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Designation: D 6477 04

Standard Terminology Relating to

Tire Cord, Bead Wire, Hose Reinforcing Wire, and Fabrics1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6477; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D 4974 Test Method for Hot Air Thermal Shrinkage of Yarn
1.1 This terminology is the compilation of all definitions and Cord Using a Thermal Shrinkage Oven
developed by Subcommittee D13.19 on Tire Cords and Fab- D 4975 Test Methods for Single-Filament Tire Bead Wire
rics. Made from Steel
1.2 The terminology, mostly definitions, is unique to the tire D 5591 Test Method for Thermal Shrinkage Force of Yarn
cord fabric industry. Meanings of the same terms used outside and Cord with the Testrite Thermal Shrinkage Force Tester
the tire cord fabric industry can be found in other compilations D 6320 Test Methods for Single Filament Hose Reinforcing
or in dictionaries of general usage. Wire Made from Steel
1.3 In addition to being a specialized dictionary, this termi- 3. Terminology
nology is also a tool for managing the Subcommittees
terminology. This includes finding, eliminating, and preventing adhesion, nthe property denoting the ability of a material to
redundancies, that is, where two or more terms relating to the resist delamination or separation into two or more layers.
same concept are defined in different words. D 1871, D 4393, D 4776
adhesion, nin tire fabrics, the force required to separate a
2. Referenced Documents textile material from rubber or other elastomer by a definite
2.1 ASTM Standards: 2 prescribed method. D 2229, D 4393, D 4776
D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles adhesive treated tire cord, na tire cord whose adhesion to
D 885 Test Methods for Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, and rubber or other elastomer has been improved by the appli-
Industrial Filament Yarns Made from Manufactured cation of a dip followed by rapid drying and (normally)
Organic-Base Fibers additional heat treatment. D 5591
D 1871 Test Methods for Adhesion of Single-Filament Steel air wicking, nin tires, the passage of air longitudinally along
Wire to Rubber or through yarns in a fabric that has been encased and cured
D 2229 Test Method for Adhesion Between Steel Tire in rubber or other elastomer, that is, air permeability in the
Cords and Rubber plane of the fabric. D 2692
D 2692 Test Method for Air Wicking of Tire Fabrics, Tire breaking force, nthe maximum force applied to a material
Cord Fabrics, Tire Cord, and Yarns carried to rupture.
D 2969 Test Methods for Steel Tire Cords DISCUSSIONMaterials that are brittle usually rupture at the maxi-
D 2970 Test Methods for Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, and mum force. Materials that are ductile are usually capable of withstand-
Industrial Yarns Made from Glass Filaments ing the maximum force without rupturing. For many years, it has been
D 4393 Test Method for Strap Peel Adhesion of Reinforcing the usual practice in the tire industry and related industries to use the
Cords or Fabrics to Rubber Compounds term breaking strength to characterize yarn and cord of a specified size
D 4776 Test Method for Adhesion of Tire Cords and Other and type without consideration of their unit size. Numerically, breaking
Reinforcing Cords to Rubber Compounds by H-Test Pro- strength is equal to breaking force for the same specimen. The average
of the breaking forces observed on two or more specimens of a specific
cedure sample is referred to as the sample breaking strength, which is the
property used in engineering calculations for a specific textile material.
Tensile strength and breaking tenacityare derived or calculated values
This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles for materials that include consideration of the unit size of the materials.
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.19 on Tire Cord and Fabrics.
These terms can be used to compare intrinsic strengths of yarns and
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2004. Published October 2004. Originally
approved in 1999. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 647703. cords of different sizes or different materials. The term tensile strength,
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or in MPA (psi), is not synonymous hit either breaking force or breaking
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM strength, in N (lbf), or breaking tenacity, in mN/tex (gf/den). D 885,
Standards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on D 2970D 4975D 6320
the ASTM website.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

D 6477 04
breaking strength, na strength expressed in terms of the central portion of the letter Z. D 2969
breaking force.
direction of twist, nsee direction of lay. D 2969
DISCUSSION Breaking strength is particularly significant as the elongation, nthe ratio of the extension of a material to the
characteristic of a sample as distinct from a specimen, and is usually length of the material prior to stretching.
expressed as newtons (N) or pounds-force (lbf). See discussion for
breaking force. DISCUSSIONElongation may be measured at any specified force or at
(D 885) rupture. D 885, D 6320
breaking tenacity, nthe tenacity at the breaking force. fabric , n in textiles, a planar structure consisting of yarns or
DISCUSSIONSee discussion for breaking force.
D 885, D 2970 DISCUSSIONIn tire cord, fabrics are produced with tire cord warp
catenary length, nthe difference between the length of the yarns interlaced with widely spaced filling yarns. D 885, D 2970
shortest and the longest component in a plied yarn or cables fabric dip, nfor tire fabrics, a chemical composition which
cord after twisting. D 2970 is applied to a textile cord or fabric to improve its adhesion
chafer fabric, nwoven fabric, usually coated with unvulca- to rubber compounds. D 4393
nized rubber, which is laid around the bead of a tire before flare, nthe spreading of the filament ends or the strand ends
vulcanization. at the cut end of a steel tire cord, expressed as the unraveled
DISCUSSIONChafer fabric is used to reinforce the outer layer of length. D 2969
rubber on the tire bead to provide an abrasion resistant surface in greige cord, nin tire cords, a cord that has not been adhesive
contact with the wheel rim. In the case of tubeless tires, the chafer treated, heat treated, or otherwise treated before use (see
fabric is usually made wickproof to prevent air leaking from the inflated cord). D 4974, D 5591
tire. D 2692, D 4393 greige tire cord, na tire cord that has not been dip treated or
cord, na twisted or formed structure composed of one or heat treated before use (see tire cord). D 5591
more single or plied filaments, strands, or yarns of organic growth, nthe increase one or more dimensions of an object
polymer or inorganic materials. or a material.

DISCUSSIONCord, as used in these test methods, is used for the DISCUSSIONThe increase in length of a specimen caused by the
manufacture of pneumatic tires or other industrial fabrics. The direction application of a continuing load or force under specified conditions.
of twist used to combine the single or plied yarn elements into a cord D 885
construction is in the direction opposite to that used in the yarns.
high elongation, adjin steel tire cord, a cord with an average
Frequently, tire and other reinforcing cords consist of a single yarn
strand having little or no twist. These cords as well as single elongation at break greater than 3.0 %. D 2969
monofilaments, are used synonymously with twisted and plied cords in holland cloth, na completely filled woven fabric having a
this test method. D 885, D 4776, D 5591 smooth gloss finish on both sides used as a separating
medium for sheeted rubber compounds. D 1871, D 4393
cord twist, nthe amount of twist in a cord made from two or hose reinforcing wire, na single filament of steel wire with
more single or plied yarns. a metallic coating (usually brass) used in the reinforcement
DISCUSSIONCord twist is based on the initial length of a cord of a rubber or other elastomer hose. D 1871, D 6320
specimen. Cord twist is expressed as the number of turns divided by the H-test adhesion, nthe force to extract either end of a textile
length of the untwisted cord. D 885, D 2970 cord structure that is embedded in a rubber compound under
specified conditions. D 4776
core, na filament or strand that serves as an extended axis
industrial yarn, na yarn composed of continuous filaments,
about which other elements can be wound. D 2969
usually of high breaking tenacity, produced with or without
curing, nsee the preferred term vulcanization. D 1871,
twist, and intended for applications in which functional
D 4393, D 4776
properties are of primary importance; for example, in rein-
dip, na chemical composition that is applied to a textile cord
forcing material in elastomeric products (tires, hose, belt-
or fabric to improve its adhesion to rubber or other elas-
ing), in protective coverings, and in cordage and webbing,
tomer. D 885, D 2970
and so forth. D 885, D 2970, D 4776
dip pick-up, nthe amount of dip or dip components present
initial modulus, nthe slope of the initial straight portion of
in a textile cord or fabric after processing, expressed as a
a stress-strain (or force elongation) curve.
percentage of the mass of the oven-dried dip-free material.
D 885, D 2970 DISCUSSIONModulus is the ratio of the change in tenacity, ex-
direction of lay, nthe helical disposition of the components pressed in millinewtons per tex (mN/tex) or grams-force per denier
of a strand or cord. (gf/den) to the change in strain, expressed as a fraction of the original
length. In the case of a tenacity elongation curve, the following
DISCUSSIONThe strand or cord has an S or left hand lay if, when equation is used to calculated the initial modulus: initail modulus 5
held vertically, the spirals around the central axis of the strand or cord ~tencaity/percent elongation! 3 100 D 885, D 2970
conform in the direction of slope to the central portion of the letter S;
and Z, or righthand lay, if the spirals conform in direction of slope to

D 6477 04
length of lay, nthe axial distance required to make one steel cord. D 2969
complete revolution of any element of a strand or cord. steel filament, nthe individual element in a steel strand or
D 2969 cord. D 2969, , D 4393
mill grain, nin rubber, grain which is imparted to rubber steel strand, na group of steel filaments combined to form a
sheeting while being mixed or conditioned in a rubber mill unit product to be processed further.
and which is parallel to the direction the rubber moves in the DISCUSSIONA strand may be considered a cord if it is the finished
mill. D 1871 product for tire reinforcement or it may be an element in a more
moisture equilibrium for testing, nfor industrial yarns and complex structure. D 2969
tire cords, the condition reached when, after free exposure to
a test atmosphere which is in motion, two successive stitch, vin making rubberized articles, to press uncured
weighings not less than 4 h apart, show not more than 0.1 % rubber compound into or around yarns or cords to form a
progressive change in mass of the specimen or sample. composite of the materials and to remove entrapped air.
D 885 DISCUSSIONNormally the yarns or cords in the article are parallel.
percent elongation, nthe increase in length of a specimen The stitching tool is normally a rolling disk mounted on an axle for
expressed as a percentage of the original length. D 4975 manipulation by hand or by machine. The outer edge of the disk is
pneumatic tire, na hollow tire that becomes load-bearing unsharpened but narrower than the intended space between parallel
upon inflation with air, or other gas, to a pressure above cords. Application of moderate force on this tool accomplishes high
atmospheric. D 885, D 5591 local pressure on the surface to which it is applied. D 4393
reinforcing cord, na cord made from industrial yarns and straightness, nin steel cord, the property of a cord charac-
used to provide added support to other materials, such as terized by a lack of deviation from its central axis over short
tires, hose, belting, protective coverings, webbings, and so lengths of cord. D 2969
forth. D 4776 tabby , na plain weave fabric.In the context of tire cord
residual torsion, nrevolutions made by a specified length of fabric, it refers to sections of closely spaced weft yarns in a
cord when one end is held in a fixed position and the other special section of fabric woven to provide as sample.
allowed to turn freely. D 2969 tabby sample, nthe section of tire cord fabric between two
retraction, nin yarns and cords, the reduction in length tabbies that have been woven separately with a distance of
when previous restraint is removed and relaxation is al- 0.5 to 1.0 m (18 to 36 in.) between them.
lowed, thus causing a directionally proportional increase in
DISCUSSIONA tabby usually is woven 150 to 200 mm (6 to 8 in) in
linear density. D 5591
length using cotton filling yarn in the range from 750 to 2000 tex (675
rubber, na material that is capable of recovering from large to 1800 denier) and 30 to 50 picks/dm (8 to 12 D 885,
deformations quickly and forcibly, and can be, or already is, D 2970
modified to a state in which it is essentially insoluble (but
can swell) in boiling solvent, such as benzene, methylethyl tack, nfor rubber or rubber compounds, a property that
ketone, and ethanol-toluene azeotrope. D 1871, D 4393, causes two layers of these materials when pressed together to
D 4776 adhere at the area of contact. D 4393
rubber compound, nas used in the manufacture of rubber test panel, nfor in air wicking tests, the composite structure
articles, an intimate mixture of elastomer(s) with all the of a rubber compound and fabric which is used to test the
materials necessary for the finished article. D 1871, fabric for air wicking. D 2692
D 2229, D 4393, D 4776 thermal shrinkage, nof textile yarn and cords, contraction
rubberize, vto impregnate or coat with rubber compound, or in length caused by heat. D 4974
both. D 4393 thermal shrinkage force, nthat force induced when a
single twist, nthe amount of twist in each individual single restrained material is restricted from shrinking upon expo-
yarn element in a tire cord structure based on the length of sure to heat. D 5591
the element after twist has been removed from the cord. thermal shrinkage force tester, nan apparatus that mea-
D 885 sures the force achieved when a yarn or similar specimen,
standard atmosphere for testing textiles, nlaboratory con- held at a constant (fixed) length, is subjected to a tempera-
ditions for testing fibers, yarns, and fabrics in which air and ture above that at which the specimen was mounted in the
relative humidity are maintained at specific levels with apparatus. D 5591
established tolerances. tire, na load-bearing ground-contacting circumferential at-
tachment to a vehicle wheel. D 885, D 5591
DISCUSSIONAir is maintained at a relative humidity of 55 6 2% and
at a temperature of 24 6 1C (75 6 2F) for this test method. tire bead, nthe part of a tire that comes in contact with the
D 885, D 2970, D 4974, D 5591 rim and is shaped to secure the tire to the rim. D 1871,
D 4975
steel cord, na formed structure made of two or more steel tire bead wire, na monofilament of steel wire with a
filaments when used as an end product or a combination of metallic coating, usually bronze, used in the forming of a tire
strands or filaments and strands. D 2229, D 2969, D 4393 bead. D 1871, D 4975
steel cord wrap, na steel filament wound helically around a

D 6477 04
tire cord, na twisted or formed structure composed of one or unvulcanized. D 1871, D 2692, D 4393, D 4776
more single or plied filaments, strands, or yarns of organic
weftless fabric, nas used in tire building, a sheet of parallel
polymer or inorganic material.
cords surrounded by uncured rubber compound.
DISCUSSIONThe direction of twist used to combine the single or
plied yarn elements into a cord structure is in a direction opposite to DISCUSSIONFabric stability, sufficient to ensure that fabric can be
that used in the yarn. Frequently, tire and other reinforcing cords consist moved and handled, is imparted by the unvulcanized rubber rather than
of a single yarn strand having little or no twist. These cords are used by textile yarns (wefts or picks) as in woven tire cord fabric.
synonymously with twisted and plied cords in this test method. D 4393
D 2692, D 2970, D 4393, D 4974 wickproof, adj in tire fabric, tire cord fabric, tire cord, or
tire cord fabric, na fabric consisting of tire cord warp with yarn, a term used to describe a fabric or yarn that shows no
widely spaced (usually 40 to 200 picks/m (1 to 5 picks/in.)) air wicking by this prescribed test. D 2692
single yarn filling. D 885, D 2692, D 2970, D 4393 wildness, nobsolete term, previously used to describe a
tire fabric, na textile fabric, other than tire cord fabric, number of steel tire cord properties including flare, straight-
which is used as a reinforcement in tires. D 2692 ness, and residual torsion. D 2969
torsion resistance, nin tire bead wire, the number of turns of work-to-break, nthe total energy required to rupture a
twist in a short length of wire that causes rupture. D 4975, specimen to the breaking force during a tensile test.
D 6320 DISCUSSIONWork-to-break is proportional to the area under the
vulcanization, nan irreversible process, usually accom- stress-strain curve from the origin to the breaking force. D 885
plished through the application of heat, during which a
rubber compound, through a change in its chemical structure yield strength, nthe stress at which a material exhibits a
(for example, cross linking) becomes less plastic and more specified limiting deviation from the proportionality of stress
resistant to swelling by organic liquids while elastic proper- to strain.
ties are conferred, improved, or extended over a greater DISCUSSIONIt is customary in this instance to express the deviation
range of temperatures. in terms of strain and to determine yield strength by the offset method
where a strain of 0.2% is specified. D 4975, D 6320
DISCUSSIONAlthough vulcanization is preferred to curing, the terms
cured and uncured are widely used as synonyms for vulcanized and

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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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