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Member of Group:

1. Aprilia Ratna Aristamia (NIM)

2. Pascal Shinji Leosiswo (NIM)
3. Arini Nourma Evian (1201144161)

Class TI-38-01







Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatu

Praise be to Allah the Almighty God.Over the abudance of grace and mercy,
FACILITY LAYOUT PLANNING GoGeom PRODUCT can be solved according to
the authors expectation. This report is written as a requirement to fulfill the course
FACILITY LAYOUT PLANNING Telkom University. This report also suported by
Data from observation made by the theories related to the Production Planning.

Our thanks also told lecturer and assistant practicum TELECOMUNICATION

FACILITY DESIGN Laboratory. With the completion of this course, the euthors hope
to get knowledge of any activities carried out, and also teh final of this report may be
useful for the readers, especially the writers. All the mistakes that we did during the
implementation of practical and writing of Progress Report or Final Assignment ,
therefore we please be advised and we opened for critism and suggestions to make the
repport better.

Waasalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu.

Bandung, 16 April 2017



PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................ 2

DAFTAR ISI ........................................................................................................................................ 3

DAFTAR GAMBAR ............................................................................................................................. 7
DAFTAR TABEL .................................................................................................................................. 9
Bab I PRELIMINARY ..................................................................................................................10
I.1 Background .....................................................................................................................10
I.2 Problem Identification ....................................................................................................13
I.2.1 How to determine facility plant for PT Z ? ......................................................................13
I.2.2 Where is the appropriate location for PT Z ? .................................................................13
I.2.3 How does the process flow of th product ? ...................................................................13
I.2.4 How is the Bill of Material of the product that PT Z produced ? ....................................13
I.2.5 How is the operational process chart of the product ? ..................................................13
I.2.6 How is the Precendence Diagram of the product ?........................................................13
I.2.7 How is the type and dimension of material handling used ? .........................................13
I.2.8 How is the stacking of material handling that will used in company ? ..........................13
I.2.9 How is the gant chart of material handling that the company used based on unit load?
I.2.10 How to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility ? ..................................13
I.2.11 How to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the allowance
and each dimenson of machine that used ? ..............................................................13
I.2.12 How to determine the initial layout for production area ? ........................................13
I.2.13 How to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility ? ..................................13
I.2.14 How to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the allowance
and each dimenson of machine that used ? ...............................................................13
I.2.15 How to determine the initial layout for production area ? ........................................13
I.2.17 How the material flow by using Form To Chart (FTC)? ...............................................13
I.3 Objectives .......................................................................................................................14
I.3.1 Knowing how to determine facility plant for PT Z. .........................................................14
I.3.2 Knowing where is the appropriate facility plant for PT Z ...............................................14
I.3.3 To know the process flow of th product.........................................................................14
I.3.6 To know the Precendence Diagram of the product .......................................................15
I.3.7 Knowing the type and dimension of material handling used. ........................................15
I.3.8 Knowing the stacking of material handling that will used in company. .........................15

I.3.9 Knowing the gant chart of material handling that the company used based on unit
load. 15
I.3.10 Knowing how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility. .....................15
I.3.11 Knowing how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the
allowance and each dimenson of machine that used ...............................................15
I.3.12 Knowing how to determine the initial layout for production area ............................15
I.3.13 Knowing how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility ......................15
I.3.14 Knowing how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the a .
llowance and each dimenson of machine that used ..................................................15
I.3.15 Knowing how to determine the initial layout for production area ............................15
I.3.16 Knowing how much the Cost of Material Handling ....................................................15
I.3.17 Knowing how the material flow by using Form To Chart (FTC) ..................................15
I.3.18 Knowing how create an efficient relationship between departments within factory
I.3.19 Knowing how to pinpoint the location of every department in accordance with the
linkage between the activities and the flow material ................................................15
I.3.20 Knowing how to calculate Flow Unit Distribution (UFD). ...........................................15
I.3.21 Knowing how to create initial layout with the additional area ..................................15
I.4 Benefits ...........................................................................................................................16
I.4.1 Can know how to determine facility plant for PT Z ........................................................16
I.4.2 Can know where is the appropriate facility plant for PT Z .............................................16
I.4.3 Can know the process flow of th product ......................................................................16
I.4.4 Can know the Bill of Material of the product that PT Z produced .................................16
I.4.5 Can know is the operational process chart of the product ............................................16
I.4.6 Can know the Precendence Diagram of the product .....................................................16
I.4.7 Can know the type and dimension of material handling used .......................................16
I.4.8 Can know the stacking of material handling that will used in company ........................16
I.4.9 Can know the gant chart of material handling that the company used based on unit
load 16
I.4.10 Can know how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility ....................16
I.4.11 Can know how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the
allowance and each dimenson of machine that used. ...............................................16
I.4.12 Can know how to determine the initial layout for production area. .........................16
I.4.13 Can know how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility ....................16
I.4.14 Can know how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the
allowance and each dimenson of machine that used. ...............................................16
I.4.15 Can know how to determine the initial layout for production area. .........................16
I.4.17 Can know how the material flow by using Form To Chart (FTC) ................................17

I.4.18 Can know how to create initial layout with the additional area ...............................17
I.4.19 Can know how to pinpoint the location of every department in accordance with the
linkage between the activities and the flow material ................................................................17
I.4.20 Can know how to calculate Flow Unit Distribution (UFD) ..........................................17
I.4.21 Can know how to create initial layout with the additional area ...............................17
Bab II THEORITICAL SUPPORT ...................................................................................................18
II.1 Location And Layout Facility Theory ...................................................................................18
II.2 Determining Facilities Location ..........................................................................................18
II.3 Alternative Methods In Determining Facility Location.......................................................19
II.4 Bill of Material ....................................................................................................................20
II.5 Operation Process Chart .....................................................................................................21
Operation Process Chart performs the process of raw material into a product which the
operation steps and inspection belongs. The information is including time spent, raw material, a
process needed, tool and equipment. Operation process map illustrates the operating steps and
checks experienced ingredients in the order-order from the beginning to the final product as a
whole as well as semi- finished parts (Sutalaksana 2005, P23). There are several benefits of
Operational Process Chart, such as: ...............................................................................................21
II.6 Precedence Diagram ...........................................................................................................23
II.7 Routing Sheet Definition ....................................................................................................24
II.8 Routing Sheet Purposes ......................................................................................................24
II.9 Routing Sheet Table ............................................................................................................25
II.10 Material Handling System Planning....................................................................................26
II.11 Material Handling Equipment ............................................................................................27
II.12 Unit Load.............................................................................................................................27
II.13 Allowance ...........................................................................................................................28
II.14 Plant Surface Area ..............................................................................................................29
II.15 Material Handling Cost .......................................................................................................30
II.16 Input and Output Material Handling Cost ..........................................................................31
II.17 Distance Measurements .....................................................................................................31
II.18 From To Chart .....................................................................................................................32
II.19 Activity Relationship Chart (ARC) .......................................................................................34
II.20 ARC Normalization ..............................................................................................................35
II.21 Unit Flow Distribution (UFD) ..............................................................................................35
II.22 Worksheet ..........................................................................................................................35
II.23 Area Allocation Diagram .....................................................................................................36
II.24 Template .............................................................................................................................37
Bab III data calculation and analysis ..........................................................................................38
III.3 Unit Load Calculation and Determination of Material System.......................................58
III.3.1 Dimension of Material Handling .............................................................................58
III.3.2 Analysis of determining Material Handling Equipment..........................................58
III.3.3 Analysis of Stacking Calculation .............................................................................59
III.3.4 Analysis of Unit Load ..............................................................................................61
III.4 Calculation of Allowance and Determinating Space Requirement for Plant Facility
Layout Requirements. ................................................................................................................62
III.4.1 Allowance Calculation............................................................................................62
III.4.2 Calculation of Material ...........................................................................................64
III.4.3 Analysis of Plant Surface Requirement .................................................................66
III.4.4 Determination of Material Hadling Cost ................................................................68
III.4.5 Analysis of Process Flow Using FTC ........................................................................73
III.5 Determination The Relation Between Activity and Determining Production Floor of
Department Layout.....................................................................................................................75
III.5.1 Determination The Relation Between Activity and Determining Production Floor
of Department Layout ............................................................................................................75
III.5.2 Determination of The Relation Between The Activity and Determination of
Production Department with Added Facility ........................................................................82
III.6 Designing Plant Facility Layout .......................................................................................85
Bab IV KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN ..............................................................................................90
Bab V DAFTAR PUSTAKA ...........................................................................................................96

Picture 1 Formula of Cx ..................................................................................................................19
Picture 2 Formula of Cy ..................................................................................................................20
Picture 3 Example of OPC ...............................................................................................................22
Picture 4 The Exmaple of Precedence DIagram .............................................................................24
Picture 5 Routing Sheet Table ........................................................................................................25
Picture 6 Formula of Part of Routing Sheet ....................................................................................25
Picture 7 Material Handling Based on Material Flow Level............................................................27
b. Picture 8 Pallet ........................................................................................................................27
Picture 9 Skid ..................................................................................................................................28
Picture 10 Formula of Allowance ...................................................................................................28
Picture 11 Formula of Total Allowance Material ............................................................................28
Picture 12 Formula of Allowance Material Removal ......................................................................29
Picture 13 Table of Production Floor Area Needs ..........................................................................29
Picture 14 Euclidean Distance ........................................................................................................32
Picture 15 Rectiliniar Distance ........................................................................................................32
Picture 16 Formula of FTC Calculation ...........................................................................................33
Picture 17 Formula of FTC Inflow ...................................................................................................33
Picture 18 Fromula of FTC Outflow ................................................................................................33
Picture 19 Respondent of qualitative factor ..................................................................................38
Picture 20 Jatinangor Area .............................................................................................................39
Picture 21 Ciganitri Area .................................................................................................................39
Picture 22 Mengger Area ................................................................................................................39
Picture 23 The Competitor Distance from Jatinangor ....................................................................41
Picture 24 The Competitor Distance from Ciganitri .......................................................................42
Picture 25 The Competitor Distance from Mengger ......................................................................42
Picture 26 Supplier Distance of Balsa Wood from Jatinangor ........................................................43
Picture 27 Supplier Distance of Balsa Wood from Ciganitri ...........................................................43
Picture 28 Supplier Distance of Balsa Wood from Mengger ..........................................................43
Picture 29 Supplier Distance paint from Jatinangor .......................................................................44
Picture 30 Supplier Distance paint from Ciganitri ..........................................................................44
Picture 31 Supplier Distance paint from Mengger .........................................................................45
Picture 32 GoGeom Product ...........................................................................................................46
Picture 33 CNC Machine as Facility ................................................................................................48
Picture 34 Sanding Machine as Facility ..........................................................................................48
Picture 35 Spray Paint Table as Facility ..........................................................................................48
Picture 36 Spray Paint Table as Facility ..........................................................................................49
Picture 37 Assembly & Inspection Area .........................................................................................50
Picture 38 Operation Process Chart of GoGeom Production Process ............................................51
Picture 39 Bill of Material ...............................................................................................................52
Picture 40 Precdence Diagram for GoGeom Product .....................................................................53
Picture 41 CNC Machine as Facility ................................................................................................54
Picture 42 Sanding Machine as Facility ..........................................................................................54
Picture 43 Spray Paint Table as Facility ..........................................................................................55
Picture 44 Area as Facility...............................................................................................................56
Picture 45 Routing Sheet ................................................................................................................56
Picture 46 Routing Sheet ................................................................................................................57

Picture 47 Hand Truck as Material Handling ..................................................................................58
Picture 48 Unit Load .......................................................................................................................61
Picture 49 Gantt Chart for each Process ........................................................................................61
Picture 50 Calculate The Removal Material Allowance ..................................................................63
Picture 51 Formula to calculate Removal Material Allowance ......................................................63
Picture 52 Weight of Component ...................................................................................................65
Picture 53 Recapitulation of Allowance .........................................................................................66
Picture 54 Plant Surface Area Needed ...........................................................................................66
Picture 55 Formula of Tota Surface Area .......................................................................................66
Picture 56 Initial Layout Design ......................................................................................................67
Picture 57 Flow of part ...................................................................................................................67
Picture 58 Initial Layout ..................................................................................................................68
Picture 59 MHE Cost Calculation ....................................................................................................69
Picture 60 From To Chart................................................................................................................73
Picture 61 FTC Inflow ......................................................................................................................74
Picture 62 From To Chart Outflow..................................................................................................74
Picture 63 Relevance Motive Table ................................................................................................76
Picture 64 Relevance Degree Activities ..........................................................................................76
Picture 65 Unit Flow Distribution ...................................................................................................78
Picture 66 Normalization ................................................................................................................79
Picture 67 Unit Flow Diagram .........................................................................................................80
Picture 68 Worksheet .....................................................................................................................80
Picture 69 Area Allocation Diagram ...............................................................................................81
Picture 70 Area Allocation Diagram for Receive and Shipment .....................................................81
Picture 71 Initial Layout based on AAD ..........................................................................................82
Picture 72 ARC of additional facility ...............................................................................................83
Picture 73 Worksheet Production Floor .........................................................................................83
Picture 74 AAD Production Floor for Added Facility ......................................................................84
Picture 75 Initial Layout for added facility......................................................................................84
Picture 76 Initial Layout ..................................................................................................................85
Picture 77 Final Layout 2 Department ............................................................................................86
Picture 78Final Layout 3 Department .............................................................................................87
Picture 79 Final Layout 2 then 3 Department ...............................................................................88
Picture 80 Final Layout 3 then 2 Department ................................................................................89
Picture 81 Recapitulation of Allowance Operator, Material, and Material Removal. ...................92
Picture 82 The Production Area Requirement ...............................................................................92
Picture 83 From To Chart................................................................................................................94
Picture 84 From To Chart Inflow ....................................................................................................94
Picture 85 From To Chart Outflow..................................................................................................95


Table 1 Degree of Importance by Using Colour..............................................................................34

Table 2 Color Proximity Code .........................................................................................................34
Table 3 Total Department in ARC Techniqie...................................................................................35
Table 4 ARC Normalization .............................................................................................................35
Table 5 Coordinat of Selected Location ..........................................................................................38
Table 6 Quantitative and Qualitative .............................................................................................40
Table 7 Each Factor of Quantitative and Qualitative Data With The Analysis ...............................40
Table 8 Quantitative Data...............................................................................................................41
Table 9 Qualitative Data .................................................................................................................41
Table 10 The Weight Rate Each Rate..............................................................................................45
Table 11 Process Time of GoGeom Production ..............................................................................47
Table 12 Defective from each process ...........................................................................................47
Table 13 Data of GoGeoms Bill of Material ...................................................................................52
Table 14 Work Element in Precedence Diagram ............................................................................52
Table 15 Dimension of Hand Truck.................................................................................................58
Table 16 Dimension of Material Each Process ...............................................................................58
Table 17 Operator Allowance .........................................................................................................62
Table 18 Allowance Material ..........................................................................................................63
Table 19 Table of Material Weight .................................................................................................64
Table 20 Centroid Calculation ........................................................................................................68
Table 21 MHEs Distance Calculation .............................................................................................69
Table 22 Material Handling Cost Calculation .................................................................................71
Table 23 Frequency of Material Removing.....................................................................................72
Table 24 Total Department of Happiness Firm...............................................................................75
Table 25 Grade................................................................................................................................78
Table 26 The Weight Rate Each Rate..............................................................................................90
Table 27 Total Material Handling Cost ...........................................................................................93


I.1 Background
The layout of the plant or facility layout can be defined as a procedure for setting
the plant facilities to support the production process (Wignjosoebroto,2009). Based on the
theory above, any industry or home industry requires the design of the facility because
without good design of the facility their production process can not be efficient and
effective. The design and layout facility design needs to bee made. Starting with finding
the proper location for the factory, layout design, and material handling design.

After determining the location of the facility, the next stage of facility layout design
is determine the flow of product. The flow of these products serves to determine the
production processes that occur in a company. With this product stream researchers can
tell how a facility can be designed at a later time and create a new design for the facility.
Is used to determine the course of the production process of the components can use the
pattern map production process. The results of the determination or identification is
usually presented in form what is called Routing Sheet. To be able to design the layout of
a factory, the next step should be known is the production time and the number of engine
requirements. Therefore, it must be known when the process for making the product.
With Routing Sheet can be known sequence of machines or equipment needed to make
the seat, so that it can be predicted needs of materials, machinery or equipment used.

Raw material handling system plays a very important in the planning of a factory.
In most manufacturing, people assume that it is better material moving or switching of the
person or machine. For some particular cases will sometimes be a better man or machine
(or both) are being displaced. Factory layout planning cannot ignore the significance of
the material displacement activity, and vice versa is not possible to apply effective
material transfer system without regard to the common problems encountered in the
planning layout. Transfer of substance or material is a very important activity in
production activities and is closely linked with planning the layout of production
facilities. This activity is an activity of "non-productive" because it does not give any
change to the material or material that is removed, there will be no change in the shape,
dimensions, and properties of the physical or chemical properties of the material are

changed. Resettlement activities / material will add to the cost (cost). Thus whenever
possible removal activity such materials be eliminated or at least the right to reduce the
cost of the removal of such material is a material transfer at distances as short as short as
the layout of the production facility or an existing department.

Material handling is the flow of material that must be planned so that the hair-
splitting material (material) will be transferred at the time and to the right location.
Material handling cost will easily be able to be calculated. Usually the material handling
cost will be proportional to the distance the material displacement and distance
measurements will be carried out with a simple layout of the production facility where it
can be described. Material handling costs are often heavily influenced by the design
layout itself. Because the material handling cost is proportional to the distance moved by
the material, then the selection of the type of layout itself is going to influence the amount
of material handling costs.

Material handling costs (MHC) the costs incurred for the transport of materials,
ranging from raw materials, semi-finished materials, to finished materials. Below are
some of the reasons why the material handling costs (MHC) becomes the criterion of
goals / success in determining the layout of the facility. Most of the total operating costs
resulting from material handling costs. Due to the influence of the material handling costs
to the total cost of production, it takes the form of an analysis of how mengefisiensi use
of material handling in order to minimize both the total production cost or total cost of
designing the layout and facilities.

The design layout of the facility has a procedure that analyzes the product and the
process by performing initial identification, technical aspects, management and
organization, analysis of the economic and financial aspects, as well as activity analysis
and layout planning. Initial identification was conducted to determine the data needed to
design the layout of the facility, one of which is the operation process map. The technical
aspects explain the amount of materials and machines used by routing techniques sheet
and multi-product process chart (MPPC). After the election material handling, material
handling equipment determination, determination of the area of the plant, and the
efficiency of material handling process MPPC done in order to explain how the flow of
the production process can be made efficiently and minimize backtracking. MPPC (Multi
Product Process Chart) is a diagram showing the sequence for each of the components to
be produced. Map MPPC could also be useful as a general overview relating to measures
workmanship of every product that is at a particular process in order to obtain
information about the common process of each product with the other. Based MPPC can
also be known backflow (backtracking) and a flow pattern that does not comply with the
order process (Lutfah Ariana, 2005).

The technique is used as a tool to analyze the relationships between the activities that are
Activity Relationship Chart. ARC Activity Relationship Chart or Map Employment
activity is the activity or activities between each section that describes important whether
or not the closeness of the room. In an organization there must be a factory bonded
relationships between an activity with other activities that are considered important and
always near for smooth activity. Therefore made a map of the relationship of activities,
which will be known how relationship happened and must be met in accordance with the
tasks and a supportive relationship.

I.2 Problem Identification

I.2.1 How to determine facility plant for PT Z ?

I.2.2 Where is the appropriate location for PT Z ?

I.2.3 How does the process flow of th product ?

I.2.4 How is the Bill of Material of the product that PT Z produced ?

I.2.5 How is the operational process chart of the product ?

I.2.6 How is the Precendence Diagram of the product ?

I.2.7 How is the type and dimension of material handling used ?

I.2.8 How is the stacking of material handling that will used in company ?

I.2.9 How is the gant chart of material handling that the company used based on
unit load?

I.2.10 How to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility ?

I.2.11 How to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the
allowance and each dimenson of machine that used ?

I.2.12 How to determine the initial layout for production area ?

I.2.13 How to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility ?

I.2.14 How to analyze and calculate production area requirement based on the
allowance and each dimenson of machine that used ?

I.2.15 How to determine the initial layout for production area ?

I.2.16 How much the Cost of Material Handling ?

I.2.17 How the material flow by using Form To Chart (FTC)?

I.2.18 How to create an efficient relationship between departments within factory?

I.3 Objectives

I.3.1 Knowing how to determine facility plant for PT Z.

I.3.2 Knowing where is the appropriate facility plant for PT Z

I.3.3 To know the process flow of th product

I.3.4 To know the Bill of Material of the product that PT Z produced
I.3.5 To know is the operational process chart of the product

I.3.6 To know the Precendence Diagram of the product

I.3.7 Knowing the type and dimension of material handling used.

I.3.8 Knowing the stacking of material handling that will used in company.

I.3.9 Knowing the gant chart of material handling that the company used based
on unit load.

I.3.10 Knowing how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility.

I.3.11 Knowing how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based
on the allowance and each dimenson of machine that used .

I.3.12 Knowing how to determine the initial layout for production area

I.3.13 Knowing how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility

I.3.14 Knowing how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based
on the allowance and each dimenson of machine that used

I.3.15 Knowing how to determine the initial layout for production area

I.3.16 Knowing how much the Cost of Material Handling

I.3.17 Knowing how the material flow by using Form To Chart (FTC)

I.3.18 Knowing how create an efficient relationship between departments within


I.3.19 Knowing how to pinpoint the location of every department in accordance

with the linkage between the activities and the flow material

I.3.20 Knowing how to calculate Flow Unit Distribution (UFD).

I.3.21 Knowing how to create initial layout with the additional area

I.4 Benefits

I.4.1 Can know how to determine facility plant for PT Z

I.4.2 Can know where is the appropriate facility plant for PT Z

I.4.3 Can know the process flow of th product

I.4.4 Can know the Bill of Material of the product that PT Z produced

I.4.5 Can know is the operational process chart of the product

I.4.6 Can know the Precendence Diagram of the product

I.4.7 Can know the type and dimension of material handling used

I.4.8 Can know the stacking of material handling that will used in company

I.4.9 Can know the gant chart of material handling that the company used based
on unit load

I.4.10 Can know how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility

I.4.11 Can know how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based
on the allowance and each dimenson of machine that used.

I.4.12 Can know how to determine the initial layout for production area.

I.4.13 Can know how to calculate the allowance that needed in each facility

I.4.14 Can know how to analyze and calculate production area requirement based
on the allowance and each dimenson of machine that used.

I.4.15 Can know how to determine the initial layout for production area.
I.4.16 Can know how much the Cost of Material Handling

I.4.17 Can know how the material flow by using Form To Chart (FTC)

I.4.18 Can know how to create initial layout with the additional area

I.4.19 Can know how to pinpoint the location of every department in accordance
with the linkage between the activities and the flow material

I.4.20 Can know how to calculate Flow Unit Distribution (UFD)

I.4.21 Can know how to create initial layout with the additional area


II.1 Location And Layout Facility Theory

Facility layout and design is an important component of a business's overall

operations, both in terms of maximizing the effectiveness of the production process and
meeting the needs of employees. The basic objective of layout is to ensure a smooth flow
of work, material, and information through a system. The basic meaning of facility is the
space in which a business's activities take place.
The layout and design of that space impact greatly how the work is donethe
flow of work, materials, and information through the system. The key to good facility
layout and design is the integration of the needs of people (personnel and customers),
materials (raw, finishes, and in process), and machinery in such a way that they create a
single, well-functioning system.

II.2 Determining Facilities Location

Facility Location is the right location for the manufacturing facility, it will have
sufficient access to the customers, workers, transportation, etc. Facility location
determination is a bussiness critical strategic decision. There are severa factors, which
determine the location of facility among them competition, cost, and corresponding
associated effects.
Before we determining the facilities location, we should do the facility planning.
Facility Planning Goals :
Support vision and mission of organization.
Utility of worker, space, equipment, and energy.
Minimize invenstment.
Ease the maintenance.
Protect the workers and their satisfaction.
Factors that influencing facility location:
a. Customer Proximity
Facility locations are selected closer to the customer as to reduce transportation
cost and decrease time in reaching the customer.
b. Bussiness Area
Presence of other similar manufacturing units around makes business area
conducive for facility establishment.
c. Availability Of Skill Labor
Education, experience and skill of available labor are another important, which
determines facility location.

d. Free Trade Zone/Agreement
Free-trade zones promote the establishment of manufacturing facility by providing
incentives in custom duties and levies. On another hand free trade agreement is
among countries providing an incentive to establish business, in particular, country.
e. Suppliers
Continuous and quality supply of the raw materials is another critical factor in
determining the location of manufacturing facility.
f. Environmentasl Policy
In current globalized world pollution, control is very important, therefore
understanding of environmental policy for the facility location is another critical

II.3 Alternative Methods In Determining Facility Location

a. Quantitive Method
In this method, assumed that production cost is not calculated. The example of
quantitative method is Center Of Gravity (COG).
Center Of Gravity (COG)
The Center of Gravity Method is an approach that seeks to compute
geographic coordinates for a potential single new facility that will minimize costs. Its
an approach where the main inputs that it considers are the following:
Volume of goods shipped
Shipping costs
This method is beneficial because its simple to compute, considersexisting
facilities and minimizes costs. Step-by-step of CoG:
a. Place all the customer locations on a coordinate system
b. Put the total demand in each customer locations
c. Define the X and Y coordinates by using Equation :
With formula:

Picture 1 Formula of Cx

Picture 2 Formula of Cy

With details:
Cx = X coordinate of center of gravity
Cy = Y coordinate of center of gravity
dix = X coordinate of i location
diy = Y coordinate of the i location
Vi = volume of goods moved to or from i location
b. Qualitative Method
In using this method, all the factors that influence the selection of plant location, be
it a major factor and not the main factor, given the vote in accordance with the
conditions of each alternative location.
Factor Rating

This method involves qualitative and quantitative inputs, and evaluates

alternatives based on comparison after establishing a composite value for each
Factor Rating consists of six steps:
1. Determine relevant and important factors.
2. Assign a weight to each factor, with all weights totaling 1.00.
3. Determine common scale for all factors, usually 0 to 100.
4. Score each alternative.
5. Adjust score using weights (multiply factor weight by score factor); add up
scores for each alternative.
6. The alternative with the highest score is considered the best option

II.4 Bill of Material

Basicallly, a bill of material (BOM) is a complete list of the components making

up an object or assembly. It is also part of material requirements planning (MRP) input.
Bill Of Material includes information about the relationships between the components in
an assembling process. Inii information needed to determine the need for gross and net
requirements of a component. In addition, the Bill Of Material also contains information
about the "number of the component needs" at every stage of assembling and the "amount
of the final product" to be made (Ginting, 2007, p208). There are several function of
BOM contains:
a. As a means of controlling production
b. BOM as a means of controlling production which specifies ingredients essential
ingredient of a product and can determine the amount needed to make the
production cycle.
c. For forecasting goods into and out of inventory
d. In forecasting goods out of inventory and production transactions and can
generate production orders from customer orders.
e. Calculate the amount that can be produced based on the limited resources
available at this time.
The product structure provides a hierarchical classification of the items which
form a product. With the product structure, the understanding of the components which
compose a product as well as their attributes, can be represented. The product
structure shows the material, component parts subassemblies and other items in a
hierarchical structure that represents the grouping of items on an assembly drawing or the
grouping of items that come together at a stage in the manufacturing process. In a
simple word product structure can be means representation of the way in which the parts
of a product fit together and interact, organized in levels of detail based on structure. A
product structure is used to manage changes, testing, and problem resolution for complex
products with a large number of interdependent parts and functions.

II.5 Operation Process Chart

Operation Process Chart performs the process of raw material into a product
which the operation steps and inspection belongs. The information is including time
spent, raw material, a process needed, tool and equipment. Operation process map
illustrates the operating steps and checks experienced ingredients in the order-order from
the beginning to the final product as a whole as well as semi- finished parts (Sutalaksana
2005, P23). There are several benefits of Operational Process Chart, such as:

a. To know the production costs and machine.

b. To know raw material spent (efficiency consideration in each step
and inspection).
c. A tool for layout and facilities design.
d. A tool to diagnose work method. e. A tool for work experience.
Here is the example of Operation Process Chart:

Picture 3 Example of OPC

The sign for operation process:


When the object has changed physically and chemically, then the operation is
done; assembly or disassembly by another object; change into another operation,
transportation, inspection or storage. An operation might be done when information sent
or received, or planning and calculating. It also shows the worker works.

Inspection is an activity when the object inspected in term of quality and quantity.


Storage would be don in long term.

Double Activities

Shows activities which are done in the same time by operator in the same work
station, for

Example: Operation and Inspection are done in the same time

II.6 Precedence Diagram

Is a tool for scheduling activities in a project plan. It is a method of constructing a

project schedule network diagram that uses boxes, referred to as nodes, to represent
activities and connects them with arrows that show the dependencies. It is also called the
activity-on-node (AON) method. If a component has been selected for disassembly then
we have to make the assembly process sequence. This is where the stated limits
precedence for the working components. And the means used to describe the condition of
precedence is to use a precedence diagram. Precendence Diagram is a diagram used to
describe situations in which real track in the form of diagrams (Ginting,
2007, p208).
Input of precedence diagram is OPC. Precedence diagram used before stepping on
the completion method of line balancing. Precedence diagram is a graphical depiction of
the sequence of work operations, as well as dependence on other working operation
whose purpose was to facilitate the control and planning activities concerned in it.
Here the example of Presedence Diagram :

Picture 4 The Exmaple of Precedence DIagram
II.7 Routing Sheet Definition

Routing Sheet is a tabulation of the steps covered in producing certain

components and details that need to be from things that are related. Ordering the
production became the backbone of production activities is collecting all of the data
developed by the process engineer and the principal means of communication between
the product and the production engineer. Routing sheet is often referred to as the sheet
process or operation sheets (Apple, 1990).
Routing sheet is useful for calculating the number of machines required and to
count the number of parts that must be prepared in an attempt to obtain a desired product.
The data needed to calculate routing sheet is the sequence of operations of each
component, the name or the type of equipment used, the percentage of scrap and mill
efficiency. Order of operations on the routing sheet is based on the sequence of operations
that exist in the operation process map. The information obtained from the routing
calculation sheet is able to know teorits equipment capacity, number of units prepared,
products with efficiency and the number of theoretical machine. The required data in the
calculation of the routing sheet is a sequence of operations of each component, the name
or the type of used equipment, the percentage of scrap and efficiency factory. Sequence
of operations on a routing sheet is based on the sequence of operations that exists on the
OPC. The information obtained from the routing sheet is able to know theoretical
machine capacities, number of prepared units, and the products with the efficiency
theoretical and the number of machines.

II.8 Routing Sheet Purposes

Routing sheet is made to streamline and simplify the way how to produce a
product. The main purpose of routing sheet is to determine the number of machines or
production equipment that necessary to meet the desired production quantities. There are
other specific purposes of the routing sheet:

1. Find out the process flow (from preparation to packaging) suffered by the materials
for each type of component to determine the number of machine.
2. As a basic of determining factory layout.
3. As a tool for improve the ways of work is being done.
4. As a process time guidance of component for each machine.
Disciplining / familiarize operators to work regularly and quickly according to what
has been planned.

II.9 Routing Sheet Table

Picture 5 Routing Sheet Table

(Source : Tompkins, 2003)

A : The name of operation for each process
B : Name of the machine that is used for each process
C : The time that is needed for machine to produce one product
D : The average product that can be produced by the machine in one day
E : The ability level or measurement the success of a machine to produce a product
F : The capacity of the actual machine for produce product in one day
G : The percentage of process failure and cannot be used anymore (broken) or residual
H : Products that produced per day
I : Number of products that are prepared after defect per day
J : The theoretical number of machines required to meet production
K : The number of machines required in accordance with existing conditions.

By Formula:

Picture 6 Formula of Part of Routing Sheet

II.10 Material Handling System Planning

Material handling is designed using appropriate methods and providing a range of

appropriate materials in the right place, the right time, in the exact order, the exact position and
exact fare (Tompkins, 2003). Systems Material Handling is basically done to improve the
efficiency of the transfer of material from one department to another. Decisions about material
transfer systems and equipment must be based on careful consideration (Purnomo, 2004). The
major step in the improvement in material transfer system is to choose the factors considered in
analyzing the material transfer system adapted to the conditions in the company, after which
outlines these factors into 3 main elements of material handling systems that material, move and
The considerations in determining the material handling system is as follows:
a. Material Characteristics
Among other material characteristics can be categorized based on the following:
1. Physical properties: in the form of a solid, liquid or gas
2. Size: form of volume, length, width, height of material
3. Weight: per piece, per box, or per unit volume
4. Shape: in the form of a long plate, square, round and more
5. Conditions: in a state of heat, cold, and more
6. Security Risks: are explosive, toxic, easily broken and more

b. Material Flow Level

The flow rate of material related to two main issues concerning the quantity or the
frequency of the amount of material being removed and the material displacement distance.

Picture 7 Material Handling Based on Material Flow Level

II.11 Material Handling Equipment

The principle - the principle of the transfer of materials is as follows (Apple, 1972, p.49):

1. Planning Principle
2. Standardization Principle
3. Work Principle
4. Ergonomic Principle
5. Unit Load Principle
6. Space Utilization Principle
7. System Principe
8. Automation Principle
9. Environmental Principle
10. Life Cycle Cost Principle

II.12 Unit Load

Load Unit explained that the material should be dealt with everything that is most
efficient. Unit load provides insights on the maximum number of units of products being
transported / carried technically, with the aim of reducing the amount of displacement is
unnecessary. A logical question is right for Unit Load Principle is "What is the right size for a
package or load?" There are some advantages by using Unit Load:

a. More material is being handled at the same time can reduce the number of trips
required thereby potentially reducing material handling costs, reduce unloading
time and reduce product damage.
b. Possible to use standard material handling equipment.

And there are two types of Unit Load usualy to use:

a. Pallet
According to Bowersox (1992, p.286, in Apple, 1972) pallet means a material
transportation to be able to lift the material for a sizable volume. Usually on pallets
given the amount of material in accordance with the dimensions and capacity of the
pallet itself. There are 6 size pallet namely, inc 30x40, 36x48inc, inc 40x48, 42x42
inc, inc 48x49, and 48x48 inc.

b. Picture 8 Pallet

c. Skid
Skid is a tool used to transport materials for the transportation of large volumes
can achieve. Skid usually made of metal and shaped like a pallet surface. Skid
usually used to lift an unnecessary burden pernumpukan.

Picture 9 Skid

II.13 Allowance

Allowance is the flexibility of the engine room and clearances required for the alley
traffic of materials and workers can work smoothly. The type of allowance is to be noted:
a. Allowance Operators, namely leeway is given as a space for the operator to operate
the machine as well as the traffic operator.
b. Allowance Material, namely tolerance given for temporary storage of materials
to be processed.
Below the formula to calculate the material allowance:

Picture 10 Formula of Allowance

Picture 11 Formula of Total Allowance Material

c. Allowance Material Removal is the allowance that given for material handling
equipment to maximize the usage.
Here is the formula to calculate allowance material removal:

Picture 12 Formula of Allowance Material Removal

II.14 Plant Surface Area

The calculation of the floor area of the plant area was conducted to estimate the
broad needs of the plant area. This area needs to be considered for all activities in the
plant which should pay attention to three kinds of areas, namely:
Area necessary for the operation of machinery or equipment of existing
The area needed for the storage of raw materials (receiving) and an area for
storage of finished products (shipping).
Area required for service facilities, such as offices.
Raw material warehouse floor area (receiving) a floor area used to store raw
materials or the materials to be used in production. Activities of receipt of goods is the
beginning of a whole pattern of material flow, so the placement should adjacent to
transportation facilities that connect the plant with the outside environment.
While the finished product warehouse floor area (shipping) is a department related
to the finished product storage and loading into the means of transportation
available to and then delivered to the consumer.
Picture 13 Table of Production Floor Area Needs
Length (m) Width (m)
N Facili Machi Tot
o ty ne Machi Employ Materi Materi Tota Machi Employ MateriMateri Tot al
ne ee al al l ne ee al al al
Amou Are
nt Lengt Allow Movem Allow Leng Widt Allow Movem Allow Wid a
h4 ance ent ance th8 h9 ance ent ance th13 14
1 2 3 5 6 7 10 11 12
Allow Allow
ance ance

Column 1: number of machines adapted to the process sequence operation
Column 2: the name of the facility or machine used Column 3: number of similar
machines needed
Column 4: the length of the machine used
Column 5: allowance or allowances given to employees
Column 6: allowance or concession given to the removal of material
Column 7: allowance or concession given to material Column 8: The total length of the
machine required Column 9: measure the width of the machine used
Column 10: allowance or concession granted to employees
Column 11: allowance or concession given to the removal of material

Column 12: allowance or concession given to material Column 13: total width of the
machine is required Column 14: The vast size machines use.

II.15 Material Handling Cost

Material handling is expressed as the art and science that includes handling
(handling), displacement (moving), packaging (packaging), storage (storing) while
controlling (controlling) of materials or materials with all its forms. (Wignjosoebroto,
Material handling costs (OMH) the costs incurred for the transport of materials, ranging
from raw materials, semi-finished materials, to finished materials. Below are some of the
reasons why the material handling costs (OMH) becomes the criterion of goals / success
in determining the layout of the facility (Joko Susetyo, 2010).
The amount of material handling costs (OMH) depends on several factors directly
affecting, namely:
a. The type of conveyances
This type of conveyance determined by the load carried. For efficiency, as long
as can be handled by humans, the material can be transported by humans. If the
material is transported exceed the load can be transported by humans, can use tools.
However, please note that the costs of using tools more expensive than the cost of man
b. The weight of objects being moved
Heavy material that must be removed will determine the use of a type of
transport means. The heavier the load, the greater the tools used payload power and
will certainly have a larger overhead anyway.
c. Distance moved
If you already know what means of transport to be used, the following factors that
influence the displacement distance. The farther the distance used then the costs
involved will be even greater.
According to Tompkins and White (2000), 20-50% of the total cost of
manufacturing operations derived from material handling costs (OMH) and the costs
associated with the layout. If the use of efficient material handling it will indirectly lead
to an increase in capacity and the reduction of production costs and bottlenecks in the
production process.
There are several ways to minimize material handling cost are as follows:
a. Reducing idle time.
b. Maximizing the use of equipment to obtain higher unit charge.
c. Minimize displacement and back and forth movements of material handling
to reduce operating costs.
d. Adjust the distance between the facilities as close as possible in order to transfer
the material to become more optimal.
e. Using the right equipment to reduce damage to the material and use the
appropriate unit loads.
f. Perform maintenance on the equipment to prevent big repair costs.

II.16 Input and Output Material Handling Cost

1. Input Material Handling Fees. In determining the material handling costs

needed some input, namely:
a. Table Material
b. Operation Process Chart c. Routing Sheet
c. Floor Area Table
d. Clearance Machines
2. Output Cost Material Handling

a. Table and total material handling costs of a company or a factory.

b. Area necessary for the operation of machinery or equipment of
existing production.
c. The area needed for the storage of raw materials (receiving)and an area
for storage of finished products (shipping).
d. Area required for service facilities, such as offices

II.17 Distance Measurements

The measurement system used distances between departments within a company,

there are several kinds. The distance measurement system can be tailored to the
characteristics and needs of the company. According Heragu (2008), the size of the gap in
the design layout is divided into seven, namely:
a) Euclidean Distance
Is the measured distance between the center of the facility straight to the center of
the other facilities. The formula used in pengukuruan within euclidien namely:

dij = [(xi xj)2 + (yi yj)2]1/2


xy = x-coordinate at the center of facilitation

yi = the x-coordinate at the center of the facility j dij = distance between the
centers facilities i and j

Picture 14 Euclidean Distance
b) Rectilinear Distance
Is the distance measured perpendicular to follow the path of the center point to the
point of facilities other amenities. The formula used in the distance measurement
rectilinier namely :

dij = |xi - xj| + |yi - yj|

xy = x-coordinate at the center of facilitation
yi = the x-coordinate at the center of the facility j dij = distance between the
centers facilities i and j

Picture 15 Rectiliniar Distance

II.18 From To Chart

From to chart (FTC) is a conventional technique that is commonly used for

factory layout planning and removal of material in a production process. From to chart an
adaptation of a mileage chart that is generally found on a road-map (road map), so that
shows the total weight of the load.
How to find FTC ? The formula is:

Picture 16 Formula of FTC Calculation

There 2 kind of FTC, FTC Inflow and FTC Outflow. Here the formula:
Formula of FTC Inflow:

Picture 17 Formula of FTC Inflow

Formula of FTC Outflow:

Picture 18 Fromula of FTC Outflow

II.19 Activity Relationship Chart (ARC)

ActivityRelationship Chart or map-related events is the activity or activities between

each - each section that describes important whether or not the closeness of the room. ARC is
used to find the relationship between an activity that is tied to other activities that are
important for the smooth activity. Therefore made a map of the relationship of activities,
which will be known how the relationship is going on and should be met in accordance with
the tasks and a supportive relationship. In general map activity relationships can be defined
as the ideal technique for planning linkages between each group of interrelated activities.
ARC main objective is to determine the relationship of proximity of each plant facilities. The
function of the ARC and its usage as follows:
1. Preparation of the sequence of work centers or departments in the factory.
2. Determining the location of a service business.
3. Determining the location of the work center maintenance or repair operations.
4. Shows the relationship of each activity and why.
Obtaining a foundation for the subsequent facility area
As for the technique to analyze the relationships between existing activities is to use ARC.
This technique proposed by Richard Muthe, are as follows:
Table 1 Degree of Importance by Using Colour
Code Color Degree of Importance
A Red Close to each other is Absolute
E Orange Very importance to close to each other
I Green Importance to close to each other
O Blue Ordinary anywhere there is no problem
U White Not importance to close to each other
X Brown Unnecessary to close to each other

Table 2 Color Proximity Code

Code Color Degree of
A Red Absoliute Necessary
E Orange Very Importance
I Green Importance
O Blue Ordinary
U White Unnecessary
X Brown Not Expected

Table 3 Total Department in ARC Techniqie
Code Amount
A 5% from total combination
E 10% from total combination
I 15% from total combination
O 20% from total combination
U The remainder of the combination of all
X 5% from ttal combination

II.20 ARC Normalization

Normalization ARC used to transform qualitative data into quantitative data form to
be taken into account in the proposed layout further. The value of this normalization derived
from estimates of the scales every grade that every problem has the same multiplier
Table 4 ARC Normalization
Code Value
A 1
E 0.8
I 0.6
O 0.4
U 0.2
X 0
By looking at the relationship between departments in the ARC, the letter grade (A,
E, I, O, U, X) will be transformed into quantitative form. The code number will be useful to
be input on Unit Flow Distribution (UFD).

II.21 Unit Flow Distribution (UFD)

UFD is a multiplication of FTC with ARC. Matrix flow distribution unit is the data
that will be included in the algorithm using software WinQSB CRAFT.
UFD = FTC (Cost x Frequency) x ARC Normalization

II.22 Worksheet

Activity relationship chart (ARC) is useful for planning analysis of the relationship
between the activities of each - each department. As a result the data obtained will then be
used for the determination of the location of each - each department, namely through the
Area Allocation Diagram (AAD). AAD is to give an explanation of the relationship between

the activities of the department with other departments, the first data obtained from ARC
entered into a worksheet (work sheet).

II.23 Area Allocation Diagram

Area allocation diagram (AAD) is a global pattern in the form of depiction of the
conclusions of the ARC, where the ARC has been known to the conclusion level of interest
among the activities. Thus, the level of interest among these activities affect the degree of
proximity between the layout of the event. Information obtained from the AAD is the
utilization of the layout area and the position of the activities that have been arranged by
importance proximity. ARC and AAD is a kind of map that illustrates the relationship
between the activity as a result of certain reasons that must be met. Here is a basic
consideration in determining the AAD, ie:
1. Flow production, material, equipment
2. ARC, information flow
3. Points required
4. Worksheet
The purpose of the AAD, namely:
1. Designing a space efficient production in one integrated entity.
2. Adjust the placement of work stations that are efficient in the production floor with
attention close relationship that has been determined in the ARC.
3. Determining the relationship between the facility and the reason.
4. Translating the approximate area into an initial layout
5. Provide comprehensive estimate of total approaching actual conditions. Became the
basis for further planning.
While profits from the manufacture of AAD, namely:
1. Division systematic activity area.
2. Facilitate the layout process
3. Minimize the unused space.
Area allocation diagram consists of two types, namely:
a. That depiction AAD AAD Powrarm approach in the form of block diagram
coincide between activity facilities.
b. The AAD on approach Muther That depiction AAD with the relationship line that
indicates the level of correlation between one activity to another activity. Muther
approach similar to that suggested DE Villenuve and Hofman and Downs. They
all have developed similar flow diagrams, with activities which were connected
by lines or bands with a variety of different thicknesses. The width of the line
indicates the flow volume between activities, and helps planners to connect each
of the activities as appropriate in the early stages of planning the layout. In
Muther approach, there is a conventional process symbols and line numbers
between emblem shows the importance of proximity, namely:
A = 4 lines
E = 3 lines
I = 2 lines
O = 1 line
U = no line
X = wavy lines

II.24 Template

Template is a picture of plant layout will be made based on the results of previous
AAD workmanship. Template is a depiction of all activities of the plant and the linkages
activities. In making the template should be held accountable floor area of a predetermined
and given gang.Dengan the template, it can be seen:
1. The layout of the office
2. Location of service facilities such as canteen, roads, and others.
3. The layout of the production floor
4. The material flow from receiving to shipping
The template is flexible, making it possible to obtain many alternatives layout. Templates can
generally be made in three forms, namely:
1. BLOCK rectangular determined by the length and maximum width which is owned
by the object.
2. Countour is a form of projection or shelter top of the object.
3. CLEARANCE countour is a form of projection of the object to be equipped
4. Clearances parts of the object that can move.

III.1 Determiing Facilities Location
III.1.1 The step of determining the location of the factory:
a) Based on the observation result, the writers can determine the X & Y
coordinate of plant location :

Table 5 Coordinat of Selected Location


107,655074 -6,967566

The selected plant that suitable for PT Z is Ciganitri. Because based on the
factor rating approach Ciganitri get highest Wt value.
b) The space available in Ciganitri is around 30000 m2
c) Here below, the writers attach the substantion of observation result and survey
photo with respondents.

Picture 19 Respondent of qualitative factor

Picture 20 Jatinangor Area

Picture 21 Ciganitri Area

Picture 22 Mengger Area

III.1.2 Below is data that correlated with step in determining plat location by Factor
a) Quantitative and Qualitative data with the reason, analysis and Wt value:

Table 6 Quantitative and Qualitative

Type Of
No Factors Reasons
Because UMR/ UMK is a component that influence
UMR/UMK Quantitative labor cost
2 Distance Of Becausethe supplier distance of balsa wood can
Balsa Wood Quantitative influence the cost of transportatiom
Because price of land can influence the investation
Price Of Land Quantitative cost
Potential Potential market can not calculated because it is
Market Qualitative depends on the place
Based on how the people around the place, most of
HR Quality Qualitative them is skilled or not, worked or not.
Based on wether the place ever got the natural disaster
6 Disaster Risk Qualitative ,or other disaster
Distance Of
7 Paint Quantitative Can be calculated by google maps to find the distance.

Table 7 Each Factor of Quantitative and Qualitative Data With The Analysis

Factors Wt Analysis
Competitor It is affect in company's selling product but is not as
Distance 0,1 important as the price land
Supplier Distance It is affect in purchasing cost that can give in big impact

Of Balsa Wood 0,1 in production cost

Price land is have important priority, that is why the Wt
Price Of Land 0,3 value is highest than other.
Supplier Distance It is affect in purchasing cost that can give in big impact
Of Paint 0,1 in production cost

Potential market can affect the selling product by


Potential Market 0,2 marketing division

HR Quality 0,1 HR quality can affect in production process
Disaster Risk 0,1 It has correlated with the company
Total 1

After define the qualitative and quantitative data and the Wt value, we should
calculate the quantitative data from any trusted resources but, for qualitative data we
got the data from survey by 5 respondents each place. And here is the result of :
Quantitative Data by search in any-trusted resources:
Table 8 Quantitative Data
Quantitative Alternatives
Factors Mengger Ciganitri Jatinangor
Distance 142 146 161
Supplier Distance
Of Balsa Wood 155 159 173
Price Of Land Rp4.500.000 Rp1.200.000 Rp1.500.000
Supplier Distance
Of Paint 8,4 16,3 30,7

Qualitative Data by Survey:

Table 9 Qualitative Data
Qualitative Alternatives
Factors Mengger Ciganitri Jatinangor
Market 62 60 68
HR Quality 80 64 58
Disaster Risk 76 70 70

b) Here data that correlated with each factor in each location that was decided:
1. Quantitative Factor
Competitor Distance: The competitor of PT Z is company that produce
educational toys that addressed in: Istana Koleksi Toys, Jalan Pejuang Raya No.2,
Pejuang, Medan Satria, Pejuang, Medan Satria, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17131,
Indonesia. And here the competitor distance for each plant (Mengger, Cigantri,
and Jatinangor)

Picture 23 The Competitor Distance from Jatinangor

Picture 24 The Competitor Distance from Ciganitri

Picture 25 The Competitor Distance from Mengger

Supplier Distance of Balsa Wood

There are 2 raw material of GoGeom product. And balsa wood is one of them.
The supplier of balsa wood that cooperate with PT Z adressed in: Kirana Boutique
Office, Jl. Boulevard Raya No. 1, Kelapa Gading, Klp. Gading Tim., Klp. Gading,
Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14240, Indonesia. And here the
supplier distance of balsa wood for each plant (Mengger, Cigantri, and Jatinangor).

Picture 26 Supplier Distance of Balsa Wood from Jatinangor

Picture 27 Supplier Distance of Balsa Wood from Ciganitri

Picture 28 Supplier Distance of Balsa Wood from Mengger

Price Of Land is the price of each plant location. Here the link for Jatinangor,
Ciganitri, and Mengger: cocok-untuk-perumahan-

43 di-ciganitri-buahbatu-
bandung.html dalam-komplek-bayypas-

Supplier Distance Of Paint

The second raw material that PT Z needed is paint. And here the Supplier
Distance that addressed in: Lanud Sulaiman Bandung, Jalan Hercules 2, Sulaiman,
Margahayu, Sulaiman, Margahayu, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40229, Indonesia.

Picture 29 Supplier Distance paint from Jatinangor

Picture 30 Supplier Distance paint from Ciganitri

Picture 31 Supplier Distance paint from Mengger

2. Qualitative Factor:
Potential Market, the data is done by survey that will be sent by hardcover.HR
Quality the data is done by survey that will be sent by hardcover.Risk Disaster the
data is done by survey that will be sent by hardcover.
In survey, the writer use scale between 10 100. Then, the writers sum the total
scale for each place and finally the writers get the score by devided it

c). The selected area as potential plant facilities are: Jatinangor, Ciganitri and Mengger.
And with qualitative and quantitative factor we can rank for the smallest value then
we can get the Wtd value. The area that has the highes Wtd score will be choosen as
potential plant facilities for PT Z.

d). Determining Weight Rate for Each Control

Table 10 The Weight Rate Each Rate

Wt Mengger Ciganitri Jatinangor
Score Wtd Score Wtd Score Wtd
Competitor Distance 0,1 100,00 10,00 100,00 10,00 100,00 10,00
Supplier Distance Of Balsa Wood 0,1 100,00 10,00 97,48 9,75 89,60 8,96
Price Of Land 0,3 26,67 8,00 100,00 30,00 80,00 24,00
Potential Market 0,2 62,00 12,40 60,00 12,00 68,00 13,60
HR Quality 0,1 80,00 8,00 64,00 6,40 58,00 5,80
Disaster Risk 0,1 76,00 7,60 70,00 7,00 70,00 7,00
Supplier Distance Of Paint 0,10 100,00 10,00 51,53 5,15 27,36 2,74
Total 1,00 544,67 66,00 543,02 80,30 492,96 72,10

From the weight rate in ech potential area, we choose Ciganitri as the best potential
plant facilities because Ciganitri has the highest weight rate

III.2 Determination of Product Flow, Determination Production Process and

Determination of Total Machine Requirements.
III.2.1 Data of Product
GoGeom is the product that made from pine wood with a size of 20 x 18 x 20
cm by staining using the Non-Toxic Paint is safe for children. Function detail of this
product are introduced children to the geometric shapes, iimprove motor skills in
children, introduce a variety of colors, and train a child in a sort of geometric shapes.
This product is produce around 43.5 minute with 20 operation that will be
explain later.
Below is Happiness Firms product (GoGeom) :

Picture 32 GoGeom Product

III.2.2 Explanation and Analysis of Production Process:

a) Process Time

Table 11 Process Time of GoGeom Production
Process Name
Process Time
Part Wall Part Roof Part Shape Pieces (Menit)

Cutting, Shapping, Cutting, Shapping, Cutting, Shapping,

1 Drilling Process Drilling Process for Drilling Process for 12
for Part Wall Part Wall Part Wall
2 Sanding Process Sanding Process Sanding Process 2
3 Painting 1 Process Painting 1 Process Painting 1 Process 2
4 Painting 2 Process Painting 2 Process Painting 2 Process 2
5 Assembly Process 3
6 Packaging Process 5

b) Defective atau scrap from each process

Table 12 Defective from each process
No Process Name Defective
1 Cutting, Shapping, & 0%
Drilling Process

2 Sanding Process 0,5%

3 Painting 1 Process 1%
4 Painting 2 Process 1%
5 Assembly 1%
6 Packaging 1%

c) Machine or faciliy that used

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

In the CNC Machine process it

3000 X has 100% efficiency It has 0%
1 1720 X defect because the machine
2085 MM sometime work unproperly.
With Lot Size 4


In the CNC Machine process it

3000 X has 100% efficiency It has 0%
2 1720 X defect because the machine
2085 MM sometime work unproperly.
With Lot Size 2


In the CNC Machine process it

3000 X has 100% efficiency It has 0%
3 1720 X defect because the machine
2085 MM sometime work unproperly.
With Lot Size 4


Picture 33 CNC Machine as Facility

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

It has 100% efficiency because

2800 x there is no error from the
4 1750 x machine. It has 0% defect
2350 mm becuse the machine work
properly. With Lot Size 4

Sanding Machine 1

It has 100% efficiency because

2800 x there is no error from the
5 1750 x machine. It has 0% defect
2350 mm becuse the machine work
properly. With Lot Size 2

Sanding Machine 2

It has 100% efficiency because

2800 x there is no error from the
6 1750 x machine. It has 0% defect
2350 mm becuse the machine work
properly. With Lot Size 4

Sanding Machine 2

Picture 34 Sanding Machine as Facility

Picture 35 Spray Paint Table as Facility

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
7 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4
Spray Paint Table a1

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
8 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 2
Spray Paint Table a2

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
9 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4
Spray Paint Table a3

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
10 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4

Spray Paint Table b1

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
11 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 2
Spray Paint Table b2

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
12 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4
Spray Paint Table b3

Picture 36 Spray Paint Table as Facility

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

It has 99% efficiency because

this facility is new and no need
13 5x5x5m to much repairing. Tit has
defect 1% because there will
be nature risk. With Lot Size 1

Assembly Table

It has 99% efficiency because

there is still need for
14 6x6x6m
maintenance for area. It has
defect 1% . With Lot Size 1

Packaging Area

Picture 37 Assembly & Inspection Area

III.2.3 Operation Process Chart

Based on the pricture below, From the operation process chart the writers can
conclude that to produce GoGeom product is need 14 operation with duration of
production each product is around 3750.

Picture 38 Operation Process Chart of GoGeom Production Process

III.2.4 Bill of Material

Table 13 Data of GoGeoms Bill of Material
Bill Of Material
Company : HAPPINESS FIRM Prepared By : FRI-38-001
Product : GoGeom Date : 16/04/2017

Level Part No. Part Name Quant / Unit

1 A03 GoGeom 1
2 A04 Wall 4
2 A05 Roof 2
2 A06 Shape Pieces 4

Picture 39 Bill of Material

From the result of Bill Of Material, the writers conclude that there are 2 levels in
GoGeom product, which all of the product is make by the company ( PT Z ). By knowing the
lead time, the production division should be know when to do the purchasing and the
production that can fulfill the demand of the customer. And then, by BOM the writers know
about the quantity that production division should produce GoGeom product.

III.2.5 Precedence Diagram

From the precedence diagram below, the writers conclude about the flow of
effective production should be.
Table 14 Work Element in Precedence Diagram
Symbol Work Element Predeccosor
A Cutting, Shaping,Drilling Process -
B Sanding Process A
C Painting 1 Process B
D Painting 2 Process C
A2 Shapping Process Roof Shape -
B2 Sanding Process A2
C2 Painting 1 Process B2
D2 Painting 2 Process C2
A3 Drilling Process Shape Pieces -
B3 Sanding Process A3
C3 Painting 1 Process B3
D3 Painting 2 Process C3
E Assembly Process D3
F Packaging E

Picture 40 Precdence Diagram for GoGeom Product

III.2.6 Data of Name and Facility Size Dimension and Its Analysis ( machine, table,
or area)

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

In the CNC Machine process it

3000 X has 100% efficiency It has 0%
1 1720 X defect because the machine
2085 MM sometime work unproperly.
With Lot Size 4


In the CNC Machine process it

3000 X has 100% efficiency It has 0%
2 1720 X defect because the machine
2085 MM sometime work unproperly.
With Lot Size 2


In the CNC Machine process it

3000 X has 100% efficiency It has 0%
3 1720 X defect because the machine
2085 MM sometime work unproperly.
With Lot Size 4


Picture 41 CNC Machine as Facility

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

It has 100% efficiency because

2800 x there is no error from the
4 1750 x machine. It has 0% defect
2350 mm becuse the machine work
properly. With Lot Size 4

Sanding Machine 1

It has 100% efficiency because

2800 x there is no error from the
5 1750 x machine. It has 0% defect
2350 mm becuse the machine work
properly. With Lot Size 2

Sanding Machine 2

It has 100% efficiency because

2800 x there is no error from the
6 1750 x machine. It has 0% defect
2350 mm becuse the machine work
properly. With Lot Size 4

Sanding Machine 2

Picture 42 Sanding Machine as Facility

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
7 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4
Spray Paint Table a1

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
8 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 2
Spray Paint Table a2

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
9 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4
Spray Paint Table a3

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
10 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4

Spray Paint Table b1

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
11 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 2
Spray Paint Table b2

It has 99 % effciency because

there is still an error from the
facility. It has defect 1%
50 x 200
12 because sometimes spray
paint did not appropriately in
spray paint to raw material.
With Lot Size 4
Spray Paint Table b3

Picture 43 Spray Paint Table as Facility

No Faclity Name + Picture Facility Size Efficiency

It has 99% efficiency because

this facility is new and no need
13 5x5x5m to much repairing. Tit has
defect 1% because there will
be nature risk. With Lot Size 1

Assembly Table

It has 99% efficiency because

there is still need for
14 6x6x6m
maintenance for area. It has
defect 1% . With Lot Size 1

Packaging Area

Picture 44 Area as Facility

III.2.7 Analysis Of Machine Efficiency and Lot Size

Machine efficiency was explained above.

Lot Sixe of GoGeom Product are:
1. For part Wall the lot size is 4
2. For part Roof the lot size is 2
3. For part Shape of pieces is 4

III.2.8 Analysis of Amount of Product Requested and Actual Machine Needed

Theoritical Machine
Operation Process Time Actual Machine Total Actual Total Requested Total Prepared
No Faciliy Name: Machine Capacity Efficiency Defect (%) Machine Needed
Number (menit) Capacity (unit/day) Machine (unit/day) (unit/day)
(Unit/Day) (%) Theoretical (Unit) Actual (Unit) Lot Size Work Hour
Balsa Wood for Wall Shape
0-1 CNC Machine 1 12 160 100,0% 160 0,00% 0 151,0 151,0 0,94375 1 1 4
1 0-2 Sanding Machine 1 2 960 100% 960 0% 0 151,0 151,0 0,157291667 1 1 4
0-3 Spray Paint Table a1 2 960 97% 931,2 3% 0 146,0 151,0 0,162156357 1 1 4
0-4 Spray Paint Table b1 2 960 99% 950,4 1% 0 144,0 146,0 0,153619529 1 1 4
Balsa Wood for Roof Shape
O-5 CNC Machine 2 12 80 100,0% 80 0,0% 0 73,0 73,0 0,9125 1 1 2
2 O-6 Sanding Machine 2 2 480 100% 480 0% 0 76,0 76,0 0,1583 1 1 2
O-7 Spray Paint Table a2 2 480 97% 465,6 3% 0 73,0 76,0 0,1632 1 1 2
O-8 Spray Paint Table b2 2 480 99% 475,2 1% 0 72,0 73,0 0,1536 1 1 2
3 Balsa Wood for Shape Pieces 8
0-9 CNC Machine 1 12 160 100,0% 160 0,0% 0 151,0 151,0 0,9438 1 1 4
0-10 Sanding Machine 2 2 960 100% 960 0% 0 151,0 151,0 0,1573 1 1 4
0-11 Spray Paint Table a3 2 960 97% 931 3% 0 146,0 151,0 0,1622 1 1 4
0-12 Spray Paint Table b3 2 960 99% 950 1% 0 144,0 146,0 0,1536 1 1 4
Half Finish Good
0-13, I-1 Assembly Table 3 160 99% 158,4 1% 0 35,0 36,0 0,227272727 1 1 1
Finish Good
0-14 Packaging Area 5 96 99% 95,04 1% 0 34 35,0 0,368265993 1 1 1
Total 14

Picture 45 Routing Sheet

So from the routing sheet calculation above, there are several input of the column
which is operation number, macine name, process time, theoritical machine capacity, machine
efficiency, actual machine capacity unit/day, deffect, amount requested, and prepared, and the
machine needs. The theoritycal machine capacity is got from work hour / process time . The
product requested is 34 and the total product prepared is 35. There is a difference between the
product requested and the product prepared to face if there will be fluctuation demand.

III.2.9 Analysis of comparation between total theorytical machine and actual

machine needed.

Theoritical Machine
Operation Process Time Actual Machine Total Actual Total Requested Total Prepared
No Faciliy Name: Machine Capacity Efficiency Defect (%) Machine Needed
Number (menit) Capacity (unit/day) Machine (unit/day) (unit/day)
(Unit/Day) (%) Theoretical (Unit) Actual (Unit) Lot Size Work Hour
Balsa Wood for Wall Shape
0-1 CNC Machine 1 12 160 100,0% 160 0,00% 0 151,0 151,0 0,94375 1 1 4
1 0-2 Sanding Machine 1 2 960 100% 960 0% 0 151,0 151,0 0,157291667 1 1 4
0-3 Spray Paint Table a1 2 960 97% 931,2 3% 0 146,0 151,0 0,162156357 1 1 4
0-4 Spray Paint Table b1 2 960 99% 950,4 1% 0 144,0 146,0 0,153619529 1 1 4
Balsa Wood for Roof Shape
O-5 CNC Machine 2 12 80 100,0% 80 0,0% 0 73,0 73,0 0,9125 1 1 2
2 O-6 Sanding Machine 2 2 480 100% 480 0% 0 76,0 76,0 0,1583 1 1 2
O-7 Spray Paint Table a2 2 480 97% 465,6 3% 0 73,0 76,0 0,1632 1 1 2
O-8 Spray Paint Table b2 2 480 99% 475,2 1% 0 72,0 73,0 0,1536 1 1 2
3 Balsa Wood for Shape Pieces 8
0-9 CNC Machine 1 12 160 100,0% 160 0,0% 0 151,0 151,0 0,9438 1 1 4
0-10 Sanding Machine 2 2 960 100% 960 0% 0 151,0 151,0 0,1573 1 1 4
0-11 Spray Paint Table a3 2 960 97% 931 3% 0 146,0 151,0 0,1622 1 1 4
0-12 Spray Paint Table b3 2 960 99% 950 1% 0 144,0 146,0 0,1536 1 1 4
Half Finish Good
0-13, I-1 Assembly Table 3 160 99% 158,4 1% 0 35,0 36,0 0,227272727 1 1 1
Finish Good
0-14 Packaging Area 5 96 99% 95,04 1% 0 34 35,0 0,368265993 1 1 1
Total 14

Picture 46 Routing Sheet

So from the routing sheet calculation above, there are several input of the
column which is operation number, macine name, process time, theoritical machine
capacity, machine efficiency, actual machine capacity unit/day, deffect, amount
requested, and prepared, and the machine needs. The theoritycal machine capacity is
got from work hour / process time . The actual machine capacity is got from the
calculation of theoritycal machine capacity multiplied by machine efficiency. The
requested unit/day is got from demand devided by workdays in a year. The amount
prepared added by the amount requested devided by the actual machine capacity.
Then the total actual machine needed is 14

III.3 Unit Load Calculation and Determination of Material System

III.3.1 Dimension of Material Handling

Spesifikasi MH Equipment

Dimensi (m) 900 x 600 x 510

Kapasitas Angkut 6000 gram
Sumber keranjang-tarik-trolley-shopping?src=topads

Picture 47 Hand Truck as Material Handling

In this case, the writer use industrial wagon with dimension 900 x 600 x 510 mm
III.3.2 Analysis of determining Material Handling Equipment

a. The first step of determining the material handling equipment is by

determine the dimension of the material handling equipment. Based on
what the writers explaned above, in this case the writer use industrial
wogon. The condition of material can be transported at room temperature
and not high-risk material that does not require special handling.
Table 15 Dimension of Hand Truck
Dimension Hand Truck
Panjang 900 milimeter
Lebar 600 milimeter
Tinggi 510 milimeter

b. Input the dimension from each product part to the determine MHE table
Table 16 Dimension of Material Each Process
To Panjang (mm) Lebar (mm) Tinggi (mm)
REC-A 150 150 250
REC-A2 150 150 250
REC-A3 150 150 250
A-B 120 120 200
B-C 120 120 200
C-D 120 120 200

To Panjang (mm) Lebar (mm) Tinggi (mm)
D-E 100 30 200
A2-B2 130 30 160
B2-C2 120 20 150
C2-D2 120 20 150
D2-E2 100 30 100
A3-B3 60 30 60
B3-C3 50 20 50
C3-D3 50 20 50
D3-E3 50 20 50
E-F 60 30 200
F-SHI 55 25 200

III.3.3 Analysis of Stacking Calculation

Stacking is calculations to determine the optimal quantity of material

transportation in one transporting the used material handling equipment. First, fill the
comparation table in each process. Second, fill the volume comparation all the stacking
component by comparing the MHEs dimension with the comparative. Then select the
maximum one. Then marking the line. The results can be seen in the picture below :

Picture 48 Unit Load

The selected dimension combination signifiesabout the maximum stacking load in the MHE
that could be transported. Then, the selcted stacking will be used in detemine the MHE
needed in each process.

III.3.4 Analysis of Unit Load

a) Calculation of each KPK

The the number of products available in the PT Z is 34 , so the KPK are
b) Choosen Unit Load
Based on gant chart, we can know the choosen unit load based on the
minimum makespan of the process time. The choosen unit load is17
with the minimum makespan.

Picture 49 Gantt Chart for each Process

III.4 Calculation of Allowance and Determinating Space Requirement for Plant Facility
Layout Requirements.

III.4.1 Allowance Calculation

Allowance is decided by 3, Operator Allowance, Material Allowance, Removal

Material Allowance. Below the detail will be analysis one by one.

a) Analysis of Operator Allowance

Table 17 Operator Allowance

CNC Machine 1 1
Granding Table 1 1
Spray Paint Table a1 1
Spray Paint Table b1 1
CNC Machine 2 1
Granding Table 1 1
Spray Paint Table a2 1
Spray Paint Table b2 1
CNC Machine 3 1
Granding Table 3 1
Spray Paint Table a3 1
Spray Paint Table b3 1
Assembly Table 1
Packaging Area 0

From the table above the writers make some assumption about the
allowance operator is 1. It is because the standard oparotor reach in the
company is about 1 meters. That is why the writer make a assumption to use
allowance of operator is 1.

b) Analysis of Removal Material

Spesifikasi MH Equipment

Dimensi (m) 900 x 600 x 510

Kapasitas Angkut (kg) 6000 gr
Allowance Pemindahan Material 2

Picture 50 Calculate The Removal Material Allowance

From the picture above, the writer get the allowance of material removal
with formula :

Picture 51 Formula to calculate Removal Material Allowance

Which use the dimension in meters. So, the writer get the result of
material removal allowance is 1. How about the material removal
allowance in each facility ? it will be explain in Table of Recapitulation
c) Analysis of Allowance Material

Table 18 Allowance Material

Panjang Lebar Tinggi Jumlah Total
Nama Part Material Material Material Allowance Allowance
(mm) (mm) (mm) Material (m)
Balsa Wood for wall 120 120 4250 4 4
Framework 1 120 120 4250 4 4
Half Fixed
Framework 1 120 120 4250 4 4
Half Finished
Goods 1 100 30 3400 3 3
Balsa Wood for 130 30 3400 3 3
Panjang Lebar Tinggi Jumlah Total
Nama Part Material Material Material Allowance Allowance
(mm) (mm) (mm) Material (m)
Framework 2 120 20 3400 3 3
Half Fixed
Framework 2 120 20 3400 3 3
Half Fixed
Framework 2 100 30 3400 3 3
Balsa Wood for
Shape Pieces 60 30 1020 1 1
Framework 3 50 20 850 1 1
Half Fixed
Framework 3 50 20 850 1 1
Half Finished
Goods 3 50 20 850 1 1
Finished Goods 60 30 3400 3 3
Finished Goods 0 0 0 0 0
REC 0 0 0 0 0
SHI 0 0 0 0 0

III.4.2 Calculation of Material

a) Analysis of Material Weight

Table 19 Table of Material Weight

Berat Part

Balsa Wood for wall 80000

Framework 1 1000
Half Fixed Framework 1 1000
Half Finished Goods 1 1000
Balsa Wood for Roof 1000
Framework 2 1000
Half Fixed Framework 2 8000
Half Fixed Framework 2 500
Balsa Wood for Shape
Pieces 500
Framework 3 500
Half Fixed Framework 3 500

Berat Part
Half Finished Goods 3 500
Finished Goods 1000
Finished Goods 250
REC 250
SHI 250

The weight each part is obtained from the source :

In each workstation teh raw material will be proceed based on the right size
and ofcourse it will change the weight. For weight in each part can be seen or
check in picture below:

Berat per Komponen

Nama Part Berat Part (gr)

Part Roof 1000
Part Wall 500
Part Shape Pieces 250

Picture 52 Weight of Component

b) Analysis of Total Material Weight

Allowance (m)
Initial Nama Fasilitas Allowance
Allowance Allowance
Operator Material
A CNC Machine 1 1 2 4
B Granding Table 1 1 2 4
C Spray Paint Table a1 1 2 4
D Spray Paint Table b1 1 2 3
E CNC Machine 2 1 2 3
F Granding Table 1 1 2 3
A2 Spray Paint Table a2 1 2 3
B2 Spray Paint Table b2 1 2 3
C2 CNC Machine 3 1 2 1
D2 Granding Table 3 1 2 1
E2 Spray Paint Table a3 1 2 1
F2 Spray Paint Table b3 1 2 1
A3 Assembly Table 1 2 3
B3 Packaging Area 0 0 0

Picture 53 Recapitulation of Allowance

In here, the writer will find the Total Production each day adn Total
weight for each facility. To find Total Production each day, the writer use
data form roting sheet about the prepared demand each day. Then to
calculate Total Weght by multiple between The weight of part and Total
Production each day

III.4.3 Analysis of Plant Surface Requirement

a) Analysis of Plant Surface Area Needed

Panjang (m) Lebar (m)
Initial Fasilitas Allowance Allowance Luas Total
mesin Panjang Allowance Allowance Total Lebar Allowance Allowance Total
Pemindahan Pemindahan
Mesin Operator Material Panjang Mesin Operator Material Lebar
Material Material
A CNC Machine 1 1 3 1 2 4 10 1,7 1 2 4 9 90
B Granding Table 1 1 2,8 1 2 4 10 1,7 1 2 4 9 90
C Spray Paint Table a1 1 2 1 2 4 9 0,5 1 2 4 8 72
D Spray Paint Table b1 1 2 1 2 3 8 0,5 1 2 3 7 56
A1 CNC Machine 2 1 3 1 2 3 9 1,7 1 2 3 8 72
B2 Granding Table 1 1 2,8 1 2 3 9 1,7 1 2 3 8 72
C2 Spray Paint Table a2 1 2 1 2 3 8 0,5 1 2 3 7 56
D2 Spray Paint Table b2 1 2 1 2 3 8 0,5 1 2 3 7 56
A3 CNC Machine 3 1 3 1 2 1 7 1,7 1 2 1 6 42
B3 Granding Table 3 1 2,8 1 2 1 7 1,7 1 2 1 6 42
C3 Spray Paint Table a3 1 2 1 2 1 6 0,5 1 2 1 5 30
D3 Spray Paint Table b3 1 2 1 2 1 6 0,5 1 2 1 5 30
E Assembly Table 1 5 1 2 3 11 5 1 2 3 11 121
F Packaging Area 1 6 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 6 36
REC RECEIVING 1 8 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 5 40
SHI SHIPPING 1 8 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 5 40
Total Area 945

Picture 54 Plant Surface Area Needed

Form the picture above, there are many inputs such as Total Machine
used, The dimension of the facilitie (Length, and Width). The data can be
find in the previous modul. After input the data requirements, the writer
calculate the Total Surface Area by formula:

Picture 55 Formula of Tota Surface Area

What is the function of finding the Total Surface Area ? ofcourse we can
determine the minimum area that we needed to create initial layout of our
production area that will create. In this case the Total Surface area needed is
847 m2 .

The writer decide to provide area 40 x 40 m2 to meet the minimum
surface area that have calculated before.
b) Initial Layout Design
Initial Fasilitas Jumlah mesin Total Panjang Total Lebar Luas Total
A CNC Machine 1 1 10 9 90
B Granding Table 1 1 10 9 90
C Spray Paint Table a1 1 9 8 72
D Spray Paint Table b1 1 8 7 56
A2 CNC Machine 2 1 9 8 72
B2 Granding Table 1 1 9 8 72
C2 Spray Paint Table a2 1 8 7 56
D2 Spray Paint Table b2 1 8 7 56
A3 CNC Machine 3 1 7 6 42
B3 Granding Table 3 1 7 6 42
C3 Spray Paint Table a3 1 6 5 30
D3 Spray Paint Table b3 1 6 5 30
E Assembly Table 1 11 11 121
F Packaging Area 1 6 6 36

Picture 56 Initial Layout Design

Initial Part Aliran

A CNC Machine 1
B Granding Table 1
C Spray Paint Table a1
D Spray Paint Table b1
A1 CNC Machine 2
B2 Granding Table 1
C2 Spray Paint Table a2
D2 Spray Paint Table b2
A3 CNC Machine 3
B3 Granding Table 3
C3 Spray Paint Table a3
D3 Spray Paint Table b3
E Assembly Table
F Packaging Area

Picture 57 Flow of part

First step to create initial lay-out is by recap the total area for each
facility. Second, determine the flow of product by colouring the diferent
colour for arrows in each process.
Third create the initial layout based on the requirement.

m2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
A3 B3
7 C3
8 A
10 A2
11 B2
15 C2
17 B
22 C
23 D
32 SHI

Picture 58 Initial Layout

Picture above is the initial lay-out of the company that created by the
writers as the researcher with size 40 x 40 m2.

III.4.4 Determination of Material Hadling Cost

a) Analysis Centeroid Calculation:

Table 20 Centroid Calculation

Initial Fasilitas X Y

A CNC Machine 1 5 7,5

B Granding Table 1 5 16,5
C Spray Paint Table a1 13,5 25
D Spray Paint Table b1 21,5 26
A2 CNC Machine 2 14 9,5
B2 Granding Table 1 22 10
C2 Spray Paint Table a2 14 17,5
D2 Spray Paint Table b2 22 19
A3 CNC Machine 3 21,5 28,5
B3 Granding Table 3 29 3
C3 Spray Paint Table a3 28,5 9
D3 Spray Paint Table b3 28,5 15
E Assembly Table 32 23,5
F Packaging Area 2,5 18,5

Analysis of material handling costs obtained from determining the

centroid midpoint layout. By using the formula rectilinear and consider
the existing initial layout of each facility

b) Analysis of MHE Calculation


Depresiasi Rp 147 Harga MHE Rp 6.290.000 Rupiah

Biaya Perawatan Rp 438 Total Jarak 35,50 Umur Ekonomis 25 tahun
Biaya Listrik Rp - OMH per meter Rp450 Hari Kerja / bulan 20 hari
Biaya Operator Rp 15.397 Jam Kerja 8 jam
Total Biaya Rp 15.981 Hari Kerja / tahun 214 hari
Biaya Perawatan Rp 70.000 per bulan
Biaya Listrik Rp - per bulan
Biaya Operator Rp 2.463.461 per bulan

Picture 59 MHE Cost Calculation

Material handling costs is derived from considering the aspects

included material weight, frequency, displacement distance, the cost of each
transfer. In addition to know the prices of material handling, the economic
life, days and hours of work, overhead costs and other variable costs

c) Analysis of MHEs Distance Calculation

Table 21 MHEs Distance Calculation

Total Berat
From Jarak (dari
Nama Part Material
to from to)

REC-A Balsa Wood 8000 6

REC-A2 Balsa Wood 8000 15
REC-A3 Balsa Wood 8000 41,5
Total Berat
From Jarak (dari
Nama Part Material
to from to)

A-B Balsa Wood for wall 80000 9

B-C Framework 1 1000 17
C-D Half Fixed Framework 1 1000 9
D-E Half Finished Goods 1 1000 13
A2-B2 Balsa Wood for Roof 8000 8,5
B2-C2 Framework 2 500 15,5
C2-D2 Half Fixed Framework 2 500 9,5
D2-E2 Half Fixed Framework 2 500 14,5
A3-B3 Balsa Wood for Shape Pieces 1000 33
B3-C3 Framework 3 250 6,5
C3-D3 Half Fixed Framework 3 250 6
D3-E3 Half Finished Goods 3 250 12
E-F Finished Goods 250 34,5
F-SHI Finished Goods 250 33,5

From the table above the writers calculate centroid. Analysis of

suggestion of material handling costs obtained from determining the
centroid midpoint layout. By using the formula rectilinear and
consider the existing initial layout of each machine receiving and

Rectilinier Formula:

dij = |xi - xj| + |yi - yj|


xy = x-coordinate at the center of facilitation

yi = the x-coordinate at the center of the facility j dij = distance

between the centers facilities i and j

d) Analysis Material Handling Cost Calculation

Table 22 Material Handling Cost Calculation
Material Tempuh Material
Material Biaya
Handling Material Handling Cost
HAND TRUCK REC-A 6 450 Rp 5.402
HAND TRUCK REC-A2 15 450 Rp 13.505
HAND TRUCK REC-A3 41,5 450 Rp 37.364
HAND TRUCK A-B 9 450 Rp 8.103
HAND TRUCK B-C 17 450 Rp 15.306
HAND TRUCK C-D 9 450 Rp 8.103
HAND TRUCK D-E 13 450 Rp 11.704
HAND TRUCK A2-B2 8,5 450 Rp 7.653
HAND TRUCK B2-C2 15,5 450 Rp 13.955
HAND TRUCK C2-D2 9,5 450 Rp 8.553
HAND TRUCK D2-E2 14,5 450 Rp 13.055
HAND TRUCK A3-B3 33 450 Rp 29.711
HAND TRUCK B3-C3 6,5 450 Rp 5.852
HAND TRUCK C3-D3 6 450 Rp 5.402
HAND TRUCK D3-E3 12 450 Rp 10.804
HAND TRUCK E-F 34,5 450 Rp 31.062
HAND TRUCK F-SHI 33,5 450 Rp 30.162
TOTAL Rp 255.698

From the picture above, the writer get the result of total material handling cost. First, the
writer should be calculate the MHEs cost per meters using the table of MHE calculation
above. Then, input the MHEs Distance. Then, the MHE cost will be calculted by formula:

Material Handling Cost = Distance x MHC per Meter x Frequency

The frequency table is calculted based on the selected unit load. Which mean in this case the
selected unit load is 17.
Table 23 Frequency of Material Removing

From to Frekuensi

REC-A2 2
REC-A3 2
A-B 2
B-C 2
C-D 2
D-E 2
E-F 2
F-G 2
A2-B2 2
B2-C2 2
C2-D2 2
D2-E2 2
E2-F2 2
F2-G 2
A3-B3 2
B3-C3 2
C3-D3 2
D3-E3 2
E3-F3 2
F3-G 2
G-H 2

After that the writers can calculate the total MHE cost. In this case the Total MHE cost is Rp
255.698 ,-

III.4.5 Analysis of Process Flow Using FTC

a) Analysis of FTC Calculation

FTC BIAYA (dalam Rp)

A B C D A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI Total
REC Rp 5.402 Rp 13.505 Rp 37.364 Rp 56.271
A Rp 8.103 Rp 8.103
B Rp 15.306 Rp 15.306
C Rp 8.103 Rp 8.103
D Rp 11.704 Rp 11.704
A2 Rp 7.653 Rp 7.653
B2 Rp 13.955 Rp 13.955
C2 Rp 8.553 Rp 8.553
D2 Rp 13.055 Rp 13.055
A3 Rp 29.711 Rp 29.711
B3 Rp 5.852 Rp 5.852
C3 Rp 5.402 Rp 5.402
D3 Rp 10.804 Rp 10.804
E Rp 31.062 Rp 31.062
F Rp 30.162 Rp 30.162
SHI Rp -
TOTAL Rp 5.402 Rp 8.103 Rp 15.306 Rp 8.103 Rp 13.505 Rp 7.653 Rp 13.955 Rp 8.553 Rp 37.364 Rp 29.711 Rp 5.852 Rp 5.402 Rp 35.564 Rp 31.062 Rp 30.162 Rp255.698

Picture 60 From To Chart

Based on the FTC table above, we conclude that we need to

represent Cost of Material Handling as input and data for
allocate to the FTC. Usually FTC is called as travel chart it
means one of conventional technique to determine the
facilities planning and material movement in one of
production line. Then after we have already know the data
from Cost of Material Handling, we fill the cell based on

From to and fill the cost of material handling that coming

and out from on workstation to another workstation. After this
we do normalization for next phase which is FTC inflow and
outflow. From the table chart we have the total cost of
material handling is Rp 319.381,00. This table will lead us
how we know the efficiency of each material handling,
analyze the movement material, determine the location of
activities, show the association among the components, and
show the quantitative relationship between activity and

b) Analysis of FTC Inflow and Outflow Calculation
A B C D A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI Total
REC Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 3
A Rp 1 Rp 1
B Rp 1 Rp 1
C Rp 1 Rp 1
D Rp 0 Rp 0
A2 Rp 1 Rp 1
B2 Rp 1 Rp 1
C2 Rp 1 Rp 1
D2 Rp 0 Rp 0
A3 Rp 1 Rp 1
B3 Rp 1 Rp 1
C3 Rp 1 Rp 1
D3 Rp 0 Rp 0
E Rp 1 Rp 1
F Rp 1 Rp 1
SHI Rp -
TOTAL Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp15

Picture 61 FTC Inflow

Based on table above, FTC inflow is a diagram that show us

about the variable cost of material handling that go in from
several area to one area. Its from we normalized in FTC
chart, the mechanism is the cost of one area divided by total
cost in to area. In this case, FTC Inflow we got the total of
normalized is 15.


A B C D A1 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI Total
REC Rp 0 Rp 0 Rp 1 Rp 1
A Rp 1 Rp 1
B Rp 1 Rp 1
C Rp 1 Rp 1
D Rp 1 Rp 1
A1 Rp 1 Rp 1
B2 Rp 1 Rp 1
C2 Rp 1 Rp 1
D2 Rp 1 Rp 1
A3 Rp 1 Rp 1
B3 Rp 1 Rp 1
C3 Rp 1 Rp 1
D3 Rp 1 Rp 1
E Rp 1 Rp 1
F Rp 1 Rp 1
SHI Rp -
TOTAL Rp 0 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 0 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 3 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp15

Picture 62 From To Chart Outflow

Based on table above, FTC outflow is a diagram that show us

about the variable cost of material handling and routing sheet
that go out from one area to several area. Its from we
normalized in FTC chart, the mechanism is the cost of one
area divided by total cost in from area

III.5 Determination The Relation Between Activity and Determining
Production Floor of Department Layout

III.5.1 Determination The Relation Between Activity and Determining

Production Floor of Department Layout

III.5.1.1 Case Discription

In this case study, Happiness Firm Company is manufature of

education toys. The company has 16 departments which are:

Table 24 Total Department of Happiness Firm

No Kode

1 A CNC Machine 1
2 B Granding Table 1
3 C Spray Paint Table a1
4 D Spray Paint Table b1
5 A1 CNC Machine 2
6 B2 Granding Table 1
7 C2 Spray Paint Table a2
8 D2 Spray Paint Table b2
9 A3 CNC Machine 3
10 B3 Granding Table 3
11 C3 Spray Paint Table a3
12 D3 Spray Paint Table b3
13 E Assembly Table
14 F Packaging Area

There 16 departement for providing all the production line from

receiving until go to the shipping area.

Relevance Motive Table
No Alasan
1 Urutan Aliran Kerja
2 Memakai Peralatan yang sama
3 Memudahkan pemindahan barang
4 Menggunakan raw material yang sama
5 Pentingnya berhubungan
6 Kemudahan Pengawasan
7 Noise, Dust, Vibration, Odor

Picture 63 Relevance Motive Table

Based on table above, those are some reason for allocating the
workstation or area. The function of the reason is to determinate
the relation between the facility.

A 5%
E 10%
I 15%
O 20%
X 5%
U Sisa

Kombinasi 120 A 6
E 12
I 18
O 24
U 54
X 6
Picture 64 Relevance Degree Activities

According to the Richard Muthe, he explained there is one

of technique for analysis relevance of each departments or
activities with using ARC (Activities Relationship Chart). He
claimed the degree or symbol when we want to allocate the
departments. The symbols are A, E, I, O, U, and X, each of them
have different meaning and percentage. A for red color means it
absolutely close for each department, E for orange means it is
very important for each activities, I for green means it is
important, O for blue means it is enough if the activities are close,

U for white it means is no important, the last one is X for brown
color means it is not expected for close each departments. For this
case, we need to combine the facilities, it use for we can
determine all of departments if they were close. So because we
have 13 departments, using excel formula (=COMBIN) we get the
combinations as much as 120 times. Then each symbol has
different percentage A for 5%, E for 10%, I for 15%, O for 20%,
X for 5%, and U is remain of total minus by all symbols.

III.5.1.2 Analysis of ARC

Based on the ARC visio we can conclude that, there is different
reason if we allocated the departments. Before we do that, we
need to know what is the function of ARC. ARC is
ActivityRelationship Chart or map-related events is the activity
or activities between each - each section that describes important
whether or not the closeness of the room. ARC is used to find
the relationship between an activity that is tied to other activities
that are important for the smooth activity. Therefore made a map
of the relationship of activities, which will be known how the
relationship is going on and should be met in accordance with
the tasks and a supportive relationship. In general map activity
relationships can be defined as the ideal technique for planning
linkages between each group of interrelated activities. Because
of that from the table we can determine how much the relevance
each departments.

For example the relevance from receiving area to mixer machine

area (A) is get A symbols it means it must be or absolutely close
ach other. We can read the diagonal line each departments. So
after we do checklist for relevance we need to copy and
representation the ARC visio.
The pictute above show us about the ARC diagram. We can see
the relationship between each department in our company. For
the red A its mean each department should in the side by side

position, orange E its mean that the activity between department
it very important to neighboring, for the green I its mean that the
activity between department it important to neighboring, for the
blue O its mean there is no line between department, for the
white U its mean there is no important thing in each department,
for the brown X its mean the department is unwanted to be side
by side position.

III.5.1.3 Analysis of Data Unit Flow Distribution

Data For UFD (Rp)
Dari/Ke Total
REC A B C D A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI
REC Rp 900 Rp 1.589 Rp 1.132 Rp 3.621
A Rp 900 Rp 900
B Rp 900 Rp 900
C Rp 900 Rp 900
D Rp 900 Rp 900
A2 Rp 900 Rp 900
B2 Rp 900 Rp 900
C2 Rp 900 Rp 900
D2 Rp 900 Rp 900
A3 Rp 4.571 Rp 4.571
B3 Rp 900 Rp 900
C3 Rp 900 Rp 900
D3 Rp 900 Rp 900
E Rp 900 Rp 900
F Rp900 Rp 900
SHI Rp -
TOTAL Rp - Rp 900 Rp 900 Rp 900 Rp 900 Rp 1.589 Rp 900 Rp 900 Rp 900 Rp 1.132 Rp 4.571 Rp 900 Rp 900 Rp 2.701 Rp 900 Rp 900 Rp 19.897

Picture 65 Unit Flow Distribution

Based on the table above, Input is needed in the execution

module 5th at this time is OMH proposal on module 4.
Frequency and Cost MHE function for each value in the Data
box For UFD. This value is obtained from the frequency
multiplied by the cost of the proposal OMH. It determined from
Data For UFD Table that the value of total is Rp 19.897,-. Unit
Flow Diagram (UFD) where we get the cost from the calculation
of material handling improvement that we have done before.
III.5.1.4 Analysis of Normalization

Table 25 Grade
Grade Value
A 1
E 0,8
I 0,6
O 0,4
U 0,2

Grade Value
X 0,0

Dari/Ke 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Rec A B C D A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI
1 Rec 1 0,6 0,2 0,2 1 0,6 0,0 0,2 1 0,6 0,0 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,0
2 A 1 ##### 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,8 0,4 0,6 0,2 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,2 0,0
3 B 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
4 C 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,6 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2
5 D 0,2 0,4 0,4 0,6 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,8 0,6 0,2 0,2
6 A2 1 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,2 0,0
7 B2 0,6 0,4 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2
8 C2 0,0 0,6 0,4 0,8 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,6 0,2 0,2 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,2
9 D2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,8 0,4 0,4 0,6 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,6 0,2 0,2
10 A3 1 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2
11 B3 0,6 0,4 0,8 0,6 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,0
12 C3 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,4 0,4 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,2
13 D3 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,2 0,2 0,4 0,8 0,4 0,4 0,6 1 0,2 0,4
14 E 0,2 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,6 1 1 0,4
15 F 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,6 0,2 1 1
16 SHI 0,0 0,0 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,4 1

Picture 66 Normalization

Based on two both table above, Normalization ARC used to

transform qualitative data into quantitative data form to be taken
into account in the proposed layout further. The value of this
normalization derived from estimates of the scales every grade
that every problem has the same multiplier. We have
standardization of grade value A is one, E is 0.8, I is 0.6, O is
0.4, U is 0.2 and X is 0. We can see the each value from every
department. This normalization is for the next phase in analysis
of UFD. The it will used to be the input in the Unit Flow
Distribution (UFD).

III.5.1.5 Analysis of Unit Flow Distribution

REC A B C D A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI
Dari/Ke No TOTAL
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
REC 1 900,3433164 1588,84115 1132,24993 0 3621,43
A 2 540,20599 540,206
B 3 540,20599 540,206
C 4 540,20599 540,206
D 5 540,20599 540,206
A1 6 540,20599 540,206
B2 7 540,20599 540,206
C2 8 540,20599 540,206
D2 9 540,20599 540,206
A3 10 2742,58426 2742,58
B3 11 540,20599 540,206
C3 12 540,20599 540,206
D3 13 900,343316 900,343
E 14 900,343316 900,343
F 15 900,3433164 900,343
SHI 16 0
TOTAL 0 900,3433164 540,20599 540,20599 540,20599 1588,84115 540,20599 540,20599 540,20599 1132,24993 2742,58426 540,20599 540,20599 1980,7553 900,343316 900,3433164 14467,1

Picture 67 Unit Flow Diagram

Based on the table UDF after normalization, the writers have

calculation of Unit Flow Distribution (UFD) where we get it by
multiply the Unit Flow Distribution data with the value of
normalization for every department that have relation.
So the formula to get this analysis the cost in each selected
department from routing sheet and material handling cost sheet
multiplied by the normalization from grade value each
departments. This table is for we can determine the flow of
movement the product according to some factors like, distance,
cost, and motive reason table

III.5.1.6 Analysis of Worksheet

Derajat Kedekatan
Nomor, Kode dan Nama Departemen
A (1) E (0.8) I (0.6) O (0.4) U (0.2) X (0)
1 REC RECEIVING 2,6,10 3,7,11 4,5,9,13,14,15 8,12,16
2 A CNC Machine 1 1 6;10 3,8 4,5,7,11,14 9,12,13,15 16
3 B Granding Table 1 7,11 1,2,4 5,8,12 6,9,10,13,14,15,16
4 C Spray Paint Table a1 8,12 3,5,11 2,7,13 1,6,9,10,14,15,16
5 D Spray Paint Table b1 9,13 4,14 2,3
6 A2 CNC Machine 2 1 2,1 7 8,9,11,14 3,4,5,12,13,15 16
7 B2 Granding Table 1 3,11 1,6,8 2,4,9,12 5,10,13,14,15,16
8 C2 Spray Paint Table a2 4,12 2,7,9 3,6,13 5,10,11,14,15,16 1
9 D2 Spray Paint Table b2 5,13 8,14 6,7,12 1,2,3,4,10,11,15,16
10 A3 CNC Machine 3 1 2,6 11 12,13,14 3,4,5,7,8,9,15,16
11 B3 Granding Table 3 3,7 1,4,10,12 2,6,13 5,8,9,14,15 16
12 C3 Spray Paint Table a3 4,8 11,13,14,15 3,7,9,10 2,5,6,16 1
13 D3 Spray Paint Table b3 13 5,9 12 4,8,10,11,16 1,2,3,6,7,15
14 E Assembly Table 13,15 5,12 2,6,10,16 1,3,4,7,8,11
15 F Packaging Area 14,16 12 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13
16 SHI SHIPPING 15 3,4,5,7,8,9,10,12 1,2,6,11

Picture 68 Worksheet

Based on the table above, Activity relationship chart
(ARC) is useful for planning analysis of the relationship
between the activity of each - each department. As a result the
data obtained will then be used for the determination of the
location of each - each department, namely through the Area
Allocation Diagram (AAD). AAD is to give an explanation of
the relationship between the activities of the department with
other departments, the first data obtained from ARC entered into
a worksheet (work sheet). So the next for output for worksheet
is AAD, is one of conventional technique

III.5.1.7 Analysis of AAD

Picture 69 Area Allocation Diagram

Picture 70 Area Allocation Diagram for Receive and Shipment

Based on picture above, we knew that if we want to create AAD

or Area Allocate Diagram we need to have input such as worksheet.
Worksheet function is determine the position is it close or near,

according to the degree of closeness (symbol A,I,E,O,U,X). The red one
is A, it mus absolutely close each other department, and for Green and
Orange is only follow after the Red one is done. In this AAD, the Orange
allocated by diagonal position. Receiving and Shipping is fixed location
because both of them are main department to run the production line, so
we can not move it temporary it must permanent. We only moving the
other departments according worksheet.

III.5.1.8 Analysis of AAD + Initial Layout

A3 B3





Picture 71 Initial Layout based on AAD

By using AAD, the writers vreate new initial layout for PT Z. SO, the initial
layout is create based on AAD

III.5.2 Determination of The Relation Between The Activity and

Determination of Production Department with Added Facility

III.5.2.1 Case Discription

In this case, PT Z create new 8 facility that will be utilize by the labor
of the company. The Facility are :
a. Parking Area

b. Mushola
c. Rest Room 1
d. Rest Room 2
e. Toilet Man
f. Toilet Woman
g. Canteen
h. Production Floor

III.5.2.2 Analysis of ARC

Picture 72 ARC of additional facility

Based on the explanation that was explained before about ARC.

The concept is same. What makes different is amount of the facility and the
grade of process.

III.5.2.3 Analysis of Worksheet Production Floor + Added Facility

Derajat Kedekatan
Nomor, Kode dan Nama Departemen
A (1) E (0.8) I (0.6) O (0.4) U (0.2) X (0)
1 LP Lantai Produksi 2,3,4,5,6,7,8
2 TP Toilet Pria 3 6 4,7,8 1,4
3 TW Toilet Wanita 2 5 4 7,8 6 1
4 K Kantin 7 3 1,2,5,6,8
5 M Mushola 3 2 7,8 1,4,6
6 P Parkiran 2 3 1,4,5,7,8
7 RST Rest Room 1 2 3,5 1,6,8
8 RSTT Rest Room 2 2 3,5 1,4,6,7

Picture 73 Worksheet Production Floor

III.5.2.4 Analysis AAD Production Floor +Added Facility

Picture 74 AAD Production Floor for Added Facility

III.5.2.5 Analisis AAD + Initial Layout Lantai Produksi + Fasilitas

Tambahan (cantumkan print screen)

Picture 75 Initial Layout for added facility

III.6 Designing Plant Facility Layout

III.6.1 Analysis Result of WinQSB

Below is the result of designing plant facility planning by using

Picture 76 Initial Layout

Picture 77 Final Layout 2 Department

Picture 78Final Layout 3 Department

Picture 79 Final Layout 2 then 3 Department

Picture 80 Final Layout 3 then 2 Department

Based on 4 result of WinQSB, the decision is by using layout template 2

deprtment, 2 then 3 department or 3 then 2 department. With cost Rp 1.334.680.

Pada bagian ini merupakan kesimpulan dari Final tubes. Kesimpulan ini harus
dapat menjawab seluruh rumusan masalah yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya(dari
modul 1-6). Tambahan pada bagian ini adalah saran yang diberikan untuk pabrik
yang akan dibangun.

The conclusion from the research are:

1. Determine plant facility by use 2 method, qualitative and quantitative

method. Qualitative method can be solve by using survey data analysis,
then quantitaive method use any trusted resource with anyfactor. This
method can be used in Factor rating approach. Which mean, the writers
have to calculate weight rate to can make decision. The selescted potential
plant facility is the area that has the highest weight rate.
2. From 3 candidates plant facilities, Ciganitri was selected. Based on Factor
Rating approach, Ciganitr has the highest weight rate.

Table 26 The Weight Rate Each Rate

Wt Mengger Ciganitri Jatinangor
Score Wtd Score Wtd Score Wtd
100,0 10,0 100,0 10,0 100,0 10,0
Competitor Distance 0,1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Supplier Distance Of Balsa 100,0 10,0
97,48 9,75 89,60 8,96
Wood 0,1 0 0
100,0 30,0 24,0
8,00 80,00
Price Of Land 0,3 26,67 0 0 0
12,4 12,0 13,6
62,00 60,00 68,00
Potential Market 0,2 0 0 0
HR Quality 0,1 80,00 8,00 64,00 6,40 58,00 5,80
Disaster Risk 0,1 76,00 7,60 70,00 7,00 70,00 7,00
0,1 100,0 10,0
51,53 5,15 27,36 2,74
Supplier Distance Of Paint 0 0 0
1,0 544,6 66,0 543,0 80,3 492,9 72,1
Total 0 7 0 2 0 6 0

3. The routing sheet of the GoGeom product has been made above ( The writter
attach in excel ) there is no far difference between the theoretical number of
machines and the number actual machine needed. Why the writers use 0 value
in the column machine that already exist because PT Z since be start up.

Routing sheet use machine efficiency, defect, and work hour as a input to
4. The total machine needed by the company (Happiness Firm) is 14.
5. The type and dimension of material handling used is industrial wagon with
dimension 700 x 600x 650 mm.

Spesifikasi MH Equipment

Dimensi (m) 900 x 600 x 510

Kapasitas Angkut 6000 gram
Sumber keranjang-tarik-trolley-shopping?src=topads

6. The stacking of material handling that will used in company is the

maximum one. The selected stacking material handling equipment in ech
process will be used in the next process ( Calculated the needed of MHE ),
that was showd in picture above.
7. The gant chart of material handling that the company used based on unit
load is by unit load 17. Because by unit load 17 the makespane time is
minimum than other.
8. The allowance needed in each capacity are:

Allowance (m)
Initial Nama Fasilitas Allowance
Allowance Allowance
Operator Material
A CNC Machine 1 1 2 4
B Granding Table 1 1 2 4
C Spray Paint Table a1 1 2 4
D Spray Paint Table b1 1 2 3
E CNC Machine 2 1 2 3
F Granding Table 1 1 2 3
A2 Spray Paint Table a2 1 2 3
B2 Spray Paint Table b2 1 2 3
C2 CNC Machine 3 1 2 1
D2 Granding Table 3 1 2 1
E2 Spray Paint Table a3 1 2 1
F2 Spray Paint Table b3 1 2 1
A3 Assembly Table 1 2 3
B3 Packaging Area 0 0 0

Picture 81 Recapitulation of Allowance Operator, Material, and

Material Removal.

9. The analysis and result of production area requirement based on the

allowance and each dimenson of machine that used are:
Panjang (m) Lebar (m)
Initial Fasilitas Allowance Allowance Luas Total
mesin Panjang Allowance Allowance Total Lebar Allowance Allowance Total
Pemindahan Pemindahan
Mesin Operator Material Panjang Mesin Operator Material Lebar
Material Material
A CNC Machine 1 1 3 1 2 4 10 1,7 1 2 4 9 90
B Granding Table 1 1 2,8 1 2 4 10 1,7 1 2 4 9 90
C Spray Paint Table a1 1 2 1 2 4 9 0,5 1 2 4 8 72
D Spray Paint Table b1 1 2 1 2 3 8 0,5 1 2 3 7 56
A1 CNC Machine 2 1 3 1 2 3 9 1,7 1 2 3 8 72
B2 Granding Table 1 1 2,8 1 2 3 9 1,7 1 2 3 8 72
C2 Spray Paint Table a2 1 2 1 2 3 8 0,5 1 2 3 7 56
D2 Spray Paint Table b2 1 2 1 2 3 8 0,5 1 2 3 7 56
A3 CNC Machine 3 1 3 1 2 1 7 1,7 1 2 1 6 42
B3 Granding Table 3 1 2,8 1 2 1 7 1,7 1 2 1 6 42
C3 Spray Paint Table a3 1 2 1 2 1 6 0,5 1 2 1 5 30
D3 Spray Paint Table b3 1 2 1 2 1 6 0,5 1 2 1 5 30
E Assembly Table 1 5 1 2 3 11 5 1 2 3 11 121
F Packaging Area 1 6 0 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 6 36
REC RECEIVING 1 8 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 5 40
SHI SHIPPING 1 8 0 0 0 8 5 0 0 0 5 40
Total Area 945

Picture 82 The Production Area Requirement

10. The total material handling cost is:

Table 27 Total Material Handling Cost

Material Tempuh Material
Material Biaya
Handling Material Handling Cost
HAND TRUCK REC-A 6 450 Rp 5.402
HAND TRUCK REC-A2 15 450 Rp 13.505
HAND TRUCK REC-A3 41,5 450 Rp 37.364
HAND TRUCK A-B 9 450 Rp 8.103
HAND TRUCK B-C 17 450 Rp 15.306
HAND TRUCK C-D 9 450 Rp 8.103
HAND TRUCK D-E 13 450 Rp 11.704
HAND TRUCK A2-B2 8,5 450 Rp 7.653
HAND TRUCK B2-C2 15,5 450 Rp 13.955
HAND TRUCK C2-D2 9,5 450 Rp 8.553
HAND TRUCK D2-E2 14,5 450 Rp 13.055
HAND TRUCK A3-B3 33 450 Rp 29.711
HAND TRUCK B3-C3 6,5 450 Rp 5.852
HAND TRUCK C3-D3 6 450 Rp 5.402
HAND TRUCK D3-E3 12 450 Rp 10.804
HAND TRUCK E-F 34,5 450 Rp 31.062
HAND TRUCK F-SHI 33,5 450 Rp 30.162
TOTAL Rp 255.698

11. The material floew using FTC

a. Flow To Chart
FTC techniques, we will know each flow material movement,
Analyzing the material displacement, Planning flow patterns,
Determining the location of activities, Measurement of the efficiency
of the flow pattern, Shows the dependence of the activity with other
activities, and Shows the quantitative relationship between the
activities and movements. The key point we consider and determine
the minimize cost of material handling.

FTC BIAYA (dalam Rp)

A B C D A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI Total
REC Rp 5.402 Rp 13.505 Rp 37.364 Rp 56.271
A Rp 8.103 Rp 8.103
B Rp 15.306 Rp 15.306
C Rp 8.103 Rp 8.103
D Rp 11.704 Rp 11.704
A2 Rp 7.653 Rp 7.653
B2 Rp 13.955 Rp 13.955
C2 Rp 8.553 Rp 8.553
D2 Rp 13.055 Rp 13.055
A3 Rp 29.711 Rp 29.711
B3 Rp 5.852 Rp 5.852
C3 Rp 5.402 Rp 5.402
D3 Rp 10.804 Rp 10.804
E Rp 31.062 Rp 31.062
F Rp 30.162 Rp 30.162
SHI Rp -
TOTAL Rp 5.402 Rp 8.103 Rp 15.306 Rp 8.103 Rp 13.505 Rp 7.653 Rp 13.955 Rp 8.553 Rp 37.364 Rp 29.711 Rp 5.852 Rp 5.402 Rp 35.564 Rp 31.062 Rp 30.162 Rp255.698

Picture 83 From To Chart

b. Flow To Chart Inflow

A B C D A2 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI Total
REC Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 3
A Rp 1 Rp 1
B Rp 1 Rp 1
C Rp 1 Rp 1
D Rp 0 Rp 0
A2 Rp 1 Rp 1
B2 Rp 1 Rp 1
C2 Rp 1 Rp 1
D2 Rp 0 Rp 0
A3 Rp 1 Rp 1
B3 Rp 1 Rp 1
C3 Rp 1 Rp 1
D3 Rp 0 Rp 0
E Rp 1 Rp 1
F Rp 1 Rp 1
SHI Rp -
TOTAL Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp15

Picture 84 From To Chart Inflow

c. Flow To Chart Outflow

A B C D A1 B2 C2 D2 A3 B3 C3 D3 E F SHI Total
REC Rp 0 Rp 0 Rp 1 Rp 1
A Rp 1 Rp 1
B Rp 1 Rp 1
C Rp 1 Rp 1
D Rp 1 Rp 1
A1 Rp 1 Rp 1
B2 Rp 1 Rp 1
C2 Rp 1 Rp 1
D2 Rp 1 Rp 1
A3 Rp 1 Rp 1
B3 Rp 1 Rp 1
C3 Rp 1 Rp 1
D3 Rp 1 Rp 1
E Rp 1 Rp 1
F Rp 1 Rp 1
SHI Rp -
TOTAL Rp 0 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 0 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp 3 Rp 1 Rp 1 Rp15

Picture 85 From To Chart Outflow

12. By doing this progress big assignment, we could understand that Activity
Relationship Chart is the activity or activities between each - each section
that describes important whether or not the closeness of the room to
determine the location of each department in accordance with the linkage
between the activities and the flow of material, fist we have to analyze all
the facilities that exist on the factory, second determine the relevance
motive for each department. This relevance motive could be the reason to
approach it or disassociate it. Third, finding out the value of A, E, I, O, U,
X with the combinantion of the partners for all department. Fourth,
analyze the relationship between each departments according to relevance
motive. Fifth, sort the ARC table from Z to A, or from biggest to smallest.

After that, we do creating the Unit Floss Diagram, which is a

multiplication of the FTC with ARC . Matrix flow distribution unit is the
data that will be included in the algorithm using software WinQSB
CRAFT . And the final is, to make the worksheet. Activity relationship
chart ( ARC ) is useful for planning analysis of the relationship between
the activity of each each department . As a result the data obtained will
then be used for the determination of the location of each - each
department , namely through the Area Allocation Diagram ( AAD ) . AAD
is to give an explanation of the relationship between the activities of the
department with other departments , the first data obtained from ARC
entered into a worksheet

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