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Corrosion is also called 8. Anelectonie process b. An electro chemical process © An instrumentation process 4. Allofthe above Which ofthe following is anodic with respect io ste in a sea water electrolyte Copper bbMagnesiom «.Stainiss steel Aluminium Inert gases may be placed in confines spaces to reduce or prevent corrosion True False ‘The metal which absorb more eneruy corode easy and fist. They are called 4 Inactive Active -Both a and b ‘None ofthe above [Nucleus ofan atom consists of, Electrons Protas and Neutrons €- Protons and electrons All ofthe above Electrons are add to neutral stoms_it become 1. Negatively charged fon called anions Positively charged ion called cations €. Ita be called either cations of enions 4. None ofthe above Intercot delamination may be reduced by 8. Seletion of compatible pant vehicles in mult coat systems », Pretreatment ofthe substrate with soluble ferrous sats ©, Uneven application thickness 4 Painting over a damp surfice ‘fe coating which cures by chemically induced polymerization is epplied without the Converter having been added, fst the ‘8 Converter may be sprayed on o complete the cure Coating will remain ins liquid state «. Coating may appear to dry, although it will not cure Coating may run or sag to, Chalking 4 Is the rest of excessive DET application +, Results from ultraviolet degradation ofthe resin «Results from improper application 4. Result fom over thinning the coating (Chalk i best described as 8. Heavy wrinkling ofthe costed surface hh The result of ulruylolt dogendation ofthe pant Thin sting like coating 4. The result of over thinning Curling or iting canbe caused by ‘4 Solvent attacking an existing. coating film ' Application ofan incompatible coating over an existing coating «Deterioration of paint flm due to old age 1 and 111 only th enly A411 and 111 Moaly Phenolic coating are very flexible Tne False Which ofthe following coating types are often supplied in two components ‘a. Moisture cured Oxidation cued Co-reaction cured 4. Solvent cured ‘The type of coating that cures by heat induced polymerization i 1 Phesolle b. Two component urethane ‘Chlorinated rubber Polyurethane Frilure toad converter to base before application ofa coating which cures by chemical Y induced polymerization may result in 8. Molsture formation in spray lines ', Coating may appear to dry but does not cure «Shortened pot life 4. Extended curing time To extend the pt life of an epoxy costing the applicator may ” au 2. 2. Add more thinner Do nothing since the pot fe shoul a be exceeded «Heat the spray area 4. Dehumidity the spray een The percentage of metallic zine dust by weight in the dried! fim of azn rch coating is Generally 2.20% 30% », 10% ©. 75% _ 950% 455% > 75%: Coatings which cure by oid ‘Resistant to nnning Resistant to sagging ©. Generally led to WET ofS aly 4. Applied thickly as posible to form askin a the surface ‘Amine bush isan amber oly film which occurs on 1. Alkyd coatings Epoxy emulsion coatings Epoxy amine coatings 4. Allepoxy coatings ‘An epoxy ester coating is a one package coating which cure by ‘. Oxidation Evaporation ‘Reaction with moisture inthe ar <.Coalescence ‘The mos important property of primer for see is its ability to «Provide sacrificial protection Be applied easily © Adhere tothe set <4 Form a barrier costing Kick out oceus when 4A tue solvents used to thin the coating for application ’. The solids portion ofa coating separates from the liquids portion © Outdated coating materials ae discarded 4. RPM used for mixing sto high ‘A pigments 8A discrete particulate solid used to give specific decorative or protective properties to. coating The liquid base ofa costing ©, Used to make a solution of resin which may dry to form a film 2. 2% 30. 31 4. Coating base whi h dissolves to form the coating film Which ofthe following isan advantage o sires spray compared to conventional Air spray 1 Pasily adjustable lomization sir by Easily adjustable patter width «¢ Faster production rate 4. Equipment easier o clean ‘Arwinga spray gun may ennse 1. Uneves application A spark hazard «Excessive overspray ith conventional irspray equipement dry spray may be caused by «No aie pressure atthe gun Plugged id tp «¢ Atomization pressure to high 44 Too much thinner edded during mixing the inspector observes coatings or solvents being applied toa surface through an air Hose in an air spray system he‘she should 8. Look for other signs of poor practice Notify the foreman «Record findings ia a log book ‘Accidental injection through the skin by airless spray ‘Can be attended to atthe end of the work shift ', Isa minor injury which does nt require special attention May bef threatening 4 Does not require a doctor's attention ‘Always ground the uid hose used in «Improve atomization Reduce friction « Reduce viscosity 4. Prevent static sparking ess spray to ‘The use of respiratory equipment is not necessary when spray painting a True False Many liquid coatings ‘4. May be applied by brush, roller or spray ', Mus be applied by using conventional sir spray ©: Must be applied by using aitless spray 4. Must be applied by using ae asised airless spray 32, The presence of oll or moisture in ccmpressed air Is completely elnino by moistre traps and il separators by Isnot important during Blow dows operations « Should be periodically checked with 2 white blotter or cot 4. snot problem when using arspray 33. Check forholdays using a a Paint inspection (ooke ) guage ', Wet sponge type instrument Surface microscope 4 Magnitying lass 3.-Non destructive tet nsttuments properly used ‘a, Damage the costing on which they are used Do not destruy the coating on which they are used «Are used for laboratory testing only 4. Are not used in failure analysis 35. High voltage DC holiday detectors are used to test ‘Non magnetic coatings applied to magnetic substrates ', Conductive coatings applied to non conductive substrates «©: Magnetic coatings applied to non magnetic substrates 4. Non conductive coatings applied to conductive substrates, 36, All magnetic DFT instrument magnets or probes must beheld at aright angle tothe Painted surface to produce valid measurements True False 37. Which ofthe following are the principal advantages of abrasive injected water blast over ‘Water washing 1 Increased profile ‘Increased production ‘Man hour = ok © Reduced manpower Man power - Wrong 38. Conventional airspray guns have adjustments for «Ale pressure from the compressor bb Fan width and fid flow «Size of the tip. 2.CEM of air roquired 39. Fluid pressure in a conventional arspeay Mud line ie controlled by Fluid out valve sting b. Ai pressure a the compressor ©: Adjusting the pot regulator 4. Squeezing the hose 40. a 2 8 6s 4”. 4 4, Generally applicators do not need respirators when spray painting a Te Drake ‘The pain inspection gauge (looke guage) isa destructive test instrument ‘True Fal ‘According to SSPC--PA.2_ always calibrate magnetic DET (type 1) gauges 4 Using sample of bare stel treated inthe same way asthe see! Using shims ofa known thickness ©. As defined by the manufactures Instructions or the specification ‘4 Using plastic shims ‘According to NACE RPOI88.99 the search electrode ofa high voliage holiday Detecor should be moved across the surface at approximately, ‘One meter (3.3 fet) per second with. single pass One foot (03 meter) per second witha single pass «©. One foot (03 meters) per second witha double pass 44One meter (3.3 feet) per second witha double pass Depth of anchor pattem surface profile will not affect DFT readings True False Air temperature has no effect upon relative humidity a Tue b.False Magnetic DET instruments ®, Can be used on nonferrous substrates Are affected by vibration & Are affected by air temperature 4 Are affected by substrate temperature ‘Always ground low-voltage DC holiday detectors 1. The operator The seaffold The substrate being tested A coated area on the structure ‘There is no spark hazard associated with holiday test equipment a Tue Fae ‘A decrease in temperature will generally cause the corosion rate to Increase su 32, 5s. 5s. b. Decrease Dew point isthe tempersture at which 1 Moisture vapor evaporates ', Moisture vapor condenses ©: Moisture vapor increases 4. Corrosion i slowed down Dew poin is measured and calculated by using «Steel surface thermometer 'b. Humidity indicator strips «. Sling psychrometer 4. Anemometer Stel surface temperature daring coating application should be ‘The same a dew point temperature ‘Atleast S°F (about 3°e) below dew point temperature «At least 5'F (about 3") above dew point temperature 44. No more than 5” F (about 3°C ) above dew point tempersture Aling psychrometerdiretly measures «Relative humidity ', Ambient temperature and wet bulb temperature «Substrate temperature and wet bull temperature Dew point (Coating operations should NOT take place unless the substrate surface temperature is Atleast 1.40 F (20) higher than the dew point temperature b.5‘F(3"C) higher than the dew point temperature ©.5' P(3"O)lowerthan the dew point temperature 45+F (3 °C) above freezing 'S0 8503-1 comparators are available for Which ofthe following abrasives Sand b.Grit © Shot Workers exposed to hazardous levels of fee silica dust such as released during the sand Blast cleaning process, may develop silicosis, which i a disease of the a Liver Heart ©. Langs 4 Stomach The presence of certain slt deposits suchas ferrous sulfate or ferous hydroxides ss. 61 8. May be determined by which ofthe following 1. Visual inspection 1, Tat papers oF chemical est hits ¢ Magnetic pull off DFT guage 4. Low Voltage DC (wet sponge detector) ‘he cathode ofa corrosion cell ‘Dissolves inthe electrolyte Does nothing «, Has an opposite electrical polarity to the anode 4s nt considered tobe par of the corrsion cell, "Nozzle pressure for manual blast cleaning is generally sccepted to be 2.65 to 90 pi B.90 to 100 psi 130 0 130 pei 44130 psiand above Extra coarse testex replica tape is used when itis expected thatthe depth ofthe anchor Patter surface profile to be measured wll be 3 mills (75 Microns) 2. True False ‘When following a specification for surface preparation standards, the inspector should Not Ensure specified cleanliness standard is used bi Ensure surface is prepared as specified ‘¢ Require a cleaner surface than specified 4. Verify that only specified materials are used I the coating inspector finds thatthe coating was pplid thicker than specified he/she Should ‘Advise contractor and owners representative immediatly 'b. Use good judgement in deciding whether or not deviation from the specification is allowable «Require thatthe area be blasted down to bare metal and recosted 4. Call the coating manufacture to solve the problem the desired DFT of a coating is 100 microns wiat wet film thickness willbe required Ifthe coating contains 100% VS 1.50 microns (2 mils) b.75 Mierons 100 microns 4.130 microns ‘A well written coating specification should contain information regarding Surface preparations standards b Safety «Locations tobe coated 65. The coating inspector should require white metal surface preparaion if 4 lmmersion surface s required Chemical resistance i quired «© The specification calls for white metal 4. The manufactures product datasheet recommends whitemetal 66. The requirements ofa projet should be defined by the ‘Coating inspector . Coating contactor «Project engineer 4. Coating speifiation 67. 33 fests approximately how many meters 2.10 Metres b.IS Mewes 20 Metres 14.30 Metres 68 itis the coating inspectors responsibilty to ‘Recommend suitable protective coating systems foreach job ‘Be sure thatthe most economical bid fo coating i obtained «Be sure that the coatings used are the specified coatings ‘4 Take the prejob meeting minutes 68. The coating inspectors responsibility isto ‘Verify compliance with speification requirements, by Adapt the specification to the reais ofthe situation «Be the expert on coatings 4. Direct the contractors sity meetings 70 Aninspectors primary duty isto «Observe sctions ofthe contactor '. Repor actions of the contactor «- Documentations ofthe contractor Enforce all safety rules 71. Inspection of mixing and thinning operations is important ‘a.Only when zinc rch coatings are used" Only when inorganic zine coatings re used ‘© Only when a nee applicator is starting work 4. very time mixing and thinning is performed 72. Corrosion is slower in hot environment than in €oo! ones a Tree B 1. 8. 16. 78 n. w. 0 False Corrosion 1 Itiscool bb The temperature it 40 F or above «© The see! is completely immersed There is no moleture i generally NOT oceur on metal substrate when ‘The rate of corrosion occuring at a hole seatch or other discontinuity of a coating Film may be affected by ‘The presence of electrolyte Adherent mill scale on the substrate «The anode being in contact with the atmosphere Cations are suracted 10 1 Anode B.Cathode © Both a and b None ofthe shove ‘During hot rolling of steel in tel plants. be black layer oxides formed onthe Surface taking oxygen from srt is called 2. Millseale Oxide sale «Rust scale 4. None ofthe above Mill scale is 1 Anode bs, Cathodic Neutral 4. Nove ofthe above (One ofthe disadvantages of impressed current systems is capital investment is ow Tue False Vehicle of coating consist of Solvent Solvent and pigment «Blinder (or) resin solvents and additives, Both (a) and. (b) Primary solvents are mainly used to dissolve binder resin a. True False 8. ®. Expansion for VOC is Volatile Organic Compounds Lower the Mash point a Lover its flammability ‘Higher its fammabitity ©-Both a and b 4 None ofthe shove Lower explosive limit is highest concentration of solvent in ar that canbe ignited Tue Lower — Lowest concentration b False Higher — Highest Concentration Expansion for TLV is ‘Threshold Limit Value Temperature increses the corrosion rte wil Higher temperature wil generally creat higher corrosion rt (Irom Text) 4 Increases i, Decreases ©-Bothe and b None ofthe above Most coatings are «2. Impermenble '.Impermeable for a given period of ime «Permeable by water of water vapor 4 None ofthe above Corrosion can be prevented by selection of «Proper material selection (Covresion control - more Factors) ‘of environment © Both a and b ‘Sterificial anode or passive system bb Impressed current of active system None ofthe above a on, 98 o* 9, One ofthe advantaged of galvanic system is maintenance costs re minimal a True bralse Viscosity isa a. Measure ofa fluids resistance to flow bi. Measure of aids volume to flow ©-Both a and b 4. None ofthe above ‘Specific gravity (SG) isthe square of density of any substance compared tothe Density tothe density of water Tne Palace Whats the density of paint if 20 litres weighs 24 Kgs 13 lem biL2glem3, 22 gems 4.23 plems ‘Always ground low voltage DC holiday detectors to the substrate being used a. True False ‘There is no spark hazard associated with hpiday test equipment a Tue D. Fale Osmotic bistring is most likely to oecur asa sult of «Airless spray application 'b, Over coating a surface contaminated with chemical salts «Inadequate anchor pattem surface profile «Applying tne coating to thin Inter coat delamination may be caused by 4 Uneven application thickness Painting over damp surace «Selection of compatible paint vebeles in multi cost system None ofthe above Chalking 1. Results from improper application ', Results from over thinning the coating 6: Is the result of excessive DFT application 4, Results from altraviolet degradation of the resin 100. _Chatking is best described a5, Thin string like coating be. The result of ever thinning «The realt of ultraviolet degradation ofthe paint binder None ofthe above 41. Curtng or litng canbe caused by ‘8. Solvent attacking an existing coating flim Deterioration ofa paint film de to old age «Application ofan incompatible coating over an existing coating «.Allof the above 102. A typical daily report should include 1 Description of equipment and manpower Explanation of work stoppages Ambient conditions a. Allof the above 103. Inspection reports should include which ofthe fllowi 2. Environmental conditions Coatings application «Details of surface cleaning and materials All of the above 104. Which items are the basic principles in documentation by the inspector 1. No blank spaces bs Reports writen in nk «Reports should be signed 4 Allof the above 105. Inspectors daily repos are used «To provide continuity between inspectors To aid in arbitration between the contactor and client «To help in cass of coating flue 4. Allof the above 106. 1D ofthe ar supply hoses fom compressor is ——— times diameter of nozzle 26007 b2 w3 3 104 Any size 107. Blast pater is non a True Fake 4 108. UV light can be used for checking oil grease a. True alse 109. New stel isnot homogenous and contains «2, Anodes , cathodes and electrolyte bs, Anodes, cathodes and metalic conductor © Anodes cathodes, metallic conductor and electrolyte 4. None ofthe above 10. Chemical sats dissolved inan electrolyte generally contribute corosion by 2. Acting as anode '. Acting as cathode «. Increasing the speed ofthe electrolyte ‘Increasing the rate of corrosion 111. Coatings ean control corrosion or steel by 4. Preventing electrolyte from contacting the metal surface b, Sacrificing themselves to protec the steel substrate «Supplying the inhibitors to passivate the metal surface 4 Allof the above 112. Inspection reports should include which of the following ‘8 Cost of the abrasive b. Method of delivery ofthe abrasive «Size and type of abrasive used None of these 113. _A project conference is helpful fr reviewing 2. Safety procedures '. Application procedures Cleaning operations @.Allofthe above 114. ‘The inspector should act as recording secretary during the pre-job meeting Tue False 1S. Before attending the pre job conference the coting inspector should Read and understand the specification by Kdentity problems with the specification ‘© Walk through the work site 4. Allorthe above 116, In case of conflict or difference of opinion the coating inspector needs to 1 Ignore this situation Leave the jobsite ston tothe opinions of others (one of the above 117. Dew points is measured and elculated by using, a. WET gauge b. DFT gauge Sling peychrometer Anvil micrometer 118. Presence of salt deposits such as ferous sulfate or frrous hydroxides may determined 1. DFT guage Visual inspection Teste tape 4. Test papersor chemical txt kits 119. _ When following a specification for surface preparation standards the inspector shouldnot Ensure. surfce is prepared as specified . Requirea cleaner surface than specified ¢ Ensure speciied cleanliness. standard i wed 120. Accidental inection trough the skin by srless spray Does not requir «doctors attention 'Isa.minor ijury which does not require special attention ‘¢ May be life tareatening ‘4.None ofthe shove 121. Non convertible coatings cure by 1 Polymerization Heating Solvent evaporation Water evaporation 122 Corrosion is dower in hot environments than in cool one True False 123 Inspection of mixing and thinning operations is important ‘Only when omganie zine coatings are used ', Every time mixing and thinning is performed « Only when stong solvent i used Only wen stong binder is used 124 Type of coming that cures by solvent evaporation is a Epoxy Phenolic ©. Chlorinated rubber 4 Polyurethane 125 The ype of coating that cures by heat induced polymerization is a. Phenolic 1 Aerylle €. Polyurethane Chlorate robber 126 Ball mills are commonly used for smaller batch production a. True False 127 Single rolmillsis mainly used for refining purpose after other milling operations Tree alae 128 Themost important property of primer for tel is its ability to ‘a Form a barrie coating Be applied easly Adhere to the steel, None ofthe above 129. A pigments ‘4. Asolid substance either organie oF inorganic The liquid base of costing Used to make a solution or resin 4 All ofthe above 130 Role of pigment 1. Provide color 4 Allof the above 131. Powder coatings ae basically «Solvent based paints Bs Solvent free paints © Both a and b 4. None ofthe above 132, Water bome coatings waters used sa solvent a. True False 1533. No painting shall be carried out Below 40°F b Below 60" F Below 45°F Below 55°F 14. For surface with complex contour «2. Spray application is best by Roller application is best : Brush sppllertiog is best 4 Allofthe above 135. Oil base coatings Care by oxidation Cure by heat induction ©. Cure by polymerization 4. None ofthe above 136. To-extend the pot life of an epoxy costing the applicaton may ‘a Heat the coting Cool the spray area «€-Do nothing since the pot life cannot be exceeded 4 Add more thinner 137 About 860% premature coating. filures ae caused by improper surfice preparation True False 138 _ SPC VIS «1 standard rust grade B is 8. Steel surface covered with rs litle or no pitng visible bs Stee! surface completely covered with rast piting visible « Steel surface completely covered with adherent mill scale, litle or no rit vi 4. Steel surface covered with both mill scale and rust 19. SSPC VIS -1 Standard rust grade D is 8. Steel surface covered with rus litle or no pting visible bs Steel surface completely covered with rust pitting visible ¢ Steel surface completely covered with adherent mill ely ile or no rst vi 4 Steel surface covered with Doth mill sale and rat 140, Surface preparation of steels grouped into two methods they are Non abrasive blast clesning and picking abrasive blast cleaning. and flame cleaning ©-Non abrasive bast cleaning and abrasive blast cleaning 4 All ofthe above |41, Where you will find information such as ingredients exposure limits and flammability Classifications of costings Product data sheets b Performance data shets © Material safety data sheets 4 All ofthe above 142, SSPC standard for power tool cleaning is a.S8PC = SPT Solvent Cleaning B.SSPC - $P2 Hand tool lesning eSSPC - SP.3.— Powsrtool Cia SSC - SP4 Flame Cleaning 43. NACE NOL sspc_-sPs 1s a. Near ite blast clesning ‘White meta! blast cleaning ‘©-Commercial las cleaning Brush OA blast cleaning 144. NACE NO 2 SSPC- SP 10 is ‘Near white blast cleaning ', White metal blast cleani ‘© Commercial blast cleaning Bish OA blast cleaning 145 NACE NO 4 ssPC-sP 7 18 ‘near white blast cleaning . White metal blast cleaning ©. Commetcial blast cleaning Brush OA blast cleaning Sa L 146. Chemical sats dissolved in an electolyte generally contribute to corosion by Acting as anodes Acting as cathodes «Increasing the rate of corrosion Increasing the speed ofthe electrolyte 147 Use of an incorect thinner may cause & coating to Change color bi Have better chemical resistance ‘¢ Have poor spray characterstics 4 Haves higher solids content 48. Carbon stest wil generally corrode ititis electrically connected inthe presence of Suitable elecroiye with 149. A typical dally report will include 1. Description of equipment and manpower Explanation of work stoppages ¢ Ambient conditions 4: Inspectrs opinion ofthe contactor 150. Inspection repors should address the ‘Size and type of abrasive wed Size but not the type of aba Cost ofthe abrasive used 4 Color of the abrasive used 151 _ Inspection reponts should include which of the following 1 Environmental conditions ‘i. Detalls of surface cleaning and materials © Coatings application 152. Which items are the basic principles in documentation by the inspector 1. Reports writen ia ink D.No blank spaces «Reports should be signed Reports must be printed 153. The coating contractors questions about enforcing the coating specification should Best be brought up 4 With the specification writer Bi At the prejob conference With the coating manufactarer 4 To the impector 154, Before atending a prejob conference the coating inspector should ‘Read and understand the specification 1. Identify problems with the specification ‘¢ Make through the work ste 155. Solvents are added to coating formulations to ‘Dissolve binder and form liquid coating Provide color Decrease film permeability 4 Increase film permeability 136. The required soquence of work within a specification on a project is ‘2. Not impertant as long as they all get done ‘Crucial tothe succesful outcome of the project © Up tothe contactor 44 Determined. at the pre-ob conference 20 157 Inspectors dsily reports are used for which of the following By the contractor to estimate the amount of work done that dy ‘b. To provide continuity between inspectors Toad in arbitration between the comtracior and clicat 4. Tohelp in cease of a couting failure 158A pre-jb conference is helplul for reviewing 4. Safety procedures '. Cleaning operations Application procedures 159 The inspectors method of marking defects 1. Should not bean issue . Should be settled during the pre-job conference Isnot important 4. Should be determined by the painting contractor. 160. ‘The coating inspector should act as recording secretary during the prejob meeting Tue False 161 Dew pointis The temperature at which water will evaporate 'b. Not important once the frst coat of @ mult coat system hasbeen applied «The temperature at which water vapor Will condense te form a liquid 4.Allofthe above «None of the above 162 A specification should specify one number as the exact depth of anchor patter Surface profile a Tne b. False 163, Themetric equivalent of 1000 psi (pounds pet squire inch) i 2.70 kilo grams /square centimeter 6.69 Mpa ©6900 kPa 4 Allofthe above None ofthe above 164. Galvanic, or sarficil primers may protect stelsubstate by a. Providing electrochemical protectin tothe stel bs Acting as atie-cost with additional coats «Grounding the structure @ Allofthe above None ofthe sbove 67. 168, 170, m. Only the inspectors supervisor should have a copy ofthe coating speciation True Falke Fabrication defects: ‘4 May cause premature failures ‘Should be corrected prior o coating application «Require special attention during application 4. Allofthe above None af the sbove The canting specification defines the requirement ofa project. ‘True alse Writes minutes ofthe prejob conference should be distributed to ‘The ccating inspetor onluy Owner representatives only Al partes present at the conference all ofthe above «None of the above Skip welded joints 4. Allow electrolyte to enter ‘Normally present an uncountable situation © Should be seal welded or eaulked 4. All ofthe above «None f the above Most chemically cured coatings wil not cure propery unless applied at temperatures OF at least SOF (10.C) and rising True False The effets of corosion include a. Cost Safety Appearance 4. All ofthe above None ofthe above ‘A well writen coating specification contains information regarding 1 Surfite preparation standards, b.sateey <€ Locations tobe couted LAII ofthe above «=. None of the above 2 173 Proteetive_ breathing equipement is necessary only when sand abrasive i used in Blast cleaning Tre False Cannot be deterine 4. None ofthe above 174, ‘The metric unit meron is 1. One thousandth (1/1000) of a millimeter One thousandth (1/1000) of ameter One thousandth 1/1000) of a mil All ofthe above «None ofthe above 175. Atrigger safety. is always required on sress spray guns a.Trne bb False «Cannot be determine 176 Low voltage D.C Holidays detectors are generally useful on coating up to thick: Ness of (Accordiag to RP 0188-90) 4 Smils (125 mires) 1.20 mis ($00 microns) ©, 50 mils (1250 microns) 4 Allofthe above None ofthe above Cannot be determine 177. The srless guns stould be held at right anges to the pained surface to produce Valid measurements True False ©. Cannot determine 178 All magnetic DFT instrument magnets or probes must be held ‘The painted surface vo produce valid measurements, a. True False Cannot be determine right angle to 179, Ifthe voltge of HIGH VOLTAGE HOLIDAY DETECTOR ist too high “The coating may be damaged a. True 1 False © Cannot be determice a #0. High volige DC holiday detectors are used for conductive coating applied to Nom conductive substrates © Cannot be detemine 181, Leak in sirlessspray uid hoses should be ‘4. Repai be using a suitable tape wrapping sytem Spliced with polymer seal ©: Caamot be repaired the hose should be discarded 182. One mili equal to 4.254 microns '. One millionth of an inch elm 183 You are inspecing a coating project whee aires spray equipment isin use. ‘You notice a lage bulge in one ofthe airless Mud hose connection a pressure ‘Pump and an sress gun which is curently in use. Your reaction should be Ignore ‘tits the contractors problem b. Step up and tate a closer look ‘¢ Leave immediate area quickly and advise the contractors, safety super Vieor or respeasibie party 184. Which of the fllowing isan advantages of Airless spray compared to Con- Ventional sir spray ‘Easily adjustable atomization air ». Ensly adjustable patter width Faster production rate |S. Accidental injecion through the skin by ailes spray is minor injury, which Does not required special atention a True b Fae © Cannot be determine 186, The thickness ofa calibration shim can be confirmed using & 4. Fixed probe ediy current DFT instruments, '. Microscope © Micrometer 4 All ofthe above «None ofthe above £ Cannot be detemine 187. Loose iron filling will not effect magnetic DFT reading a. Tue 1 False «Cannot be determine 88. A sonventional air port spray. pressure pot should have how maay pressure Regulators with gauges 8 Zer0 One Two 4 Allof the above 189. The essential parts ofa corrosion cell are 4 Anode, cathode, electrolyte, metallic pathway ', Blectoyte, water, copper, and zine «Cathode anode, zine and metalic pathway 4 Allof the above €, None ofthe above 190. Use ofan incorrect thinner may cause a coating to hve a poor spray characertcs a. True b False «Cannot be determine 191. A qualitative test for soluble ferrous sas i¢ a tes tht only indicates whether or not ‘Any soluble ferrous salts are present Ti False «Cannot be determine 192 Steel shots may_peen the surface a.True False ‘© Cannot be determine 193, When performing the impresser hardness test on GRP lamination, itis good practice ‘Toperform the test before application of gel coat itspossible and iis not posible, Repair the jel coat carefully after performing the tet to prevent. “Wicking” b False © Cannot be determine 194, Dreadger tubes are capable of detecting / determine Level of solvent Vapour b. Oxygen level © Toxiity level 4. Allof theabove None of the above 195. Mast modem DFT gauges are permanantiy calibrated eliminating the need to check. ‘Where calibeation accuracy a. Tne Fake © Cannot be detennine 196 Solventhase inorganic zine rich coating require 4 Attemperture between 18 dogree and 288 dopress cenigrede to cure D.Between 50% to 90% RE to care © Presence of organic solvent vapour to cure 4. All ofthe above None tthe above 197. High application temperature may cause is ‘Slow care ofthe coating Solvent to evaporate too quickly ©, Additional thinner requited inthe matsil 4 Allofthesbove 198. Amine blush isan amber oily film which occur on alkyd coats (Epoxy arsine) a Tue 199, AllPhenolic coatings are very flexible a. True False «Cannot be determine 200. Thermo plastic powder coating material softens and becomes fui each time when ‘They se heated True by False «©, Cano! be determine 201 The comsion resistant of the corosion resistant cementitous product is usually Constant throughout the same PH a. True False «, Cannol be determine 202 Common undersading. by all parties ofthe indent of the specification is most Important to the success of the maintenance coating operations True False €. Cannot be determine. 203 Stripe coat of primer may be applied to welds edges ete to improve pencrations and 26 Coverage a. Trae bal € Camot te determine 204. Transparent tape maybe used to determine weather or not residues of abrasive Dust remain onthe surface alter abrasive ble cleaning ‘True False © Cannot be determine 205. A.gunite mixture that has too much liquid will 12 Cured to hard ‘Trend toslump or not hold tothe surface «© Not cue tall 4. None ofthe above 206. ‘The best anchor pattem results ffom a. Water blasting Power wire brushing Abrasive blast leasing 4. All ofthe above 207. Different curing mechanism 1. Require different ambient condition by Are the same for al coatings «Require warm temperature to react 4. All ofthe above «None of the above 208 Ambient condition have no effect on coating operation a. Tue False ‘© Cannot be determine 209. When an applicator is seen sing poor sry siting technique, the coating inspector 4 Insist hat the worker be replace Show the worker how to apply correctly «Inspect the work very carefully for defects 4. All ofthe above None ofthe above 210, A waterborne coating. uses only water 8s the vehicle a Te False «Cannot be determine 2 211, Haldy current DFT instrument may be used to measure to enatng thickness of ferrous [Non ferrous metallic substrate a. True bs False © Cannot be determine 212, Hardness test are affected by ambient condition a. Tue False {© Cont be determine 213, Generally when using Eddy current instrument to determine the thikness ofthe coating ‘The minimum subsirate thickness shouldbe alleast 4mm 6mm cimm 4 Allofthe above ©: None of the above 214, When 2X tip is used the paint inspector (looke) gauge ( US mode!) ‘4 Therefcle unit euqual 2 mills of the coating thickness b.Two reticle unit equals 1 mill ofthe coating thickness €-Allof the above None of the above 213. Calibrate Eddy current DPt instruments a Daily .Nocloser than inch from the edge ofthe shim As often as necessary fo ensure aecerate measurements All ofthe above 216 Inspection of ail tank car_call for special inspection consideration in prt due to «Possible contamination ofthe transport product Specialized coating used fo lining rail ear «Require thoroughness of surface preparation 4 Allofthe above 217 Polymer cements are aggricate field resins used for industrial floring and drain Systems True False Cannot be determine 218. When inspecting las lining the inspector should undertake a hollow sound hammer ‘Test to0 detect voids Tre 8 be. Fatee © Cant be determine 219 Water bore coatings cure by water evaporation bale «© Cannot be determine 220, Solvent sensitivity (also known as ‘solvent wipe) testi tet for 44 Entrapped solvents in the lining materi 'b. Proper care of coatings which cure by chemically induce polymerization 6. Proper cae of coatings which cure by solvent evaporatin. 4 All ofthe above ‘None of the above 221, Fire retardant contain pigments which decrease the rate of burning across the surface True False ‘Cannot be determine 222. Anorganosal may be Thermoplastic bThermoset materia! All ofthe above 223. Wiaterbone coatings must be stored above 0 degress C (32 depres F) a Tue by False © Cannot be determine 224, NACE standard address only metallic substrates a Tue False «© Cannot be determine 225. The NACE Guide in qualification of Tradesman Industrial painters isa NACE. standard False Cannot be determine The 226 Water reducible epoxy coating are cured by 8, Water evaporation bs Solvent evaporation «Crosslinking polymerization 4. All ofthe above None ofthe above 27, 28 29. 230, 22, 233 235, » ‘A corrosion inhibitor isa substrate which, when added to an environment, decrease Rate of etack by that environment on the material a. True False [Before each coating project_you as the coating inspector should eri Fications and make any appropriate changes a True b. Fake Cannot determine ue the spee- Al ild inspection should be conducted in pre-agred sequence a. Trae False © Cannot determine ‘The coating inspector insures that ll phase ofthe jb are done inthe order and ‘Method specified Tree False Cannot determine Daily eports should only address the size ofthe abrasive used, not the type and size a Tue Fale © Cannot determine Corrosion is slow in hot environment 1s an odie to carbon steel witen both ar in ea water Corrosion of tel will occu atthe same rating no mater what the environment a Tne bh Fale © Cannot determine The coating inspector shouldbe willing to listen to any problems contractor may Be having in meeting the specification a. True False ‘© Cannot be determine 0 236 The order in which the steps ofa coating projets. are done is 0 impocant_ a long As they all got done a True bh Fae 237. Solvent base inorganic zine rich coatings requires 4A final bake al tsmperature between 0 degress F (degree ‘c) and $50 Degress F232" degrees C) b. Over $0% RH tocure ©: Presence of organic solvent vapour to cure 4 Allof the above 238 Anchor pattem depth canbe varied by a. Very blast pressure Very particle size © Very type of abrasive @.Allofthe above ‘None ofthe above 239° Check sbrasive blast pressure atthe ‘Compressor ‘Blast nozale At the blast surface 4 Allofthe above None of the above 240. Amine blush can result from 8 Application of spray coating during hot dry condition Applicaton of epoxy coatings during wet damp conditions Faulty spray technique All of the above 241 Hardness text are performed a the direction ofthe coating inspector Tue b. Fake 242 Shims used to calibrate electromagnetic type two DFT instruments should be made (Of plastic or non-magnetic metals ‘True False 243, “The Crosshatch’ adhesion test measures adhesion asa function ofthe pull required to Separate the est dolly from the surface a True D. Fale 244. (As soon as the coating inspector discover a deviation from the speciation they should

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