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Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages

A renewable clean energy source

With awareness of climate change evidence and effects on the rise, both individuals and
businesses alike are embracing the call to shift towards clean and renewable energy sources.

The Sun delivers enough energy to Earth in one hour to power the entire global economy
for a year. We have an unlimited, reliable source of energy at our fingertips waiting for us
to capture it.

For decades, humanity has been fairly dependent on coal, oil, and other fossil fuels for
energy. Unlike solar energy, using these sources have grave effects on our planet, and with
fossil fuels quickly dwindling, governments and the scientific community are looking for
ways to access and wield the vast, inexhaustible clean resource coming from the sun every

American Solar
Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages

The history of solar energy

The first observation of the Photovoltaic Effect happened in 1876 by William Grylls
Adams, a professor of Natural Philosophy, and his student Richard Day. They discovered
that when you exposed selenium to light, it can generate electricity. It wasnt efficient, but
it proved that even without heat or moving parts, selenium cells can convert light into

In 1953, Calvin Fuller along with Bell Laboratories colleagues Gerald Pearson and Daryl
Chapin, discovered the silicon solar cell that can actually produce enough electricity to
power small electrical devices.

Satellites in the USA and Soviet space programs were all powered by solar cells in the late
1950s to early 1960s, and they have been standard for powering space satellites.

The first solar cells became commercially available to consumers in 1956, but the high cost
gave them a cold reception at that time. They were later on incorporated into toys and
novelty items, and had been the first time that people got to see solar cells in action.

In the 1970s, Exxon spearheaded the research that led to the discovery of a cost-effective
way of producing solar cells. Cost went down from $300 per 1 watt solar cell in 1956, to $20
per watt.

Changes were observed quickly in the way we use solar cells. In the period between the
1970s to the 1990s, solar cells were used to power the warning lights on the top of off-shore
oil rigs, railroad crossings, and as a source of energy for homes located in remote places.

American Solar
Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages
Today, solar cells are used in a wide variety of creative places, from solar powered cars to
solar powered aircraft. Recent technology and application of sophisticated supply chain
and business processes has led to a state of grid parity where it is actually cheaper to buy
solar than electricity from your utility company. Solar is now the fastest growing industry
in the United States creating more jobs than the entire fossil fuel industry and is being
adopted by leaders in both the private and public sectors.

What are photovoltaic solar cells and how do they work?

Photovoltaic (PV) cells, commonly known as solar cells, are responsible for converting
solar energy to electricity. The name was derived from the process itself. Converting
photons (light) into voltage (electricity) is dubbed as the PV effect.

This is the process of voltage creation in a material when its exposed to light. When a
photovoltaic is exposed to light, it absorbs photons and releases electrons. When these free
electrons are captured, electric current is produced, which can then be used as electricity.

An in-depth explanation of how to process works can give us a better idea of how light gets
converted to electricity. Solar cells are produced from semiconductor materials such as
silicon, which is widely used in the microelectronics industry. A shrill semiconductor
wafer is specifically treated in a solar cell to make an electric field that has a positive side and
a negative side.

The moment light energy strikes the cell, electrons get knocked loose from atoms in the
semi-conductor material. If the electrical conductors are hooked to both the positive side
and negative side like in an electrical circuit, electrons can be seized in the form of electric
current. This can then be employed to power a light bulb.

American Solar
Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages

What are solar thermal collectors?

A solar thermal collector is a device used for capturing solar radiation, absorbing sunlight,
and collecting its heat for the purpose of heating water or air. Its typically used in
commercial buildings and homes to provide a natural and cleaner way of heating space and

Solar panel technology

With the ever-increasing demand for a renewable energy source, solar power has been
brought to the forefront of innovation in the energy industry. In 2016, we saw great
advances in solar panel technology. The development of wearable solar technology and
solar design tech makes it easier for consumers to incorporate this clean innovation into
their daily lives.

A wide range of opportunities in the advancement of solar panel technology was also
realized through photovoltaics and concentrated solar power. One major enhancement
was the development of solar skin design, a solar panel technology that allows homeowners
to customize the way their solar panel looks to fit their home design and motif.

Solar powered roads are already in the testing phase. Located along the sidewalks of Route
66, the solar-powered pavement has the ability to generate clean energy. Its equipped with
LED bulbs that light roads and has a thermal heating capacity that can melt snow during

Though wearable solar devices have been around for years, 2016 saw an innovation that
allows tiny solar panels to be stitched into the fabric of clothing. Before, wearable solar
products were limited to watches. The solar textile concept can expand into our home
products like curtains that can absorb solar energy, and heated car seats to make that winter
drive more comfortable.

American Solar
Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages
Another useful solar technique is solar tracking. The solar tracking mount maximizes
electricity production by following the sun as it moves across the sky. Its tracking system
adjusts the angle of the solar array to best match the suns location. This innovation is not
yet practical for residential solar, but increases efficiency enough to be worth the
investment on a utility scale project.

In 2016, we also saw upgrades in solar panel efficiency. Perovskite solar cells have seen
major breakthroughs; the result is a solar panel that generates 20%+ efficiency at a low cost.

The rooftop photovoltaic solar array, or rooftop PV system, is a system that has its
electricity generating solar panels installed on the rooftop of a residential or commercial
building. It consists of photovoltaic modules, mounting systems, solar inverters and other

Solar panels absorb sunlight, then convert it into electricity; the solar inverter then
converts the electric current from DC (direct current) to AC (alternating current). These
components added with the mounting and other electrical accessories make up a working
system that will allow electricity to be produced and fed into the grid. Some systems may
include a solar tracking system, and integrated battery solutions to improve performance.

Latest developments in solar energy for the home

The increased efficiency and reduction of cost in of the panels allows for a home to have a
PV system installed that can completely offset the electric bills and be cheaper than paying
for electricity the traditional way. These new panels last longer, cost less, and look better
than they ever have before. The panels can be hidden in the back of the house and blend in
perfectly with the roof, which has resulted in the explosive growth we are seeing the
residential solar market.

Solar textiles are also being introduced to home products. Solar curtains can absorb heat
and provide heating to your home. Solar car seats can capture energy from the sun and
convert it to heat. Cost efficient solar panels are also available now, that can give consumers
more watts with no additional charge.

American Solar
Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages
Innovations in solar panel technology are constantly being developed. Soon, every part of
your home will play an integral part in energy production without contributing to global

Advances in solar battery technology

New breakthrough in battery charging technology allows batteries to be charged under any
form of light, may it be outdoor natural light or artificial indoor light. This provides a
solution to energy storage concerns of solar cells.

The cost of Going Solar

We all know solar energy can reduce your electricity bills, but how much would it take for
you to have that solar array installed?

In 2017, most homeowners pay between $2.87 and $3.85 per watt to install their solar panels
depending on system size and complexity. The average cost of a solar PV system is $19,800
before tax credits. The U.S. average for system size is at 6 kW (6000 watts), using that, the
solar panel could range between $17,220 to $23,100.

But if you convert to a home solar energy system, your monthly electric bill will drop to
$0.00 from the day you turn on the system. Whether you pay up front or finance the
project, at some point youll own your own system. This means you will be paying $0.00
for electricity!

We Have the Solution

For many people, even the lower price of $10,000 is prohibitive or IS IT?

Let American Dream Solar convert your home to solar electric for an initial, up-front cost
of ZERO Dollars!

American Solar
Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages
You simply continue paying your monthly bill that youre ALREADY paying, but instead
of paying for actual electric energy, your monthly payments go toward amortizing the cost
of solar installation.

Then after 5 7 years, the cost has been amortized and you can STOP PAYING! Your
monthly electric cost drops to $0.00.

Cincinnati Solar Power The Many Advantages

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