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Green River Spurs Soccer Association

Originated 7/18/1994
Revised 11/25/2007
Revised 02/04/2008
Revised 01/03/2013
Revised 6/15/2013
Revised 6/6/2017

1. The Organization shall be known as the Green River Spurs Soccer Association, hereafter
referred to as GRSSA.
2. The GRSSA is organized to promote and provide soccer skills, competitive soccer, and good
sportsmanship for all youth; regardless of race, sex, religion, creed or national origin.
3. Player members of the GRSSA shall be determined by seasonal registration and try-outs as
necessary. Volunteer members shall be determined by contribution of time. Volunteer
members shall include all those presiding as Board of Directors and/or Coaches.
4. GRSSA boundaries shall be established by the Board of Directors.
5. Administration:
a. The GRSSA shall be governed by the Board of Directors. The business of the GRSSA
shall be transacted by this Board whose decisions shall be final.
b. The voting body for all business, other than for elections, shall consist of the Board of
Directors or their designated proxy, in quorum. (A proxy shall be a written
authorization from an absent director empowering its holder to act for or vote in
his/her absence on all matters placed before the board.)
c. The voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of:
1. Vice President (Field and Referee Commissioners)
2. Secretary (Publicity Commissioner)
3. Treasurer
4. Registrar (Scheduling Commissioner)
5. Coaching Commissioner (Equipment Commissioner)
6. Uniform Commissioner
7. One Member at Large

Funding Commissioner will be the responsibility of all members of the Board and
President will establish fundraising committees as needed
d. The non voting members of the Board of Directors shall consist of:
6. The Board of Directors shall meet in general session at least six times per year, or as
modified by a vote of the Board, but will be subject to the call of the President, or any
other Board member for a special meeting when necessary, as may be needed for the
operation of the organization. In order to conduct business at a meeting, a quorum (50%
plus one) of the Board members must be present. Of the quorum, not more than one
proxy vote will be allowed.
a. In the event a vacancy should occur among the members of the Board of
Directors, a majority vote of the remaining members shall elect the replacement
member at the next scheduled meeting or via email vote.
b. The annual election will be held at the Summer Club BBQ following a public
advertisement placed a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the election. If the
board feels it is necessary they may form a nominating committee who shall
present nominations at the election meeting; additional nominations may be
submitted in writing or from the floor at the meeting. After all nominations are
received and accepted by the appropriate parties, a ballot can be made or the
vote can take place via motions and verbal consent. Each position shall be a two
(2) year term.
7. Qualifications for Board positions:
a. President must have served an elected Board position the entire previous year.
b. Referee Commissioner must be a certified Referee. If a certified Referee is not
available for the position, the Referee Commissioner must become certified
during his/her first season of service
c. Coaching Commissioner must be certified to at least level E. If a certified Coach
is not available for the position, the Coaching Commissioner must become
certified during his/her first season of service.
8. Order of Business Following Roberts Rules of Order: Revised, will be adhered to:
a. Call to Order
b. Review Minutes of pervious meeting(s)
c. Good of the Association (Public Input)
d. Treasurers Report
e. Bills Against the Association
f. Old Business
g. New Business
h. Commissioners Area Reports
i. Time and location of next meeting
j. Closing
9. Appointed positions or committees may be created and filled at the discretion of the Board of
10. The President of the GRSSA shall preside at all board meetings, oversee all other Board
members and committees, and shall cast the deciding vote in case of a tie vote at any
meeting. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees and shall appoint
committee chairpersons and vice-chairpersons (when necessary). The President, along
with the Referee Commissioner, shall determine the need for cancellation of games. The
President shall hold 1 of 2 Post Office Box keys for the GRSSA Post Office Box. The
President shall also be the 2nd signature on all checks. The president should have access to
all programs utilized in order to preform club functions as necessary.
11. The Vice-President shall succeed to all powers and privileges of the office of the President in
the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall handle all insurance related
activities and shall be the chairperson of the By-laws committee.
12. The Secretary shall keep written minutes of all meetings, shall provide copies of the minutes
of the previous meeting upon request to any member of the Board and other designated
recipients no later than 7 days following the Board meeting. The Secretary shall research,
purchase, catalog and store GRSSA and related soccer informational materials. The
Secretary also shall notify by telephone, mail or email any and all Board members,
coaches, etc., of meetings, elections, and/or schedule changes.
13. The Treasurer shall handle all finances of the GRSSA and shall report on monies and finances
to the Board of Directors at each meeting, or at the request of the President. The
Treasurer shall submit an itemized annual report of income and expenses of GRSSA at the
beginning of the year and at the end of the year. The Treasurer shall provide a copy of the
monthly bank statement to all Board members at each Board meeting. The Treasurer shall
hold 1 of 2 Post Office Box keys to the GRSSA P.O. Box and will be the 1st of 2 signatures on
all GRSSA checks. The Treasurer shall handle all government forms. The Treasurer should
have access to all programs utilized for invoicing purposes.
14. The Registration Commissioner shall organize and coordinate all procedures for GRSSA player
registration. The Registrar shall provide the Board of Directors with a complete list of
players registered immediately after registration so that the Board can decide and assign
age groups and divisions for players. All forms will be available at the time of registration,
i.e., uniform order forms, t-shirt order forms, player conduct contract, parent conduct
contract, and volunteer release forms. The registrar will be the primary contact to ask the
state registrar questions and guest players. It is the responsibility of the Registrar to
ensure player cards are made, medical release forms are signed, team rosters are made
and maintained for each tournament, compile and distribute coaches books containing
player cards, medical release forms, rosters, insurance information and any other
important information. The Registrar will collect the coaches books at the end of each
seasons. The Registrar should be notified of any extra tournaments, guest players, or
changes. If the Registrar needs help completing their duties they may appoint a fellow
Board member to do so.
15. The Uniform Commissioner shall be responsible for ordering and delivering uniforms and
related paraphernalia, i.e., awards, patches, etc. including club t-shirt orders for players
and family members and player warm-ups. This should be taken care of immediately after
registration to ensure teams are in uniform for the first game of the season.
16. The Equipment Commissioner shall be responsible for keeping an inventory of all equipment,
storage of all equipment and maintaining said equipment as well as informing the Board
of Directors of any and all needs of the GRSSA teams and Coaches. Equipment shall be
items owned by the GRSSA such as game balls, goalie equipment, pennies, ball bags, first
aid kits, cones and any other equipment used for training and game play. All equipment
must be returned to the Equipment Commissioner following the season that it is used, fall
and spring being two distinct seasons. The Equipment Commissioner will then make
certain that the player cards and roster books are returned promptly to the Registration
Commissioner. It is the duty of the Equipment Commissioner to contact coaches to make
sure equipment is returned.
17. The Funding Commissioner shall oversee the soliciting of funds from businesses or individuals
and any GRSSA fund raising project(s) approved by the Board for the purpose of financing
the GRSSA and write response of appreciation to same. All funds are to be used for the
betterment of the entire GRSSA organization and not for any individual team. Teams,
parents, players and coaches will not be allowed to solicit donations in the form of money
or goods for any individual team.
18. The Traveling Commissioner shall be responsible for booking hotel/motel room
accommodations for the entire GRSSA organization. The Traveling Commissioner shall
make all information available to parents at registration or the parent/coach meeting
following Registration. The Traveling Commissioner is responsible for registering all teams
for the sanctioned tournaments. The Traveling Commissioner should have access to all
programs utilized in order to preform their duties. The Traveling Commissioner will also
make certain that any travel papers required by the state are completed before traveling.
Travel release forms for families transporting children other than their own will be
available through the Travel Commissioner.
19. The Publicity Commissioner shall be responsible for publicizing all GRSSA activities in the
media, and shall coordinate all team pictures at the Boards request. The Publicity
Commissioner may also be responsible for creating and distributing a newsletter for the
entire GRSSA organization via paper mail, electronic mail, or the club web site.
Information may include team rosters, schedules, hotel information, nutrition tips,
coaching tips, etc. The newsletter should act as a communication tool between GRSSA and
their families.
20. Members at large shall be members of the board who will be responsible for additional
guidance regarding rules and regulations of soccer.
21. The Field Commissioner shall arrange for and coordinate field equipment installation and
storage, maintenance, and game field preparation assignment in conjunction with the City
of Green River Parks and Recreation Department. The Field Commissioner will attend any
meetings called by the Green River Parks and Recreation Department as a representative
of the GRSSA.
22. The Scheduling Commissioner shall be responsible for scheduling and coordinating all GRSSA
games. The Scheduling Commissioner shall also be responsible to register teams for their
tournaments. All tournament information should be mailed in 2 weeks before the
registration deadline. The Scheduling Commissioner should make a follow up phone call to
ensure that all information has been received by the tournament and is in order. The
Scheduling Commissioner shall also notify all GRSSA Board members of the date of the
State Board meeting, time and location.
23. The Coaching Commissioner shall recruit, organize and coordinate the activities and training of
Coaches. The Coaching Commissioner shall also request any necessary equipment for the
proper training of Coaches such as videos, DVDs, literature, books, agility equipment etc.
The Coaching Commissioner will organize and conduct a skills clinic for the opening of
each season for players and coaches. The Coaching Commissioner will assign Head
Coaches to teams with the approval of the Board.
24. The Referee Commissioner shall be responsible for scheduling referees for GRSSA games and
training of referees throughout each season. The Referee Commissioner shall organize
and schedule Referee Clinics with the State each year.
25. State Delegates will represent GRSSA at Wyoming State Soccer Association meeting and
report back to the GRSSA Board. State Delegates may also hold other active Board
positions. The number of Delegates will be determined by Wyoming State Soccer
Association. In the event Delegates cannot attend a state meeting, alternates may be
appointed from GRSSA Board members. Rules and Regulations shall be drawn up by the
Board of Directors and executed for all GRSSA play.
26. The Board of Directors will explore all options to allow each registrant the most and best
playing opportunities based on registration number, age, gender, schedules available, skill
of player, teams size and Wyoming State Soccer Association rules and regulations. A
player year will go from fall of one calendar year to the end of the spring season the
following calendar year. Teams will be assigned first allowing as many players to
participate as possible without turning players away. Once the divisions are decided,
coaches will be assigned to the age divisions.
27. The GRSSA, its officers, coaches, referees, and teams shall be held harmless for liabilities of
any kind, including financial or otherwise, contracted by any individual without the
authority of the Board of Directors.
28. The GRSSA must show financial ability to handle all activities of the GRSSA. Any expenditure
over $100 must have a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors, (50% plus one), in
meeting or email vote. Email vote to be verified at the next meeting. All expenditures
require two (2) signatures signatures of the President and Treasurer unless otherwise
approved by the Board.
29. Registration fees shall be set by the Board of Directors. All fees are non-refundable once
teams are established. Exceptions shall be voted upon by the GRSSA Board.
30. Official Board action will only be taken on signed written complaints. Executive sessions will
be called when necessary.
31. If the Board of Directors finds the conduct of any potential player, player, member or official
thereof detrimental to the best interest of soccer or the GRSSA, it may deny privileges or
suspend the member or take such actions or sanctions which it deems applicable,
including dismissal from the GRSSA. The following are examples of actions or sanctions
that the board may take:
a. 1st offense-1 game suspension
b. 2nd offense- 1 tournament suspension
c. 3rd offense-suspension of players card and GRSSA membership.
The above are not the only actions the board of directors may take.
Appeals need to be made in writing to the board of directors.
32. A GRSSA position may be deemed vacant if that member fails to attend three (3) consecutive
meetings. Directors may be dismissed for non-performance, subject to approval of a two-
thirds majority of the Board. Board vacancies created by dismissal shall be filled as herein
33. Amendments to the By-Laws and General Rules and Regulations will be referred to a By-Law
committee appointed by the President and chaired by the Vice-President or shall be
brought to the board as a whole and voted upon. The committee will make
recommendations to the Board of Directors. At the following, meeting an affirmative vote
of two-thirds of the voting body will be necessary to pass the amendment(s) or rules and
regulations change(s). By-Laws will be reviewed a minimum of once a year to review the
By-Laws. A motion to change any By-Law may not move forward without at least a 50%
plus 1 vote in favor of said changes or proposed actions.
34. The new Board of Directors will take over the GRSSA board effective the first meeting held
after July 1 and serve until the following years election. Board elections will take place
according to the By-Law 6b. All positions are released following election of the new board.
The President and Vice-President will conduct the new elections and the orientation of the
new Board of Directors will be done during the next Board meeting. All information on By-
Laws, equipment, P.O. Box keys, checkbook and any other pertinent information will be
discussed and turned over at this first Board meeting.
35. Each Board Member, Coach, and team manager must fill out and turn in a Volunteer form
upon accepting a position with GRSSA.
36. The Board of Directors may scholarship a players registration fee and playing uniform only.
Scholarship requests must be submitted in writing by the parent or guardian of the player
on or before the registration date. A request for scholarship will not be considered by
word of mouth or anyone other than the recipients parent or guardian. A request for
scholarship must be voted on by the Board of Directors and passed with at least a majority
vote of the Board of 50% plus 1.
37. A player will be eligible to play for GRSSA based on state eligibility requirements as well as
signing the appropriate forms and paying all appropriate fess, such as, but not limited to,
registration, players card, and equipment. The registration process will be closed once
teams are established, full or one week of practice has been completed. Special
consideration can be requested and submitted to the board in writing. Special
consideration is defined as, but not limited to, a child moving into the area.
38. Each team will consist of one (1) Head Coach. The Head Coach may choose an Assistant Coach
with the Boards approval. The Board will purchase two (2) coaching cards per team. A
team may have more than 2 coaches but they must pay for any additional cards. Each
team may appoint a Team manager will be responsible for communication between the
team coaches, parents, players and the Board.
39. All GRSSA Coaches are responsible for their own expenses. A team may agree to split the cost
of their coachs expenses on a volunteer basis. The coaches are not allowed in any way to
receive monetary compensation from players or parents that exceed the reasonable
expense incurred by coaching.
40. Minor grammatical corrections may be corrected without Board approval provided the intent
of the bylaw is not changed.

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