CD
points in just over 10 min- there, too. ability to perform on the big WINDOWS LOCKS WINDOWS LOCKS
utes. For us, there cant be stage. When you come into
Canada is now a pow- any casual moments with an event and you throw on
erhouse as it prepares to
host Russia in Saturdays
how dangerous some of
these players are, said Ryan
the Canadian jersey the ex-
pectation and the feeling in
14,997 $
semifinal at the World OReilly. You give them the room is that we want to 2013 CHEVY 2015 CHEVY
Cup of Hockey, winners of
13 straight best-on-best
opportunity theyre going to
create and theyre going to
win and were here to win.
I think big games bring out
games dating to 2010. The bury them and make us pay. the best of everyone.

US goes winless at World Cup #65595A, GM CERTIFIED, CREW,


30,992 19,487
Associated Press $ $
ORONTO Left with
nothing play for at the 2013 CHEVY 2012 CHEVY
World Cup of Hockey,
coach John Tortorella told
his United States players to
play a game for themselves.
They played hard, gave
effort in a meaningless
round-robin finale but still
lost 4-3 to the Czech Re- #65954A, CERTIFIED LEATHER #S8021, CERTIFIED LEATHER
With an 0-3-0 record and
a minus-6 goal differential, $
39,849 $
the U.S. finished seventh Team USAs Dustin Byfuglien, centre, Matt Niskanen, left,
among eight teams, ahead and Patrick Kane, right, leave the ice after their team lost to
of only Finland. Team Czech Republic in World Cup of Hockey action Thursday 2016 CHEVY 2014 DODGE
The bottom line is we
leave here with nothing,
Tortorella said. Certainly drej Sustr each had a goal. the Winnipeg Jets defense-
we cant be happy about U.S. players promised man had a beautiful pass to
that. they wouldnt mail it in with set up Abdelkaders goal and
Previous losses to Team nothing to play for. A result was one of the best players
Europe and Canada elimi- of human nature, it felt like on the ice.
nated the Americans from an all-star game with a lack A collection of fans spent #P8044, #65740A, POWERSEAT CD WINDOWS
contention. While Canada, of real physicality as every- stretches of the first period CERTIFIED ALL-WHEEL-DRIVE CD LOCKS CRUISE TILT
Sweden, Europe and Russia one wanted to get through chanting, Lets go Kes- WINDOWS LOCKS
prepare for the semifinals
this weekend, the U.S. and
Czech Republic played out
without getting injured.
I thought some guys
gave some really true ef-
sel! and We want Kes-
sel! Stanley Cup-winning
Pittsburgh Penguins winger
19,857 $
the string in front of a half- forts, Tortorella said. We Phil Kessel was left off the 2016 GMC 2014 CADILLAC
empty arena.
Joe Pavelski, Justin Ab-
just didnt find a way to win
the hockey game.
U.S. team and made light of
that on Twitter on Tuesday
delkader and Ryan Mc- Afterward, Tortorella night after the Americans
Donagh scored for the U.S., broke from his usual routine lost to Canada.
which did not unravel in a and addressed the team. That was a must-win
meaningless game like it McDonagh said the mes- game for the U.S. after
did in the 2014 Olympic sage was, Keep your heads opening the tournament
bronze medal game. Ben up, youre all great play- with what Patrick Kane #S8087, #P7908,
Bishop allowed four goals ers. You all represent your called a dud against Eu- CERTIFIED ALL-WHEEL-DRIVE PLATINUM DVD NAVIGATION
on 20 shots in two periods, country to the best of your rope. General manager Dean
and Cory Schneider made
seven saves in relief.
ability and you were a great
group to be around.
Lombardi blamed not being
prepared for that game for
27,549 $
Petr Mrazek stopped 36 Frustration boiled over the U.S. bowing out of the
of the 39 shots he faced to
backstop the Czech Repub-
for Dustin Byfuglien at the
final buzzer as he went after
World Cup.
I dont think we showed
I-83 at 13th Street exIt harrISburg
lic to its first victory. Milan Czech defenseman Michal enough respect for the tal- 717-234-4444 toll free 888-SutlIff
Michalek scored twice and Jordan. A healthy scratch ent on that team, Lombardi
Zbynek Michalek and An- in the tournament opener, said Thursday morning. M
The Sentinel Saturday, September 24, 2016|C9


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C10|Saturday, September 24, 2016 CUMBERLAND LIFE The Sentinel


Dr. Sam Williams, examines Nugget at the Crossroads Veterinary Clinic in Victoria, Texas.

Clinic helps horses buck illnesses

SARA SNEATH because of the mixture of dry and lovers to congregate and ensure tick. would go on an antibiotic, an an-
The Victoria Advocate rainy spells. Strikers problems their animals well-being. I can handle scorpions and ti-fungal medication, a pain med-
VICTORIA, Texas Strikers became more severe, resulting in In one of the stalls inside the snakes and spiders, she said. ication and atropene, an eye drop
breathing is still labored from an respiratory issues. building, a small brown horse also And ticks, I cannot stand. It just that keeps the eye dilated.
upper respiratory issue hes been He just had a real crusty nose owned by Miller was getting her ear gives me the heebie-jeebies. Its a regiment that Burns knows
trying to kick. and he was breathing real hard, checked out. A tick had gotten inside Williams sprayed Frontline in- well. Shes had three horses al-
The tall, white-freckled horse she said. His energy level, even the ear, making it sensitive, said Dr. side the horses ears to kill the tick most lose an eye.
underwent breathing treatments, though hes not usually very ener- Sam Williams, a large animal veter- and allow the tick to release its She got emotional thinking
which required the use of a large gized, you could just tell he wasnt inarian who co-owns the clinic. mouth part and fall off on its own. about one of those horses. To her,
blue face mask that fit over his himself. It can cause some damage Outside, large animal veteri- horses are more than just an an-
velvety muzzle. Late last month, Striker and to the inside of the ear if theyre narian Dr. Paul Daniel examined imal.
In his youth, Striker competed Miller returned to the Cross- allowed to stay in there and con- a horses eye. They each have their own per-
in dressage. His former owner roads Veterinary Clinic, where he tinue to feed, Williams said. His owner, J.R. Burns, said shes sonalities, she said. And you just
called him the flying pillow. received breathing treatments. So, we have to get those things had a number of horses with eye take the time to get to know them.
But after moving from Arizona Striker was feeling much better, removed. problems. She can tell they have As the large animal manager,
to Texas, hes become a comfort but his breathing was still some- Williams gave the horse a sed- an issue when their lashes droop Sally Kuecker, scratched Strikers
horse for Sharon Miller. what labored, as though he was ative. It quickly set in and the downward, instead of standing belly, making him tilt his head
Miller said she enjoys riding getting over the last week of a horse started to close her eyes. straight out, she said. up with pleasure, Miller echoed
trails on the 19-year-old. cold. She leaned forward and shuffled Eyes are something that you Burns sentiment.
But at just over 17 hands tall, if The Crossroad Veterinary Clinic on her feet. have to be on immediately or else The attraction for me, even at
Miller drops her hat on the trail, recently completed a new indoor Rains have brought out more you lose your eye, she said. Its my age, is that you never know
theres no easy way to get back up equine facility. There, Miller and bugs, Williams said. And the ticks real serious. everything there is to know about
on Strikers back. Striker were surrounded by other have been bad this year. Horses Daniel put green stain in the them, she said. Theres always
I have a three step mounting horses and their caretakers. The cant take oral tick medication, horses eye to help locate the something you can learn whether
block and hes still a step up, new digs offer air-conditioned like dogs can. Tick preventatives scratch. it be with riding or your horse-
Miller told The Victoria Advocate. exam rooms, video monitored have to be applied topically. A circular area near the back of manship skills or handling them
Millers herd at the Rocking intensive care unit stalls and a Miller looked inside the horses the eye took up the stain, making or reading their body language
M Ranch in Woodsboro has had surgery suite. But more than that, ear and made a fake gagging noise it appear a marble green color. or feeling their emotions. Youll
problems with allergies this year it offers an environment for horse when she spotted the blood filled The diagnosis meant the horse never know everything.

eet Pepper and Rosey.
Midnight is a 9-year-old black Apso.
lab who was dropped off over- He is incredibly cute and has
night in the outside kennels at the an independent personality.
shelter. Dont let the age fool you He is best suited for adults
this guy still has a lot of spunk only.
left. Because of his size and energy He loves in walks, and would
level, were looking for a home for love a home with a fenced in
him with children older than 10. yard so he could sunbathe.
Pinto is the dearest little bean Electric fences will not be
youll ever meet. This 4-month- good for him.
old little tortie girl is a ball of en- He loves attention and is
ergy and fun. Pinto has the most a great car rider. He is house
expressive eyes and gorgeous coat. trained and crate trained.
If you want to add some excite- Rosey was born to a feral
ment to your life, Pinto just may mother in April and spent the
be the girl for you. first 10 weeks of her life fend-
The Cumberland Valley Animal ing for herself. She was terri-
Shelter is located at 5051 Letter- fied of humans at first, but she
kenny Road West in Chambers- has made huge progress and
burg. For more information, or loves to be held.
to see other adoptable animals, She purrs and nuzzles
visit or call closely, and gets along with
717-263-5791. other cats.
She is getting better with
Midnight is an adoptable pet through the Cumberland Valley Animal Pepper is an adoptable pet through the Furry Friends Network. This kitty has had initial
Shelter. vaccinations, de-worming,
flea preventative, tested neg-
ative for FeLV/FIV, and has
been micro-chipped and al-
tered to be ready for adoption
If you can offer Pepper and
Rosey a forever home, please
visit the Furry Friends website
at www.furryfriendsnetwork.
com and complete an applica-
tion today.
Foster homes are needed in
order to help more animals
like Pepper and Rosey. For
more information about how
to become a foster parent, visit
Pinto is an adoptable pet through the Cumberland Valley Animal Shelter. www.furryfriendsnetwork. M
Rosey is an adoptable pet through the Furry Friends Network. com/volunteer. 1
The Sentinel CUMBERLAND LIFE Saturday, September 24, 2016|C11



The Cumberland County Bar Foundation hosted the 40-50-60
Years of Service Reception at the West Shore County Club.
Attending the reception were 50-Year honorees (pictured):
The Honorable Edgar B. Bayley, Robert R. Black, Henry F.
Cyone, Frances H. DelDuca, Jerry R. Duffie, E. Robert Elicker
II, John B. Fowler III, Hertbert Corky Goldstein, Marlin R.
McCaleb, William E. Miller Jr., The Honorable Sylvia H. Rambo
and Paul L. Ziegler.


On Aug. 27, 11 members of the Carlisle Garden Club gathered for a Weeding Party at the LeTort Trailhead Garden in LeTort
Park, 180 E. South St., Carlisle. Pictured from left to right are 2016-18 President Deb Bolger, Judy Vetock, Darlene Ramond,
Carol Henry, Rosemary Blaszuk, Kathy Weigl, Eva Roe, Anne Wood, Janet Kay Nelson, Anna Marie Ramsey and Gloria Ramirez
(kneeling). The native garden was designed and planted by club member Deb Bolger last year.
The Penn-Cumberland
Garden Clubs Esther
B. Kolze Scholarship
Fund of $2,000 was
awarded to Meredith
Grace Mayer. She is
a senior at Central
Dauphin High School
and will be attending
Delaware Valley
University. Her major
will be ecology
and environmental
biology with a
minor in sustainable
agriculture systems.
Merediths intended
United Way of the Shippensburg Area held a Stuff the Bus
event in coordination with Walmart Shippensburg. School Ryan Watson, operations supervisor of DHL Supply of
supplies were donated by residents in special marked boxes Newville, donated school supplies to students in need at any
PROVIDED BY THE at Walmart in Shippensburg. Supplies were given to J.R. Wells of the districts schools. Nancy Grayson Elementary School
DEN CLUB with the Kings Kettle Food Pantry to hand out to children in Principal Susan Martin received the supplies on behalf of all
need coming with parents to the pantry. school principals.

SEPT. 28 Includes: Train ride to travel the COUNTY TOUR Orchestra/first Mezzanine seats for Sponsored By: Mt. Holly Springs DEC. 9
same route President Abraham Lin- Cost: $80 Radio City and taxes. Golden Age Club
ACTIVE AGING DAY coln did on his way to deliver his Includes: Tour guide, bag lunch, Contact: 717-258-4441 for reg- CHRISTMAS IN LIGONIER
Cost: $5
Gettysburg address. Visit Utz Po- dinner along the Susquehanna istration or more information on DEC. 3 Cost: $127/Person
Includes: Transportation to City River, transportation and all gra- the trip. Includes: Transportation, buf-
tato Chip Plant, lunch at the Dutch DICKENS CHRISTMAS IN
Island to Explore the Possibilities tuities. Reservations are due by Sponsored by: South Middleton fet lunch, country music, Christ-
Country Kitchen (menu selection in- WELLSBORO
with 5 other Cumberland County Se- Oct. 13. Parks and Recreation
cludes four meals); Warehime-My- Cost: $110/Person mas Show ticket, free time shop-
nior Centers. Big Spring Center will Contact: Barbara at 717-243-
ers Mansion Tour. Meeting place Includes: Transportation, festi- ping in Ligonier, stop at Old General
be closed this day for the trip. The
is Lowes, Shippensburg at 7a.m. 7766 or Georgie at 717-243-3169 NOV. 30 val dinner buffet at the Penn Wells
outing attendees will be carpooled. Store, Overlys Country Christmas,
Contact: 717-532-5952, Fran- Sponsored By: Mt. Holly Springs AMERICAN MUSIC THEATRE Hotel, Taxes and gratuities. taxes and gratuity.
Free lunch is provided and tour of Golden Age Club CHRISTMAS SHOW
ces Nye Contact: 717-258-4441 for reg- Contact: 717-258-4441 for reg-
the Susquehanna River on the River Cost: $95
Sponsored by: Shippensburg istration or more information on
boat (free to first 40 signups). Dead- NOV. 2 Includes: The American Music istration or more information on
line to register is Sept. 21. AARP 2525 the trip.
ANYTHING GOES AT DUTCH Theatre Winter Wonderland Christ- the trip.
Contact: 717-776-4478 for more OCT. 4-6 APPLE DINNER THEATRE Sponsored by: South Middleton Sponsored by: South Middleton
mas Show (3p.m.), Good & Plenty
information. Cost: $88 Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation
AUTUMN COLORS AND ELK Family style meal at 11:30a.m. Bus
Sponsored by: Big Spring Se- Includes: Transportation from leaves from Lowes, Shippensburg,
nior Center, 91 Doubling Gap Road,
Cost: $425 Carlisle, lunch buffet, show, taxes at 9:15a.m.
Includes: Transportation from Contact: Frances Nye 717-532-
Contact: 717-462-4806, Email: 5952 for more information. CHRISTMAS CITY
OCT. 1-2 Carlisle, 2 Nights Lodging, 3 FULL AT DUTCH APPLE DINNER or Sponsored by: Shippensburg Cost: $380/person, double
visit AARP 2525 occupancy.
WINE TOUR Cowboy Cookout, 1 Dinner, a Guided Cost: $88
Sponsored by: Journease Travel WINTER WONDERLAND Includes: Transportation, two
Cost: $379/Person (Single), $319/ Covered Wagon Ride Through the Includes: Transportation from
Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, Elk
Club, 401 East Louther Street, Suite AMERICAN MUSIC THEATRE nights lodging, two breakfasts, two Carlisle, lunch buffet, show, taxes
Person (Double), $299/Person (Tri- 210, Carlisle dinners, Bethlehem by Night Tour,
Viewing, Fall Foliage Viewing, A Cost: $97 and gratuities.
ple), $289/Person (Quad)
Vintage Ride on the Lehigh Gorge NOV. 17 Includes: Transportation, taxes Koziar Christmas Village. All taxes
Includes: Transportation, lodg- Contact: 717-462-4806, Email:
Scenic Railway, Jim Thorpe Experi- and gratuities, American Music The- and gratuities included.
ing, all tastings, box lunch, brunch, A GIFT FOR CHRISTKINDLAT Contact: Barb at 717-2434-7766 or
ence, Journease Travel Club Group atre, National Christmas Center and
taxes and gratuities. MIFFLINBURG NATIONAL visit
Leader, Taxes & Gratuities. Plain and Fancy. Reservations are or Georgie at 717-243-3169 for more
Contact: 717-258-4441 for reg- THEATRE information. Sponsored by: Journease Travel
Contact: 717-462-4806, Email: due by Nov. 23.
istration or more information on Cost: $85 Club, 401 East Louther Street, Suite or Contact: Barbara at 717-243- Sponsored by: Mt. Holly Springs
the trip. Includes: Transportation to Mif-
visit 7766 or Georgie at 717-243-3169. Golden Age 210, Carlisle
Sponsored by: South Middleton flinburg National Theatre and ticket
Parks and Recreation Sponsored by: Journease Travel to see the play, tea and cookies with
Club, 401 East Louther Street, Suite
the actors, luncheon at Mifflinburg
OCT. 2 210, Carlisle Buggy Museum with and gift shop-
DOVER NASCAR RACE ping of imported Christkindl gifts.
Cost: $159/Person OCT. 10
Dinner stop on the way home is not
Includes: Transportation, *race SIGHT AND SOUND included in the cost.
ticket and taxes. Cost: $126/Person Contact: Kristin Mock at
Contact: 717-258-4441 for reg- Includes: Transportation, lunch, 717-795-0992
istration or more information on show ticket, taxes and gratuities. Sponsored by: National Associ-
the trip (*Inclement weather rules Contact: 717-258-4441 for reg- ation of Retired Federal Employees
apply). istration or more information on (NARFE 1816).
Sponsored by: South Middleton the trip.
Parks and Recreation Sponsored by: South Middleton NOV. 19
OCT. 3 Cost: $149/Person
TRAIN RIDE OCT. 20 Includes: Transpor tation,

The Carlisle High outing and social event is Sea House, 61 Gettysburg
School Class of 1957 will planned for Friday, Oct. 7. Pike, in Upper Allen Town-
have a reunion at 11:30a.m. On Saturday, Oct. 8, there ship. Class of 49 graduates
Saturday, Sept. 24 at the will be a tour of the former should arrive by 11:30a.m.
Carlisle Country Club, 1242 high school (now middle in time for visiting and ...The Sentinel takes a closer look at accused
Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle. A school) that morning, and catching up before order-
class photo will be shot at a banquet in the evening. ing lunch from the menu. I-81 shooter John Wayne Strawser Jr. and the
1:30p.m., and entertain-
ment will begin at 2:30p.m.
For more information, call
Judy at 717-532-6316.
Attendees will be respon-
sible for their own checks
breakdowns within the criminal justice system.
The Shippensburg The Mechanicsburg and gratuity. Reservations
High School Class of 1966 High School Class of 1949 are not necessary. For more MONDAY EDITION
will hold its 50-year re- will hold a mini reunion on information, call 717-766-
union Oct. 7 and 8. A golf Oct. 15 at Hosss Steak and 9236 or 717-766-5404.
The murder of Amy Lou Buckingham

DEANS LIST FOR SEPT. 24 The conclusion
T he following stu-
lisle, Nicole Ebersole of chanicsburg, Breanna
dents from Delaware Val- Duncannon, Ashlyn Mc- Musselman of Gardners,

ley University have been Naughton of Duncannon, Kerry OConnell of Camp NOT A SUBSCRIBER?
named to the Deans List: Jarrett Meals of Carlisle, Hill and Morgan Sowers of
1 Clayton Bucher of Car- Amanda Mosser of Me- Gardners
C12|Saturday, September 24, 2016 WEATHER The Sentinel

Front to bring cooler air

ERIC FINKENBINDER to kick off the weekend. As
abc27 Meteorologist the clouds clear, a north-
As we edge a little closer west breeze develops and
to the warmest Septem- cooler air arrives for this
ber on record, well get a afternoon. With clear skies
stretch of seasonably cooler tonight, temperatures will
air for the weekend. A cold dip into the upper 40s and
front will push through the low 50s. Sunday will re-
Midstate this morning, so main fall-like with highs
there may be some clouds near 72.

PM 2.5
READING 10.9 Good Moderate Unhealthy Very Unhealthy Hazardous Clean Air Partnership
Yesterdays average daily reading of PM2.5 from the BAM-1020 air monitor at The Sentinel. Check out for hourly readings.

Today is Saturday, Sept. 24, the velopment of nuclear weapons. (To panic known as Black Friday af- In 1960, the USS Enterprise, ment that said the Iraq war had in-
268th day of 2016. There are 98 date, 183 countries have signed the ter financiers Jay Gould and James the first nuclear-powered aircraft creased the terrorist threat, saying
days left in the year. Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Fisk attempted to corner the gold carrier, was launched at Newport it was further evidence Americans
Treaty, but the agreement has yet market. News, Virginia. The Howdy Doody should choose new leadership in
Todays Highlight in to enter into force because of the In 1929, Lt. James H. Doolittle Show ended a nearly 13-year run upcoming elections.
History: refusal so far of eight nations guided a Consolidated NY-2 Bi- with its final telecast on NBC. One year ago: A stampede and
including the United States to plane over Mitchel Field in New Members of the eastern Massa- crush of Muslim pilgrims occurred
On Sept. 24, 1996, the United ratify it.) York in the first all-instrument chusetts Episcopal diocese elected at an intersection near a holy site in
States, represented by President flight. Barbara C. Harris the first female Saudi Arabia; The Associated Press
Bill Clinton, and 70 other coun- On this date: In 1955, President Dwight D. Ei- bishop in the churchs history. estimates that at least 2,426 people
tries signed a treaty at the United In 1869, thousands of business- senhower suffered a heart attack Ten years ago: Democrats were killed, while the official Saudi
Nations to end all testing and de- men were ruined in a Wall Street while on vacation in Denver. seized on an intelligence assess- toll has stood at 769.

you know
opening hour
of every Your subscription to The Sentinel brings you MORE news
and information, MORE value and MORE access than ever before!
coffee shop,
Founded in 1861

Another crash
Interstate closed for hours

supply shop in
CV, Colts prep for consi, Lions out SPORTS, PAGE B1 near Carlisle LOCAL, PAGE A3

MUGGY 85 63 FORECAST, B12 | WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1, 2016 | | Carlisle, Pa. | $1.50

Saluting a life of service

Paul Strickler to be

central pa.
know, said June Shomaker, a close service to others and exceptional Army, said Salvation Army Corps
friend of Stricklers. He is key to service beneting the Salvation Commanding Officer Maj. Alma
honored for work in what makes the Carlisle commu- Army. Riley. I think that his warm heart
nity a great one. Strickler has served on the Salva- and his pleasant manner and the
Carlisle community Strickler, a native of Boiling tion Armys Advisory Board for 34 way that he shares his love for oth-
Springs and a 1951 graduate of years and has been a lifetime mem- ers has blessed me the most.
JAKE AUSTIN Dickinson College, has aided the ber since 2006. According to a press release,
The Sentinel community in a number of posi- My husband and I have been in Strickler has devoted time to the
Paul Strickler has had an undeni- tions throughout his life.He will be Carlisle for two years now and from Salvation Army in leading fund-
able impact on the Carlislecommu- honored for his services Thursday the beginning, Paul welcomed us raising efforts, directly serving
nity, as many residents will attest. during the annual Carlisle Salvation very warmly and extended himself clients through My Brothers Table
Paul is one of those people in Army Civic Dinner where he will to us as someone who could help and aiding a variety of Christmas
Carlisle who has been a visionary receive the Others Award, which us settle in in terms of getting to events,among other contributions.
and has been dedicated,responsible honors an individual or organiza- know people in this community JASON MALMONT, THE SENTINEL
and just a plain wonderful person to tion exemplifying extraordinary who could support the Salvation Please see Strickler, Page A6 Paul Strickler will be honored Thursday.

Police: Man
The Sentinel
A Cumberland County man
is in prison after police say he
abused two children, chaining
one to a desk and forcing the two
children to hold bricks as pun-
Oscar Wayne Cover, 26, of
Southampton Township, was
charged Monday
with two counts

Local News

Live Weather Conditions National and Local Sports

Running a small business takes tenacity, moxie and perseverance.

So does finding the right talent, whether youre looking nationally
or nearby. Monster and The Sentinel have the technology,
Our commitment is to bring you MORE local
resources and grit to help you find local candidates that are ready
to work as hard as you. news and information that matters to you -
To start your search, visit
whenever and wherever you want it.

Saturday, September 24, 2016 Classifieds The Sentinel - D1

457 East North Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
Placing Classified Ads bargain
717-240-7130 Place your ad online at
online: * Bargain Basement printed within The
Sentinel on a space available basis. Limit

fax: one 3-line ad per week per customer.

One item per listing. Price must appear

717-243-3754 in ad. Non-commercial ads only. No

animals, live plants, produce or firewood.

Deadlines Items For Sale

4pm the day before publication we accept & check by phone. All ads must be pre-paid. Teaming up to bring you
more career opportunities in
4 pm Tuesday Central PA & beyond!
$ 99 $ 99 $ 99
11 19 25
Fridays Sentinel Select
3 pm Wednesday

Fridays Shippensburg Sentinel
4 pm Friday LINE
Sentinel Weekend + Priced Priced Priced ADS
Mondays Sentinel
between between between Packages ranging from
Advanced deadlines will 1599-$3799
apply during holidays.
$50 - $250 $251 - $1,000 $1,000 + up
3 Lines, published 2 weeks in 3 Lines, published 2 weeks in 3 Lines, published 2 weeks in
The Sentinel, online at The Sentinel, online at The Sentinel, online at


m /c ontests 10 Public Notices 10 Public Notices ontests
/contests ontests

West Perry School District Silent Auction

co m /contests
The West Perry School District is conducting a silent auction for a large
amount of miscellaneous items. Any questions should be directed to

li k m/contests
Leonard Jumper, Maintenance Supervisor, 717-789-3934 ext. 5611. Bids

Service Directory
may be left with the School District employee after viewing or mailed to West
Perry School District, 2606 Shermans Valley Rd, Elliottsburg, PA 17024.
Bids will be accepted until noon on Wednesday, October 12, 2016. The
West Perry School District reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
Further details below.

Location: West Perry School District Central Storage

Weavers Mill Road, Loysville, PA
Partial List of Items: 30"x72" Stainless Steel Island with Overhead Pot
Hooks, 30"x96" 3 Drawer Stainless Steel Table, Elkay Water Fountain,
To be a part of the Sentinels Service Directory, give us a call: Various Cabinets, Metal Carts, Desks, Tables, & Chairs
Viewing of Items: Friday, October 7th, 12 - 8 pm
243-2611 Carlisle Terms and Conditions: All items sold as is. Bids will be awarded at the
November 14th Board Meeting.
240-7130 Classified Direct Removal of Items: Successful bidders are responsible for removal of item(s)
243-3754 Fax on Saturday, November 19th, 8 am - 4 pm

Notice of Public Hearing and Action

County of Cumberland CDBG Program
LYNN RUSSELL, Automatic Opener Installation
Fred K. Geesaman The Cumberland County Commissioners will hold a public hearing to obtain
Bathroom Remodeling Sales & Installation
Remodel/Repair Work
COPENHAVER citizen comments on proposed modifications to Cumberland Countys
Repair all makes & models
Convert your tub into a custom shower! Replacement of Springs, Cables Baths/Kitchens, Replacement ROOFING Community Development Block Grant Program budget. The hearing will be
Add a new bathroom! & Pulleys held at 9:00 a.m., on Thursday, October 20, 2016, in the Commissioners
Windows & Doors Family owned & operated
Hearing Room, second floor, County Courthouse, One Courthouse Square,
We do all our own work! Same Day Service for over 54 years
243-0712 Hands on Local Contractor Carlisle, PA. The Cumberland County Commissioners will take action on the
Partial or Complete Remodel
PA #026106 Experienced, CALL 717-432-9061 proposed changes, explained below, at their meeting on Monday, October
Licensed & Insured Shingles, Metal Roofs, Rubber, 24, 2016 at 2 p.m. in the same location.
Free Estimates Insured, Honest Seamless Spouting, Fascia, Soffit,
Jarusewski Garage Door Service Will Do Small Jobs Inside & Out Siding & Roofing Repairs 2014 CDBG: Cancel activity "Public Facility: Shippensburg Township Park
Call 717-275-7018 Free Estimates ~ Insured
717-795-8383 PA #076628
Improvements-3rd Ballfield." Township completed project and wishes to
redirect funds to alternative project. Create new project "Public Facility:
PA015127 Seniors, Veterans &
Present Military ~ Shippensburg Township Park Improvements-Playground Equipment and
fund it at $4,000.00.
10% Discount
Carpentry 2015 CDBG: Cancel activity: "Public Facility-New Visions Rehabilitation" in
Drywall the amount of $45,000.00. Project will be funded in future program year.
Create new activity: "Acquisition-New Hope Ministries West Shore facility"
Small or Large Repairs J. Otts Roofing & and fund it at $45,000.00. Additional funds are requested by New Hope
Liftmaster Opener
Clopay Hrmann Doors Reasonable Rates Construction Ministries for acquisition of West Shore facility.
Sales & Service Fully Insured PA 047550
WILL DO CLEANING Roof repairs The public may comment on the budget modifications at the hearing or may
Prefer no pets. Free Estimates. Free Estimates Call 717-448-1116 Re-Roof Specialist direct written or oral comments to the Chief Clerk, Office of County
Call 717-423-6887. Commissioners, One Courthouse Square, Carlisle, PA 17013 or (717)
Nevin Wadel Specializing in Shingle & 240-6100. The comments must be received prior to the hearing. Persons
Rubber Roofs with disabilities or non-English speakers desiring special accommodation
(717) 423-6012 Small Additions should contact the County at (717) 240-6165.
Vince DiFilippo, Chairman
Fully Insured Board of Commissioners
Free Estimates County of Cumberland
NewStone, LLC Call 477-2450
Construction & Restoration PLANTING
100 Announcements 100 Announcements
40 years experience Call Doc
Commercial & Residential 258-9305 PATIOS WALKWAYS
Additions Remodeling
James Dougherty Call 717-423-6887

New Construction Maintenance
Electrical Plumbing Painting Major & Minor Home Repairs
Fully insured Roofing Windows Siding
Lic.# HIC PA014284 Painting Gutter Cleaning
David L. Stoner, Jr. Powerwashing Odd Jobs Roofing Windows
776-6700 or 418-0873
Additions Hauling
Porches, Decks & More!
PA #021642
Doors Bathrooms
Financing available
with 12 mos. interest free!
Hauling Moving House Repair
Gutter Cleaning Yardwork
Pressure Washing Screen Repair
Call Tim @717-422-8677
Free estimates.
Call 717-423-6887 or 717-278-2095.

48 years in Residential Service Work &
New Home Wiring Parking Lot Lights
from The Sentinel Staff
& Trenches WE DO IT ALL
Free Estimates
Ron Hoon Quality Painting
Interior/Exterior, Aluminum Siding
Up to $200 Savings
Painting. Free Estimates. Insured. THE 315 Help Wanted 315 Help Wanted
Whole House Standy By BENDERS HAULING Call 717-249-8616. SHARP IT SHOP
Generator System Will remove trash from attics,
Not valid with any other offer. basements, garages & yards & Full-line
J.L. Ruth Electric 697-1814 PA 45
will tear down outbuildings.
Free Estimates
7 Days A Week/
sharpening service. South Middleton
365 Days a Year 40 Koser Road School District
Sell it
CALL Shippensburg, PA
LYNN RUSSELL, Call 530-1656 Full-Time Paraprofessional

Master Plumber (Special Education Aide) - Two (2) Positions
CASH PAID FOR We wont drain your wallet! 7.5 hrs/day/182 days/yr. Must have a high school diploma;
UNWANTED VEHICLES Toilets Sinks Garbage Disposals
Autos, Trucks,Vans, Etc. Water Heater Faucets highly qualified and experience working with students
The Sentinel
Reliable Service
New Bathrooms
Licensed & Insured Free Estimates
in a multi disabilities classroom setting at the
high school level is preferred, but not required.
717-318-0372 Deadline for applications: Open until position is filled.
Classifieds 717-795-8383
PA015127 FENICLE, 776-7936
Trim & remove stumps. Insured,
Firewood. Local Free Estimates.
Please visit our website at for application instructions
and requirements for these positions.
D2 - The Sentinel Classifieds Saturday, September 24, 2016
100 Announcements
Love food? 315 Help Wanted 315 Help Wanted 315 Help Wanted

So do we.
Local Distributor for International
Manufacturer now expanding &
Every Wednesday in paper & at has openings in our
Customer Relations Dept.
In accordance with the
federal Fair Housing Act, we
No Experience Required
717-763-7860, Mon.-Fri., 9am-8pm
do not accept for publication 315 Help Wanted 315 Help Wanted Expanded Functions Dental Assistant needed for our growing
any real estate listing that EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - FT dental practice. Full time. Pennsylvania Board-issued
indicates any preference, The Borough of Shippensburg is
license required. Pennsylvania X-ray certification required.
limitation, or discrimination United Church of Christ Homes seeking applicants for a
Full-Time Equipment Operator We are looking for a highly motivated, team oriented
based on race, color, religion,
sex, disability, family status Sarah A. Todd Memorial Home Application deadline is:
September 16, 2016
person. Spanish-speaking skills a plus. Pleasant working
or national origin. See our website environment. Competitive salary and benefits.
If you believe a published A progressive, team-oriented,
listing states such a 117 bed Skilled Nursing facility is seeking a for full details & application Keystone Health is a Federally Qualified Health Center with offices in Chambersburg, PA
preference, limitation, or
DINING ASSISTANT requirements. Equal Opportunity Employer
discrimination, please notify
We provide opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation,
national origin, age, disability, marital status or any other characteristic protected by law. This is a 6 a.m. -2 p.m. shift, working between 52.50 and 75 hours ADMINSTRATIVE
in a two week period. ASSISTANT Send resumes via email to, or complete
NOTICES: (Weekend and Holiday Rotation Required) Hamilton Health Center, a an online application at OR mail to:
Pursuant to ss128.85 of the growing non-profit community Keystone Dental Care Attention: Office Manager
Pennsylvania Department of Excellent wages and benefits including retirement plan based health center, is seeking
Agriculture Title 7 regulations, a Human Resources 767 Fifth Avenue, Suite B-3a
GROWMARK FS, LLC. hereby Chambersburg, PA 17201
gives notice of ground application Administrative Assistant.
of "Restricted Use Pesticides" for
The successful candidate must be well BS in HR preferred. Microsoft
the protection of agricultural crops organized, flexible and have a professional Office expertise & minimum of
in municipalities in Pennsylvania 2 years relevant experience
during the next 45 days. Residents demeanor. Multi-tasking skills a must. required. Forward desired pay,
of contiguous property to our cover letter and resume:
application sites should contact Please mail, email, or fax resume and letter of interest by
your local GROWMARK FS, LLC.
facility for additional information.
September 30, 2016 to: WA R E H O U S E J O B S @ A M A Z O N
Concerned citizens should contact:
Jeff Starner IN CARLISLE
Snap Up a Deal
Michael Layton, MGR. Safety &
Environment, Director of Dining Services NO HS DIPLOMA/GED REQUIRED! Sarah A Todd Memorial Home
Street, Milford, DE 19963. Call 1000 West South Street in the APPLY IN PERSON: Mon-Sat: 10am - 7pm
Hampton Inn EARN

$12 - 14
.75 .25
Carlisle, PA 17013 Classifieds 4950 Ritter Rd
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Phone: (717) 245-2187 Fax: (717) 245-9733 OR /HR
215 Services PHL6 Onsite Office
675 Allen Rd
ADOPTION; Loving, fun, EEOE Carlisle, PA 17015 JOB OFFERS!
well-educated, financially secure, OR
married couple hoping to adopt. Harrisburg Transportation CTR
Expenses paid. call/text
3rd floor
646-284-6486 Debbie and Kevin. 415 Market St APPLY ONLINE:
Harrisburg, PA 17101

315 Help Wanted TECHNICIAN/ Call or


Get Your Career in Gear!
TRANSPORT go online
to browse,
When you apply: Please have ID proving your
eligibility to work in the U.S. All job offers
contingent on a background check/drug screen.
AutoZone is currently hiring
buy or
Full time at 64 hours per bi-weekly pay period. sell!
Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday 8am-4:30PM
DELIVERY ROUTE DRIVERS. Duties include but are not limited to a variety of PLACE
Apply at
maintenance related tasks including building and AD ANYTIME:
Freysinger Buick, GMC, Mazda, &
Hyundai is looking for a
equipment repairs, apartment renovations and
responding to work orders. This includes mechanical,
457 East North Street
Carlisle, PA 17013
RN Supervisor Vibralife is a
3-11 48 Bed
Service Technician to join our
growing service team! electrical, plumbing, carpentry and HVAC work. phone:
This position will perform vehicle 717-240-7130
diagnosis, repairs, maintenance, Other duties are occasional transport of residents email: Rehabilitation
& state inspections.
We are a family owned and operated
dealership & have a comfortable and
to appointments or shopping trips. Experience in a
retirement community preferred.
Full & Part Time Center
friendly working environment.
Pay is commensurate with
Please apply in confidence to Apply at: fax:
Enhancing Lives at Vibralife
Garry Freysinger
we accept & check by phone. Send email to
6251 Carlisle Pike,
Mechanicsburg PA 17050 CHAPEL POINTE at CARLISLE All ads must be pre-paid.
717-766-8422 770 South Hanover Street,
Carlisle, PA 17013 707 Shepherdstown Rd.,
CASE MANAGER Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
Hamilton Health Center, a Chapel Pointe is an Equal Opportunity Employer
growing non-profit community Best Places to Work - HealthCare Contact Us 591-2100
based health center, is seeking a EOE
Case Manager. Bachelors 315 Help Wanted
degree & two years human
services experience required.

Bi-lingual Spanish speaking
Forward cover letter and resume:


Carlisle Child Care Center seeking ASSOCIATES
full and part time employees.
Interested applicants will need a FORKLIFT DRIVERS
minimum High School Diploma AND
2 years experience working in child
care. Applicants with CDA or higher
- Line Workers - Assemblers
preferred. Interested applicants can
call 258-8216 x 3 - Forklift Operators - Pickers
Fraternal Order of Eagles Carlisle
1ST/2ND/3RD SHIFT - Inventory Clerks - Material Handlers
Experience necessary. Must be able to
WEEKEND SHIFT * Pay Rates up to $15hr * 1st2nd3rd shifts available
work a flexible schedule, including
weekends. Ability to work well with others
& to be an efficient team member.
PART-TIME WAITER/WAITRESS PAY RATES FROM $12.50 to $13.50 for Apply today at
Candidate is responsible for setting up
LABOR and up to $16.50 for
tables, delivering food & beverages &
ensuring areas are clean. Must be able to Forklift Stand up and Sit down.
work Friday & Saturday nights.
Apply at: 26 E. High Street
These Positions Start Immediately Now Open Saturdays, 8am-1pm
DIETARY AIDES Dont miss out on a great new opportunity!
Openings Available
!Hablamos Espaol!
If you want to be part of a dynamic
TEAM dedicated to enhancing the
Apply to 1909 Ritner Highway
lives of others Church of God Home
is the place for YOU! Carlisle, PA 17013 101 Noble Blvd., Carlisle
Habla l 717.701.8104
We offer Competitive Hourly Rates Daily: 8 am to 6pm
Excellent benefits including 401K,
Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm
PTO and paid health insurance.
Church of God Home Carlisle, PA. Any questions please call
If you are ready to make a difference 717-218-5011 Like us on Facebook for a chance to win a
and touch the lives of others while
enriching yours apply at $50 GIFT CARD!
Save time and apply online at
Search: The Performance Group - Carlisle

Find your
new dream NOW HIRING!
IS HIRING When: Monday, September 26th
IN CARLISLE Time: 10am-2pm
Where: Days Inn Carlisle-South
101 Alexander Spring Rd, Carlisle
In P line! Steady Hours,
&O And Overtime Available.
Transportation provided too many locations!
ALL SHIFTS! Carlisle, Mechanicsburg, Shippensburg,
and Chambersburg Areas!

Habla l
IMMEDIATELY DONT MISS Positions include:
o OUT ON A GREAT NEW Production Workers Line Leads
Espa OPPORTUNITY! Sanitation Personnel Handyman
Packers CDL Drivers and Yard Jockeys
Forklift Operators Bus Drivers
Apply to:
Order Selectors And more
1909 Ritner Highway
Carlisle, PA 17013 VISIT us TODAY, complete the registration
Daily: 8 am to 6 pm and you could be at WORK TOMORROW!
Saturdays 9 am to 1 pm
LEMOYNE OFFICE - 840 Market Street
Any questions please call 717-218-5011 CHAMBERSBURG - 166 S. Main St. (Kerrstown Square)
Save time and apply online at
Saturday, September 24, 2016 Classifieds The Sentinel - D3
315 Help Wanted 315 Help Wanted 315 Help Wanted 315 Help Wanted 502 Absolutely Free 524 Furniture
FREE, Piano, Dresser, & Student STAKES FURNITURE
HIRING SERVERS, 2nd & 3rd shift, JOB FAIR Desk. Call 423-6502. 6 Cherry St., Newville
Do you want to make a difference experience preferred. Apply within:
Carlisle Diner, 800 W. High St.,
Furniture & Bedding
Carlisle, PA Kelly Services will be 506 Appliances Call 776-9212 or stop by.
in peoples lives, and accepting applications
Walk-ins Everyday WASHER & DRYER,
542 Miscellaneous
earn good money doing it?
be our
19 Brookwood Ave., Ste. 103, Samsung, with
pedestal storage
Carlisle, PA 17015 units. High quality BATHROOM CABINET
Call 717-609-1020

Would you like a stable job in a for an online application!
models. $500/BOTH.
Call 514-2812.
24", oak with
matching wood
Kelly Services is an EOE including,
supportive environment? but not limited to, Minorities,
Females, Individuals with
frame mirror.
Disabilities, Protected Veterans
and is committed to employing 509 Cemetery Lots 717-249-8046
CHAIRS, 2 recliners & glider rocker.
a diverse workforce. $20 each. Call 423-6502
Certified Nursing Assistants All Shifts BURIAL PLOTS, (2) in Rolling Green
Cemetery in Camp Hill PA, Choice SAWMILLS from only $4,397.00-
$3/hr. Shift Differential for Evening Shifts depending on experience.Needed of 4 Locations. Block A, C, D, L. MAKE & SAVE MONEY with our
immediately. Call 717-776-2326. $1,000. Call 838-9716. own bandmill- Cut lumber any
We offer Competitive Hourly Rates Excellent Benefits dimension. In stock, ready to ship!

including 401K, PTO and Paid Health Insurance.

Parents needed for Foster Care and
CRR Host Home Care 520 Food Items FREE info/DVD:
Call KidsPeace 717-770-1364 or find 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 33N
us at CANNING TOMATOES, $8 for half
Church of God Home Carlisle, PA. bushel. Canning Peppers $5.No
must have 2 years experience.
Sunday Calls 717-243-2102 550 Pets & Supplies 717-468-4679.
524 Furniture weeks old, black & white, first shots
Business & wormed. Very cute, $250. Call
410 Opportunities LARGE TAN COUCH, Ashley
Furniture, 1 yr old. Buyer pickup.
717-776-3930. No Sunday calls.
$500. Call 814-418-6486 PUPPY, 8 weeks old.
Comes with
SOFA BED, green, $250/obo.
CARLISLE RECLINER, green $150/obo. contracted health
guarantee, 4
$100/OBO.WOODEN ROCKER dewormings, vet
EOE 315 Help Wanted DELIVERY maghony, $100/obo. CASH ONLY! health certificate &
first shots. Check out
Call 717-743-0728.
Throughout details. $1200. Call 601-0596.

Cumberland Co. Boats / Marine

GLOBAL COMPANY. In need of Independent
560 Equipment
LOCAL JOBS. HIRING NOW. Contractors to deliver
The Sentinel Show
CANOE, LL Bean, Old Towne
Discovery 133, made of
Polyethyhne, 78 lbs. max load 800

& Sell
lbs. always kept inside, excellent
throughout shape, green. $500. 486-8818.


Profit ranges 595 Firearms
CARLISLE SITES $200-$300 per week;
depending on route Disclaimer
All firearm transfers are subject to
Must have valid
relevant State and Federal laws.
See your local Sheriff or licensed
firearm dealer for more information.
drivers license &
Available Shifts: proof of auto QUALITY FIREARMS FOR SALE

insurance. Collectible
Wed to Sat 5a to 3p Wed to Sat 3p to 1a Limited Production
Sun to Wed 5a to 3p Sun to Wed 3p to 1a Visit Hunting Firearms
& click on the carrier link PLACE A CLASSIFIED New and Used
$500 Sign On Bonus above the weather AD ANYTIME: One of our finest collections
for application or on display now until Oct 8.
Competitive Wages call Jenn at
457 East North Street
Carlisle, PA 17013 Classic Firearms, Inc.
Full Benefits after 90 days 717-240-7165 MONDAY-FRIDAY 8AM - 5PM
2nd Floor, 2201 Market Street
Camp Hill, PA
Extra Bonus Earning Potential 717-240-7130 717-731-0991

bargain email:
10% OFF New In-Stock Colts

Carlisle Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Boiling Springs

Dillsburg Enola Plainfield Shermansdale Newburg
Newville Shippensburg Mount Holly Orrstown Walnut

Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Boiling
717-243-3754 Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield Shermansdale
we accept & check by phone. Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount Holly
Place your ad online at: All ads must be pre-paid. Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
Apply at: Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount

yard news Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
* Bargain Basement printed within The Sentinel on a Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount
space available basis. Limit one 3-line ad per week Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
per customer. One item per listing. Price must
appear in ad. Non-commercial ads only. No animals, Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
Business Business Business live plants, produce or firewood. Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount

sales that
410 Opportunities 410 Opportunities 410 Opportunities Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
BARRELS, metal or plastic, 55
gallons. $12/each. 717-226-4488. Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount
Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
BOOK CASE, Maple, solid wood. 24" Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
x 29" $35. 243-1601.

Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount
BOWLING BALL, and case, with Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
cleaning rag. $20. Call 386-4889 Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
CAMERA, Game Scouting, Razor X,
with 2 card 8GB, new. $80.
CARLISLE Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount
Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
240-2058. Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield

Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount
CANNING JARS & RIMS, 3 dozen GARAGE SALE, Fri., 9/23 & Sat.,
9/24. 8am - ?.1611 Pine Rd. Plus Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
pint & quart, $5. 486-4592. Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
size clothing, jewelry, Boyds
CHRISTMAS BALLS, Campbell bears, Longaberger, purses, old Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount
soup, kids, 1980-1995. New in box. sleds, puzzles, country decor, Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
$15 for all. Call 919-3095

collectibles, flat top grill, Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield
CLARINET, Armstrong, used 2 glassware, & lots of misc. Shermansdale Newburg Newville Shippensburg
years. elem. band. $199. 776-4299. Mount Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle
HUGE INDOOR ESTATE SALE, Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Boiling Springs Dillsburg
COAT, Harley Davidson leather, Enola Plainfield Shermansdale Newburg Newville
Sat, 9/24 & Sun 9/25, 8AM-3PM,

Mens XL. $70. Call 442-8613. Shippensburg Mount Holly Orrstown Walnut Bottom
both days. 41 Moongale Dr. John

COUCH, Brown microfiber reclining, Deere riding mower, TOOLS! Carlisle Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Boiling Springs
serious inquiries only. Buyer must LOTS of furniture, lamps, washer & Dillsburg Enola Plainfield Shermansdale Newburg
pick up. $175. 443-8287 dryer, useful household items, Newville Shippensburg Mount Holly Orrstown

Christmas, dishes, rugs & MUCH Carlisle Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Boiling Springs
COUCH/LOVE SEAT, 6, slate blue,
MORE. Dillsburg Enola Plainfield Shermansdale Newburg
in great shape. $35. 249-6276.

Newville Shippensburg Mount Holly Orrstown Walnut
DESK & CHAIR, Childs, 3 drawers, MOVING SALE/YARD SALE, Fri., Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg Camp Hill Boiling
solid wood, good condition. 9/23, 12-4. Sat., 9/24, 8-2. 2211 Springs Dillsburg Enola Plainfield Shermansdale
$45/OBO. 379-8392 Circle Rd. Household goods,

Newburg Newville Shippensburg Mount Holly
furniture, & more!
DESK HUTCH, wood, adjustable Orrstown Walnut Bottom Carlisle Mechanicsburg
shelves, 58"wx36"hx12"d. Good YARD SALE, Fri-Sat. 7-12. 327 Allen
condition. $25. Call 439-3781 St. Furniture, antiques, collectibles,
DOORS, 2 interior wood, one 24x80 albums, DVDs, clothes, gowns,
and one 30x80, no hardware. $10 kerosun, dehumidifier, books, toys,
each. 243-9930 games, stereo, home decor, bow,
GI AMMO CANS, clean. $10/ea. Call
486-7491 For convenient
STUFFED MASCOUT, large size.
Cost $100, sell for $50. 249-3790. GARAGE SALE, Sat., Sept 24. 717-240-7135.
HOT WHEELS, mystery cars in 8am-2pm. 20 Greason Rd. Various
package new 27 total cars items to many to mention.
unopened. $20. Call 717-421-0853
LADDER TREE STAND, 16. $45. 501 Auctions 501 Auctions
rest, memory king size, like new.
$100. 574-2249.
Elmer Murry Auctions Inc.
dozen for $5. Call 243-9585,
OAK TABLE, drop leaf, good
condition, needs to be finished. PUBLIC AUCTION
L E A R N H O W T O D AY $100. Call 776-5925
PLAYHOUSE, midsize, wooden
childrens, full size door, wooden
porch, 2 windows. $75. 776-9926
MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2016 @ 4:00 P.M.
On site @ 5217 Stuart Drive, Mechanicsburg, PA
PUZZLES, 1,000 piece, 40 of them. GLASSWARE, FURNITURE, GUNS
$2.50 each. 776-5084. HOUSE @ 6:00 P.M.
RANGE, Whirlpool Slide-In Flattop See web:
30", self cleaning- Bisque Color Elmer Murry Auctions, Inc. AY002073
#GY396LX-used $75. 385-6337 Richard P. Murry Auctioneer AU-000649L
Contact The Sentinel Newspaper RECORDS, (400 Vintage) Music
Collectable, 33 1/3 LPs, very nice
condition, $125 for all. 258-1863.
(717) 790-2240

and nd out how you can earn up to ROAD BIKE, Mens Schwinn, 12
speed, LeToure, like new, $125
$300 a week delivering the paper. RUG, childs pottery barn, blue &
white with cars & trucks as border.
Excellent conditon. $25. 732-3719
Location: Rowes Auction Barn, 2505 Ritner Highway, Carlisle. Between exits
44 (Allen Rd) 37 (Newville) off Int. 81.
Ab), great condition. $30.
Beginning @ 3:00 w/ 100s box lots usual house wares-tools-collectibles-etc, Nice
TIRES, (4), BF Goodrich, P225 60
R14, reached 90% tread. $160 lot 1940s car posters, paintings & prints, electronics, antique glass & china, car
cash.Carlisle are. 385-4465. manuals, decorators, etc. Full line modern BR-DR-LR & Kitchen furnishings, sofas
TIRES, 3 new, 4.80x8 load range C, & chairs, metal racks, sets chairs, Conference table & chairs, book shelves, etc.
(717) 240-7165 mounted on new galvanized 5-hole
lug wheels. $80 CASH. 258-3157.
Antiques incl. Vict. Sofa & chairs, 1930s incl. Sideboard, Oak table & chairs, nice
set early Thonet chairs, decorated Empire chest, mahogany furniture, etc. Very
TURKEY FRYER, Butterball indoor, brief listing, check website or Auctonzip for lots photos & updates
electric, XL. brand new, never
used. $80 386-2042. Terms: Cash or Pa. Check, major credit cards w/ 3% surcharge, out of state
WOOL COAT, Ladies,like new, size checks w/ prior approval
16-18, Maroon. $15. 486-3051.
Note: Very brief listing, expect some surprises. Box lots @ 3:00, Furniture @ 6:30
WORK TABLE, 4x4, lays flat or tilts.
Excellent condition. $45. Leave
mesasge 243-9349.
All newspaper carriers for The Sentinel are independent contractors. YEARBOOK, LeSean McCoy Fans, 717-574-1008 215-1044 249-1978
brand new, 2016 Buffalo Bills, $5.
Call 717-243-0990.
D4 - The Sentinel Classifieds Saturday, September 24, 2016
Apartments 617 Condos for Rent 740 Houses for Sale 776 Open Houses 870 Vans
610 for Rent TODAYS NEWS
CARLISLE - Greenfield: 2 bedrooms, VAN, Dodge 2000, 1500 series,
1 & 2 story; some with basements. handicapped. Price $8,995. Call
CARLISLE AREA, 2 bedroom at From $775 plus utilities. Patio, exterior 717-243-4820.
Winchester Gardens includes maint. included. Gas heat. 554-1554.
appliances, laundry hook-up,
water, sewer & trash. Sorry no pets.
$630/mo. Call 717-243-5597.
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
880 Autos
CARLISLE Small 1BR apartment, 630 Houses for Rent OPEN HOUSE, Sunday 1-4,
TOYOTA COROLLA, 1998, sunroof,
new tires, & starter. 183,400 miles.
smoke free.$525. Call 5 Stoney Knoll Lane, Carlisle, PA.
243-9007.Evenings. CARLISLE ,Roomy 3 BR, 1.5 baths, $1250/negotiable. Jim 554-0496.
740 Houses for Sale
GETTYSBURG-Quiet Country Well be serving Wine and Cheese at
yard,storgage shed,$925/MONTH Location! Split Level home on 3+ the open house. Check out this
CARLISLE, 2nd floor, 2 bedroom, No
pets, smoke free. $795 some
+ utilities. Call 717-249-7783. acres with 3 BR, 2 bath, Central Air
& detached 2-car garage. $210,000
spacious 2400 square feet with 2 car
attached garage and 4 car detached.
740 Houses for Sale
utilities + security; Call 243-9929. ENOLA, Single home. 3BR, 1.5 337-9950. Hosting Agent Lisa Fraker
baths, Sewer and trash inlcuded, 717-350-2771, Office 717-761-4800.
CARLISLE, Broker Owned, No pets, Smoke free. $875./MONTH
2nd floor 3 bedroom, 2 bath. AVAILABLE NOW.Call 732-6514.
776 Open Houses RV /
840 Travel Trailers
Landlord pays sewer, water & trash.
Heat pump with central air. SOUTH MIDDLETON TWP, 2

Smoke free. No dogs. $900 + electric. bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage. No

pets. Smoke free. $925/mo. +
Donald E. Diehl Realtor utilities & security deposit. Call WINNEBAGO, 2002 Vista RV, 21,
717-249-7127 after 5pm 717-448-2735 fully equipped, 56k mi. $12,500/obo.

Evenings 717-385-2191 Call 717-226-6316.
Commercial 635 Motorcycles /
615 Property for Rent for Rent 850 ATVs
CARLISLE, (2) 2 bedroom town-
BEAUTY SALON in Carlisle Business
District with 2 style stations. Most
houses. Kitchen with appliances.
No pets. $795/mo. Call 245-0082.
Detwiler Realty
utilities included & 2 off-st. parking CARLISLE, 2 bedroom, first floor. No Carlisle: 241-6060 717-713-5185
spaces. $550/mo. 717-249-7071. pets. $595/mo. Call 245-0082. Camp Hill: 730-4500 From Carlisle 641 WT/R on Bloserville Road, approx. 1.5
CARLISLE, 2 bedroom. No pets.
Apartments YAMAHA, 2008 Roadliner miles, T/R on Frytown, follow signs.
610 for Rent
$775/mo. Call 245-0082.
OPEN SUNDAY, 1-3pm S/1854cc/Five speed/Electric
Start, 2500 miles. You wont be
CARLISLE, 3 bedroom. No pets. UPPER
$795/mo. Call 245-0082. disappointed. $8,000. 385-5460
MT. HOLLY, 3 bedroom townhouse.
Kitchen with appliances. No pets.
$850/mo. + utilities. Call 245-0082.
853 Grahams Woods Rd.,
3-4 Bedrooms, 2.5 bath 717-245-0225
Now Leasing! Bi-level, 3 car garage, 2.33
Resort/Vacation CreekviewCarlisle
One & two bedroom apartments 660 Property for Rent acres with gorgeous views
123 Centerville Road, Newville
CENTRAL AIR $229,900 GMC, 2003 Savana, box truck,
Onsite management 14, new inspection, approximately
OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND Best 105k mi., asking $3,500.
24-Hour emergency maintenance NORTH MIDDLETON TWP
selection of affordable rentals. 717-240-7117.
Unparalleled location Full/partial weeks. Call for FREE 71 Manada Creek Circle,
Call today for more specials!
brochure. Open daily. Holiday
Resort services. 1-800-638-2102.
870 Vans 717-243-1000
Cross Creek: 4 bedroom, 3
717.685.3000 Online reservations: bathroom traditional, GMC, 1995, Custom Van, 1995, V8,
6348 South Powderhorn Road, Mechanicsburg
Carlisle Park Apartments
525 Third Street
upgraded, well maintained, runs good, $1200/obo. Call
5043 Ravenwood Road, Mechanicsburg
Apartments walk-out basement
610 3 Bayberry Road, Carlisle
Sell it FAST In $297,400 for Rent 144 McAllister Church, Carlisle
2510 Arcona, Mechanicsburg

BEAT THE HEAT! 700 Allen Street, New Cumberland

MORE OPEN HOMES can be viewed
Updates every Friday!
Classifieds 3001 Meridian Commons, Mechanicsburg
1147 Ashton Drive, Shippensburg
740 Houses for Sale 1483 Old Oak Court, Mechanicsburg
740 Houses for Sale 4 Garland Court, Carlisle


583 Grahams Woods Road, Carlisle
One And Two Bedrooms 24 Hour Emergency 71 Manada Creek Circle, Carlisle
1 Bedroom Townhouses
Wall To Wall Carpeting
Easy Access To Major 245-0225 |
Gas Stove & Refrigerator Highways
Free Hot Water/Heat/
Cooking Gas
On-site Management
Flexible Lease Terms
Tues: 10-6
Lehmans Crossing, Carlisle
Thurs: 10-6

Carlwynne Manor Apartments Fri & Sat: 10-4

860 Calwe C, #A207, Calsle 866-734-0048

Sun & Mon: CLOSED
(or by appointment)
123 Centerville Rd, Newville - Big Spring Dir: FromHarrisburg, I-81 South towards Carlisle to
MondAy FridAy 9:00 AM 6:00 PM SAturdAy 10 AM-5 PM SundAy 12 PM-4 PM Schls 3 BR, 1.5 Baths. SE10291821 exit 44, Right on Allen Road, Left at PA-641 for 5 717-243-4929
Hanover Manor Apartments $185,000 Host: Marilee R. Seago, Dir: 81 miles, Right on Bloserville Rd for 1.8 miles, Right on
St to Exit 37 Newville,turn right continue Frytown Rd, community will be on the Left. Woods at Barnitz, Mt Holly Springs
712 Have C, #A208, Calsle 855-834-0356 to home on right. Call Heather Neidlinger 245-0225.
MondAy FridAy 8:30 AM 5:00 PM

880 Autos 880 Autos 880 Autos 880 Autos 880 Autos 880 Autos



10,000 miles/year.Security deposit waived.
First payment waived. Includes lease loyalty.
Tax extra. #717023


199 PER
21,595 AFTER
17% OFF
4,500 TOTAL
30,862 12%
10,000 miles/year. Security deposit waived. Includes lease
loyalty. Tax extra. MSRP $23,160. Convenience Package.
MSRP $26,095 #116109

#116104 MSRP $35,070 #716244 MSRP $44,085 All Star Edition #716195 Includes $1,500 GM
Rebate, $1,000 Bonus Cash, $1,000 All Star Bonus,
$2,085 H&H Reduction.

2016 S O W/T
36,895 AFTER
2,250 TOTAL
17,464 AFTER

4,366 TOTAL
27,990 AFTER
4,175 TOTAL

MSRP $39,145 RS Package. V6 Navigation, Convenience Package
#116064 Includes $1,000 Bonus Cash, $1,250 H&H Reduction.
MSRP $21,830 Sunroof, Alloy Wheels #116013 Includes $1,000
Bonus Cash, $500 GM Rebate, $830 H&H Reduction.
MSRP $32,165 All Wheel Drive, Dealer Loaner, Driver Confidence
& Convenience Package, Chrome Wheels #716015 Includes $750
MSRP $34,945 Trailer Package. Convenience Package #716232 Bonus Cash, $1,000 GM Rebate, $750 Loaner Bonus, $1,675 H&H
Includes $1,500 GM Rebate, $1,000 Bonus Cash, $550 H&H Reduction.

Tax & Tag Fees Extra.
Saturday, September 24, 2016 Classifieds The Sentinel - D5

End of
SALE-A-BRATION! 2016 Mazda3 i Sport Sedan
LEASE FOR 2016 Buick ONLY $219*
Encore 1SB FWD
*MSRP $19,880. 36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year.
$0 due at signing. With qualified credit. Stock #ZZ4107A

MSRP $25,525
20% OFF $5,105 2016 Mazda CX-5 Sport
SALE PRICE $20,420
Stock #B1257
*$329 plus tax and tags due at signing after all offers. Includes Competitive Lease Coupon. With qualified credit. Stock# B1257
ONLY $279*
*MSRP $25,592. 36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year.
$0 due at signing. With qualified credit. Stock #ZZ3987
2016 Mazda6 i Sport
The 2017
*MSRP $23,830. 36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year.
$41,180 MSRP $0 due at signing. With qualified credit. Stock #ZZ3922

$2,000 OFF
Stock #B1389
Savings include all rebates and incentives.
SALE PRICE $39,180
2016 Buick Cascada
Convertible Premium $750 LEASE LOYALTY REBATE
MSRP $37,400 Stock #B1280


Includes all rebates and incentives.

(717) 766-8422 6251 CARLISLE PIKE MECHANICSBURG 1 800 560 8422


Jay Mike Perry Rich Skip Bob Zach

SCOTT RICH BILL JIM JILL GEORGE STEPHANIE Fencel Crosson Owen Connolly Eagle Weaver Weiss



MSRP $49,080
20%OFF 20% OFF $9,816

Elantra SE Automatic 2016 GMC SIERRA

163 00 16%OFF MSRP $52,900

16% OFF $8,464

SALE PRICE $44,436

*MSRP $20,090. 36 month lease. 10,000 miles per year. $0 due at signing.
INCLUDESTAX With qualified credit. Lease Cash $1,750. Freysinger Discount $1,400.
Value Owner Coupon $500. Military Discount $500. Stock#HH3933
Must finance with HMF


Tucson SE AllWheel Drive 12 %

12% OFF

248 00/MONTH,
*MSRP $26,485. 48 month lease. 10,000 miles per year. $2,500 includes
1st payment and tag fee due at signing. With qualified credit. Lease Cash
$1,000. Freysinger Discount $1,200. Military Discount $500.
Value Owner$500. Stock#HH4293

Must finance with HMF

MSRP $48,190
20%OFF 20% OFF $9,638



Scott Chris Derek Bob Josh Keith Shawn

Roberts Manga Crane Oley Freysinger Hostetter Bender

(717) 766-8422 LIKE US ON SCOTT


D6 - The Sentinel Classifieds Saturday, September 24, 2016

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