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CONsultant: You cant blame me for your business failure, those were just

recommendations, you were the implementing agency. Let me give you a quotation to

evaluate your failing strategy and make more bullshit recommendations.

Mwalimu: I can only give you 25% blah blah ......What can I do if you or your kids are

genetically retarded???...hutaanguka kwa mlango yangu.... salary blah blah strike

Wakili: You have to settle the work was not to prevent you from being hanged

but to help judge arrive at an informed decision ...nye me more and lets

appeal ......

Daktari: You have to pay me whether the patient died. My work is not to stop death, but

to ensure dignified dying blab la de bla 1 mirrion ...nye nye post-mortem

In the next episode we analyse work ethics of Mwizi, Malaya na Drug peddlers.

In other news Flossin Mauwano whoever they are and whaeva they represent now have a

YouTube channel...subscribe dem for mo si hawa ni marketers aggressive

All what Gladys Wanga and Gathoni have to do is prepare a choice of insults for our

tribal lords and we will forgive them and cement their 2022 positions and salary

increases.......... Gladys has experience in insults and wont be at loss finding choice

insults on Uhuru or Ruto... For instance Uhuru/Ruto #$$@#$$^&&*((**^ mwizi, mlevi

and voila she will be a hero for 44% of Kenya, 2022 unopposed.

Gathoni wont also have a challenge with the tongue, she can go like Raila/Kalonzo

^$%W^&& kitendawili, chameleon and voila 54% love and praise, 2022 minji minji.

Hawa 1% wanapiga kelele twita na fakebook tumewazoea!!

Wa krim wtirimagia na mg; krim no ta mwat

mbar ya kara nme no kruta matatha nake mrmi no kuhnja

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