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Department of Mechanical Engineering M.E.

11CD108 Plasticity and Metal Forming First Series Test
Time: 1.30hrs. Date: 22.08.2017 Max. Marks: 50 Marks
PART-A (9 x 2 = 18 marks)
Answer ALL Questions

1. What is the difference between elastic and plastic deformation? (CO1)

2. What type of failure criteria should be consider for designing of product made out
of ductile and brittle materials? (CO1)
3. Is it possible to have a material with Poissons ratio more than 0.5? Explain. (CO1)
4. State the main advantages of true stress-strain diagram. (CO1)
5. Define Stress Tensor. (CO1)
6. State: flow rules. (CO2)
7. When a brass tensile specimen, initially 0.505 in. in diameter, is tested, the
maximum load of 12,000N was recorded at an elongation of 40%. What would the
load be on an identical tensile specimen when the elongation is 20%? (CO2)
8. What is the difference between the plane stress and plane strain conditions? (CO2)
9. What do you infer from the term plastic instability? (CO2)
10. What is strain rate? (CO2)

PART-B (2 x 16 = 32 marks)
Answer ALL Questions

11. What do you understand by yield criteria? Explain the two yield criterias
commonly used? (CO1)
12. Explain Mohrs circle representation of a state of stress in two and three
dimensional with simple sketches. (CO1)

13. The following data pairs (load kN; extension mm) were obtained from the plastic
part of a load-extension file for a tensile test on a extra deep drawing quality steel
sheet of 0.8 mm thickness. The initial test-piece width was 12.5mm and the gauge
length 50mm.
Obtain engineering stress-strain, true stress, strain and log stress, log strain curves.
From these determine: initial yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, true strain at
maximum load, total elongation and the strength coefficient, and strain-hardening
index. (CO2)

14. Determine the instability strain in terms of n for a thin-wall sphere subjected to an
internal pressure P and also find the Maximum pressure relation. Assume = Kn.

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