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Name of the artist if there is one

Title of the artwork
Date- When was it created?
Period/Movement- When? Cultural or Art Movement
Location- Where was it originally placed and viewed, where is it now?
Patron- Did someone pay for this to be created? If so who?
Material/Technique (media)- What is it made of? How was it created?

Content - What does the artwork depict?

Function- What is its purpose? What was it made to be used for, or do?

these are the functions of art. Identify which apply to the artwork and explain why/how
UTILITARIAN functional or useful items (i.e. containers, furniture, jewelry, etc.)
RELIGIOUS- items made for worship, veneration, ceremonies, rituals, festivals, procession, or burial rites.
POLITICAL- items meant to comment on social or political issues; wars, social injustice, propagandizing leaders or
to change public opinion.
HISTORICAL- records historical events
ECONOMIC- art made for financial gain or as a result of a wealthy patron.
INFORMATIONAL- to teach or inform; carry on a cultural tradition or moral to future generations.
AESTHETICS- for the joy or search for beauty, art for arts sake.

Historical Context- WHY? What was happening during this time that caused this piece to be created?
Context can include but is not limited to wars and other current events, the establishment of a government or ruler,
religious beliefs and practices, and major ideas of the time such as philosophical argumentsit mas

Meaning and Theme- What is the message of this artwork? What do we learn from this artwork? What major art historical
theme can we connect to this artwork

Themes include: Power and Authority, Government, Violence, The Depiction of the Human Body,
Religion and the

Spiritual World, Propaganda, Family and Everyday Life, Marriage and Sex, Race, gender
and Identity, Technology,

Nature, Challenging the Establishment, Internal worlds and realities

Audience: Who was it made for and why?

Visual / Formal Analysis- What are the distinct visual qualities of this artwork that stand out (color, shape, composition...)?
What are the visual qualities that tell us this artwork belongs to a particular artist, culture, period, art movement? How does the
way this artwork looks communicate and support its meaning and function?

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