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Preface ix

and in the practice test to ensure that we did not use words, terms, or phrases
that could be confusing to those who are not fluent in English.
Although the language issue may concern you, and rightfully so, the only
difference between you and those who speak English as their first language is
the amount of time it takes to complete the exam. We know of only one person
who did not have enough time, and that individual was able to complete all but
two questions. We would suggest, therefore, that if you can grasp the content
expressed in this publication, a few colloquialisms or ambiguous terms on the
real exam will not ultimately determine whether you pass or fail: Your subject
matter knowledge will do that!
Earning the PMP certification is a prestigious accomplishment. But studying
for it need not be difficult if you use the tools available. You may want to include
our companion piece, PMP Exam Challenge! Sixth Edition in your study plan if
you have not already done so. In an easy flash-card format, it too provides many
opportunities to become thoroughly familiar and comfortable with the project
management body of knowledge.

On-line Practice Test

To access this practice test, please contact The on-line
test lasts four hours and has a clock that ticks down to show you how much time
you have left in the four hours for the exam. Once you have answered all the
questions or time runs out, you will be scored by domain and also through a
proprietary algorithm we have prepared that shows based on our questions, you
will see whether you were Proficient, Moderately, or Below in a domain.
Good luck on achieving your PMP certification!

Ginger Levin
Lighthouse Point, Florida

J. LeRoy Ward
Madison, Connecticut

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