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Dra. RA Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.

Lahir : Yogyakarta, 15 November 1964
Status : Menikah
Anak : 3 (2 kembar, laki-laki, 19 tahun, 1 perempuan, 9 tahun)
Alamat rumah : Jl. Babarsari no 9A Yogyakarta
Alamat kantor : Departemen Ilmu Perilaku, Lingkungan dan Sosial Kedokteran,
Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FK UGM)
Gd. IKM lantai 3, FK UGM, Jl. Farmako, Sekip Utara
Yogyakarta, 55281 (Tilp. +62-274-551409, Fax +62 274 551410)
Email :
NIP : 196411151997022001
Pangkat Gol Jab : IV A Lektor Kepala

Jabatan (saat ini)

Ketua Minat Utama Perilaku & Promosi Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat
Wakil/Sekretaris Departemen Ilmu Perilaku Kesehatan, Kesehatan Lingkungan dan
Sosial Kedokteran FK UGM
Director pada CBHP (Center for Health Behavior & Promotion)/Pusat Perilaku dan
Promosi Kesehatan FK UGM
Country site director of Quit Tobacco International untuk Indonesia (FK UGM)
Koordinator S1 dan Koas, Komite Perilaku Profesional FK UGM
Anggota divisi Penyuluhan dan Pendidikan Yayasan Kanker Indonesia, Cabang
Anggota Komisi Etik FK UGM
Peneliti Utama Impact of reduced in-home secondhand smoke exposure on low
birthweight prevalence and neonate health PEER Health USAID Grant
1. Staf Pengajar/Dosen/Pembimbing dan Penguji Skripsi (S1), Thesis (S2) /Disertasi
(S3) di :
Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat FK UGM untuk S1 (sejak th 1990)
Unit Bioetika dan Humaniora FK UGM (sejak th 1996):
Program Pasca Sarjana :
S3 FK UGM (sejak th 2007)
S3 FKG UGM (sejak th 2012)
S3 Pemberdayaan Masyarakat UNS (sejak 2012)
S3 FKM Universitas Indonesia (sejak 2012)
S3 FK Universitas Airlangga (2013)
S3 FKM Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang (sejak 2013)
Program Spesialis Mata FK UGM (sejak tahun 2006)
Program Spesialis Obstetri & Ginekologi FK UGM (sejak tahun 2007)
Program Spesialis Jiwa FK UGM (sejak tahun 2013)
Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat FK UGM (sejak th 1996)
Program Studi Kedokteran Tropis FK UGM (sejak th 2000)
Program Studi Kesehatan Lingkungan FK UGM (sejak th 2009)
Program Studi Kesehatan Kerja FK UGM (sejak th 2010)
Program Studi Pendidikan Kedokteran FK UGM (sejak tah 2006)
Program Studi Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat FKG UGM (sejak th 2005)
Program Profesi Psikologi Klinis UII (sejak th 2007)
Program Profesi Psikologi Klinis UGM (th 2006, 2010)
Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan (sejak th 2010)

Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Tinggi UGM (sejak 2012)
D4: Gizi, Kebidanan & Keperawatan UGM (th 2000-th 2002)

2. Pelatih & Peneliti di :

Pusat Perilaku dan Promosi Kesehatan FK UGM (sejak th 2000)
Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan FK UGM (sejak th 1995)
Pusat Bioetika dan Humaniora Kedokteran FK UGM (sejak th 2000)
Pusat Studi Pariwisata (Puspar) UGM (Peneliti dan Pelatih tamu) (2001)
Pusat Studi Transportasi (Pustral) UGM (Training Consultant) (2006)
3. Psikolog di RS Puri Nirmala (1989-1996) dan RS Happy Land (2007-sekarang)

Pendidikan S1 Dra - Psikologi (1989) Fakultas Psikologi UGM

S2 M.Si. - Psikologi Klinis (1994) Program Pasca Sarjana UGM
S3 Ph.D. - Kedokteran Komunitas (2006) Fac. of Medicine & Health
Sciences Univ. of Newcastle, Australia

o Qualitative Method in Health science (1992) UGM (one week workshop), (2002) Newcastle
University, Newcastle Australia (one day workshop) - Participant
o Publication writing workshop (1998) UGM (one week workshop), Newcastle University,
Newcastle Australia (one week workshop), The International Journal of Health Promotion, Health
Promotion Conference, Melbourne (2004) (half day workshop) - Participant
o Statistics Analysis Workshop (2003) Newcastle University, Newcastle, Australia (one day
workshop) - Participant
o Summer course on Problem Based Learning (1995), Maastricht University, Netherland (two week
workshop) - Participant
o Workshop on Addict-working with family, (2000) collaboration between Fac. of Medicine, UGM
& Dept of Social Medicine, Harvard University USA (one week workshop) Participant
o Workshop on Drug Use and HIV/AIDS Research Methods for Indonesia (January 2003),
collaboration between Fac. of Medicine UGM and Department of Social Medicine, the University
of Harvard, Boston, USA (one week workshop) - Participant
o Workshop on Smoking Project Indonesia and India Fogarty Project (May-2003) The University
of Minnesotta US, (January-2004) The University of Arizona US (one week workshop)
Participant & Presenter
o Brief Counselling for Tobacco Cessation a one day workshop (2004) The University of Arizona
Tucson - Participant
o Training on Cancer Prevention (May 2007), the American Cancer University one week training
Oakland, CA, the USA, and advance training on cancer prevention (February, 2008), the
American Cancer University four days training, Hanoi, Vietnam Participant
o Workshop on Data to Action: Building Blocks of Tobacco Control Research at the International
Conference of Public Health Priorities in the 21 st Century: the Endgame of Tobacco New Delhi
2013 invited participant
o Training on Qualitative Research at The National Research and Development Central Java
o The Sixth LINQED Lima Peru Workshop - Quality assurance in higher Education- Reflections on
student assessment, thesis supervision and curriculum development May 2014 - participant
o Asean University Network on the Health Promotion Network Bangkok Thailand (April 2014) -
o Asia Pacific Regional Capacity Building for HTA/Health Technology Assessment (ARCH)
Manila, the Philipines (April 2014), Bali (September 2014) participant
o GCP/Good Clinical Practice Training NIH Online course February 2015 - participant
o Science Diplomacy Training Academic of Science TWAS Italy Juni 2015 Trieste Italy
o Implementation Research Training Yogyakarta, Indonesia Desember 2015 - participant

Seminar di dalam (JEN dll) dan di luar negeri sebagai presenter dan nara sumber (APACT, IUHPE
Conference, SRNT Conference, World Conference on Tobacco Control, Medical Education Conference,
Second summit of Addiction, Conference on Education, Society and Psychology, Asean Bioethics

Publikasi (sebagai penulis utama atau co-author)dan reviewer pada jurnal nasional maupun
internasional (BKM, Makara Kesehatan, Kesmas Jurnal Nasional UI, Journal of Medical
Education (AIPKI), JMPK, Jurnal Gizi Klinik, Tobacco Control, Asian Journal of Tropical
Medicine, South East Asian Journal of Medical Education, South East Asian Journal of
Pharmacy, Asean Journal of Cancer Prevention, Chronic Illness, Global Health, Education
for Health Journal)

Keanggotaan profesi untuk nasional (HIMPSI, AISKI, IPK) dan internasional (IUHPE, SRNT,

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