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Obras complementarias publicadas por el INEGI sobre el tema:

Sistema de Clasificacin Industrial de Amrica del Norte, Mxico SCIAN 2013

Sntesis metodolgica del Sistema de Clasificacin Industrial de Amrica del Norte,
Mxico SCIAN 2013. Informacin revisada: Sistema de Clasificacin Industrial de
Amrica del Norte, Mxico SCIAN 2007 Sntesis metodolgica del Sistema de
Clasificacin Industrial de Amrica del Norte, Mxico SCIAN 2007.

Catalogacin en la fuente INEGI:

331.7 Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Geografa (Mxico).

North American Industry Classification System, Mexico : methodological
synthesis : SCIAN 2013 / Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Geografa.--
Mxico : INEGI, c2014.

vii, 109 p.

ISBN 978-607-739-152-4.

1. Industria - Mxico - Clasificacin. 2. Productos comerciales - Mxico

- Clasificacin. 3. Servicios y productos - Mxico - Clasificacin.

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DR 2014, Instituto Nacional de Estadstica y Geografa

Edificio Sede
Avenida Hroe de Nacozari Sur 2301
Fraccionamiento Jardines del Parque, 20276 Aguascalientes,
Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, entre la calle INEGI,
Avenida del Lago y Avenida Paseo de las Garzas.

The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI,

by its Spanish acronym) has driven the first official standard of
the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information
(SNIEG, by its acronym in Spanish) that establishes the North
American Industry Classification System (SCIAN, by its Spanish
acronym) as the mandatory classification system for State Units
that generate economic statistics. This agreement was published
on July 10th, 2009 in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF,
by its acronym in Spanish).

INEGI, as coordinator of the National System of Statistical

and Geographical Information, convenes diverse State Units
and private sector institutions to carry out the implementation
of SCIAN, providing relevant assistance during and after its

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
adoption. Therefore the present methodological synthesis is
offered as a help tool for current and potential users that require
to make quick consultations that allow them to know and clarify
in brief the framework for the development of SCIAN, the
considerations for setting it up, the process and reflections for
its revision, and even the interpretation that must be given to
the terminology used, that may result fairly technical for general

A regular update of the document has been planned in order

to improve the content of this synthesis; therefore the Institute
will appreciate comments and suggestions that contribute to this
end, both from internal users and other institutions.

Introduction VII

Background IX

Developing SCIAN 1

General aspects of classification systems 1

Need for developing SCIAN and its relationship

with ISIC 2
Classifications used before SCIAN 2

SCIAN development criterion defined on

a supply-based approach 3

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
Developing SCIAN to meet regional and national
needs of partner countries 4
Relationship between economic activities
and economic units 58
General criterion for classifying economic units
according to SCIAN 58
Exception criteria to the primary activity criterion 58

Criterion to classify enterprises 59

Classification process 60

Implementing SCIAN 65

Practical usefulness of SCIAN implementation 65

Forms of implementing an economic classification 65

Correct way of taking up SCIAN categories

for its implementation 65
Official standard 66
Implementation process at INEGI 67

Strategies for SCIAN implementation 67

Updating SCIAN 73

Working process for updating SCIAN 73

Factors to determine updates 74

Conclusion 77

Appendices 79

A. List of vertically integrated activities 81

B. List of combined activities not classified according

to primary activity 85

C. Case study. Construction, repair, manufacturing 93

D. Case study. Retail trade 95

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

E. Case study. Services 97

F. Official Journal of the Federation 99

Glossary 101

Acronyms 107

Bibliography 109

The North American Industry Classification System (SCIAN) has

been established as the industry classification system of the
National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI); it is used
by INEGIs staff in charge of collecting and producing economic
statistics based on SCIAN; it is known by people responsible of its
dissemination, who know how to make use of the classification;
it is studied and applied by external institutions that are currently
involved in the implementation process; the custodians of
SCIAN in charge of its development, update and implementation
support processes know its conceptual framework, detail level,
and virtues. In addition to the aforementioned and even though
most of the background can be consulted in the SCIAN manual,
there is a need to go into detail about the circumstances that
lead to its delivery, development, updating, dissemination and

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
implementation both in INEGI and in other institutions.

The main objectives of this document are: to facilitate the

understanding of the classification; to highlight the importance
of its implementation; to provide a record of the methodology
used and the experience acquired from the development to
the implementation phases, for both future generations of the
Institute and current and potential SCIAN users, as well as
to serve as a guidance for the development of classification
systems, even of non-economic type. These possibilities are
due to the fact that SCIAN is flexible in the establishment of its
standards, without moving away from its fundamental precepts;
i.e., users may take up the most suitable aggregation level to
their convenience according to their own circumstances or
needs, provided codes, titles or descriptions are not altered.


The formation of economic blocs has given a new turn and a

different dynamic to the economy. In the case of the trading
bloc formed by North American countries, the signing of the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) by Canada,
the United States and Mexico implied to confront, among
other things, the need for countries in this trading zone to
have comparable economic statistics, this need could only be
satisfied by unifying their respective data presentation systems,
mainly achieved by homogenizing their classification systems of
economic activities.

The transition from the predominance of goods-producing

sectors to the increasing contribution of service-producing
sectors is one of the vertiginous changes in economic systems

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
in recent decades, particularly over the last few years. These
changes require constant revision of the classification systems
of economic activities to keep them updated.

In 1994 the three North American countries started a joint

project to develop a new classification of economic activities to
be used for the production of all their economic statistics, thus
giving birth to the North American Industry Classification System
(SCIAN). With this project, Canada, the United States and Mexico
strove to meet the statistical needs of NAFTA, and also to fulfill
the need of counting with updated national classifications that
efficiently replaced their former classifications.

Since 1994, the three countries have coordinated their

efforts for the development and updating of SCIAN through their
respective statistical agencies: Statistics Canada, the United
States Office of Management and Budget, and INEGI of Mexico.

Several years of discussions in the statistical agencies

of Canada and the United States revealed the need for the
development of an economic classification erected on a single
principle, preventing the development of the classification as
a result of empirical adjustments, traditional considerations or
pressure from industrial chambers, as it had happened with the
classifications formerly used by those countries. A single principle

allows systematically creating groupings always under the same
rationale, therefore helping to avoid controversy and interpretation
mistakes. Hence the proposal of creating a classification of
economic activities not only rigorously compatible among the
countries, and at the same time respectful of each countrys
idiosyncrasy, but also, and above all, that had an explainable
theoretical basis, could be utilized by all users and served to
answer the possible queries and complaints systematically and

Thus, the three countries started the development of the

first regional classification of economic activities constructed
within a single conceptual framework, which will be addressed
in further detail because it constitutes the backbone of the entire
classification, and without it, each country would have defended
its own traditional form of grouping or classifying economic
activities during the development of the classification system.
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

Developing SCIAN

General aspects of classification sion, i.e., to define their knowledge on existing

systems industries, their location, primary activity, inputs
required, products goods and services pro-
Classification systems, in general, are based vided, and the markets they serve. Applying eco-
on a classification principle that guides deci- nomic classifications facilitates the analysis and
sion-making regarding where to classify some- interpretation of economic activities for decision
thing and what things to classify in each place. making.

Classification characteristics International reference economic

Classifications group and organize information
systematically and homogeneously. The devel- Reference classifications are officially approved
opment of classifications implies the creation of and recommended by the United Nations Statis-
mutually exclusive categories i.e., without over- tical Commission and other competent author-

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
laps or duplicities. Classifications should con- ities, such as the International Labour Organi-
sistently classify the same kind of objects and zation (ILO), the International Monetary Fund
the objects of similar characteristics in the same (IMF), the United Nations Educational, Scientific
place, based on previously defined develop- and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World
ment criteria. They must be exhaustive in order Health Organization (WHO), the World Customs
to hold the entire universe that will be classified, Organization (WCO), depending on the subject
and should be organized in a hierarchical struc- matter. It means these international references
ture that may be constituted by alphabetical or may be used as models for the development or
numerical codes, or even use both. Classifica- revision of other classifications, thus it is essen-
tions translate codes into concepts and con- tial for countries to consider that national eco-
cepts into codes. nomic classifications should not be developed in
isolation from the international community.
Economic classifications
The International reference classification in
Economic classifications must follow the condi- the field of economic activities is the Interna-
tions described above, but their goal is to obtain tional Standard Industrial Classification of All
economic data about its population or universe Economic Activities (ISIC) of the United Nations
of study; in other words, their purpose is to re- (UN).
flect the economic structure of the country.
Relationship between national economic
National economic classifications classifications and international reference
economic classifications
Countries develop their own national econo-
mic classification as a result of the need to know If national economic classifications were not
their economic structure with the highest preci- linked to an international reference classification,

comparing data would be a great challenge; in a The SCIAN structure is shown below, fol-
globalized world in which countries economies lowed by the ISIC structure:
are interrelated, what would be the benefit of
faultless classifications in structure, if it meant to SCIAN structure
isolate them from the international community? Number of
A practical reason to establish those links is that digits that Name of the level
countries often provide data to the UN, and their identify the level
existence allows the translation of the results to
2 Sector
a common language with other classifications
used by other countries. 3 Subsector
4 Industry group
Need for developing SCIAN and its 5 Industry
relationship with ISIC
6 National industry
The need for developing SCIAN when ISIC al-
ready existed is apparently inexplicable, even ISIC structure
more when both have the same purpose: to Number of letters
classify economic activities. However, as noted or digits that Name of the level
above, the creation of NAFTA required having a identify the level
tool for the collection, analysis and dissemina- 1 Section
tion of economic statistics that allowed an accu-
2 Division
rate assessment and comparison of the econo-
3 Group
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

mies of the region.

4 Class
Additionally, in order to meet the need for tri-
lateral comparability of economic statistics, the SCIAN ISIC
statistical agencies of Canada, the United States
and Mexico agreed to establish links between
SCIAN and ISIC categories in such way that Industry 1 Division 1
data collected with SCIAN could be regrouped
to provide data under ISIC structure. Taking this Industry 2
agreement into account when developing the
Division 2
original version (SCIAN 1997), the statistical
agencies of the three countries strove to create Industry 3
categories that did not cross ISIC Rev. 3 two-digit
boundaries. Revisions to elaborate SCIAN 2002, Classifications used before SCIAN
2007 and 2013 were undertaken fulfilling the
same objective, although ISIC Rev. 4 provid- Canadas Standard Industrial Classification
ed the correspondence framework for SCIAN (1980), the United States Standard Industrial
2007 and 2013. It should be emphasized that Classification (1987) and the Mexican Classifi-
ISIC Rev. 4 is the outcome of a review process cation of Activities and Products (1994) were the
that involved contributions from classifications industry classifications used by each country be-
experts from around the world, including SCIAN fore SCIAN. Although these classifications met
experts, and therefore it resulted in an ISIC the data needs for the moment they were cre-
structure that is more detailed than the previous ated, as time passed by they were surpassed,
version, especially in the case of services, which hence revising these classifications was manda-
makes it more compatible with SCIAN 2007 and tory for two basic reasons: their obsolescence
consequently with SCIAN 2013. and because the existence of truly compatible
economic classifications in a free trading zone duction functions are different, although
is essential. both products are used as sweeteners.

SCIAN development criterion b) Another example from the services sec-

defined on a supply-based tor has to do with the desire to find all
approach the Environmental services in the same
SCIAN category. Economic units that
The development of compatible classification render this kind of services are classi-
systems requires the fulfillment of general prin- fied in several categories that belong to
ciples of congruency, consistency and comple- different SCIAN sectors because their
tion, and, in order to avoid controversy, arbitrary production functions are different; partic-
decision-making and interpretation mistakes in ularly, these are found in national indus-
the classification, it is indispensable to choose tries 541620, Environmental consulting
the criteria that will provide the features to the services; 562111, Hazardous waste man-
classification. The definition of the appropriate agement and remediation services for ar-
classification criteria depends on the use the eas damaged by hazardous materials or
data will be put to; in this case, data collected waste, and 562112, Nonhazardous waste
with the industry classification is required to management and remediation services for
measure productivity, unit labor costs and the areas damaged by non-hazardous waste.
share of capital used in production; for develop-
ing input-output tables and other uses that imply Homogeneous but flexible and practical
analyzing economic production relations. development criterion

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
The supply-based or production-oriented Besides the criterion established for the devel-
criterion was chosen for the development of opment of the classification, occasionally it is
SCIAN because it is the one that best meets all necessary to add practical principles.
three countries needs of having a framework for
collecting and publishing information on inputs In the case of SCIAN, a practical principle
and outputs, since the statistical uses mentioned was added to the production function crite-
above require that data on inputs and outputs be rion (similar production functions are classified
available together and be classified consistently. in the same category and different production
functions are classified in different categories):
By using the supply-based concept, eco- if an activity was distinguishable from the rest
nomic units that share similar production pro- regarding its production function, but it resulted
cesses or production functions (these terms are too small in terms of economic significance and
used as synonyms in SCIAN context) are classi- frequency of observed units in any of the coun-
fied in the same national industry since catego- tries as to publish data on that industry, it had
ries are delimited, as far as possible, according to be grouped with others with similar produc-
to differences in production processes. tion function; then, countries that could publish
information about that activity would open the
Illustrative examples of activities created ac- resulting grouping in their national classification.
cording to the supply-based principle:
There were two exceptions to this practical
a) Sugar production is classified in SCIAN principle when:
311311, Cane sugar manufacturing while
honey processing is classified in 311999, a) An activity was too small in a country but
Other food manufacturing since their pro- had strong growth expectations, and

b) An activity simply did not exist in a country tions of the three countries were presented in
and neither had possibilities to exist, while the first place, with the purpose of learning in
it was a major economic activity in another depth the differences among the three econo-
country. mies: differences in the organization of estab-
lishments, different economic activities and their
When the economic organization of produc- distinct importance and diversification levels,
tion resulted completely different among the among other characteristics.
three countries, another practical principle was
adopted: to establish trilateral agreement at a Based on the correspondence tables, the
higher level than originally expected, i.e., to des- three countries discussed and defined the
ignate a higher level (sector, subsector or industry structure for each sector or subsector follow-
group) instead of a more detailed level (industry). ing the development criterion previously agreed.
Therefore, codes, titles, content and scope were
Developing SCIAN to meet regional agreed for each category.
and national needs of partner
countries For the second stage elaboration of SCIAN
Mexico, meetings within INEGI continued to
In order to fulfill the objective of developing a define the national detail. The classification
classification that would meet the information used as a basis for the elaboration of SCIAN
needs of the countries with their particular eco- Mexico was the Mexican Classification of Acti-
nomies, it was necessary to begin with a mutual vities and Products (CMAP in Spanish), created
knowledge of the classifications each country for the Economic Census and in turn derived
had, in order to visualize differences and simila- from ISIC Rev. 2.
rities. SCIAN was elaborated in two stages: the
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

first one was based on trilateral meetings to The design of SCIAN structure considers a
establish the common parts among Canada, the common part among Canada, the United States
United States and Mexico in which detailed and Mexico to meet the needs of the three
correspondence tables among the classifica- countries, and a specific national part created

SCIAN Development process

A. Elaboration of the common part among

B. Elaboration of SCIAN Mexico
Canada, the United States and Mexico

Definition of the development criterion Follow-up the development criterion (supply-

(supply-based). based).

Trilateral meetings. Meetings within INEGI.

Correspondence tables among the three

CMAP Classification used as a base.
countries classifications.

Definition of the SCIAN structure. Definition of national detail for SCIAN Mexico.
Agreements on codes, titles, content and Agreements on national categories, codes,
scope. titles, content and scope.

SCIAN Mexico

by each one. Resulting national classifications sentation of the sectors follows an order; as
are called NAICS Canada, NAICS United States for SCIAN, the sector ordering was based on
and SCIAN Mexico. It should be emphasized the traditional grouping of economic activities
that there is no single version that comprises the
in three main groups: primary, secondary and
three countries NAICS/SCIAN classifications,
since each one has its own national version. tertiary activities. Primary ones are related to
direct exploitation of natural resources. Sec-
Sector ordering ondary activities are related to the transforma-
tion of all kinds of goods and products, while
For better consistence and understanding of
the classification, it is convenient that the pre- tertiary refer to trade and services.

SCIAN Mexico sector ordering Table 1

characteristic Sector Order criteria
of sectors

Primary Exploitation 11 Agriculture, animal Primary activities are located firstly because
activities of natural breeding and of their exploitation of natural resources
resources production, forestry, without previous transformation (although a
fishing and hunting certain degree of transformation may occur,
like the use of fertilizers, improvement of
livestock and farming of fish under controlled

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
Secondary Transformation 21 Mining Inputs in this group of activities may come
activities of goods from primary activities, or from this same
22 Electric power group, and their products are destined to all
generation, sectors. Traditionally, these four sectors have
transmission and been called industry (as opposite to trade,
distribution, water services and primary activities). Sector
and gas supply 21 is located at the beginning of this group-
through mains to final ing because it combines both transformation
consumers and extraction activities, similar to extraction
in primary activities. Sectors 22 and 23 follow
23 Construction immediately because both are large users of
natural resources; sector 23 is closer to 31-33
31-33 Manufacturing because an important part of its inputs comes
from manufacturing activities.

Tertiary Distribution 43 Wholesale trade These sectors carry out goods distribution
activities of goods activities, which were produced by the prima-
46 Retail trade ry and secondary activity groups (as well as
transportation of passengers). Trade is par-
48-49 Transportation, postal ticularly located immediately after manufac-
services and ware- turing due to the direct and intense relation-
housing ship between them.

Information 51 Mass media Due to the growing importance of information

operations information for businesses and individuals, this sector is
placed immediately after distribution services
and before the rest of the services.

SCIAN Mexico sector ordering Table 1

characteristic Sector Order criteria
of sectors

Tertiary Assets 52 Financial and insur- Sectors 52 and 53 are adjacent because their
activities operations ance services activities consist of investing assets (money
and goods), from which benefits are obtained
53 Real estate services by providing them to clients, without consi-
and tangible and in- dering them as owners of those assets. The
tangible goods rental economic importance of financial services
and leasing locates the group among the first places of
tertiary activities.

Services 54 Professional, Scien- Activities in sectors 54, 55 and 56 are mainly

whose main tific, and Technical provided to businesses and have an econo-
input is Services mic impact in them. For the most part these
employee are specialized activities that were tradi-
knowledge and 55 Head offices tionally undertaken in-house by businesses
experience and now are acquired as an additional ser-
56 Business support vice. Their economic importance has grown;
services, waste man- therefore specific sectors were set up for
agement and remedi- them.
ation services
Sectors 61 and 62, as the group before,
61 Educational Services also include activities that require employee
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

knowledge and specialization, and are main-

62 Health Care and ly destined to persons. Their impact is rather
Social Assistance social, since they affect the education level
Services and health of persons.

Services 71 Cultural and sporting Activities in these sectors are mainly provid-
related to recreation services ed to persons, but are also destined to busi-
recreation and other recreation- nesses.
al services

72 Temporary accom-
modation services
and food and bev-
erage preparation

Residual 81 Other services, Being a residual sector (excluding legisla-

services except government tive, government and justice activities), it is
activities located at the end of the grouping of those
services that may be carried out indistinctly
by public or private sectors.

Governmental 93 Legislative, govern- This sector was located at the very end due
activities mental and justice to its normative or regulative status regard-
administration activi- ing all the preceding activities.
ties, and activities
of international and
extraterritorial orga-

SCIAN structure in the production of services (although the dis-
SCIAN consists of 20 sectors, five are essential- tinction between goods and services is not ex-
ly goods-producing and 15 are entirely engaged plicitly reflected in the structure).

SCIAN Mexico 2013 structure and number of categories per level Table2

SCIAN 2013
Sector Industry National
Code Sector Subsector Industry
(Titles) group industry
11 Agriculture, animal breeding and
1 5 19 42 90
production, forestry, fishing and hunting
21 Mining 1 3 5 10 31
22 Electric power generation, transmission
and distribution, water and gas supply 1 2 3 4 5
through mains to final consumers
23 Construction 1 3 10 24 45
31-33 Manufacturing 1 21 86 179 291
43 Wholesale trade 1 7 18 36 71
46 Retail trade 1 9 22 32 83
48-49 Transportation, postal services and
1 11 29 42 64

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
51 Mass media information 1 6 12 27 35
52 Financial and insurance services 1 4 11 25 27
53 Real estate services and tangible and
1 3 8 14 27
intangible goods rental and leasing
54 Professional, scientific, and technical
1 1 9 35 41
55 Head offices 1 1 1 1 2
56 Business support services, waste
1 2 9 25 28
management and remediation services
61 Educational services 1 1 7 19 38
62 Health care and social assistance services 1 4 18 30 64
71 Cultural and sporting recreation services
1 3 9 23 41
and other recreational services
72 Temporary accommodation services and
1 2 6 10 22
food and beverage preparation services
81 Other services, except government
1 4 12 26 44

93 Legislative, governmental and justice

administration activities, and activities
1 2 9 10 10
of international and extraterritorial
Total 20 94 303 614 1059

Flexibility in trilateral agreement levels and two digits), subsector (designated by three
breakdown of a national level digits), industry group (four digits), industry
SCIAN is composed of five aggregation levels: (five digits) and national industry (the most dis-
sector (the most aggregated level, identified by aggregated level, identified by six digits).

Example of SCIAN structure:

Level Code Titles of categories

Sector 54 Professional, Scientific, and Technical

services T
Subsector 541 Professional, Scientific, and Technical
Industry group 5411 Legal servicesT
Industry 54111 Offices of lawyersT
National industry 541110 Offices of lawyers

Aggregation levels and number of categories per level in SCIAN Mexico 2013:
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

Number of digits Aggregation level Number of categories in each level

2 Sector 20
3 Subsector 94
4 Industry group 303
5 Industry 614
6 National industry 1059

Most trilateral agreements were established at Trilateral agreements at subsector level: 522,
the industry level; however, some were reached Credit and financial intermediation institutions,
at higher levels due to differences in the organi- non-stock exchange; 562, Waste management
zation of economic units, distinct regulations, di- and remediation services; 812, Personal Ser-
verging interests to agree upon disaggregation, vices, and 813, Associations and Organizations.
and time and resource constraints, as explained
in the following cases: Trilateral agreements at industry group level:
2381, Foundations, prefabricated structures as-
Trilateral agreements at sector level: 22, Elec- sembly and exterior construction works; 3122,
tric power generation, transmission and distri- Tobacco industry; 3152, Cut and sew apparel
bution, water and gas supply through mains to manufacturing; 5231 Brokerage houses, foreign
final consumers; 43, Wholesale trade; 46, Re- currency exchange houses and exchange offi-
tail trade, and 93 Legislative, governmental and ces; 5239, Investment advice and other services
justice administration activities, and activities of related to stock exchange intermediation; 5241,
international and extraterritorial organizations. Insurance and surety institutions; 5242, Services

related to insurance and surety; 5311, Rental of of the classification for national categories, al-
real estate without intermediation; 5313, Ser- lowed applying the following principles, besides
vices related to real estate, and 6111, Basic, the development criterion trilaterally agreed:
middle and special needs education schools.
The grouping was economically significant
Since this is the trilateral level for these ca- for Mexican economy.
tegories, the levels below are considered as na-
tional detail. The grouping had enough elements to
avoid confidentiality problems for Mexican
The hierarchical structure of SCIAN is useful economy statistics.
because statistical programs that are unable to
provide data for every level, mainly due to the A particular interest for studying that
programs objectives, observation unit in use, grouping, separated from the rest of eco-
dissemination problems, budget constraints, nomic units included in the same trilateral
among others, may collect and publish informa- category, existed.
tion at more aggregated levels, as long as they
fulfill the standard of not combining parts that In SCIAN 2013 version, categories with a T
correspond to different agreed categories tri- superscript indicate trilaterally agreed catego-
lateral or national, and by being careful about ries, while the titles without that letter are Mexi-
not altering codes, titles or descriptions. cos exclusive categories. The sum of all catego-
ries forms SCIAN Mexico.
The agreement regarding the creation of
trilateral classification categories as detailed

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
The following is the entire SCIAN 2013
as possible, as well as reserving the last level structure:

11 Agriculture, animal breeding and production, forestry, fishing and huntingT

111 AgricultureT
1111 Oilseed, legume and cereal growingT
11111 Soybean growingT
111110 Soybean growing
11112 Oilseed growing, except soybeanT
111121 Safflower growing
111122 Sunflower growing
111129 Other oilseed annual growing
11113 Legume growingT
111131 Bean grain growing
111132 Chickpea grain growing
111139 Other legume growing
11114 Wheat growingT
111140 Wheat growing
11115 Corn growingT
111151 Corn grain growing
111152 Corn forage growing
11116 Rice growingT
111160 Rice growing
11119 Other cereal growingT
111191 Sorghum grain growing
111192 Oat grain growing
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

111193 Barley grain growing

111194 Sorghum forage growing
111195 Oat forage growing
111199 Other cereal growing
1112 Vegetable growingT
11121 Vegetable growingT
111211 Tomato growing
111212 Chili growing
111213 Onion growing
111214 Melon growing
111215 Green tomato growing
111216 Potato growing
111217 Pumpkin growing
111218 Watermelon growing
111219 Other vegetables growing
1113 Fruit and tree nut growingT
11131 Orange growingT
111310 Orange growing
11132 Other citrus growingT
111321 Lemon growing
111329 Other citrus growing
11133 Noncitrus fruit and tree nut growingT
111331 Coffee growing
111332 Banana growing
111333 Mango growing
111334 Avocado growing
111335 Grape growing

111336 Apple growing
111337 Cacao growing
111338 Coconut growing
111339 Other noncitrus fruit and tree nut growing
1114 Greenhouse and nursery growing, and floricultureT
11141 Food crops grown in greenhousesT
111410 Food crops grown in greenhouses
11142 Floriculture, and other non-food products grown in greenhouses and nurseriesT
111421 Floriculture in open fields
111422 Floriculture in greenhouses
111423 Tree growing with a productive cycle of ten years or less
111429 Other non-food products grown in greenhouses and nurseries
1119 Other crop growingT
11191 Tobacco growingT
111910 Tobacco growing
11192 Cotton growingT
111920 Cotton growing
11193 Sugar cane growingT
111930 Sugar cane growing
11194 Alfalfa and grasses growingT
111941 Alfalfa growing
111942 Grasses growing
11199 Other crop growingT
111991 Agave growing

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
111992 Peanut growing
111993 Agricultural activities combined with animal production
111994 Agricultural activities combined with forestry
111995 Agricultural activities combined with animal production and forestry
111999 Other crop growing

112 Animal breeding and productionT

1121 Cattle raisingT
11211 Cattle raising for meat productionT
112110 Cattle raising for meat production
11212 Cattle raising for milk productionT
112120 Cattle raising for milk production
11213 Non-specialized cattle raising, and cattle raising for other purposesT
112131 Cattle raising for both milking and meat production
112139 Cattle raising for other purposes
1122 Pig raisingT
11221 Pig raisingT
112211 Pig raising in farms
112212 Pig raising in backyards
1123 Poultry raisingT
11231 Hen raising for egg productionT
112311 Hen raising for fertile egg production
112312 Hen raising for egg dish production
11232 Chicken raising for meat productionT
112320 Chicken raising for meat production
11233 Turkey raisingT
112330 Turkey raising

11234 Poultry production in incubatorT
112340 Poultry production in incubator
11239 Other poultry raising for meat and egg productionT
112390 Other poultry raising for meat and egg production
1124 Sheep and goat raisingT
11241 Sheep raisingT
112410 Sheep raising
11242 Goat raisingT
112420 Goat raising
1125 AquacultureT
11251 AquacultureT
112511 Shrimp farming
112512 Fish farming and other aquaculture, except shrimp farming
1129 Other animal productionT
11291 ApicultureT
112910 Apiculture
11292 Equine raisingT
112920 Equine raising
11293 Cuniculture and fur-bearing animal raisingT
112930 Cuniculture and fur-bearing animal raising
11299 Other animal productionT
112991 Animal production combined with forestry
112999 Other animal production
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

113 ForestryT
1131 SilvicultureT
11311 SilvicultureT
113110 Silviculture
1132 Forest nurseries and gathering of forest productsT
11321 Forest nurseries and gathering of forest productsT
113211 Forest nurseries
113212 Gathering of forest products
1133 LoggingT
11331 LoggingT
113310 Logging

114 Fishing, hunting and trappingT

1141 FishingT
11411 FishingT
114111 Shrimp fishing
114112 Tuna fishing
114113 Sardine and anchovy fishing
114119 Other fishes, crustaceans, molluscs and other species fishing
and catching
1142 Hunting and trappingT
11421 Hunting and trappingT
114210 Hunting and trapping

115 Services related to agricultural and forestry activitiesT

1151 Services related to agricultureT


11511 Services related to agricultureT
115111 Crop dusting or spraying services
115112 Cotton ginning
115113 Postharvest crop activities
115119 Other services related to agriculture
1152 Services related to animal breeding and productionT
11521 Services related to animal breeding and productionT
115210 Services related to animal breeding and production
1153 Services related to forestryT
11531 Services related to forestryT
115310 Services related to forestry

21 MiningT

211 Oil and gas extractionT

2111 Oil and gas extractionT
21111 Oil and gas extractionT
211110 Oil and gas extraction

212 Metallic and nonmetallic ore mining, except oil and gasT
2121 Coal miningT
21211 Coal miningT
212110 Coal mining
2122 Metallic ore miningT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
21221 Iron miningT
212210 Iron mining
21222 Gold and silver miningT
212221 Gold mining
212222 Silver mining
21223 Copper, lead and zinc miningT
212231 Copper mining
212232 Lead and zinc mining
21229 Other metallic ore miningT
212291 Manganese mining
212292 Mercury and antimony mining
212293 Uranium and radioactive ore mining
212299 Other metallic ore mining
2123 Nonmetallic ore miningT
21231 Limestone, marble and other dimensioned stones miningT
212311 Limestone mining
212312 Marble mining
212319 Other dimension stone mining
21232 Sand, gravel, tezontle, tepetate, clay and other refractory minerals miningT
212321 Construction sand and gravel mining
212322 Tezontle and tepetate mining
212323 Feldspar mining
212324 Silica mining
212325 Kaolin mining
212329 Other clay and refractory minerals mining
21239 Other nonmetallic ore miningT
212391 Salt mining

212392 Gypsum stone mining
212393 Barite mining
212394 Phosphate rock mining
212395 Fluorite mining
212396 Graphite mining
212397 Sulfur mining
212398 Nonmetallic ore mining used for chemical products manufacturing
212399 Other nonmetallic ore mining

213 Services related to miningT

2131 Services related to miningT
21311 Services related to miningT
213111 Drilling oil and gas wells
213119 Other services related to mining

22 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution, water and gas supply through
mains to final consumersT

221 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution

2211 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
22111 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
221110 Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
22112 Electric power transmission and distribution
221120 Electric power transmission and distribution
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222 Water and gas supply through mains to final consumers

2221 Water collection, treatment and supply
22211 Water collection, treatment and supply
222111 Water collection, treatment and supply, public sector
222112 Water collection, treatment and supply, private sector
2222 Gas supply through mains to final consumers
22221 Gas supply through mains to final consumers
222210 Gas supply through mains to final consumers

23 ConstructionT

236 ConstructionT
2361 Residential building constructionT
23611 Residential building constructionT
236111 Single-family housing construction
236112 Multifamily housing construction
236113 Construction supervision of residential buildings
2362 Nonresidential building constructionT
23621 Industrial plants and buildings constructionT
236211 Industrial plants and buildings construction,
except construction supervision
236212 Construction supervision of industrial plants and buildings
23622 Commercial and service building constructionT
236221 Commercial and service building construction,
except construction supervision
236222 Construction supervision of commercial and service buildings

237 Civil engineering construction worksT
2371 Construction works for water, oil, gas, electric power and telecommunications supplyT
23711 Construction works for water treatment, distribution and supply, drainage
and irrigationT
237111 Construction works for water treatment, distribution and supply,
and drainage
237112 Agricultural irrigation systems construction
237113 Supervision of water treatment, distribution and supply, drainage
and irrigation construction works
23712 Petroleum and gas construction worksT
237121 Petroleum and gas distribution systems construction
237122 Refinery and petrochemical plants construction
237123 Supervision of petroleum and gas construction works
23713 Construction works for electric power generation and transmission,
and telecommunications construction worksT
237131 Construction works for electric power generation and transmission
237132 Telecommunications construction works
237133 Supervision of electric power generation and transmission
construction works, and supervision of telecommunications
construction works
2372 Land subdivision and urbanization worksT
23721 Land subdivision and urbanization worksT
237211 Land subdivision
237212 Urbanization works

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237213 Supervision of land subdivision and urbanization construction works
2373 Construction of roads, highways and similar worksT
23731 Construction of roads, highways and similar worksT
237311 Installation of roadwork signs and protections
237312 Construction of highways, bridges and similar works
237313 Construction supervision of roads, highways and similar works
2379 Other civil engineering constructionT
23799 Other civil engineering constructionT
237991 Dam construction
237992 Maritime, fluvial and underwater construction works
237993 Railway and electrical transportation construction works
237994 Supervision of other civil engineering construction works
237999 Other civil engineering construction works

238 Specialized construction worksT

2381 Foundations, prefabricated structures assembly and exterior construction worksT
23811 Foundation works
238110 Foundation works
23812 Prefabricated structures assembly
238121 Prefabricated concrete structures assembly
238122 Prefabricated steel structures assembly
23813 Masonry works
238130 Masonry works
23819 Other exterior construction works
238190 Other exterior construction works


2382 Building installations and equipmentT
23821 Building electrical installationsT
238210 Building electrical installations
23822 Hidro-sanitary, gas, central air conditioning and heating system installationsT
238221 Hidro-sanitary and gas installations
238222 Central air conditioning and heating system installations
23829 Other building installations and equipmentT
238290 Other building installations and equipment
2383 Building finishing worksT
23831 Drywall installation, insulation and plaster workT
238311 Drywall installation and insulation work
238312 Plaster and impasting works
23832 Painting and other wall covering worksT
238320 Painting and other wall covering works
23833 Resilient and wood floor installationT
238330 Resilient and wood floor installation
23834 Ceramic floor and glazed tile installationT
238340 Ceramic floor and glazed tile installation
23835 Construction site carpentry worksT
238350 Construction site carpentry works
23839 Other building finishing worksT
238390 Other building finishing works
2389 Other specialized construction worksT
23891 Construction site preparationT
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238910 Construction site preparation

23899 Other specialized construction worksT
238990 Other specialized construction works

31-33 ManufacturingT

311 Food industryT

3111 Animal food manufacturingT
31111 Animal food manufacturingT
311110 Animal food manufacturing
3112 Grain and seed milling, and fats and oils manufacturingT
31121 Rice milling, cleaning, and polish; grain milling and malt products
311211 Rice milling, cleaning, and polish
311212 Wheat flour manufacturing
311213 Corn flour manufacturing
311214 Flour manufacturing from other agricultural products
311215 Malt manufacturing
31122 Starch and edible vegetable fats and oils manufacturingT
311221 Starch and other starch products manufacturing
311222 Edible vegetable fats and oil manufacturing
31123 Breakfast cereals manufacturingT
311230 Breakfast cereals manufacturing
3113 Sugar, chocolate and confectionery products manufacturingT
31131 Sugar manufacturingT
311311 Cane sugar manufacturing
311319 Other sugar manufacturing

31134 Candies, chewing gum and nonchocolate confectionery
products manufacturingT
311340 Candies, chewing gum and nonchocolate confectionery
products manufacturing
31135 Chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturingT
311350 Chocolate and chocolate confectionery manufacturing
3114 Fruits, vegetables, stews and prepared meals preservingT
31141 Fruits, vegetables, stews, and prepared meals freezingT
311411 Fruits and vegetables freezing
311412 Stews and prepared meals freezing
31142 Fruits, vegetables, stews and prepared meals preserving by processes
other than freezingT
311421 Fruits and vegetables dehydration
311422 Fruits and vegetables preserving by processes other than freezing
and dehydration
311423 Stews and prepared meals preserving by processes other
than freezing
3115 Dairy products manufacturingT
31151 Milk and dairy products manufacturingT
311511 Fluid milk manufacturing
311512 Dry, condensed and evaporated milk manufacturing
311513 Dairy products and lactic ferments manufacturing
31152 Ice cream and popsicle manufacturingT
311520 Ice cream and popsicle manufacturing

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
3116 Livestock, poultry and other edible animals slaughtering, packaging and processingT
31161 Livestock, poultry and other edible animals slaughtering, packaging
and processingT
311611 Livestock, poultry and other edible animals slaughtering
311612 Livestock, poultry and other edible animals meat cutting
and packaging
311613 Livestock, poultry and other edible animals meat sausages
and other preserves preparation
311614 Lard and other edible animal fats manufacturing
3117 Seafood preparation and packagingT
31171 Seafood preparation and packagingT
311710 Seafood preparation and packaging
3118 Bakery products and tortilla manufacturingT
31181 Bread and other bakery products manufacturingT
311811 Industrial baking
311812 Traditional baking
31182 Cookie, cracker, and pasta manufacturingT
311820 Cookie, cracker, and pasta manufacturing
31183 Corn tortilla manufacturing and nixtamal millingT
311830 Corn tortilla manufacturing and nixtamal milling
3119 Other food manufacturingT
31191 Snack food manufacturingT
311910 Snack food manufacturing
31192 Coffee and tea industriesT
311921 Coffee processing (cleaning, pulp removal, and drying)
311922 Roasted and milled coffee manufacturing


311923 Instant coffee manufacturing
311924 Tea preparation and packaging
31193 Manufacturing of flavoring concentrates, powders, syrup and essences
for beveragesT
311930 Manufacturing of flavoring concentrates, powders, syrup
and essences for beverages
31194 Seasoning and dressing manufacturingT
311940 Seasoning and dressing manufacturing
31199 Other food manufacturingT
311991 Jelly and other powdered desserts manufacturing
311992 Yeast manufacturing
311993 Manufacturing of perishable prepared food for immediate consumption
311999 Other food manufacturing

312 Beverage and tobacco industriesT

3121 Beverage industryT
31211 Soft drinks, ice and other nonalcoholic beverages manufacturing, and water
purifying and bottlingT
312111 Soft drinks and other nonalcoholic beverages manufacturing
312112 Water purifying and bottling
312113 Ice manufacturing
31212 Brew manufacturingT
312120 Brew manufacturing
31213 Alcoholic beverages prepared from grape and fermented beverages,
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

except brew, manufacturingT

312131 Manufacturing of alcoholic beverages from grapes
312132 Pulque manufacturing
312139 Cider and other fermented beverages manufacturing
31214 Distilled beverages manufacturing, except from grapesT
312141 Manufacturing of rum and other distilled beverages from cane
312142 Manufacturing of distilled beverages from agave
312143 Potable ethyl alcohol manufacturing
312149 Other distilled beverages manufacturing
3122 Tobacco industryT
31221 Tobacco processing (leaf drying, deveining and sorting)
312210 Tobacco processing (leaf drying, deveining and sorting)
31222 Tobacco products manufacturing
312221 Cigarette manufacturing
312222 Cigars and other tobacco products manufacturing

313 Textile inputs manufacturing, and textiles finishingT

3131 Textile fibers preparation and spinning, and thread and yarn manufacturingT
31311 Textile fibers preparation and spinning, and thread and yarn manufacturingT
313111 Natural hard fibers preparation and spinning
313112 Natural soft fibers preparation and spinning
313113 Thread and yarn manufacturing
3132 Fabrics manufacturingT
31321 Broadwoven fabrics manufacturingT
313210 Broadwoven fabrics manufacturing
31322 Narrow woven fabrics and passementerie manufacturingT
313220 Narrow woven fabrics and passementerie manufacturing

31323 Nonwoven fabrics (compressed) manufacturingT
313230 Nonwoven fabrics (compressed) manufacturing
31324 Knitted fabrics manufacturingT
313240 Knitted fabrics manufacturing
3133 Textile products finishing and coated fabrics manufacturingT
31331 Textile products finishingT
313310 Textile products finishing
31332 Coated fabrics manufacturingT
313320 Coated fabrics manufacturing

314 Textile products manufacturing, except apparelT

3141 Cut and sew rugs, linen and similar products manufacturingT
31411 Carpets and rugs manufacturingT
314110 Carpets and rugs manufacturing
31412 Cut and sew curtains, linen and similar products manufacturingT
314120 Cut and sew curtains, linen and similar products manufacturing
3149 Other textile products manufacturing, except apparelT
31491 Cut and sew textile bags and coated textile and allied materials
products manufacturingT
314911 Cut and sew textile bags manufacturing
314912 Cut and sew coated textile and allied materials
products manufacturing
31499 Other textile products manufacturing, not elsewhere classifiedT
314991 Cut and sew textile products manufacturing, and embroidery and art

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
needlework on textile products
314992 Nets and other cordage products manufacturing
314993 Recycled textile products manufacturing
314999 Manufacturing of flags and other textile products,
not elsewhere classified

315 Apparel manufacturingT

3151 Knitted apparel manufacturingT
31511 Knitted socks and hosiery manufacturingT
315110 Knitted socks and hosiery manufacturing
31519 Other knitted apparel manufacturingT
315191 Knitted underwear manufacturing
315192 Knitted outerwear manufacturing
3152 Cut and sew apparel manufacturingT
31521 Cut and sew fur, leather and allied materials apparel manufacturing
315210 Cut and sew fur, leather and allied materials apparel manufacturing
31522 Cut and sew textile materials apparel manufacturing
315221 Cut and sew underwear and sleepwear manufacturing,
mass production
315222 Cut and sew shirts manufacturing, mass production
315223 Cut and sew uniforms manufacturing, mass production
315224 Cut and sew costumes and typical clothing manufacturing,
mass production
315225 Custom cut and sew apparel manufacturing
315229 Other textile materials outerwear cut and sew manufacturing,
mass production


3159 Cut and sew apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing,
not elsewhere classifiedT
31599 Cut and sew apparel accessories and other apparel manufacturing,
not elsewhere classifiedT
315991 Cut and sew hats and caps manufacturing
315999 Other accessories and apparel cut and saw manufacturing,
not elsewhere classified

316 Leather and hide tanning and finishing, and manufacturing of leather, hide
and allied materials productsT
3161 Leather and hide tanning and finishingT
31611 Leather and hide tanning and finishingT
316110 Leather and hide tanning and finishing
3162 Footwear manufacturingT
31621 Footwear manufacturingT
316211 Leather upper footwear manufacturing
316212 Fabric upper footwear manufacturing
316213 Plastic footwear manufacturing
316214 Rubber footwear manufacturing
316219 Manufacturing of sandals and footwear from other materials
3169 Other leather, hide and allied materials products manufacturingT
31699 Other leather, hide and allied materials products manufacturingT
316991 Handbags, suitcases and similar products manufacturing
316999 Other leather, hide and allied materials products manufacturing
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

321 Wood industryT

3211 Wood sawing and preservationT
32111 Wood sawing and preservationT
321111 Integrated sawmills
321112 Boards and planks sawing
321113 Wood treating and poles and crossties manufacturing
3212 Wood laminates and fiberboard manufacturingT
32121 Wood laminates and fiberboard manufacturingT
321210 Wood laminates and fiberboard manufacturing
3219 Other wood products manufacturingT
32191 Manufacturing of wood products for constructionT
321910 Manufacturing of wood products for construction
32192 Wood containers and packaging products manufacturingT
321920 Wood containers and packaging products manufacturing
32199 Manufacturing of other wood products and plaiting materials, except palmT
321991 Wicker products manufacturing, except palm
321992 Wood household goods and utensils manufacturing
321993 Manufacturing of wood products for industrial use
321999 Other wood products manufacturing

322 Paper industryT

3221 Pulp, paper and paperboard manufacturingT
32211 Pulp manufacturingT
322110 Pulp manufacturing


32212 Paper manufacturingT
322121 Manufacturing of paper in integrated plants
322122 Paper manufacturing from pulp
32213 Paperboard manufacturingT
322131 Manufacturing of paperboard in integrated plants
322132 Paperboard manufacturing from pulp
3222 Paperboard and paper products manufacturingT
32221 Paperboard containers manufacturingT
322210 Paperboard containers manufacturing
32222 Manufacturing of paper bags, and coated and treated cellulose productsT
322220 Manufacturing of paper bags, and coated and treated
cellulose products
32223 Stationery products manufacturingT
322230 Stationery products manufacturing
32229 Other paperboard and paper products manufacturingT
322291 Disposable diapers and sanitary products manufacturing
322299 Other paperboard and paper products manufacturing

323 Printing and related industriesT

3231 Printing and related industriesT
32311 PrintingT
323111 Books, newspapers and magazines printing
323119 Continuous forms printing and other printed products
32312 Printing related industriesT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
323120 Printing related industries

324 Petroleum and coal products manufacturingT

3241 Petroleum and coal products manufacturingT
32411 Petroleum refiningT
324110 Petroleum refining
32412 Asphalt products manufacturingT
324120 Asphalt products manufacturing
32419 Other petroleum and coal products manufacturingT
324191 Lubricating oils and greases manufacturing
324199 Coke and other products derived from refined petroleum
and coal, manufacturing

325 Chemical industryT

3251 Basic chemical products manufacturingT
32511 Manufacturing of basic petrochemicals from natural gas and refined petroleumT
325110 Manufacturing of basic petrochemicals from natural gas
and refined petroleum
32512 Industrial gas manufacturingT
325120 Industrial gas manufacturing
32513 Synthetic dyes and pigments manufacturingT
325130 Synthetic dyes and pigments manufacturing
32518 Other basic inorganic chemical products manufacturingT
325180 Other basic inorganic chemical products manufacturing
32519 Other basic organic chemical products manufacturingT
325190 Other basic organic chemical products manufacturing


3252 Synthetic resins and rubbers, and chemical fibers manufacturingT
32521 Synthetic resins and rubbers manufacturingT
325211 Synthetic resins manufacturing
325212 Synthetic rubbers manufacturing
32522 Chemical fibers manufacturingT
325220 Chemical fibers manufacturing
3253 Fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemical manufacturingT
32531 Fertilizers manufacturingT
325310 Fertilizers manufacturing
32532 Pesticides and other agricultural chemical manufacturing, except fertilizersT
325320 Pesticides and other agricultural chemical manufacturing,
except fertilizers
3254 Pharmaceutical products manufacturingT
32541 Pharmaceutical products manufacturingT
325411 Manufacturing of raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry
325412 Pharmaceutical preparations manufacturing
3255 Paints, coatings, and adhesives manufacturingT
32551 Paints and coatings manufacturingT
325510 Paints and coatings manufacturing
32552 Adhesives manufacturingT
325520 Adhesives manufacturing
3256 Soaps, cleaners and toilet preparations manufacturingT
32561 Soaps, cleaners and dentifrices manufacturingT
325610 Soaps, cleaners and dentifrices manufacturing
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

32562 Cosmetics, perfumes and other toilet preparations manufacturingT

325620 Cosmetics, perfumes and other toilet preparations manufacturing
3259 Other chemical products manufacturingT
32591 Printing inks manufacturingT
325910 Printing inks manufacturing
32592 Explosives manufacturingT
325920 Explosives manufacturing
32599 Other chemical products manufacturingT
325991 Matches manufacturing
325992 Photographic film, photosensitive plates and paper manufacturing
325993 Resins of recycled plastics manufacturing
325999 Other chemical products manufacturing

326 Plastic and rubber industryT

3261 Plastic products manufacturingT
32611 Flexible plastic bags and films manufacturingT
326110 Flexible plastic bags and films manufacturing
32612 Manufacturing of pipes, pipe fitting and packaging tubes manufacturingT
326120 Manufacturing of pipes, pipe fitting and packaging
tubes manufacturing
32613 Rigid plastic laminates manufacturingT
326130 Rigid plastic laminates manufacturing
32614 Polystyrene foam and polystyrene products manufacturingT
326140 Polystyrene foam and polystyrene products manufacturing
32615 Urethane foam and urethane products manufacturingT
326150 Urethane foam and urethane products manufacturing


32616 Plastic bottles manufacturingT
326160 Plastic bottles manufacturing
32619 Other plastic products manufacturingT
326191 Reinforced and non-reinforced household plastic
products manufacturing
326192 Reinforced and non-reinforced plastic auto parts manufacturing
326193 Manufacturing of reinforced and non-reinforced plastic containers
for packaging
326194 Manufacturing of other non-reinforced plastic products
for industrial use
326198 Other reinforced plastic products manufacturing
326199 Other non-reinforced plastic products manufacturing
3262 Rubber products manufacturingT
32621 Tires retreading and manufacturingT
326211 Tires and inner tubes manufacturing
326212 Tires retreading
32622 Rubber and plastic bands and hoses manufacturingT
326220 Rubber and plastic bands and hoses manufacturing
32629 Other rubber products manufacturingT
326290 Other rubber products manufacturing

327 Nonmetallic mineral products manufacturingT

3271 Manufacturing of products based on clays and refractory mineralsT
32711 Manufacturing of porcelain, china and pottery products, and bathroom

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
furniture manufacturingT
327111 Porcelain, china and pottery products manufacturing
327112 Bathroom furniture manufacturing
32712 Manufacturing of products based on clay for constructionT
327121 Non-refractory bricks manufacturing
327122 Non-refractory tiles manufacturing
327123 Refractory products manufacturing
3272 Glass and glass products manufacturingT
32721 Glass and glass products manufacturingT
327211 Glass manufacturing
327212 Mirrors manufacturing
327213 Glass containers manufacturing
327214 Fiberglass manufacturing
327215 Household glass goods manufacturing
327216 Industrial and commercial glass goods manufacturing
327219 Other glass products manufacturing
3273 Cement and concrete products manufacturingT
32731 Manufacturing of cement and products based on cement
in integrated plantsT
327310 Manufacturing of cement and products based on cement
in integrated plants
32732 Concrete manufacturingT
327320 Concrete manufacturing
32733 Manufacturing of cement and concrete pipes and blocksT
327330 Manufacturing of cement and concrete pipes and blocks


32739 Other cement and concrete products manufacturingT
327391 Prestressed concrete products manufacturing
327399 Other cement and concrete products manufacturing
3274 Lime, gypsum and gypsum products manufacturingT
32741 Lime manufacturingT
327410 Lime manufacturing
32742 Gypsum and gypsum products manufacturingT
327420 Gypsum and gypsum products manufacturing
3279 Other nonmetallic mineral products manufacturingT
32791 Abrasive products manufacturingT
327910 Abrasive products manufacturing
32799 Other nonmetallic mineral products manufacturingT
327991 Manufacturing of products based on quarry stone
327999 Other nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing

331 Basic metal industryT

3311 Iron and steel basic industryT
33111 Iron and steel basic industryT
331111 Iron and steel mills
331112 Primary roughs and ferroalloy manufacturing
3312 Iron and steel products manufacturingT
33121 Iron and steel pipes and tubes manufacturingT
331210 Iron and steel pipes and tubes manufacturing
33122 Other iron and steel products manufacturingT
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331220 Other iron and steel products manufacturing

3313 Aluminum basic industryT
33131 Aluminum basic industryT
331310 Aluminum basic industry
3314 Nonferrous metal industry, except aluminumT
33141 Copper, precious metals and other nonferrous metals smelting and refiningT
331411 Copper smelting and refining
331412 Precious metals smelting and refining
331419 Other nonferrous metals smelting and refining
33142 Secondary lamination of copperT
331420 Secondary lamination of copper
33149 Secondary lamination of other nonferrous metalsT
331490 Secondary lamination of other nonferrous metals
3315 Metal parts molding by castingT
33151 Iron and steel parts molding by castingT
331510 Iron and steel parts molding by casting
33152 Nonferrous metallic parts molding by castingT
331520 Nonferrous metallic parts molding by casting

332 Metal products manufacturingT

3321 Forged and stamped metal products manufacturingT
33211 Forged and stamped metal products manufacturingT
332110 Forged and stamped metal products manufacturing
3322 Nonpowered hand tools and metal kitchen utensils manufacturingT
33221 Nonpowered hand tools and metal kitchen utensils manufacturingT
332211 Nonpowered metal hand tools manufacturing
332212 Metal kitchen utensils manufacturing

3323 Metal structures and iron works products manufacturingT
33231 Metal structures manufacturingT
332310 Metal structures manufacturing
33232 Iron works products manufacturingT
332320 Iron works products manufacturing
3324 Boilers, tanks and metal containers manufacturingT
33241 Industrial boilers manufacturingT
332410 Industrial boilers manufacturing
33242 Heavy gauge metal tanks manufacturingT
332420 Heavy gauge metal tanks manufacturing
33243 Light gauge metal containers manufacturingT
332430 Light gauge metal containers manufacturing
3325 Metal fittings and locks manufacturingT
33251 Metal fittings and locks manufacturingT
332510 Metal fittings and locks manufacturing
3326 Wire, wire products and springs manufacturingT
33261 Wire, wire products and springs manufacturingT
332610 Wire, wire products and springs manufacturing
3327 Metal parts machining and screws manufacturingT
33271 Metal parts machining for general purpose machinery and equipmentT
332710 Metal parts machining for general purpose machinery and equipment
33272 Screws, nuts, rivets and similar products manufacturingT
332720 Screws, nuts, rivets and similar products manufacturing
3328 Metal coating and finishingsT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
33281 Metal coating and finishingsT
332810 Metal coating and finishings
3329 Other metal products manufacturingT
33291 Metal valves manufacturingT
332910 Metal valves manufacturing
33299 Other metal products manufacturingT
332991 Ball and roller bearings manufacturing
332999 Other metal products manufacturing

333 Machinery and equipment manufacturingT

3331 Agricultural, construction and extractive industry machinery
and equipment manufacturingT
33311 Agricultural machinery and equipment manufacturingT
333111 Farming machinery and equipment manufacturing
333112 Livestock machinery and equipment manufacturing
33312 Construction machinery and equipment manufacturingT
333120 Construction machinery and equipment manufacturing
33313 Extractive industry machinery and equipment manufacturingT
333130 Extractive industry machinery and equipment manufacturing
3332 Industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing, except metalworkingT
33324 Industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing, except metalworkingT
333241 Wood industry machinery and equipment manufacturing
333242 Rubber and plastic industry machinery and equipment manufacturing
333243 Food and beverage industry machinery and equipment manufacturing
333244 Textile industry machinery and equipment manufacturing
333245 Printing industry machinery and equipment manufacturing


333246 Glass and other nonmetallic minerals industry machinery
and equipment manufacturing
333249 Other industrial machinery and equipment manufacturing
3333 Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment manufacturingT
33331 Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment manufacturingT
333311 Photographic equipment manufacturing
333312 Photocopying machines manufacturing
333319 Other commercial and service industry machinery
and equipment manufacturing
3334 Air conditioning, heating, and industrial and commercial refrigeration
equipment manufacturingT
33341 Air conditioning, heating, and industrial and commercial refrigeration
equipment manufacturingT
333411 Air conditioning and heating equipment manufacturing
333412 Industrial and commercial refrigeration equipment manufacturing
3335 Metalworking industry machinery and equipment manufacturingT
33351 Metalworking industry machinery and equipment manufacturingT
333510 Metalworking industry machinery and equipment manufacturing
3336 Internal combustion engines, turbines and power transmissions manufacturingT
33361 Internal combustion engines, turbines and power transmissions manufacturingT
333610 Internal combustion engines, turbines and power
transmissions manufacturing
3339 Other general purpose machinery and equipment manufacturingT
33391 Pumps and pumping systems manufacturingT
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

333910 Pumps and pumping systems manufacturing

33392 Lifting and handling machinery and equipment manufacturingT
333920 Lifting and handling machinery and equipment manufacturing
33399 Other general purpose machinery and equipment manufacturingT
333991 Welding and soldering equipment manufacturing
333992 Packaging machinery and equipment manufacturing
333993 Scales and balances manufacturing
333999 Other general purpose machinery and equipment manufacturing

334 Manufacturing of computer, communications, and measuring equipment, and other

electronic equipment, components and appliances manufacturingT
3341 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturingT
33411 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturingT
334110 Computer and peripheral equipment manufacturing
3342 Communications equipment manufacturingT
33421 Telephone equipment manufacturingT
334210 Telephone equipment manufacturing
33422 Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications
equipment manufacturingT
334220 Radio and television broadcasting and wireless communications
equipment manufacturing
33429 Other communications equipment manufacturingT
334290 Other communications equipment manufacturing
3343 Audio and video equipment manufacturingT
33431 Audio and video equipment manufacturingT
334310 Audio and video equipment manufacturing


3344 Electronic components manufacturingT
33441 Electronic components manufacturingT
334410 Electronic components manufacturing
3345 Navigational, measuring, electromedical and control instruments manufacturingT
33451 Navigational, measuring, electromedical and control
instruments manufacturingT
334511 Watches and clocks manufacturing
334519 Other navigational, measuring, electromedical and control
instruments manufacturing
3346 Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical mediaT
33461 Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical mediaT
334610 Manufacturing and reproducing magnetic and optical media

335 Electric appliances, accessories and electric power generation

equipment manufacturingT
3351 Lighting accessories manufacturingT
33511 Light bulbs manufacturingT
335110 Light bulbs manufacturing
33512 Ornamental lamps manufacturingT
335120 Ornamental lamps manufacturing
3352 Household electrical appliances manufacturingT
33521 Small household appliances manufacturingT
335210 Small household appliances manufacturing
33522 Major household manufacturingT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
335220 Major household manufacturing
3353 Electric power generation and distribution equipment manufacturingT
33531 Electric power generation and distribution equipment manufacturingT
335311 Electric motors and generators manufacturing
335312 Electric power distribution equipment and apparatus manufacturing
3359 Other electrical equipment and accessories manufacturingT
33591 Accumulators and batteries manufacturingT
335910 Accumulators and batteries manufacturing
33592 Current-carrying wiring manufacturingT
335920 Current-carrying wiring manufacturing
33593 Manufacturing of plugs, contacts, fuses and other accessories
for electric installationsT
335930 Manufacturing of plugs, contacts, fuses and other accessories
for electric installations
33599 Other electric products manufacturingT
335991 Carbon and graphite electric products manufacturing
335999 Other electric products manufacturing

336 Transportation equipment manufacturingT

3361 Automobiles and trucks manufacturingT
33611 Automobiles and pickup trucks manufacturingT
336110 Automobiles and pickup trucks manufacturing
33612 Trucks and truck tractors manufacturingT
336120 Trucks and truck tractors manufacturing
3362 Motor vehicle bodies and trailers manufacturingT
33621 Motor vehicle bodies and trailers manufacturingT
336210 Motor vehicle bodies and trailers manufacturing

3363 Motor vehicle parts manufacturingT
33631 Automotive vehicle engines and engine parts manufacturingT
336310 Automotive vehicle engines and engine parts manufacturing
33632 Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment and parts manufacturingT
336320 Motor vehicle electrical and electronic equipment
and parts manufacturing
33633 Automotive vehicle steering and suspension system parts manufacturingT
336330 Automotive vehicle steering and suspension system
parts manufacturing
33634 Automotive vehicle brake system parts manufacturingT
336340 Automotive vehicle brake system parts manufacturing
33635 Motor vehicle transmission system parts manufacturingT
336350 Motor vehicle transmission system parts manufacturing
33636 Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturingT
336360 Motor vehicle seating and interior trim manufacturing
33637 Automotive vehicle metal stampingT
336370 Automotive vehicle metal stamping
33639 Other automotive vehicle parts manufacturingT
336390 Other automotive vehicle parts manufacturing
3364 Aerospace equipment manufacturingT
33641 Aerospace equipment manufacturingT
336410 Aerospace equipment manufacturing
3365 Railroad equipment manufacturingT
33651 Railroad equipment manufacturingT
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

336510 Railroad equipment manufacturing

3366 Ship and boat manufacturingT
33661 Ship and boat manufacturingT
336610 Ship and boat manufacturing
3369 Other transportation equipment manufacturingT
33699 Other transportation equipment manufacturingT
336991 Motorcycles manufacturing
336992 Bicycles and tricycles manufacturing
336999 Other transportation equipment manufacturing

337 Furniture, mattresses and blinds manufacturingT

3371 Furniture manufacturing, except office furniture and shelvingT
33711 Fitted kitchens and bathroom modular furniture manufacturingT
337110 Fitted kitchens and bathroom modular furniture manufacturing
33712 Furniture manufacturing, except fitted kitchens, bathroom modular furniture,
office furniture and shelvingsT
337120 Furniture manufacturing, except fitted kitchens, bathroom modular
furniture, office furniture and shelvings
3372 Office furniture and shelving manufacturingT
33721 Office furniture and shelving manufacturingT
337210 Office furniture and shelving manufacturing
3379 Mattresses, blinds and curtain rods manufacturingT
33791 Mattresses manufacturingT
337910 Mattresses manufacturing
33792 Blinds and curtain rods manufacturingT
337920 Blinds and curtain rods manufacturing


339 Other manufacturing industriesT
3391 Manufacturing of nonelectronic medical, dental and laboratory equipment and
disposable material, and ophthalmic goods manufacturingT
33911 Manufacturing of nonelectronic medical, dental and laboratory equipment
and disposable material, and ophthalmic goods manufacturingT
339111 Manufacturing of nonelectronic medical, dental
and laboratory equipment
339112 Medical disposable material manufacturing
339113 Ophthalmic goods manufacturing
3399 Other manufacturing industriesT
33991 Metalwork and jewelryT
339911 Coin minting and stamping
339912 Precious metals and stones hollowware and jewelry
339913 Nonprecious metals and stones jewelry
339914 Nonprecious metalwork
33992 Sporting goods manufacturingT
339920 Sporting goods manufacturing
33993 Toys manufacturingT
339930 Toys manufacturing
33994 Manufacturing of writing, painting and drawing goods, and office
supplies manufacturingT
339940 Manufacturing of writing, painting and drawing goods, and office
supplies manufacturing
33995 Sign manufacturingT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
339950 Sign manufacturing
33999 Other manufacturing industriesT
339991 Musical instruments manufacturing
339992 Fasteners, buttons and needles manufacturing
339993 Brooms, brushes and similar products manufacturing
339994 Candles manufacturing
339995 Coffins manufacturing
339999 Other manufacturing industries

43 Wholesale tradeT

431 Wholesale trade of groceries, food, beverages, ice and tobacco

4311 Wholesale trade of groceries and food
43111 Wholesale trade of groceries
431110 Wholesale trade of groceries
43112 Wholesale trade of red meat, poultry, fish and seafood
431121 Wholesale trade of red meat
431122 Wholesale trade of poultry
431123 Wholesale trade of fish and seafood
43113 Wholesale trade of fresh fruit and vegetables
431130 Wholesale trade of fresh fruit and vegetables
43114 Wholesale trade of eggs
431140 Wholesale trade of eggs
43115 Wholesale trade of food seeds and grains, spices and dried chili
431150 Wholesale trade of food seeds and grains, spices and dried chili
43116 Wholesale trade of milk and other dairy products
431160 Wholesale trade of milk and other dairy products

43117 Wholesale trade of sausages
431170 Wholesale trade of sausages
43118 Wholesale trade of candies and confectionery raw materials
431180 Wholesale trade of candies and confectionery raw materials
43119 Wholesale trade of other food
431191 Wholesale trade of bread and cakes
431192 Wholesale trade of snacks and fritters
431193 Wholesale trade of preserves
431194 Wholesale trade of honey
431199 Wholesale trade of other food
4312 Wholesale of beverages, ice and tobacco
43121 Wholesale trade of beverages and ice
431211 Wholesale trade of nonalcoholic beverages and ice
431212 Wholesale trade of wine and liquor
431213 Wholesale trade of beer
43122 Wholesale trade of cigarettes, cigars and tobacco
431220 Wholesale trade of cigarettes, cigars and tobacco

432 Wholesale trade of textile products and footwear

4321 Wholesale trade of textile products and footwear
43211 Wholesale trade of textile products, except apparel
432111 Wholesale trade of fibers, threads and yarns, and fabrics
432112 Wholesale trade of linen
432113 Wholesale trade of leather and fur wholesale trade
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

432119 Wholesale trade of other textile products

43212 Wholesale trade of apparel, costume jewelry and clothing accessories
432120 Wholesale trade of apparel, costume jewelry and clothing accessories
43213 Wholesale trade of footwear
432130 Wholesale trade of footwear

433 Wholesale trade of pharmaceutical and perfumery products, recreational goods,

and small and major household appliances
4331 Wholesale trade of pharmaceutical products
43311 Wholesale trade of pharmaceutical products
433110 Wholesale trade of pharmaceutical products
4332 Wholesale trade of perfumery products, cosmetics and jewelry
43321 Wholesale trade of perfumery and cosmetic products
433210 Wholesale trade of perfumery products and cosmetics
43322 Wholesale trade of jewelry products and watches
433220 Wholesale trade of jewelry products and watches
4333 Wholesale trade of records, toys and sporting goods
43331 Wholesale trade of records, toys and sporting goods
433311 Wholesale trade of records and cassettes
433312 Wholesale trade of toys and bicycles
433313 Wholesale trade of sporting goods
4334 Wholesale trade of stationery supplies, books, magazines and newspapers
43341 Wholesale trade of stationery supplies
433410 Wholesale trade of stationery supplies
43342 Wholesale trade of books
433420 Wholesale trade of books


43343 Wholesale trade of magazines and newspapers
433430 Wholesale trade of magazines and newspapers
4335 Wholesale trade of small and major household appliances
43351 Wholesale trade of small and major household appliances
433510 Wholesale trade of small and major household appliances

434 Wholesale trade of agricultural, forestry and industrial raw materials,

and waste materials
4341 Wholesale trade of agricultural and forestry raw materials
43411 Wholesale trade of agricultural and forestry raw materials
434111 Wholesale trade of fertilizers, pesticides and farm seeds
434112 Wholesale trade of veterinary drugs and animal feed, except pets
4342 Wholesale trade of industrial raw materials
43421 Wholesale trade of construction materials, except wood and metallic
434211 Wholesale trade of cement, brick and gravel
434219 Wholesale trade of other construction materials, except wood
and metallic materials
43422 Wholesale trade of other construction materials and raw materials
for other industries
434221 Wholesale trade of metallic materials for construction
and manufacturing
434222 Wholesale of chemical products for the pharmaceutical industry
and other industrial uses

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
434223 Wholesale trade of general purpose containers, paper
and paperboard for manufacturing
434224 Wholesale trade of wood for construction and manufacturing
434225 Wholesale trade of electric equipment and material
434226 Wholesale trade of paint
434227 Wholesale trade of glass and mirrors
434228 Wholesale trade of livestock and live poultry
434229 Wholesale trade of other raw materials for other industries
43423 Wholesale trade of fuel for industrial use
434230 Wholesale trade of fuel for industrial use
43424 Wholesale trade of disposable products
434240 Wholesale trade of disposable products
4343 Wholesale trade of waste materials
43431 Wholesale trade of waste materials
434311 Wholesale trade of metallic waste
434312 Wholesale trade of paper and paperboard waste
434313 Wholesale trade of glass waste
434314 Wholesale trade of plastic waste
434319 Wholesale trade of other waste materials

435 Wholesale trade of agricultural, industrial, commercial and services machinery,

equipment and furniture, and other general purpose machinery and equipment
4351 Wholesale trade of agricultural, forestry and fishing machinery and equipment
43511 Wholesale trade of agricultural, forestry and fishing machinery and equipment
435110 Wholesale trade of agricultural, forestry and fishing machinery
and equipment


4352 Wholesale trade of industrial machinery and equipment
43521 Wholesale trade of construction and mining machinery and equipment
435210 Wholesale trade of construction and mining machinery and equipment
43522 Wholesale trade of manufacturing machinery and equipment
435220 Wholesale trade of manufacturing machinery and equipment
4353 Wholesale trade of commercial and service industry machinery and equipment
43531 Wholesale trade of commercial and service industry machinery and equipment
435311 Wholesale trade of telecommunications, photography
and cinematography equipment
435312 Wholesale trade of articles and accessories for designing
and artistic painting
435313 Wholesale trade of medical and laboratory furniture, equipment
and instruments
435319 Wholesale trade of other commercial and service industry machinery
and equipment
4354 Wholesale trade of computer and office furniture and equipment, and other general
purpose machinery and equipment
43541 Wholesale trade of computer and office furniture and equipment,
and other general purpose machinery and equipment
435411 Wholesale trade of computer furniture, equipment and accessories
435412 Wholesale trade of office furniture and equipment
435419 Wholesale trade of other general purpose machinery and equipment

436 Wholesale trade of trucks and new parts for automobiles, pickup trucks and trucks
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

4361 Wholesale trade of trucks and new parts for automobiles, pickup trucks and trucks
43611 Wholesale trade of trucks and new parts for automobiles, pickup trucks
and trucks
436111 Wholesale trade of trucks
436112 Wholesale trade of new parts for automobiles, pickup trucks
and trucks

437 Wholesale trade intermediation

4371 Wholesale trade intermediation, except through Internet and other electronic media
43711 Wholesale trade intermediation, except through Internet and other
electronic media
437111 Wholesale trade intermediation of agricultural products, except
through Internet and other electronic media
437112 Wholesale trade intermediation of products for manufacturing,
commercial and service industries, except through Internet
and other electronic media
437113 Wholesale trade intermediation of household and personal goods,
except through Internet and other electronic media
4372 Wholesale trade intermediation exclusively through Internet and other
electronic media
43721 Wholesale trade intermediation exclusively through Internet and other
electronic media
437210 Wholesale trade intermediation exclusively through Internet
and other electronic media


46 Retail tradeT

461 Retail trade of groceries, food, beverages, ice and tobacco

4611 Retail trade of groceries and food
46111 Retail trade in grocery stores
461110 Retail trade in grocery stores
46112 Retail trade of red meat, poultry, fish and seafood
461121 Retail trade of red meat
461122 Retail trade of poultry
461123 Retail trade of fish and seafood
46113 Retail trade of fresh fruits and vegetables
461130 Retail trade of fresh fruits and vegetables
46114 Retail trade of food seeds and grains, spices and dried chili
461140 Retail trade of food seeds and grains, spices and dried chili
46115 Retail trade of milk, other dairy products and sausages
461150 Retail trade of milk, other dairy products and sausages
46116 Retail trade of candies and confectionery raw materials
461160 Retail trade of candies and confectionery raw materials
46117 Retail trade of popsicles and ice cream
461170 Retail trade of popsicles and ice cream
46119 Retail trade of other food
461190 Retail trade of other food
4612 Retail trade of beverages, ice and tobacco
46121 Retail trade of beverages, ice and tobacco

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
461211 Retail trade of wine and liquor
461212 Retail trade of beer
461213 Retail trade of nonalcoholic beverages and ice
46122 Retail trade of cigarettes, cigars and tobacco
461220 Retail trade of cigarettes, cigars and tobacco

462 Retail trade in self-service shops and department stores

4621 Retail trade in self-service shops
46211 Retail trade in self-service shops
462111 Retail trade in supermarkets
462112 Retail trade in minisupermarkets
4622 Retail trade in department stores
46221 Retail trade in department stores
462210 Retail trade in department stores

463 Retail trade of textile products, costume jewelry, clothing accessories and footwear
4631 Retail trade of textile products, except apparel
46311 Retail trade of textile products, except apparel
463111 Retail trade of fabrics
463112 Retail trade of linen
463113 Retail trade of notions
4632 Retail trade of apparel, costume jewelry and clothing accessories
46321 Retail of apparel, costume jewelry and clothing accessories
463211 Retail trade of apparel, except infants clothing and lingerie
463212 Retail trade of infants clothing
463213 Retail trade of lingerie
463214 Retail trade of costumes, regional clothing and wedding dresses

463215 Retail trade of costume jewelry and clothing accessories
463216 Retail trade of leather and fur clothing and of other goods
of these materials
463217 Retail trade of disposable diapers
463218 Retail trade of hats
4633 Retail trade of footwear
46331 Retail trade of footwear
463310 Retail trade of footwear

464 Retail trade of health care items

4641 Retail trade of health care items
46411 Retail trade of pharmaceutical and naturist products
464111 Pharmacies without minisupermarkets
464112 Pharmacies with minisupermarkets
464113 Retail trade of naturist products, homeopathic medicines
and food supplements
46412 Retail trade of eyeglasses and orthopedic products
464121 Retail trade of eyeglasses
464122 Retail trade of orthopedic products

465 Retail trade of stationery supplies, recreational and other personal goods
4651 Retail trade of perfumery and jewelry products
46511 Retail trade of perfumery and jewelry articles
465111 Retail trade of perfumery products and cosmetics
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

465112 Retail trade of jewelry products and watches

4652 Retail trade of recreational goods
46521 Retail trade of recreational goods
465211 Retail trade of records and cassettes
465212 Retail trade of toys
465213 Retail trade of bicycles
465214 Retail trade of photographic equipment and material
465215 Retail trade of sporting goods
465216 Retail trade of musical instruments
4653 Retail trade of stationery supplies, books, magazines and newspapers
46531 Retail trade of stationery supplies, books, magazines and newspapers
465311 Retail trade of stationery supplies
465312 Retail trade of books
465313 Retail trade of magazines and newspapers
4659 Retail trade of pets, gifts, religious articles, disposable products, handicrafts,
and other personal goods
46591 Retail trade of pets, gifts, religious articles, disposable products, handicrafts,
and other personal goods
465911 Retail trade of pets
465912 Retail trade of gifts
465913 Retail trade of religious articles
465914 Retail trade of disposable products
465915 Retail trade in handicrafts shops
465919 Retail trade of other personal goods


466 Retail trade of household goods, computers, interior decorative articles
and used goods
4661 Retail trade of household furniture and other household goods
46611 Retail trade of household furniture and other household goods
466111 Retail trade of household furniture
466112 Retail trade of small and major household appliances
466113 Retail trade of garden furniture
466114 Retail trade of glassware, china and cookware
4662 Retail trade of computer furniture, equipment and accessories; telephones and other
communication devices
46621 Retail trade of computer furniture, equipment and accessories; telephones
and other communication devices
466211 Retail trade of computer furniture, equipment and accessories
466212 Retail trade of telephones and other communication devices
4663 Retail trade of interior decorative articles
46631 Retail trade of interior decorative articles
466311 Retail trade of carpets, curtains, tapestries and similar products
466312 Retail trade of natural plants and flowers
466313 Retail trade of antiques and works of art
466314 Retail trade of ornamental lamps and chandeliers
466319 Retail trade of other interior decorative articles
4664 Retail trade of used goods
46641 Retail trade of used goods
466410 Retail trade of used goods

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
467 Retail trade of hardware and glass
4671 Retail trade of hardware and glass
46711 Retail trade of hardware and glass
467111 Retail trade of hardware
467112 Retail trade of ceramic floors and coverings
467113 Retail trade of paint
467114 Retail trade of glass and mirrors
467115 Retail trade of cleaning supplies
467116 Retail trade of construction materials in specialized self-service shops
467117 Retail trade of pool equipment and accessories, and other articles

468 Retail trade of motor vehicles, parts, fuels and lubricants

4681 Retail trade of automobiles and pickup trucks
46811 Retail trade of automobiles and pickup trucks
468111 Retail trade of new automobiles and pickup trucks
468112 Retail trade of used automobiles and pickup trucks
4682 Retail trade of parts for automobiles, pickup trucks and trucks
46821 Retail trade of parts for automobiles, pickup trucks and trucks
468211 Retail trade of new parts for automobiles, pickup trucks and trucks
468212 Retail trade of used parts for automobiles, pickup trucks and trucks
468213 Retail trade of tires and tubes for automobiles, pickup trucks
and trucks
4683 Retail trade of motorcycles, and other motor vehicles
46831 Retail trade of motorcycles, and other motor vehicles
468311 Retail trade of motorcycles
468319 Retail trade of other motor vehicles

4684 Retail trade of fuels, lubricating oils and greases
46841 Retail trade of fuels
468411 Retail trade of gasoline and diesel
468412 Retail trade of LP gas in cylinders and for stationary tanks
468413 Retail trade of LP gas in gas filling stations
468419 Retail trade of other fuels
46842 Retail trade of lubricating oils and greases, additives and similar products
for motor vehicles
468420 Retail trade of lubricating oils and greases, additives and similar
products for motor vehicles

469 Retail trade exclusively through Internet and printed catalogs, television
and similar media
4691 Retail trade exclusively through Internet and printed catalogs, television
and similar media
46911 Retail trade exclusively through Internet and printed catalogs, television
and similar media
469110 Retail trade exclusively through Internet and printed catalogs,
television and similar media

48-49 Transportation, postal services and warehousingT

481 Air transportationT

4811 Scheduled air transportationT
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

48111 Scheduled air transportationT

481111 Domestic airlines scheduled air transportation
481112 Foreign airlines scheduled air transportation
4812 Nonscheduled air transportationT
48121 Nonscheduled air transportationT
481210 Nonscheduled air transportation

482 Rail transportationT

4821 Rail transportationT
48211 Rail transportationT
482110 Rail transportation

483 Water transportationT

4831 Maritime transportationT
48311 Maritime transportationT
483111 High sea transportation, except petroleum and natural gas
483112 Coastal transportation, except petroleum and natural gas
483113 Petroleum and natural gas maritime transportation
4832 Inland water transportationT
48321 Inland water transportationT
483210 Inland water transportation

484 Freight truck transportationT

4841 General freight truckingT
48411 General freight trucking, localT
484111 Agricultural products trucking, local, except refrigerated
484119 Other general freight trucking, local

48412 General freight trucking, long-distanceT
484121 Agricultural products trucking, long-distance, except refrigerated
484129 Other general freight trucking, long-distance
4842 Specialized freight truckingT
48421 Moving servicesT
484210 Moving services
48422 Specialized freight trucking, local, except moving servicesT
484221 Construction materials trucking, local
484222 Hazardous material and waste trucking, local
484223 Refrigerated trucking, local
484224 Wood trucking, local
484229 Other specialized freight trucking, local
48423 Specialized freight trucking, long-distance, except moving servicesT
484231 Construction materials trucking, long-distance
484232 Hazardous material and waste trucking, long-distance
484233 Refrigerated trucking, long-distance
484234 Wood trucking, long-distance
484239 Other specialized freight trucking, long-distance

485 Passenger transportation by road, except by railT

4851 Urban and suburban collective passenger transportation, fixed routeT
48511 Urban and suburban collective passenger transportation, fixed routeT
485111 Urban and suburban collective passenger transportation by fixed
route buses

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
485112 Urban and suburban collective passenger transportation by fixed
route automobiles
485113 Urban and suburban collective passenger transportation
by trolleybus and light rail
485114 Urban and suburban collective passenger transportation by subway
4852 Long-distance collective passenger transportation, fixed routeT
48521 Long-distance collective passenger transportation, fixed routeT
485210 Long-distance collective passenger transportation, fixed route
4853 Taxi and limousine servicesT
48531 Taxi servicesT
485311 Taxi stands passenger transportation
485312 Street taxis passenger transportation
48532 Car rental with driverT
485320 Car rental with driver
4854 School and employee transportationT
48541 School and employee transportationT
485410 School and employee transportation
4855 Bus rental with driverT
48551 Bus rental with driverT
485510 Bus rental with driver
4859 Other passenger transportation by roadT
48599 Other passenger transportation by roadT
485990 Other passenger transportation by road

486 Pipeline transportationT

4861 Pipeline transportation of crude oilT


48611 Pipeline transportation of crude oilT
486110 Pipeline transportation of crude oil
4862 Pipeline transportation of natural gasT
48621 Pipeline transportation of natural gasT
486210 Pipeline transportation of natural gas
4869 Pipeline transportation of other productsT
48691 Pipeline transportation of refined petroleum productsT
486910 Pipeline transportation of refined petroleum products
48699 Pipeline transportation of other products, except refined petroleum productsT
486990 Pipeline transportation of other products, except refined
petroleum products

487 Sightseeing transportationT

4871 Sightseeing transportation by landT
48711 Sightseeing transportation by landT
487110 Sightseeing transportation by land
4872 Sightseeing transportation by waterT
48721 Sightseeing transportation by waterT
487210 Sightseeing transportation by water
4879 Other sightseeing transportationT
48799 Other sightseeing transportationT
487990 Other sightseeing transportation

488 Services related to transportationT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

4881 Services related to air transportationT

48811 Airport operationsT
488111 Air navigation services
488112 Airport and heliport management
48819 Other services related to air transportationT
488190 Other services related to air transportation
4882 Services related to rail transportationT
48821 Services related to rail transportationT
488210 Services related to rail transportation
4883 Services related to water transportationT
48831 Port and harbor managementT
488310 Port and harbor management
48832 Loading and unloading services for water transportationT
488320 Loading and unloading services for water transportation
48833 Water navigation servicesT
488330 Water navigation services
48839 Other services related to water transportationT
488390 Other services related to water transportation
4884 Services related to road transportationT
48841 Motor vehicle towing servicesT
488410 Motor vehicle towing services
48849 Other services related to road transportationT
488491 Bus terminal management services
488492 Highway and bridge management services, and support services
488493 Weighing services and other services related to road transportation


4885 Intermediation services for freight transportationT
48851 Intermediation services for freight transportationT
488511 Customs agencies services
488519 Other intermediation services for freight transportation
4889 Other services related to transportationT
48899 Other services related to transportationT
488990 Other services related to transportation

491 Postal servicesT

4911 Postal servicesT
49111 Postal servicesT
491110 Postal services

492 Courier and messenger servicesT

4921 Long-distance courier and messenger servicesT
49211 Long-distance courier and messenger servicesT
492110 Long-distance courier and messenger services
4922 Local courier and messenger servicesT
49221 Local courier and messenger servicesT
492210 Local courier and messenger services

493 Warehousing servicesT

4931 Warehousing servicesT
49311 Bonded warehouses and other general warehousing services

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
in non-specialized facilitiesT
493111 Bonded warehouses
493119 Other general warehousing services in non-specialized facilities
49312 Refrigerated warehousingT
493120 Refrigerated warehousing
49313 Agricultural products warehousing, except refrigeratedT
493130 Agricultural products warehousing, except refrigerated
49319 Other warehousing services in specialized facilitiesT
493190 Other warehousing services in specialized facilities

51 Mass media informationT

511 Newspaper, magazine, book, software and other materials publishing,

and integrated publishing and printing of these publicationsT
5111 Newspaper, magazine, book, and other materials publishing, and integrated
publishing and printing of these publicationsT
51111 Newspaper publishing, and integrated newspaper publishing and printingT
511111 Newspaper publishing
511112 Integrated newspaper publishing and printing
51112 Magazine and other periodical publications publishing, and integrated
magazine and other periodical publications publishing and printingT
511121 Magazine and other periodical publications publishing
511122 Integrated magazine and other periodical publications publishing
and printing
51113 Book publishing, and integrated book publishing and printingT
511131 Book publishing
511132 Integrated book publishing and printing

51114 Directory and mailing list publishing, and integrated directory and mailing list
publishing and printingT
511141 Directory and mailing list publishing
511142 Integrated directory and mailing list publishing and printing
51119 Other materials publishing, and integrated publishing and printing
of other materialsT
511191 Other materials publishing
511192 Integrated publishing and printing of other materials
5112 Software publishing, and integrated software publishing and reproductionT
51121 Software publishing, and integrated software publishing and reproductionT
511210 Software publishing, and integrated software publishing
and reproduction

512 Film and video industry, and sound recording industryT

5121 Film and video industryT
51211 Motion pictures, television programs and other audiovisual materials
512111 Motion pictures production
512112 Television programs production
512113 Music videos, commercials, and other audiovisual
materials production
51212 Motion pictures and other audiovisual materials distributionT
512120 Motion pictures and other audiovisual materials distribution
51213 Motion pictures and other audiovisual materials exhibitionT
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

512130 Motion pictures and other audiovisual materials exhibition

51219 Post-production services, and other services for the film and video industryT
512190 Post-production services, and other services for the film
and video industry
5122 Sound recording industryT
51221 Record companiesT
512210 Record companies
51222 Record production integrated with its reproduction and distributionT
512220 Record production integrated with its reproduction and distribution
51223 Music publishersT
512230 Music publishers
51224 Compact disc (CD) and digital video disc (DVD) or music cassettes recordingT
512240 Compact disc (CD) and digital video disc (DVD) or music
cassettes recording
51229 Other sound recording servicesT
512290 Other sound recording services

515 Radio and televisionT

5151 Radio and television broadcastingT
51511 Radio broadcastingT
515110 Radio broadcasting
51512 Television broadcastingT
515120 Television broadcasting
5152 Cable or satellite television systems channel programming productionT
51521 Cable or satellite television systems channel programming productionT
515210 Cable or satellite television systems channel programming production


517 TelecommunicationsT
5171 Wired telecommunications carriersT
51711 Wired telecommunications carriersT
517110 Wired telecommunications carriers
5172 Wireless telecommunications carriersT
51721 Wireless telecommunications carriersT
517210 Wireless telecommunications carriers
5174 Satellite telecommunications carriersT
51741 Satellite telecommunications carriersT
517410 Satellite telecommunications carriers
5179 Other telecommunications servicesT
51791 Other telecommunications servicesT
517910 Other telecommunications services

518 Electronic data processing, hosting, and other related servicesT

5182 Electronic data processing, hosting, and other related servicesT
51821 Electronic data processing, hosting, and other related servicesT
518210 Electronic data processing, hosting, and other related services

519 Other information servicesT

5191 Other information servicesT
51911 News agenciesT
519110 News agencies
51912 Libraries and archivesT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
519121 Libraries and archives, private sector
519122 Libraries and archives, public sector
51913 Internet content publishing and broadcasting and web search servicesT
519130 Internet content publishing and broadcasting and web search services
51919 Other information provision servicesT
519190 Other information provision services

52 Financial and insurance servicesT

521 Central bankT

5211 Central bankT
52111 Central bankT
521110 Central bank

522 Credit and financial intermediation institutions, non-stock exchangeT

5221 Multiple banking
52211 Multiple banking
522110 Multiple banking
5222 Financial institutions for economic development
52221 Development banking
522210 Development banking
52222 Financial funds and trusts
522220 Financial funds and trusts
5223 Credit unions and saving institutions
52231 Credit unions
522310 Credit unions


52232 Popular saving banks
522320 Popular saving banks
52239 Other saving and loan institutions
522390 Other saving and loan institutions
5224 Other credit and financial intermediation institutions, non-stock exchange
52241 Financial leasing
522410 Financial leasing
52242 Financial factoring companies
522420 Financial factoring companies
52243 Limited-objective financial societies
522430 Limited-objective financial societies
52244 Self-financing companies
522440 Self-financing companies
52245 Pawnshops established as private assistance institutions and as corporations
522451 Montepios (pawnshops established as private assistance institutions)
522452 Pawnshops established as corporations
52246 Multiple-objective financial societies
522460 Multiple-objective financial societies
52249 Other credit and financial intermediation institutions, non-stock exchange
522490 Other credit and financial intermediation institutions,
non-stock exchange
5225 Services related to credit intermediation, non-stock exchange
52251 Services related to credit intermediation, non-stock exchange
522510 Services related to credit intermediation, non-stock exchange
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

523 Stock market, currency exchange and financial investment activitiesT

5231 Brokerage houses, foreign currency exchange houses and exchange officesT
52311 Brokerage houses
523110 Brokerage houses
52312 Foreign currency exchange houses and exchange offices
523121 Foreign currency exchange houses
523122 Foreign currency exchange offices
5232 Stock exchangeT
52321 Stock exchangeT
523210 Stock exchange
5239 Investment advice and other services related to stock exchange intermediationT
52391 Investment advice
523910 Investment advice
52399 Other services related to stock exchange intermediation
523990 Other services related to stock exchange intermediation

524 Surety, insurance and pension companiesT

5241 Insurance and surety institutionsT
52411 Insurance companies
524110 Insurance companies
52412 Farming insurance funds
524120 Farming insurance funds
52413 Surety companies
524130 Surety companies


5242 Services related to insurance and suretyT
52421 Insurance and surety brokers, adjusters and promoters
524210 Insurance and surety brokers, adjusters and promoters
52422 Pension funds and independent insurance management
524220 Pension funds and independent insurance management

53 Real estate services and tangible and intangible goods rental and leasingT

531 Real estate servicesT

5311 Rental of real estate without intermediationT
53111 Rental of real estate without intermediation
531111 Rental of furnished dwellings without intermediation
531112 Rental of unfurnished dwellings without intermediation
531113 Rental of party rooms and convention halls without intermediation
531114 Rental of office and commercial space without intermediation
531115 Rental of theaters, stadiums, auditoriums and similar buildings
without intermediation
531116 Rental of industrial buildings located in an industrial park
531119 Rental of other real estate without intermediation
5312 Real estate agencies and brokersT
53121 Real estate agencies and brokersT
531210 Real estate agencies and brokers
5313 Services related to real estateT
53131 Services related to real estate

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
531311 Real estate management services
531319 Other services related to real estate

532 Rental and leasing of tangible goodsT

5321 Rental and leasing of automobiles, trucks and other road transportation vehiclesT
53211 Rental and leasing of automobiles without driversT
532110 Rental and leasing of automobiles without drivers
53212 Rental and leasing of freight trucks, buses, minibuses and trailers
without driversT
532121 Rental and leasing of freight trucks without drivers
532122 Rental and leasing of buses, minibuses and trailers without drivers
5322 Rental of household and personal goodsT
53221 Rental of household and personal electric and electronic appliancesT
532210 Rental of household and personal electric and electronic appliances
53222 Rental of clothingT
532220 Rental of clothing
53223 Rental of video tapes and discsT
532230 Rental of video tapes and discs
53229 Rental of other household and personal goodsT
532291 Rental of tables, chairs, tableware and similar articles
532292 Rental of musical instruments
532299 Rental of other household and personal goods
5323 General rental centersT
53231 General rental centersT
532310 General rental centers


5324 Rental and leasing of agricultural, fishing, industrial, commercial and services
machinery and equipmentT
53241 Rental and leasing of construction, mining, forestry and transportation
machinery and equipment, except road transportation equipmentT
532411 Rental and leasing of construction, mining and forestry machinery
and equipment
532412 Rental and leasing of transportation equipment, except road
transportation equipment
53242 Rental and leasing of computer equipment and other office machinery
and furnitureT
532420 Rental and leasing of computer equipment and other office
machinery and furniture
53249 Rental and leasing of other agricultural, fishing, manufacturing, commercial
and service industry machinery and equipmentT
532491 Rental and leasing of agricultural, fishing and manufacturing
machinery and equipment
532492 Rental and leasing of materials handling machinery and equipment
532493 Rental and leasing of commercial and service industry machinery
and equipment

533 Rental services of trademarks, patents and franchisesT

5331 Rental services of trademarks, patents and franchisesT
53311 Rental services of trademarks, patents and franchisesT
533110 Rental services of trademarks, patents and franchises
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

54 Professional, scientific and technical servicesT

541 Professional, scientific and technical servicesT

5411 Legal servicesT
54111 Offices of lawyersT
541110 Offices of lawyers
54112 Offices of public notariesT
541120 Offices of public notaries
54119 Support services for legal proceduresT
541190 Support services for legal procedures
5412 Accounting, auditing and related servicesT
54121 Accounting, auditing and related servicesT
541211 Accounting and auditing services
541219 Other services related to accounting
5413 Architectural, engineering, and related servicesT
54131 Architectural servicesT
541310 Architectural services
54132 Landscape architectural services and urbanism servicesT
541320 Landscape architectural services and urbanism services
54133 Engineering servicesT
541330 Engineering services
54134 Drafting servicesT
541340 Drafting services
54135 Building inspection servicesT
541350 Building inspection services


54136 Geophysical surveying servicesT
541360 Geophysical surveying services
54137 Mapping servicesT
541370 Mapping services
54138 Testing laboratoriesT
541380 Testing laboratories
5414 Specialized designT
54141 Interior design and decoratingT
541410 Interior design and decorating
54142 Industrial designT
541420 Industrial design
54143 Graphic designT
541430 Graphic design
54149 Fashion design and other specialized designsT
541490 Fashion design and other specialized designs
5415 Computer systems design and related servicesT
54151 Computer systems design and related servicesT
541510 Computer systems design and related services
5416 Management, scientific and technical consulting servicesT
54161 Management consulting servicesT
541610 Management consulting services
54162 Environmental consulting servicesT
541620 Environmental consulting services
54169 Other scientific and technical consulting servicesT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
541690 Other scientific and technical consulting services
5417 Scientific research and development servicesT
54171 Scientific research and development services in natural and exact sciences,
engineering and life sciencesT
541711 Scientific research and development services in natural and exact
sciences, engineering and life sciences, private sector
541712 Scientific research and development services in natural and exact
sciences, engineering and life sciences, public sector
54172 Scientific research and development services in social sciences
and humanitiesT
541721 Scientific research and development services in social sciences
and humanities, private sector
541722 Scientific research and development services in social sciences
and humanities, public sector
5418 Advertising services and related activitiesT
54181 Advertising agenciesT
541810 Advertising agencies
54182 Public relations agenciesT
541820 Public relations agencies
54183 Media buying agencies on behalf of the customerT
541830 Media buying agencies on behalf of the customer
54184 Media representation agenciesT
541840 Media representation agencies
54185 Display advertising agenciesT
541850 Display advertising agencies
54186 Direct mail agenciesT
541860 Direct mail agencies

54187 Advertising material distributionT
541870 Advertising material distribution
54189 Lettering services and other advertising servicesT
541890 Lettering services and other advertising services
5419 Other professional, scientific and technical servicesT
54191 Marketing research and public opinion polling servicesT
541910 Marketing research and public opinion polling services
54192 Photographic and video taping servicesT
541920 Photographic and video taping services
54193 Translation and interpretation servicesT
541930 Translation and interpretation services
54194 Veterinary servicesT
541941 Pet veterinary services, private sector
541942 Pet veterinary services, public sector
541943 Livestock veterinary services, private sector
541944 Livestock veterinary services, public sector
54199 Other professional, scientific and technical servicesT
541990 Other professional, scientific and technical services

55 Head officesT

551 Head officesT

5511 Head officesT
55111 Head officesT
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

551111 Head offices

551112 Holdings

56 Business support services, waste management and remediation servicesT

561 Business support services T

5611 Business administration servicesT
56111 Business administration servicesT
561110 Business administration services
5612 Facilities support servicesT
56121 Facilities support servicesT
561210 Facilities support services
5613 Employment servicesT
56131 Employment agenciesT
561310 Employment agencies
56132 Temporary employment agenciesT
561320 Temporary employment agencies
56133 Permanent personnel supplyT
561330 Permanent personnel supply
5614 Secretarial support, photocopying, collection, credit investigation and similar servicesT
56141 Document preparation servicesT
561410 Document preparation services
56142 Telephone booth, telephone answering and telemarketing servicesT
561421 Telephone booth services
561422 Telephone answering and telemarketing services


56143 Photocopying, fax, computer access and similar servicesT
561431 Photocopying, fax and similar services
561432 Computer access services
56144 Collection agenciesT
561440 Collection agencies
56145 Credit bureausT
561450 Credit bureaus
56149 Other secretarial support and similar servicesT
561490 Other secretarial support and similar services
5615 Travel agencies and reservation servicesT
56151 Travel agenciesT
561510 Travel agencies
56152 Excursion and tour arrangement for travel agenciesT
561520 Excursion and tour arrangement for travel agencies
56159 Other reservation servicesT
561590 Other reservation services
5616 Investigation, protection and security servicesT
56161 Investigation, protection and custody services, except by monitoringT
561610 Investigation, protection and custody services, except by monitoring
56162 Protection and custody services by security systems monitoringT
561620 Protection and custody services by security systems monitoring
5617 Cleaning servicesT
56171 Exterminating and pest control servicesT
561710 Exterminating and pest control services

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
56172 Building cleaning servicesT
561720 Building cleaning services
56173 Landscape installing and maintenance servicesT
561730 Landscape installing and maintenance services
56174 Upholstery, carpet and furniture cleaning servicesT
561740 Upholstery, carpet and furniture cleaning services
56179 Other cleaning servicesT
561790 Other cleaning services
5619 Other business support servicesT
56191 Packaging and labeling servicesT
561910 Packaging and labeling services
56192 Convention, trade and industrial show organizersT
561920 Convention, trade and industrial show organizers
56199 Other business support servicesT
561990 Other business support services

562 Waste management and remediation servicesT

5621 Waste management and remediation services
56211 Waste management and remediation services
562111 Hazardous waste management and remediation services for areas
damaged by hazardous materials or waste
562112 Nonhazardous waste management and remediation services
for areas damaged by non-hazardous waste


61 Educational servicesT

611 Educational servicesT

6111 Basic, middle and special needs education schoolsT
61111 Pre-primary education schools
611111 Pre-primary education schools, private sector
611112 Pre-primary education schools, public sector
61112 Primary education schools
611121 Primary education schools, private sector
611122 Primary education schools, public sector
61113 General secondary education schools
611131 General secondary education schools, private sector
611132 General secondary education schools, public sector
61114 Technical secondary education schools
611141 Technical secondary education schools, private sector
611142 Technical secondary education schools, public sector
61115 Terminal technical middle education schools
611151 Terminal technical middle education schools, private sector
611152 Terminal technical middle education schools, public sector
61116 Higher middle education schools
611161 Higher middle education schools, private sector
611162 Higher middle education schools, public sector
61117 Schools that combine multiple education levels
611171 Schools that combine multiple education levels, private sector
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

611172 Schools that combine multiple education levels, public sector

61118 Special needs education schools
611181 Special needs education schools, private sector
611182 Special needs education schools, public sector
6112 Higher technical education schoolsT
61121 Higher technical education schoolsT
611211 Higher technical education schools, private sector
611212 Higher technical education schools, public sector
6113 Higher education schoolsT
61131 Higher education schoolsT
611311 Higher education schools, private sector
611312 Higher education schools, public sector
6114 Business, computer and management training schoolsT
61141 Business and secretarial schoolsT
611411 Business and secretarial schools, private sector
611412 Business and secretarial schools, public sector
61142 Computer training schoolsT
611421 Computer training schools, private sector
611422 Computer training schools, public sector
61143 Management training schoolsT
611431 Management training schools, private sector
611432 Management training schools, public sector
6115 Trade schoosT
61151 Trade schoolsT
611511 Trade schools, private sector
611512 Trade schools, public sector


6116 Other educational servicesT
61161 Fine arts schoolsT
611611 Fine arts schools, private sector
611612 Fine arts schools, public sector
61162 Sports schoolsT
611621 Sports schools, private sector
611622 Sports schools, public sector
61163 Language schoolsT
611631 Language schools, private sector
611632 Language schools, public sector
61169 Other educational servicesT
611691 Private tutor services
611698 Other educational services, private sector
611699 Other educational services, public sector
6117 Educational support servicesT
61171 Educational support servicesT
611710 Educational support services

62 Health care and social assistance servicesT

621 Outpatient medical services and related servicesT

6211 Medical doctors officesT
62111 Medical doctors officesT
621111 General practice offices, private sector

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
621112 General practice offices, public sector
621113 Specialized medical offices, private sector
621114 Specialized medical offices, public sector
621115 Medical clinics, private sector
621116 Medical clinics, public sector
6212 Dental officesT
62121 Dental officesT
621211 Dental offices, private sector
621212 Dental offices, public sector
6213 Other health care officesT
62131 Chiropractic officesT
621311 Chiropractic offices, private sector
621312 Chiropractic offices, public sector
62132 Optometry officesT
621320 Optometry offices
62133 Psychology officesT
621331 Psychology offices, private sector
621332 Psychology offices, public sector
62134 Audiology and occupational, physical and speech therapy officesT
621341 Audiology and occupational, physical and speech therapy offices,
private sector
621342 Audiology and occupational, physical and speech therapy offices,
public sector
62139 Other health care officesT
621391 Nutritionists and dietitians offices, private sector
621392 Nutritionists and dietitians offices, public sector


621398 Other health care offices, private sector
621399 Other health care offices, public sector
6214 Outpatient care centersT
62141 Family planning centersT
621411 Family planning centers, private sector
621412 Family planning centers, public sector
62142 Outpatient mental health and addiction care centersT
621421 Outpatient mental health and addiction care centers, private sector
621422 Outpatient mental health and addiction care centers, public sector
62149 Other outpatient care centersT
621491 Other outpatient care centers, private sector
621492 Other outpatient care centers, public sector
6215 Medical and diagnostic laboratoriesT
62151 Medical and diagnostic laboratoriesT
621511 Medical and diagnostic laboratories, private sector
621512 Medical and diagnostic laboratories, public sector
6216 Home nursing servicesT
62161 Home nursing servicesT
621610 Home nursing services
6219 Ambulance services, organ banks and other medical treatment ancillary servicesT
62191 Ambulance servicesT
621910 Ambulance services
62199 Organ and blood banks and other medical treatment ancillary servicesT
621991 Organ and blood banks and other medical treatment ancillary
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

services, private sector

621992 Organ and blood banks and other medical treatment ancillary
services, public sector

622 HospitalsT
6221 General hospitalsT
62211 General hospitalsT
622111 General hospitals, private sector
622112 General hospitals, public sector
6222 Psychiatric and addiction hospitalsT
62221 Psychiatric and addiction hospitalsT
622211 Psychiatric and addiction hospitals, private sector
622212 Psychiatric and addiction hospitals, public sector
6223 Other medical specialties hospitalsT
62231 Other medical specialties hospitalsT
622311 Other medical specialties hospitals, private sector
622312 Other medical specialties hospitals, public sector

623 Social assistance and health care residential facilitiesT

6231 Residential facilities with nursing care for convalescent, in rehabilitation, incurable
and terminal patientsT
62311 Residential facilities with nursing care for convalescent, in rehabilitation,
incurable and terminal patientsT
623111 Residential facilities with nursing care for convalescent,
in rehabilitation, incurable and terminal patients, private sector
623112 Residential facilities with nursing care for convalescent,
in rehabilitation, incurable and terminal patients, public sector

6232 Residential care facilities for persons with mental retardation, mental disorder
and addictionsT
62321 Residential care facilities for persons with mental retardationT
623211 Residential care facilities for persons with mental retardation,
private sector
623212 Residential care facilities for persons with mental retardation,
public sector
62322 Residential care facilities for persons with mental disorder and addictionsT
623221 Residential care facilities for persons with mental disorder
and addictions, private sector
623222 Residential care facilities for persons with mental disorder
and addictions, public sector
6233 Rest homes and other residential care facilities for the elderlyT
62331 Rest homes and other residential care facilities for the elderlyT
623311 Rest homes and other residential care facilities for the elderly,
private sector
623312 Rest homes and other residential care facilities for the elderly,
public sector
6239 Orphanages and other social assistance residential care facilitiesT
62399 Orphanages and other social assistance residential care facilitiesT
623991 Orphanages and other social assistance residential care facilities,
private sector
623992 Orphanages and other social assistance residential care facilities,
public sector

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
624 Other social assistance servicesT
6241 Guidance and social work servicesT
62411 Guidance and social work services for children and the youthT
624111 Guidance and social work services for children and the youth,
private sector
624112 Guidance and social work services for children and the youth,
public sector
62412 Attention and day care centers for the elderly and persons with disabilitiesT
624121 Attention and day care centers for the elderly and persons
with disabilities, private sector
624122 Attention and day care centers for the elderly and persons
with disabilities, public sector
62419 Other guidance and social work servicesT
624191 Self-help organizations for alcoholics and persons
with other addictions
624198 Other guidance and social work services, private sector
624199 Other guidance and social work services, public sector
6242 Community food, housing and emergency servicesT
62421 Community food servicesT
624211 Community food services, private sector
624212 Community food services, public sector
62422 Community temporary sheltersT
624221 Community temporary shelters, private sector
624222 Community temporary shelters, public sector


62423 Community emergency servicesT
624231 Community emergency services, private sector
624232 Community emergency services, public sector
6243 Job training services for unemployed, underemployed or disabled personsT
62431 Job training services for unemployed, underemployed or disabled personsT
624311 Job training services for unemployed, underemployed or disabled
persons, private sector
624312 Job training services for unemployed, underemployed or disabled
persons, public sector
6244 NurseriesT
62441 NurseriesT
624411 Nurseries, private sector
624412 Nurseries, public sector

71 Cultural and sporting recreation services and other recreational servicesT

711 Artistic, cultural and sporting services, and other related servicesT
7111 Performing arts companies and groupsT
71111 Theater companiesT
711111 Theater companies, private sector
711112 Theater companies, public sector
71112 Dance companiesT
711121 Dance companies, private sector
711122 Dance companies, public sector
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

71113 Singers and musical groupsT

711131 Singers and musical groups, private sector
711132 Singers and musical groups, public sector
71119 Other performing arts companies and groupsT
711191 Other performing arts companies and groups, private sector
711192 Other performing arts companies and groups, public sector
7112 Professional athletes and sports teamsT
71121 Professional athletes and sports teamsT
711211 Professional athletes
711212 Professional sports teams
7113 Promoters of performing arts, sports and similar eventsT
71131 Promoters of performing arts, sports and similar events with facilitiesT
711311 Promoters of performing arts, sports and similar events
with facilities, private sector
711312 Promoters of performing arts, sports and similar events
with facilities, public sector
71132 Promoters of performing arts, sports and similar events without facilitiesT
711320 Promoters of performing arts, sports and similar events
without facilities
7114 Agents and managers for artists, athletes and similar figuresT
71141 Agents and managers for artists, athletes and similar figuresT
711410 Agents and managers for artists, athletes and similar figures
7115 Independent artists, writers and techniciansT
71151 Independent artists, writers and techniciansT
711510 Independent artists, writers and technicians


712 Museums, historical sites, zoos and similar institutionsT
7121 Museums, historical sites, zoos and similar institutionsT
71211 MuseumsT
712111 Museums, private sector
712112 Museums, public sector
71212 Historical sitesT
712120 Historical sites
71213 Botanical gardens and zoosT
712131 Botanical gardens and zoos, private sector
712132 Botanical gardens and zoos, public sector
71219 Caves, natural parks and other national cultural heritage sitesT
712190 Caves, natural parks and other national cultural heritage sites

713 Amusement services in recreational facilities and other recreational servicesT

7131 Amusement parks and arcadesT
71311 Amusement and theme parksT
713111 Amusement and theme parks, private sector
713112 Amusement and theme parks, public sector
713113 Water parks and hot springs, private sector
713114 Water parks and hot springs, public sector
71312 Amusement arcadesT
713120 Amusement arcades
7132 Casinos, lotteries and other gambling servicesT
71321 CasinosT

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
713210 Casinos
71329 Lotteries and other gambling servicesT
713291 Sale of lottery tickets, sports bets and other games of chance tickets
713299 Other gambling services
7139 Other recreational servicesT
71391 Golf coursesT
713910 Golf courses
71392 Skiing facilitiesT
713920 Skiing facilities
71393 Tourist marinasT
713930 Tourist marinas
71394 Sports clubs and fitness centersT
713941 Sports clubs, private sector
713942 Sports clubs, public sector
713943 Fitness centers, private sector
713944 Fitness centers, public sector
71395 Bowling centersT
713950 Bowling centers
71399 Other recreational servicesT
713991 Billiard rooms and parlors
713992 Amateur clubs or leagues
713998 Other recreational services, private sector
713999 Other recreational services, public sector


72 Temporary accommodation services and food and beverage preparation servicesT

721 Temporary accommodation servicesT

7211 Hotels, motels and similar facilitiesT
72111 Hotels and motels, except casino hotelsT
721111 Hotels with other integrated services
721112 Hotels without other integrated services
721113 Motels
72112 Casino hotelsT
721120 Casino hotels
72119 Cottages, villas and similar facilitiesT
721190 Cottages, villas and similar facilities
7212 Recreational camps and lodgingsT
72121 Recreational camps and lodgingsT
721210 Recreational camps and lodgings
7213 Rooming and boarding houses, and furnished apartments and houses
with maid servicesT
72131 Rooming and boarding houses, and furnished apartments and houses
with maid servicesT
721311 Rooming and boarding houses
721312 Furnished apartments and houses with maid services

722 Food and beverage preparation servicesT

7223 Food catering servicesT
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

72231 Food catering services for businesses and institutionsT

722310 Food catering services for businesses and institutions
72232 Food catering services for special eventsT
722320 Food catering services for special events
72233 Mobile food servicesT
722330 Mobile food services
7224 Nightclubs, bars and similar drinking placesT
72241 Nightclubs, bars and similar drinking placesT
722411 Nightclubs, discotheques and similar drinking places
722412 Bars and similar drinking places
7225 Food and alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages preparation servicesT
72251 Food and alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages preparation servicesT
722511 A la carte or multi-course restaurants
722512 Fish and seafood restaurants
722513 Snacks (antojitos) restaurants
722514 Tacos and sandwiches restaurants
722515 Cafeterias, soda fountains, ice cream parlours and similar restaurants
722516 Self-service restaurants
722517 Pizzas, hamburgers, hot dogs and roasted chicken
take-out restaurants
722518 Other take-out restaurants
722519 Other food preparation services for immediate consumption


81 Other services, except government activitiesT

811 Repair and maintenance servicesT

8111 Repair and maintenance of automobiles and trucksT
81111 Mechanical and electrical repair of automobiles and trucksT
811111 General mechanical repair for automobiles and trucks
811112 Electrical system repair for automobiles and trucks
811113 Motor parts rectification for automobiles and trucks
811114 Transmission repair for automobiles and trucks
811115 Suspension repair for automobiles and trucks
811116 Wheel alignment and balancing for automobiles and trucks
811119 Other mechanical repair for automobiles and trucks
81112 Tinwork, upholstering and other body repair for automobiles and trucksT
811121 Tinwork and paint for automobiles and trucks
811122 Upholstering for automobiles and trucks
811129 Glass installation and other body repairs for automobiles and trucks
81119 Other repair and maintenance services for automobiles and trucksT
811191 Minor tire repair
811192 Washing and lubricating of automobiles and trucks
811199 Other repair and maintenance services for automobiles and trucks
8112 Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenanceT
81121 Electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenanceT
811211 Household electronic equipment repair and maintenance
811219 Other electronic and precision equipment repair and maintenance

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
8113 Agricultural, industrial, commercial and services machinery and equipment repair
and maintenanceT
81131 Agricultural, industrial, commercial and services machinery and equipment
repair and maintenanceT
811311 Agricultural and forestry machinery and equipment repair
and maintenance
811312 Industrial machinery and equipment repair and maintenance
811313 Materials handling machinery and equipment repair and maintenance
811314 Commercial and service industry machinery and equipment repair
and maintenance
8114 Household and personal goods repair and maintenanceT
81141 Household and personal electric appliances repair and maintenanceT
811410 Household and personal electric appliances repair and maintenance
81142 Household furniture reupholsteringT
811420 Household furniture reupholstering
81143 Footwear and other leather goods repairT
811430 Footwear and other leather goods repair
81149 Other household and personal goods repair and maintenanceT
811491 Locksmiths
811492 Motorcycle repair and maintenance
811493 Bicycle repair and maintenance
811499 Other household and personal goods repair and maintenance

812 Personal servicesT

8121 Beauty salons and clinics, public baths and washrooms, and shoeshine shops
81211 Beauty salons and clinics, and barber shops
812110 Beauty salons and clinics, and barber shops

81212 Public baths
812120 Public baths
81213 Public washrooms and shoeshine shops
812130 Public washrooms and shoeshine shops
8122 Laundries and dry-cleaning shops
81221 Laundries and dry-cleaning shops
812210 Laundries and dry-cleaning shops
8123 Funeral services and cemetery management
81231 Funeral services
812310 Funeral services
81232 Cemetery management
812321 Cemetery management, private sector
812322 Cemetery management, public sector
8124 Parking lots and garages for motor vehicles
81241 Parking lots and garages for motor vehicles
812410 Parking lots and garages for motor vehicles
8129 Photograph developing and printing and other personal services
81291 Photograph developing and printing services
812910 Photograph developing and printing services
81299 Other personal services
812990 Other personal services

813 Associations and OrganizationsT

8131 Commercial, labor, professional and recreational associations and organizations
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

81311 Commercial, labor, professional and recreational associations

and organizations
813110 Producers, merchants and service providers associations,
organizations and chambers
81312 Labor unions, associations and organizations
813120 Labor unions, associations and organizations
81313 Professional associations and organizations
813130 Professional associations and organizations
81314 Recreational activities regulatory associations
813140 Recreational activities regulatory associations
8132 Religious, political and civic associations and organizations
81321 Religious associations and organizations
813210 Religious associations and organizations
81322 Political associations and organizations
813220 Political associations and organizations
81323 Civic associations and organizations
813230 Civic associations and organizations

814 Private households employing domestic personnelT

8141 Private households employing domestic personnelT
81411 Private households employing domestic personnelT
814110 Private households employing domestic personnel


93 Legislative, governmental and justice administration activities, and activities
of international and extraterritorial organizationsT

931 Legislative, governmental and justice administration activities

9311 Legislative bodies
93111 Legislative bodies
931110 Legislative bodies
9312 General public administration
93121 General public administration
931210 General public administration
9313 Regulation and promotion of economic development
93131 Regulation and promotion of economic development
931310 Regulation and promotion of economic development
9314 Justice administration and security and public order preservation
93141 Justice administration and security and public order preservation
931410 Justice administration and security and public order preservation
9315 Regulation and promotion of environmental improvement and preservation activities
93151 Regulation and promotion of environmental improvement
and preservation activities
931510 Regulation and promotion of environmental improvement
and preservation activities
9316 Administrative activities of social welfare institutions
93161 Administrative activities of social welfare institutions
931610 Administrative activities of social welfare institutions

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
9317 Foreign affairs
93171 Foreign affairs
931710 Foreign affairs
9318 National security activities
93181 National security activities
931810 National security activities

932 Extraterritorial and international organizations

9321 Extraterritorial and international organizations
93211 International organizations
932110 International organizations
93212 Diplomatic seats and other extraterritorial units
932120 Diplomatic seats and other extraterritorial units

Relationship between economic plies) and provides photocopying services
activities and economic units (561431, Photocopying, fax, and similar ser-
In order to classify economic activities, it is ne-
cessary to know what kind of economic units car- If the respondent reports that the activity
ry them out (households, individuals, establish- which generates the most revenue in a one-year
ments, etc.). Implementing SCIAN in a statistical period is photocopying services, the economic
program requires considering the universe to be unit is classified in national industry 561431. On
studied. This universe is comprised by the eco- the contrary, if the activity which generates the
nomic units, which are determined according to most revenue is retailing stationery products,
the information of interest to be analyzed. There then it is classified in 465311.
is a close interdependence between economic
unit and economic activity, since one could not Exception criteria to the primary
be analyzed without the other. activity criterion

Integrated activities

An economic unit that carries out integrated ac-

tivities is the one that, under the same corporate
name, performs a series of sequential activities
to manufacture a product or to provide a ser-
vice, i.e., the output of a process or activity is
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

the input of the next step until obtaining a final

product or service.

In general, units that carry out integrated

activities are classified based on the criterion
that considers the final stage of production. For
instance, an economic unit that die casts engine
blocks and then machines those molds until
obtaining finished engine blocks, is classified
as manufacturing of engine blocks and not as
General criterion for classifying eco- manufacturing of castings. Likewise, a unit that
nomic units according to SCIAN forges blades for screwdrivers and then assem-
bles screwdrivers, is classified as manufacturing
In order to achieve the homogeneous classifica- of screwdrivers. However, there are exceptions
tion of economic units according to SCIAN, units to this general rule in the case of integrated ac-
that are engaged in more than one activity must tivities because the classification is oriented to-
be classified according to their primary activity, wards the production function. In these cases,
defined as the one that, in a one-year period, the production function was favored over other
generates the most revenue, or otherwise, the criteria, such as final production, because it
one that employs the most employees. is the axis on which the entire classification is
based as far as possible; it provides consistency
Example: to all of its parts.

An economic unit that retails stationery pro- Orientation towards production function basi-
ducts (465311, Retail trade of stationery sup- cally means that economic units that do similar

things in similar ways are classified together. Criterion to classify enterprises
An example of these exceptions to the final
production rule is the case of iron and steel Statistical programs that use enterprises (i.e,
mills. While developing SCIAN, it was decided group of establishments) to generate statistics
to define a single category for all of them, re- should follow a criterion to classify them, in or-
gardless of their final product, because in terms der to place data in categories as homogeneous
of investment, employees and all the elements as possible and to avoid inconsistencies. The
that participate in the production function, the criterion here presented consists in classifying
primary process is much more relevant than the an enterprise based on the highest share of
subsequent production processes, as second- Census Gross Value Added (VACB in Spanish),
ary rolling, manufacturing poles and tubes, etce- applying the top-down method.1
tera. Likewise, manufacturing paper in integrated
plants is determined as more important than The VACB is defined as the production val-
transforming paper into products, therefore all ue added during the working process by means
integrated paper mills, are classified as integrat- of transformation and creation activities from
ed paper mills, regardless of the final product. employees, capital and organization (produc-
This leads to more homogeneous production tion factors), exerted over the inputs in the re-
groupings. The same applies to glass manufac- alisation of economic activities. Arithmetically,
turing units, weft knit fabric mills and warp knit this value is obtained by subtracting Interme-
fabric mills, and most activities in primary and diate Consumption from Total Gross Output. It
secondary metal industries. There are also ex- is called gross because it does not make any

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
amples of service units, such as integrated pub- adjustments to deduct the consumption of fixed
lishing and printing publications, or integrated capital.
record production/distribution units.
It is possible to obtain negative figures when
Main exceptions to the classification rule ac- calculating VACB, in cases such as: auxilia-
cording to the final stage of production, already ry units, economic units engaged in non-profit
included in the descriptions of SCIAN Mexico activities (cultural activities, social assistance,
categories, are shown in Appendix A. List of ver- etc.), economic units that receive subsidies and
tically integrated activities. economic units in bankruptcy process. These
units are not considered in the classification
Combined activities process.

An economic unit that carries out combined ac- Procedure to classify enterprises using the
tivities is the one that, under the same corporate top-down method
name, performs several economic activities,
i.e., there are economic units engaged in two or The procedure to classify enterprises which
more activities according to SCIAN and rather have two or more establishments using the top-
than choosing which activity is the largest, it was down method is described as follows:
decided to keep the combination and assign a
place for it in the classification, since these com- 1. Identify all the establishments that comprise
binations happen frequently. The list of the main the enterprise.
combined activities, already included in the
descriptions of SCIAN Mexico categories, can 1
The top-down method procedure was taken up
be found in Appendix B. List of combined acti- from the International Standard Industrial Classifica-
tion, rev. 4, United Nations, New York, 2006, para-
vities not classified according to primary activity. graphs 123 to 131.
2. Consider the national industry and VACB the particular; it can be summarized in the fol-
variables for each establishment that com- lowing steps:
prises the enterprise.
1. Having determined the primary activity of
3. Apply the top-down method for every enter- the economic unit, the list of the 20 SCIAN
prise: sectors is reviewed, and one or more sec-
tors in which the activity is possibly classi-
a) Begin at the highest SCIAN level (sec-
fied are chosen. The content of every se-
tor), by obtaining the sum of the VACB
lected sector is revised, and if questions
of all the establishments classified in it.
remain, descriptions can be examined in
b) Calculate the share of the VACB, deter-
mined as the quotient of the sector total the published version of SCIAN. The review
divided by the enterprise total. can derive two possible results:
c) Identify the sector that has the highest
share of the VACB, which is the one as- a) Choose one (or more) sector(s), since
signed to the enterprise. apparently it contains the searched ac-
tivity, or
4. The procedure is replicated in a nested b) Dismiss those first options and restart
manner at subsector and industry group the procedure.
levels, until determining the enterprises
classification at the lowest aggregation level 2. If a sector (or more than one) was chosen,
used by the statistical program then the subsector that may include the ac-
tivity to be classified will be looked for. In or-
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

5. For every classified enterprise, variables of

der to do so, titles in every subsector within
economic interest are obtained, for exam-
the selected sector will be examined in de-
ple: employees, earnings, expenses, re-
tail. It may happen that the subsectors title
venue, fixed assets, etc., calculated as the
sum per variable of all the establishments per se does not allow choosing with certain-
that comprise the enterprise, in order to ob- ty; in this case, the description of every sub-
tain its levels. sector that may comprise the activity should
be carefully read in the SCIAN manual, until
Establishments control finding the subsector that includes it.

It is worth noting the Economic Census area 3. Once the subsector has been chosen,
controls economic units by establishment; each the classification process continues at the
has an assigned corporate name and is classi- industry group level. All industry groups
fied based on SCIAN, according to its primary that are part of the subsector will be read
economic activity. Additionally, it has set up an in the SCIAN manual, and, as in the sub-
Economic Business Code called CLEE, com- sector level, the industry group (or industry
prised by fields related to geographical location groups) that apparently includes the activity
(state and municipality), SCIAN national indus-
of the economic unit will be tentatively de-
try and units size, as well as to changes in each
termined, always considering that in case of
any doubt the industry groups description
Classification process should be further read.

General procedure to classify 4. When the industry group has been identi-
fied, the industry (or industries) where the
The classification of an activity in an economic activity to be classified is located should
unit is a procedure that goes from the general to be determined. By keeping the same oper-

ational principle, titles of all industries that the information of all activities carried out
correspond to the selected industry group in the economic unit is classified and pre-
will be revised, and it will be decided which sented.
industry contains the activity. Any hesitation
will require further consultation of the indus- c) Description. The description of every
trys (or industries) in the SCIAN manual. SCIAN category offers a more detailed
vision regarding its content. Most descrip-
5. The last step consists of assigning the cor- tions have a basic structure composed by
rect national industry, using the same ratio- three parts.
nale as in the cases above. Firstly, all the
national industries titles included in the se- The first one reads: Economic units
lected industry should be read. primarily engaged in... (otherwise noted
in Spanish as u.e.d.p., the abbreviated
A full reading of categories, important ele- form to be used in the following two parts
ment for classification purposes of those descriptions). In this first part the
primary activity (or activities) of those units
Each SCIAN Mexico 2013 category, from sec- is indicated; in no case secondary activi-
tor to national industry level, is comprised by: a) ties are mentioned.
the numerical code; b) the title or name of the
category, and c) the description itself; in most, In the second part of many of the de-
but not all cases, an inclusion, exclusion, or both scriptions, other primary activities (or
may be presented. economic units) classified in the category

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
are specifically noted after the inscription
a) Numerical code. Every activity category Also includes: ..., since the title does
has a numerical code that identifies it. The not express it in an obvious way.
codes number of digits varies according
to the level. The third part of every description indi-
cates, after the inscription Excludes:...,
Code digits allow identifying the more activities (or economic units) that might
aggregate levels in which the economic be considered as part of the category but
activity is included. For example, national are actually classified in another (a paren-
industry 432130, Wholesale trade of foot- theses shows where), or else, activities
wear, is part of the following categories: that have some relationship with the ones
sector 43, subsector 432, industry group included in that national industry, and for
4321 and industry 43213. which it was considered convenient to
mention their location, in order to facili-
Codes have other distinctive features: tate the research of the correct national
national industry codes ending in zero industry.
indicate it is the only national industry of
the industry. Codes ending in nine, from Due to the above, a full reading of a descrip-
the subsector to national industry levels, tion implies reviewing not only its general con-
generally note the content of the category tent, but also those precisions about other ac-
is residual with regard to other categories tivities included in the analyzed category as well
within its same level. as excluded categories. Doing this full reading is
an essential step in the process of specifying the
b) Title. The categorys title or name quickly content of any category of the classification and
identifies the primary activity, under which thus classifying it in the correct way.

Consider the following example: of other general use equipment and
432130 Wholesale trade of footwear
By reading the descriptions, it is feasible to
Economic units primarily engaged identify the correct code for the economic unit;
in specialized wholesale trade of however, the respondent of the economic unit in
footwear. Includes: u.e.d.p. in spe- study has the knowledge on the activitys char-
cialized wholesale trade of footwear acteristics and how it is performed, therefore any
accessories, as shoelaces, dyes, doubts should be consulted with the respondent
and insoles. (in case direct contact is made), thus ensuring the
Excludes: u.e.d.p. in trade of indus- correct classification. It is convenient to pose spe-
trial footwear, regardless of the form cific questions to the respondent and to directly
of trading (435419, Wholesale trade observe the economic units characteristics too.

Classification process diagram



INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014











While classifying, it is common to ask if all Agricultural activities are characterized by
activities have a place in SCIAN, therefore it crop growing or animal raising with the objective
should be considered that all economic activi- of obtaining products for consumption, as well
ties are produced for sale in the market; either as providing raw materials to the industry.
free or paid for, either provided by the public or
private sectors, all activities, regardless of their Manufacturing activities are characterized
legal status, have an explicit or implicit place in by performing mechanical, physical or chemical
the classification. transformation of materials or substances in or-
der to obtain new products.
Likewise, it is feasible to get confused since
all activities are produced to be sold and it may Trading activities are characterized by buying
be thought that they should be classified as trade and reselling goods without any transformation.
rather than as agricultural, manufacturing or
services activities. For instance, orchards grow The principal component of services is hu-
their products to be sold; factories manufacture man capital; services are characterized by the
provision of intangible goods, even if the output
their products for sale; wholesalers and retail-
is tangible in some cases. In addition to their
ers buy products to be sold; restaurants prepare
intangibility, services cannot be stored and are
food to be sold. It should be emphasized that
produced and consumed simultaneously. For
even when the nature of all economic activities
example, when an architectural firm hands in a
is to produce for selling, i.e., economic units do
house blueprint to a client, what it is actually ren-
not produce to keep their production but to sup-
dering is a design service; when an economic
ply it in the market, it does not mean they should
unit leases computers for a specific time, what

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
be classified as trade. It is also convenient to
it is actually providing is a service because the
point out that it is necessary to find out: what
computer will return to the economic unit once
does the economic unit produce?, how does it the lease period is over; when a restaurant
produce it?, what resources does it use?, what serves a dish as ordered by the patron, what
is the purpose of such production?, in order to it is providing is food preparation services, be-
classify based on the production function crite- cause it was cooked for immediate consumption
rion. The intent is not only to analyze the final according to the clients choice; when a doctor
purpose for which the activity is carried out, but prescribes medication to the patient, the actual
the processes that take place before, during and service rendered is medical consultation.
after it is undertaken. In order to achieve this ac-
curacy level, the following features of the higher In order to illustrate the former, case studies
level activity groups were established: were elaborated. See appendices C, D and E.

Implementing SCIAN

Practical usefulness of SCIAN 2. By determination: when superior authori-

implementation ties in the hierarchical structure of an insti-
tution determine that the classification will
The ultimate objective of a theoretical classifi- be implemented in all programs under its
cation of economic activities is to be used and responsibility.
to serve the objectives it was created for; its im-
plementation in statistical programs inside and 3. Compulsorily: when the standard indicates
outside INEGI is the greatest evidence of it. In that a classification must be implemented,
order for the classification to offer the expected it becomes official and its consistent im-
outcome, it is necessary to implement it consis- plementation by the entire community
tently, considering the importance of the correct is guaranteed; it will also receive all ne-
classification of economic units does not lie in cessary support from the custodian of the
itself but in the data associated to the units. A classification, in order to ensure its suc-
more accurate classification will provide more cess.

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
reliable economic data to the user, which will
help in decision-making. For example, it will be The three implementation forms are correct
possible to obtain georeferenced data about the but the first two are limited, while the third is op-
units that carry out a certain economic activity; timal since it has universal applicability.
to calculate the concentration ratio of economic
units that perform a specific activity in certain Correct way of taking up SCIAN
zone of the country; to determine the number of categories for its implementation
economic units engaged in certain activity which
accounts for the largest number of employees In order to achieve the correct implementation
in the country, and to identify the tendency with of SCIAN Mexico, it is essential that institutions
regard to the performance of economic units (if do not combine:
they are growing, decreasing or maintaining a
stable trend) within a particular activity, etcetera. 1. Complete national industries, or parts of,
that correspond to different industries:
Forms of implementing an
economic classification For example, DO NOT COMBINE 561310,
Employment agencies with 561320, Tem-
There are three forms of implementing a clas- porary employment agencies.
2. Complete industries, or parts of, that cor-
1. Willingly: when the principal producer of respond to different industry groups:
economic statistics disseminates data with
the structure of a classification and the rest For example, DO NOT COMBINE 31131,
of the community, users of that informa- Sugar manufacturing with 31199, Other
tion, adopts the classification naturally. food manufacturing.

3. Complete industry groups, or parts of, that Agreement regarding the use of SCIAN.
correspond to different subsectors: Official Journal of the Federation (DOF)

For example, DO NOT COMBINE 1125, The official standard of the National System of
Aquaculture with 1141, Fishing. Statistical and Geographical Information estab-
lishes the North American Industry Classification
4. Complete subsectors, or parts of, that cor- System (SCIAN) as the mandatory classification
respond to different sectors: for State Units that produce economic statistics.
This agreement was issued on July 10th, 2009 in
For example, DO NOT COMBINE 541, the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) and
Professional, scientific, and technical ser- it indicates SCIAN should be adopted in a period
vices with 561, Business support services. of no longer than three years after the entry into
force of the standard.
Additionally, institutions that publish data
based on SCIAN must use the structure of the Fulfillment of the Agreement
classification as it is, i.e., they should not modifiy
codes, titles or descriptions. Even if institutions Based on the determination above, compliance
are unable to publish data at the most detailed of SCIANs mandatory standard is a responsi-
SCIAN level because of the nature of their proj- bility shared between State Units and INEGI.
ects, they could publish data at higher levels but State Units are directly responsible to fulfill the
always taking into account that codes, titles or mandatory standard from the very moment they
descriptions cannot be altered. collect or disseminate information with the clas-
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

sification. INEGI fulfills the mandatory standard

by promoting and providing SCIAN; i.e., the Ins-
Official standard
titute, as coordinator of the SNIEG, drives the
use of the classification and makes tools avail-
On April 7th, 2006, the decree which amended
able for State Units in order to facilitate its imple-
article 26 of the Constitution was issued in the
mentation, like:
Official Journal of the Federation; a B para-
graph was added stating the State will count on
Publishing the SCIAN Manual.
a National System of Statistical and Geographi-
cal Information (SNIEG, in Spanish) and the res- Publishing the SCIAN Methodological
ponsibility for regulating and coordinating it will Synthesis.
be undertaken by an organization with technical
SCIAN brochure.
and management autonomy, legal personality
and patrimony of its own. Correspondence tables between SCIAN
and other classifications.
These changes led to issuing the National
System of Statistical and Geographical Informa- SCIAN browser.
tion Law (LSNIEG in Spanish); it was published Official Journal of the Federation.
in the Official Journal of the Federation on April
16th, 2008. Articles 3, 4, 8, 23, 30, 32, 33, 35, 55 National System of Statistical and Geo-
and 58 point out INEGIs obligations as regula- graphical Information Law.
tory institution, and the obligations of State Units
as providers of economic statistics for fulfilling These tools are available in the following link:
SCIAN mandatory standard. Further consulting
of reference articles is recommended.

Additionally, Institutions are supported with: operate updating SCIAN, and of users interest-
ed in improving it.
SCIAN introductory courses and work-
shops. Commitment from INEGI areas that generate
Advice or support for the development economic data
of the correspondence tables between
SCIAN and the classification in use. SCIAN implementation at INEGI implied the
adoption by all areas that produce economic
The goal of the Agreement is for SCIAN to data, not only of a new set of codes and names
become the basis for the generation, presen- of activities, but of the entire conceptual frame-
tation and dissemination of all of the countrys work that supports the classification. Adoption
economic statistics, which will allow standardiz- was comprehensive and work among areas has
ing and harmonizing economic information pro- a permanent character so the outcome from the
duced in Mexican territory, as well as facilitating several programs may be compared to keep
the comparison of the information generated consistency, coherence and complementarity
both in Mexico and in the countries in the North among them.
American region, thus meeting the users needs
regarding the Information of National Interest. Adopting the same conceptual framework
means, among other important aspects, to use
INEGIs statistical programs such as the Eco- the same objects of study, the same classifica-
nomic and Population and Housing Censuses, tion criteria, the same concepts in the same way,
National Accounts, National Producer and Con- and to name different concepts in a different

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
sumer Price Indices, and Economic and Demo- form, by agreement among all areas. In general,
graphic Surveys, are already generating infor- SCIAN implementation resulted in the respect
mation based on the SCIAN structure. of common standards for all developed and
agreed by all areas in the context of the new
To the extent that all of the countrys State classification, which allows standardizing pro-
Units that produce and use economic statistics cedures to generate economic statistics as well
adopt SCIAN Mexico, the advantages of using as consistency, comparability and complemen-
an updated and conceptually comparable clas- tarity of results.
sification among the three countries will be most
significant. Strategies for SCIAN
Implementation process at INEGI
Unification of economic statistics based on
As noted above, in addition of pursuing com- SCIAN required coordinated actions in order
parability among statistics in Canada, the Unit- to achieve the implementation that guaranteed
ed States and Mexico, SCIAN was developed such standardization.
with the goal of unifying, for the first time, the
economic statistics generated in all of INEGIs The existence of different classifications for
areas, in order to attain the production of com- different programs at INEGI had allowed that
plementary and comparable data. changes in the classification met very specific
needs, according to criteria elaborated by in-
Reaching those objectives requires: integral dependent areas. Therefore, implementation
implementation of the new classification by of a single classification of activities implied a
means of joint work among producers of eco- challenge for the Institute regarding the devel-
nomic statistics; participation of experts that co- opment of a classification system with the nec-

essary features to cover requirements of all 6. Coordinate and participate, if necessary,
programs, and the responsibility to carry out the in redesigning the raw materials and
implementation process in a way that guaran- product catalogs according to SCIAN, to
teed its functionality in each one. keep them updated.

Central efforts of the custodian of SCIAN for 7. Review work schedules as well as the
its implementation progress attained in implementing SCIAN
by different users.
INEGI is the custodian of SCIAN in Mexico and
promotes the following efforts toward the imple- 8. Verify that the different users imple-
mentation of the classification: menting SCIAN apply it according to the
classifications development criterion.
1. Identify economic classifications that Standardization of concepts, criteria and
have been used in programs of the differ- standards in general and data comple-
ent users that will implement SCIAN. mentarity, largely depends on taking up
the agreed and published SCIAN criteria
2. Identify the correspondence tables1 re- during the implementation; therefore it is
quired in order to match SCIAN with na- important to have a close relationship be-
tional classifications used in the past. tween the area in charge of the develop-
ment of SCIAN at INEGI and the different
3. Identify the correspondence tables re- users implementing it.
quired in order to match SCIAN with simi-
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

lar international classifications. 9. Training activities. The depth of the

change is evident, the very definition of
4. Support the development of correspon- a large amount of economic activities and
dence tables between the classification in their boundaries changed. In order for
use and SCIAN. users to adopt SCIAN, it is necessary to
train the staff of the area responsible of
5. Create working groups to review the cor- performing classification activities, con-
respondence tables in order to develop cerning both the structure and content
the official tables supported by users that of the classification and its conceptual
implement SCIAN. framework as well. Face-to-face or dis-
tance training courses on the classifica-
Correspondence tables help to compare in retro- tion are designed in order to meet the
spective by establishing links between SCIAN cat- needs of knowledge and management.
egories and categories from other, industry clas-
sifications, but under the following consideration:
10. Advising services. All questions regarding
correspondence tables are an important tool used to
compare statistical data collected and presented us- activities considered as difficult to classi-
ing different classifications. Correspondence tables fy, borderline activities, understanding of
between SCIAN and other classifications are, how- the conceptual framework, applicability of
ever, only a resource to theoretically link the classi- the classification, etcetera, are solved.
fication systems, i.e., to make them comparable at
a conceptual level, but they are insufficient to allow
data comparison in a practical sense, since it is not 11. Design and set up computer systems that
possible in every case to directly obtain values for help to identify the SCIAN category in
each part in which a SCIAN category is divided when which a specific activity, establishment, or
it is matched with another classification and vice ver-
product, classified, as the SCIAN browser
sa (except when the established correspondence is
among categories with exactly the same content). for instance.
Efforts of INEGIs areas for implementing 3. Define and agree upon observation units
SCIAN among all areas depending on the programs
universes of study, taking into account their
Implementing SCIAN required a great amount coincidences and differences, both in cov-
of work from all areas in order to fulfill all the erage and objectives. For example, if the
necessary tasks due to the change of the clas- Economic Census used the establishment
sification. Substituting the classifications in use as observation unit for a specific sector, by
for SCIAN was not a simple process, since a which the economic unit is classified accord-
change in the classification affects most aspects ing to its primary activity, it was not allowed
that must be considered for collecting and dis- that any survey or the System of National
seminating economic statistics. The different Accounts used the establishment as homo-
collection strategies are set out depending on geneous production unit as observation unit
the identification and grouping of the different (it considers as independent observation
economic activities. Therefore, implementing units those economic activities developed
the new classification forced the areas to: within the same physical location and under
the control of a sole property or controlling
1. Develop a SCIAN implementation plan in unit) for that same sector, since it would gen-
order to coordinate its actions; especially in erate incoherent figures among sources.
cases where a ripple effect is possible, for
example, samples of economic surveys are 4. Use the same classification criteria. Some
designed based on census data. aspects where agreements were reached,
are highlighted below:

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
2. Redefine their thematic and sectorial cov-
erage. Determine the detail level for which Definition of the observation units primary
SCIAN would be used. Not all programs activity.
used national industry level for publishing,
Boundaries among activities.
but rather chose the national industry, in-
dustry, industry group, subsector or sector Decide what should be done when, in a
levels, according to the nature and scope of single establishment, several activities
the program, as long as it would not combine classified to different sectors are per-
complete national industries, or parts of, that formed (in which cases more than a ques-
correspond to different industries; complete tionnaire will be applied; when an activity
industries, or parts of, that correspond to will be given priority over another).
different industry groups; complete industry
groups, or parts of, that correspond to dif- 5. Decide what should be done in cases of
ferent subsectors; complete subsectors, or horizontal or vertical integration of establish-
parts of, that correspond to different sectors. ments.
Statistical programs that presented informa-
tion at industry group or higher aggregation 6. Redesign the samples. Emphasis was
levels should also mention it specifically. In placed on the need to redesign the samples
all cases, special care was taken in order to used by the surveys, since the criterion, for
avoid surpassing boundaries in every SCIAN their development is that they should ac-
category, in order to ensure comparability. In count for at least 80% of total production
other words, all areas that generate informa- of every national industry in order to be
tion kept their right to publish data using the included in the sample, and owing to the
most suitable aggregation level according to change of the classification, establishments
their objectives, but respecting the agreed that formed the samples did not necessarily
restrictions among all areas. reach that percentage.
7. Redesign data collection tools (enumeration country, not only because of the change in the
forms, questionnaires, among others). The classification itself, but for all that it entails. By
definition and design of the questionnaires taking up INEGIs experience, SCIAN encourag-
applied to economic units partly depended es institutions to:
on SCIANs implementation.
1. Study SCIANs conceptual framework and
8. Redesign the raw materials and product ca- its use.
talogs for new national industries, as well as
the lists of generic activities. 2. Determine suitability of applying SCIAN in
their specific programs.
9. Define instruments that will allow users to
establish historical data comparisons. De- 3. Determine if implementation is required
termine the detail level at which time series starting from a clean slate or if it expects to
using SCIAN could be re-worked and the produce time series.
length of the period that could be backcast-
ed. Additionally, the implementation process 4. Define tools that would allow historical data
required a transition stage by creating paral- comparisons. Determine the detail level at
lel data series which consisted in providing which time series based on SCIAN could be
data expressed in terms of SCIAN and the re-worked and the length of the period that
classifications used before SCIAN, allowing could be backcasted. Additionally, analyze
data comparisons among two or more differ- the possibility of providing data expressed in
ent dates under both classification systems. terms of SCIAN and the classification used
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

before SCIAN.
10. Update processing, review and data analy-
sis procedures. 5. Identify the correspondence tables needed
to match SCIAN with the classification in
11. Adapt the data capture and validation systems. use, as well as the detailed level at which
the correspondence will be established.
12. Adapt the tables for data dissemination.
6. Define the observation unit or units to be
13. Perform training activities. Since classifica- measured in their program.
tions are everyday use tools, the staff in-
volved in all stages of any program that gen- 7. Specify if the information to be collected with
erates economic statistics must be familiar SCIAN must be consistent and compatible
with its classification; therefore, training the with the information collected by other insti-
entire staff on SCIAN had a predominant role tutions.
in implementation plans within each area.
8. Redefine their thematic and sectorial coverage.
The impact of the change in the classification
was significant for INEGIs data users; therefore, 9. Identify the suitable detail level for imple-
emphasis was placed on training for the staff mentation, as well as if there is any interest
involved in assistance to users, as well as on in implementing all sectors or some of them.
holding workshops intended for SCIANs users.
10. Redesign samples. In case of using sam-
Efforts of institutions to implement SCIAN ples, evaluate if implementing SCIAN will af-
fect the design of current samples in order to
Implementing SCIAN means a great challenge ensure they represent the universe of study
both for INEGI and other institutions of the under SCIAN scope.
11. Redesign data collection tools. in order to set up methodologies and con-
cepts, and to work in the complementarity of
12. Update processing, review and data analy- economic statistics.
sis procedures.
Increasing data compatibility among insti-
13. Adapt the data capture and validation sys- tutions: every adopted standard should be
tems. applied since they are the outcome of joint
work that must be permanent; it does not end
14. Adapt the tables for data dissemination. once the development of the classification is
finished. On the other hand, adopting agreed
15. Perform training activities. It is necessary to standards equals to accepting that particu-
replicate training on SCIAN for the entire lar standards that affect the comparability,
hierarchical structure that will use it, as well complementarity or compatibility of statistics
as for those who will be in contact with data produced by distinct institutions cannot be
users. produced.

In brief, adopting SCIAN means: Ensuring both conceptual and classifica-

tion homogeneity. All agreed criteria will be
Replacing the former classification. Reorder- explicitly noted in the corresponding SCIAN
ing data according to a different classification publication or in its complementary tools.
will be valid only for special requirements, for Likewise, the publications by all institutions
example to use the ISIC structure to achieve must explain the process followed concern-

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
comparability with other countries. ing classification criteria and the level chosen
to publish results.
Interpreting all categories in the same way.
Avoid arbitrariness, controversy and inter- It is worth noting SCIAN is a universal use
pretation mistakes in the classification of classification in the sense that it classifies eco-
economic activities. If an activity could not nomic activities trying to meet the majority of
be explicitly found, the category where it the data users classification needs; it is used
may be classified may be inferred. Neverthe- to collect data from several economic units, like
less, it is recognized that the use of SCIAN businesses, households and individuals, and it
in the countrys public or private institutions can be used for registering new economic units
may have distinct purposes, and thus, its by means of administrative registers. Likewise,
structure may be utilized at the suitable level it can be used by public and private sector insti-
for each program (provided codes, titles or tutions and even in programs for nonstatistical
descriptions are not altered), as well as dif- purposes, for example to compile the economic
ferent observation units and methodologies, activities in which the members of a chamber
according to their interests. It is essential to or association are engaged, or to detect those
establish collaboration agreements between economic activities where more lawsuits are
INEGI and the institutions as far as possible filed due to breach of contract.

Updating SCIAN

SCIAN is a regional classification because both Working process for updating

its development and update are a cooperative SCIAN
effort with Canada and the United States. The
1997, 2002, 2007 and 2013 SCIAN versions The revision process for every SCIAN version
stem from the trilateral agreement taken by the starts with a self-criticism stage by the area that
statistical agencies to produce five-year revi- directly custodies the classification; the objective
sions to SCIAN in order to avoid its obsolesence of this stage is to go beyond just modifying the
and better reflect the changing circumstances of current categories, in such way that the following
economies. procedure is designed: confirm the scope of tri-
lateral categories by comparing the contents of
INEGI is the custodian of SCIAN Mexico and SCIAN Mexico with the descriptions in NAICS
takes part in the regional sphere as member of Canada and NAICS United States, and as a
the Trilateral Steering Committee, coordinating consequence, confirm the framework of national
the tasks agreed by the countries to update categories in order to avoid trespassing the trila-

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
SCIAN, and in the national sphere it organizes, teral agreements; rescue the experience and the
coordinates and performs the tasks for updating revision proposals submitted by SCIAN users;
the classification. SCIAN Mexico version is the review scrupulously the content of categories,
outcome of the joint effort by the areas involved titles accuracy, and the terminology, congruency
in the generation of statistics, the participation and consistency. Questions regarding activities
of external experts (unions and institutions rep- that are difficult to classify are also considered in
resentatives, and business owners from several order to assess the explicit wording used for the
economic activities), and of the direct area in descriptions in the SCIAN manual.
charge of its development and maintenance.
The area that custodies SCIAN continues
Every updated SCIAN version reveals only the procedure by convening other INEGI areas
the tip of the work carried out by the staff from to participate, i.e., the census projects, surveys,
Statistics Canada, the United States statistical the System of National Accounts, and the Price
agencies and INEGI. Due to their effort, pains- Indices, with the aim of consolidating institutional
taking analysis, and spirit of constant improve- proposals that concern trilateral agreements and
ment, SCIAN remains updated to provide a sin- negotiating them during the trilateral meetings
gle framework for the collection, analysis and planned with Canada and the United States.
dissemination of economic statistics and to en-
sure, in turn, the users needs are met by SCIAN. Discussions between the area in charge of
SCIAN and other areas are relevant because
The latest SCIAN version is scheduled to go the experts on the operations of economic units
into effect for reference year 2013 in Canada, provide their knowledge and expertise in data
2012 for the United States and 2014 for Mexico collection, while those in charge of the economic
in INEGIs Economic Census, but the general classifications accurately indicate the clasifica-
public will be able to use it once it is published. tions scope and limitations.

Afterwards, meetings are held among Canada, ness to offer useful and valid products for users
the United States and Mexico in order to revise of economic statistics.
the classification, counting with the collabora-
tion of the classifications direct custodians who The contact with representatives from INEGIs
represent the statistical agencies of the three statistical programs and the aforementioned us-
countries. During these meetings, proposals are ers has multiple benefits, since it builds confi-
assessed and discussed, and trilateral changes dence in the project and support is obtained
are agreed with the endorsement of the Insti- based on valuable opinions during the updating
tutes Senior Management. process.

The next step consists of soliciting INEGI areas Type of revisions owing to updates:
that use SCIAN to submit proposals concerning
national detail categories; during this process, 1. Change of codes as a result of combining
meetings with trade representatives and business or breaking down categories.
owners from several economic activities are held.
2. Accurately adjust category titles.
For the SCIAN 2013 revision process, a Public
Consultation was added. INEGI, as the institution 3. Accurately adjust descriptions to address
responsible for regulating and coordinating the difficulties in terms of concepts, scope, or
SNIEG, undertook the Public Consultation to delimitation of the categories.
the Methodology of the North American Indus-
try Classification System (SCIAN) as part of Factors to determine updates
the classifications revision process for the 2013
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

version. During the process of updating an economic

classification it is important to clearly define
INEGIs Board of Governors determined the the expected outcome. It is recommended to
dates for the Public Consultation in the period analyze current and proposed categories before
from February 15th to March 15th, 2013, based and during the process, as well as to go over
on articles 77 fraction XVII and 88 of the Na- significant changes, considering several criteria
tional System of Statistical and Geographical simultaneously, in order to avoid losing sight of
Information Law, and numeral 5 of the General important aspects and to envision the impact of
guidelines for Publishing Methodologies used the decisions; i.e., if the decision made generates
by the National Institute of Statistics and Geog- the greatest benefit.
raphy to Produce Information of National Inter-
est. The Consultation was enriching from every Some elements to reflect on, in order to de-
perspective since participants included govern- termine the updates, are:
ment institutions, decentralized agencies, aca-
demic and research institutes, chambers and 1. Consider the possible problems when imple-
associations, organizations and enterprises, menting the categories in the statistical pro-
and spokespersons and technical secretaries grams, with the purpose of avoiding as far as
of the Specialized Technical Committees of the possible classifications which are conceptu-
National Subsystem of Economic Information ally perfect but difficult to implement.
and the National Subsystem of Geographical
and Environment Information. Richness of the 2. Corroborate the categories are developed
process results in a classification that blends the according to the classifications framework,
work of the Institute and the society it attempts otherwise they would become close fol-
to serve. This Consultation is one of the many low-up cases and the background reasons of
parts that articulates and specifies the willing- having developed them in such way might be

found or not; for example, there might be ex- 7. Identify the categories which exist in order to
ceptional categories or categories that have satisfy the needs of important specific users
been traditionally classified in certain way and therefore should be kept in the classifi-
and it could be that their data is being mea- cation, regardless of the economic data they
sured adequately in such way, or there might account for.
be an error which would imply an update.
8. Identify the categories that classify strategic
3. Identify the categories where the limits with economic activities and therefore should be
regard to the classifications framework are kept in the classification, regardless of the
so narrow that they cause problems for de- economic data they account for.
ciding their coding in one category or another.
9. Identify emerging activities which could be
important enough to deserve specific cate-
4. Evaluate the categories which are econo-
gories in the classification.
mically significant in terms of the number of
economic units, occupied personnel (em-
10. Analyze the direction of the categories in the
ployees) or other important economic va-
future: will they remain over time?, are there
riable; for example, the categories should be
expectations for their growth?, will they be
kept in the classification when they: substituted by other categories in the near
future?, are there external aspects to the
a) Represent more than X% of the total economy of a country which will exert an im-
number of economic units within the portant influence on the current categories?,
group of categories which form a certain etcetera.

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
level of the classification.

b) Represent more than X% of the total 11. Analyze the cost-benefit of producing time
number of employees within the group of series for activities whose data are of mar-
categories which form a certain level of ginal significance within the economy.
the classification.
Although there are no unique criteria but a
c) Represent more than X% of the total re- combination of them for updating a classification
venue within the group of categories which and these could vary depending on the catego-
form a certain level of the classification. ry being studied, it is important that decisions
made are stable, can be implemented and,
d) Represent more than X% of the total
above all, useful for data measurement.
value added within the group of cate-
gories which form a certain level of the
It is essential to consider that upon combin-
classification. ing or breaking down categories, data should be
retrieved as far as possible, since there will be
5. Confirm the categories dont cause confi- users that demand it.
dentiality problems.
In summary, SCIANs updates are conducted
6. Identify the categories which are useful for a not only to improve its contents but to solve im-
certain, specific statistical project and therefore plementation problems, as well as to contribute
should be kept in the classification, regardless to the improvement in quality of data presented
of the economic data they account for. using the classification.


The development and update of SCIAN has information whereupon users can develop se-
resulted a great challenge since it has been veral studies and make decisions based on more
complex and has demanded a lot of detailed detailed knowledge of our countrys productive
and hard work, but results have been reward- reality.
ing. The achievement of linking the interests of
partner countries to reach the objective would Theoretical investigations, as well as those
not have been possible if each commitment and conducted directly at businesses and in sever-
each part of the process had not been fulfilled, al trades representing the sector, have allowed
or if decisions had not been made by consensus knowing, in greater detail, the way activities are
both at the trilateral and national levels. produced, and in some cases, it has been pos-
sible to identify activities not yet developed in
Work done has not been perfect but it is per- Mexico, that are emerging, or that are exclusive
fectible, owing to the assessment of the level of for a country.
objectives fulfillment, the identification of causes

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
of deviation and by undertaking mechanisms for Long and illustrative trilateral meetings, de-
tailed revision of agreements and considerable
correction, mostly due to the feedback provided
exchange of email correspondence in order to
by SCIAN users.
get feedback and to refine the agreements have
been fundamental for the development and up-
In the context of the generation of economic
dating of SCIAN.
statistics, the experience in the development of
SCIAN is a really meaningful task: the develop-
Even when the implementation of SCIAN is
ment, implementation and revision of an industry
still in process, and the work process results in-
classification, that unlike other classifications, is
timidating, the results reached to date are quite
erected, as far as possible, upon a single prin-
satisfactory; society, in general, is embracing
ciple of aggregation the production function this classification. Universality of SCIAN has
criterion that provides consistency to its con- been proven by starting the implementation pro-
tents, thus becoming a guide for those that clas- cess in important institutions such as the Tax
sify and allowing to avoid arbitrary decisions in Administration Service (SAT in Spanish) and the
the classification of certain activities. This is an Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS in Span-
industry classification that detailed the service ish); SCIAN is characterized by its flexibility and
industries as no other international classification is successfully adapted in distinct institutions.
had done before.
Finally, once the final objective has been
Since the first SCIAN version, significant achieved, i.e. when the classification has been
progress has been reached in the quantitative implemented in several institutions, there will be
and qualitative aspects: a large number of ac- a classification of activities that will allow com-
tivities have been explicitly identified and this parability among all economic statistics gener-
allows statistical programs to collect and publish ated in Mexico.

Moreover, it is worth noting that INEGI recog- Commitment and responsibility
nized the value of the work accomplished by the Every SCIAN version is timely released owing to
working group who elaborated SCIAN, by giving the collaboration of people involved in its devel-
the 2004 teamwork award for the development opment and update.
of SCIAN. The values that lead the tasks of this
team are the following: Honesty
SCIAN is based on a single pre-established cri-
Teamwork terion that guarantees consistency and avoids
SCIAN is the result of teamwork since all parti- making arbitrary decisions; therefore the impor-
cipants share knowledge, questions, skills, and tance of the coherence between what is thought,
strategies and courses of action are set up in what is said, and what is done has been under-
order to reach a common objective: the develop- stood.
ment and updating of an industry classification
for the North American region. Learning
Knowledge acquired during the development
Customer service and updating of SCIAN allows sharing expe-
The development and revision of SCIAN fulfills riences with other national and international
customers requirements and expectations by institutions that face the need to negotiate the
involving them in the process through their pro- development of unique classifications among
posals and recommendations. institutions, or the challenge of adapting or taking
up reference classifications, such as ISIC.
Communication and respect
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

SCIAN acknowledges the importance of foster- Justice and professionalism

ing freedom of speech by allowing the contribu- The participation in the development and update
tion of ideas and information for its development of SCIAN allows people to contribute, regardless
and revision, as well as by establishing suitable of their hierarchical levels within the Institute or
communication channels and mutual under- before the working groups with Canada and
standing and listening, regardless of language the United States; all opinions are considered,
or different point of views. which allows dedication to teamwork.


INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
A. List of vertically integrated activities

21 Mining Knitted fabrics manufacturing integrated

with the manufacturing of knitted underwear,
Integrated mining and mineral beneficiating classified in 315191, Knitted underwear
activities (beneficiating includes crushing, manufacturing.
screening, grinding, magnetic concentration,
for example), classified in the corresponding Knitted fabrics manufacturing integrated
classes in 212, Metallic and nonmetallic ore with the manufacturing of knitted outerwear,
mining, except oil and gas. classified in 315192, Knitted outerwear
22 Electric power generation, transmission and
distribution, water and gas supply through
Obtaining sawmills products by means of
mains to final consumers
an integrated production process (the pro-
cess starts with roundwood and finishes with
Integrated electric power generation, trans-
manufacturing several wood products), clas-
mission and distribution (supply), classified
sified in 321111, Integrated sawmills.
in 221110, Electric power generation, trans-
mission and distribution.
Pulp (wood and recycled materials), paper
31-33 Manufacturing and paper products manufacturing in inte-
grated plants, classified in 322121, Manu-

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
Weaving carpets, rugs, baskets, hats, hand facturing of paper in integrated plants.
bags, ropes, decorative products of palm and
similar hard fibers integrated with the prepa- Pulp (wood and recycled materials), paper-
ration and spinning of natural hard fibers, board and paperboard products manufactur-
classified in 313111, Natural hard fibers ing in integrated plants, classified in 322131,
preparation and spinning. Manufacturing of paperboard in integrated
Sewing and embroidery thread manufactur-
ing, integrated with thread finishing, classified Oil refining integrated with the manufactur-
in 313113, Thread and yarn manufacturing. ing of petrochemicals, classified in 324110,
Petroleum refining.
Broadwoven fabrics manufacturing integrat-
ed with the manufacturing of linen such as Obtaining clay integrated with the manufac-
blankets, sheets, towels and bedspreads, turing of porcelain, china and pottery pro-
classified in 313210, Broadwoven fabrics
ducts, classified in 327111, Porcelain, china
and pottery products manufacturing.
Nonwoven fabric manufacturing integrated
Obtaining clay integrated with the manu-
with the manufacturing of textiles, classified
facturing of non-refractory bricks, classi-
in 313230, Nonwoven fabrics (compressed)
manufacturing. fied in 327121, Non-refractory bricks ma-
Knitted fabrics manufacturing integrated with
the manufacturing of linen such as blankets, Obtaining clay integrated with the manufac-
sheets, towels and bedspreads, classified in turing of refractory products, classified in
313240, Knitted fabrics manufacturing. 327123, Refractory products manufacturing.
Glass manufacturing integrated with the Integrated encyclopedia and atlas publishing
manufacturing of glass products, classified and printing in paper or electronic form, clas-
in 327211, Glass manufacturing. sified in 511132, Integrated book publishing
and printing.
Cement manufacturing integrated with the
manufacturing of products based on ce- Integrated directory and mailing list publish-
ment, classified in 327310, Manufacturing ing and printing in paper or electronic form,
of cement and products based on cement in classified in 511142, Integrated directory and
integrated plants. mailing list publishing and printing.

Prestressed concrete products manufac- Integrated database and other reference

turing integrated with construction site ins- compilation publishing and printing in paper
tallation, classified in 327391, Prestressed or electronic form, classified in 511142, In-
concrete products manufacturing. tegrated directory and mailing list publishing
and printing.
Primary smelting of iron integrated with
the manufacturing of iron, ferroalloys and
Integrated catalog, time scheduler, bro-
finished products, classified in 331111, Iron
chure, playbill, calendar, postcard, greeting
and steel mills.
card, lithograph and other materials publish-
ing and printing in paper or electronic form,
46 Retail trade
classified in 511192, Integrated publishing
and printing of other materials.
Coffee roasting and grinding for direct sale
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

to the public, classified in 461190, Retail

Integrated coloring book and map publishing
trade of other food.
and printing in paper or electronic form, clas-
51 Mass media information sified in 511192, Integrated publishing and
printing of other materials.
Integrated newspaper publishing and printing
in paper or electronic form, classified in Packaged software development and pub-
511112, Integrated newspaper publishing lishing integrated with its reproduction in
and printing. compact discs (CD), classified in 511210,
Software publishing, and integrated software
Integrated magazine, newsletter, and other publishing and reproduction.
periodicals publishing and printing in paper
or electronic form, classified in 511122, Inte- Integrated motion picture film and video pro-
grated magazine and other periodical publi- duction and distribution, classified in 512111,
cations publishing and printing. Motion pictures production.

Integrated magazine, newsletter, and other pe- Integrated music videos, commercials, and
riodicals (which exclusively advertise goods other audiovisual materials production and
or services), publishing and printing in paper distribution, classified in 512113, Music vid-
or electronic form, classified in 511122, Inte- eos, commercials, and other audiovisual
grated magazine and other periodical publi- materials production.
cations publishing and printing.
Integrated record (Compact Disc, Digital Vid-
Integrated book publishing and printing in pa- eo Disc or tape) production and distribution,
per or electronic form, classified in 511132, classified in 512220, Record production inte-
Integrated book publishing and printing. grated with its reproduction and distribution.
Integrated record (Compact Disc, Digital Television programming integrated with its
Video Disc or tape) production and repro- direct broadcasting to cable, microwave and
duction or distribution, classified in 512220, satellite system subscribers, classified in
Record production integrated with its repro- 515210, Cable or satellite television systems
duction and distribution. channel programming production.

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.

B. List of combined activities not classified according to primary activity

11 Agriculture, animal breeding and production, Agricultural activities combined with animal
forestry, fishing and hunting production and forestry, when it is not pos-
sible to determine the primary activity, clas-
Growing different oilseeds when it is not pos- sified in 111995, Agricultural activities com-
sible to determine the primary activity, classi- bined with animal production and forestry.
fied in 111129, Other oilseed annual growing.
Growing different when it is not possible to
Growing different grain legumes when it is determine the primary activity, classified in
not possible to determine the primary activity, 111999, Other crop growing.
classified in 111139, Other legume growing.
Cattle raising in any phase for both milk and
Growing different cereals when it is not pos- meat production, classified in 112131, Cattle
sible to determine the primary activity, classi- raising for both milking and meat production.
fied in 111199, Other cereal growing.
Combining cattle raising for meat produc-
Growing different vegetables when it is tion, milk production, and for both milk and
not possible to determine the primary acti- meat production, or for other purposes when
vity, classified in 111219, Other vegetables it is not possible to identify the primary ac-
growing. tivity, classified in 112139, Cattle raising for

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
other purposes.
Growing different citrus species when it is
not possible to determine the primary activi- Combining poultry raising (hen, turkey, duck,
ty, classified in 111329, Other citrus growing. goose, quail, pheasant, pigeon, ostrich) in
any phase for meat and egg production,
classified in 112390, Other poultry raising for
Growing different fruit or tree nuts when it is
meat and egg production.
not possible to determine the primary activi-
ty, classified in 111339, Other noncitrus fruit
Sheep raising combined with goat raising
and tree nut growing.
when it is not possible to identify the pri-
mary activity, classified in 112410, Sheep
Growing different vegetables in greenhouses
or nurseries when it is not possible to de-
termine the primary activity, classified in
Animal production combined with forestry
111429, Other non-food products grown in
when it is not possible to identify the primary
greenhouses and nurseries.
activity, classified in 112991, Animal produc-
tion combined with forestry.
Agricultural activities combined with ani-
mal production when it is not possible to Combining different animal species raising
determine the primary activity, classified in when it is not possible to identify the primary
111993, Agricultural activities combined with activity, classified in 112999, Other animal
animal production. production.

Agricultural activities combined with forestry 23 Construction

when it is not possible to determine the pri-
mary activity, classified in 111994, Agricultur- Architecture or engineering services com-
al activities combined with forestry. bined with construction activities, classified
in the corresponding national industries from Retailing allopathic medications for human
sector 23, Construction. consumption and chemical preparations
made by the establishment combined with
31-33 Manufacturing retailing perfumery products, groceries or
hygenie products over-the-counter or by
Quick printing services combined with pho- other form in pharmacies with minisupermar-
tocopying, binding and laminating services, kets, classified in 464112, Pharmacies with
classified in 323119, Continuous forms print- minisupermarkets.
ing and other printed products.
Retailing household furniture combined with
Metal structures manufacturing combined the retail trade of household appliances,
with construction site installation, classified classified in 466111, Retail trade of house-
in 332310, Metal structures manufacturing. hold furniture.

Metal parts coating combined with non metal Retailing carpets, vinyl tile, linoleum, wood
parts coating, classified in 332810, Metal floors, tapestry and the like combined with
coating and finishings. their installation, classified in 466311, Re-
tail trade of carpets, curtains, tapestries and
Railroad equipment manufacturing com- similar products.
bined with railways and rails repair, classi-
fied in 336510, Railroad equipment manu- Retailing glass and mirrors combined with
facturing. screen and frame assembling, and custom
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

glass cutting, classified in 467114, Retail

Maintenance, repair, conversion, and modi- trade of glass and mirrors.
fication services of recreational ships and
boats when performed by the same economic Retailing new automobiles combined with
unit (shipyards or similarly named units), the trade of new trucks, classified in 468111,
classified in 336610, Ship and boat manu- Retail trade of new automobiles and pickup
facturing. trucks.

46 Retail trade Retailing new automobiles and pickup trucks

combined with the retail trade of used au-
Department stores primarily engaged in re- tomobiles and pickup trucks, classified
tailing a wide range of products, such as fur- 468111, Retail trade of new automobiles and
niture, household appliances, sporting goods, pickup trucks.
etc. combined with food and beverage prepa-
ration and serving services for immediate Retailing automobiles and automotive parts
consumption, classified in 462210, Retail combined with repairing and installing ac-
trade in department stores. cessories, classified in 468111, Retail trade
of new automobiles and pickup trucks.
Retailing allopathic medications for human
consumption and chemical preparations Retailing used automobiles combined with
made by the establishment combined with the trade of used trucks, classified in 468112,
retailing perfumery products, groceries or Retail trade of used automobiles and pickup
hygenie products over-the-counter or by trucks.
other form, except in pharmacies with mini-
supermarkets, classified in 464111, Pharma- Retailing used automobiles and pickup
cies without minisupermarkets. trucks combined with consignment sale of
automobiles and pickup trucks, classified Packaged software development and pub-
in 468112, Retail trade of used automobiles lishing integrated with its reproduction in
and pickup trucks. compact discs (CD), combined with Internet
publishing, classified in 511210 Software
Retail trade using traditional methods com- publishing, and integrated software publish-
bined with Internet retail trade, other elec- ing and reproduction.
tronic media and other methods, such as
sales by television, catalogs and similar Exhibiting motion pictures combined with the
methods, classified in the corresponding retail trade of candy under the same corpo-
wholesale or retail trade industries. rate name, classified in 512130, Motion pic-
tures and other audiovisual materials exhi-
51 Mass media information bition.

Integrated newspaper publishing and print- Wired broadband and narrowband Internet
ing in paper or electronic form combined with access combined with web hosting, clas-
sified in 517110, Wired telecommunications
Internet publishing, classified in 511112, In-
tegrated newspaper publishing and printing.

53 Real estate services and tangible and intan-

Integrated magazine, newsletter and other
gible goods rental and leasing
periodicals (including those that only adver-
tise goods or services) publishing and print-
Renting automobiles without drivers com-

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
ing in paper or electronic form, combined
bined with its leasing, classified in 532110,
with Internet publishing, classified in 511122,
Rental and leasing of automobiles without
Integrated magazine and other periodical
publications publishing and printing.
Renting freight trucks without drivers com-
Integrated book, encyclopedia and atlas pub- bined with its leasing, classified in 532121,
lishing and printing in paper or electronic form, Rental and leasing of freight trucks without
combined with internet publishing, classified drivers.
in 511132, Integrated book publishing and
printing. Renting buses, minibuses and trailers with-
out drivers combined with its leasing, classi-
Integrated directory, mailing list, database fied in 532122, Rental and leasing of buses,
and reference compilation publishing and minibuses and trailers without drivers.
printing in paper or electronic form, com-
bined with Internet publishing, classified in Renting construction, mining and forestry
511142, Integrated directory and mailing list machinery and equipment without opera-
publishing and printing. tor combined with its leasing, classified in
532411, Rental and leasing of construc-
Integrated coloring book, map, catalog, time tion, mining and forestry machinery and
scheduler, brochure, playbill, calendar, post- equipment.
card, greeting card, lithograph and other
materials, publishing and printing in paper Renting transportation equipment with-
or electronic form, combined with Internet out operator, except road transportation
publishing, classified in 511192, Integrated equipment, combined with its leasing,
publishing and printing of other materials. classified in 532412, Rental and leasing

of transportation equipment, except road Security systems monitoring services com-
transportation equipment. bined with selling, installation and repair of
security systems, classified in 561620, Pro-
Renting computer equipment and other of- tection and custody services by security sys-
fice machinery and furniture combined with tems monitoring.
its leasing, classified in 532420, Rental and
leasing of computer equipment and other of- Design of landscape plans, landscape care
fice machinery and furniture. and maintenance combined with the con-
struction of walkways, ponds, ornaments,
Renting agricultural, fishing and manufactur- fences and similar structures, classified in
ing machinery and equipment combined with 561730, Landscape installing and mainte-
its leasing, classified in 532491, Rental and nance services.
leasing of agricultural, fishing and manufac-
turing machinery and equipment. 61 Educational services

Renting materials handling machinery and

Private sector primary schools with boarding
equipment combined with its leasing, clas-
services, classified in 611121, Primary edu-
sified in 532492, Rental and leasing of ma-
cation schools, private sector.
terials handling machinery and equipment.
Private sector general secondary education
Renting commercial and service industry
schools with boarding services, classified
machinery and equipment combined with
in 611131, General secondary education
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

its leasing, classified in 532493, Rental and

schools, private sector.
leasing of commercial and service industry
machinery and equipment.
Private sector technical secondary educa-
54 Professional, scientific and technical services tion schools with boarding services, classi-
fied in 611141, Technical secondary educa-
Designing and performing advertising cam- tion schools, private sector.
paigns by direct mail, combined with the
compilation, maintenance, rental and sale Private sector higher middle education
of potential client lists, classified in 541860, schools with boarding services, classified in
Direct mail agencies. 611161, Higher middle education schools,
private sector.
55 Head offices
Private sector schools that provide educa-
Holding companies that manage, oversee tion services corresponding to two or more
and hold the securities of (or other equity education levels (preschool, primary, sec-
interests in) other companies of the same ondary and higher middle education), clas-
group, classified in 551111, Head offices. sified in 611171, Schools that combine multi-
ple education levels, private sector.
56 Business support services, waste manage-
ment and remediation services Private sector schools that combine basic
and higher middle education levels and that
Combining administrative, janitorial, main- also provide, business, computer, manage-
tenance and security services, among ment and trade training, classified in 611171,
others, classified in 561210, Facilities Schools that combine multiple education
support services. levels, private sector.
Public sector schools that provide educa- Public sector theater companies that com-
tion services corresponding to two or more bine their activity with the rental of their fa-
education levels (preschool, primary, sec- cilities (theaters, auditoriums), classified in
ondary and higher middle education educa- 711112, Theater companies, public sector.
tion) classified in 611172, Schools that com-
bine multiple education levels, public sector. Production and presentation of theatrical
performances by public sector theater com-
Public sector schools that combine basic panies, combined with their promotion, clas-
and higher middle education levels and sified in 711112, Theater companies, public
that also provide, business, computer, sector.
management and trade training, classified
in 611172, Schools that combine multiple Production and presentation of dance perfor-
education levels, public sector. mances by private sector dance companies,
combined with their promotion, classified in
Private sector higher education schools 711121, Dance companies, private sector.
with boarding services, classified in 611311,
Higher education schools, private sector. Private sector dance companies, that com-
bine their activity with the rental of their facili-
Private sector schools that provide higher ties, classified in 711121, Dance companies,
education, integrated with other education private sector.
levels under the same corporate name, clas-
sified in 611311, Higher education schools,
Production and presentation of dance perfor-

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
private sector.
mances by public sector dance companies,
combined with their promotion, classified in
Public sector schools that provide higher
711122, Dance companies, public sector.
education integrated with other education
levels under the same corporate name, clas-
Public sector dance companies, that com-
sified in 611312, Higher education schools,
bine their activity with the rental of their facili-
public sector.
ties, classified in 711122, Dance companies,
public sector.
71 Cultural and sporting recreation services and
other recreational services
Production and presentation of musical per-
Private sector theater companies that com- formances by private sector singers and mu-
bine their activity with the rental of their fa- sical groups, combined with their promotion,
cilities (theaters, auditoriums), classified in classified in 711131, Singers and musical
711111, Theater companies, private sector. groups, private sector.

Production and presentation of theatrical Private sector singers and musical groups
performances by private sector theater com- that combine their activity with the rental of
panies, combined with their promotion, clas- their facilities, classified in 711131, Singers
sified in 711111, Theater companies, private and musical groups, private sector.
Production and presentation of musical per-
Private sector theater companies that pro- formances by public sector singers and mu-
vide dinner during the performance (dinner sical groups, combined with their promotion,
theaters), classified in 711111, Theater classified in 711132, Singers and musical
companies, private sector. groups, public sector.
Public sector musical groups that combine Professional sports teams that combine their
their activity with the rental of their facilities, activity with the rental of their facilities, clas-
classified in 711132, Singers and musical sified in 711212, Professional sports teams.
groups, public sector.
Private sector promoters that combine their
Production and presentation of circus perfor- activity with the rental of their facilities, clas-
mances, magic shows, skating shows and sified in 711311, Promoters of performing
other artistic performances not elsewhere arts, sports and similar events with facilities,
classified, by private sector performing arts private sector.
companies and groups, combined with their
promotion, classified in 711191, Other per-
Public sector promoters that combine their
forming arts companies and groups, private
activity with the rental of their facilities, clas-
sified in 711312, Promoters of performing
arts, sports and similar events with facilities,
Private sector companies and groups en-
public sector.
gaged in the production and presentation of
circus performances, magic shows, skating
shows and other artistic performances not Historical sites with museums, classified in
elsewhere classified, that combine their ac- 712120, Historical sites.
tivity with the rental of their facilities, classi-
fied in 711191, Other performing arts compa- Services provided in private sector amuse-
nies and groups, private sector. ment and theme parks under the same cor-
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

porate name classified in 713111, Amuse-

Production and presentation of circus perfor- ment and theme parks, private sector.
mances, magic shows, skating shows and
other artistic performances not elsewhere Services provided in public sector amuse-
classified, by public sector performing arts ment and theme parks under the same cor-
companies and groups, combined with their porate name, classified in 713112, Amuse-
promotion, classified in 711192, Other per- ment and theme parks, public sector.
forming arts companies and groups, public
sector. Services provided in private sector water
parks and hot springs under the same cor-
Public sector companies and groups en- porate name, except recreational services
gaged in the production and presentation in combination with temporary accommoda-
of magic shows, skating shows, and other
tion, classified in 713113, Water parks and
artistic performances not elsewhere clas-
hot springs, private sector.
sified, that combine their activity with the
rental of their facilities, classified in 711192,
Services provided in public sector water
Other performing arts companies and
parks and hot springs under the same cor-
groups, public sector.
porate name, except recreational services in
Professional athletes that combine their ac- combination with temporary accommodation
tivity with sports training or teaching, clas- services, classified in 713114, Water parks
sified in 711211, Professional athletes. and hot springs, public sector.

Presentation of professional sports events Golf courses that combine their activity with
combined with its promotion, classified in facilities to practice other sports activities,
711212, Professional sports teams. classified in 713910, Golf courses.
Yacht clubs that combine their activity with party rooms, classified in 722320, Food ca-
the operation of tourist marinas, classified in tering services for special events.
713930, Tourist marinas.
Preparing non-alcoholic beverages (coffee,
Bowling centers with billiard rooms, clas- tea, chocolate) for immediate consumption
sified in 713950, Bowling centers. combined with bread manufacturing, clas-
sified in 722515, Cafeterias, soda fountains,
Recreational clubs with facilities, classified ice cream parlours and similar restaurants.
in 713992, Amateur clubs or leagues.
Preparing coffee for immediate consump-
72 Temporary accommodation services and tion, combined with coffee roasting and
food and beverage preparation services grinding, classified in 722515, Cafeterias,
soda fountains, ice cream parlours and
Temporary accommodation in hotels that un- similar restaurants.
der the same corporate name offer a series
81 Other services, except government activities
of services (restaurant, bar, nightclub, disco,
beauty spa, ski tracks, golf courses, travel
General mechanical repair for automobiles
agencies), classified in 721111, Hotels with
and trucks combined with emissions testing,
other integrated services.
classified in 811111, General mechanical re-
pair for automobiles and trucks.
Water parks and hot spring services that un-
der the same corporate name provide tem-

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
Welding industrial machinery and equipment
porary accommodation, classified in 721111,
combined with automobile and truck weld-
Hotels with other integrated services.
ing, classified in 811312, Industrial machin-
ery and equipment repair and maintenance.
Temporary accommodation in motels that un-
der the same corporate name offer a series Laundry services combined with the rental
of services (restaurant, bar, nightclub, disco, of uniforms, linen and diapers, classified in
beauty spa, ski tracks, golf courses, travel 812210, Laundries and dry-cleaning shops.
agencies), classified in 721113, Motels.
Funeral services, combined with the trade of
Temporary accommodation services provided caskets, classified in 812310, Funeral services.
in combination with casino services, classi-
fied in 721120, Casino hotels. Photograph developing and printing services
combined with the trade of photographic
Food and beverages catering services for supplies, classified in 812910, Photograph
special events combined with the rental of developing and printing services.

C. Case study. Construction, repair, manufacturing

An economic unit is engaged in construction require facilities that may modify the foundation
activities as well as in metalworking machi- in which it is installed; if the required service is
nery manufacturing and repair, and it requires the mechanical repair of the machinery; if the
to be properly classified. Upon arriving at the installation, maintenance, or repair services
economic unit, the customer identifies several are carried out only for the machinery that the
construction tools and equipment, and asks if it economic unit manufactured and sold (as an ex-
provides metalworking machinery repair, which tension of the buying and selling contract), or if
it does according to the receptionist. The cus- those services are provided to clients that did
tomer, out of curiosity, asks if the unit also sells not buy the machinery there.
metalworking machinery; the receptionist con-
firms it does and the machinery it sells is fabri- Once these questions have been clarified,
cated there. The receptionist then conducts the the primary activity must be identified (the one
client to one of the engineers who explains the that generates the most revenue or the one
economic unit is engaged in manufacturing and that employs the most employees). Based on
repairing metalworking machinery; besides, it observation, there might be an idea of the cor-
performs diverse construction works necessary responding primary activity, but it must be en-
to install the machinery, such as the construc- sured since it will define the classification of the
tion of concrete bases to embed it, as well as economic unit.
maintaining or repairing that kind of machinery

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
foundations. The customer requests the repair If the primary activity is repairing the installa-
of the concrete slab foundation over which the tion where the large-scale machinery lays, and
machinery in question is founded, which is al- it implies modifying the foundations due to its
ready installed in the customers economic unit. size, the activity is classified in 238290, Other
building installations and equipment. This cate-
In brief, this economic unit carries out several gory considers initial construction work and en-
activities: largening or remodeling of the constructed base
for installing the machinery.
Construction works of installation, mainte-
nance or repair of machinery foundations. If the primary activity is repairing the me-
chanical part of the machinery, it is classified in
Mechanical repair of metalworking ma-
811312, Industrial machinery and equipment re-
pair and maintenance.
Metalworking machinery manufacturing.
If manufacturing metalworking machinery is
What is the corresponding national industry the primary activity, and its installation, repair
for this economic unit? and maintenance are part of the buying and
selling contract, then it is classified in 333510,
It is important to ask if it is large-scale machin- Metalworking industry machinery and equip-
ery or machinery that, due to its size, does not ment manufacturing.

D. Case study. Retail trade

An economic unit is engaged in trade activi- It should be noticed that this economic unit is
ties without transformation and it requires to engaged in several activities:
be properly classified. Searching for the best
prices on footwear for the family and own use, a Trade of new footwear.
customer goes to a place that looks like a ware- Trade of new orthopedic footwear.
house. Upon arriving, the client notices there is
Trade of new leather and fur apparel.
little display of merchandise and no access for
the public, and then asks at the reception desk What is the corresponding national industry
for five pair of shoes and a promotion catalog. for this economic unit?
The customer is informed that the unit does not
sell to the general public and only uses spe- Since several economic activities are performed
cialized advertising, i.e., customers are reached in this unit, it should be classified according to
via telephone, electronic media, or through fairs its primary activity (the one that generates the
and displays; it does not distribute flyers or use most revenue or the one that employs the most).
mass-media advertising. The unit sells footwear
If the units primary activity is the retail trade
to other economic units located in the Granadi-
of new footwear (except orthopedic), it should
tas market and to some shoestores in the 20 de
be classified in 463310, Retail trade of footwear.
Noviembre Street, in Mexico City; those places

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
do sell to the general public and customers are If the units primary activity is the retail trade of
able to choose the footwear of their preference new orthopedic footwear, it should be classified in
since a number of models are displayed, clients 464122, Retail trade of orthopedic products.
can try on the shoes, and promotional flyers or
showcases containing special offers are placed If the units primary activity is the retail trade
at the entrance. of new leather and fur apparel, it should be clas-
sified in 463216, Retail trade of leather and fur
clothing and of other goods of these materials.
The customer arrives at 20 de Noviembre
Street and walks to a unit where new footwear
If the products sold had not been new, but
for the entire family is sold, as well as orthopedic used, the corresponding activity would have
shoes, and new leather and fur apparel. been 466410, Retail trade of used goods.

E. Case study. Services

An economic unit named Fish and seafood What is the corresponding national industry
restaurant requires to be properly classified. The for this economic unit?
patron is attended at a table by a server, who
takes the order, serves the food and beverages Since several economic activities are performed
and checks on the clients satisfaction. After in this economic unit, it should be classified ac-
eating, the patron asks for the bill from the server cording to its primary activity (the one that gen-
who takes it to the table; the customer pays at erates the most revenue or the one that employs
the cash register and observes another client re- the most employees).
questing a fish and seafood order for consump-
tion off the premise (meal for take-out). If the units primary activity is preparing fish
and seafood for immediate consumption on the
It should be noticed that two activities are premise, it should be classified in 722512, Fish
carried out in this economic unit: and seafood restaurants.

Preparing fish and seafood for immediate If the units primary activity is preparing fish
consumption on the premise. and seafood for immediate consumption off the
premise, it should be classified in 722518, Other
Preparing fish and seafood for take-out. take-out restaurants.

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.

F. Official Journal of the Federation

DOF: 10/07/2009
AGREEMENT for the use of the North American Industry Classification System (SCIAN) for collection, analysis and
presentation of economic statistics

In the margin, a stamped seal of the Mexican Coat of Arms reading: United Mexican States. - National
Institute of Statistics and Geography. Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography, based on the provisions of
section B, article 26 of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, and articles 17, fraction II, 23, 54
fraction III, 55 fraction II, and 77, fraction XVII of the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information
Law; as well as the Seventh Rule of Regulations for integration and operation of the Executive Committees of the
National Information Subsystems, and


That economic statistics are fundamental to understand the economic situation of the country and for

That it is necessary to unify the use of classifications to facilitate the collection, analysis, presentation and
comparison of economic statistics, as well as for the appropriate integration and operation of the National System
of Statistical and Geographical Information.

That by the provisions of the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information Law, the National
Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI) is responsible for regulating and coordinating the operation of such

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
System, as well as activities related to production, integration, preservation and dissemination of statistical and
geographical information of National Interest carried out by State Units.

That INEGI will have to consider national and international standards, as well as the best practices in the
subject, and adjust statistical and geographical procedures in order to facilitate their comparison.

That based on the Institutes attributions, joint efforts among INEGI, Statistics Canada and the Office of
Management and Budget of the United States began in 1994 to develop an updated North American industrial
classification in the context of the Free Trade Agreement.

That in 1996, and by means of a signed agreement by the directors of the mentioned institutions, the entry
into force of the North American Industrial Classification System (SCIAN in spanish) was scheduled by 1997 in
Canada and the United States, and 1998 for Mexico, in order to provide a consistent framework for collection,
analysis, comparison and dissemination of industrial statistics used by analysts, professors and researchers, the
business community, and general public.

That due to the above, SCIAN is the basis to generate, present and publish all of the Institutes economic
statistics, and its adoption by other Units that also produce statistics, will allow standardizing and harmonizing the
economic data produced in the country, and therefore to facilitating the comparison of the information generated
by Mexico and by the countries in the North American region.

That to achieve the above stated, it is necessary that the collection, analysis and presentation of the eco-
nomic statistics generated or obtained by the State Units in their fields of competence, for their incorporation into
the National System of Statistical and Geographical Information, follow a single and mandatory classification,
that allows standardizing and harmonizing the economic data produced in the country, and hence the Board of
Governors of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography has issued the following:

UNIQUE- The North American Industry Classification System, as well as its updates, is established as the
mandatory classification for the State Units that generate or obtain economic statistics through the National Sys-
tem of Statistical and Geographical Information.

FIRST.- The present Agreement shall enter into force the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the Feder-

SECOND.- The State Units must adopt SCIAN in a period no longer than three years after the present Agree-
ment has entered into force.

THIRD.- The National Institute of Statistics and Geography will provide all facilities for the adoption of SCIAN
to the State Units and private sector institutions from which economic data is obtained.

FOURTH.- SCIAN is available through INEGIs website.

The present Agreement was approved in the Fifth Meeting of the Board of Governors of the National Insti-
tute of Statistics and Geography, held on June 22nd two thousand nine.- President, Eduardo Sojo Garza Aldape;
Vicepresidents, Enrique de Alba Guerra, Mara del Roco Ruiz Chvez, Jos Antonio Meja Guerra and Mario
Palma Rojo.

Aguascalientes, Ags., June 25th, 2009.- The information above is attested by the Deputy Director General
for Legal Affairs, Jorge Ventura Nevares, in the exercise of the power conferred by fraction IV, article 46 of the
Internal Regulations of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography.- Signature

(R.- 291759)
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014


INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.

Aggregation structure. Organization of activi- Classification system. Instrument used to

ties according to their higher or lower cohesion, systematically group and distribute, determined
based on an economic concept. units according to different characteristics.

Corporate name. Legal name of a business, Classifying activities. Ordering economic ac-
i.e., the registered name (it is not always the tivities according to a predetermined develop-
trade name of the business). ment criterion. To classify means to assign a
code to an observation unit.
Catalog. Instrument that presents a list of inputs or
outputs related to a specific category arranged in a Code. Symbol with a specific meaning in the
concise, ordered and systematized way. classification system; it represents a concept.

Category. Generic term used in SCIAN referred Combined activity. Development of several

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
to any level within the classification (sector, economic activities under the same corporate
subsector, industry group, industry or national name, classified in a category without applying
industry). Numerical codes are unique for each the primary activity criterion.
category and determine their placement in the
hierarchical structure. Comparability. Trait or attribute that allows
comparing two or more activities of common
Census. Statistical procedure that consists of nature. By sharing a common basis, SCIAN al-
collecting, processing, and assessing data re- lows comparing economic statistics of the three
lated to each and every one of the elements of North American countries. It should be noted
a population at a given time. Data collection is that SCIAN has conceptual comparability in a
undertaken simultaneously, i.e., data allude to a sense that, the same conceptual framework is
single point in time. Due to its nature, it is con- used as far as possible for its development: the
sidered as a broad coverage method. Censuses production process or production function, and
constitute a procedure to generate statistics that that limitations due to practical considerations
allow gathering information in each and every have been explicitly agreed or accepted by the
observation unit in the study population, which al- three countries. In SCIANs context compara-
lows presenting results about relevant aspects of ble means that the countries involved in the de-
the country, covering a wide range of geographic velopment of the classification, agree upon the
areas: municipality, location, Basic Geostatistical same content for trilateral categories.
Area (AGEB in Spanish) and block.
Completeness. Content of all necessary or pre-
Classification of activities. Arrangement of determined parts in the classification system.
activities in their corresponding place based on
predetermined principles to distinguish one from Conceptual framework. Structured set of con-
the other. cepts, with the purpose of obtaining organized

information for further explanation about the and resources for producing goods, trading mer-
evolution and structure of the classification. chandise or providing services, with or without
commercial purposes.
Congruence. Logical relation of the content
described in a classifications category with the Establishment. Economic unit which in a single
rest of the parts of the classification system. physical location, built in a permanent place and
surrounded by fixed constructions and installa-
Consistency. Correspondence of a classifica- tions, combines actions and resources under
tions category with the established criterion in the control of a sole property or controlling unit
the classification system. for producing goods, trading merchandise or
providing services, with or without commercial
Correspondence tables. Important tool used to purposes.
compare statistical data collected and presented
using different classifications. Correspondence Free Trade Treaty. Agreement by which two or
tables between SCIAN and other classifications more countries set up the rules or regulations
are, however, only a resource to theoretical- trading products, services and investments,
ly link the classification systems, i.e., to make without restrictions and under transparent con-
them comparable at a conceptual level, but they ditions; i.e., by means of clear rules, it is agreed
are insufficient to allow data comparison in a that products and services from member coun-
practical sense, since it is not possible in ev- tries may be imported or exported from each
ery case to directly obtain values, for each part without paying any kind of tax or duty.
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

in which a SCIAN category is divided when it

is matched with another classification and vice Homogeneous production unit. It considers
versa (except when the established correspon- as independent observation units those eco-
dence is among categories with exactly the nomic activities developed within the same
same content). physical location and under the control of a sole
property or controlling unit.
Economic activities. Set of actions and re-
Horizontal integration. Process whereby
sources used by economic units to produce
some enterprises grow horizontally and gain
goods or to provide services.
control over other enterprises that develop si-
milar activities at the same level in the commer-
Economic Census. Comprehensive recount un-
cial sequence.
dertaken through the register of the characteris-
tics of each and every one of the economic units
Industrial. This word, in SCIANs context, re-
in Mexicos productive sector. It is implemented
fers to all economic sectors, from agriculture
by applying a set of specifically designed ques-
to services.
tionnaires to collect individual data from each
establishment according to the activity per- Industrial Classification System. Statistical
formed in it. instrument used to systematically order infor-
mation about the units of a determined eco-
Economic units. Entities that produce goods nomy, in a way that reflects its structure and
and services, for example, individuals, house- allows analyzing it.
holds, and business.
Industry classification. Instrument which em-
Enterprise. Economic unit which under a sole bodies the activities to be classified, following an
property or controlling unit combines actions order according to a pre-established criterion.

Information of National Interest. Essential in- Primary activity. The activity that, in a one-year
formation used to understand real facts about period, generates the most revenue or, other-
the country, regarding demographic, economic, wise, the one that employs the most employees.
social, geographic and environmental aspects,
developed under a scientifically proven me- SCIANs custodian. Institution or area respon-
thodology, in order to support decision-making sible of developing, updating, publishing and
and the design, implementation and assess- disseminating SCIAN, as well as of making the
ment of public policies for the development of tools available for users that facilitate and guar-
the country. antee its implementation according to estab-
lished precepts.

Integrated activity. Set of procedures or ac-

Service. Change in the physical condition of a
tivities carried out sequentiallly under the same
person, or of a good belonging to some eco-
corporate name for manufacturing a product or
nomic entity, which is brought about as the result
providing a service, i.e., the output of a process
of the activity of some other economic entity, with
or activity is the input of the next step until the
approval of the former person or economic entity.
final product or service is obtained.
It is the output of one or more mans activities
that turns into an immaterial good. Services are
National detail categories. Categories that are consumed on-site, cannot be stored, transported
broken down from trilateral categories; they are or transferred, and they are often invisible.
created according to each countrys need for

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
specific information. Standard. Rule or order of human behavior es-
tablished by the corresponding authority, with a
value criterion and which unfulfillment implies a
National System of Statistical Information.
sanction. Generally imposes duties and grants
Data set produced by public institutions, orga-
nized in a predetermined conceptual structure
that shows the situation and interdependence of
State Units. Administrative areas with attribu-
economic, demographic, and social phenome-
tions to develop statistical and geographical ac-
na, as well as its relation with the physical envi-
tivities or administrative registers with the aim
ronment and territorial space.
of obtaining Information of National Interest re-
garding the Federal Public Administration, the
North American Free Trade Agreement. Ab- Legislative and Judicial branches, federal en-
breviated as NAFTA or TLC (by its Spanish ac- tities and municipalities, Autonomous constitu-
ronym), it is an agreement between Canada, the tional bodies, and Federal administrative courts,
U.S. and Mexico that sets up a free trade zone. INEGI included.
It entered into force on January 1st, 1994.
Statistical information. Set of quantitative re-
sults obtained from a systematic process of col-
Observation unit. Entity on which information
lection, treatment and dissemination of primary
is compiled.
data acquired from individuals, enterprises and
institutions about relevant facts for the study of
Office of Management and Budget. Office in economic, demographic and social phenomena.
charge of overseeing and coordinating the U.S.
Federal Governments procurement, financial Statistics. Set of systematic procedures to ob-
management and regulatory policies. serve, record, organize, synthesize, analyze

and interpret phenomena and their regulations Trilateral. Reciprocity that defines rights and
in order to predict or conclude about them. responsibilities for the three parties involved in
Statistics Canada. Canadian Federal govern-
ment agency commissioned with compiling, an- Trilateral agreement. Agreement signed by the
alyzing and publishing statistics on Canadas re- three countries that developed the classification;
sources, population, economy, society and culture. it implies the SCIAN level (sector, subsector,
industry group or industry) that is comparable
Supply-based or production-oriented prin- among the three nations, i.e., the three coun-
ciple, production function. Different combi- tries have the same understanding regarding
nations of factors, raw materials, techniques, the categories content and scope, which regu-
production equipment and machinery, em- lates their disaggregation.
ployees with different skills, facilities, etc. used
in economic units to produce goods or provide Trilateral category. It is the one in which the
services. Aggregations in SCIAN were made ac- three countries agree upon its content, and that
cording to similarities in economic units regard-
agreement entails not to surpass the boundaries
ing their production function.
when those categories are broken down into na-
tional categories.
Survey. Data set obtained by enquiring or ques-
tioning a specific number of respondents about
Trilateral Steering Committee. Group integrat-
a subject. Survey sampling is an essential tool
ed by representatives of the statistical agencies
to generate statistics from data concerning a
INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014

from Canada, the United States and Mexico, in

part or a sample of the population study.
charge of discussing and deciding on economic
classification issues.
System. Group of related parts that work to-
gether to attain a specific objective.
Value of production. Total value of goods and
Time series. Series of observations on certain services produced by a society, regardless of be-
phenomenon or experiment, sequentially regis- ing inputs, i.e., intermediate goods used during
tered in time. Planning requires foreseeing future the production process or goods consumed by
events that may occur. Foresight, in turn, is usual- the end-user. Therefore, it includes all products,
ly based on what has previously happened. without considering if they are designated as in-
termediate or final demand.
Trade bloc. Free trade zone that establishes
clear and permanent regulations for trade, and Vertical Integration. Arrangement where two
allows the growth of trade flows and investment, or more sequential stages of production and/or
as well as new employment opportunities and distribution of a product are combined under the
better standards of living. same control.


CMAP (Spanish acronym): Mexican Classifica- NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement.
tion of Activities and Products.
NAICS Canada: North American Industry Clas-
DOF (Spanish acronym): Official Journal of the sification System, Canada.
NAICS United States: North American Industry
ILO: International Labour Organization. Classification System, United States.

IMF: International Monetary Fund. SAT (Spanish acronym): Tax Administration Service.

IMSS (Spanish acronym): Mexican Social Secu- SCIAN (Spanish acronym): North American In-
rity Institute. dustry Classification System.

INEGI (Spanish acronym): National Institute of UN: United Nations.

INEGI. North American Industry Classification System, Mexico Methodological synthesis SCIAN 2013. 2014.
Statistics and Geography.
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scien-
ISIC: International Standard Industrial Classifi- tific and Cultural Organization.
cation of All Economic Activities.
WCO: World Customs Organization.
LSNIEG (Spanish acronym): National System
of Statistical and Geographical Information Law. WHO: World Health Organization.


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