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EIGHT MONTHS (8) months from the date (01) Month JUNE of the year (in
letters) 2017) until the day (01) FEBRUARY month of the year (in letters) 2018,
the date on which the lessee is obliged to return to the lessor the property in good
condition and in good standing in every respect with the elements described in Annex
inventory duly signed by the parties, and an integral part of this contract. 2a. The fee
shall be FIFTY THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED. ($ 450,000.00) per month payable
within first (05) days of each month in advance at the following address at the
HOUSE of landlord or your order, canon tenants who will pay during the term of this
contract. 3A. The term stipulated in this contract may be renewed by mutual
agreement in writing, provided that each party has fulfilled its obligations in charge
and the tenant, is avenga adjustments to income authorized by law. 4A. Water
services, electricity and gas are payable by the Lessee and compliance and
obligation to pay for these services will be fulfilled as set out in Article 15 of Law 820
of 2003, in compliance with the regulations that the government does about it.
Likewise, the lessee shall pay to the appropriate administration fee (for goods subject
to horizontal property regime), in the same way comply with the norms and rules of
coexistence enshrined in the rules of horizontal property and issued by the
government protection the rights of neighbors; the lessor delivers a copy of the
respective standards as required by Article 8 of Act 820. 5A. The property is leased
exclusively to destine housing. 6A. The parties, at any time, and agreement may
terminate the contract for urban housing. 7A. They are GROUNDS FOR THE
LANDLORD CAN ORDER unilaterally terminating the contract, the following: a) non-
payment by the tenant rents and rearrangements within the period stipulated in the
contract. b) non-payment of public services, causing disconnection or loss of service
or payment of the common expenses when payment had been in charge of the
tenant. c) The total or partial sublease, assignment of the contract or enjoyment of the
property, change of destination of the same by the lessee, without the express
permission of the lessor. d) The repeated incursion tenant in procedures that affect
the public peace of the neighbors, or involve violation duly verified before the policing
authority. e) making improvements changes or extensions of the property, without due
authorization of the landlord or the total or partial destruction of the property or area
rented by the tenant. f) The violation of the rules of the respective regulations of the
tenant condo, in the case of housing under this, regime. g) The landlord may
terminate the lease during extra time, prior written notice addressed to the tenant
through authorized postal service, with no less later than three (3) months and pay
compensation equivalent to the price of three (3) month lease. When these conditions
the lessee is obliged to return the property. 8A. The landlord may terminate the
contract unilaterally
lease expiration date of the initial term or any extension thereof, prior written notice to
the tenant through the postal service
authorized an advance of not less than three (3) months due that date, invoking any
of the following grounds
special refund: a) When the owner or possessor of the property will I need to occupy
own room, for a term not less than one year. b) When the building is to be demolished
to make new construction, or when required to vacate in order to execute
independent works for repair. c) When it is to be delivered in compliance with the
obligations arising from a contract of sale. .d) the full will to terminate the contract,
provided that the lease comply at least four (4) years of implementation. The lessor
shall compensate the lessee with a sum equivalent to the price of one point five (1.5)
month lease. In the case of the grounds provided in subparagraphs a), b) and c) the
landlord will accompany the written notice constancy have lodged a cash deposit,
bank or granted by a company licensed insurance constituted in favor of the lessee
for an equivalent to six value (6) months the price of unexpired leases it to ensure
compliance with the causal invoked during the six (6) months after restitution. In the
case of literal d) payment of compensation will be made by the procedure laid down in
Article 23 of Law 820. 9th GROUNDS FOR THE TENANT CAN ORDER
UNILATERAL TERMINATION OF CONTRACT a) suspension of the provision of
services public by premeditated action of the lessor or because payments in arrears
that shall be responsible. b) Ignorance by the lessor to the lessee of rights recognized
by law. c) The tenant may terminate the lease within the initial term or during any
extension thereof, prior written notice addressed to the lessor through authorized
postal service, with no less prior to three (3) months and payment of a equivalent to
the price of three (3) month lease compensation. When these conditions the landlord
is obliged to receive the property if the tenant fails to do so you may make provisional
delivery through the intervention of the competent authority, without prejudice to
attend the corresponding legal action. 10th. The lessee may unilaterally terminate the
lease at the date of expiration of the initial term or its extension, provided that prior
landlord written notice through the postal service authorized, with no less later than
three (3) months to said expiration date. In this case the tenant is not obliged to
invoke any causal different from their full will, nor shall indemnify the lessor. 11a.The
amount of compensation set out in Articles 23 and 25 of the law 820, will be based on
income effect on the date of notice. 12th. If he dies one of the tenants, the landlord
can benefit from the art.1434 C. Civil respect of any of his heirs to their choice and
continue the trial without demanding or notify other tenants now accept any total or
partial transfer that the landlord make of this contract. 14A. The landlord is authorized
by the tenants to determine the boundaries, filling the spaces available for this
purpose. 15a.Lasreparaciones locativas made by the lessee without prior written
consent of the lessor shall be owned by the lessor and may not withdraw or demand
reimbursement or any compensation. 16a. Amendments to this contract shall be
valid only if made expressly and in writing. Tenants will pay the expenses incurred in
this contract. 17a. PENAL CLAUSE With the non-payment of rental fees from tenants,
the landlord may require the sum of LAW ($), without prejudice to other legal actions
there for lugar.18a.Tanto landlords and tenants this agreement is governed by all
rights, obligations. provisions and regulations enshrined in the law 820 of 2003, as the
provisions enshrined in the Captulos11 and 111. Title XXVI, Book 4 of the Civil Code
and other laws that regulate it. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES: Both landlords and tenants
this agreement is governed by all rights, obligations. Provisions and regulations
enshrined in the law 820 of 2003, as the provisions enshrined in the Chapters 11 and
111. Title XXVI, Book 4 of the Civil Code and other laws that regulate it. ADDITIONAL
CLAUSES: Both landlords and tenants this agreement is governed by all rights,
obligations. provisions and regulations enshrined in the law 820 of 2003, as the
provisions enshrined in the Chapters 11 and 111. Title XXVI, Book 4 of the Civil Code
and other laws that regulate it. ADDITIONAL CLAUSES:

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