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In this section, you will learn how to:
listen to the expressions of certainty in the form of procedural text;
listen to a monologue in the form of procedure.
After learning the lesson in this section, you are expected to be able to:
listen to the expressions of certainty in the form of a procedural text;
listen to a monologue in the form of procedure.

Asking for and showing certainty; expressing and responding to doubt;

asking for repetition; showing concern; showing surprise or wonder.

People are sometimes sure or not sure about something and they convey it by
using certain expressions. You say I am sure that I will pass the test when you
are sure that you will pass a test. When you want to ask whether someone is sure
that he or she will pass a test, you may say to him or her Are you sure that you
will pass the test.

People may also sometimes did not hear clearly what someone just said and want
to ask him or her to repeat it. And talking about Certainty and Uncertainty, What is asking
certainty? What is Expressing Certainty? And What is Expressing Uncertainty? Here is the
meaning of them.

1. Asking Certainty digunakan untuk menanyakan kepastian tentang suatu hal.

2. Expressing Certainty digunakan untuk menyatakan kepastian tentang suatu hal.
3. Expressing Uncertainty digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidak pastian tentang suatu

Practice 1
Now, you are going to listen to a dialogue read by your teacher, and while you
are listening to it write down.

Amir : Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment.
Ani : Sorry. Could you repeat what you just said?
Amir : I said Tuesday, next week, is the due date for our assignment
Ani : Yes, you are right, but, I m sure that I can submit it before that. How
about you?
Amr : Im not so sure I will be able to make it.
Ani : Yes, you can. Im sure, you can

Pada dialog di atas dapat kalian temukan ungkapan untuk menanyakan dan
menyatakan kepastian (certainty).

Practice 2
The following are some more examples of expressions for showing certainty,
doubt, repetition and surprises. Read aloud and study the expressions.

Asking Certainty:
Digunakan untuk menanyakan sebuah kepastian.
Are you sure?
Are you certain about the name of the plant?
Are you positive about it?
Is that definite?
Expressing Uncertainty:
Digunakan untuk menyatakan ketidak pastian.
Im not sure.
I doubt it.
I dont believe that.
I have doubt about the news.

I doubt that.
Expressing Certainty:
Digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah kepastian.
Im sure about it.
Im quite sure that he told the truth.
Im absolutely sure about the news.
Im no doubt about it.
Im absolutely certain that they told the truth.
Im certain about that.
Ive no doubt about that information.

Practice 3
Practise reading with a friend the following short dialogues

Situation 1
Anang : Did you do the test very well, Andi?
Andi : No, de finitely, not. I dont have a hope of getting even 50.
Anang : But are you sure?
Andi : Absolutely. Not a hope!
Anang : Dont worry too much. Next time better.
Situation 2
Fatimah : Anisa, do you think that it will be possible to go on holiday to the
moon in the next fifty years.
Anisa : Well, I am sure it could happen. Why?
Fatimah : Well, I was just wondering it would be a great achievement.
Situation 3
Wahyu : Do you think that England will win the next European Cup?
Natsir : Yes, of course, they will. Why? Dont you think so?
Wahyu : Well, I am doubtful about that. They have not made a better team,

Exercise 1
Complete the following short dialogues with appropriate expressions and then
act them out.
1. You and your friend are discussing a football match before watching it on television.
Your friend : Are you sure that Arsenal will win the
You :
2. You and your friend have arranged to meet a guest, but he has not arrived
Your friend : Do you think hes forgotten to come?
You :
3. Your friend has invited you to go and see a horror film. You only rarely like such films.
Your friend : Would you like to come?
You :
4. Your mother has been taken to hospital. Your friend rings him for news.
Your friend : Sorry to hear about your mother. Is it serious?
You :
5. Your friend is asking for your opinion that Indonesian will be an international language
the future. You are sure about it.
Your friend : Do you think that Indonesian will be an international language in the near
You : ..

Exercise 2
Choose the correct answer.
1. James: I will grow orchid by tissue culture. I can create new species.
Tina: Are you sure?
James: .(+).

2. Linda: Are we allowed to bring pet on plane?
Cindy: (-) I heard that it is forbiden.
Linda: Oh yeah!
3. Tom: We can grow a mongo tree on the pot.
Gina: Really?
Tom: ..(+) I just read the article about it.
4. Jane: Are you sure that rabbit doesnt need more water?
Cole: .(-) I just heard someone said that.
Jane: I dont even know it.
5. Mark: Dinosaur can live in water.
Jack: Do you think so?
Mark: Maybe .(-)

In this unit, you will learn how to:
Understand short and simple procedures in the form of monologues and
Read short and simple procedures
Write short and simple procedures

Procedure Text adalah genre dari sebuah tulisan yang menunjukan bagaimana cara
membuat sesuatu atau cara melakukan sesuatu dengan berurutan atau step by step.

Tujuan dari Procedure Text adalah untuk memberikan petunjuk tentang cara
melakukan sesuatu melalui tindakan-tindakan atau langkah-langkah yang runtut. Dalam
kehidapan sehari hari kita pasti pernahmembuat sesuatu seperti memasak, atau
menyelesaikan suatu hal. Berikut penjesalan singkat tentang Procedure Text.
A. Generic Structure of Procedure Text
Procedure text memilikitigabagian generic structure yaitu:
1. Aim/Goal
Aim ini merupakan tujuan dari Procedure text. Biasanya berupa judul atau
deskripsi apa yang akan dibuat atau dilakukan.
2. Materials
Bagian ini memuat daftar bahan dan alat untuk menyelesaikan procedure text
tersebut. Namun tidak semua procedure text membutuhkan material.
3. Steps
Bagian steps berisi serangkaian langkah - langkah yang harus dilakukan dengan
secara berurutan. Steps ini harus dilakukan agar tujuan yang di utarakan pada bagian Aim/
Goal dapat tercapai.

B. Ciri - Ciri Procedure Text
Menggunakan pola kalimat perintah (Imperative). Contohnya "Cut the banana
into pieces" , "Don't mix the coconut milk with water" , "Heat the water for 5
minutes", dan lain lain
Menggunakan action verbs, misalnya crack, chop, cut, heat, mix, dan seterusnya.
Menggunakan sequence adverbs seperti first, second, next, then, finally, while
Menggunakan adverbials (kata keterangan) untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, dan
tempat misalnya for "Cook the mixture for one hours" , "Boil the water for 15
minutes", "Crack the egg into the bowl" , dan lain sebagainya.
Menggunakan simple present tense.

Practice 1
Now, you are going to listen to simple text read by your teacher, and while you
are listening to it write down.


2 ripe mangoes
1 cup water
2 tablespoons sugar
A few ice cubes
1. Wash the mangoes to remove any dirt. Then peel the ripe mangoes
2. Cut the peeled mangoes into small pieces.
3. Put them in a blender together with crushed ice, water, and sugar.
4. Blend until smooth.
5. Run the blended mixture through a sieve.
6. Throw away the leftover pulp and mango fibers.

7. Serve the juice in glasses with a piece of mango attached to the side for garnish.

Exercise 1
Below are the steps to make instant fried noodle. They are not in the right
order. Put them in the right order and use necessary words of sequences.

Take the noodle from the water and drain it.

Spread fried onion and the noodle is ready to serve.
Pour the seasoning, soy sauce, and chili powder into the noodle, and
mix well.
Boil the noodle in two glasses of water and simmer for 3 minutes.
Put the noodle on a plate.

Exercise 2
Read the text below!
How to Make Bregedel Tempe

The ingredients:
150 g tempe
1 tablespoon flour
1 egg
1 spoon Royco

1 cup vegetable oil for frying
Here are the instructions:
1. Mash the tempe with a fork.
2. Put the mashed tempe in a bowl and mix with the flour and Royco, followed by an
3. Shape the tempe into the size of a golf ball and flatten a little with a fork.
4. Heat the vegetable oil in a medium flame. When the oil is hot, drop the tempe into the
oil, five or six at a time.
5. Fry until golden brown on both sides, drain on absorbent paper and serve hot with chili
or sauce.

Choose the correct answer base on the text above.

1. Which statement is TRUE about the instruction?
A. We need the big fire to make oil become hot.
B. We ought to drop the tempe around ten or twelve at a two times.
C. We fork to flatten the shape of tempe.
D. We fry the tempe before golden brown.
2. What is the main ingredient of the bregedeltempe?
A. Tempe
B. Bregedel Tempe
C. Tempe and Egg
D. Tempe, flour and Royco
3. When we add the egg in making bregedeltempe?
A. Between we mask the tempe and shape the tempe.
B. After we shape the tempe and before we mask the tempe.
C. Before we shape the tempe and mix the tempe with Royco.
D. While we shape the tempe.
4. What is the Generic Structure of the text?
A. Goal Equipment Steps

B. Goal Materials Resolution
C. Goal Materials Steps
D. Goal Ingredients Resolution
5. What is the social fuction of this text?
A. To inform the readers about Bregedel Tempe.
B. To retell about Bregedel Tempe.
C. To describe about Bregedel Tempe
D. To describe about how to make Bregedel Tempe

Expression of Asking For Repetition

Apakah asking for repetition itu? Mungkin kalian belum mengetahui atau bahkan
baru pertama kali mendengarnya. Jika kita berbicara kepada seseorang, mungkin kita
pernah memintanya untuk mengulang kembali ucapannya tersebut. Hal tersebut kita
lakukan karena kita kurang paham apa yang dikatakannya atau kurang mendengar
dengan jelas perkataannya.

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari biasanya kita sering melakukan hal tersebut yaitu
meminta orang lain mengulang kembali ucapannya. Jadi, yang dimaksud dengan asking
for repetition adalah suatu ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang artinya meminta
seseorang untuk mengulang kembali ucapannya.

When we want someone to repeat what they said before, we can use the
expression Asking for Repetition. Here are some expressions:

Expressing of Repetition
1. Formal
Could you say that again please?
Would you mind repeating that?
I bag your pardon?
Would you be louder, please?
(I am) Sorry, What did you say?
Could you slow down please?
Sorry, Iam not with you / Sorry, I dont follow you
Are you still with me?/ Are you with me?
Excuse me
Have you got it
2. Informal
Huh ?
What ?

What was that you said ?please repeat that.
Sorry, what you say recently?
Sorry, I dont hear what you say?
Can you say again?
what it is mean?

Response expression of repeating

And to response that the first speaker can use these expression of repeating.
I said, I dont care.
I asked, where was he hiding?
I said that I didnt see Sundari anymore.
I asked if you where sick.
What I said was, I was tired of working at focus.

Practice 1
Now, you are going to listen to dialogue using asking for repetition expression read by
your teacher, and while you are listening to it write down.

1. in the School

Teacher : So, do you understand about the lesson students?

Student : could you repeat the explanation about comparison maam?
Teacher : Okay, which part Hasan?
Student : about comperative maam
Teacher : well, please listen
Student : alright, maam
2. On the Road
Tourist : excuse me
Me : yes, please
Tourist : I want to know the post office near here
Me : mmm you can turn right and find the post office near the mosque
Tourist : pardon?
Me : you turn to the right and will see the post office near the mosque
Tourist : okay, thank you

me : You are wellcome
3. In the restaurant
waitress : what you want to order sir?
Sir : is there a steak?
Waitress : Yes, what kind of steak?
Sir : beef steak please
Waitress : could you repeat sir?
Sir : Beef, beef steak
Waitrees : alright sir, any another? Sir : no, thanks
Waitress : please wait sir Sir : okay

Exercise 1
Make a dialogue using using asking for repetition expression.

Exercise 2
Choose the correct answer.
1. Awan : You look very happy, Dinda. What happened?
Dinda : Guess what? I got an A on my English test.
Awan : Sorry? . Its very noisy here. I can hardly hear you.
Dinda : I said, I got an A on my English test.
Awan : Really? Thats fantastic.
a. What did you say?
b. Is it important?
c. Can you believe it?
d. How come?
2. Anton : Hello, can I speak to Prabowo?
PrabowosMother : Sorry, I didnt catch what you said. Can you repeat again, please?
The underlined phrase is showing .

a. Certainty
b. Agreement
c. Repetition
d. Hesitation
3. Which of the following sentence is asking for repetition?
a. Sorry, Im not so sure.
b. Well, thats all right.
c. Sorry, I beg your pardon, sir?
d. Really?
4. Which of the following sentence is the respond of asking for repetition?
a. Do you understand?.
b. What did you say?.
c. Ok. Listen it well.
d. Really?

Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk orang, hewan, benda,
atau hal secara spesifik. Bentuk kata ganti ini tergantung pada peran (subject, object,
possessive), jumlah, orang ke-, dan gender (perempuan/laki-laki) dari noun (kata benda)
yang digantikan.

Perubahan bentuk pada kata ganti ini dapat dilihat pada tabel sebagai berikut:

Personal Pronoun
Kata Ganti Subjective Objective Possessive Penggunaan
I Me Mine Orang pertama tunggal

We Us Ours Orang pertama jamak

You You Yours Orang kedua tunggal

She/He Her/His Hers/His Orang ketiga tunggal

They Them Theirs Orang ketiga jamak

It It It Its Orang ketiga tunggal hewan,

1. Subject pronoun
Subjuct Pronoun dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti kata ganti subyek, yakni kata
yang berperan menggantikan subyek dan biasanya ciri-ciri subyek (pelaku) berada di
awal kalimat.

Tabel di bawah ini adalah subject pronoun dalam bahasa Inggris

Kata Ganti Subject (Subject Pronoun)

Kata Ganti Arti Penggunaan
I saya Orang pertama tunggal
We kita/kami Orang pertama jamak
You kamu/kalian Orang kedua tunggal dan jamak
She dia (pr) Orang ketiga tunggal perempuan
He dia (lk) Orang ketiga tunggal laki-laki
It dia (hewan, benda) Orang ketiga tunggal hewan, benda
They mereka (umum) Orang ketiga jamak (umum)

Practice 1
Now, you are going to listen to simple dialogue using subject pronoun read by your
teacher, and while you are listening to it write down.
kata we digunakan untuk
menggantikan Riizhu and Arin
Riizhu and Arin are friend, we are friend
Riizhu dan Arin adalah teman, kita adalah teman
kata you digunakan untuk
menggantikan Alex
Hi Alex, do you like cats
Hi Alex, apa kamu suka kucing kata she digunakan untuk
menggantikan Maura
Maura is my sister, she is beautiful
Maura adalah kakak perempuanku, dia cantik kata He digunakan untuk
menggantikan Udin
Udin is my friend, he is very kind
Udin adalah temanku, dia sangat baik kata it digunakan untuk
menggantikan cat

This is my cat, It is very funny

Ini adalah kucingku, dia sangat lucu
kata they digunakan untuk
menggantikan books
These are my books, they are my books
Ini adalah buku-bukuku, mereka adalah buku-bukuku

Subject Pronoun (kata ganti subjek) terletak di awal kalimat

2. Object Pronoun
Object pronoun yang berarti kata ganti object, seperti namanya, kata ganti ini
fungsinya adalah menggantikan object.

Kata Ganti Object (Object Pronoun)

Kata Ganti Arti Penggunaan
Me saya Orang pertama tunggal
Us kita/kami Orang pertama jamak
You kamu/kalian Orang kedua tunggal dan jamak
Her dia (pr) Orang ketiga tunggal perempuan
Him dia (lk) Orang ketiga tunggal laki-laki
It dia (hewan, benda) Orang ketiga tunggal hewan, benda
Them mereka (umum) Orang ketiga jamak (umum)

Practice 2
Now, you are going to listen to simple dialogue using object pronoun read by your
teacher, and while you are listening to it write down.

Give me some money

Beri aku uang

All about us
Semua tentang kita Attention
Object Pronoun (kata ganti objek)
I love you
Aku cinta kamu/kalian setelah verb (kata kerja) dan
setelah preposition (kata depan)
I know her
Aku tahu dia

She hate him

Dia (pr) membenci dia (lk) kata it digunakan untuk
menggantikan cat

This cat is very funny, I like it

Kucing ini sangat lucu, saya menyukainya kata them digunakan untuk
menggantikan cars

Despite these cars are expensive but I'll buy them

Meski mobil-mobil ini mahal tapi saya akan membelinya

3. Pessessive pronoun and Adjective Pronoun
Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan
kepemilikan. Di dalam suatu kalimat, kata ini dapat menempati posisi
sebagai subject, subject

Possessive pronoun sama dengan Adjective Pronoun, semakna tapi memiliki
struktur/penempatan yang berbeda. Possessive pronoun menggantikan noun (kata
benda), dan Adjectie pronoun ditempatkan sebelum noun (kata benda).

Possesive Adjective Arti Penggunaan

Pronoun Pronoun
Mine My saya Orang pertama tunggal
Ours Our kita/kami Orang pertama jamak
Yours Your kamu/kalian Orang kedua tunggal dan jamak
Hers/His Her/His dia (pr)/ dia (lk) Orang ketiga tunggal
Theirs They mereka (umum) Orang ketiga jamak (umum)
Its It dia (hewan, benda) Orang ketiga tunggal hewan,

Practice 3
Now, you are going to listen to simple dialogue using Possessive and Adjective pronoun
read by your teacher, and while you are listening to it write down.

Possessive Pronoun Possessive Adjective

Mine has broken. My shoes have broken.
(Punya saya sudah rusak.) (Sepatu saya sudah rusak.)
I like yours. I like your style.
(Saya suka punyamu.) (Saya suka gayamu.)
This is hers. This is her pen.
(Ini miliknya.) (ini pulpennya.)
They are using ours. They are using our books.
(Mereka sedang menggunakan punya (Mereka sedang menggunakan buku
kita.) kita.)

Yours are on the table. Your tickets are on the table.
(Punya kalian di atas meja.) (Tiket kalian di atas meja.)
Theirs are the best for dry skin. Their products are the best for dry skin.
(Punya mereka terbaik untuk kulit (Produk mereka terbaik untuk kulit
kering.) kering.)

Exercise 1
1. Write the correct pronoun based on the picture

2. Choose the correct subject pronoun.

a. _________ are student. (I, he, we)
b. _________is five years old. (I, he, they)
c. _________is a cat. (I, you, it)
d. _________are insects. (she, they, we)
e. _________is at home. (I, she, we)
f. This is Peter. _____is my friend. (I, he she)
g. What is that? _____is a cap. (it, she, they)
h. ________am a student. (I, he, she)

3. Rewrite the sentences with the correct personal pronoun

Example: Mom is at home. She is at home.

a. James is a boy. _______________________________________
b. Snoopy is a dog. ______________________________________
c. Tim and Tom are brothers. ______________________________
d. Lucy is my friend. _____________________________________
e. Humburgers are delicious._______________________________

Exercise 2
1. Complete with the correct subject pronoun. (I, you, he, she, it, we, they).
a. Does ____ speak English? Yes, she does.
b. How is your Mom? ____ is fine, thanks.
c. How are ____? ____ am fine, thanks.
d. How old is your brother? _____ is 10 years old.
e. Where is the teacher from? ____ is from Bogor.
f. Is this your book? No, ___ is not my book.
g. What are the children doing? ____ are playing in the garden.
h. Where is Bob? ____ is watching TV with his sister.
i. Where are you keys? ____ are in my pocket.
j. ____ am a teacher.

2. Complete with the correct object pronoun. (me, you, him, her, it, them)

a. Maria never eats sweets. She does not like ____.

b. We are going to a restaurant. Do you want to come with ____.
c. I want that book. Please give it to ____.
d. I never watch TV. I do not like ____.
e. I do not eat meat. I do not like ____.
f. I do not know that man. Do you know ____?
g. We are going to a party. You can come with ____.
h. I hate dogs. I am afraid of_____.
i. Where is dady? I want to talk to ____.
j. Where are the airplane tickets? I can not find ___.

3. Circle the correct pronoun for each sentence

a. I do not want to talk to you. Please, do not call ____ (me/my/you/us)

b. Who is that woman? Why are you loking at ____? (her/you/she/them)
c. Do you know that girls? Yes, ____ is in my class. (her/he/she/his)
d. My brother likes music. _____ plays the guitar. (her/she/he/his)
e. I love gardening and like to help my uncle in _____ garden (her/she/he/his)

Exercise 3
1. Circle the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun.
a. That accident was her/hers fault and not my/mine fault.
b. I can give you my/mine red pen if you give me your/yours blue one instead.
c. Oh! That Jill and Kevins dog. It is their/theirs
d. Our/ours car is fast one, but it is not as comfortable as their/theirs car.
e. She pretends that book is her/hers, but I know that is my/mine
f. This is my/mine red dress and it is much nicer than your/yours
g. That is not my/mine umbrella. My/mine is red and yout/yours is black and white.
h. Jimmy has got three children but I do not know their/theirs
i. Can I use your/yours phone? My/mine does not work.
j. My/mine house is much bigger than your/yours but our/ours garden is smaller.

2. Complete each sentence with a correct pronoun chosen from the box. Use each only

my hers yours their your our his ours mine her

a. Is that _____ car over there?

b. No, that is Annas brand new car. It is ____.
c. Garry and David are Australian, but ____ parents are English.
d. It is mine and Bobs too. It is ____.
e. I have a brother. _____ name is Bob.
f. That red and blue belongs to me. It is ____.
g. Unfortunately I left ____ umbrella at home. And now it is raining.
h. That is Rita. ______ family lives in London.
i. Hi teacher. Is this _____. I found it on the classroom.
j. Have you seen my brothers in the playground. _____ parents are waiting for them.

3. Rearrange the following sentences.

a. name - Bob - is - his

b. give me phone her number
c. we took our and they car took theirs.

d. your like I clothes beautiful its


e. My brother blue is bag mine pink is


Expression Of Asking and Giving Attention

Expressing Attention adalahcara yang

kita yang memfokuskanperhatiankepada orang yang sedangberbicara. Padapostingan
kali inisayaakanberbagitentangberbagaimacam expression yang
adaseseorang. Untuksetiapsituasitersebutsayajugaakanmembagikanbeberapa dialogue
yang bisadigunakansebagaiacuandalammemahamipenggunaan expression tersebut.

Contoh statement and the respons using expressing of attention

Statement Showing Attention

I had a biology test yesterday And then ?
Im so tired Are you ?
Tegar, we have a new teacher Really ?
I have done the assignment Have you ?
I want to the mall yesterday Did you ?
The show was amazing Was it ? Tell me more about it

BerikutUngkapan-ungkapan yang seringdigunakandalamAsking attention dan giving

Asking Attention
Excuse me!
Listen to me!
Look at me!
Look here.
Attention, please!
Can I get the attention! Thanks.

Stop talking please
Everybody, may I have your attention, please ?
Can I have your attention, please?
Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you .
May I have your attention, please?
Sorry to trouble you.
Sorry to bother you.
Look what Ive got here.
Giving Attention
I see.
Tell me more about it.
What happens next?
And then what?
Whats next?
Is that all?
Thats alright
I see. Tell me more about it.
Oh, yes. Really?
Mmm Oh, my God! What happens next?
A ha And then what?
How interesting! Whats next?
I know what you mean. Is that all?
Oh, oh! Indeed?
Well, well, well Oh, no!

Wildan: Will you hear my story?
Nadine: Yes, I will. Whats about?
Wildan: It is about our friend Dina. Listen to me!
Nadine: Okay!
Wildan: Dina asked me to join her to Batam next Sunday.
Nadine: And then?
Wildan: I confused because next week I will have my first test in my course.
Nadine: I see. Then?
Wildan: How to say to Dina if I cant join her?
Nadine: Just say the true.
Wildan: Okay I will try.
Nadine: Look what Ive got here.
Wildan: Why?
Nadine: What do you think about my new motorcycle?
Wildan: Wow! Thats a cool motorcycle. Next time I will borrow it with you.
Nadine: Yes, sure.

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 1 and 2)
Rafasya: Do you know, my new roomate is very choosey. I dont like her character.
Gilang : Really?
Rafasya: Embarrassing. He just talks big!
Gilang : Mmmmhh.
Rafasya: She is only concerned with herself and told about his branded things.
Gilang : Really?

1. The underlined word is showing

A. Showing interesting news

B. Responding Admiration
C. Asking Attention
D. Responding of certainty
E. Showing Attention

2. Why Rafasya very angry with his new girlfriend?

A. She is annoying
B. She is generous
C. She is very talkaktive
D. She is very kind
E. She is very nice

Complete the dialogue below (for question number 3)

Lukman: A terrible thing happened to me yesterday. My mom was very angry to me.
Ikhsan: Oh my God. Why?
Lukman: I lost my motorcycle when I parked it in front of the bookstore.
Ikhsan: Oh No !! ____________.

3. Why Ranggas mother was very angry?

A. Rangga had lost his motorcycle
B. Rangga has stolen a motorcycle
C. Rangga was parked in front of the bookstore
D. Rangga told Riadi that his motorcycle was lost
E. Rangga bought a new motorcycle

Complete the dialogue below (for questions number 4 and 5)

Mr. Iqbal: Hello students, Can I have your attention, please? In this part of the test, you
will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions and the
dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you

must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen
to the dialogue and the question about it, read the five possible answers, and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Now listen to a sample question.

Students: Thats alright, Sir.

4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is

A. It sound nice
B. Buy a new one
C. I am really happy to hear that
D. Im sorry to hear that.
E. You can do it

5. The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Making an appointment
C. Asking Attention
D. Giving Attention
E. Declining Attention


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