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Preparation and Characterization of Iodorutin

Maula Eka Sriyani1, Ajeng Raffi Nabilla2, Muharram Marzuki2

1. Centre of Nuclear Technology for Materials and Radiometry, National Nuclear Energy
Agency, Jl. Tamansari No. 71 Bandung, Indonesia
2. Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Jenderal Achmad Yani, Cimahi, Indonesia



Rutin (3,3,4,57-pentahidroksiflavon-3-ramnoglukosida) is a group of flavonoid which is

widely distributed in plants. Rutin is named from Ruta graveolens which contained rutin and also
can be found on tea, medicinal plants, and fruits such as orange, grape, lemon, lime, mullberry
dan cranberry. Research has showed that rutin has an ability to inhibit peroxidation of low
density lipoprotein which can be used as cancer therapy. One of the method to help therapy is
radiolabeled rutin with isotopes of iodine.

But, the characterization of radiolabel iodorutin (iodinated rutin) cannot be conducted because on
its radioactive stage, the concentration is low. Hence, the characterization can be done with non
radioactive iodium, from potassium iodine (KI).


The aims of this study is to identify mocules formed after the complexation of rutin and Iodine
and also to characterize the iodorutin.

Methods and Results

Iodination of rutin was conducted using chloramine-T method on basic pH. Then, the result of
this reaction was characterized physically (color and melting point) and chemically using
spectrophotometer UV-visible, Spectrophotometer FT-IR, and Spectroscopy 1H-NMR.

Iodinated rutin has different physical and chemical properties compared with rutin. The iodorutin
solubility on polar solvent was better than rutin. Based on analysis using Spectrophotometer UV-
Visible, there is a new peak formed on 224 nm, while by using Spectrophotometer FT-IR a new
spectrum was also formed on absorbance at 500 nm, the last characterization is using 1H-NMR
spectroscopy showed there was loss of 3 chemical shift which indicated that Iodine has bonded
onto the structure of rutin and replaced the H atoms formed sodium-5,6,8-triiodorutin molecule.


1. Chloramines T can be used to yield Iodorutin

2. A formed complex has different physical and chemical properties
3. Spectrophotometer 1H-NMR could shows prediction complex which formed, it is 5, 6, 8,
-natrium triiodorutin

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