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Letter from Barry..

Dear Friends,
I hope youve enjoyed the summer. While things in church have been quiet for the summer peri-
od and many of you have been abroad or up the north coast, well be welcoming everyone back
and kicking off for the Autumn season in usual fashion with our Back to School with God service
on 3rd September. This year Paul Cameron from Scripture Union Schools will be taking the ser-
vice which will also incorporate Sunday School Prize Giving and a chance to pray for our school
leavers as they take their next step.
The McCroskerys had a wonderful summer break this year visiting family and friends in Indone-
sia. It was great to be reunited again after 5 years and to see how much nephews and nieces had
changed in that space of time. Kupang had also changed greatly, with much more traffic on the
roads, many new hotels, and shopping malls and new supermarkets.
On a trip to one such large supermarket one day I happened to get separated from Elsye and the
girls, and as I was searching the aisles for them I was offered the opportunity to try out one of
the new electric bikes on display. Just give it a try down the aisle. The salesperson said. Its very
Well, I thought, you would never get away with that at home with all the health and safety
rules, and without a licence, but it couldnt be any more difficult than riding a conventional bi-
cycle. And I gave it a go.
I set off down the wide shopping aisle wobbling wildly the whole way down and sending custom-
ers running out of the way with their trolleys, and then did the same back up again. It was a little
bit more difficult than what I expected, at least in the confines of supermarket aisle, but what
surprised me more was the confidence placed in me by the sales-person. Would you like to have
another try? he said. I politely declined the offer and got back to looking for Elsye.
As the Autumn arrives some of us will be stepping forward into something new, something we
havent tried before, places we havent been, new situations. A new student, starting a new
school, changed circumstances in life, new responsibilities. Maybe God is giving you a little bit
more freedom, investing a little bit more confidence in you. The stabilizers are off, the old securi-
ties of home, the steadying hand, and all thats safe and familiar are gone and for a while it might
be a wobbly ride. But its time to demonstrate how far youve come and where you put your trust
and to remember that God has placed His confidence in you to the point of investing his utmost
in your future and the purposes he has for you.
Do take the opportunity to read through this edition of the Chronicle and to ask God what new
things he might be inviting you to do this year to enable you to grow in your faith and to serve
Him in ways you maybe havent tried before.

Sunday Services
Sunday 3rd September 11am Rev Barry McCroskery
Back to School with God
Sunday School Prize Giving

Sunday 10th September 11am Rev Barry McCroskery

Sunday 17th September 11am Rev Barry McCroskery

Sunday 24th September 11am Rev Barry McCroskery

Sunday 1st October 11am Rev Barry McCroskery

World Communion Sunday
Communion Service

Sunday 8th October 11am Rev Barry McCroskery

Harvest Thanksgiving Service

At Rest
11th June Natalie Wilson
4th August Pat Hanna

For information the Wimberlys address at Corrymeela

5 Drumaroan Road , Ballycastle ,Co. Antrim BT54 6QU Alexs telephone
number 0754851703

God values our prayer whether its spoken or made in silence.

The prayer group continues to meet every Sunday morning in the
committee room/ Minor Hall at 10:15 am until 10:40 am. Everyone
is free to come and go to accommodate other church duties.
Everyone is most welcome to join in this time of corporate prayer.
Confidentiality is observed at all times for personal prayers
PRAYER REQUEST CARDS and envelopes are on the central vestibule table and should be
placed in the accompanying box when completed. They will be collected each Sunday by
the prayer group leader. Please be reassured that all requests are treated with the utmost

Prayer Points
3rd September: Pray for Paul and the work he does in schools with Scripture Union North-
ern Ireland. Pray for all those started back to school this week, especially those starting
new schools. Pray for principals, and governors as they juggle the challenges of tighter
budgets, pupil needs and staff welfare. Pray that people of faith will be guided by truth
and love as they have to make sometimes unpopular decisions. Pray for encouragement
for teachers too and the witness of Christian teachers, staff and parents in our schools.

10th September: Pray for the Church of North India and the Gujarat Diocese with which we
have so many links in McCracken. Give thanks for the churchs vitality. Pray for Gods pro-
tection upon those who suffer persecution for their faith, and for wisdom for Bishop Sil-
vans Christian. Pray that the church will find new expressions of witness and evangelism in
an increasingly difficult environment.

17th September: Remember our students returning to university this week and new stu-
dents beginning their first year. Pray that they will make good friends and quickly settle.
For those going away pray for God to guide them to a church community thats right for

24th September: Pray for our neighbouring congregation of Taughmonagh. Remember

their minister Robert Love and Kirk Session praying for encouragement and Gods leading
as they seek to witness in the surrounding community. Pray too for Bethan and Nicky (the
youth worker from Malone) who work in Taughmonagh each Thursday reaching out to
young people and their families.

Nutts Corner Market In the countdown to September 9. Healing the Land will be
posting regular updates on their facebook page (


Year in Review. What I have been up to:

Well Ive now been here a year and what a year it has been. Looking back its clear to see where
God has been evident and how programmes have progressed. It has been a year full of excite-
ment and of nerves of attempting new ideas and of dreaming big. I am excited to see how we
continue to grow and develop and dream big.
Bible and Breakfast has moved time to during the church service and it has been going well.
Recently we went through some common questions about following God if it was ok to have
questions. We have been looking at different video resources and discussions. Bible and Break-
fast will be starting back on the 10th of September. From September, we will be running 3 weeks
out of the month and the final month, the young people will be encouraged to stay in for the
church service and to take part. This is to integrate them into the church life and family more;
and help bridge the transition between Bible and Breakfast and a church service. We want our
young people to be more active participants in our church worship.
CrackerJax is our youth programme that runs on a Friday evening. It is a youth club for those in
p6 to fourth year; it runs on Friday nights between 7 and 9pm. It is an open space for young
people to come relax and to have a bit of fun. We would have a group of around ten to fifteen
most weeks, which has meant that we can focus on a smaller group and build up from there. It
has been great to see fresh faces come along as young people invite their friends and new
connections are made. Friday nights gives us the opportunity to check in with our young people,
to develop the relationships that are already there and to connect and build relationships with
those we may not see any other time. Friday nights normally consist of table tennis, table foot-
ball, board games, tuck shop and some competitive games.
Holiday Bible club. We have just completed our first ever Holiday Bible Club and it was great.
Everyone involved had loads of fun and learnt a lot from leaders to children. We had a real dedi-
cated team of adults and young leader and it was a learning curve for songs and actions but we
had a laugh and got to meet new children and families. The holiday Bible club was a wonderful
experience for reaching out into the community around us and making and strengthening family
connections. Throughout the week we made contact with around 20 children and their families,
taught them memory verses, learnt new songs and made loads of crafts. It has been a wonderful
week and I would be keen to look at ways we can reach these families throughout the year and
next summer.
Taughmonagh has taken huge leaps this year and the potential there is exciting. Over the past
months with Drop-In we have got into a great pattern, and both the young people who come and
the leaders are really enjoying coming along each week. We have a wonderful team of volunteers
of Derryvolgie students who come faithfully every week and because of all their help we can split
into two teams. Being able to split has majorly helped Drop In to develop the way it has, half of
the team are based within the church and remain there during the night; the other half our team
are out on the streets doing detached work, doing prayer walks and chatting to all who they
meet. 6
This last term we have had a real focus on prayer, with some of our team praying over the
entire night and the work going on. From this we have seen real answers to prayers within
drop in and our young peoples individual lives and it has opened new doors for us in con-
versations naturally. Recently we started doing some baking with the boys we came, it
started as a one off but baking and cooking really took off with the boys and come Septem-
ber we are looking at doing a cooking course with the boys, teaching them how to cook
healthy meals and on a budget. This is something the guys are so excited about, as from
offering we have discovered that one of the boys who attends wants to become a chef and
has gone home to make whatever we had made for his parents. It has been great to discov-
er and get to know more about what they are into and to be able to offer them pro-
grammes that interest them and they really want to do it. It is exciting to see how drop in is
developing over the year and we are excited to see where it will go.
One thing that will be changing within our work in Taughmonagh is with Messy Church. Un-
fortunately, the last few times we have offered Messy Church no one turned up. This was
really disappointing as Messy Church when ran well and attended can be a great ministry
but it caused us to relook and work out what is missing, what the areas needs are and how
we can meet the needs of the area better. This lead to some exciting conversations and the
idea we settled on was running a Homework Club starting in September. If this is something
you would be interested in helping with please do talk to me about it.
One thing I have also been able to join in with is School Pastors. School Pastors is a group of
people who go into Malone College and aim to help care for and support the school. How
we do this is by being a presence in the school during lunch times, coming alongside the
young people, building relationships with them and listening to them. I have been doing
this since Easter and it has been a great experience as by the time we were finishing for
summer we had been able to get to know a group of young people who were willing to
share their day and hear about what is going on with them. It had also been great for
getting to chat to some of the young people we would see up at Taughmonagh.
Over the next year I will be looking at ways to further
develop our youth ministry within our church, running
family fun nights, and working out ways to reach out to
the surrounding community and keeping in touch with
the families we met through our Holiday Bible Club. I
am excited to see where this next year takes us.
Bethan Dillon
Youth and Family Worker

Babies and Toddlers Wednesday 6th September
Art Club Friday 8th September
Sunday School & Bible & Breakfast Sunday 10th September
Squirrels,Cubs & Scouts Monday 11th September
Beavers Monday 11th September
Drama Society Thursday 14th September
Badminton Monday 18th September
Bowling Tuesday 19th September
PW Thursday Thursday 5th October

Deadline for next edition of the Chronicle is

15th September

You can now follow us on Facebook please search for McCracken Memorial and
like our page

Sunday Monday Tuesday

3 4 5
Prayer Time 10.15-10.40am Beavers 6.30-7.30pm (YC)
MORNING WORSHIP 11am Cubs 6.30-7.30pm (D)
Ballet 3.30-6.30pm (D,M)
Back to School with God & Scouts 7.15-9pm (YC)
Pilates 5.45-8pm (YC)
Sunday School Prize Giving Keep fit 8-8.45pm (YC) Yoga & Relax. 6.45-8pm (YC)

10 11 12
Prayer Time 10.15-10.40am Beavers 6.30-7.30pm (YC) Luncheon Circle 12.30pm
MORNING WORSHIP 11am Cubs 6.30-7.30pm (D) Ballet 3.30-6.30pm (D,M)
Sunday School & Scouts 7.15-9pm (YC) Pilates 5.45-8pm (YC)
Bible & Breakfast 11.15am Keep fit 8-8.45pm (YC) Yoga & Relax. 6.45-8pm (YC)
Crche & Bubbles 11.15am
Cosmopolitan Lunch

17 18 19
Prayer Time 10.15-10.40am Squirrels 6-7pm (YC)
MORNING WORSHIP 11am Beavers 6.30-7.30pm (YC)
Cubs 6.30-7.30pm (D) Ballet 3.30-6.30pm (D,M)
Sunday School &
Scouts 7.15-9pm (YC) Pilates 5.45-8pm (YC)
Bible & Breakfast 11.15am Yoga & Relax. 6.45-8pm (YC)
Badminton 7.45
Crche & Bubbles 11.15am Bowling Club 7.30
Keep fit 8-8.45pm (YC)
Film Courageous Strand Cinema
24 25 26
Prayer Time 10.15-10.40am Squirrels 6-7pm (YC) Ballet 3.30-6.30pm (D,M)
MORNING WORSHIP 11am Beavers 6.30-7.30pm (YC) Pilates 5.45-8pm (YC)
Sunday School & Cubs 6.30-7.30pm (D Yoga & Relax. 6.45-8pm (YC)
Bible & Breakfast 11.15am Scouts 7.15-9pm (YC) Bowling Club7.30pm
Crche & Bubbles 11.15am Badminton 7.45
Keep fit 8-8.45pm (YC)

Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2
Ballet 10.30-
Speech & Drama 4pm (D)
4.30-5.50pm (C)

6 7 8 9
Babies and Toddlers 10am-11.30 (D) Art Club 10.30(M)
Coffee Drop-in 10.30am-12pm(M) Speech & Drama Speech & Drama
4.30-5.50pm (C) Ballet 10.30-
Ballet 2.45-6pm (D) 2.50-6pm (C)
4pm (D)
Gentle Keep Fit 8-8.45pm (YC) Ballet 3.30-7pm NI Philatelic
(D,M) Society 7.30pm
Crackerjax 7-9pm
13 14 15 16
Babies and Toddlers 10am-11.30 (D) Playball Art Club 10.30(M
Coffee Drop-in 10.30am-12pm(M) Speech & Drama Ballet 10.30-
Ballet 2.45-6pm (D) 2.50-6pm (C) Speech & Drama 4pm (D)
Rainbows 6.15-7.30pm (YC) Ballet 3.30-7pm 4.30-5.50pm (C)
Brownies 6.15-7.30 (D) (D,M)
Gentle Keep Fit 8-8.45pm (YC) Drama Soc 7pm

20 21 22 23
Art Club 10.30(M
Babies and Toddlers 10am-11.30 (D) Playball Ballet 10.30-
Coffee Drop-in 10.30am-12pm(M) Speech & Drama 4pm (D)
Ballet 2.45-6pm (D) 2.50-6pm (C) Speech & Drama
Rainbows 6.15-7.30pm (YC) Ballet 3.30-7pm 4.30-5.50pm
Brownies 6.15-7.30 (D) (D,M)
Gentle Keep Fit 8-8.45pm (YC) Drama Soc 7pm Crackerjax 7-9pm

27 28 29 30
Babies and Toddlers 10am-11.30 (D) Art Club 10.30(M
Playball Ballet 10.30-
Coffee Drop-in 10.30am-12pm(M)
Speech & Drama 4pm (D)
Ballet 2.45-6pm (D) Macmillan Coffee
2.50-6pm (C)
Rainbows 6.15-7.30pm (YC) Morning (D)
Ballet 3.30-7pm
Brownies 6.15-7.30 (D)
Gentle Keep Fit 8-8.45pm (YC)
Drama Soc 7pm

Sept Jayne McFaul Ursula Pucovska
Sept Victoria Palmer Deborah Kinder
Sept Kathryn Moscato Eloise Stockdale
Sept Lynn McCluggage George Johnston

Anyone wishing to use the projector is asked to please contact

Ian Mawhinney @ tel: 028 9268 2602

Lifts to Church: Contact Ralph Fetherston at 90661808


Projection Sound
September September
3 Mervyn Hughes 3 John Fetherston
10 Andrew Bailie 10 Brian Henderson
17 David McClelland 17
24 Brian Ferguson 24 Keith Hanna
October October
1 Mervyn Hughes 1 John Fetherston
8 David McClelland 8 Brian Ferguson
15 Brian Ferguson 15 Mervyn Hughes
22 Keith Hanna 22

This is a reminder that valuable items should not be left in the vestibule at the front
of the church or in the foyer at the rear during church services.



3 Pat Dickie John Dales Maureen Dales
10 Anne Ferguson Brian Ferguson Leslie Kennedy
17 Maureen Jelly Fullerton Jelly Eunice Rankin
24 Marilyn Higgin Graeme Higgin Mark Stockdale
1 Grace Bamford Isobel McDonald Samuel McDonald
8 Barbara James Graham Jones Yvonne Jones
15 Jean Wylie Uel Ramsey Peggy Ramsey
22 Maureen Hanna Fred Hanna Crawford McKibben
29 Evelyn todd Raymond Todd Maureen Carson

September October November
Brian Henderson Anna Scott Ian Mawhinney
Philip Courtney David Scott Winston Irwin
Norma Froggatt Barbara James Bea Irwin
Ian McClelland George Moore Graeme Jones
Janet Scott Richard Wilson Robert Lamrock
Sharon Fetherston Ralph Fetherston Marie Mawhinney
Marilyn Higgin Michele Fetherston Angus Mitchell


Recordings can be borrowed from the black box in the porch (available from
Wednesday each week). Contact the church office with any queries
on 9066 5739 Please return the CDs so we may re-cycle them.
PLEASE NOTE Anyone wishing to use any of the church halls or rooms should
contact Ian Mawhinney, in the first instance to confirm availability. Contact
details email or 028 9268 2602/07802654874
McCracken Social and Bowling Club

Looking for a new interest this winter? Why not give

indoor bowling a try? Our club meets every Tuesday
evening throughout the winter months in an
atmosphere of fun and friendship and is keen to
attract new members from the McCracken
Congregation and our neighbourhood friends.

If you are free on a Tuesday evening from 7.30 to 10.00pm, come along to
the Dowling Hall. New season commences Tuesday 19th September and
bowls can be provided. Who knowsyou may discover a hidden talent and,
as a bonus, make some new friends!

Thank you to everyone who helped with duties over the summer monthsputting out chairs &
stacking them away in the hall, providing Wednesday and Sunday coffee, 12th July duties,
gardening and anything else that needed doingyour efforts were very much appreciated
572 was raised for church funds on 12th July

The Presbyterian Childrens Society

The Presbyterian Children's Society was founded in 1866 and since then has been of ser-
vice to Presbyterian children and their families. But during the past 150 years circumstanc-
es have changed and demands are different but families continue to face poverty and hard-
ship. The grant from the Society continues to be a symbol of Christian love and concern for

Last year the congregation of McCracken raised a magnificent total of 2918.75 for the
work of the Society. Through the continued generosity of congregations like McCracken,
the Society was able to give last year almost 600,000 to Presbyterian children in need,
helping around 700 young people..

The Society would very much appreciate the ongoing support of the members of the con-
gregation to enable this important outreach to continue.


The Luncheon Circle continues throughout the Autumn and the

next date is Tuesday 12th September. Lunch will be served
at 12.30 pm in the Dowling Hall.

Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy a cooked meal with friendly

company. Cost 5. Please call any of the contacts below if you and/or
anyone you know would like to come along.
Grace 0289020 1854/07815 067928
Gillian 0289082 6379/07790 348840
Denise 0289062 5172/07799 344067

The 2017/18 season of PW opens on Thursday 5th October at 10.30am in the
Minor Hall. The theme for this year is Grow and bear fruitbearing fruit in
every good work, growing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10).
At the first meeting Linda Ervine will speak about The Hidden History of the
Irish Language This will be a most interesting morning and we welcome all mem-
bers of the congregation and their friends. The morning will start with a welcome
cup of coffee and time for a chat and catch up.
The full PW programme will be included in the next edition of the Chronicle. The
programme includes an outing to the City Hall, talks by the leader of the Corry-
meela Community and the Chaplain to the Titanic Quarter to name a few. We
hope you will find the programme enjoyable, interesting and stimulating.

The Worlds Biggest Coffee Morning is Macmillans biggest
fundraising event for people facing cancer. People all over
the UK are asked to host their own Coffee Mornings and
donations on the day are made to Macmillan. Last year
alone 29.5 million was raised.
This year we in McCracken are again hosting the coffee
morning on Friday 29th September at 10.30am in the
Dowling Hall. Everyone Welcome

Melanies Trip to India
As most of you will know I was in India last week to vis-
it a charity called Make Love Not Scars which supports
survivors of acid attacks.
I knew the trip would be overwhelming as I would
meet people affected by similar injuries as my own and
also because India is generally a place that is beyond
our comprehension.
Following an adventurous ride from the airport, in a
taxi that I am certain was older than I am, I arrived at
the house of the co founder of the charity. The women
that manage the organisation were kind and hospita-
ble and I quickly settled into the day to day routine
with them going to work at the centre in 37 degree
heat and air that was a strange mix of pollution and
The rehabilitation centre they run in Dehli is basic but
even in its simplicity it is a cleaner and safer environment for survivors to rehabilitate from
As well as recuperation, the centre is used for training, rehabilitation, workshops and is the
busy office space for everything that needs organised on a daily basis. It also provides
somewhere for the women to relax without being stared at or having to worry about how
their injuries are perceived in the unforgiving world outside this place of acceptance.
I was really moved by the womens reaction to me, I have been burned for 29 years and I
have in many ways healed from my past. They couldn't believe how far I had come from my
original injuries and stared at my face asking how could they look like me. It was a heart
wrenching reaction as no one has ever aspired to look like me before and that in itself took a
long time to sink in.
Thanks to the work of Make Love Not Scars and kind contributions like the one from
yourselves here in McCracken these survivors do have a hope and can pay for the surgery
they so desperately need. Acid attacks are a rising problem in India and although we cannot
stop them happening we can make sure that these women are not robbed of their spirit,
their dignity and their future.

Church Office 9068 3201
Top Photos : Holiday Bible Club mccrackenmemorial@gmail com
Bottom Photo: 12th July Celebrations
Charity Number NIC104215.

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