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At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
a. Define rational equation
b. Simplify rational expression
c. Apply the procedure on how to simplify rational expression


Topic: Equations Involving Rational Expression
References: Or once, O.A and Mendoza, M.O
Materials: Visual Aids (Cartolina), Activity sheets, Sliced Folder
Time: one hour


A.) Preparatory Activities
Opening Prayer
Checking of Attendance

B.) Developmental Activities



Teachers Activity Students Activity

Last time, we discussed about what is complex
fraction and we learned that there are two
methods used in simplifying complex fraction.
Lets see if you really understood the lesson by
recalling some concepts about our previous
lesson. Lets do our review in the form of Music
and Learning is Fun.

To play this game. I will give a ball and when I

start singing, the ball will be passed around. Pass
the ball to your classmate next to you. When I Yes, Sir
stop singing, the students with the ball will
answer the question. Is my instruction clear,

So lets start ( I start singing then stop)

It is a fraction that has a rational expression either Complex fraction

in the numerator, denominator or both.
How many methods were used in simplifying Two methods
complex fraction?

In method one, in simplifying complex fraction Reciprocal

you have to invert the denominator to its what?

In method two, in simplifying complex fraction,

we multiply the numerator and denominator to We multiply it by the LCD
its what?

What is the LCD of x+4 and x-6? (x+4)(x-6)

Before we proceed to our new lesson, remember
that doing Grade 7 you discussed about how to Yes, Sir!
find x, right?

Lets play a short game again. It is called find

your x. I will choose 10 representatives from the
class. Each representative will be given a sliced
folder. The sliced folder consists of an equation, to
find x and the answer. Everybody will be scattered ( The teacher will choose a representative )
around the room and when I start singing you Yes, Sir!
must find your x by greeting to each other and
solving the equation if it matches to yours. When I
stop singing, you must already found your partner
and tell to the class how come you arrive in that
pairing. Is it clear?

So lets begin! (I start singing) Students will mix around the room to find their

(I stop singing) Since you already found your ( Students will explain why they come up with
pairing, will you tell now to the class why you such pairing )
arrive with that pairing?

Very good! You may now take your seats The representatives will take their seat

Today, were going to discuss about Equations

Involving Rational Expression and it involves how
to find x.
A. Activity

Our activity before I discuss our topic is that

youre going to complete the table first.
(Showing the cartolina with a table to fill). The
first and second column are the values of a and
b. The third and fourth column, you have to
multiply the values of a and b and simplify it.
You will be given 5 minutes to finish the task.
Afterwards, I will randomly call some of you to
fill the columns.

a b ab
3 1

10 1 3
2y 10y

Let me answer number one for you. What is the 1

The value of a and b are 3 and + 3
value of a and b?

In the third column, we have to multiply the value 1

of a and b? What does it look like if we multiply a 3( + )
and b?

If we multiply it the simplified form of number 3 + 1

one is what?

Do you understand what are you going to do Yes, Sir


Ok, You may now begin Students will start answering the activity

( After 5 minutes ) Ok, times up. Lets answer the Simplified

activity. ( The teacher will randomly call students a b ab
to fill the columns ) 1 1
3 x+
3(x+ ) 3x+1
4 4
15 15(m- ) 15m-1
15 15

10 1 3 1 3
+ 10y( + ) 8
2y 10y 2y 2y
Very good! How about if were going to find x?
( Showing another set of rational expressions )

+ =
6 7 2
3(x+3) 3x+1
x+1 x+1

2 3 4
+ =
x-3x+2 x-2 x-1

B. Analysis

Observe our denominators first. What do you They are dissimilar fractions
notice in our denominator?

Since they are dissimilar fractions, what are you Were going to find the LCD
going to find?

In number 1, what is the LCD of our The LCD of 6,7, and 2 is 42


Next thing, were going to multiply both sides by 7x+6=21x

42 then simplify. What is now our new equation?

Thats right! Our new equation is 7x+6=21x. What Apply the subtraction property and divide both by
are we going to do next to find x? -14

Very good! What is x? 6

X is -

Excellent! To see if x is -
we will only
substitute the value of x to our equation to
see if our answer is correct. (Showing the
checking to the class) so we have the correct
the answer.

In number two, what is our LCD?

The LCD is x+1
Since our LCD is x+1, What are we going to do We will cancel out the common term then we
next? Are we going to multiply first or cancel the multiply
common factors?

After we cancel out and multiply we can now The new equation is 5x+11=3x+1
combine like terms. So what is our new equation?

So what is x? x is -5

Lets see if our x is equal to -5. Lets substitute -5

to our x. (Showing the checking) Therefore, the
value of x is indeed -5.

What if our x didnt match in our checking? How The equation has no solution
are you going to write the solution if it is false?

Very good! If our equation doesnt have any

solution it is called extraneous solution.

C. Application

Will you try to solve the remaining items? I will be

giving you 5 minutes to complete the task. Then Yes, Sir
after 5 minutes, were going to check. Is that
clear, class?

(After 5 minutes) okay, times up! Finish or not

finish, lets check (Checking of activity)

D. Abstraction

Based on the two activities we have, ca you Rational equation is an equation that contains
described to me rational equation? Or what is one or more rational expressions.
rational equation? Rational equation is an equation that contains
in which one or more terms is a fractional one.

How do we simplify rational equation? To simplify rational equation we must eliminate

the rational expressions in the equation by
multiplying both sides of the equation by the LCD.
Solve the equation then check.

What is an extraneous solution again class? Extraneous solution is an apparent solution that
does not solve its equation.
Do you have any question, class? None, Sir

Do you understand now how to solve rational Yes, Sir



Lets have one last activity. I will be giving you

another 10 minutes to answer the following
questions in the activity sheet that I will give it to Yes, Sir
you. Is it clear, class? (The teacher give the activity
sheet to the students)

(After 10 minutes) Okay, times up! Finish or not

finish, lets check. Exchange paper to your
seatmate. (Randomly, the Teacher will call a Yes, Sir
students to answer the questions) Are you done
checking, class?

Please pass your paper to the center, then to the ( Students will pass the papers to the center, then
front. to the front )


For your assignment, copy the questions on the ( Students will copy the assignment on the board )
board. Put it in cross wise paper.

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