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/1th e tlitio n-]Oth tho u s and

Nihil Obstat: (l.tnot.t's l)or, S. f .,

( ('ll.s()/' 'l'ltaol. DePtrl "
Preaching Christ Crucified
Irnprimi Potest: {. lrliA\('lS( t'S .l . \\ r\l-L,
I it. ('rrlt.
l)t rt-rst, dir 2\\ ltrttii, lll lo.
JESUS CHRIST A vousc woMAN was kuteling in tear.s for sin harl broken her heatt.
To be sure she hacl no enviable repntation in the gay city where
W::at Ohrist Means to Us. lll lltr'. Slr'lrlrlrr .l . lllou n, S.'l
she lived. For years she had gone on hor evil way, deafening her
ears to the warnings of conscience, laughing with an assumption of'
What Think You of Christ? llY ll0v. ll,rlr,'rl \rrslr. S.J. gaioty when her friends tried to save her, fondly talking herself
into the belief that, she was happy anrl carefree; that her beauty
Christ the King, Ill llev. 'l'. llrrllcr. S ,l .
held many enthralled, and that she had found in the thrill and
excitemetrt of her sin all that this life helil of tme eujo5,ment.
Ghrist t:re Worker, llr l)r'. 1". \l;rcli.
Dut a change has corne to-clay. Quite sudtlenly, it would seern,
Jesus and Suffering Man. lh ilrc llcr'. ,\. (l'rotlicr' she has decided to call a halt to this reckless chase. To-dav corn-
S..J. punction has seized rrpon her at last, for she has listenetl to-clay to
a new Prophet, and never did man speak as lfe
A gi13 t Life of Our Lord. lh tlrl Nlosl ll.r. .\. (lrrorlit't' ..[]1Y - has spoken. His worcls have pierced her heart
Matdalene like a two-etlged swortl and she has founcl her way,
s.,t .

intleed sho has probably forcerl her way, into this banquet*all
Listening to Jesus, (l6ile D6. where He is reclining at table. She kneels 'r,ery low here, er.err
rlown at His feet, anrl sbe sobs out hel story of sin and sharno
At the Master's Feet. Ilr- -\'[aol losl . and repentance. And ,Iestrs bent nver Magdalene that day and
ptonounced a sentence upon hel that nearly paralysecl her, so
This is Christ. Bv Ilcv. S. [lcrlmontl, S .l . ovot'powering rvas the ecstasy of joy with which it inundated her
sottl. " Ifany sins are forgiven her becarrse she ha,th loverl mrtch."
The Parables of Our Lord. ll1' Olivt' Nl:ttl St irttlrrrt'
.[t was a moment of extraordinarv grace, anrl she knew that,
never again conld she be the same Magrlalene. Ilenceforth one
Lessons in the Tabernacle. Adaptorl bv lr) Lt'rrlrr'.
Ionging alone will occup)' her mind-to prove to this nrerciful
. lllourr. S.J. Christ that her repentance is genuine. She arose to her feet a
God and Oursetves. Rv Rev. Stepht'n .I
woman transformed. ,On that, momentous day tr{agclalene took her
fir:st step on the road to high sanctity, and love beckoned her
The Love of Cod. lJr' llev. l). O'srrlliv:rrr. S.J.
from one pinnacle to another, and ultimatelv it drew her on, this
alluring power of a mighty love, even as far as the summits.
Price 3d, each, bY Post,4+d.
Saul of Tarsus hated Jesus Christ,. fn a paroxism of fury
against Him and His followers he rode with an escort of soldiers

pREACI{INCi CTIRIST (tRt r(.t lrJtil)
'lvithin hirn cannot r'est, and he gathdrs around him a group of
disoiples irrto whose hearts he fuses that fire with which he him-
iuto l)arnascus, bear.irrg itr ltis pocl<t,i,llrr,$r'ill0tt irutho|isatiou to self is aflame. Thuy rnust go int'o the four corners of the world
urttrsL all (lhristi:rlrs lltctl rtttrl lrliltg thetn bottrxl with a mighty ideal spurring thern oq1-fe set the entire earth
Saul of to Jt,nrsalc'ru. llt<l srrrl,l,'rrll rr liglrt, lrottr lteaverr
Tarsus shone rourt<l about ltirrr. 'l\'r'r'ili.rl, lre feil ofI his ablaze with the love of Jesus Ohrist. Here is ambition wor-thv of
all that is noblest, in man. Flero is the marvel that was wtought
h.orse, ancl, knecling with j<tiled ltatltls ott iltt rlrtsfv rroadside, he when a special grace descendetl irrto the soul of that wounderl
thet'e reccivccl lvltnt has lyell hecrt t'ltllr',1 "lttt :ttlrlrtr'iolls gl'ace." soldier and made the loye :rnd lovableness of Jesus Christ a
llhe persecrrtor $':rs cltangei[ into rttt irl)()$ilr', llr,'lrrti,r't'of C;lrtist reality to ,him.
stootl rtp atrd linew that olr tlrrrt, iln.r' (llrrisl lrrr,l s,t\t tt itl his heart The nun had beerr there for sorne time in tho stillness of her
the seeds of n" lor-e strotrger t]ran rlt' convent chapel. Presetttly she opened her eyes, and to her utter:
Henceforth Ohrist and H-is t'atlst ltlt'rttttt'lirl l'rtttl l solt of anlazenl(rnt sho saw ,lestrs Ohrist standing before her in human
obsession. Such a rnan'ellorts cltattgtt ! I'r'oplt' tt'lto lisllrttrl to him _ form. I{e showed her His Sacred Heart, and }Ie
saw that the ntan rvas lil<e otto' lrt'sitlt' lrirrrslll. ' " \Vlro shall Paral told her that tho flames of His love for men were
sepalate ns front the lol-o oJ:(llrlisli'J I ttttr ''irll lltrtt rlt'itlrer le -l-"'-'
'- Monial
so violent that they could no longer be restrained.
life nor deat"h nor allr. ol,lrrrt' i,lrirrg slrlrll lrl rtlrlc lo sr'1tltl'attr So He had chosen her, Sister Margaret Mary, knowing that she
us from thelore of God l'lrir'll is irl (llrlisi 'llsrts Ottt l,otrl." llo was, as she declared, t'an abyss of ignorance and weaknessr" for
was irnprisoned, shiplvrrrthtrl, st'rtttl'gt'tl' llrttlllt,'rl iti its:t Ilrttrtt'it', a great rnission. H.e desired to use he.r as His instrument to en-
brrt tt irr all thcse t'ltitlgs u'r, ltllvt'tttt't't'ttltlc, Irtr lltr'*rlt' t'f' llittt'" kindle in men's hearts the fire of His divine love. Would she
No porrer otr ealth ol irr lrtll ettr lrolrl ltittt tlttu', lirt ltc cltrt'it's itt allow herself to be used thus?
his great lteat't, 1'(rl'\' l'lll ll:l('(f ol lovrr lot 'llstts (llrlist''
t, No wonder she was overpowered at the divine condescensiora.
'Ilhis is'lvlrat lt:t;1r1rttt.'rl io Srrttl n'ltort lte sttt'tclltlt't'ctl to l,lral,
No wonder that sho nearly diecl from excess of love and gratitude.
might-v gtaco otlct'cd ltittt olt tlrt'l)atttast'rts ronrl. That she, tho most useless and insignificant, nun in the. convent,
Titrte wts ltatrgirrg heavilv olr tho lltlll(ls of tht' q'orintletl soldior, shoulil be singled out for a work of such magnitude and grandeur I
anrl ho callcit f or a book to rearl atrtl rvhile trlra-v the t'oar.v ll An<l then, upon her giving her consent, there shot forth from Our
hours of his convalescence. The5r corlrl find nothing to give hinr Lord's Sa,cred Heart a ray of fire which pierced her own heart.
exceut a book of the li'r'es of Chlist:rtrtl IIis Now surely she must have died of love had not Christ sustained
Ignatius These he looked at witlt s.,r.tlring YetY ll

Loyola like scorn. No reaflipg for a, soltlier', tha't her. Never again could she think of anything except' tha,t Heart
of Jesus. Never again eould she speak of anything, write of an.v-
Ifowever, for the want, of b-'tter, he began to tttt'rt ott't'tltc pages thing, take an interest in anything except the all-absorbing truth
listlessl-v. Presiintiy irrterest quickened. \\rlrat a. r<'vt'lrttiotr this .that Christ's lovo for men was beyond the power of words to
is! llerc is a, whole Irew world the existett<'t' ol'u'lrit'h he hail express, and that mer were indifferent and should be rousecl to
nerer even suspectorl. TIere are tnetr antl u'otttctt lit t'd u ith a realise the aci.uality of the love of God for their sohls. For
love an<l a zeal for Jostis Christ hesirlt' lvhit'h l)orr lrrigo's anrhi- Unrgaret Mary, too, transformation had begun.
tions allrl schemes fol greatness cttt a t-t't'v sol'l'\' [iglllo int]eetl' Erom all of which it seems clear that thore are moments t'o
Would it he po,ssible for hitn, even for the rrorlrlll' Slrrrrrislr lrildago, which Gocl's Providence has attached the communication of
to serve thr: King of Kings anrl becotne tlistilrgrrislrltl irr llis ser- special graces. You ma5, go along for -vears in sin, like Mag-
vice? Porhaps lre could hocottro a saint lilit' tlrcst' ol.llet tttetr antl <Ialene or Saul, or steeped in worldlirress like Ignatius Loyola,
1!'omen ? lVhv not i) anal th'en at last God's rnoment arrir-es to lay
A n'riglitv grac \r!'as offerecl to hiln tlrnt, rlrtl', itrtrl lvith a grateful --cod's. siege to .r-our sortl. or sott have been trving harrl
and generous heart be str:etched out, hoth ltrtttrls ttt a<'ccpt it' Tlrc Moment to Iot" Christ and io serre Him rvell, but some
spark of <livine love had caught 1,, 11i5 sortl, alltl vt ty soon it dav He r.isits you with a very torrent of graces. Nothi-rng seerrrs
became a, flame. I.1; is the natut'e of fitc to sptearl. The' loyei
1i: j;:::;il r


clearer to you now than that every single obstacle to His complete grace reaches its climax, and it finds its expression in the seven
reign within you must be swept aside. last wordg of the dying Saviour.
This love of IIis is now understood to be so t,rue, so living a
thing, and by comparison everything else is so flekle, so weak First lvord: Fathrr forgive them, for thoy know not what
and unstable and languishing, that there arises in your heart a they do.
craving to open the hearts and the minds of othels, blinded as You will never find an instance of har,shness in Our Irord's
they are, to see and understand even as you yourself see and treatment of a repentant sinner'. On the sin itself He was in-
understand. When you hear His appeal for apostles, it dawns exorable, but for the sinner who avowed that, he was genuinely
upon you, perhaps by degrees or perhaps all at once, that that ashamed of his base conduct and resolved to amend, for Him
appeal is made to you. Ife wants everybody o help in His work, Jesus Ohrist sver ghowed all the compassion and understanding
and everybody includes you! It is a light, a new impetus, and a of a tendor motlror.
powerful urge comes to fling in your lot absolutely and unreser- ff Nothing is easier than to illustrate this trait of llis character.
vedly with His. A loving Christ is calling and you want no A whole, list of His dealings with repntant sinners comes in-
more,. If He invites, you have no desire or wish to ask whither. stinctively to mind. There was Magdalene, the woman in the
Now, if there is one place more than another where it is reason- citv who was a sinner. There was Peter who
able to hope for such a transforming grace, that place is the llill denied Hi-', cursing and swearing that he never
of Oalvary. ['or there is Omnipo,tence taxing its powers in the
of chrlst
{ knew .Him, although only a few hours had
- efiort to stun ue into a deeper understanding of elapsed since he had vehemently affirmed that he would shed his
Gracefrom the truth of Gorl's love. " Greater love than ,s blood for Ohrist, There was the woman of Sarnaria, the woman
calvary this no man hath that a man lay down his life taken in adultery, there was Judas even, whom with a tart truly
for his friends.'" Oalvary is like a great reservoir, the capa.- $ divine He tried to save almost in spite of himself. There was
city of which is infinite, and in it are stored up "the unsearchable Ifis mercy towards His corrupt, judges. Witness His warning to
riches of Ohrist." Caiphas and IIis readirress to speak to Fila;te and explain to him
Let' the soul therefore come to Calvary and kneel down there everything he wanted to know. And now here on Calvary there
at those bleeding feet. Ilere is the source of all grace. Here is is yet another instance of this same unfailing mercy. For even
Christ ready to pour abundantly IIis treasure into the soul, the His persecutors I{e prays. They stand around His cross jeering
only limitation being the soul's power to receive. Saul of Tarsus Him in His dying hour, pointing at him the finger of scorn, but
went forth to preach Christ, and Him crucified. If the world is to for them, too, I{e will pray. Father, forgive them.
be saved today, salvation can come only from the Clross. If And His excuse for them ? " They know not what they are
grace is to transform inilividual souls and fill thern with an doing." Eut surely IIis mercy and love without precedent should
efficacious desire to become saints, that graco will be given only have taught them ? Could any man who was man, and' no morte,
to those who strive sincerely to reproduce in themselves the evince such pat'ience, such tho'ughtfulness for others, such as-
virtues of a bleetling Ohrist. tonishing readiness to forgive as they had witnessed this clay in
Ohrist spoke on Calvary and His wordg came charged with special Jesus of Na,zareth ? 'Why, then, did they not know Hirn P 'What
graces. Even to this day those words of His retain their efficacy, was holding thir eyes ?
for they are divine. They possess a transforming power, and it If friendshi,p wlth Our Lord, following upon esperimental
behooves us to listen, and listening to understand, and undor- knowledge of IIim, is to come into its
own and transform the soul,
standing to put, in practice what is enjoined upon uE. Then will every ob,stacle must ffrst bb removed. The soul has the fearful power
Omnipotcnce be enabled to act, when it, fincls us in fit dispositions.
'_'-: do
Grace will allure the soul and try to win her, but never will grace action of divine grace, and sin a.nd selfishness
use force. Ifere on Calvary the persuasive eloquence of divine not know
form the brieks and tho mortar and the clay.
Only when those walls ha,vs collapsed, or at least have begun to

totter, only then will the soul begin to undeistand, from her owt been goaded to this aot of deicide because they have permitted
irrtimrte e"*pe.ien"e, what it is to know Him Who is hanging heire themselves to be duped by blind guides. They refuse to stop
on Calvary to.daY. and think and reason for themselves. They are victims of Iying
Sin and selfishness how they blind the min<l and harden the propaganda. " They do not know," because they, too, are oaten
ttuo* t'he influence'o} gracel Look arounil at those up with selfishness. " We will not have this Man to rule over
.""po".i[f" for t'he cleath of Ohrist and see t'he many manifes- us." WhyP Bocause their leaders hate Him, and they have
tat-ions of selfishness that have conspired to bring about this promised mob rich rewards if they succsd
tralic ending to His life. In Annas and Caiphas selfishness took
AI:y.Ylth in slayingtheIIim. It is selfishness again that is
the form of an insane hatred and jealousy of Ohrist anil the chrlstt .".por".ibl". The crowd listens and believes
po*", H" helcl with the people. If I[e is allowed to go on like these specious prsmises. If these, are fulfilled, things will go
itir, ff" will win t'heir allegiance, and ihe Jewish prieits and well indoed with the mob. Wle'refore let Christ die. Away with
rulers will b'e out of the picture. They had said as r-nuch:" Do Him I Crucify Him !
you seo ihatlu,e prevail nothing? Boholtl, the whole world is gone Jealousy, worldliness, impurity, credulity-four forms of sel-
after Him." Selfishness in Annas and Caiphas took the form of fishness which condemned Ohrist to cleath. Notice, in passing,
an ungovernable jealousy, and thoy swore to put Him to death' the striking contrast in Our Lord. Already we have dwelt upon
In pontius Pilate selfishnoss manifested itself under the garb of IIis mercy and thought'fulness for others. Even His enemies on
uiarrery to the opinion of the world. lfhis unfortunate man knew Calvary bear unwitting test'imony to His unselfishness. "He
r".y w"ll that His Prisoner was inrrocent" He doclared this opnly' saved others, Himself IIe canrrot save !"
Sn it is selfishness that blinds men's eyes thus. "Father, for-
rYhat Holds be clear. If the Man is innocent, let IIim go give them, for they do r.ot lcrwo." And selfishness is blinding them
our Ey03 free at once. But would ihatplease the world? today. First of all, there is jealousy and hatred. You will never
Pilate might anger the Jews. Pilat'e might lose t'he favour of Oaesar' taste and see that the Lord is sweet trs long as
At aII costs he must keep on good terms with those in power" -I won't
-:" -- you in your heart bitterness against
So he has to resort to a series of sha,meful stibterfuges-sending
Forglvol "your harbour
neighbour. i'A. loog as you did it to one
Our Loril to Herod, sco'urging Hirn with savage severity, put'ting of these, you did it to Me." You are estranged from anotherP
IIim up against, Barrabas.' All this he does in the vain efiort to You say you will not forgive ? You will never salute that pe.rson
keep himself on good terms wiih theworld. Selfishness in Pilate's again? Granted that you were treated unjustly. Glrantecl that
case was synonymous with worldliness. lying tongues defamed you. Gt'anteil that, perjury wronged you
Herod too was selfish. No more need be saiil 'of this clissolute out, of your prope.rtv.
prince than that, he was a slave to the unclean sin. Plsasure was All that was dons to Ohrist, and His vengeance.was to pray:
I{erod,s idol, before which Christ refused to bend. Herod could f,'ather, forgive them. As long as you cherish feelings of resent-
not argue *ith C,h.i*t. No defence of his life was possible, so he ment towards anybod,y, you a,rs separated from Christ. He is
just laughect at Ohrist as being out-ofdate and sent Him away' in that person-so unjust, so thoughtless, so selfish. ,'You did
The atmosphero was uncomfortable with this Man about. IIerod's it to Me." Irct the streams of His blood flowing f,rom Oalvary
reeking soul could not enduro contact with the imma.culate Christ' to-day break down the barrier of jealousy and uncharitablenesg
He would not argue: hewould not, try to putup a defence (as and tlo will enter deeply into the soul. Then you will ,,know,,
Pilate and the others tried to ilo). Ile preferred to smile indul- I{im-not out of books or sermons, but from your own intimate
gently. The Man is a simpleton' Take Ilim away and let llerod erperience. Selfishness was holding your eyes, but now with for-
Eo on with his fun! Irnpurity is the very enthronement of selfish- giveness comes light to see and to know and to understand a
ness in the heart. little bet"ter, the strength and sincerity of Christ's love.
Lastly, there is the mob around the ilying Ohrist' They have Pilate was fflled with the spirit of worldliness, and there are


hra.ry Pilates abroad to-day. What is tlte rrr'ce of grlea*ure excepr

Tines tlu,rt, ale when eyerything goes wrong. Normally, vou
worship of the worldf No tirne fe1 (lhrist, or rleep p.rayer trccause Downhoartod nu
, a,re easy enough to get on with and people have
fllmcult.l' ln ('olDlng to Vou ln Ine c0ulse ol
there a,re soma,ny things to do: sornanv sltows or danecs or finms"
business or r(,crea,tion. But when you are depressed you artr
Even if seriots sin be avoided, how cilrl ll,tlv r'rit,llo man e"xpect t$
inclined to lre snappy and irritable, and lour friends leave l,orr
know Christ, and to love Ll,irn an<l to rrlrliso Him, if nife is a $'ondet'irtrr n'lraL ha.s happened. Usually you take a healthv
oea.seless chasing after amusement? N0 tltttt has a worcl !o say
interest irr voul work, and it is a pleasure to you to settle down to
against reasonable recreation, but tlle ovi(l{}rl(,e is a,brrnilant tllat
a good harrl qrind. At notrnul times you can concentrate, but u-herr
pleasure-seeking is fast tending to absor'[r blte whol" life of nran.v
this tleprcssir>rr sottlos upon you it is only with an a,Imost super'-
of our people. The result is tha,t, (iorl nrld His servic'e are ro- hun:r.n cffolt llurt you drag jourself into your shop o,r sit at your
garded more or less as an intel'fol('tlco, an inoonvenient' and irk- desk. Yotr cilnnot rvell sa.-; u'ha.t you want, to do instead, hut, if
some dut-v to be got through wilir th<, tninimurn of time and you would be peevish and restless. You are rtllou'crl .1'orrrself,
trouble. in a rnuotl to clo,ubt if anything is worth while. Normally voLr are
Little the-r- suspect, thesc votalios ol the worlcl, the deep joy fonrl oi' :r game or a hard tramp into the country or you c:rn
they are missing. t'They do not l(ttow " 'l'Le.1' f11na'' that" pas- enjoy an evening with your: friends. But, since this feeling of de-
siona,be devotion to ohrist lDrrst sorrroltOw lrrr a, bttt'tlon, " Ileing pression has fallen upolr yo,u, you want to be left alone, and pos-
- god always" tttttst' lxr il lxrllnn<lel llhe o'nl-v hap- sibly 5'our friends' efforts to arouse your interest only irritate yorr
Worldlincss [iro.. th"y know rnrl lra,vo ex1rct'ietrce of comes
ln me the more.
frotrr the world. ll' olllv they would give grace a A time of depression has great possibilities to make or to mar
chance to teach them the tlifles with which t'hey are satisfied i
youl spilitual life. Nothing is easier rrt such a period than r,o
antl bhe soli,l pt'aco the.v ale losing ! I
pitch aside all effort, to forget all one's goocl resolutiols, and, like
The begirrnings of every science are difficult' You carr recall, - a spoilt child, to pout and stamp one's foot rrt
perhaps the ptrinful ha,rnmoring out' of scales and exercises oti' Wlrat's the Lhe u'rlltl i,, g.n*.u1. N.rlring is easier th;rrr
ihu piuro, oi' thu lab'oured seDtences of your first' essays irl use? even to fling oie's self rerklessll. into serious sin
writing. But as you grow proficient, ease comes and pleasure, at such a time in orcler by such a. course to tr.y to find the satis-
and finally an absorhing int'erest. faction one is craving for. It was a,ll very rn'ell in the fervo,ur of
This is exactly the course, too, in the science of knowing and .your retreat or mission to grand promises and to resolvc
loving C rrist.
ilt i" the first step that oount's," t1e Little rlower to be all bhat -vou i<nou. a fervent C:rtholic should be. But nou'
has Jritten. 'llo brea,k with the world you lovo will probabl5' be that this ilisease has come, an.d, it would seem, has come to stay,
despelatoly hard. Deliberately to ttrrtt your baek -you ar' reacl-v to yield one point after another. \\that's the ust'?
The First ,,,, ,r,"r,y a clilnce or .itroma', :rttd ittsLtrlxl to make Others all around vou having a good time. They sin freely
step a Holv Hottr, ot'visit lr slttnl lltrttr, t'r rvork for and seem to enjoy it. lYhy do you r.ant to ma.iie an exception of
souls itr your Sodalitv or T,llgiotr-ttttt a' bit rlt't'rllt:tive to your \rourself
- ?

na,tural taste. But" try it. At presunt sr>lfishnoss is hlinding you. On the other hand, a per-iod of depr:ession can be a deciderl lilt
At ptesent, selfishness has vit'iaierl yortt taste. l)rrl in thc sworttr to highet things in my spiritual lif.e . It teaches me to looli belos'
e,ourageously and cut out this cauker seifisiltltrss, :tnll see how the surfat'e nrrd read life u.ith the eles of Jesus Ohrist. Thi:r
you will then come to know Ohrist. It is the 6r'st sttlr tlrtrt counts' sense of dissatisfaction u'ith evervthinq :rnd evervone, rr}rat elsc
i:; it but a lllost cogent argument that I aln nade fot something
Sec,ond Word: Lord, remember me when Thou shalt come lnto ,I
higher thrrr this rvolld? T crr often give no reason to rnvself
Thy kingdom. ,!i for mv clepression. I'eople are kind to me, mrr lvork is said to be rr
success, mr health \v:rs nevcr better:, I hear qood nes's of thosu
En.erybocly strffers, at least sornetinles, ft.tlttl dellt't,ssiott.
Tlre r$,

defi[itiort of it s0ettrs sttper'lluous. s'ho are deal to me. And vet, with it:rll. tht,r'e is this rtnaccorrr-
rlisease. is so universal t,hat

l': l


table fit of weariness with life and this constant restlessness and only when it has tasted and tried sin t'ha.t it finally gives Him,a
apparent inability to settle down to work o,r play or prayer. [s chance of pouring into it, thesweetness and the hippiness it has
there an explanation ? sought. "Who,m wilt thou find to love ignoble thee, save Me only
Yes, there is. If their is no infiilelity with which I have to Me" ?
reproach myself, if I havo trieil all the while to be faithful to my It is hele precisely that Our Lord's love proves itself so im-
ideals of p,rayer and generosity in God's service, and if, in spite of measurably superior to the love of everybody else. Reject a
,. this, I a,m crushed down by this load, I arn safe. human friend and normally the friendship is severed forever. I
A Rastless
'- rn assuring myself that the load has been mea- have spurned his o'fier of love and have gone for
Heart Jesus is
eured out and placed iupon my shoulders by the
years seeking other friendships. I cannot go
hand of God. There is a deep lesson here for me. Trhe Lord'Who back to him now-no, not to a rnerely human
loves rne would teach me and convince me.that nothing can satisf): friend. But the friendship of Christ is different. He will have
me at any. price and at (Disappointed
iny heart except Him a,lorre. any time. I may be
That was the lesson learned by the Proiligal Son. It was oul.v u-ith the world.and sin. disillusioned I may be by its specio'us pro-
in his hour of depression that he came to know his father. It rvas mises; depressed I may be and weary of the burden of life. That
not until he had reached the squalor of the pigsty that he realised is often Christ's moment. It was at a moment like this that the
his mistake. " I{ow many servtntg in ny father's house, and f thief saw the light, It
was on the cross that he lea.rned to seek
the son am here famishing with co,ld and hunger. I will arise a,nrl Christ. It was when all else had turned to ashes that, he under-
go to my father !" It was the sa,rne depression tha.t brought back stood at last whore to seek and to find a friendship that would
the repentant thief here on Calvary. " Lord, do' Thou remember endure. And it was after a life of ingratitude, after a life in
me." It was, i.f you will, a poor complirnent to the Lord that the which he had sought and tried out every means of finding happi-
thief called to Him only after he had drunk to the dregs the in ness apart frmn Christ, it was only at the end that Christ came
toxications of the world and found them ;unsatisfying. When a,l'l into His own.
else had failed he trurned to,Ohrist. Lord, remember me. He hacl And the vastly eonsoling truth is that Christ arcepts him, even
wearied of all that sin co'uld give him. He had le.arned that sil no#. " This dav thou shalt be with Me in Paradise." A sen-
is misery indeed. Perhaps Christ could satisfy. Perhaps He after tence that surely Iilled the repentant thiel' with joy. Bqt the
all held the sec,ret of happiness. The thief would try, at least. joy rvas scarcely without alloy. The calamity of it that life is
Lord, remember me. Everything else has turned to ashes. gone and he has discovered Christ onl.t1 nou!
We could never drearr. of treating a friend like this.
Suppose he offers me his friendship and f roject it. Instead I go
Third.lYord: Bhold thy ]ylother! Behold thy son.
my way and 6nd that I in turn am also uuwantd by those for
lVhen whom I rejected lim. Years pass by and I have The Blessed Trinity conferred a marvellorus privilege on Mary of
Fr:endshlps been all the while mnresponsive. All the rvhile Nazareth when thoy sent the angel to ask her to consent to be
Fail I have somght other friendships anil have delibe- God's Mother'. But it is far from the trmth to imagine that the
rately he,ld myself aloof from him. Suppose it is only after a life divine maternity implied an honour only. Our
Maty'8 L'ady knew wetl that her "fiat" would entail a life
like this, when I am unwanted by o,thers, when I have all these , Fiat ',
years been turning my back on him, suppose it is only when there of suffering. AII through those years since the
is nobody olse to fall back .upon that I no,w turn to my friend and ras being asked for sacrifice,
Incarnation she was ol Cal-
a.y or
sacrifice. and to-da.v
accept his friendship and love. But if even now he will have me, vary she is placing the crown on her offering.
if even now he is glad to receive me, I may indeed congratulate Behold thy Mother. What is ttrat Mother doing P "Thene stood
myself on having fo'und a friend whose friendship is almost unique. by the Cross of Jesus His Mother." Round about her are the
Tha.t is the theme of Francis Thompson's pom, " The Hound jeering crowds hurling their taunts at her dying Son. And Our
of fle,aven." All those years the soul has fled Christ, a.nd it is Lady stands there, as a priest might stand, ,underneath the cross

IO 1l
offeling her Sorr a,sa Yictim for sin. Here is tire culmination of
her "fiat." Ovenvhelmed as she is rvith grief she will not wince. and all that leads to sirr. But now there comes the positive
Sin has to be atouecl for and Mary odfots Clrrist. Such a Yictim, lesson. Nolr cornes tho answ-er to that dynamic q,uestion that has
offered by such hands must sulely find arr:optarrro in God's sight. revolutionised so many Iivei: W'hat am I going to do for Christ?
Even as the priest at Nlass offers the }Iost untl t,he Chalice in What? Christ answers by telling me to look at His lVlother.
repatation, so does Mary stand hete and ofier tlto pr'{ryers and the Behol<l thy llrlother. Here on Ca,lvary she is"ofiering Him as a
wounds of her divine Son. Yictinr for sin. That offering made adequate reparation for the
The taunts and btrasphemies uttered on Calvary Iirrd a ringing sins of all tirne. It was infirrite in val,ue, and as a result of it thero
eoho in this trventieth century. As rl,e write, the world is dtenched are stored rrp on Calv.ary the "unsearchable riches of Christ." The
in the blood of the most frightful war known to history. IXurope soul may ih'aw near and draw off from these fountains of the
is a slaughter house. I{ow much sin rnust neces- Sa,viour.
:'--:- sa.r'rl-y follorv in the trail of this carnage. How
But wlut of the cri,mes of these present days ? Our Lord can
wo Live ln much hatred, and blasphemy, and immorality; no longer suffer in His human Body for the sins that are being
how many thous.r"nd lives lost; what destruction to property ; what hurled against His Father to-day. But He can sufier in His
passions let loose. And, even apart from the rvar', who can reckon Filling up mystical Body, which is oomposed of the menr-
up the sins tommitted in a city like this in even one night ? 'We in My bers of llis Church, Anfl that is the positive side
are gathered around the Cross of the dying Christ. lVlaks no Flesh . . . of the spiritual life. That is St. Paul's sublime
nristake about it, befor:e another sun rises o,ver l)ublin, Christ will concept wherr he writes: "I fiII up in my flesh those things tha't
be offended by crimes which St. Paarl tells us shoruld not be even are rvanting to the sufierngs of Christ." It is not enough merely
mentioned amongst ns. You u'ill soon step out of this Church and to avoid sin and esc,ape hell. Ile warrts to do something positive
;rou knorv the world in which you l,ivo. You know the restless
in proof of his burning love for Christ "W'ho loved me and
element that is abroad. You see for yourselves the loo,sening of
' delivered Himself for rne."
morals, the little regard to God's warnings, the break-up of home On Calvar5', they mncked Him as they are rnoching Him to-day.
life, the heartlessness towards Christ's poor, the neglect of prayer. On Calvarr', Mary stood offering Ifim on the Cross in reparatiorr
Do not tell me about our crowded Chulches, our zealous for sin. Mary still stands u'aiting for victims who will go on the
aposiolate; do not cite for me exarmples of generous self-sacrifice. cross will,ingly and allow her to offer them, as part
Bslrold Thy of Christ's mystical Body, in reparation for the
For all that s-e thank God and gratefully acknorvledge that it is so. Son
But what is to be said a.bout those who do not crowd our Chrrrches? heinous crimes that are surrounding us to-day.
What of tJrose who crowd instead into our cinemas and clanc'e halls: It is a sublime vocation. It is to reproduce the victirnhood of Christ
n hat of those rvho cl'owd into our County llomes, who crowd our in our sinful flesh. On ()alvary, Mary's first \rictim prayed and
loads at rright time ? Speak about the activities of our splendid suffeled. He who would present himself to her in place of her
Catholics if vou rvill, but do not forget that Satan, too, has his Son mnst prep.lre, too, for a Iife of prayer ald suffering. By such
agents. l)o not to reckon thoso whose lives are pampered anrl mea.ns Christ expiated sin on Calvary. By these it must be ex-
lazy and selfish. [f you think they are few, you do not knov'the pia.ted to-da-v. Who is u.illing to come to Mary and say to her:
folce of the jrrels uttered on Calvary that is finding an echo itt Behold thy son?
our niclst to-day. Fourth Word: My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?
l!Irr,n1' (latholi(is seem to be under the impression that the servit.e
of Jesus Chlist is a negative thing merely. It seems to thern tb.ab It seems likeiy that this w'otd of the dying Christ was ;utter.erl
if they keep from sin and its occa.sions and ,ultmately escape hell, after that qtrange darkness had oovered the oarth. For thc
that is all that should be expected from thern. greater palt ol three hours our Saviour hung there in a state of
Behold Thv Of course, it is of the first importance, to do that tolture that baffles our powers of imagination to conceive, and norv
.lulother much, aocl the rvords of Our Lorcl have so far im, this dakness descends uporr Him and arcentuates His feeling of
pressed upou us the absolute need of hreaking forever with sin iomplete isolation and loneliness. It is vrell u'orthy of note that at

Ilis remedy is prayer. The pathetic cry

such an hour of loneliness
Iife of holiness. lVluch depends on her fidelity in this period of
breaks out over the hill of Ch,lvary and sends its echo into the dryness. Josrrs prayed in the darkness. Let her do the same and
darkness : My God, my Goil, why hast I'hou forsaken Me
she will $(lv{uxro mr.rro in the l,ove of God and in solid spiritruality
It is easy enough to pray when consolations a,bound. Often at at a time like bhis than when she is abounding in sweetness.
the outset of the spiritual life the soul is inundated with a More thun this. If she will but holil on, the sweetness will
heavenly joy, Everything seems so simprle, sanctity is so rea.son- return, as soon as the Lord sees that she has been parrified. But
a,ble, the cross is so loved. It is difficult to understand why all
it will rrot bo the same. It will be deeper, mor.e soul-satisfying,
because now, on account of her greater purity,
do not see and understand the love of Christ seoklng.only she can dra.w nearer to the sourrce of all purity.
Aridlty for them,and why they do not make Him a fltting God Hence her prayer after this period of appare.rt
reiurn. \Yhen the soul is in the state of swoet- ilerelictiorr thas gone through a cleansing process. She seeks God
ness and apprecia.tes thus the value of the srupernatural, there is
alone now rvhereas before she sought His gifts.
nothing more na:tural than that she should find in prayer her chief
delight. It would be very easy to illustrate this from the lives of the
But if she persevores, a change will plobably come to her. saints. 'fhey saints through the cross, and the form
Presently the sweetness will begin to evaporato. St. PauI wrote the <.rrrss most often took was j,ust the dereliction of Calvary.
to the Corinthians:
gave yoru milk to drink, not meat, Long periods of utter dryness, during which it would have been
"I so simple a matter to let go their holcl upon the spiritual life,
you were rrot able as y1." In the beginning of the soul's journe-v
Godwards, on the road of pra,yer, God generally allures het to were crowned by the triumph simiilar to that which shone out after
Iove of divine things by givirrg her "milk" of seusible sweetness. the tragody of Calvary had been oonsummated.
As she progresses lfe will ofier her the msa.t of the strong. IIe will It is rrot sweetness in pra;ier that makes saints, but, lhe ad-
withdraw from her all taste and delight in the things of the' herence of the will to God. And the most searching test of this
spiritual life, and, like Jesus on Calvary to-d'ay, she will be in- loyalty of the will is given. whon darl<ness colers the face of God.
clined to complain and cry out: "My God, my God, why hast -in Calvary taught the saiuts to pray at such a tima
Thou forsaken lfe?" ..Pr1ver. with ail the greater earnestness and beoause they
the Darknoss learnecl that hard lesson, they rejoiced later in
I{as He forsaken her actually? Not at all. Prayer does not
consist in sweetness but in converse with God. In'order that a a fiuller possession of God.
soul may erter into "holy familiarity 'with God" she must be
Now at first she is a,ttached, although
Fo:tTgs purifred.
she does not know it, to this sensiblo swetness. Fifth Word: I Thirst.
oon't Gount She believes she wants it only that it may help
When Our Lord rl'as kneeling in Gethsemani last night, Ile
her Godwards, but in reaiity she is loving, not so,much God, as prayed that the chalice might pass from Him. It was indeed a
this sweetness w,hich God is giving her. In order to train her ro
rise above this feeling, God takes it away, when she has grown
bitter clra,iice. The evangelists tell us that tihere were threo
- insredients in ii. "IIe began to be afraid"; "IIe
somewhat in spiritual Btrength.
^ ..ii . began to be weary," or filied witih loathing,anit
How will she react P It is of paramount importance at a time Gethsemani
Iike this, that she understands clearly that her policy must be to
disgust; "He began to be sorrowfiul and to be
rrrake no change whatever in her spiritual life or iu her resolutions.
sad." tr-oar, disgust and sadness are thus the contents of IIis
chalice. Fear filled His Hea.rt beoause-of the near approach of
Let her tmrn baok to creatures now--to the world, to comfort in I{is sufferings. Disgust seized upon His immaculate soul beoause
gossip, o,r cinema, or dance hall, or news-to any of the thousand
of that slimy spectre rvhich issued from the shadows, whode name
things which she has seen are hinderances to her progress, though
they are not sins. Let her at a time of trial like this go back again
is sin. And sadness crusihed Him to earth last night becaruse, irr
spite of all Ile was about to suffer, souls would be iost.
to the good things lhe world has to offer her, and she may mar I

T4 15

Still He took the chalice although.He had to force Ilimself, arrd' he rvanterl lirr rrll lrc had done in Gotl's servil.e, he answeretl:
now on Calvary He ileclares trhat He thirsts. It w'orild seem as AtTlI.T!,tht.. "Orrlv to be despisd and to, suffer for Thee!"
if the dving Saviour rvould tr'us exprsss His rvillingness and His Wherr St. Francis Xavier knelt in prayer at the
Challo. r.lost' ol a.n exha.usting day of toil, in ]ris nrissions,
eagerness to drink even n"rore deeply still of that bitter chalice
which at first He fountl so hard to accept. Last night He playecl: he was hoa,rtl lo t.r'.y o,ut: "Inord, withdraw theoe consolations frour
l'ather, if it be possible,, remove this chalice. To-day he tells t'he me and givo rrro the cross and sufiering." This is, if you like,
Father: I thirst. Not only has He clrunk the <rhalice, but, if the "unnattrt'u,1." llotter, it is supefnatura.I. Grace can effect
Father wiiled, EIe woruld drink more de,eply of suffering still. on naturo rvlrcrr given the opportunity. Let the soul, like Chrisc
It is God's way never to allow Himself to be outdone in gene- in Gethst'rtrn,rri, steel herself to grasp the chalice and drink it, aud
rosity. It is beyond question tha:b Lhe close following of Our Lor',1 when sho lrrrs <lrrunk she will still cry out, again like Hirn: I thirst.
will entail the acceptance of har:d t'hings. This condition He will I woul<l srr{l'trr still more, seeing that suffering o'pens the wav to
- not, tone dowrr. "If any man will come a,ftel Me, such intirnu,rlv with Chrisf,.
A H-ard let him denv himself, tahe up his cross daiiy antl
saying follorv Me.'i Ml,nv hcar this and pass Him by. Sixth UYord: lt is consummated.
It is a hard sitying, nnd thcy oa,trrtttt hring themselves to believe This word was spoken just before Our Lord died. After He hacl
rh'rt [iis fellowship is worLlr it. uttororl it,, Jesus, bowing down His head, gave up the ghost. Ifence
But ther:e:r.r'o otlters who stop to listcrt. 'l'hey lrear Him invite the nrost natural interpretation to give to His wo,rd is that it refers
them to a life of sacrifice, and little by little, perhaps at a cost to ,His life, which has now at last corne to a
of many a sti{f battle rvith se1f, tltey <:onte ultimately to a stace
when they live a life of ha,bitual sacrifice. As
' Glorifyint
That hfe is a perfect life. IIe has li,vetl it in
This is they drarv near tou'ards this happy consum- the mauner most sutely cah.rtrlated to give the
Freedom ! motion, they make a disco'very that s,urprises tna,.rim,um glory to Elis eterlal X'ather. l\{an's task, too,, is to give
them. It is that the more they "go in" for sacrifice, the ha,ppier glory to Clod by his lifo, and, since this was done in the nrost pet'-
they becorne. Jrust as Our Lord experienced a thirst for eveir fect way by Our Lord, it follou's thtt the, rnortr olosel.y miln r.epro-
greater sufferings, did the Father so will, so they too discovet: duces Christ,'s life in his owrr, the rnore por.furtly he too will glor.ifv
that the oross and suftering, lovingly accepted, so far from embit- God.
tering lheir lives and making them unhappy, prove rather to be And that is the teaching of the saints, arid rrottbl.y ol St Paul.
the highroad to an intense gladness of heart rvhich before this the;' The greet apostle never rvearies of impressing upon us that Christ
never experienced. lt is Our Lord's generosity. Tho mo,ment they is the model Whom we have to reprodruce in ourselves. "My litlle
givo up'anything for love of Him, He rewards them witih a wonder'- children for whom I am in labour again until Christ be fashioned
ful sense of freedom. A chain has snapped, They feel that the.r' in you." "Be ye imitators of me as I am of Christ." "Always
are emancipated from a tyrariny that was holding them captive. bearing about iri our bodies the mortifi:cation of Jes,us." These
When they broke the chain, they entered at once into the free- a few texts w*rich come instinctively to mind as illustrative of the
dom of the children of God. centrarl idea of Pa,uline theology, sc. that a Christian must repro-
Our Lord refusecl +"he vinegar and gail u'hic,h would have robbed duce Ohrist's life in himself.
Him of this precious suffering. So the soul which has discovered Now, th,is life which is ending here has trno phases, and it is
the joy of sacrifice, so far from rvanting 'relaxation,. regards really ono o{ these lvhich is "consummated" on Calvary. There
suffering ra.ther as her greatest gain, for it a.flords her an oppor- is the suffering phase, and thero is the glorious phase. When trhe
tunity of proving hel love for Chrisi. And it afiords l{irn an suffering phase ends for Him the clouds part, the
Partins of- sun
excuse to pour into the soul a joy not of this earth. l--"'-::- :-
the0louds triumph shrneg through once more and Jesus entrs irl
.-. heaven and..-begins the second phase
This sublime folly is learned at the feet of Christ on Calvary. into
When St. Jolrri or" the Cross was asked b5' Our Irord rvhat rewarcl of Llis life. This wili continue througho,ut the endless ages ol'
16 t7
t,l{1,:.\( ilt\(: ( ilRts't' ( Rt'( ltrlED
And at present thoy rvho are's :rre engaged on the task of
reproducilg the lirst part of His life. 'l'hat is why there is nothing mttiort " ol' loyr,. ll ('rlvrur' Irrils lo r.,,r,viltct' rue oI His letdirrcss
more reasonable than to exp-ect tro:rtnr<rrrt in this rvorld similar to to lttrgivt', l,lrr,rr otrrtrilr,,lr,rrl lorr,r':rn rlo rro nrore. .lle is lt llit,trrl,
rvhat I{e 6xperienced. "Wonder not, brethren, ildeed, irrrtl lr,lrrllilr irr llirrrscll l,lrrrl, glultl rlc{irritiou ol't 1r'itrrrr'|,
The chisel of if the *'orkl hate you." '(Yrrr :rre not of the world
Sufiering as I also am not, of tho worltl. If you had been "a, matt \r'lro l\noNr r,r,,r'r't,lrirrrq rrlrorrL rne ancl loves rrc jlsl, tlre
sa nte.' '
of the u'olld, the rvorld lr'<>uld love its owrr. lhrt because )'ou arc
not of the world, but I have chosen.yorr orrt of t,he world, there-
Seventh Wor(l! lnlo Thy lrands, O Lord, I commend my stririt.
fors the world hateth 1,ou." 'Ilhat is thrr Iirst part for the
Christian, Hence, while ihe is hero, lro lrxrlis rrrrt for hardship I)ea.llr is:r lnrr'rll\. rrrrrl il is usclt,ss l'or rrs to tlr to rob ilr ol il.s
ancl suffering and contradiction anrl povert.y, lt srrcrns ilr him the telrols. 'l'r'1 rr, rr,.rrr:rr', l,lrc It'rrr'[,rri issrrcs that ale in tlre lrirlarrt:o
inost natural th'ing in the rvorld to lr:r,vtr t,lrtst thirrgs, for it is by at thrl, rnonrr,rl lill rrs rlillr rllearl. If l am at tlt'a,tih whut, I orrghb
these that,he is to bo fashioned 111;l,orrlirrg fir l,htr Nlrxlel. "Sufier- t,,r lrr'. tlttrtt tn1' eterllal dt,stin)' is secttt'c; ii at
F:'1.:I rl,.rrrlr I rrrr {r)nn(l ururtirrg, m1'lile, ulrrrtevr,r'it
ing," rrlites St. John o[ t]re (iross, "is tlrt, harlgt ol' t]rose v.ho Doath
love. " rrr:rl hirye lrer,n in t]rc oles of nrorr, i,s nol- provetl
But it, is rrot all toiling tr> (lalvar'.\'. 'l'lrrrrrr is l,lr{r se({)nd phase to ltr, rrtt rrilr,r' lrrilrrrt'. "\Vhdt rloth it irrolit a nrtn il he' gain l,he
too, to be reproduced, \Yhcrr blx' sorrl Irirs lollorvotl llim l:rithfiuily u lrolc u orki rt rrrl loso lris soul ? Or rrlrat shall .r rnu n givo irt
throughout the shrrnc ir,ltd lrrrtnilatiotts ol O:tlvat'.y, Ior it, too, as r,xclrirtrllr, 'lol ilris sorrl ?

fol its llodel, the r"lrxrtls p:tt'1, ltntl Lltortr is l,lto rvottrlet'lttl rve]rome ,'\1,llrt' of (lhlist I crrrrrot lnrir be inrPlosscrl bv thc r.on-
home. "Wcll rkrno, gorxl :lrul l'rribhllrrl scrvtrrtt!" It is tho glorious Iitlt.trl, asstn'rttco rillr ii'lricli llt' prrsscs orrt, ol tlris *'olld. Sorrr,'
phase, the su'ontl part of llis lilo, that now begins ili thnt soul, t,itttt'rgo Ile rrricrl l;o llis l,'r1,lrr,r'ts ii in rlosl>lrir', lnrt not'tlrll lrus
rnd. as in ilis cusc, that secolrd pzrrt s'iil go on throughoui rull lrlrssr.rl tru rrl', lrtrrl I lC sP0rrlis u ii,lr Iorrlirlr,rrr'r. :rrrrl rt itlr pIrrIo.
eternity. Il pt oportion to the ficlelity with which it has been "lrrlo'l'lr,t'luurrls, O l,orrl, I cotrrttrlntl NIv spiril,."
fashioned in the lval' of suffering and humiliation, in the same will 'l'ltis r,orrlirk,nr.o ol' Our' l,orrl i" :rl olr, tr irr.r.orrrricrl lirr. u'.lrcrr r.r,
now be its shnte in the second part of the life of the l'Iodel. lecall tltrr inviolitblrr litlt'lit,v rvit,lr llr,rlitl tlrr,lfrrtlror''s \\'ill.
"It is consummated" can refer, too, to the love of Jesus Ghrist, That Will the t'rrle ol llis lili,. "'l'lrr,i,lrirrgs i;lr:rt irlo ploirsirrg
for a soul. Tirnes there are n-hen, during the perio.d while we are to Jlv I,'at'lrt.r I alu lls (1o." llcrtcc, n'lrt'rr l-[e'
followirrg FIim to Calvnry, r,r'e feel footsore and wea,ry lnd almost No.Anxiety 1,,,,1<e,l l,r,.k 1r',,rrr ( rrlrirll orr,'{lriltr'-tlrrr'o
ready to think that all r'eligion is a malio-believe. if . . .
teventy Times But at a time Iike that if we oome lnrl kneel )'cars, I-le conlcl see rloallv thlt in or.olltlrirg
He rlid or left unclone, irr. all thrt Hr: sticl ol rlid not srl.v, in His
seven Times clown here, 14' are cheered and errrxrrrragecl at jotrt'treysor rotirenent-tlrlorghorrt'cll orre rinlr- guide tletelrninetl
once. Why? Because Jestts Christ on Calvary has done all that His actions-t,hc \\'ill o,i' t:tis llternal I,'ather. \\'ell, thelt lor.,,
an omnipotent love can do to pl'ove iisclf . As Ele looks dorvn into nriglrt He surlr r]p J:l is iil'e b]' sa.ving: "I'at]rer, I hrvc frrrished t]rr:
tire soul there at His feet, IIe sees its most set'rct sirrs-all the riotli rvltich ll'hou grrr-est 1[e to tlo, auc[ non' I r,orne to Tlrt'c."
brohen resolutions, all those others it has ied into sirl, aII the Thrrte is rro anxietl'. Ilholt, is thc corrfident ilssulan( t,hat nll is
sat'r'iligeorrs Colnmunions, the impurities, the drutrkt:tlness. Sueh woll, fot'the tlutifrrl Son h:rs done cxur,tlv tvhat tlrc lr'.rb,hel st'nt
a terriblo catalogue of vice ! Yet, knowing all about that poor Hirn into tire u-or'ld to <lo. l:lerrcc ll is dvitrg is a sho,rrt o{
sonl and her evil ways, IIe tells her that His }Ieart loves still, antl vi<,tory, 1'or to st,r'ye (lrxi is to loign.
still is rt'ad1'to forgive. (-lan death Le robh<,il ol its tcn'or.s? [[anl flierrds of Gorl ]ravo
Ife cannot do more than He is doing here on Calva.ry to assure gone to nleet.Jeath u'ith l smilc of jo1, on tLeir'l'rces. What is
the repent:tut sinner that, eren rf her sins be red as scarlet, He is the csplarration of thcir oorrfrlerrr.r,? 1t is hrrilt lp on thc samo as-
anxious to make them white as sno$'. Here is the t'consum- sul'ance that accounts lo,' tlte corrlirlerrce o[ (]ihlist. Lilio Hilr, tlre
faithful setvant has tlorre (iocl's \Yill, thorqh tot itrtlee'rl rrith the

srme exa(.tness. Thcre have been failrrres, many of them perhaps,

. . . I Have but at least the desire ard the efiort have been
Done kept up, and the trustfirl soul knows in Whom she THE PASSION
God's Will is trusting. Little does it rnatter to her ou her
r deathbecl that she has been popular, or tnuch travelled, that she The Sacrod Passaon of Our Lord. Ii Rev. J. lla'horr.r" S"l'
has lrad a "good tir4e," that, she lived in lrelantl or at tho anti-
podes-all that simply ceases to matter, One fact only will com- Scenes from the Passion. l\' llev. J. llcl)onrrell. S 'l
folt her: one thought only will snstain her-that slre cnn lift up
her eyes until thev meet the eyes of Ohrist, and can say, Iiko Him, l" r'rtttt tht [,utin of 'lt. lillnrl
Tho Sovon Last Wor'ds.
that she has tried consistently to do God's Will in her special li,/l,l tttitt,. ,\'.,1 . []r. Ilcv. llohert N:rsh, S.J.
state of life. lVith this assurance she can indeed face death
calmlv and repeat with her great Model: Into Thy hands, O Lord,
f commend my spirit. Motlitations on the Passion. /n ll'trrt I'at't;. Ii-v Ilev. G.
li. llorhc. S.J.
We are living in an age rvhich shoulcl he prolific in saints. We
are crippled at present with urerliocrity in the spiritual life; wo
are parall'setl bI, ordinariness. ln view o[' the sin that is rife ii is Thc Passion l. By llt'v. J. nllhon.v, S.J.
time 'r,r'e reelised l,he need thele is of relrlration. The Sacred
Heart appeals for repa,ratiorr, antl reparatior is to be made by The Relics of the Passion' Ilv Il'. l!. Clater'.
nrodelling orrrselvcs on Him. This means sanctity, not mere avoid-
ance of sin, nor rnere escaping hell. 'It means generosity,.the Doing the Stations, l\'llov. llolrolt Nash. S.J.
determination bo ofrend the whole rvorld and risk every material
gain, rather than swerve a hairsbreadih from wha,t, we know to be
God's Will Devotion to the Holy Face' (lrrrrpilt'rl ltr':ltt []tsrtliltt' Nutt.
fn the proportion that we do God's Will (even the will of His
good pleasure which we can disobey without actually committing The Holy Season of Lent, Ilr' llcv Ignatius Stutzle,
sin) in the same will th-. grace of God florv from Calvary into our o.s.B.

Saints souls, in the same shall we become modelled

-:-":'-. upon Chr:ist. Those nre the throe steps on the Thouthts on the Passion' ln tln :lartrtls ttf tlrt'old arttl Neu
Need0d roatl to sanctit5'-d6, Gorl's lVill arrtl grace will 'l'tstrLmanl:. Ry M.M.Y.
flow ruri.mpecled irrto the soul; let grace florv thus into the soul
and the soul, will glorv in Christliness; a,nd Christliness is another The Virtue of Penanoe. Bv the nlost ller'. I!. T. O'l)rvyer,
narne for sanctity, I). T).
Christ appeals for saints. what a bitter regret we shall have at
our dea-th if u,e have turned a dea,f err to the appeal ! What sorrow Why Must t Sufrer? li1' llei'. Ilobelt Nash, S.J.
that we are only good eno,ugh when He was ulging us all those
-vears to generosit-v! But, rvhat confidence if we have tried con-
sistently, iu spite of ma,ny falls alotrg the ro,ad, to keep o,ur e,yes
Price 3d. each, by post, 4+d.
fixed on the X{odel and to do God's Will! Such a perseverance will
entitle us to look forward to the crown, to mingle our confideni;
pra)'er witlr the prayer of the dying Christ: "Into Thy hands, O
Irord, I commend my spirit."


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